Originally appeared at ZeroHedge
Following weeks of multiple Chinese fighter jet incursions over Taiwan, the Chinese air force released a shocking video on Saturday showing bombers conducting a simulated attack “on what appears to be Andersen Air Force Base on the U.S. Pacific island of Guam,” according to Reuters.
Taiwanese Foreign Minister Joseph Wu warned Saturday that China was increasing drills and other forms of military pressure with the threat of intervention. Wu said China’s crackdown in Hong Kong is a reminder that “Taiwan might be next”.
The short video, titled “The god of war H-6K goes on the attack!,” was posted on the People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) Weibo account, comes as the Chinese military carried out the second day of drills near Chinese-claimed Taiwan.
The South China Morning Post (SCMP) said the island in the simulation video “has more than a passing resemblance to the US facility on the island of Guam.” Reuters noted the runway in the video mirrors that of Anderson’s.
PLAAF wrote in the description of the video:
“We are the defenders of the motherland’s aerial security; we have the confidence and ability to always defend the security of the motherland’s skies.”
Collin Koh, a research fellow at Singapore’s Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies, told Reuters the propaganda video has aims to project PLAAF’s increasing long-range power.
“The video is meant to warn the Americans that even supposedly safe, rearward positions such as Guam may come under threat when conflicts over regional flashpoints, be it Taiwan or the South China Sea, erupt,” Koh said.
PLAAF’s H-6K bombers have a combat range of 3,700 miles and can carry nuclear weapons, long-range cruise missiles, and will one day be armed with hypersonic missiles.
Drew Thompson, a former US defense department official who was responsible for managing US relations with mainland China and Taiwan, told SCMP the video is a warning to surrounding countries:
“The messages put out by the People’s Republic of China propaganda machine threaten anyone who opposes [mainland] China or the Communist Party,” Thompson said. “[The footage] warns that the PLA is prepared to use force to settle differences.”

To sum up, the video is likely a powerful message to Washington: Don’t mess with Taiwan.
Nice, slick production. Pretty good for PRC propaganda – I would have to say almost on par with the usual U.S. PsyOps/Hollywood propaganda.
Trouble is that Chinese can’t be taught to hate the U.S. when 90% of them would immigrate here given the chance.
On the same token, the U.S. PsyOps mill has over-Khazar’d the U.S. population with nothingburger demonization campaigns, effectively rendering all former, current and future Country X-hater campaigns useless and irritating. It’s impossible to rally U.S. citizens around the Chinese threat when we’re making a ton of money off of grain sales to them and Biden’s son is handed billions from the Chinese to invest. The half of the U.S. population NOT in the labor force is busy hating the U.S. government, and the rich get richer and the rest of us get fed into the meat-grinder.
Sorry, Pentagon – you’ll need to find someone else to fight your war against China. It’s not that Americans are unwilling to fight. We just don’t give a shit anymore. PsyOps that.
As someone who has lived in China for 4 years, working with Shanghai elites who have American citizenship and houses in the US, I can tell you most Chinese return to China and like their lives in China much better. Even I prefer to live in China. You don’t understand Chinese culture, and your American exceptionalism is coming to an end.
1.4 billion people in China. The culture I understand is that 1.399 billion (give or take) DON’T have a second home in America, and may not even have anything resembling home in China anymore. Except for the 9 m³ slave storage boxes they call apartments. Do they love their lives in China?
The relatively high living standard in Shanghai, like every other big, modern Chinese city, exists because of an underclass of (10%, 15%?) illegal (non-resident) migrant workers that clean their streets, drive their trucks, cook their food and do their laundry. The CCP is driving them out of Shanghai just like they tried in Beijing – how’s that working for the elites?
Those grandmas sweeping the streets went from being dirt poor to doing jobs like that or cleaning classrooms, or cooking because they are bored, but trust me the average one is a millionaire even though they dont look like it. Those 1 bedroom shoeboxes are worth a cool mill US in Shanghai and the average family has several. Those poor illegals are farmers from small towns who want to earn more money. The government allowed them to rent out their land they are actually wealthy too, they are the only ones allowed to own land, but you have to live in a city like Shanghai for 5 years and earn an income before you can buy a house there. I know my gf is going through the process. Once you buy the house you can move your houkou to the city, get all the free health care service, and enroll children in the schools. Trust me, I’ve met poor xiangxiaren driving didi, working as ayis and as fuwuyen. The poorer are more patriotic. The rich are much more open minded, but chinese lifestyle is so amazing. Everyone can afford to eat out 3 times a day at restaurants, it’s normal, I order a shirt on taobao which literally sells anything and the package arrives next day. When Chinese people have a business deal, they eat food, go for drinks, go to a KTV and bang some hottie, then discuss the deal. Transportation is amazing, you use your phone for everything, no need to carry a wallet. It’s a great and easy life, yes made possible by an underclass of low paid farmers, but that’s development.
Hory sheet ! Eveyone is a rich or millionaire in China now. Who would have thought ? I guess the millions of sweat shop workers slaving away, contemplating suicide, must be wealthy also. Great, I’m always learning something new here.
Hang on… I just sold my house and I’m trying to buy a ticket to Shanghai…
That will buy you a used car in Shanghai ?
China could improve the quality of life of it’s people by improving gun rights. I’d rather live in the US with gun rights, then live in China without them. The way to improve things in the US is by getting rid of it’s Jews and severing ties with Israel, who are the primary source of it’s problems, not by getting rid of it’s guns.
Fuck of we don’t want your Anti-Semitism.
Your going to need them in the next American civil war and race wars. China is 91% the same ethnicity. Asians have a collective culture and mindset. Us Westerners are taught to be individualistic from a young age. Asians are taught to bring honor to their ancestors and respect elders. You know its against the law to abandon your parents there
Asians have a collective culture and mindset.
Very true.
Have fun when you don’tt have democracy then
And you think you have it in America? America is an autocracy. In fact the Chinese communist party is 91 million people and based on merit, not who can lobby the most money and favors. So in fact China is more democratic than America. Again, American exceptionalism. The whole world is a shithole except merica f*ck ya!
democracy nowadays breed insolent kweers like you,with no respect for civilisations(period)
Exactly what I said. China is the terrorist nation no.1 with its Full Spectrum Global Dominance doctrine, trying to subdue the whole world, bribing innocent countries into debt traps, luring Americans into slavery and a life with food stamps and soup kitchens. Today Guam was attacked, tomorrow Oklahoma, and coming to your neighbourhood!! Wake up!
United States is the terrorist nation no.1 with its Full Spectrum Global Dominance doctrine, trying to subdue the whole world, bribing innocent countries into debt traps, luring foreign nations into slavery and a life with food stamps and soup kitchens. Today Syria was attacked, tomorrow Venezuela, and coming to your neighbourhood!! Wake up!
So a democracy fighting to overthrow dictatorships is bad? Right.
Your scum. You should commit suicide do the world a favour !!!
We know what happen after the fighting hint : libya,iraq,afghanistan. You should commit suicide do the world a favour.
Another troll…..
Either that or you mistakenly walked in the wrong place. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.
Get off the sex change hormone pills incestive disorderly useless fascist piece o sht: youre the one with the problem,chinese people honour where you poofs just lie+lie! Shame on you insolent descendant of incest,you got no freedom p00f,you lost it! The world has awakened,you on the other hand got no hope,no more,to your shame,loser,to your insults,lies,deception infact you don’t derserve freedom,what god want’s god gets in the end,you had your chance but your too weak + dumbed!
Are you sure? Cause it’s the US that maintains +800 military bases around the world and the country that uses threat of invasion and sanctions to dominate opposing countries. Also, it robs Syria’s oil in broad daylight.
You dont know Tommy very well do you ?
A rather soothing video.
Chinese assholes can only bluff as if they try something funny,US along with its allies will tear China apart
bro,did you read the book Assassin’s mace? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/98a00d75d0c19848480a0108c5f89cbc13c20172260a16f2e788a7bfe5ec8161.jpg
Seems like a pakistani proponganda book.As an intelligent be aware of the pakistani proponganda. Nope never read it and I’m not really into reading books bro :)
all-right…ı dont intend to read anyway..
They work their asses off,unlike you degenerate homosexual worshiping demented pinks, You got no hope in the world,you have no freedom so you blame it on others gutless pig:
my second lucky guest to gulag..well-done..you are blocked…
Who you and your gay army,you got no chance p00f,infact gimps like you only see toi usa failures, utterly pathedic insolent assflogges to say the very least,you p00fs are the joke of the forums,absolutey dumb as fk,yet insolent and insolvent as ever,keep barking then losers,go on!
Parts of the video are from Hollywood movies!, The Hurt Loocker, The Rock and the Guam Part is from Transformers, seems the chinese don’t have animation studies.
IP thieves gonna thief. How ironic…
Has anyone really looked at a Map? I am sure Reuters didn’t. Guam is so far away from Taiwan. Impressive. Taiwan Straits. China’s border. Taiwan close to Hong Kong.
That bomber would be the equivalent of a B-47 Stratojet, right?
This is a silly as when Iran and North Korea make these amateurish films. Just stop.
I respect the Russians more than the Chinese.Atleast the Russians fight and die in Syria.While the Chinese can only do military exercises lol.And sf trolls are happy with this lol
Coming from the Iron Zion fan club, you don’t get a lot of respect. You’re the only ones who upvote his lies and stupidity.
Must be a homodsexual thing,seriously the insolent low iq degenerates are losers!
President Trump, Alex Jones and US legislators are all sooooo stupid. People like this wearing blinders are the reason that America is in the trouble that it is.
The US should get rid of it’s Jews like Russia and China did. Then we wouldn’t have the problems that we do.
Who’s running the scamdemic peddling non stop lies destroying America? All Jews, Coincidence? I really don’t think so.
You were also born because of jews lol.Stop your stupid proponganda man.Everyone is playing dirty.
If it’s propaganda you shouldn’t have any trouble disproving it. You haven’t even tried. Because it’s true and you’re a lying Zionist shill.
I cant wait to see your face when China, Iran and Russia are raped out of existence. GOD i cant wait :)
War game it out for us. I can’t wait for the stupidity of your reply.
Forget it gimp,your fake god bears no good fruits,get off the sex change tabs loser!
From a CIA analyst:
– America’s Jews Are Driving America’s Wars –
Dejudification 1945 to 2010.
“The area included the community around the Ohel Moshe Synagogue but about 23,000 of the city’s Jewish refugees were restricted or relocated to the area from 1941 to 1945[1] by the Proclamation Concerning Restriction of Residence and Business of Stateless Refugees. …
With the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 and the fall of Chiang Kai-shek in 1949, almost all the Shanghai ghetto Jews left. By 1957, only 100 remained; today only a few may still live there.”
– Shanghai Ghetto –
The video is stolen from US movies. Looks like you cant make anything now hahahahahaha
What video is that?
You insolent puke,it were usa who stolen russian footage hitting isis in syria,dumfkd tosser! You got nothing of factual substance,infact handy because everything you losers mention, just go 180 degree the other way,theres the answer (period) you are too predicting see:
Any-one have heard about this yet…. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EJVCB7Igwg&t=0s
Note: The person who post this video those military news mainly Russian.
China is a totalitarian Communist dictatorship America is a Liberal democracy
I wonder what the difference is?
CNN shill
I thought the USA was a Constitutional Republic?
That version of the US died a long time ago.
Begone insolent p00f! Respect must be earn’t to date you have yet to prove you case correct! fk ye 3 medusas,fk your neo-liberal pro spastic hyppocracy,you genocide wanna be perverts are truly mentaly ill,be as it may there will be law and order in effect,which means pain for you hellary:
Israel firster Zionist Judeophiles like Alex Jones and Donald Trump trying to “solve” America’s problems. Is like arsonists working for the fire department trying to put out fires by pouring gasoline on them.
The fascist goym/soros insolent nwo pinks sure ain’t gonna like this,too bad,eat sht khazar slobs: