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China Proposes New National Security Law For Hong Kong As Only Result Of More Than A Year Of Protests

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China Proposes New National Security Law For Hong Kong As Only Result Of More Than A Year Of Protests

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China proposed a national security law for Hong Kong, which is the result of the months-long riots which were very often quite violent and continued destroying public property and disrupting public life.

Speaking at the opening of the annual session of the National People’s Congress (NPC), Wang Chen, vice-chairman of the NPC’s Standing Committee, confirmed that the law would proscribe secessionist and subversive activity as well as foreign interference and terrorism in the city.

Wang said a fundamental consideration behind the resolution was that Beijing would not allow Hong Kong to be turned into a “base of infiltration”.

“Using Hong Kong to infiltrate and sabotage the mainland touches on our bottom line, it is absolutely not tolerable,” he said.

He also stressed that by making the new law, Beijing had been trying to protect the legal rights of the city’s residents:

“To prevent, frustrate and punish the small minority of criminal acts that harm national security is to offer better protection to the safety of life and property of the vast majority of Hong Kong people, as well as their basic rights and freedoms.”

It is highly necessary for China’s national legislature to establish and improve the legal system and enforcement mechanisms for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to safeguard national security, Zhang Yesui, spokesperson for the third session of the 13th NPC, said.

Explaining the consideration for the draft decision, Zhang said safeguarding national security serves the fundamental interests of all Chinese including Hong Kong compatriots.

“The HKSAR is an inseparable part of the People’s Republic of China, and the NPC is the highest organ of state power,” Zhang said.

US President Donald Trump, who has ramped up criticism of China as he seeks re-election in November, said Washington would react “very strongly” against any attempt by Beijing to tighten its control over Hong Kong.

The South China Morning Post newspaper, citing unnamed sources, said the laws would ban secession, foreign interference, “terrorism” and all seditious activities aimed at toppling the central government and any external interference in Hong Kong.

A high degree of autonomy and respect for human rights were key to preserving the territory’s special status, US Department of State spokeswoman Morgan Ortagus said.

“Any effort to impose national security legislation that does not reflect the will of the people of Hong Kong would be highly destabilizing, and would be met with strong condemnation from the United States and the international community,” Ortagus said in emailed comments.

US senators Chris Van Hollen (Democrat) and Pat Toomey (Republican) introduced legislation to punish Chinese entities involved in enforcing the proposed new security law in Hong Kong and penalize banks that do business with those entities. They acted in response to what they said was the Chinese Communist Party’s “brazen interference” in Hong Kong’s autonomy.

On May 22nd, Taiwan’s government urged China not to lead Hong Kong into “bigger turmoil” with the proposed new national security legislation.

Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council said in a statement that China’s Communist Party had wrongly blamed external influences and Hong Kong independence “separatists” for the instability in the territory.

Beijing maintains that US and any other state shouldn’t meddle in its internal affairs, as Hong Kong is one of them.


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Good. Boycot all Chinese products. Buy local.


Boycott nwo/hegemon,there you go the way hyppocrite who made you pc? the savvy soros pffs? No,when a product,infact all over 12-14 years has not missed a glitch and is far more efficent and toward less greenhouse emmisions you facist purists always rant on about,then add to the after sales service,and products on offer in respective regions,like it or not the truth will prevail, and as it just ought to be and here on in ,may the best deals win,fk ye hegemon hidden nazi tax!


I tell you who made them, Intel, Nvidia, HP and I bet nobody here has a Chinese PC!


What we have here is failure to communicate ……………. this was brought on by a lot of external interference. this included individuals and small groups of internationalists like Mr. Soros and Co., as well as for example, US DoS types meeting and coordinating with protest groups. You wanted it, you got it. This could have stopped at any time, if human rights and dignity were truly desired. Now don´t go crying the blues, as the fat lady is being carted off on a stretcher. All of the spook types, are going to get cleaned out in Hong Kong. The people who were actually minding their own business there will be the ones who suffer the most, as almost always.

So, congratulations on your unending efforts at power preservance, that has now destoyed something that was good. Looks like Taiwan in next on the menu. Keep pushing, you will lose it all. My take.


Are you gai,dumb or both,the fact remains if you don’t respect the law of the land your out,finished no matter what,this was no communist problemm,infact they ended ww2 for good,and now the fake commy/nwo/neo-liberals deserving getting their sorry asses flogged by if anything enforcing a more mundane security protocol keeping the soros punks at bay,then expect to come here and fool the more profficient intellects into assuming you kweers rule over the law of the land,don’t work that way social nazi/nwo/soros facist punks,there was no need to cause havoc over what? same sex marriage,phaedokweer tyranny,incest hitler/nwo style?

Geta sex change! No,they pushed just like hitlary,who can and saw then lost,get over it!Taiwan is finished(period)


I have no idea what you are talking about. Relax, go get a breath of fresh air and then try to write me something intelligible. You completely missed what I was saying.


And for those of us in the ‘west’;

COVID-19 Lockdown: UK Government Deploys Coercion, Psy-Ops on Public – YouTube


Hey Ronald. They are clueless on how to admit this thing is here to stay for a very long time.

chris chuba

He’s talking as if Hong Kong is part of China rather than a western outpost on China’s border. Didn’t he get the memo, China lost the Opium wars to the world’s moral authorities.




China has been ever so patient,toward neo/nwo/facism soros protestant punks,They will sort them out! Nothing worse than a packa dementy problematic kweers cause havoc on others and it certainly ain’t just china they been hindering either,Irrespective communist china will crush the soros kweers (period) I’m no supporter of neo-nazi-kweer protestants,they only ruin things,never once in history built anything!


I’m with china when it comes to Hong Kong, only because Hong Kong has a British colonialist legacy from the disgusting opium wars. But I’m with Taiwan, the real china, after the great leap backwards china destroyed its cultural heritage and is now a shadow of its former self culturally. Taiwan preserved all this.

Jose Martinez

“said the laws would ban secession, foreign interference, “terrorism” and all seditious activities aimed at toppling the central government and any external interference in Hong Kong.”

What’s the outrage? One Country 2 Systems does not mean seceding from the mainland and becoming independent. If Hong Kong goes down the path of secession that is contrary to the agreement made with Britain. Why are people loosing their minds?! China is safeguarding 1 Country 2 Systems, but since it’s China it’s assumed something insidious is going on. Give me a fkn break. Anybody wanting to treat Hong Kong like a Sovereign Country is a trouble maker period

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