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MARCH 2025

China Accuses US Military Of Coronavirus Outbreak

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“It might be the US army” that brought the coronavirus (COVID-19) to China, a spokesman for the country’s foreign ministry, Zhao Lijian, said on March 12.

Versions that the COVID-19 situation in China is a result of the pre-planned attack have been circulating for a long time. The hysterical, anti-Chinese style of MSM coverage of the events, as well as US-led diplomatic and propaganda effirts against China regarding the case, are an indirect confirmation of these versions. One of them is that 300 athletes from the US military who in October attended the 7th Military World Games in Wuhan, where the epidemic first broke out, were infected with the virus, thereby spreading it in China.

The March 12 statement became the first time when China directly said that the US military might have brought the COVID-19 virus to the city of Wuhan, where the outbreak emerged in December 2019.

The coronavirus outbreak is now actively being used by some parties to impact the global market, pressure China and shape the situation around the world. They exlpoit the virus hysteria as a useful explanation of the nearing global economic crisis (forecasted for a long time by many experts) and an additional tool of pressure on opponents of the supporters of the New World Order. Entirely by accident, the COVID-19 crisis started just ahead of the Saudi offensive on the oil market aimed against Russia and Iran. Both these countries have strong and friendly ties with China.

Another worrisome development is the COVD-19 crisis in southern Europe (mostly in Italy). While China and even nearby South Korea are successfully fighting the coronavirus and the expansion of the virus almost stopped (despite some difficulties in South Korea), Italian authorities appeared to be not ready, or indirectly enable the virus spread.

During the past 24 hours only, 2,651 new coronavirus cases were registered in Italy. The total death count grew to 1,153. The total cases per population in Italy is 250. This almost 5 times higher than in China. The number of death per million of population in Italy is 16.15. This is 8 times higher than in China that keeps this number at 2.27. All of these happens despite the fact that the number and density of population in Italy is much lower than in China. There are over 1.386 billion people live in China, while Italy’s population is 60.48 million only.

China Accuses US Military Of Coronavirus Outbreak

Data as of March 13 morning. Click to see the full-size image

The crisis in Italy is especially strange if one compares it with states with the developed healthcare like Germany, Norway, Switzerland and the United State. The total number of cases, including the critical ones, and  deaths there are dramatically lower than in Italy. For example, the number of death per million of popualtion in Germany is 0.072. There are two main explanations of this situation:

  • Italy’s healthcare system and authorities are in fact dysfunctional and despite loud delcarations they are unable to do something with the crisis.
  • Some forcecs are interested in the continuation of the COVID-19 outbreak to pursue own political and economic interests. So, when China in fact defeated the virus spread, they have decided to turn Italy into a new crisis point, this time in Europe.


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Zionism = EVIL

As usual SF is on the ball and 100% correct as I knew it day one that this was a Jew and Americunt project to impose bio-warfare on certain ethnic groups but it bacfired bigtime. Dumb Americunt evil fucks and now their own population is the most vulnerable as there is no health system. 150 million dumbass Americunts have no access to even basic medical care and they will all be exposed. KARMA.


Free man

Always blame someone else. Old impotent Zio Psycho.

Zionism = EVIL

Dumb Jew fuck.

klove and light

Not only did the virus not originate at the seafood market, it did not originate in Wuhan at all, and it has now been proven that it did not originate in China but was brought to China from another country. Part of the proof of this assertion is that the genome varieties of the virus in Iran and Italy have been sequenced and declared to have no part of the variety that infected China and must, by definition, have originated elsewhere.

Chinese medical authorities – and “intelligence agencies” – then conducted a rapid and wide-ranging search for the origin of the virus, collecting nearly 100 samples of the genome from 12 different countries on 4 continents, identifying all the varieties and mutations. During this research, they determined the virus outbreak had begun much earlier, probably in November, shortly after the Wuhan Military Games. They then came to the same independent conclusions as the Japanese researchers – that the virus did not begin in China but was introduced there from the outside. China’s top respiratory specialist Zhong Nanshan said on January 27 “Though the COVID-19 was first discovered in China, it does not mean that it originated from China” “But that is Chinese for “it originated someplace else, in another country”. (4) This of course raises questions as to the actual location of origin. If the authorities pursued their analysis through 100 genome samples from 12 countries, they must have had a compelling reason to be searching for the original source outside China. This would explain why there was such difficulty in locating and identifying a ‘patient zero’.

Taiwan Virologist Suggests the Coronavirus Originated in the US Then, Taiwan ran a TV news program on February,27,(click here to access video (Chinese), that presented diagrams and flow charts suggesting the coronavirus originated in the US. (6) Below is a rough translation, summary and analysis of selected content of that newscast. (see map below) The man in the video is a top virologist and pharmacologist who performed a long and detailed search for the source of the virus. He spends the first part of the video explaining the various haplotypes (varieties, if you will), and explains how they are related to each other, how one must have come before another, and how one type derived from another. He explains this is merely elementary science and nothing to do with geopolitical issues, describing how, just as with numbers in order, 3 must always follow 2. One of his main points is that the type infecting Taiwan exists only in Australia and the US and, since Taiwan was not infected by Australians, the infection in Taiwan could have come only from the US. The basic logic is that the geographical location with the greatest diversity of virus strains must be the original source because a single strain cannot emerge from nothing. He demonstrated that only the US has all the five known strains of the virus (while Wuhan and most of China have only one, as do Taiwan and South Korea, Thailand and Vietnam, Singapore, and England, Belgium and Germany), constituting a thesis that the haplotypes in other nations may have originated in the US. Korea and Taiwan have a different haplotype of the virus than China, perhaps more infective but much less deadly, which would account for a death rate only 1/3 that of China. Neither Iran nor Italy were included in the above tests, but both countries have now deciphered the locally prevalent genome and have declared them of different varieties from those in China, which means they did not originate in China but were of necessity introduced from another source. It is worth noting that the variety in Italy has approximately the same fatality rate as that of China, three times as great as other nations, while the haplotype in Iran appears to be the deadliest with a fatality rate of between 10% and 25%. (7) (8) (9) Due to the enormous amount of Western media coverage focused on China, much of the world believes the coronavirus spread to all other nations from China, but this now appears to have been proven wrong. With about 50 nations scattered throughout the world having identified at least one case at the time of writing, it would be very interesting to examine virus samples from each of those nations to determine their location of origin and the worldwide sources and patterns of spread. The Virologist further stated that the US has recently had more than 200 “pulmonary fibrosis” cases that resulted in death due to patients’ inability to breathe, but whose conditions and symptoms could not be explained by pulmonary fibrosis. He said he wrote articles informing the US health authorities to consider seriously those deaths as resulting from the coronavirus, but they responded by blaming the deaths on e-cigarettes, then silenced further discussion. … The Taiwanese doctor then stated the virus outbreak began earlier than assumed, saying, “We must look to September of 2019”. He stated the case in September of 2019 where some Japanese traveled to Hawaii and returned home infected, people who had never been to China. This was two months prior to the infections in China and just after the CDC suddenly and totally shut down the Fort Detrick bio-weapons lab claiming the facilities were insufficient to prevent loss of pathogens. (10) (11) He said he personally investigated those cases very carefully (as did the Japanese virologists who came to the same conclusion).. This might indicate the coronavirus had already spread in the US but where the symptoms were being officially attributed to other diseases, and thus possibly masked. The prominent Chinese news website Huanqiu related one case in the US where a woman’s relative was told by physicians he died of the flu, but where the death certificate listed the coronavirus as the cause of death. On February 26, ABC News affiliate KJCT8 News Network reported that a woman recently told the media that her sister died on from coronavirus infection. Montrose, Colorado resident Almeta Stone said, “They (the medical staff) kept us informed that it was the flu, and when I got the death certificate, there was a coronavirus in the cause of death.” (12)

We cannot ascertain the number of such cases in the US but since the CDC apparently has no reliable test kits and is conducting little or no testing for the virus, there may be others. Japan’s Media: The Coronavirus May Have Originated in the US In February of 2020, the Japanese Asahi news report (print and TV) claimed the coronavirus originated in the US, not in China, and that some (or many) of the 14,000 American deaths attributed to influenza may have in fact have resulted from the coronavirus. (5)

A report from a Japanese TV station disclosing a suspicion that some of those Americans may have unknowningly contracted the coronavirus has gone viral on Chinese social media, stoking fears and speculations in China that the novel coronavirus may have originated in the US. The report, by TV Asahi Corporation of Japan, suggested that the US government may have failed to grasp how rampant the virus has gone on US soil. However, it is unknown whether Americans who have already died of the influenza had contracted the coronavirus, as reported by TV Asahi. (People’s Daily, English, February 23, 2020, emphasis added) On February 14, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said they will begin to test individuals with influenza-like-illness for the novel coronavirus at public health labs in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Chicago, and New York City. The TV Asahi network presented scientific documentation for their claims, raising the issue that no one would know the cause of death because the US either neglected to test or failed to release the results. Japan avoided the questions of natural vs. man-made and accidental vs. deliberate, simply stating that the virus outbreak may first have occurred in the US. The Western Internet appears to have been scrubbed of this information, but the Chinese media still reference it. These claims stirred up a hornet’s nest not only in Japan but in China, immediately going viral on Chinese social media, especially since the Military World Games were held in Wuhan in October, and it had already been widely discussed that the virus could have been transmitted at that time – from a foreign source. “Perhaps the US delegates brought the coronavirus to Wuhan, and some mutation occurred to the virus, making it more deadly and contagious, and causing a widespread outbreak this year.” (People’s Daily, February 23, 2020) (1)

ust for information In the past two years (during the trade war) China has suffered several pandemics: February 15, 2018: H7N4 bird flu. Sickened at least 1,600 people in China and killed more than 600. Many chickens killed. China needs to purchase US poultry products. June, 2018: H7N9 bird flu. Many chickens killed. China needs to purchase US poultry products. August, 2018: outbreak of African swine flu. Same strain as Russia, from Georgia. Millions of pigs killed. China needs to purchase US pork products. May 24, 2019: massive infestation of armyworms in 14 province-level regions in China, which destroy most food crops. Quickly spread to more than 8,500 hectares of China’s grain production. They produce astonishing numbers of eggs. China needs to purchase US agricultural products – corn, soybeans. December, 2019: Coronavirus appearance puts China’s economy on hold. January, 2020: China is hit by a “highly pathogenic” strain of bird flu in Hunan province. Many chickens died, many others killed. China needs to purchase US poultry products.

The standard adage is that bad luck happens in threes, not sixes.


The standard adage…you Putz Putin the Poisoner Trolls make fools of yourself for a few Kopecks, a Vodka ration and a draft deferment. But vengeance will be served cold after November, Igor.

Ivan Freely

Except it was a couple of prominent Jewish policy makers that came up with the idea of an ethnic-specific virus over a decade ago.

Free man

I knew that the Jews are to blame. LOL.

northerntruthseeker .

Absolutely right.. Jewish pricks in their own boilabs have been trying for decades to come up with a ‘race specific’ disease to kill the Palestinians… But their efforts are in vain, for some 20% of the Kikes in that shithole of Israel are the SAME RACE as the Palestinians themselves….


This is going to protect him from zombies too


In Australia toilet paper is the weapon of choice against any virus by the looks of it.


And in Russia it’s binging on their Vodka rations. But that’s better than the Islamist Iranians who seem to prefer industrial wood alcohol. But it sure works by killing the virus and stopping its community spread.


It was very transparent, when two new articles came out that the US found the Corona outbreak in China very favorable in different ways. Then it was clear the CIA planted the virus in China to wreck Chinese economy. Also the recent Chinese swine-flu. Very transparent CIA Bio-Weapon Attack!!!

Zionism = EVIL

The Zionist fucks had been experimenting on the Palestinians but failed as Palestinian genes are SEMITIC 100% and would have also killed the Sephardic and Mizrahi Arab Jews so they mutated it to Asiatics and China, but in a inter-racial globalized world these virusus simply can not be isolated to certain groups as this is the 21st century and people travel and mix. So now it has backfired like everything the fucking Jews touch turns to shit.

Free man

Bla bla Putin bla bla Jews bla bla Christians bla bla Americans …… Old impotent Zi0 psycho at its best.

Concrete Mike

Assuming its a bio weapon, going out on a limb here, why assume the deployers care about who gets infected?

Especially if its a non state actor.

Ivan Freely

Good question. Back in the 70s, I believe, the CIA on purpose released an STD onto an African-American community in New York City.

Ricky Miller

Yep, and then treated thousands of mostly minorities with a placebo.


LMAFO…tell your Kremlin handlers to hold down on their Vodka binging. They are giving you crap to regurgitate that make you look like looney toon fools. Or maybe they have released their April First crib notes a bit early. But then again, all their crib notes look like they were intended for April First.

Ivan Freely

Reuters reported an outbreak of the bird flu back in Feb as well. The frequency of these “outbreaks” is not natural.

Lone Ranger

Suspicious. If China can prove it than the U.S. is toast. Every country on the planet will turn against them.

Ashok Varma

US has a history of racism and has been engaged in an economic war with China and this is quite plausible. Indian newspapers had hinted on this very early on. It is looking like a US bio-warfare project.

Jimmy Jim


Eochaidh OghaChruithne

The future would be quite boring in that case.


Russian military experts had alluded to this possibility very early on. This is definitely looking like an insidious US Dr.Death project gone awry.


Can you give more details. Where can find that?


Iranian, Russian, and Chinese government-backed campaigns blaming and attacking the United States as the source for the scourge.

“One narrative all three countries [including China] highlight is the notion that the United States is weaponizing the crisis for political gain and thus worsening its spread globally,” Rachel Chernaskey, a project manager for the Foreign Influence Election 2020 Project with the Foreign Policy Research Institute, or FPRI, wrote yesterday.

Boris Kazlov

Jewess Rachel is a very credible source,huh? Worth quoting.


From the article, interesting read; https://www.globalresearch.ca/covid-19-further-evidence-virus-originated-us/5706078


Most in Russia and the ex-Soviet republics also think the Coronavirus Is a U.S. Biological Weapon and with good reason considering the history of US in bio-warfare.

Eochaidh OghaChruithne

The Russian embassy in Washington, D.C. has my original e-mail from more than a year ago detailing strategy of the C.I.A. spreading a biological weapon from one country to a neighboring country using the delay of noticeable symptoms to cross national borders undetected. Because I didn’t go into all of that hocus pocus about gene splicing, R.N.A., etc., the Russians seem to have got it.

Mike S

Do you have any links to those articles? I thought of this as a possibility myself.


Black death also made by Pentagon

Lone Ranger

Nope. But AIDS and ebola was.


SARS, Swine Flu?


According to Russian and Armenian experts, this virus initially targeted China, but it spillover into Caucasian people was not anticipated and that is why US and western media made light of it for months.


According to Russian and Armenian experts :)) That’s the nickname for Russian trolls?

Boris Kazlov

What’s the nickname for your kind of trolls: faggots?


Your joke hurt me like a knife in the kneee


Liars have a habit of fking up,mental dyslexics soros trolls are p00fs,no morals!



Lone Ranger



But there’s no probability about you being a looney toon or drunk Putz Putin the Poisoner Troll, only certainty.

Lone Ranger

Time to insert your Tampax ;)


LOL…you can do better, Igor.

Lone Ranger

You too Shlomo…


You lie because you have aids in ye sick head,iwill eventually eat your cancer!


You need to work on your English.

nicolas s

Aids too?? They injected the gay monkey ??

Boris Kazlov

No need to inject monkey, they inoculate themselves enough.


As was your tinfoil hat, I’m sure. The Russian ones aren’t powerful enough for a looney toon like you.

Lone Ranger

Truth hurts…try to handle it.


You mean like your head is hurting from your tinfoil hat being too tight, Igor?

Lone Ranger

Lay down the Kool-Aid ;)

Lone Ranger

Oy oy…

Ricky Miller

The United States is the only country with bioweapons labs on foreign soil, a half a dozen of them that we know of, including a large one in Georgia, Tbilisi, not Atlanta. Even a group of Western scientists published a paper in an academic journal some 18 months ago asking why these programs look like bioweapons programs if they in fact are not. The U.S. is the country using it’s embassy and consular facilities to collect genetic information from nearby population groups. It’s easy for me to believe that if the virus was engineered it had an origin in the United States, not China. It was planted there to try and cause havoc to overthrow the Chinese state, and turn China back into a vast economic colony of the West. Except it backfired. The challenge demonstrated the strong competence of the Chinese government who did what they had to when they had to without sentiment.

Lone Ranger

I agree. Im aware of those labs. They have also collected genetic samples in Russia but were arrested. Putin told to reporters that Russian intel knows what they are doing in full extent and if anything happens there will be a measured response. I dont understand how any country can allow the U.S to do this on their soil, and why so few talk about it. Can you imagine the same if Russia or China were doing these things? We would be already at WWIII, but if the U.S. does it… aww look how cute… U.S. is strong but not that strong, people are pussy nowdays. Resistance is Victory.


Well, the Chinese seem to like this bio-weapons stuff just fine. Oh, damm, their main lab is right there in Wuhan. Go figure…

Lone Ranger

Probaby thats why the U.S. picked that city to start the virus. They can blame it on China. But with todays tech it shouldnt be hard to tell if its artificial or not.


LOL…that wouldn’t matter to drunk Putz Putin the Poisoner Trolls like you anyway, Igor.

Lone Ranger

Thats a lot of passive agression… Are you on you period…??


Typical soros neo-liberal rant,keep going flogged,did you ever change anything?


The coronavirus may just be a Democrat hoax designed to embarrass President Trump. Under Obama the American swine flu was allowed to spread freely in America and around the world, and we’re now supposed to believe that a variation of the common cold is such a grave threat just because Trump is now president?


Virus was released by a british lab,the fk you on about soros troll!


Damn, now the Chinese military bio-weapons lab in Wuhan is British? Will wonders never cease? Well, Hong Kong used to be British. So to Einsteins like you that proves the Chinese bio-weapons lab must be British. Got it.

Brother Ma

So the Skripals were poisoned by the British then as their weapons lab is just down the road.


Nahhhhhhh…everyone knows it was Putz Putin the Poisoner. But what does your silly diversion have to do with the Coronavirus originating right there in Wuhan with its bio-weapons lab that worked on Coronaviruses and a large main food market filled with live animals that carry Coronaviruses?


LOL…hey dodo, look a wee bit closer to home in Wuhan. Damn, there it is. The main Chinese military bio-weapons lab. So if this virus was man-made, the maker was Chinese. Try to keep up.

Ricky Miller

That’s exactly where the U.S. would start it. Your limited mind went there right away and that’s what they’d count on. You are permanently behind, and it’s citizens like you that give the U.S. government the room to lie at will and drive the world to peril without checks or control.


Sure, niw the US controls the main Chinese military bio-weapons lab. Damn, next you’ll say like your friends already have here that it was done by the Jews to take over the world. And take the US never landed in the Moon and chocolate milk comes from brown cows. You tinfoil hat looney toons are very funny and entertaining, even if you are doing it just to get a Vodka ration and draft deferment.

Ricky Miller

That lab has never had a documented incident before. So, just now, while China is wrapped up in a contentious multi year trade dispute with the United States, and while military tensions grow between just about all major players, the lab, protected no doubt by multi-layered exit protocols, has a breach? Use your pea brain. The U.S. no doubt could have released a bio-engineered agent in Wuhan and let others draw the conclusion that the lab was to blame. That was the plan; discredit and bring down the Chinese government. News flash, the U.S. government does stuff like that all the time, just not as risky. They brought down Venezuela’s power grid in a cyber attack, costing dozens of people their lives, including hospitalized children. Then made a joke about it later.

Redsky B

You’re an embarrassment. Are you one of those who are cursed forever?


You’re one of those who can’t take the truth.


Typical soros bot lie,you got nothing on the truth (period)

Ivan Freely

IIRC, the US government purposefully released an STD onto it’s own population back in the 70s in an African-American community to see how it spreads. I hope those SOBs die from CovID-19.

Ricky Miller

Yes. And after World War 2 the U.S. put naval vessels around an atoll in the Pacific and set off an atomic bomb right in the middle. One of the ships that didn’t sink right away was the USS Arkansas, a battleship. They put crew back on and monitored their health for years afterward to document the rates of cancer and other diseases. USS Arkansas reunions for years grimly shared stories about crewmen who had visits from government health surveyors for years. If they do stuff like this to their own men…

Eochaidh OghaChruithne

You don’t get it Ricky. Bio-weapons labs on non-Russian foreign soil are subject to hacking and the FSB flipping C.I.A. agents into double agents working for Russia. That Chinese scientist in Canada who the C.I.A. thought they controlled and ordered to return to China with stolen Corona virus which they then had him or other C.I.A. agents leak out of the Chinese Wuhan bio-lab were under Russian observation. Russia was on top of it the whole time. Does that mean we should blame Russia and that Xi is not one of Putin’s many “Friends? No. It’s much more complicated than Russian-enabling. Besides, the C.I.A. really really screwed the United States with Corona virus before they had their agent/Russian double-agent return to China. Maybe, after some time, like next month, Putin will release more top secret Espionage information about this. Stay tune to this Bat-channel, kiddies.

Boris Kazlov

Everybody in this revolving shitball is too dumbed down to turn.


Must be an aids thing,you know p00fs are the worse infecteds,particularly in the head!

Ivan Freely

Suspicious indeed. The frequency of these “outbreaks” in one country (i.e. China) is abnormal. However, it’s very difficult to prove who the perpetrators are.

Mike S

You live in a fantasy world.

Lone Ranger

Indeed you are…

Ashok Varma

China has a valid point as US is known for racist policies and singling out China as a prototype bio-warfare experiment which has now gone haywire.


Racist, but this time they look dumb as monkeys. You make a bioweapon to wipe out yellow people, but end wiping out white people. Holy…this cannot be true, otherwise it means western military scientists are a bunch of retarded monkeys.

Jimmy Jim


Codenamed 'Gordon'

Ethnic bioweapon only affects a target ethnic population.

Ivan Freely

Yes, until it mutates.

Ivan Freely

The scientists aren’t responsible for deploying such weapons; only making them. The retards are those decision makers that haven’t heard of the concept of mutations, and more importantly, blowback.


Nice. Eat bats and all that shit, and then blame others.

Jimmy Jim



You morons will still be shouting ‘ its all because of kikes’ while working in Chinese rice fields for a fistfull of food.

Concrete Mike

Well the motive is there, the means are there, america has more than 20 bioweapons lab.

I would not eliminate this possibility, not until patient zero is found.

Lets wait and see dude, still to early to tell.


Maybe. But a wee bit closer to home in Wuhan, is the main Chinese bio-weapons lab. Oh, and that market with snake snacks from snakes that like to eat bats with viruses. Try to keep up.

Ricky Miller

Oh, your brain can do stratergy so well. The fact that it’s in Wuhan would suggest a game. That’s where you would plant it, in a market near a defensive biological lab. That’s the whole point, then let idiots like you and FOX news handle the accusations.


All the experts say it came from that Chinese bio-weapons lab in Wuhan. And they have evidence it is exactly the strain that was being created in that lab. Try to keep up.

Ricky Miller

What experts say that? Fox News? SF Examiner? No one can say that and in fact an expert was on Joe Rogan’s show, he says that the virus is natural and explains in detail how these viruses arise in China. You are citing experts without giving us their names or positions. You are full of it and making things up.


MERS was also blamed on bats. It’s a story, it’s bollocks, biologically untenable.


Actually, the blame may go to the snake that eat the bat. Or than again, the main Chinese bio-weapons lab is in Wuhan and has never gotten a Good Housekeeping Award.

Ricky Miller

Never had an issue with that lab. Ever. The United States is the biggest state sponsor of human death across planet Earth, not China. The U.S. is the one with bioweapons labs outside it’s own territory, not China. The U.S. is the one who overthrows governments, not China. The U.S. is the country who has firebombed and nuked civilian populations, not China. The U.S. is the country who has a defense program called “insect allies” not China. But your little colonial loving brain can’t seem to grasp that if you want to blame the Chinese government for a bioengineered viral outbreak you WOULD plant the infection near the Wuhan laboratory.


Hey, dodo, you should check out the doings of Mao and his Chinese Communist Party. Again, the only foreign bio-weapons lab within thousands of miles of Wuhan is the main Chinese one right there in Wuhan. And many, many experts are saying that is where the Coronavirus originated. Try to keep up.

Ricky Miller

You are the one who needs to keep up. Mao is long gone and no one is sure yet exactly how or where this virus started. What I do know is that the United States is capable of anything, including planting a deadly virus in a city of the country it now openly defines as it’s leading geopolitical rival.


proof? I though not,what else do wannabe incest spawns do competently other than lie and accuse?


Get away from that mirror. And then take your meds.


No meds can help you tho. Your brain is already dead and now you have corona as well…


LOL…you do better with your extensive cut-and-past. Don’t try to ad-lib.

Jimmy Jim



you mean burn kikes? or kike’s virus?


“Please read and retweet it” I always trust anyone who says this, especially if it’s a Chinese official


LOL…well, it must be true. Our resident Kremlin Trolls are repeating it.


Slothfull soros rags,seriously you are pathedic,dead set,go thy way with thy leppars!

Decatur Guy


Ivan Freely

LOL But, the Chinese can’t pronounce the letter R. Maybe it’s the Japanese you’re thinking of.

Daniel Martin

The moto of the elites are ”Never let a good crisis go to watse”


And the Jews did 9-11, the US never landed on the Moon and chocolate milk comes from brown cows.

Ivan Freely

Not bad. 1 of 3 correct. Larry “Pull it” Silverstein would be upset at you for not toeing the line.


LOL…yep, you are here to join your fellow tinfoil hat looney toons. Or to earn an extra Vodka ration, Igor. Next you’ll claim the Sun revolves around a flat 6,000 year old Earth. You folk are sooooooooo entertaining. Like watching the nut house inmates frolic or the Putz’s Trolls so naturally play at being nut house inmates.


Shithead, you need a tinfoil hat to protect yourself from omnipotent russian trolls from Kremlin spreading their magical influence (again!), supported by Martian X-rays and Chinese biological factories. The only safe place for you is – Biden’s butt, go back there and never leave again ?


LOL…that sure will show me! Now go snack on some snake soup in Wuhan.

Ricky Miller

Classic psywar tactic. Make any objection and point about the U.S. being the probable source of misbehavior into a link to all loony ideas. It doesn’t work anymore because people all around the world know by now exactly what the U.S. is capable of.


Damn, you maybe not be the Putz Putin the Poisoner Troll I thought you were. You’re just too stupid.

Ricky Miller

I’m honored to be described as stupid by you. It’s like a spandex wearing fat girl complaining to her friend about what that other girl across the room has the nerve to wear.




WOOOOOO…so triggered he has to use all caps.

Brother Ma

And now I know you are Jewish to boot! Maybe an Arts graduate as well because you certainly don’t know much about weighing up evidence.


No, more like engineering and finance. And you?

Legis Legis Juscius

Not only chinese claims that, also japanese and even taiwanese claims that its originated from US


The world wide suspicion on US as the originator of the virus centers around long-standing Russian over the presence of U.S. biological research laboratories across Eurasia: “As is well-known, the USA ratified the Geneva convention on Biological Weapons back in 1975. But the biological games across the ocean have never stopped, and not only in local territory. Right after the Soviet collapse, the presence of American bio-laboratories has so far been confirmed in Georgia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, and Uzbekistan. Where else—only the State Department knows, though it insists that these are harmless groups tasked with developing medical devices. But if they are so harmless, then why did the Americans build them, not at home, but across the world?”


The GlobalResearch.ca article claims the “main US bio-research lab at Fort Detrick, Maryland was “shut down due to an absence of safeguards”.


So? The main Chinese military bio-weapons lab is right there in Wuhan and, unfortunately, after many accidents it was NOT shutdown.

Ricky Miller

There have been no documented accidents related to a lab that has both military and university research outside a metropolitan area of sixty million people. Not one. There still hasn’t been one. The United States is the country who thinks it’s god gift to humanity and who has the black heart and balls enough to use a virus as a regime change agent. It’s great, unfolding karma that it’s backfiring.


There is indisputable evidence from absolutely reliable sources that that Chinese bio-weapons lab has had dozens of accidents. And without question, it is the source of the Coronavirus. The only question is whether it was by a typical accident or intentionally released to give Useful Idiots like you something else to accuse the US of. Or to help the Putz Putin the Poisoner Trolls have more silly crap to post to try to earn their extra Vodka ration and avoid the draft a bit longer.

Ricky Miller

Reliable sources as in your CIA handlers? Are these the same reliable sources that said that Syria used chemical weapons in a battle they were winning even though witnesses went to Europe and testified that the people in the videos were not even hospital employees? And children testified that they were promised food if they went along, and OPCW whistleblowers later testified that OPCW managers altered the results of the investigation, you mean reliable sources like those? You have no reliable source for anything about the Wuhan lab, you just need to say that here because the timing of all this is too suspicious.


My indisputable sources are more indisputable than your indisputable sources, kid. The Chinese did it to themselves to get sympathy and try to reverse their population growth to meet their CO2 reduction commitment. The absolute proof of that are the satellite photos showing the great reduction in pollution over China since they started dying in large numbers of Coronavirus.

Ricky Miller

Please, China wants to increase their population now. It’s the U.S. who doesn’t have the resources to pay out it’s social security obligations and is fine with Americans dying off. Or have you not been made aware of the substance abuse epidemic raging across America?


Hey, I like that here. It is almost only Moron Trump voters killing themselves off. The more the merrier.

Ricky Miller


Brother Ma

So you are one of those Liberal Interventionists.makes sense. You probably think Clinton was cheated out of the Whitehouse even though the Dem voters particularly hated her.


LOL…then it must have been all those Republican voters who gave her 3 million MORE votes than Bozo Trump. You should learn a wee bit more about the weird US Presidential election system before making your usual drunken rants, Igor.

Ricky Miller

There is absolutely indisputable evidence from reliable sources that the United States government is a homicidal and maniacal power who loves to attack small countries and beat them up while saluting itself as home of the “brave.” It is hands down the best killer of human beings anywhere.


Well, there are a few ISIS, Maoists, Stalinists, Nazis who might take exception to that. Give credit where credit is due.

Ricky Miller

Three million dead Vietnamese, six million dead Koreans, at least a million dead Iraqi’s, hundreds of thousands more killed across Laos and Cambodia. Then of course we have hundreds of thousands more killed all across the Middle East and North Africa in the U.S. drone program. And ISIS was created by the United States, in their Iraqi torture prisons and given American weapons and Toyota trucks to create chaos across the region to justify an American presence there. Please try and keep up, and take the time to mark your scorecard right.


But you did know that China’s main bio-chemical weapons lab is in Wuhan were the Coronavirus started? They have had accidental releases there before. So the reality is, if not from a bat eaten by a snake eaten by some Chinese in Wuhan, it came from that Chinese military lab right there in town. Give credit where credit is due.


LMFAO…you looney toons are as bats as the bat eaten by the snake in China that likely passed the virus into the local human weird food eating Chinese population.

Ricky Miller

Shouldn’t you be off to a website celebrating U.S. exceptionalism? Or sneaking out to the newspaper box to grab your copy of the S.F. Examiner, before your neighbors see you and realize that you are a neocon nut living in their midst?


Yes and no. Yes the US is exceptional in lots of great ways and some not so great. I haven’t seen a SF Examiner since it went out of business as a regular newspaper many years ago. Given who I really am, that last comment is really funny. Now get back to your Vodka ration, Igor, and binge yourself to an early grave like most Russian men.

Ricky Miller

I wish I were Russian. Truth is I’m American. If I were Russian at least I wouldn’t have the blood of so many poor third world people on my conscience as an American who is unable to keep his government under control. Truth is, I come to SF all the time, being a Giants fan and all. Every summer. I hike Golden Gate park, end to end and go down to the Bay to watch Hunter Pence play right field. I skipped it last year because he played in Texas. But he’s back. You want to meet out by the end of the Judah train, where that coffee shop meets the beach? You know the place, there’s a beach latrine right there by the ocean highway. I could explain to you how unacceptable and rude you are.


Ok. Fair’s fair. I have been showing what a gullible, silly fool you are, Russian or not. Bye bye.

Ricky Miller

If only I were lucky enough to have been born in Magnitogorsk. I’m not gullible, that’s you. Swallowing everything the U.S. government and MSM feed you, then regurgitating said “reliable” info for propaganda purposes.


Mate, now you scared poor little “Jake” and he run away lol… I doubt he is really from San Fran, or even from America, he’s so busted. Probably from Ukraine or Romania or some other shithole owned by NATO.

Ricky Miller

Yes, you are probably right. He had zero emotional connection to who plays right field for the Giants and couldn’t name the actual train number for the Judah street rail. It made me suspicious. But the SF Bay area is big, he could live in Daly City or even all the way down in a suburb of San Jose. Those people like to pretend to the distant outside world that they are SF true and true but most San Franciscans would heartily disagree. Wherever he is he is a neocon colonial war pig, full of hate for entire countries and other people not like him.


Nahhhhhhhh…you’re wrong as usual.

northerntruthseeker .

Why do these Hasbara/JIDF trolls, such as yourself, constantly show their ugly hooked nosed faces in a room such as this one? You are only making yourself out to be a laughing stock in here, you stupid like troll!


haha lol https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/53bbe8fea1c802844a10c0c0ed02f5aa31ef19533e9b5db5707d98c416c92a79.jpg


Australians being simple convict descendants went really berserk hoarding toilet paper. Very base mentality and totally irrational.


Way better than the Islamist Iranians binging on industrial wood alcohol right into their grave.


Two were arrested for being fktards,likely paid spros actors,our laws in nsw is stronger!

Rest is media hype,i got chinese toilet paper rolls manufactured in prc,like everything made in prc,the deals are better and last 4 ever,so much for Australian media myths!


with a certainty that would get them convicted in any ordinary court of law (that excludes any law court in the disunited states of A) the virus originated in the disunited states of A and is or was spread on behalf of the washington elite and the jews in palestine in order to seriously reduce the number of people on this earth improving the circumstances for the survivors, i.e. the elites and their slaves.


LMFAO…you loons are truly looney toon.

Ricky Miller

Run along and scrape some poop off the sidewalk in front of your building. And Jake, do feel free to hug as many people as you can today.


Last I looked, there was no poop in front of my condo here in lovely, sunny California. But if I see any, I’ll note it should be preserved for your din din if you ever get here, since that is all a dreg like you could afford here, Igor.

Codenamed 'Gordon'

US did release a high lethal covid-19 strain in Wuhan, Italy and Iran. Then they did release low lethal covid-19 in US, UK and partners in order to enjoy herd immunity. They don’t even hide it: “Sir Patrick Vallance tells Sky News about 60% of people will need to become infected in order for theUK to enjoy “herd immunity“.


LOL…you’re as bats as the bat that the snake eat that got the virus going in China.


MERS, SARS Corona, swine flu – they are all corona viruses and have a root cause of animal torture from meat eating, along with eggs and animal milk. It is a human caused issue inextricably related to caging and corralling of animals

China has mass animal torture that is in some cases automated, it is a horror to see. China has mass wildlife animal torture. China has mass cat, dog, fish and sea and river aquatic life torture. The Chinese government, the capitalists who own the government and the backwards superstitious, no care for animals “culture” of China is responsible.

It is no surprise that the despicable government of China is looking for a scapegoat – pun intended.

Go vegan reject mass animal torture, murder and the viruses that come from that treatment. That goes for everyone, not just the Chinese.


Is honey also taboo because it is gotten from the exploitation of bees?


It has been definitively determined that the Coronavirus is a strain that was being developed in the main Chinese military weapons lab located in Wuhan. And by careful review of all available records, it is clear that that lab has never gotten the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval. However, the Chinese Minister of Truth is reported to have said that one of the scientists at the lab watched reruns of Nickelodeon and the shows had subliminal messages tuned only to Chinese bio-weapons researchers that made them careless in their work. Without question this proves that the Coronavirus is a racist plot by the US to win the trade war with China.

Ricky Miller

Stupidity. China is busy building vast cities, bullet trains, a space program, the belt and road, and are dominating the advance of big tech. Huawei is 18 months ahead of it’s leading competitors in 5G and artificial intelligence but a laboratory with top grade military and medical containment protocols let an inert pathogen out into a Chinese city of 16 million and a metropolitan region of 60 million? It’s not really believable, especially with the rise in tensions between the U.S. and China and the undisputed fact that the Americans have bioweapons labs in Central Asia. Be honest, when you watch the Lion King, you root for Scar and believe his lies, don’t you?


LOL…never seen that kids’ movie. More your speed, kid. But it has been definitely determined and noted by experts from at least six and a half countries that it also has subliminal messages that make children like you believe there actually really is a China. Actually, all Kremlin research has long known there is no China and there are no Chinese. It all is a hoax created by Mossad to take over the world. Now pass the next bottle of the Vodka ration, Igor.


Says a dumb idiot who repeats moronic conspiracy theory about “Chinese military weapons lab” LOLx10! Now let’s laugh how extremely stupid (and hypocritical) you actually are LOLx100 ???


And next you’ll say there also is no big food market in Wuhan that sells bats and snakes which carry Coronaviruses. Then you will say there really isn’t a Chinese city of Wuhan. And then you’ll say there really is no China. And when that fails, you’ll say there actually is no Coronavirus Pandemic or some other of your many delusions.

Me&Myself None

Jake321, how much does that job pay? And how does one acquire such job?


I can assure you that no troll gets paid enough to afford to live in my top floor condo overlooking the Bay Area.


How are the leppars doing over there in your pelosi electorate? Truth is no one in their right frame of mind would wanna live in a scum shthole, unless they are owned by beezub(period)Thats where lies got you kweers see!


LOL…sour grapes. But not to worry, dregs like you can’t afford it here except in the streets with the other dregs.


Bay Area? I guess your parents were infected by the US bio experiments on their own population back in 1950. in San Fran, one of the largest biological attack in history. Some terrible bacteria ate your brain… poor little lab monkey.


Nahhhhhhhhh…my parents and I were not in the Bay Area in the ‘50’s. And what does your silly diversion have to do with the fact that the main Chinese military bio-weapons lab that was working with Coronaviruses is right there in Wuhan? Or that they sell bats and snakes that carry Coronaviruses at the main food market in Wuhan? Try to focus.


“It has been definitively determined” that you are a lying idiot. Determined? When? Where? Conspiracy theory nonsense for braindead american morons, you have zero proof of anything that you excrete from your mouth. Chinese are not idiots (like you) to infect their own people. I doubt they are that evil either. But the US Army and Navy definitely are. You are supposedly from California?

In 1950, the U.S. released a bioweapon in San Francisco, the project was called “Operation Sea Spray”

Operation Sea-Spray was a 1950 U.S. Navy secret experiment in which Serratia marcescens and Bacillus globigii bacteria were sprayed over the San Francisco Bay Area in California. Beginning on September 26, 1950, the crew of a U.S. Navy minesweeper ship spent six days spraying Serratia marcescens into the air about two miles off the northern California coast.

From September 20 to 27, 1950, the U.S. Navy released the pathogens off the shore of San Francisco. Based on results from monitoring equipment at 43 locations around the city, the Army determined that San Francisco had received enough of a dose for nearly all of the city’s 800,000 residents to inhale millions of particles each day during the week of spraying. On October 11, 1950, eleven residents checked into Stanford Hospital for very rare, serious urinary tract infections. Although ten residents recovered, one patient, Edward J. Nevin, died three weeks later.

This was one of hundreds of bioweapon simulations carried out in the 1950s and 1960s



Yep, lots of countries did foolish things with bio-weapons research. And right there in Wuhan they just kept at it. The Chinese military’s main bio-weapons lab was still at it until their foolishness got loose in town and started the Coronavirus Pandemic. Well, it has finally been closed down and the scientists from there have disappeared. Oh, as an aside, for a little pocket change, workers at the lab used to sell the experimental animals like bats and snakes at the main Wuhan food market along with those from the wild that also carried Coronaviruses.

John Wallace

Your credibility is zilch , zero , none so continual trying to push your ‘Theory” propaganda is wasted space. Basically what I am saying is I wouldn’t believe a word you say because you so often talk shit. Now go and convince your granny


I think I smell a rat hear.Corona virus comes ,then comes in the oil saga and too much media propaganda against countries,then threats of sanctions on countries like Russia.Our intelligent man Mr Putin is watching from far and quiet.could he be aware of something that we don’t know or could he be waiting for the right time.

Ivan Freely

“It might be the US army”

This is not an accusation. It’s called speculation.


Stupid, silly speculation. Anyway, everyone knows the Coronavirus came from the main Chinese bio-weapons lab in Wuhan.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

The Pentagon Bio-weapons “The US Army regularly produces deadly viruses, bacteria and toxins in direct violation of the UN Convention on the prohibition of Biological Weapons. Hundreds of thousands of unwitting people are systematically exposed to dangerous pathogens and other incurable diseases. Bio warfare scientists using diplomatic cover test man-made viruses at Pentagon bio laboratories in 25 countries across the world. These US bio-laboratories are funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) under a $ 2.1 billion military program– Cooperative Biological Engagement Program (CBEP), and are located in former Soviet Union countries such as Georgia and Ukraine, the Middle East, South East Asia and Africa.” http://dilyana.bg/the-pentagon-bio-weapons/


But much closer to home in Wuhan is the Chinese military’s main bio-weapons lab know for accidents. As well as the main food market featuring bats and snakes that carry Coronaviruses. Give credit where credit is due.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

COVID-19: Further Evidence that the Virus Originated in the US

“As readers will recall from the earlier article (above), Japanese and Taiwanese epidemiologists and pharmacologists have determined that the new coronavirus almost certainly originated in the US since that country is the only one known to have all five types – from which all others must have descended. Wuhan in China has only one of those types, rendering it in analogy as a kind of “branch” which cannot exist by itself but must have grown from a “tree”.

The Taiwanese physician noted that in August of 2019 the US had a flurry of lung pneumonias or similar, which the Americans blamed on ‘vaping’ from e-cigarettes, but which, according to the scientist, the symptoms and conditions could not be explained by e-cigarettes. He said he wrote to the US officials telling them he suspected those deaths were likely due to the coronavirus. He claims his warnings were ignored.

Immediately prior to that, the CDC totally shut down the US Military’s main bio-lab at Fort Detrick, Maryland, due to an absence of safeguards against pathogen leakages, issuing a complete “cease and desist” order to the military. It was immediately after this event that the ‘e-cigarette’ epidemic arose.”

“Not only did the virus not originate at the seafood market, it did not originate in Wuhan at all, and it has now been proven that it did not originate in China but was brought to China from another country. Part of the proof of this assertion is that the genome varieties of the virus in Iran and Italy have been sequenced and declared to have no part of the variety that infected China and must, by definition, have originated elsewhere.

It would seem the only possibility for origination is the US because only that country has the “tree trunk” of all the varieties. And it may therefore be true that the original source of the COVID-19 virus was the US military bio-warfare lab at Fort Detrick. This would not be a surprise, given that the CDC completely shut down Fort Detrick, but also because, as I related in an earlier article, between 2005 and 2012 the US had experienced 1,059 events where pathogens had been either stolen or escaped from American bio-labs during the prior ten years – an average of one every three days.”



And right there in Wuhan is the Chinese militaries main bio-weapons labs known for accidents and for work on weaponizing the Coronavirus. So why go so far a field with your farfetched tinfoil hat fantasies? Oh, and if you think it’s not from by far the must obvious likely bio-weapons source right there in town, you might just head over to the main food market in Wuhan and warm your gut with snake soup and watch them feed those snakes bats which carry Coronaviruses.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Methinks you are getting extremely sweaty palms… Felon.


Nahhhhhhhhh…you think wrong. But that you can think at all is surprising given what you usually post.


The main Chinese military bio-weapons lab is in Wuhan. It is notorious for accidents. Don’t have to look any further for where the Coronavirus originated. But also note that snake snacks are very popular in Wuhan’s main food market featuring snakes that are fed bats that are known to carry Coronaviruses. Give credit where credit is due.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Deadly Germ Research Is Shut Down at Army Lab Over Safety Concerns (Aug. 5, 2019) Problems with disposal of dangerous materials led the government to suspend research at the military’s leading biodefense center.

Safety concerns at a prominent military germ lab have led the government to shut down research involving dangerous microbes like the Ebola virus.

“Research is currently on hold,” the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, in Fort Detrick, Md., said in a statement on Friday. The shutdown is likely to last months, Caree Vander Linden, a spokeswoman, said in an interview.


Dick Von Dast'Ard


James Adams

Your actually buying into the idea that the US created this virus? Are you sure your independent because I’m starting to thing Southfront gets its money from Russia and China.

Hasbara Hunter

You are a filthy HasbaRat Piss off

私を殺さないものは免疫になります Watashi o korosanai mono wa men’eki ni narimasu

John Wallace

I think that translates to ” suck on these to prevent the virus “

Eochaidh OghaChruithne


northerntruthseeker .

The facts are that the Chinese are absolutely correct here.. This “virus” was created at Fort Detrick in Maryland and then brought over to China under the cover of those military athletic games in Wuhan last fall…

The US is absolutely responsible for this massive world wide outbreak, and it is only due to the liars in the Jew spew media that the world is not given the evidence to show that as fact!

Rafik Chauhan

bcuz Italy is one of the country who was against US sanction on china and iran. Italy was not bowing to US atrocity. and second they want ted to infect cardinal and mosly Cristian who are against Zionist interference,

Rafik Chauhan

if we see the list the first few country are the enemy of US , china iran and Italy bcuz they are against US foreign policy and sanction. this 3 country are against Zionist war machine . that’s the reason US has use biologica wafare to create havoc in this country. US has lost the war on gorund so they use bioloical warfare now

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