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MARCH 2025

China’s Maritime Strategic Realignment

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Written and produced by SF Team: Brian Kalman, Daniel Deiss, Edwin Watson

China has begun construction of the first Type 075 Class Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD). Construction most likely started in January or February of this year, with some satellite imagery and digital photos appearing online of at least one pre-fabricated hull cell. The Type 075 will be the largest amphibious warfare vessel in the Peoples’ Liberation Army Navy (PLAN), with similar displacement and dimensions as the U.S. Navy Wasp Class LHD. The PLA has also made it known that the force plans to expand the current PLA Marine Corps from 20,000 personnel to 100,000.

As China completes preparations for its new military base in Djibouti, located in the strategic Horn of Africa, it has also continued its substantial investment in developing the port of Gwadar, Pakistan. Not only will Gwadar become a key logistics hub as part of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and the “One Belt, One Road” trade initiative, but will also be a key naval base in providing security for China’s maritime trade in the region.  When these developments are viewed in conjunction with the decision to reduce the size of the army by 300,000 personnel, it is obvious that China has reassessed the strategic focus of the nation’s armed forces.

The PLAN’s intends to expand the current force structure of the PLA Marine Corps fivefold, from two brigades to ten brigades. At the same time, the PLAN will be increased in size and capabilities, with many new, large displacement warships of varying types added to the fleet. Of particular interest, are the addition of at least two Type 055 destroyers, an indigenously designed and built aircraft carrier of a new class, two more Type 071 LPDs, and the first Type 075 LHD.

China is rapidly gaining the ability to project power and naval presence at increasing distances from its shores. Not only is the PLAN expanding in tonnage, but its new vessels are considerably more capable. The PLAN will be striving to add and train an additional 25% more personnel over the next half a decade, in an effort to add the skilled crews, pilots, and support personnel that will facilitate such an ambitious expansion.

The Chinese military leadership previously decided to double the number of AMIDs starting in 2014. A 100% increase in the PLA AMIDs and a 500% increase in the PLAMC denotes a major strategic shift in the defense strategy of the Chinese state. With the successful growth of the Silk Road Economic Belt/Maritime Silk Road Initiative, it becomes readily apparent that China must focus on securing and defending this global economic highway. China has made a massive investment, in partnership with many nations, in ensuring the success of a massive system of economic arteries that will span half of the globe. Many of these logistics arteries will transit strategic international maritime territories. In light of these developments, a military shift in focus away from fighting a ground war in China, to a greater maritime presence and power projection capability are quite logical.

China began construction of a maritime support facility in Djibouti in 2016, to protect its interests in Africa, facilitate joint anti-piracy operations in the region, and to provide a naval base to support long range and extended deployments of PLAN assets to protect the shipping lanes transiting the Strait of Aden. In addition, China invested approximately $46 billion USD in developing the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, including major investment in the infrastructure of the port of Gwadar. The governments of both nations desire the stationing of a flotilla of PLAN warships in the port, and possibly a rapid reaction force of PLA Marines. Gwadar is well positioned to not only protect China’s economic interests in Pakistan, but also to react to any crisis threatening the free passage of maritime traffic through the Strait of Hormuz. The forward positioning of naval forces will allow the PLAN to protect the vital crude oil and natural gas imports transiting the Suez Canal, the Gulf of Aden and into the Indian Ocean from routes west of the Horn of Africa. In light of the fact that 6% of natural gas imports and 34% of crude oil imports by sea to China transit this region, the desire to secure these waterways becomes readily apparent. Not only would the presence of PLAN warships and marines help to secure China’s vital interests in Pakistan and the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor in particular, but would also afford the PLAN a base of operations close to the Strait of Hormuz. Approximately 51% of all Chinese crude oil imports by sea transit the strait, as well as 24% of seaborne natural gas imports. Any closure of the Strait of Hormuz due to a theoretical military conflict or an act of terrorism or piracy would have a huge impact on the Chinese economy.

Although the maritime trade routes transiting the Indian Ocean are of vital importance to keeping the manufacturing engine of China running uninterrupted, the South China Sea is of even greater importance. Not only does the region facilitate the passage of $5 trillion USD in global trade annually, but much of this trade is comprised of Chinese energy imports and exports of all categories. The geographic bottle neck of the Strait of Malacca, to the southwest of the South China Sea, affords the transit of 84% of all waterborne crude oil and 30% of natural gas imports to China. The closure of the strait, or a significant disruption of maritime traffic in the South China Sea, would have a devastating impact on the Chinese state. It is in the vital national interest of China to secure the region based on this fact alone. In addition, establishing a series of strategically located island outposts, covering the approaches to the South China Sea, affords China a greater ability to secure the entire region, establish Anti-Access/Area Denial (A2/AD) and defend the southern approaches to the Chinese mainland, while enforcing the nation’s claims to valuable energy and renewable resources in the region.

China continues to expand and reinforce its island holdings in both the Paracel and Spratly archipelagos. The massive construction on Mischief Reef, Fiery Cross Reef and Subi Reef will likely be completed later this year. These three islands, in conjunction with the surveillance stations, port facilities and helicopter bases located on a number of key smaller atolls, afford China the capability to project power and presence in the region at a level that no other regional or global power can match.

As China moves forward in expanding the PLAMC and the amphibious divisions of the PLA, it has maintained a swift schedule in shipbuilding which aims to provide a balanced and flexible amphibious sealift capability. China intends to tailor a modern and sizable amphibious warfare fleet that is capable of defending the growing maritime interests of the nation, and which can provide a significant power projection capability that can be employed across the full breadth of the Maritime Silk Road.

The first two classes of amphibious vessels that were seen as essential to design, construct and supply to the PLAN were the Type 072A class Landing Ship Tank (LST) and the Type 071 class Landing Platform Dock (LPD). There are a total of six Type 071 LPDs planned, with four currently in service and the fifth vessel reaching completion this year.

Plans to build a large LHD began in 2012, with a number of different designs contemplated. The class was known in intervening years as the Type 075 or Type 081. The Type 075 design was finalized and plans were made to begin construction in 2016. Although many analysts believe that the PLAN intends to build two such vessels, there will most likely be a need for one or two additional vessels of this class to meet the growing maritime security and power projection requirements of the nation. All signs point to the PLAN’s intentions of establishing two to three Amphibious Ready Groups (ARGs), as they have slowly and methodically developed a modern amphibious warfare skillset over the past two decades. They have taken a similar approach to establishing a modern carrier-based naval aviation arm.

From what is known, the Type 075 will displace 40,000 tons, have an LOA of 250 meters, and a beam of 30 meter. The Type 075 will be fitted with a large well deck, allowing for amphibious operations by LCACs, AAVs, and conventional landing craft. Each LHD could theoretically carry approximately 1,500 to 2,000 marines, a full complement of MBTs and AAVs (approximately 25-40 armored vehicles), 60 to 80 light vehicles, and ample cargo stowage space. The helicopter compliment will most likely consist of approximately 20 Z-8 transport helicopters, two Z-18F ASW helicopters, one or two Ka-31 AEW helicopters, four Z-9 utility helicopters, and possibly 6 to 8 naval versions of the Z-10 attack helicopter. With no VSTOL fixed wing attack aircraft in service, the PLAN would most likely opt for using a rotary wing attack element for the LHDs.

China has been slowly and methodically building the foundations of economic and military security and is offering those nations that cooperate as part of the New Silk Road/Maritime Silk Road a seat at the table. In order to create a mutually beneficial trade and transportation network, one that may soon supersede or compete against others, China must secure its vital interests, backed up by military force, and build a viable and sustainable naval presence in key maritime regions.

China has clearly signaled that its defense strategy is changing. The Chinese leadership feels that the sovereignty of mainland China is secure and is shifting focus to securing the vital maritime trade lifeline that not only ensures the security of the nation, but will allow China to increase its economic prosperity and trade partnerships with a multitude of nations.

Whether the United States decides to stand in the way of China’s growth or chooses to participate more constructively in a mutually beneficial relationship is yet to be determined. Without a doubt, China has set its course and will not deviate from this course unless some overwhelming force is brought to bear.

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Vince Dhimos

Yes, a logical plan to defend the BRI initiative. I have also read that there are terrorists in the HIndu Kush, an important part of the BRI in Afghanistan, and this must be defended. If you have any information on this it would be appreciated.

mehboob gani

china must secure and establish full control over the nicobar island inorder to have shipping lane.


Nicobar and the Andaman Islands are Indian . But good relations with India will benefit both .


They have port facilities in Burma.

mehboob gani

even though myanmar is their proxy state, its port is way away from actual shipping lane.

mehboob gani

islands of minicoy and pt.nicobar are right on the lane just like a stuckup perminent fixed huge 2 ships. india need to be removed this vital strategic lane.

Nigel Maund

With the serious problems shortly facing an essentially bankrupt USA, the latter will not be able to sustain the size of its military or the investment required to modernise it. Hence the Chinese are basically saying co – operate with us or your days of global naval hegemony are well and truly over to the USA. I wonder if Donald Trump has taken aboard these new realities. Economic and Military Power and Finance have already shifted to the East. The population of Australia will soon be dominantly Chinese (plus Asian) and its days of being a US / UK vassal State are numbered. By 2030 it will be integrated into Asia.

Solomon Krupacek

The population of Australia will soon be dominantly Chinese (plus Asian)

sure not

Nigel Maund

I am Australia so I know! Already Sydney is 40% Asian (mainly Chinese). The Professor of Asian Business Studies at the University of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, who taught me predicted that A

Solomon Krupacek

but australia has now hard filter. they will let inside 90% whites.

Nigel Maund

You actually know nothing! Do you specialise in talking rubbish? The Australians do not follow a policy of discrimination. However, they will not allow uncontrolled immigration like Europe. As for 90% of new Australians being white – try that one on the nearest Australian Embassy and see how they answer you!! They’ll think you’re crackers.

Solomon Krupacek

i know a lot. ustralia will remain white. basta!

Nigel Maund

You know absolutely nothing as your posts consistently show! LOL

John Brown

Australia has a very racist brown Australia policy order by racist supremacist Jews who currently rule Australia and they do this because think they will be more powerful and can enslave a brown Australia more then a white Australia.

Nigel Maund

With all due respects John, that’s complete claptrap.

John Brown

Nigel you gave me the evidence of the racist brown Australia policy yourself. “Already Sydney is 40% Asian (mainly Chinese). The Professor of Asian Business Studies at the University of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, who taught me in my MBA degree, predicted that Australia would be Asian by 2030 in 1989” This is from practically 0% Asian in 1975. How can such a shift happen in such a short amount of time without a policy to support it????? Many of those Asians, Africans etc.; the majority they bring as part of the racist brown Australia policy are not skilled at all. How can this massive dramatic shift occur without a preference policy for Asians??? At least 20 million white Europeans want to immigrate to Australia from North America and Europe but they are pretty much banned from doing so. I remember talking to you about oil not being a fossil fuel, my presenting scientific evidence to prove it and you came back with nothing. I have to say I don’t think much of you as a geologist for saying oil is fossil fuel, an obvious fraud to any competent geologist. The only geologists I know who say that do so, so they won’t get fired but they know the truth. You don’t seem to be able to grasp concepts like evidence and the scientific method. As you got your university degree in Indonesia, you probably bought your degree as a wealthy foreigner. Don’t worry it is the same in Harvard with a few smart people recruited to make the place look good while the vast majority of Harvard graduates have trouble even reading, totally corrupt.

Nigel Maund

John, first of all you’re a bigot with your anti – semitic rhetoric about “racist supremist Jews”. There is a big difference between ordinary Jewish people and Zionists, just as there is between ordinary Muslims and hard line fanatics such as the Saudi Wahhabi’s and between ordinary Christians and the Bible Belt protestants of the Mid US.

Secondly, it’s obvious you have never lived in or visited Australia, so like most of your expressed opinions these are not based on facts or ground based observations. So, I take them for what they are – an unfounded rant! Your knowledge base is so shallow that I doubt you’re really John Brown. During the 1960’s after Australia’s substantial loss of young men in WW2 immigration was expanded outside its traditional base of the UK and between 1950 and 1960 the population doubled with a huge influx of new immigrants from Italy, Greece and to a lesser extent Jugoslavia. So, your comments about Asians are like those you make about everything else – nonsense.

By the way, I can see by the way you write you have not been to a University at all, and, therefore, your claim to be a geologist is both laughable and false. I did not reply to your idiotic comments about the origins of petroleum as they we’re in the same league as the “Flat Earth Society” and I do not waste my time in replying to someone making false claims bout his educational and professional background which are apparent in the way he writes comments on this site.

So to give you a minimum of understanding, as you clearly have none despite you outrageous claims, here is a link to a basic guide to petroleum and its formation:


Finally, I refuse to waste any further time replying to your endless unfounded and unresearched claims and, moreover, your emotional rants over various topics. I suggest you go to a good library and research material before scribbling nonsense here.










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John Brown

Part 3 Nigel Maund. Will you say it is wrong and racist for racist supremacist Jews to require Any person wishing to immigrate to Israel to pass a DNA tests to prove their Jewish racial purity, supremacy, tha they are part of the master racist Jewish supremacist race?? ‘Teen told she can’t join Birthright without DNA test’ http://www.timesofisrael.com/teen-told-she-cant-join-birthright-without-dna-test/ A professor from St. Petersburg, Russia, is claiming that in an act of “blatant racism,” his daughter was made to undergo a DNA test in order to prove that she’s Jewish – and eligible for a Birthright trip to Israel.

John Brown

Nigel Maund. With regard as to who is the racist bigot, will you say it is wrong for racist supremacist Jews to sterilize black people against their will????? as I say it is wrong and racist. Will you say it is racist for racist supremacist Jews to throw black’s people’s blood donations into the garbage? As I say its is wrong and racist. Will you say it is wrong for racist as Id do for racist supremacist Jews to deny Israeli citizenship bases upon a DNA test for Jewish racial genetic superiority? Ethiopians outraged over blood disposal http://www.ynetnews.com/art… Ethiopian communities respond with rage at Channel 2 report that revealed blood donated by Ethiopians is frozen and disposed of. ‘There’s no difference between my blood and the blood of someone else’ says chairman of Ethiopian students union. Mada: ‘These procedures are handed down by the Health Ministry, and are accepted all over the world’ A DNA test to prove racial purity to get citizenship this is the very definition of racism how can it be more racist?? I wonder what is it that drives you the Shabbos Goy if you are not a racist supremacist Jew. When you deny the multiple holocausts inflicted upon innocent Goyims, hundreds of millions killed by racist supremacist Jews. You are the sick one with the comprehension problem. You are either brainwashed by the very same techniques used on American Goyims or you are a Shabbos Goy or a racist supremacist Jew. If you are a Shabbos Goy I wonder what is it that drives you the Shabbos Goy? Is it greed? Is it power seeking? What is it that pushes Goyims like you to become servants of a foreign despotic state?

John Brown

Nigel Maund. Will you say it is wrong and racist for racist supremacist Jews to require Indian Jews to pass a DNA tests to prove they are a lost tribe? Indian Jews resist DNA tests to prove they are a lost tribe. Indian ‘Jews’ resist DNA tests to prove they are a lost tribe Inigo Gilmore in Jerusalem Members of a remote community of Indians who claim to be descendants of one of the 10 lost tribes of ancient Israel are resisting plans to carry out genetic tests to prove their Jewishness. The group,which calls itself the Bnei Menashe (or children of the biblical tribe of Manasseh), fears that the plan by a group of American and Israeli scientists to carry out DNA tests may undermine its claims to Jewish ancestry. He said: “Over a number of years, Jewish blood has mixed with non-Jewish blood in our community. So would the DNA test show that we are Jewish? Maybe not. So are people then going to say that we are not Jewish and dash the hopes of the rest of the community to move here? Even if it is not proven according to a DNA test, we feel Jewish and we will still be Jewish.” Take the racial purity test to see if you are part of the superior racist and supremacist master race

John Brown

So Nigel since you don’t condemn the racist supremacist actions of racist supremacist Jews toward blacks and other Goyims. I think we can say you approve of the racist supremacist actions of racist supremacist Jews. So persons are only a bigot in our eyes if they do not support your bigoted, viscous, vile, racism., That was easy to prove, now to your either not being a geologist or just being a very stupid incompetent one. The so called evidence of the fossil fuel theory with the link you provided was not evidence at all. You just presented the theory which has been totally refuted. If you had any science education you would know the difference between a theory and evidence and the scientific method. As you have now shown you don’t know it, I will post if for you. What is the scientific method? http://physics.ucr.edu/~wudka/Physics7/Notes_www/node6.html The scientific method is the best way yet discovered for winnowing the truth from lies and delusion. The simple version looks something like this: • 1. Observe some aspect of the universe. • 2. Invent a tentative description, called a hypothesis, that is consistent with what you have observed. • 3. Use the hypothesis to make predictions. • 4. Test those predictions by experiments or further observations and modify the hypothesis in the light of your results. • 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until there are no discrepancies between theory and experiment and/or observation. When consistency is obtained the hypothesis becomes a theory and provides a coherent set of propositions which explain a class of phenomena. A theory is then a framework within which observations are explained and predictions are made.

John Brown

(2) The great advantage of the scientific method is that it is unprejudiced: (well we can see this is the big problem for you your massive prejudice) one does not have to believe a given researcher, one can redo the experiment and determine whether his/her results are true or false. The conclusions will hold irrespective of the state of mind, or the religious persuasion, or the state of consciousness of the investigator and/or the subject of the investigation. Faith, defined as belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence, does not determine whether a scientific theory is adopted or discarded. A theory is accepted not based on the prestige or convincing powers of the proponent, but on the results obtained through observations and/or experiments which anyone can reproduce: the results obtained using the scientific method are repeatable. In fact, most experiments and observations are repeated many times (certain experiments are not repeated independently but are repeated as parts of other experiments). If the original claims are not verified the origin of such discrepancies is hunted down and exhaustively studied. When studying the cosmos we cannot perform experiments; all information is obtained from observations and measurements. Theories are then devised by extracting some regularity in the observations and coding this into physical laws. There is a very important characteristic of a scientific theory or hypothesis which differentiates it from, for example, an act of faith: a theory must be “falsifiable”. This means that there must be some experiment or possible discovery that could prove the theory untrue. For example, Einstein’s theory of Relativity made predictions about the results of experiments. These experiments could have produced results that contradicted Einstein, so the theory was (and still is) falsifiable.

John Brown

(3) In contrast, the theory that “the moon is populated by little green men who can read our minds and will hide whenever anyone on Earth looks for them, and will flee into deep space whenever a spacecraft comes near” is not falsifiable: these green men are designed so that no one can ever see them. On the other hand, the theory that there are no little green men on the moon is scientific: you can disprove it by catching one. Similar arguments apply to abominable snow-persons, UFOs and the Loch Ness Monster(s?). A frequent criticism made of the scientific method is that it cannot accommodate anything that has not been proved. The argument then points out that many things thought to be impossible in the past are now everyday realities. This criticism is based on a misinterpretation of the scientific method. When a hypothesis passes the test it is adopted as a theory it correctly explains a range of phenomena it can, at any time, be falsified by new experimental evidence. When exploring a new set or phenomena scientists do use existing theories but, since this is a new area of investigation, it is always kept in mind that the old theories might fail to explain the new experiments and observations. In this case new hypotheses are devised and tested until a new theory emerges. There are many types of “pseudo-scientific” theories which wrap themselves in a mantle of apparent experimental evidence but that, when examined closely, are nothing but statements of faith. The argument , cited by some creationists, that science is just another kind of faith is a philosophic stance which ignores the trans-cultural nature of science. Science’s theory of gravity explains why both creationists and scientists don’t float off the earth. All you have to do is jump to verify this theory – no leap of faith required.

John Brown

(1) now to your stupid fossil fuel theory, again so easy to prove false. Nigel using your fossil fuel theory please explain why titian has more oil than the earth has? Why is there a vast ocean of oil in the Horse head nebula???? These 2 facts alone totally destroy the fossil fuel theory Scientists May Have Found A Mega Ocean Of Oil—On The Other Side Of The Universe http://www.businessinsider.com/scientists-find-petroleum-space-2012-11 Titan Has More Oil Than Earth https://www.space.com/4968-titan-oil-earth.html Russians and NASA Discredit Fossil Fuel Theory Demise Of Junk CO2 Science Published on November 12, 2014 http://principia-scientific.org/russians-nasa-discredit-fossil-fuel-theory-demise-of-junk-co2-science/ Written by Last week new NASA photographs proved methane lakes exist on Saturn’s moon, Titan, showing that such hydrocarbons (or so-called ‘fossil fuels’) are seemingly plentiful in our solar system. This startling discovery turns on its head the long-held western belief that petroleum is a limited resource, because it is primarily derived (we had been told) from the fossilized remains of dead dinosaurs and rotted carbon-based vegetation. But with that notion now exploded in the article ‘NASA Finds Lakes of Hydrocarbons on Saturn’s Moon, Titan‘ thanks to NASA’s Cassini spacecraft, energy scientists are now compelled to admit that petroleum oil is, in fact, substantially mineral in origin and occuring all through the galaxies. Two Years ago it was reported that the Max Planck Institute, Germany have discovered that the Horse Head Nebula galaxy in the Orion constellation contains a vast field of hydrocarbon (see ‘Top German Scientists Discover ‘Fossil Fuel’ in the Stars‘).

John Brown

Fossil fraud (2) Now in the Russian in research paper they have proven they can produce oil in the laboratory by reproducing the conditions in the earth’s crust at about 100km below the surface with the formula to do it etc. Multiple laboratories have reproduced this process with the same result, a-biotic oil in the lab. Now can you please show me where any scientist or any laboratory have burried a dinosaur or any organic matter for 1 million years, or whatever your totally refuted, idiotic, fraudulent, fossil, fuel, theory says please? How did someone as stupid and dumb as you get a degree? Didn’t you have to write a paper and defend it in your final year in order to graduate??? Oh I forgot you just purchased your phony degree with cash. Very obvious by the stupid prejudiced and bigoted racist, anti Goyim, anti black, racism you have shown on this board. You have made a real fool of yourself for all to see dunce. http://www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.172376899 The evolution of multicomponent systems at high pressures: VI. The thermodynamic stability of the hydrogen–carbon system: The genesis of hydrocarbons and the origin of petroleum J. F. Kenney†‡§, Vladimir A. Kutcherov¶, Nikolai A. Bendeliani∥, and Vladimir A. Alekseev∥ Author Affiliations Communicated by Howard Reiss, University of California, Los Angeles, CA (received for review April 3, 2002) AbstractFull TextAuthors & InfoFiguresMetricsRelated ContentPDF Abstract The spontaneous genesis of hydrocarbons that comprise natural petroleum have been analyzed by chemical thermodynamic-stability theory. The constraints imposed on chemical evolution by the second law of thermodynamics are briefly reviewed, and the effective prohibition of transformation, in the regime of temperatures and pressures characteristic of the near-surface crust of the Earth, of biological molecules into hydrocarbon molecules heavier than methane is recognized. For the theoretical analysis of this phenomenon, a general, first-principles equation of state has been developed by extending scaled particle theory and by using the technique of the factored partition function of the simplified perturbed hard-chain theory. The chemical potentials and the respective thermodynamic Affinity have been calculated for typical components of the H–C system over a range of pressures between 1 and 100




Nigel I disagree – there have been a multitude of public statements from the elites about the active and directed genocide of Whites, most from jewish people, the most famous recently was Sarkozy telling a french class that unless they volintarily race mixed the French state would legislate make it manditory. yep Sarkozy is a jew.

Article II C of the UN Genocide convention describes Genocide as – Any act deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5TFukDB1D8

John Brown

NIgel is a Mossad troll.

John Brown

See very good videos of how racist supremacist Jews treat Goyim. http://www.thejewishchronicle.net/pages/full_story/push?article-Sephardi+leader+Yosef-+Non-Jews+exist+to+serve+Jews%20&id=9964937 http://www.jta.org/2010/10/18/news-opinion/israel-middle-east/sephardi-leader-yosef-non-Jews-exist-to-serve-jews For some more proof, these links below on Jewish JEWISH FORCED STERILIZATION of blacks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZFTvvFpKUQ Video links, Racism in Israel against all Goyim / humanity not an isolated incident. They are from “SOS Racism” so again I hope you will allow it on this site for all to see. The Persecution of African Migrants in the Holy Land by Israeli government and people it’s not just a few it’s the majority of Israel and the Israeli government Israel’s New Racism: The Persecution of African Migrants in the Holy Land https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/65272ba33698043a57e8677e4dfb9b290550d79a0d39a7be6eeff14a12a9f86e.jpg

John Brown

Make sure to watch from 2:40 onward at least of link below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPxv4Aff3IA Racism vs. Africans in Israel (2/4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iIZd4O5IDo&t=639s Racism vs. Africans in Israel (3/4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hX2ub2CyoiY Racism vs. Africans in Israel (4/4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osBwvlLbBLw Jews want Africans OUT. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOGSBHqRDuw Israel: NO BLACKS ALLOWED. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPxv4Aff3IA new link Ester Vorknach: Sick & tired of racism in Israel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDES2UIHXF8 Jews selling blacks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqzDSrR4L4w Ethiopians outraged over blood disposal http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3322247,00.html Ethiopian communities respond with rage at Channel 2 report that revealed blood donated by Ethiopians is frozen and disposed of. ‘There’s no difference between my blood and the blood of someone else’ says chairman of Ethiopian students union. Mada: ‘These procedures are handed down by the Health Ministry, and are accepted all over the world’ https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/12392db1db04b55b084d87cd907e2e19a7e25e74adf7ff532c7a676d87de65da.png

John Brown

Racist supremacist Jews hate historical facts and ban them. Don’t forget Lincoln is the most hated figure in human history after Jesus by racist supremacist Jews. Any white person who defends the confederacy is a stupid, useful, animal, beast, stooge, patsy taking the wrap for the Jewish run slave trade as racist supremacist Jews say, because the South economically and politically, the slave trade, banks financial system, courts, military, etc. the government, was totally run by racist supremacist Jews as the entire USSA now is today. Jews were so influential in those colonies that slave auctions scheduled to take place on Jewish holidays often were postponed, according to Marc Lee Raphael, a professor of Judaic studies at the College of William & Mary. http://www.jta.org/2013/12/26/news-opinion/world/dutch-rabbi-confronts-jews-with-ancestors-complicity-in-slavery Judah Philip Benjamin who served as the Attorney General, Secretary of War, and Secretary of State for the Confederacy. The first Jewish-American to serve on an executive cabinet in American history, he has received the title “brains of the Confederacy. One might say Jefferson Davis was the stooge puppet of Judah as Judah ran the military, the courts and international relations and THE security services for the confederacy, the first Mossad. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqzDSrR4L4w http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/judah-benjamin http://www.jewish-american-society-for-historic-preservation.org/images/Judah_Benjamin_Article_-.pdf https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjhiMWC7rvUAhVnxoMKHVCKAwUQFggqMAE&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.civilwar.org%2Flearn%2Fbiographies%2Fjudah-phillip-benjamin&usg=AFQjCNHaG0unm6egkHM_UNuomRGGztmsLQ&sig2=Papy7_D1THDWDNgLQNUg6A https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/12392db1db04b55b084d87cd907e2e19a7e25e74adf7ff532c7a676d87de65da.png


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/95a12bd451a23fd30864b950767607fe651db3e33dc4414db8b885465178fa2f.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/785dbcf52f61c5f220bdb6a277a84c0d4dd754e017219c64fcbaed04d76fbce7.jpg

John Brown

(1) It takes me less then one second to have the Times of Israel and the Jerusalem Post prove it is not a few Jews who are racist supremacist Jews it is the majority according to the latest Israeli polling as I said. At least 800,000 fill streets for largest funeral in Israel’s history Honoring Rabbi Yosef How His Approval Proves Jewish Supremacism This rabbis was like the top generals of the a racist supremacist, genocidal Jewish religion. A Pope of the Jews. Your comment that Jews condemn these rabbis and that he is a no body is a total joke!. Keep giving up the evidence. Below is a screenshot an article from the official Israeli government news agency Arutz Sheva. It concerns a massive, recent memorial in Israel to former chief Sephardic rabbi of Israel, Ovadia Yosef. The article shows how Yosef was part of the ruling coalition of Israel for decades. It shows how in Israel he routinely referred to as the “Light of Israel.” When Yosef died last year at 93 he was accorded the largest funeral in Israel. Almost the entirty of the political, religious, and ideological establishment of Israel gathered to honor Yosef, including the Prime Minister of Israel Benyamin Netanyahu and most of the Israeli Knesset. But, what is hardly mentioned in the Jewish-dominated media conglomerates is that rabbi Yosef was was an incredibly extreme Jewish supremacist who openly advocated genocide of Palestinians and he equated all Gentiles of the world with animals whose only purpose on Earth was to serve Jews. http://www.timesofisrael.com/jerusalem-closes-down-for-rabbi-ovadia-yosefs-funeral/

Wayne King

John Brevity is the soul of a good argument.

You started that it would take you less than one second and then you wrote a 10 page manifesto. Most Jews probably have a heightened sense of concern when they interact with Arabs and/or Palestinians in their day-to-day lives. That doesnt mean they’re racist. It means they’re humans living in perilous times.

Most people in the world just want to go home to their family and their home at the end of the day without any drama. If you want to hate something, hate anything that upsets that peace.

John Brown

I am as brief as I can be. If it were court it would be a 10,000 page document of charges evidence etc I don’t hate I want to correct injustice. If racist supremacist Jews would change truly, to be like Gilad Atzmon for example, it would be great. Most Jews hate all non Jews not just Arabs. If Jews want to get along they need to stop their racist supremacist murdering, multiple holocausts against the Goyim hundreds of millions killed, stop enslaving, raping, pay reparations like Germans paid to Jews etc. Have holocaust education of what racist supremacist Jews did to Goyims, 100 million blacks killed and enslaved by racist supremacist Jews in the 500 years holocaust of black slavery, 65 million innocent Goyims killed in the Soviet Union etc. Turn in and testify against racist Jewish hate groups like AIPAC, the ADL, JDL Mosaad etc This columnist is a righteous Jew. The Greatest Mass Murderers of all Time were Jews, says Jewish Columnist http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3342999,00.html Racist supremracist Jews killed 65 million Goyms in the Soviet Union “And us, the Jews? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name Genrikh Yagoda, the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU’s deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD. “Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin’s collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of people. “His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system

Wayne King

Trying to “correct injustice” will only lead to more hate. John, you are talking gibberish. Most people couldn’t give a damn about what happened 10 years ago let alone 100. That shit only affects (notice the word) you if you let. The past has no effect on you. You live in the present. People that hate have made the world the shit-hole that its become. You can for your part in it, Stop it. Get on with your life, you only have x number of years. Spend your time enriching the lives of the people you meet without regard to something their 200 year ago ancestor might have done.

I cant wait till we get rid of social media. Hatred will no longer have an audience.

John Brown

People care about what is happening to them today and tomorrow. Today more than half your paycheck is being stolen by racist supremacist Jews right now. If they haven’t off shored your job already. It’s not about revenge it’s about preventing future holocausts They are murdering millions right now today and brag who they will kill billions more . Don’t worry your turn will come as well as that of your entire family if you are a Goyim as they call for genocide of all Goyim who are not enslaved. You sound like a racist Supremacist Jew. Of course criminals don’t want to have trials to face their crimes, get caught. With your logic all prisoners will be released, all prisons will be torn down, there will be no police, no courts etc. of course that will only apply to the master, chosen, racist, superior, Jewish, race, who can do no wrong . As for the goyim…Zalman’s attitude (was): “Gentile souls are of a completely different and inferior order. They are totally evil, with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.” …If every simple cell in a Jewish body entails divinity, is a part of God, then every strand of DNA is a part of God. Therefore, something is special about Jewish DNA. … If a Jew needs a liver, can you take the liver of an innocent non-Jew passing by to save him? The Torah would probably permit that. Jewish life has an infinite value,” he explained. “There is something infinitely more holy and unique about Jewish life than non-Jewish life. — Chabad Lubavitch Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburgh in Jewish Week, the largest Jewish publication in the United States. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7add41f3f37993f5b27c6210655d6f4d8629f8362adba1468d248a42725c6133.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/12392db1db04b55b084d87cd907e2e19a7e25e74adf7ff532c7a676d87de65da.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/65272ba33698043a57e8677e4dfb9b290550d79a0d39a7be6eeff14a12a9f86e.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f1524003ca53343e9fe2a1bebaa2d60329325dc88d3d29bc551dbc771fc32958.jpg

Wayne King

I’m retired after working in city government. I keep about 72% of 80K a year for which I get great services. I cant change whats going on in Ethiopia. I dont care that Jews were selling blacks. The first licensed slave owner was himself a black man that worked off his indenture and once granted legal freedom bought and sold slaves. And who in this day and age still reads voltaire. John, get a life.

John Brown

Yes I know your attitude well; you make the perfect government worker. You could have been mayor or president as you are just what racist supremacist Jews want, a person who will sell their soul. Take all you can and give nothing back, look out for yourself only, by the time everything blows up and goes to hell you will be dead, so you don’t give a f___uck. In your case as you claim to be old and retired you may realize most of your dream of dying, without most of the consequences of your life choices of selfishness, dog eat dog, screw everyone. Your children won’t, if you have any. A good person would say hey I am retired I have free time, what can I do to make things better it, but not you. It would give you a reason to live.

Wayne King

You know your right, I haven’t done much since I retired. I’ve taken a 4 years sabbatical and did little but play video games and smoke pot. That’s the beauty of America. If you choose wisely and get your shit done early, you can loaf the rest of your life. Now, I’m 63. Weights good, no high blood pressure/diabetes/arthritis/bad habits. My parents lived to 84(mom) and 93(dad) and I’m in much better shape than either of them were. Nothing hurts, nothings broke, and the checks will keep on coming till the day I die. Oh, I spent the 2 million I made while working, never bothered to save a dime. Too busy living. Could say I’ve had the Golden Ticket, not that I havent had challenges. The one thing I’ve never been is a hater. That’s a key difference between you and I. Mom taught me (she lived in a wheel chair the last 20 years of her life). “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the will to change the things I can change and the wisdom to know the difference”. All you see is hate. Sorry buddy, I cant fix that for you.

John Brown

I see you keep trying to name call insult etc those who don’t agree with you and the master superior race. Yes I care about what happens to my neighbors etc. What a terrible thing for predators like you, the prey organizing for a common defense against you. No more easy pickings. I care what happens to my neighbors because I understand what happens to them can happen to me. You are the hater everything you have said proves it for all to see. This gives away what you are. Probably a Mossad under cover troll. Busted! So you are either a Shabbos Goy or a racist supremacist Jew. If you are a Shabbos Goy I wonder what is it that drives you the Shabbos Goy? Is it greed? Is it power seeking? What is it that pushes Goyims like you to become servants of a foreign despotic state?

Wayne King

Too funny. I had to Google “Shabbos Goy” and I guess your right. I am. I supervised heavy equipment operators and ran winter snow operations for 30 years. When I got the job it was no vacations from Nov 15 through April 15. I’ve not left the town where I worked my whole life during the winter months in over 32 years. When I retired they offered me $50 an hour to work about 300 hours of snow work during the winter. I told them “No Thanks, I’m retired”. I did my bit for my community and dont owe shit to anyone but Almighty God. Not the Jews, Not my Ex-Wife(who I still do things for when she asks), Not my Children (both graduated with Engineering Degrees and no debt, paid for it themselves), Not to Uncle Sam(I served my time in the Navy, probably before you were born and I pay my fair share of taxes for the services I receive), and definitely Not to some hateful, bigoted poster(poser?) who hates his own life more than anything else in the world.

Wayne King

See ya, John! Have a nice life. I really do mean that. Find some peace.

John Brown

part 1 With your only care about yourself attitude I guess you are okay with me attitude I guess you are okay with Paedophilia and child sex killers. Me I am not okay with it at all. I think they should be stooped and brought to justice. Are you one as well??? Lord Janner Crime And Punishment Holocaust vs Paedophilia http://www.gilad.co.uk/writings/2015/4/24/crime-and-punishment-holocaust-vs-paedophilia Some good articles & videos for you from one of the very few good Jews. Lord Janner Chlid sex killer and chairman of Board of Deputies of British Jews, a body with claims to represent British Jewry. The Janner family are united in defence of their daddy Lord Janner who allegedly sexually abused kids at the time he was the head of the British Jewish Community and The Holocaust Education Trust. http://www.gilad.co.uk/writ… http://www.gilad.co.uk/writ… https://www.youtube.com/wat… https://www.youtube.com/wat… https://www.youtube.com/wat… Between 1978 and 1984 Lord Janner was the chairman of Board of Deputies of British Jews, a body with claims to represent British Jewry. And while inflicting shoah on British orphans, Lord Janner was a prominent advocate of Holocaust education. He was the Chairman of the Holocaust Educational Trust, the President of the Commonwealth Jewish Council, and Vice President of the World Jewish Congress.

John Brown

part 2 http://www.gilad.co.uk/writings/2015/4/24/crime-and-punishment-holocaust-vs-paedophilia Allison Pearson wrote in The Telegraph two days ago, “As Oskar Groening, the so-called Accountant of Auschwitz, goes on trial at the age of 93 for his complicity in war crimes, the 86-year-old Labour peer Greville Janner is excused prosecution for 22 alleged sexual offences against nine boys in his Leicestershire constituency, from the 1960s to the 1980s, because he is suffering from ‘severe dementia’.” Pearson is spot on. While Groening is merely a Goy and a German, Lord Janner is a Jew and not just an ordinary Jew, but a quite prominent one. From 1978 to 1984 Lord Janner was the chairman of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, an institution that claims to “represent British Jews.” Lord Janner is also dominant in the field of holocaust education. He is clearly concerned with Jewish suffering but apparently dismissive of the shoah he is accused of inflicting on minor boys at the same time he represented British Jews. Apparently there has been long and ongoing massive whitewash operation for Lord Janner, allowing him to conceal his alleged egregious sex crimes. The BBC revealed recently that as early as “1989 a detective sergeant was told not to arrest Mr Janner or search his home.” Unlike German elder Oskar Groening who stands trial for being an ‘instrument in a mass murder,’ whatever that means; Lord Greville Janner is not going to be arrested or charged. Lord Janner is free and he has not wasted his freedom. Apparently the elder Lord who suffers ‘severe dementia,’ has been active in transferring and concealing his wealth, presumably in case a few of his alleged victims decide they deserve compensation for the shoah he inflicted on them. The Daily Mail reports that: “Lord Janner gave his children deeds to his £2m home at height of abuse… the move could slash potential payouts…The transfer happened after police raided his office in the House of Lords” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJZ060pQBQ4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wb_LibNPis8 http://www.gilad.co.uk/writings/?author=544680b3e4b076f260525f4f https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHdrhoK6Nuc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oh9DZgLeFgc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bezVbPCK5Q8

John Brown

(2) 800,000 attend last procession for revered leader of Sephardi Jewry; http://www.jpost.com/National-News/Hundreds-of-thousands-turn-out-for-funeral-of-Rabbi-Ovadia-Yosef-328088 300 require medical treatment — but no serious injuries… and one birth; worried police chief had feared disaster as crowds swelled; public figures send condolences, recall a giant of Jewish thought US ambassador: ‘May his memory be blessed’ “Rav Ovadia Yosef was a spiritual leader to hundreds of thousands, if not more, a great learner [of Torah] and a wise and learned man, a father to an impressive family and an important contributor to the society and politics of the state of Israel,” US Ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro says in a statement released in Hebrew. “Today in Jerusalem and all across Israel, his supporters and followers mourn him,” he added. “To them, and first and foremost to his beloved family, I send my condolences. May his memory be blessed.”

John Brown

(3) http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/185611 Often when one discusses the pervasiveness of Jewish racism toward non-Jews, many Christians and other non-Jews are incredulous. The reason why of course is that they have not been permitted to know what the Jews of Israel an the Jews of the world know about Jewish extremism in the highest echelons of Israel the global Jewish community. The Jewish-dominated global news and entertainment is quick to headline any expression of so-called anti-Semitism, but thoroughly censors Jewish anti-Gentilism from the knowledge of Gentiles. When Yosef died last year at 93 he was accorded the largest funeral in Israel. Almost the entirty of the political, religious, and ideological establishment of Israel gathered to honor Yosef, including the Prime Minister of Israel Benyamin Netanyahu and most of the Israeli Knesset. But, what is hardly mentioned in the Jewish-dominated media conglomerates is that rabbi Yosef was was an incredibly extreme Jewish supremacist who openly advocated genocide of Palestinians and he equated all Gentiles of the world with animals whose only purpose on Earth was to serve Jews. All this was headlines in Israel. Every Jew in Israel is aware of Yosef genocidal and hateful pronouncements against Palestinians, Europeans and all Gentiles, but this did not stop universal adoration for the former chief Sephardic rabbi of Israel.

John Brown

(4) Here are some of his direct quotes, fully reported in the Israeli media, but almost completely suppressed in the Western Zionist-Controlled media. Is Judaism then really compatible with what Netanyahu called “humanity?” Netanyahu and Jews all over the world have proclaimed that Yosef was Judaism’s greatest scholar. Judaism’s greatest scholar who proclaimed to his fellow Jews that the central texts of Judaism maintain that non-Jews entire purpose upon the Earth is only to be servants to Jews. Imagine if any public figure would compare Jews to animals whose only purpose was to be servants to Gentiles? Think they would be lauded? Do you think they would be honored by the media? http://www.jta.org/2010/10/18/news-opinion/israel-middle-east/sephardi-leader-yosef-non-jews-exist-to-serve-jews https://jewishchronicle.timesofisrael.com/sephardi-leader-yosef-non-jews-exist-to-serve-jews/ The Goyim were only created to serve us. If that wasn’t the case they [Goyim] would have no place in the world. …Jews earn eternal life in the days of the messiah. Goyim don’t. Like all people, they must die. But they earn long life. Why? Think about someone’s donkey. If it dies, he loses it, the money. The same with a servant [ or “the one who serves you”]. You also lose money [when he dies]. That’s why Goyim are given long life so they may work well for the Jews. …Why do Goyim exist? So that they work [for Jews]. They thresh, they plant, they harvest, while we [Jews] sit like effendi and eat [our fill]. That’s why Goyimwere created. The remarks are especially important in the context of the Israeli work force which is filled with poor migrant labor from around the world, but especially from Asia and Africa. Without this cheap, victimized workd force, Israel’s economy (especially the agricultural sector) couldn’t function.

John Brown

(5) Yosef Openly Calls for Genocide Furthermore, he proclaimed that Jewish holy scripture provide that Jewish enemies such as the Palestinians should be genocided, that their very seed should be wiped from the Earth: Obviously Yosef and Judaism are very compatible with Human Rights and Values! Now matter how shocking these revelations may appear to you, they are absolutely true. Now I ask you to rationally think about what these facts tell us about the world. Can you imagine media and political reaction if any famous person in America, Europe or around the world said things about Jews even remotely similar to what rabbi Yosef said about Gentiles? The media would demonize him, The politicians would all express their distaste for his despicable racism. Would a man who said that we “should wipe the Jewish seed from the earth” be honored in any nation. Would he be accepted in political coalition? Not only does the honoring of Yosef by leading Jews all over the world reveal underlying Jewish attitudes of complete unconcern about the hateful Jewish extremism of Yosef against Gentiles, but it also shows their power in the non-Jewish world to cover up this incredible racism that exists among powerful Jewish supremacists around the world. After all, if the Jewish establishment and influence is sincerely concerned about racism and supremacism, would they not condemn Yosef and Israel’s honoring of Yosef? In fact, they cover it up. in the same way someone who shields a criminal from exposure would be complicit in the crime, the Jewish establishment in fact is protecting Jewish tribalism and supremacism by suppressing Gentile knowledge of it.

John Brown

(6) To expose Jewish racism is no more anti-Semitic than exposing racism or oppression among any other people. Ironically the honest and courageous people of the world who expose Jewish racism and intolerance, human rights violations — are the ones labeled the racists, while the world’s most extreme ethnic, tribal supremacists are protected by their Zio media and their Zio political puppets around the world. The article shows how Yosef was part of the ruling coalition of Israel for decades. It shows how in Israel he routinely referred to as the “Light of Israel.” When Yosef died last year at 93 he was accorded the largest funeral in Israel. Almost the entirty of the political, religious, and ideological establishment of Israel gathered to honor Yosef, including the Prime Minister of Israel Benyamin Netanyahu and most of the Israeli Knesset. But, what is hardly mentioned in the Jewish-dominated media conglomerates is that rabbi Yosef was was an incredibly extreme Jewish supremacist who openly advocated genocide of Palestinians and he equated all Gentiles of the world with animals whose only purpose on Earth was to serve Jews. Ironically the honest and courageous people of the world who expose Jewish racism and intolerance, human rights violations — are the ones labeled the racists, while the world’s most extreme ethnic, tribal supremacists are protected by their Zio media and their Zio political puppets around the world. This Statement was made by a leading Lubavitch Rabbi named Yitshak Ginsburgh and it can be found in the April 26, 1996 Jewish Week

John Brown

(7) As for the goyim…Zalman’s attitude (was): “Gentile souls are of a completely different and inferior order. They are totally evil, with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.” …If every simple cell in a Jewish body entails divinity, is a part of God, then every strand of DNA is a part of God. Therefore, something is special about Jewish DNA. … If a Jew needs a liver, can you take the liver of an innocent non-Jew passing by to save him? The Torah would probably permit that. Jewish life has an infinite value,” he explained. “There is something infinitely more holy and unique about Jewish life than non-Jewish life. — Chabad Lubavitch Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburgh in Jewish Week, the largest Jewish publication in the United States.


Whites are being genocided here.

Solomon Krupacek



Which will cause a backlash against those who perpetrated it ie jews :D

Wayne King

Whites aren’t having babies and havent been for the last 50 years. Once people moved to the cities and got professional lives they stopped having more than 5 kids, then 3, now 2. They didn’t need a flock of kids in a 3 bedroom home. The difference is that in the second world and third world they’re still having loads of kids to support the generational family concept and replace kids that die early. The more you farm the more kids, aunts, uncles, and cousins you need to support the elderly in the family. Most white families in the western world, have care facilities to take care of their elderly, so they saving resources for retirement instead of raising children. No ones wiping anyone out.

John Brown

Wayne Mossad king the racist supremacist Jewish government has had an anti -child policy since approximately 1965 in the USSA and Canada, earlier in what was once western Europe, spending hundreds of billions of dollars to make sure white Christians specifically don’t have any children, which is very easy to document and prove. It harder to just murder them openly without a backlash in formerly western countries. This is why white Christians are having fewer children. For third world Goyims they are to be exterminated by racist supremacist Jews using, bombs and the racist supremacist Jews Kissinger’s 1974 Plan for Food Control Genocide http://www.larouchepub.com/other/1995/2249_kissinger_food.html http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/Pcaab500.pdf National Security Study Memorandum 200 He even made the death list for extermination. Thirteen countries are named in the report as particularly problematic with respect to racist supremacist Jews security interests: India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, Turkey, Nigeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Mexico, Colombia, and Brazil.


Went down to the local mall today to grab some dinner and a coffee at the bakery in my little rural Australian town and half the staff, half the clientel and all the people waiting in line beside me were Asian, several groups of young chinese girls milling around, quite an eye opener.

Nigel Maund

Your comments illustrate exactly what I was saying in my commentary above! Thank you!…. Some people on these pages think they know everything and argue in a state of ignorance; the names are obvious to readers!!

Brother Ma

Too true Nigel. The Russians are also opening up Arctic trade routes and the Chinese are thinking of building canals through isthmuses of malaysia and Thailand. Greece and Bulgaria are building new high throughput railways joining some of their main ports and lines via danube to central europe etc.in effect, bypassing suez canal,straits of aden, dardennelles,straits of mallaca etc.,all of which are chokeholds able to be used by natoists.

Singapore and hong kong will wither on the vine,both nato- friendly entrepots.

This is what a love of vulture capitalism and globalisation by nato associated countries have led russia and china to do as a reaction.


Hong Kong as an autonomous part of China and a key gold depository with third party protection will thrive. Singapore probably will have a future as another gold depository of investors wary of putting their gold close to China. But when it comes to container traffic I agree Singapore’s future is uncertain, based on just the New Silk Road as a faster overland route.

This is why Singapore is building the high speed rail system to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia so as to link up with future lines of the One Belt One Road that will link Kuala Lumpur to Indochina and China.

So long as the domestic security situation doesn’t go hot tyranny or chaotic collapse, it will be great if Singapore ‘lost’ some value through the destruction of the ‘vulture capitalism’ that you talk about.

The ‘gifts’ of this form of this fascist business model has resulted in inflation of prices of local basic needs, a pathological level of glitzy shopping malls selling shit no one cares about and the land value is way overpriced out of the reach of the working class.

It will also mean the end of the endless construction bubble in the country where the last pockets of undeveloped forested land are being cleared for development, roads are constantly being torn up and refilled to fill the pockets of some greased palms, and bringing in foreign construction workers and arrogant foreigners (for the financial institutions and service industries) who bring in their own set of problems.

As a local citizen whose had negative encounters with these types I think its high time most of these interlopers GTFO.

At least Singapore’s government is a member of AIIB and still meets with China’s Premier Xi despite past diffferences, so I am hoping they are working something out that will help the country. At least a return to the gold standard will put a major block to the constant inflation from free-floating fiat currencies with no backing that we have had to live with since the 1970’s.

Wayne King

It all comes down to numbers. The Asian and Indian peoples are having babies, the civilized world isn’t. Once maximizing and maintaining your wealth became more important than having more children (to work the land or to compensate for a high child mortality rate), mothers started working and the next generation of consumers was never born. That trend is not reversing with today’s Millennials. The result will be a brown world.

Nigel Maund

Good comment Wayne! Thanks! It’s also worth remembering or understanding that in the US in particular US male sperm counts have plummeted due to meddling with everything from clothing (tight jeans and underpants), to meddling with food via food chemistry in processed foods such as meat, cereals and confectionery. The other big area of meddling in peoples biochemistry in the US, which is an order of magnitude worse in the US, is the big Pharma business. The average US citizen is under a biochemical bombardment aimed at reducing the population through ageing of the population and deaths > births. Over 25 – 50 years one could reduce the population by 20 – 25%.


Yes the main soft kills directed at Western civilization ie Feminism, Homosexuality, Fluoride in the water all come out of the Frankfurt school and are directed genocide.

Nigel Maund

Kell, great comment! You;re absolutely right! As you be aware the International Globalist Bankster Cabal are population eugenisists. They have been poisoning people for the last 60 years with the following some of which you have mentioned:

1) fluoridized water which was originally a major waste disposal problem from the nuclear industry. Fluorised water offers aboslutely no health benefits whatsoever and in fact his highly detrimental to body biochemistry;

2) aspartame which is in all soda drinks and confectionery. This is another killer chemical that does tremendous damage over a susttained period. Google it!;

3) E number colourings in food and a host of chemicals in breakfast cereals, confectionery, the vegetable and fruit agribusiness as well as in animal feed supplements for poultry and beef, sheep and pig farming;

4) MONSANTO GM crops and of course the widespread use of the so called weed – killer “Roundup”. These foods and chemicals have done tremendou damage over the years in the US and worldwide;

5) High impact chemicals in cigarettes and cigars to create 100% addiction rates to smoking;

6) Promotion of gay marriage, transexuals, lesbianism, paedophilia and other even more extreme deviant social practices;

7) promotion of widepread abortion leading to the eath of tens of millions of infants worldwide;

8) contamination of vaccines with mercury and aluminium plus other harmful drugs resultng in premature death and widepread development of brain development diseases such as ADD, ADHD and Autism;

9) widepread promotion without adequate control of pharmaceuticals with many widely used drugs such as statins having adverse affects on health following sustained use. Aggressive marketing of drugs and price riggng especially in the US;

10) lack of regulation of the fast food industry which is a major cause of obesity, heart disease and several other life threatening diseases.

There’s lots mor than this. The best website to read in about this with all the facts presented in Dr Mike Adams http://www.naturalnews.com/

I highly recommend this site as it’s excellent.


I am wondering how people still function normally under the influence of so much quemical waste


Very true Nigel. It´s toxic low quality food with lot´s of dirty stuff that destroys peoples physical health and mental capacities. Meanwhile, small farmers are dying out and big agrobusiness is taking over. In this way, people are completely dependent on their benevolent handlers. Nowadays the average male´s body in the UK, France, or the USA is flooded with synthetic estrogene through the water, food, etc, literally changing their brain chemistry. It´s a well studied and scientifically documented topic actually. Could explain certain wired things that have become mainstream culture in these countries.


that´s how George Soros justifies the need for mass migration towards the EU countries, it´s supposed to help the economy already suffering from declining burth rates and all the problems mentioned in the previous posts.

Manuel Flores Escobar

China are going to ban dollar in export trade like Venezuela has done today for oil/gas export..only Euro,Yuan,Ruble, Indian rupia among other currency are allowed!

Solomon Krupacek

china can ban dollar only if other countires/firms accept renmimbi. ruoia, ruble, sure not. and china has also too much american bonds. this is not so easy, as you wish. this is only a slow process.

Manuel Flores Escobar

I told you that I know many spanish company which pay in Euro to China for goods imports!..beside others pay through China Union Pay in Yuan!..China can ban dollar for many export/import !

Solomon Krupacek

In the first part you are right. But this is progress. If China waould ban from one day to the next, would have big problems. Lot of years needed China for accepting of Renmimbi in basket of basic currencies. And abandoned a lot. I am sure, China will not do the steop you suggest.

Manuel Flores Escobar

China has told that to leave dollar for trade is on the road map!..Venezuela has ban dollar for oild export!

Solomon Krupacek

this is, what i like on SF. never sleep- :) in moscow after mignight and the new articles come and come. :)


Dear friend, the answer is simple – SF is not located in Moscow. SF is an international project run by by volunteers and experts from the US, Russia, Germany, the UK, Bulgaria, Serbia, France, Syria, Ukraine, Egypt, Austria and many other places. Russians are about 15% of the team. The only reason why SF is not able to broadcast content 24/7 is that we don’t have resources for this. If the project is able to collect more than a minimal budget on a constant basis, we will be glad to expand our coverage. Sincerely yours, SF Team

Solomon Krupacek

Thanks for answer.

Zainab Ali

great to hear about russia and china working towards world peace against zio satanic terrorists

Rodney Loder

China enhancing Naval capability as a strategic realignment concurrent with Uncle Un firing another Missile over Japan on my birthday, just goes to show only Allah can make me and Koreans feel happy thats also why it didn’t conk out half way, very dependable is Allah, and Trump said he was gonna start shoot it on down down, maybe they tried and missed, no-one would advertise it. Same as in Syria, if Russia shot down israeli missiles Netanyahu would go into melt down Trump would flood the Pacific Ocean. I notice that the US hasn’t fired any since half of the Tomahawk’s went missing on way to Shayrat Air Base. China will be angry with Kim the Belt and Road needs IMF loans that the US could veto, a lot of interests are involved so the DPRK is playing into US hands, or maybe like IS was helping Iran by drawing Russia into the war, Trump’s anti – Globalist agenda is real and China is total Global so Trump would better be able to whip up protectionist sentiment with a audience feeling emboldened by power and not challenged by it, I don’t think anyone knows what is happening Allah is in control, don’t mess with His Messenger or you end up like they did the other day in Malaysia, you burn baby burn to death.

Brother Ma

Sorry, what happened in malaysia?

Rodney Loder

Well we know Allah’s Blessing is worth a thousand years in life even if He’s only half hearted, but I lived with these events of fire causing death, particularly from 1992 to 1999 plus a lot of other extraterrestrial events. I always knew why they happened and I broadcast it as best I could, that’s what I’m doing now, the Madrassah fire was the Will of Allah expressing disappointment about the way I’m still being treated. Muslims are acting exactly like the Communists did, and the point is it’s not as the Communists thought it was, that is, about popularity it’s about what’s real and what’s fabricated using Allah’s capacity brought to Earth by me. I’ve been looked after and saved by God I could have been a Zino freak from day one He didn’t give me His grace so I could make a feel good story after the West used me for 67 years to defeat everyone I always represented, by continually humiliating and torturing me, the Communists always believed that the Christians were going to befriend them when they were sure I was telling the truth, all metaphisical and extraterrestrial occurrences were ignored because of the inevitable good friends everyone would become, the Muslims should know that is a lie by now. They have to brace up and put it to the test, tell the truth and obey the law otherwise nothing will change for the better, and Allah will get even more angry.


The US and their Wahhabi jihadists have found a new beach head in Myanmar . The Chinese are building pipelines and rail connections from Burma’s west coast , across into China . There just happen to be gas and oil deposits off shore as well . Sittwe is the Burmese port facility . located in the province of Rohungya , from which the Muslims claim their name . They number one million , and in Burma , over all , fifty million . The “rebel” leader is a Wahhabi Imam , from Pakistan , and educated in Saudi Arabia . If these jihadists can raise enough false flags and pin them on the Burmese government and the “bad Buddhists” , just maybe the US might have to step in . China should wake up to this threat , and back up the Burmese government , before the US goes in under the UN , or by itself , “just to help” . Sputniknews has two great write ups , one by Andrew Korybko , The Rohingya Crisis , 05/09/2017 the other , Soros and Hydrocarbons:What’s Really Behind The Crisis in Myanmar .

Brother Ma

I thought it was a bit out of character when us kissed and made up with burmas miltary during obama days.next thing i know they have the female president there.

I suppose us got wind of china being there in early stages and may have browbeaten burma military to let ung sun soo chee or whatever get the top job in exchange for trade concessions.i found it strange that the junta just let her in!

As for pakistani wahhab cleric,burma should just send in a squad and just kill him. Nothing i hate more than troublemakers parachuted in just for the occassion!


@kosmasaitolos:disqus Having been to Bangladesh and Burma ,I do know , the jihadist’s have been at it for quite a while. The best write up , I’ve seen is by Gearoid Colmain , http://www.gearoidocolmain.org/rohingya-psyops-us-covert-war-myanmar/ The Bangladesh are a very laid back Sunni , but extremely over populated . The Wahhabi Saudi’s , and their US/UK backers would love to turn them into an infinite supply of jihadists .


Province of Rakhine .



Solomon Krupacek

like buddhists in myanmar ;)

Scott Miller

Although it’s spelled “corps,” the word is of French origin and is pronounced in English like the English word “core,” rather than the word “corpse.”

Jeff Lewin

My loyalty is to my countrymen and to my God, but long ago, Christian visionary Columcille foretold the decline of the world Anglo hegemony.

Vivid Imagination, or Inspired By Heaven: The Vision of St. Columcille of Iona https://jjperegrine.wordpress.com/2017/03/14/vivid-imagination-or-inspired-by-heaven-the-vision-of-st-columcille-of-iona/

Jeff Lewin

China is making bold plans in southern Asian and beyond, however, the Western powers are still ahead of China in naval power.

Another limitation of China’s deployment in the Middle East is its geographical isolation. China’s nearest air bases would seem to be in Tibet. Mainland Chinese military aircraft would have to transit either through Pakistan, or through other foreign airspace, if they sought to reach the Persian Gulf, the Indian Ocean, Africa, etc.

The USA’s air base in Qatar, and it’s aircraft carrier fleet, provide it with superior capabilities of projecting air power in this region.

Gladius et Scutum

I tend to agree. It is extremely difficult for traditionally ‘continental’ nations to build an effective navy. Over 100 years ago Russia tried and had their navy exterminated at Tsushima. Germany tried but was unable outpace the British and Americans in WW1 and WW2. The Soviet Union tried and ended up spending hundreds of billions of dollars on the worlds largest scrap metal heap. Other examples abound.

However, I do think about ancient Rome during the 1st Punic war. With no navy to challenge Carthage, Rome built 300 ships that subsequently sank in a storm. They built 300 more that were destroyed by the Carthaginians. They built 300 more and adopted new tactics and were able to beat the Carthaginians and win control of the seas. Unlike Russia/USSR and Germany, I think China has the type of ‘never quit’ attitude that, if a naval war breaks out, MIGHT result in an ultimate US defeat due to the sheer doggedness of the Chinese.

Wayne King

The problem here is everyone thinks in terms of the socio-cultural norms of their time as if they were handed down from on high as sacrosanct and inviolate, when in reality most of the stuff you want to preserve forever hasn’t even been a ‘thing’ for more than … 150 years. The world is changing, its always been changing.

Gladius et Scutum

Rapid expansion of military forces tends to lead to a severe watering-down of capability as the requisite number of trained and capable officers and NCOs are rarely on hand. Probably more than the Purges in the middle 30’s, the massive rapid expansion of Soviet forces was responsible for their wretched performance in the field against FInnish, Romanian, and German armies in the late 30’s and early 1940s.

China has also racked up $20 trillion in debt in less than ten years. It took the US over 200 years to burden itself with such debt. China has a demographic problem of much larger proportions than the US as its population ages. A Chinese century this will not be.

“Reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.” -USA 2017

Ernst Lindenberg

The truth that just 28% of US GDP is nowadays real economy and 72% fake virtual economy is poorly understood among politicians and mainstream media. In fact US real economy has not grown likely at all after 1973.


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