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China Signals Possible Greater Middle East Engagement

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China Signals Possible Greater Middle East Engagement


Submitted by Dr. James M. Dorsey

Two initiatives send the clearest signal, yet, that China may be gearing up to play a greater political role in the Middle East.

Touring the region this week, Foreign Minister Wang Yi laid out five principles Middle Eastern nations would need to adopt to achieve a measure of regional stability.

He called on the region’s rivals “to respect each other, uphold equity and justice, achieve nuclear non-proliferation, jointly foster collective security, and accelerate development cooperation.”

Chinese ambassador to Saudi Arabia Chen Weiqing said China would be “willing to play its due role in promoting long-term peace and stability in the Middle East.” China is focussing on Gulf security and the conflict with Iran as well as the Israeli-Palestinian dispute.

Mr. Wang said before leaving for the Middle East that China would be willing to host a multilateral Gulf security dialogue that would initially focus on securing oil facilities and shipping lanes.

China, however, is likely to find that maintaining good relations with all parties works as long as it focuses on economics and even that could prove tricky if a 25-year long political, economic, and strategic China-Iran cooperation agreement signed in Tehran this week by Mr. Wang and Iranian foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif proves to be what Iran suggests it could entail.

Moreover, finding common political ground among regional adversaries could be even riskier and more difficult.

Saudi Arabia has so far suggested that it has little interest in a gradual process that would allow Iran and its detractors to address low hanging fruit before tackling thornier issues, despite Chinese hints in recent months that it would engage provided Middle Eastern nations adopted its principles.

Saudi Arabia is the only Gulf country to have in the last year refrained from offering humanitarian aid to Iran, the country in the region hardest hit by the pandemic.

By the same token, Iran is unlikely to appreciate Mr. Wang’s reassurance during his stop in Riyadh that China supports Saudi regional leadership even if it does not express its view publicly in a bid to avoid jeopardizing its closer cooperation with China.

China sees endorsement of its principles as a way of managing rather than resolving myriad Middle Eastern conflicts and avoiding being sucked into them.

The Chinese initiatives are designed to exploit fears in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Israel that US President Joe Biden’s efforts to negotiate a return to the 2015 international agreement that curbed Iran’s nuclear program would not immediately address their concerns.

The Middle Eastern states want any agreement to also include limits on Iran’s ballistic missile program as well as an end to its support of non-state actors in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen. The Gulf states and Israel have little faith in the Biden administration’s suggestion that a revival of the nuclear agreement that former US President Donald J. Trump abandoned in 2018 would create the basis for negotiations on non-nuclear issues.

The Chinese initiatives are also intended to cater to Middle Eastern concerns at a time that China and Western nations are locked into a tit-for-tat over criticism of Beijing’s brutal crackdown on Turkic Muslims in the north-western province of Xinjiang.

The UAE and Saudi Arabia, home to Islam’s two holiest cities, have sought to legitimize the crackdown, which reportedly involves forcing the region’s Muslim Uyghur population to violate Islamic law, by describing it as a legitimate fight against extremism and political Islam.

Saudi and UAE backing of the crackdown fits the two states’ religious soft power endeavours that propagate a vaguely defined notion of ‘moderate’ Islam centred on the principle of absolute obedience to the ruler and repression of political Islam. The Saudi-UAE notions fit hand in glove with Chinese autocracy as well as its efforts to Sinicize Muslim culture in China.

Nonetheless, Mr. Wang’s visit to Iran is likely to have set off alarm bells in Riyadh. A China that feels less concerned about falling afoul of US sanctions on Iran as Chinese-US relations dive could significantly help the Islamic republic dampen the effect of Washington’s punitive measures. Chinese imports of sanctioned Iranian oil have surged in recent months.

Few details of the China-Iran agreement have been made public, but it holds out the promise of Chinese investment in Iranian infrastructure, energy, mining, industry, and agriculture.

Mr. Wang also said on the eve of his Middle East tour that he would be inviting Israelis and Palestinians to Beijing for talks. He held out the prospect of China when it takes over the United Nations Security Council presidency for the month of May pushing for a resolution that would reaffirm the principle of a two-state solution.

There is little prospect that the Chinese initiative would be any more successful than its past efforts to mediate between Israelis and Palestinians, even if the United States were to support the resolution. Israeli elections this month, the fourth in two years, are unlikely to produce a government that would have the stability, cohesion, and willingness to negotiate a deal that would meet minimal Palestinian aspirations.

Said China analyst Eyck Freymann: “The status quo in the Middle East basically works in China’s favour. The United States spends enormous sums to combat extremist groups and protect freedom of navigation in the region, and China benefits… What China wants is to preserve this arrangement while gradually acquiring the ability to pressure individual countries to bend its way.”

Dr. James M. Dorsey is an award-winning journalist and a senior fellow at Nanyang Technological University’s S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore and the National University of Singapore’s Middle East Institute as well as an Honorary Senior Non-Resident Fellow at Eye on ISIS.


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The only Chinese engagement in the middle east is what Iran decides. And currently its the dismantling of three Al-Qaeda trouble makers of Sawdi, Pakistan and Turkey. These three basturds need to be dismantled for peace to return. All three are failed toady states on western life support. They are the beach heads of Western intervention. All three gotta go.


Iran should do a joint venture with turkey to displace the kurds and their attempts to gain sovereignty – turkey, iraq, syria and iran should make short shrift with the kurds and offer them tenancy on the borders and then shut up or be displaced like the jews in palestine will be. no two things about it and once the kurdish issue is settled they can deal with the one paramount issue, the jews in palestine and the need to kick them to kingdom come never to be heard from again.


Iran don’t have to worry about the kurds at all. Turkey does. Being that the kurds are Iranian people. Iran considers them as allies in the scheme of things. The KRG is on extremely good terms with Tehran, because they know Iran is their one true ally in the region. Without Iran they can’t survive. All the food and goods/ services go from Iran to Erbil. All the cement, rebar, pet chems refined fuel, gas and electricity and 1000 other items. Same same in Afghanistan, which is another Persian ally.

Just Me

Iranian influence is quite strong in Tajikistan as well.



aaahahahaaaaa……baradare hamzaboon….lol…..these guys are from the 1980s man….lol

Just Me

2000’s. Andy is very popular in Armenia and the Caucasus. Even in Ashkhabad, Tashkent and Bokhara you find his fans.

Great Khan

hahahaha Great Khan like!

Fog of War

Sounds like very traditional Iranian music ? No Western influence whatsoever. SMH


you think pakistan is in western camp?


Mr farbat, they owe $109 billion to the IMF and another $90 billion to the Chinese.That right there is more than their GDP…….badbakht ghareeb pakestani being used like servant by everyone. I keep explaining this to the stupid ‘Objective’ tokhme harum, but he gets embarrassed and hates me….lol…..aaaahahahaaaaa

Just Me

Pakistan and the Zionist entity along with the Persian Gulf Wahhabi pimps and Saudis are British imperialist lapdogs and the Chinese aver very smart and they know where to put their money. Pakistani occupied Baluchistan is at war and the Chinese are fed up with sinking money in CPEC and Gwader that will never come to fruition.


yeah I don’t doubt what you say……I wouldn’t be surprised at all if the Chinese learnt a bitter lesson in Pakistan, and have turned to Iran now.

Just Me

The Chinese have sunk around $30 billion on the Pakistani failed state and corruption ate over half of it. The Pakis are also backstabbers and kiss American a$$ and the Chinese are not pleased. They will work with India on Chah Bahar.


When yous colonized bro, even in the year 2021……it is sad. I think its also a mindset thing for the pakistani that he can’t make up his mind on the direction to take. Same same with turkey. Sawdi don’t even count cuz he’s just too primitive of a man…..lol

Just Me

The problem is that that the Wahhabi Arab pimps have no national identity and were created by imperialists. Pakistan is even worse as it is a failed artificial state and has no national identity. Only Turkey and Iran in the Muslim world have never been colonized and have very strong national identity.


yes true, but turkey is an Al-Qaeda country. We need to be very careful. If they can back ISIS, HTS or Nusra/ Al-qaeda, that totally rings alarm bells for civilized countries like Iran. When was the last time Iran fukkin railroaded itself via the back door into a sunni country to enforce Shia Islam or Zoroastrianism for that matter?….I can’t think of a single instance of this…turkeys behavior in Syria is beyond deplorable. What turdo doesn’t realize is the damage he’s done to the image of his so called stupid ass guppu nation. And he’s gotten on the bad side of China on the uighur issue…..lol…..but the good news is that he’s fukked now….lol

Just Me

Turkey is very divided, Erdogan has weakened it by delusional fantasies. It has massive Kurdish problem, no natural resources and confused policies, but in reality is a a NATO vassal. I am not that concerned about Turkey of anyone. Iran is a nuclear power and can handle anything.


pakistan is pretty much in china and iranian camp because it has no choice india is in the western camp and pakistan has no leverage to deal with india in the western world and only china and iran are a way out nowadays for pak to achieve its aims and to also survive


i repeat here as i do to all my pakistani friends that they need to learn farsi and my friends already learn farsi they are mostly shia but also the sunnis need to stop talking hindu dialect if they want independence from hindu hegemony and high culture on their own like they had during mughal time

Just Me

Pakistan is beggar, the Saudis are zero in everything and Turkey, the name says it all. The reality is the that Chinese are smartest and shrewdest people on earth and they have really thought this through. Iran is huge natural resources rich educated nation and the Chinese value Iranian stability compared to the welfare leech Pakistan which is a failed state and not going to last, like the Zionist cancer. Turkey is a NATO vassal and the Chinese like most people, don’t like Turks. So this is win-win for two great ancient states.



Just Me

There are 22 defence, intelligence and security related clauses. This will change the world for good. The whole Chinese People’s assembly signed off on it and even in Iranian Majlis there is 95% support as Iran will move to a ultra-nationalist government soon in May.


” Mr. Wang’s reassurance during his stop in Riyadh that China supports Saudi regional leadership” “The status quo in the Middle East basically works in China’s favour.”

In other words China will stay neutral, just like before. Business as usual. Much ado about nothing

johnny rotten

Honorary Member Eyes on Isis, says everything you need to know about the author, there is too many people who live on Anglo-Zionist lies, it is a good that China supports the Iran victim of Western aggression from at least the end of the WWII, the anti-imperialist front now makes a big step forward.


China believes in soft power and this is a great example. Treating a proud ancient neighbor with respect and getting the same back.


Russia is a perfect example of statesmanship,now that mentioned about soft power:


The last thing China would get, is any participation in any future peace negotiations between us and the Palestinians. They have proven they are a foe, we would be fools to even let them take part in it. What we need to do is block every Chinese citizen from entering Israel, they are not welcomed here. Next, kick them out from any project including the Haifa port, Bibi sold it to them for money. When he’s gone, we will take it back. China is an enemy, and should be treated accordingly.

Just Me

Hush you little PUNK!


“Enemies” no less !!! such a loaded word IZ and totally disconnected form reality. Just like every country on Earth, you are way too intertwined with the Chinese economy to do jack about something they say or do. And anyway for what exactly ? all those firery diatrives and gesticulations just because they simply don’t adhere to your one-sided bully view for permanent, unquestionned dominance of the region, and call for multilateralism and compromise instead ?

How about they kick every Israeli citizen ,businessmen and businesses alike from Chinese territory then (and there are plenty of them) ? how would you feel about that ? how about every country that opposes Israel politically in Europe starts doing the same one day ? selective boycott has already started for settlement products.

You’d probably cry foul about the return of anti-semitism in Congress ,pose as perpetual victims of history once again and call for illegal US sanctions to hammer down anyone daring even scratch illegitimate Israeli commercial interests. So please don’t hastily jump at such radical,shortsighted emotionnal reactions that do nothing good for you but set moral precedents that can bite you back big time with much greater prejudice than your “foes”.

Never forget : you reap what you sow. Bibi or any successor will be well-advised to continue play baln with the Asian giant like any leader in her/hos right mind would do, like anywhete else in the world.

Iran just yesterday sealed its status as a nation of the future by officially inkkng a long overdue 25-year megadeal worth USD 400 billions in energy,industry, infrastructure and last but no least military and strategic cooperaton that flies right into the faces of Washington,Ryhad and Tel-Aviv, makes amockery of unliateral sanctions and kisses goodbye to the dollar in Iran for the decades to come. Even regime-wary Iranians know exactly where their future is,while the neo-colonial western empire is crashing under its own weight and obsolete arrogance.

Now one can cling on to old cliches and posture as if it was some self-sufficient giant,reality always wins and strikes harder!


Not disconnected from reality at all gryzor, and we have every right to treat them as an enemy. Sure, they can kick out Israelis from China if that is what they want, Israelis should make business with S. Korea and Japan instead of China. You don’t get to decide it for us, they have chosen a side and for people like me it’s either black or white. Again, the traitor has ruined this country for a long time and it will take even longer to fix the damage he has done to us, but it will happen. What makes you think for a second we would let China operate the Haifa port, when they can and will give all the info to Iran? that is called madness.

There is only one way left for the Chinese, and it’s out of Israel. We don’t want them, we don’t need them, and we sure don’t trust them. And by we, I mean alot of Israelis that are fed up with China. So, they can tell Iran what to do as they own them now, I’d rather us keep our alliance with the West and mostly with the U.S, till the end.


Again,shortsighted and mostly emotionnal views that if ever applied as policies (and I strongly doubt they ever will,with or without Bibi) will prove more harmful than produce any of the benefits you believe in.

You have been busy building countless intelligence outposts with puppet Gulf countries to sniff anything you can out of the Persian Gulf right under the nose of Iran, what do you expect exactly ?

Besides considering you spent your lives dictating terms of conduct to other countries and how their soverein rights should be treated for them and push it as far as asking them to surrender the very strategic pillars of their defense doctrine and dismantle R&D for weapons they have precisely built and modernized to deter your airstrikes against their land and citizen, you simply don”t get to tell anyone that “they don”t decide for you”.

Israel questions the very concept of sovereinty and territorial integrity for others whenever it pleases and do so in a thousand ways all the time, routinely kills arab citizen all around it, while pushing its puppet US Congress to tear an internationally-recognized Security Council treaty and thus destabilize the world order with utter pride,while trampling international law with contempt at every turn, forcing other countries to cut ties with nations you want to harm and strangle,including your own European allies, through ecpnomic coercion and organized state banditry from Washington. Wake up,bullies !

If your unbelievable Chutzpah can lead you to stomp upon so many dimensions of the world order, others can absolutely in turn decide yours for you from time to time,you’re not some exceptionnal superstate looking down to other weaklings of the Earth. Enough with the double standards,be up to what you preach once and swallow the reverse pill for once .

Just Me

Seriously, the Zionists are barely 7 millions welfare punks and they think they amount to anything. They are like big mouth punks anywhere with an inflated sense of importance. Their boasts and braggadocio or “expelling Iran from Syria” says it all.


You know me long enough gryzor, I support a two states solution. But in no way does it mean China should get involved, they have allied themselves with the axis of resistance but atleast they showed the world they chose a side. I don’t know why you think I sound emotional, I write things based on logic. A country that is working with my enemy, can not work with me. That is the bottom line, and in order to keep the Israeli interests, we must remove any Chinse influence they have here and stop the cooperation with them. I know my government is full of puppets so I don’t see that happening anytime soon, but that is the right thing to do and eventually it will be done.

China is a dictatorship, whatever crimes you claim we do, they are not 0.0001% of their crimes against humanity. So stop lecturing us, our democracy might not be perfect but it is sure better than the Chinse autocracy of Xi.


Ok, yet you seal strategic cooperation deals with Gulf petrocrat tyrannies one after the other that have long proven even worse than the Chinese regime since their ideological manifesto is akin to salafism and a technically anti-semitic manifesto and even help them in mercilessly slaughtering ordinary Yemenis, Syrians and Iranian people through Al-Qaeda’s proxy terrorism and the terrorist MKO killing scientists and axademics in Iran, and where their virtuous leaders like MbS cut dissident journalists in pieces and still perform hundreds of decapitations and crucify people every year.

So please don’t speak to me about great principles of democracy and the refusal to deal with tyrants,you deal more intimately with way worse beasts than Beijing with psychopathic leaders more bloody than Xi.

What I qualify as emotionnal is that I see you refusing the basic rules of the globalized game in the 21st century. Israel just like any country in the world has to swallow stuff it does not like and the multipolar hyperconnected world does not care whether you like or hate a given third party to the discretion of a given economic partner you deal with.

China is connected to the whole world, so is the US, and so is Europe. Including neo-fascists regime that pray for Israel’s downfall day and night. So you gonna do what? dictate to each and every single one of them whom to deal with besides you, and cut ties with anyone counting nations you dislike among their hundreds of partners ? do you realize how nuts it sounds and nobody will ever listen to you ?

Again , how would you feel if tomorrow Iran had the same power as the US by bullying any nation you deal with into cutting all ties with you ? what would you call such behavior ? you cannot preach something to other that you wouldn’t take yourselves, that’s the definition of double standards and what I consistently oppose.


Each country on this planet has the right to decide with whom to cooperate or not. Our friends in Europe needs us as much as we need them, imagine an Israeli regime that is hostile to Europe in everyway, not a good thing for them. So it’s a give and take thing, as long as those are still democracies. But China is a different issue, they have no God but money. They are coming to a country to take over it, then rob its resources in a “legit” way. Israel would be wise to distance itself from China and work with India, S. Korea and Japan as our Asian allies. Signing the deal with Iran is the death blow for our relations, and China will find it soon enough after the traitor goes to jail. Not everything is about money gryzor, atleast not for me.


Being a self-describee socialist when it comes to the economy,trust me I know a hell lot about NOT looking at money first,but rather people and principles. Stating that world alliances are first and foremost based on leader looking for profit does not mean I condone it, it was merely a reminder.

What you claim is contradicted by the fact that Israel is extremely happy making alliances both economic and political with the most backwards Gulf autocraties on the planet,namely the KSA and the UAE,that for the reasons I mentionned yesterday are far worse than China will ever be in their treatment of their own people and neighbors through their wicked application Salafist Shariah Law.

The day you question ypur country-s growing ties with them with the same vigor as you demand doing with China and become consistent i. outright rejecting befrieding tyrannies, I’ll adhere and believe in your phylosophy.

Similarly,no matter who’s in charge tomorrow in Iran I will forever wish they NEVER open an office or embassy in Gulf countries. And I firmly oppose my adoption country, France, enjoying lucratives ties with them.


I have never said KSA or UAE are perfect, but as an Israeli I have also never heard any of them publicly saying they want to destroy us, unlike Iran. So we should keep out of their own internal business, the Shariaw Law doesn’t bother me as long as they don’t try to harm us. Iran however also has a Shariaw Law, but in this case they do work actively against us, so that’s the difference. Now China is also aiding them, so from my narrow point of view I see China helping my enemy to destroy my country, why would I have any respect to China? they have made their choice and it’s all good, doesn’t mean I need to like them.

I don’t know what would be the turn of events, but I do know that history proved we can only count on ourselves and the U.S to come aid us. That is why we should be with them till the end, no matter what happens. That is called loyalty.


Countless Saudi clerics have routinely called for the extermination of all jews, it simply attracts no media attention as it would be ill-advised for their allied western countries to make it a headlinewhile doing so much massive business with them. Their very religious manifesto and its rigorist view of Islam calls for the extermination of both jews and christian alike mate. Verbatim. They call both miscreants that ha e to be sent in hell as soon as possible.

So if I undersrand correctly, working and doing a hefty amount of trade with the worst regimes on the planet is not what actually bothers you so long as you can gain benefit with them keeping their extremism to themselves,right ? So money does govern your choice first and foremost,not the supposed principle of not doing business with tyrannies and bad regimes.

So suddenly an autocraric regime gets to be called and denpunced as such on the sole basis that it refuses to cut ties xith a regile your dislike, so it is a strategic biewpoint,not one second one of rincipal,morals or virtue.

And that really is all I’m saying IZ :be up to what you dp and are, without constantly sugar-coating it with phylosophical posturing,as you care not one bit about what a given partner represents or does to its own people, or mankind in general? so long as it does not impact yourselve on the short term. I call self-centered selfishness attracted by pure gain and nothing virtous of the sort you claim so pasionately abput China. Tomorrow you’d stop denouning the Mullahs for whatever they’re inflicting to their people litterally overnight and open a trade office and embassy there should they arficially recognize Israel. That’s the one thing that matters to you,The rest can pretty much go to hell. Denouncing evil only works when it can also hurt you,plain and simple, you have zero genuine solidarity with actual victims of those regimes.

And that’s exactly my bottom line : Israel is no different than any other state in this world :it looks for its own interest, noble concepts can go to die if they make no strategic sense. Nothing exceptionnal,nothing unique,and your own depiction of your mindset towards murderous salafist regime beheading and crucifying people yearly don’t shake you one bit if it doesn’t concern you directly. That last reply of yours just compelled me further on that view had habored for a long time already. And that level of sheer cynicism will be the downfall of values for many countries in the generation to com.


Gryzor, where exactly did i write I support KSA beheadings or executions? I do not support it in anyway. That was not my intention, what I meant was that they have their own set of laws and neither of us can change that, same in Iran and China. I’m sorry, but you’re missing my point here mate. It’s not that I care about doing business with them, as I wrote it’s not about the money for me. However, when another country like Iran keeps saying that they want us dead, we must cooperate with other regional powers to deal with that kind of a threat. You think we all like wars and death? if it wasn’t for Iran we would have had peace with Lebanon by now.

Now China comes in, another brutal regime like Iran and KSA. They are no better, but they are even more dangerous. Why? because they have a clear agenda to enslave economically other states, and enforcing them to become Chinese puppets. So how come is it any different than what the U.S or Russia are doing? if you want freedom, China must be stopped. not for Israel alone but for other Asian countries that fear the take over of Xi.

In that case, I am willing to lose money (imagine that?) for what I believe in. Stopping China before the entire world would become their slaves. let me be rude for a moment and say – F salafism, along with communism and facism. They are all dictators, and I don’t like any of them. But I have to swallow the pill because we need the Saudis on our side, it wasn’t the case when the Shah ruled Iran. So before you point fingers to Israel, ask yourself who pushed us and KSA together? the answer is on the other side of the Gulf my friend.


“Gryzor, where exactly did i write I support KSA beheading or executions? ”

IZ, for my pat I never said that you supported them outright. I said that contrary to your moral gesturing and posturing, you simply did not care, when it came to your greater interest, and called out the blatant contradiction it put to light when it came to your vilification of China when explaining why, on top of its proximity to Iran, you would never want to deal with them. That is an important nuance.

“Why? because they have a clear agenda to enslave economically other states, and enforcing them to become Chinese puppets”

Well that’s exactly, the textbook doctrine of “full spectrum dominance” perpetrated countless times in countless places by the US, yet you do everything you can anywhere in the world to help them continue to do that, and also instrumentalise them to annihilate entire people and culture when you dislike a given government. Like Irak in 2003, and Saddam absolutely not anything remotely close to an existential threat to you, by all account and declassified defense documents from the US and independent journalism from all ranges from left to right, not to mention NGOs. That victim-hood stand about you being prey to non-nuclear countries you could atomize 400 times with your own illegal arsenal in mere minutes should the need arise simply does not stand the test of reality my friend.

” it wasn’t the case when the Shah ruled Iran. So before you point fingers to Israel, ask yourself who pushed us and KSA together? the answer is on the other side of the Gulf my friend.”

No, the answer is right in the mirror and it has a name : Bibi. The same man that pretty much succeeded in destroying a historical agreement that made Iran the subject of the most drastic and invasive nuclear control regime of the AIEA’s entire history and led Iran to WILLINGLY destroy the key components of its theoretical military component of its nuclear program. Even in Iran it was hated big time by the true militarists, it was for a reason. That deal was decried by every single extremist element of the Iranian parliament and it was a huge victory to make them swallow the whole range of caps to their ambitions.

it was your fault that your PM did everything within his power to lead Iran and the world away from that chance at diplomacy and fair trade for a stable middle-east, your fault that it gave a massive boost to the haters and radicals in Iran now on the brink of winning upcoming election and happily burrying the JCPOA for good, while smiling at your gents for doing exactly what themselves couldn’t accomplish.

Your fault that Iran has now resumed the most crucial elements of its nuclear program in a way that can be geared towards non-civilian use like they had never before done, even in period predating the JCPOA’s ratification. Your fault they have gone underground and restarted cascaded of their most powerful centrifuges and rebuilding a long-dead reactor, by assassinating an emeritus retried nuclear scientist and professor, ditto the fact that they’re on their way to expelling the whole of the AIEA monitoring teams and probes. Your fault that they ran to welcoming Chinese arms while the JCPOA in effect paved the way for long term cooperation deals with major US and European firms instead, China was always option number two for the Mullah, specifically for the reason your mentioned about their known kind of economic predation. All that because you asked them the unacceptable : unilateral disengagement from their interests in the region and off the shoulders of their own allies, and also strategic disarmament. In other terms, military surrender without war. The world does not work like that. Nobody accepts a unilateral START treaty where only one side outright stops being strong and prepared, that is some unspeakable absurdity.

As I was saying before IZ : I’m ok with your incredible level of cynicism you disguise in a perpetual mask of survival, I am ok with you colluding with the worst kind of regimes and non-state actors on Earth in the name of making an alliance you don’t need against an enemy that cannot destroy you even by putting all its heart. Ok with you guys doing a level of commerce and business that is totally unnecessary beyond the sole strategic scope that your military and intelligence partnership it entails and that is directly propping up and legitimizing their Salafism in their country and outside in Arab nations they dominate and the neighbors they destroy like Yemen.

l all that is, as you said, the expression of sovereignty . Israel can choose to be a state without morals, just like any other one. Iran’s mullah are the same, no problem at all to say it either. All those nations are competing for regional dominance, it’s fair.

All I’m asking, is to be up to that fact and stop self-proclaiming some non-existing moral high ground while all you do is just being a self-interested country putting its interests and expansion over the dead rights of so many of its neighbors.


Thank you Gryzor, I enjoyed reading it and I couldn’t agree more. My govt is the number one problem, as it has been for the past 13 years. Bibi must go, for us Israelis and Arabs alike. If Lapid gets to form a government next week, things will change for the better. I hope he does, Bibi will not stop till he ruins everything he can, and he is also one of the reasons why the nuclear deal with iran was undone. I’m on your side here, I want people to be free wherever they are and I would also be happy if the Palestinians finally get a state as they should, 5 decades of ruling over them was enough to tell us no good can come out of that.

Just one more thing, I do think we have a higher level of moral than our enemies. Why? because we don’t aim to hit civilian targets like Hamas is doing, our strikes are usually very accurate but sometimes innocent people die too, that does not mean we intended killing them. You know I’m right here.


We certainly agree on the specific case of Bibi and the two-state solution.

As for Tsahal being a moral army, I’m afraid it has stopped being true decades ago ,and a massive amount of hard evidence shows their contempt for Palestinian human life,like bombing crowded population centers with total disregard for collateral damage, killing hundreds of children in every air campaign , dozens of UN schools and hospitals of which coordinates were systematically shared with high command with every independent and even some Israeli investigations showing there were no Hamas targets anywhere near, sharing of snipers ‘scope display on social media when voluntarily killing unarmed teenagers at the border fence,massive use of cluster weapons in Lebanese farmlands that they knew full-well would kill civilians on the long run, harrowing conscript testimonies describing forced displacement of entire families in buildings they then bomb, shelling of beaches with children laying soccer, not to mention stranding elders and pregnant women expecting treatment at checkpoints often leading to death or severe trauma, the list goes on and on.

Today’s Tsahal has no more standards than any other army. Some individuals like you may personally choose to have some sort of code for themselves and anonymously report abuse, but criminal behavior is now widespread among its ranks from soldiers all the way to high command , proof is so plenty in every war and even in peace time at checkpoints , that it is not even a discussion.

Again,what I’m saying is not that Tsahal is worse, it’s simply as immoral as they others might get.

Ashok Varma

Silly child, you have been proven wrong in every post which is idiotic to say the least. The Jews have been crawling to China as well, but are not liked the Han people.


No one is crawling up to them, we are not beggars like you. We are a loyal U.S ally and we will keep it that way, when a new PM (Lapid or Saar) is sworn in, Israeli interests will come first before money.

Let me repeat it again so you can enter it to you tiny head – China is not welcomed here and we don’t want them to operate any project, they only reason the Chinese entered here is because they bribed Bibi.

China is a global cancer, and the world will wake up sooner or later to deal with that disease.


As if you are interested in peace with the Palestinians.


but the palestinians aren’t interested in peace with the jews, they want them gone to hell and never be heard from again (an that ought to be the common denominator in the world – kick the jews out for good never to be heard from or seen again).


I agree with you but a jew talking about peace just doesn’t reflect their actions.


Or they just want cheap long term oil supply.

Just Me

The reality is that China is the only real SUPERPOWER left and recognizes the strategic and Geo-political importance of Persia/Iran since ancient times. It was the Persians who controlled the old Silk Road and will be the paramount power in the ONE BELT as well. Both China and Iran are ancient civilized nations who have no history of any tension. The great respect China has displayed towards Iran has not been lost on anyone. This pact will alter the geo-strategic global equation for good and is a win-win. Only squealing swine the the American A$$holes and Zionist impotent cowardly parasites. Eventually, Russia will be a partner in this great civilizational milestone. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/52d091f3fe9d13812a54bc72f052ddb1adcce1750d30b8e6f4b70e3358873a54.jpg


” Mr. Wang’s reassurance during his stop in Riyadh that China supports Saudi regional leadership”” Iran is underdeveloped regional power with big mouth, that can never be equal to Russia in anything

Just Me

LOL, crawl back to the third world shithole you come from. Wanna be “Russian” ROFLMAO!


I am from EU “sh*t hole” and you which sh*t hole are you from?! One of the world shit holes is Iran pretending to be much more powerful and important than they really are. If there is to be leader for Muslim world than that most definitely should be Sunni Indonesia as most numerous and fastest growing nation ( and not would be great power Shia Iran )

Just Me

Sorry to say you are an ignorant thin skinned third world punk with a chip up the a$$. Now get lost and play pretend Russian :)


I “pretend” nothing. You are going on personal attack because you are slimy Iranian coward not having single argument to respond


” third world” ?!!? So that makes Iran a “first world” now?!!? Such RACIST and NEOCOLONIALIST vocabulary should be used by some white racist and not some crazed Iranian

So you try to embarrass me for being EU-ropean by using basically racist language?! You are not one of the brightest Iranians most definitely. East Europe never had colonialist past so those words doesn’t touch me

Ricky Miller

Indonesia, being made up of thousands of islands both big and small, has very little national cohesion. It’s the reason they play in lower divisions, geopolitically to date, despite an enormous population and resource base. Many of these islands are populated by local tribes with distinct culture and the “Federal” Indonesian State might have a little Federal building somewhere on the island, with postal and tax “services” which most of the population most of the time ignore and minimize in their life. Iran has strong centralized authority and is more and more being caught up in the growing wave of Eurasian economic and security mobilization. This gives Iran long term advantages that Sunni powers can only dream about, as the $400 billion infrastructure deal with the PRC shows. Location, location, location pared with national unity, more than less, will help Iran become a bigger and bigger player over time.


So how does that make Shia Iran compatible with the Sunni Muslim world?!!? Even if you are right on everything you say about Indonesia, it would only push either Turkey or Egypt ( I hope not Pakistan, Saudi’s ) as the next best candidates.

“This gives Iran long term advantages that Sunni powers” You are exaggerating way too much! Bombastic words Turkey has “strong centralized authority” and ere “being caught up in the growing wave of Eurasian economic mobilization” (whatever that means) From any point of view is Shia Iran less compatible than Sunni Turkey, since majority of Muslims are Sunni.

P.S. The more I know Iranians the less I like that country…

Ricky Miller

I agree with you about Turkey. And have they not showed during the last decade that they are a serious player, regionally at least? Turkey’s problem is that they want to straddle the fence too often, in too many triangulations. It’s a balancing act that is hard to sustain. And despite it’s successes I’m not sure the Turkish resurgence has any goals that we can define. Economic advantages? Turkey’s economy is actually encountering more headwinds. Eurasian integration? Not while playing blood brother to the same NATO states that sit Turkey at the kids table regarding Western integration. Sunni big brother? Maybe, but the Ottoman past is too problematic for many Arab states, especially monarchs like the House of Saud or Jordan’s Hashemite Kingdom. Iran’s goals vis-a-vis Eurasian opportunites are clear? Protection and strategic depth for Shia communities and protection against the American led NeoLiberal order. Cut and Dry, easy to gauge.


Turkey’s problem is that they want to straddle the fence too often Iran doesn’t..?!…They ask (beg) Russia in 2015 to help preventing their DEFEAT in Syria… Than now when victory is close, they start their own VENDETTA against Israel and block the peace in Syria by doing that

Turkey’s economy is actually encountering more headwinds. Unlike blossoming Iran’s economy ha ha ha:)))

Eurasian integration? Not while playing blood brother to the same NATO For China’s Silk Road project Turkey is just as important (if not more) as Iran! Once out of NATO….

Ottoman past is too problematic for many Arab states Of course! But they are too busy KISSING Israel’s arse to think about Ottoman past!

“Protection and strategic depth for Shia communities” Just putting make up on the pig and calling Iranian IMPERIALISM = Shia CRESCENT “protection and strategic depth for Shia communities” …

Great Khan


Emad Irani

cry me a riveeeeer


OK you are equal in what to Russia? Name ONE product that you produce better (including those you copy from Russia)?


Frankly, Americans are like a crazed teenager hooked on cocaine and armed with a shotgun. A danger to themselves and everyone else.


China with 300+ nuke warheads is NOT “real SUPERPOWER“ (of which many are medium and short range ballistic missiles that can NOT reach US soil !! ) They would NOT be able to fight direct nuke war against US and win. No country would survive US nuke attvck without Russian help

Ricky Miller

While you are technically correct based on what we know, China has a nuclear capability robust enough to keep the confrontation conventional. China has the “underground great wall” a series of deep storage and missile emplacements designed to take a first strike punch and preserve capability for a coordinated and large counter-strike. And the PRC is committed to expanding the nuclear arsenal, rapidly.

And you are right. Russia, specifically Russia’s Strategic Missile Forces, are the only force that has held back the full spectrum dominance goals of the United States. But, Russia’s nuclear posture allows the PRC to confront the USA in a broad spectrum conventional war and would even if the PRC had even more limited numbers of atomic weapons and even if the PRC doesn’t have a mutual defense agreement with Russia. The Russian Federation, to put it simply, isn’t going to allow the United States to use or threaten to use, a mass destructive attack on anyone without responding in kind, especially such an attack on a neighboring state. Within one half hour of the United States launching a large scale strike on the PRC, for any reason, Russia looses her own full spectrum assault against the United States and it’s key nuclear armed satellites. 1) Because the USA missile defense is already busy, making the psycopathic superpower vulnerable and 2) Because a successful nuclear strike that punishes resistance would lead to Russia being under dire threat in the future. And 3) Too many principal participants around the table in Moscow would quickly identify the American behavior has being unacceptable and bloodthirsty.


“China has a nuclear capability robust enough to”

What on earth does that mean???!? Total nonsense, OXYMORON!! How they can “keep the confrontation conventional” against US through the handful of long range nukes????!!!? This is pure insult to my brain (maybe not to yours brain…but this is too much of nonsense) Should I read the rest at all….?!

Ricky Miller

The Chinese idea has been, and this is well publicized, that destroying a dozen American cities and a significant number of military bases would be enough deterrent force to guardrail a conflict and keep it conventional. This above idea was true, when the United States political class was comprised of sane people. It’s no longer true, at least it’s possible that it’s no longer true. Which is why the PLAN Rocket Force has been given resources for a pedal to the metal expansion of nuclear capabilities. In the next five year plan completion we’ll see three new and capable SSBN’s and a near doubling in Ground based deterrence forces. We might even see a long range Nuclear Stealth Bomber reach operational deployment.


BOLLOCKS!!! I am talking TODAY = NOW You obviously have no clue by gibbering your silly way out all of that. I have taken you seriously, but no more ! They can’t confront US , country that has their 1500 long range warheads , stealth bombers, most advanced strategic subs and infinitely superior aviation and survive!!!

Ricky Miller

Yak, yak yak. South China Morning Post Article, May 4, 2020 by Minnie Chan: “China’s Long Range Stealth Bomber could make it’s debut this year.”

Defense News,September 1, 2020 by Joe Gould: “China plans to double Nuclear Arsenal, Pentagon says.”

War on the Rocks, September 18, 2020 by David Logan: “The Dangerous Myths about China’s Nuclear Weapons.”

Asia Times article, June 22,2020 by Dave Makichuk: “New era dawns for China’s next gen submarine.”


“China’s Long Range Stealth Bomber could make it’s debut this year.” could, should, would….So?!!!? Nov they’re DEFENSELESS against all out US nuke attack! …and Will remain for many years to come !

China plans to double Nuclear Arsenal, Pentagon says.” Yes?!! So what?! Pentagon have said tons of rubbish for different reasons…mainly to rip off more money from US taxpayer !

“The Dangerous Myths about China’s Nuclear Weapons.” OK, lets double that number! they don’t have 300+ but 600 nukes out of which even 300 is long range! That is still 5 or 6 times less than US!

“New era dawns for China’s next gen submarine.” OK maybe they have made exceptional progress , huge strides… So their subs now (finally) are almost as good as Russian and US subs !

NOTE! Verify and compere Chinese and US aviation and only than come to lecture !!!

Ricky Miller

China’s nuclear arsenal size is actually unknown, but they are far from without defenses or deterrence. It’s estimated at 330 warheads but could be 500. The PLA Rocket Force has more than 110 new ICBM’s capable of carrying at least three warheads (500kt) or six warheads (150kt) and a half dozen decoys. These new land based ICBM’s are designed to evade missile defenses. Hidden in the Underground Great Wall fortifications they could devastate the United States. Not to the degree that Russia could, but how much deterrence is enough to keep a conventional war conventional?

Also, the World, including places like India and Italy, most of Africa, and even Japan are going to be shocked by the Americans starting nuclear conflict. Even if Russia doesn’t immediately identify the American behavior as a paradigm shifting psycopathic and bloodthirsty act, resulting in a full Russian assault the USA would still face the destruction of a dozen cities, at least, and the deaths of millions of Americans just at the hands of Chinese atomic weapons. But also lost would be America’s reputation and good standing to most of the world’s governments. The scenario, given everything we know, that you peddle here about China being exposed naked to an American nuclear attack flowing from a conventional conflict is just not realistic.


you (as usual) ….go into the great detail of your usually weak arguments..

It’s estimated at 330 warheads but could be 500.

OK ! Lets presume 500 warheads…. but they need 100 long range missiles to send those 300 warheads!

PLA Rocket Force has more than 110 new ICBM’s capable of carrying at least three warheads That is my point! Those 110 new ICBM’s are NOT all LONG range !!!! So at the end all that is just fraction of what US has (not to mention all those that will be intercepted)! All Chinese older strategic missiles Are direct copy of SSSR tech (sourced from Ukraine And such) thus not very performant by modern standards (survivability)

Ricky Miller

I’m not going to list thirty articles for you to read explaining and detailing why China’s arsenal is robust enough to deter a nuclear attack on the country and strong enough to make any attacker feel an unacceptable level of pain in return. But I will say that the DF-41 was successfully flight tested in 2013 and a production level of nine per year seems reasonable based on the PRC’s defense budget. That would be 60+ missiles, just advanced and long ranged DF-41’s. I will refer you to a SCMP article quoting the Federation of American Scientists: South China Morning Post, 16 March 2021: “China is building more underground silos for it’s ballistic missiles.”

Factually, you don’t know how much they have and what ranges these weapons enjoy. One Federation of American Scientists researcher says that if the higher end MIRV numbers of ten warheads a missile are true than the PRC rocket force could hit the United States with hundreds of warheads. These warheads are on payload vehicles designed to evade ABM defenses. This would mean 50 American cities destroyed and dozens more military bases obliterated. Again, I ask you how much deterrence would be enough? And this on the cusp of the Type 096 SSBN beginning it’s appearance on the world stage.


I don’t by your “articles”! I can find just as many articles for you to read explaining and detailing why China’s arsenal is NOT MATCH for US arsenal ! Yes they need SILOS for those long range missiles and for all that takes time! “Ten warheads” can count decoys also and doesn’t say word on strength of those warheads! So “10” is meaningless as number! Biggest Russian ICBM Sarmat will have only 17 (not counting decoys) since Sarmat can carry 10 TONS in decoys and warheads. I think that “ten warheads” is exaggerated since China is not so advanced in ICBM’s (US also) as Russia is now . SSSR vas leader in MIRV tech created by them (copied by US) and Russia has never stopped to develop that capabilities. There is tendency today to give China some most advanced capabilities (based on nothing) even though they have shoved that China is not yet capable to even directly copy Russian jet engines. Thus their engines have permanent problems in durability and reliability. This just shows us that they might not be so tech advanced in everything, as some fun boys (like you) would like them to be…

Factually, I do know that, China has short and medium range ICBM missiles also (unlike Russia that has lost them to Gorbachev-Reagan INF treaty ) Currently there was only one Russian project (canceled) for the medium range ICBM.

Ricky Miller

You think this and you think that. I don’t think much of what you think. China’s nuclear arsenal doesn’t have to be even near to the size of the American one, just big enough to get weapons through and make an atomic attack on the PRC unpalatable. China could fight off a Taiwan independence move with confidence that they have enough in the atomic arsenal to deter strategic escalation. New launch silos, more DF-41’s, and the Type 096 SSBN project all signal that China is expanding that arsenal in order to maintain deterrence, not because they want to waste money and energy trying to match the Americans missile for missile or warhead for warhead. And China’s claim to superpower status is her growing economy and technology base, and the unity of her people. The PRC plan is clearly to survive America without conflict, to be the last power standing. That plan succeeds a little more with each passing month.


The same here… I don’t think much of what you think either ! Specially about your US – MSM articles . You know jack sh*t on Chinese sub tech. Specially on ” Type 096 SSBN ” you mention here (or DF-41)!

what “trying to match the Americans missile for missile” ….’r you trolling me?!! You don’t read my words or what? They are FAR BEHIND from any matching, to the point that they can’t start Any nuke confrontation without being destroyed!

Your slogans at the end… is as if Chinese communist party is paying you to write that text.

Ricky Miller

You getting paid by the CIA to spout all that American superiority nonsense? China wouldn’t be the state to start a nuclear conflict, they would fight a conventional war over Taiwan. I said they have enough in the atomic cupboard to deter a nuclear attack, which is far different than being the state who starts one.

Ricky Miller

Verify what? That 90% of B1B’s are grounded at any given time because of maintainance backlogs? Verify that B-52’s are more than a half century old and easy to intercept with the largest radar cross section of any heavy combat aircraft worldwide? Verify that F-22 Raptors cost massive amounts of money to operate and only about 100 are available at any one time? Verify that F-18’s are poor air-to air dogfighters? Verify that F-35’s can’t fly at supersonic speeds without breaking their engine?

Ricky Miller

The United States doesn’t have the most advanced strategic subs, not anymore. The “Ohio” class SSBN’s are on average more than thirty years old. The missiles they carry are liquid fueled, which means their reliability is suspect as each missile has been taken in for de-fueling and re-furbishment more than a half dozen times each (or more, as they are shared with British SSBN’s) over the decades. An article at USNI reveals (not the first) that maintainance on American submarines are seriously backlogged and other articles detail how American shipyards are in bad shape and in need of overhauls. 90% of the B1B bomber fleet are grounded due to maintainance as well. You are earning your $100 bill today though, selling talking points online for Uncle Sam and “unstoppable” American superiority. Cash that check.

Ricky Miller

And you could respond to the Deep Great Wall part of the point. Really, the PRC plan to keep a tech capable but smaller nuclear arsenal protected in deep underground tunnels with hundreds of potential ready to launch exits would be a good way to practice small scale nuclear deterrence. Would the loss of a dozen American cities and twenty military bases be worth destroying China for? China believed it wouldn’t. Most Americans wouldn’t make that trade either. Elites in Washington classically would not but now they’re so crazy who can be sure. But, if they nuke China to settle a conventional dispute, Russia destroys the United States on principle and in short order.

John Brown

China is an economic superpower at this time. However still strong enough to devistate the USSA with nuclear strikes in a nuclear war.

Russia is a military superpower and not an econonomic super power but still strong enough economically to be immune from USSA economic dominance unlike Japan, Germany and the other slave vassals of the

racist supremacist global Jewish slave empire dictatorship.

The USSA will soon no longer be an economic superpower in about 5 years. It remains to be seen if the USSA can remain a military superpower status after its economy and society collapses. I doubt it.


Russia is a fragmented failed state of barely 140 million and half of them don’t want to be part of Russia anyway. Russia is the truncated corrupt version of USSR and nuclear weapons did not save that disaster either. China is 1.4 billion industrious souls.


Get the hand off it boy,they are the #1 fossil power on planet earth(period) The rest boils down to sensible managment,less waste and far more positive results than any of them overbudgeted fascist losers on the deckline,whom have no plans in the future other than to rape ,steal and pilliage from other countrys,which is why any cia ridiculous comment exposed null and void! FACT=#1 ATOMIC POWER ENERGISED NATION FACT=#1 NATURAL GAS EXPORTER. FACT =#1 OIL PRODUCERS(GIVEN THEY PROVES LAST YEAR(PERIOD) FACT= TOP AGRICULTURAL,GOLD AND OTHER RARE MATERIALS, FACT= MOST POWERFULL MILITARY )OVER 40 MILLION TRAINED) SUPER,HYPER,VECTOR ENERGISED TECHNOLOGYS INCLUDSING THE OWORLDS FIRST ELECTRIC AREROPLANE (NOT HOBBY CRAFT) FACT= HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS IN SURPLUS(NO DEBT) + OVER 80 TRILLION IF FUTURE RESOURCES (AS PROJECTED INFINETALY)


Like it or not,no matter what you say,think or try to do,(all in vain) NO FUTURE IN FASCISM,NOR THE LGBTQ(PERIOD) Truth be known:


No! On longer run Russia is NOT strong enough to resist economically or in any other resources related way to NATO. Militarily speaking Russia can fight anybody SUCCESSFULLY – “conventionally” (NATO included) but not forever!

China can’t resist US in all out nuke war . Industrialized part of the China ( coastline mostly )would be totally 100% destroyed… Deeper inside in less industrialized parts would be partly destroyed. US also partly destroyed in some big cities, but totally negligible compering to China

John Brown

Wrong Russia can resist and is getting stronger so is China.

In any war between China and the USSA both countries will cease to exist so there is no winner.


Russia is nuke Super Power. China is industrial Super Power. Only China has resources ti fight NATO conventionally in limitless way , Russia doesn’t have human and industrial resources for doing that on long period of time.

we agree to disagree…

John Brown

Yes I like the fiction in this article that the USSA and gulf countries are independent of the racist supremacist global Jewish slave empire dictatorship.

Israel’s domination is so complete that Israel decides what school children’s text books say in all the gulf countries and the USSA. They have no say in what goes into Israel’s school text books

The guy who talks to Reuters

Iranian Foreign Ministry has expressed reluctance to publicise the text of 25Year Strategic Document on cooperation between Iran & China, signed by the foreign ministers of the two countries on27/3, contrary to earlier promises that the text of the document would be made public.Agreed barrel price should be disgrace.

Just Me

No you silly child. There are lot of security and defence clauses, this is a gigantic $400 BILLION plus agreement spanning 25 years. Just wait and see the weaponry the two will co-produce. One of the main clauses is a mutual defence agreement.

The guy who talks to Reuters

Ah,you made everthing clear now Negative IQ.

Just Me

LOL. You Think :)


“Never go full retard !” You shouldn’t (at least) be proud for saying something stupid


Actually it appears he doesn’t think. It could be his cat walking across his keyboard.

Just Me

I know, we have a lot of sensitive little ninnies who post gibberish. It is fun to get under their thin skin as it rattles them. They are just idiots who have don’t have a clue :)

The guy who talks to Reuters

Oh,do not worry dear,ı was just passing by to see is there any gullible people left falling to your and your crew drivel.Your comments are pure bovire manune nothing more.


Talking to yourself?

Your echo chamber is empty of reality …



“security and defense clauses” = buying CHINESE weapons with borrowed CHINESE money


doc, you can’t doubt it anymore…….look at biden dropping the who goes first clause on JCPOA resurrection no?

The guy who talks to Reuters

Biden goes Amok in any case.

Just Me

Biden is senile and has to read even basic stuff from cue cards. The US is nothing now and world power balance has changed. People need to look at the big picture. China is the largest and most powerful economy on earth and US is a deadbeat bankrupt destroyed by the Jew parasites and endless wars. Economics 101, there is only choice between guns or butter.

Great Khan



yeah but doc, for the love of god, they giving $600 billion free money to us, and piss out only $47 billion to Pakestan in loans no…..it really shows their priorities no? because Iran means business. Iran won’t hesitate to kill if on the ball, whilst the hendu-pak is primitive. You know this better than me. Persia wasn’t a fluke. It was built on ideas backed up by strong dogma. China senses this along civilization lines. It’s a stark contrast in how they treating the hendu-pak vs us.

Just Me

I have always liked the Chinese, they are respectful educated and civilized people and they really like Iranians. They show respect unlike the uncouth American loudmouth a$$holes who are just hot air, rude and crude. Chinese are quiet achievers. The American swine during the shah’s time were rude, arrogant and discourteous and Iranians hated to work with them. Even shah towards the end had had enough of the morons.


China is also not infested with Jews like Russia. Iran made the right choice.


Ah … an anti-Judaism Hater exposes himself


while your mommy is “infested” by syphilis


Is that why so many Iranians chose to live in the USA and Canada?

How many live in China … for instance?

F/kn hoor …


They live in suburb dominated by Indian’s ( in Peking ) There are plenty of Indian’s living in China because they are “brothers” to Chinese according to “Just Me” retard !



China does nothing for free … lol

Are you reading from a ‘fortune cookie’?



It took only a decade to sign this agreement no? You can be sure all contentious issues were hammered out. These are not loans fool. Iran gives em oil, and gets goods, technology and services in return, with a focus on the regional politics and alignment between China and Iran. China is not stupid, they can see out in the future that GCC oil might get embargoed to them.


Wishful thinking …

Ashok Varma

Congratulations to Iran and China. This is great for Asian peace and prosperity.

Just Me

This is good for India too.


Don’t just kiss his a r s e ; LICK IT !!

Great Khan

hahahaha Hindu-Chinee Bhai Bhai again!

Just Me

India and China are big nations with ancient history. India did not fall for US and Zionist attempts to create a war in Asia, that would have destroyed India, which needs peace to overcome its poverty. China can help India develop. Nehru was right, India and China are Asian brothers.


You are full of it ! Just cheap propagandist, lining up empty slogans.

India and China are most certainly not “brothers”! Those “brothers”, had almost hundred dead in recent conflict


BS …

India won’t fall for what Iran has done … lol

India has dignity … Iran has Islamism


What about Parsi’s in mumbai? what do they gotto offer Iran?


India is no match for China and its only hope is to create better ties with PRC as it will have immense economic benefits. India is geographically constrained.

Ricky Miller

And India is coming under the gun more and more, with climate change vulnerabilities, water resource problems, pollution and solid waste nightmares, and a deeply divided society operating along faultlines unconstrained by “democracy,” and all the chaos that democracy can bring to splintered societies. India needs regional economic and security integration.


Frankly, India is a complex mess, its democracy is eroding and a fanatical Hindu movement takes hold, fanned by the west. However, it is economically a nightmare as you correctly point out. India needs to integrate economically and trade with PRC. This future belongs to Asia, if it maintains peace and harmony.


“climate change vulnerabilities”?!? So you serve globalist BOLLOCKS about “climate change” also?!:)) …as for list of India’s “problems”….Every (even much smaller) developing country can have similar list of “problems” ! Even “developed” countries have long lists of their “problems”!

Ricky Miller

Most climate change models show that the Indian peninsula is going to bake. And even the holy rivers are already awash in pollution, including ton after ton of plastic waste. A still expanding population realitive to food production needs and a global market where others have to restrict food exports=big trouble.


we will see about all that “climate change models” I still remember some “climate change ” prophets predicting that all planet will be destroyed by 2020 (or earlier) there are some other “climate change ” prophets saying that temperatures will go much lower (small Ice age) also……so I do not pay attention on all that bull***t any longer

Ricky Miller

Well, you’re not a wildfire firefighter then. Don’t quit your night job polishing your resume in an attempt to land a deputy national security advisor job.


India can do potable water from the sea … their potential is still great

Ricky Miller

This is true. But the energy cost required for desalinization for 1.4 billion people, still growing would be difficult. And sure it could be done but not by an India caught up in endless and expensive conflicts with Pakistan and the PRC and now steady dust-ups and tensions with Sri Lanka and Nepal.


Yes … good thinking

India continues to be focused on Pakis


US under Zionist control kept pushing Iran into China’s arms. Russia is corrupt and weak and under Zionist vise, and most importantly Putin is the main protector of Zionists now and is not respected by anyone, so both Iranians and Chinese have made a perfect strategic choice that will profoundly influence global future as US role diminishes and the leadership torch passes to China. This is a humiliating failure of US policy under successive presidents since 1979.

Trap Is Not Gay

Yet another USA/Jews paid shill making projections of Jews/USA.

Paid loser, with George Soros- coverer CIA script.

Russia, China and Iran are free from YOUR masters that replaced YOU, paid shill loser!




climate fad… at least try to be funny when ironic…if not all that is just boring bull**t I have seen too many times… climate is OK where I am, I can’t speak for Australia…

John Brown

Most climate change models show that the Indian peninsula is going to bake.

Hello see below

No, the dry season will be shorter and drier and the monsoons will be longer and wetter more intense.

Globally deserts will get much smaller and drier then they are now. The amount of land with a lush habitable environment will grow.

10,000 to 15,000 years ago when the climate was warmer The Sahara desert had a monsoon season like India which it will again soon if temps continue to rise.

Study shows the Sahara swung between lush and desert conditions every 20,000 years, in sync with monsoon activity.

A new analysis of African dust reveals the Sahara swung between green and desert conditions every 20,000 years, in sync with changes in the Earth’s tilt. Credit: Massachusetts Institute of Technology


The Sahara desert is one of the harshest, most inhospitable places on the planet, covering much of North Africa in some 3.6 million square miles of rock and windswept dunes. But it wasn’t always so desolate and parched. Primitive rock paintings and fossils excavated from the region suggest that the Sahara was once a relatively verdant oasis, where human settlements and a diversity of plants and animals thrived.

Now researchers at MIT have analyzed dust deposited off the coast of west Africa over the last 240,000 years, and found that the Sahara, and North Africa in general, has swung between wet and dry climates every 20,000 years. They say that this climatic pendulum is mainly driven by changes to the Earth’s axis as the planet orbits the sun, which in turn affect the distribution of sunlight between seasons—every 20,000 years, the Earth swings from more sunlight in summer to less, and back again.

For North Africa, it is likely that, when the Earth is tilted to receive maximum summer sunlight with each orbit around the sun, this increased solar flux intensifies the region’s monsoon activity, which in turn makes for a wetter, “greener” Sahara. When the planet’s axis swings toward an angle that reduces the amount of incoming summer sunlight, monsoon activity weakens, producing a drier climate similar to what we see today.

“Our results suggest the story of North African climate is dominantly this 20,000-year beat, going back and forth between a green and dry Sahara,” says David McGee, an associate professor in MIT’s Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences. “We feel this is a useful time series to examine in order to understand the history of the Sahara desert and what times could have been good for humans to settle the Sahara desert and cross it to disperse out of Africa, versus times that would be inhospitable like today.”

McGee and his colleagues have published their results today in Science Advances.


I do not believe in computer made “climate change models “. I do not think that people understands climatic processes at all. I do not think climate changes can be produced , explained only by pollution…


In your part of the world, the earth is flat. Surely.


In my part of the world we don’t have dorks of your kind for sure. I have seen too many of this bogus “predictions” to believe in them

John Brown

What I quoted is not a bull crap computer propaganda model. I don’t believe such bull models either.

The earths climate has been changing for 4.5 billion years and will continue to do so for another 4.5 billion years.

Right now the sun is warming the earth and the entire solar system as the suns output has increased. Climate is also affected by changes in the tilt of the earths axis and changes in the shape of earths orbit around the sun


what about hose dudes who talk about “sun cooling down”, “mini ice age” than ? you do understand that there is plethora of “experts” of whom some are well paid, “carbon taxes” propagandists…so it is total cacophony out there…not to mention false prophets of climatic doom….

John Brown

Yes the suns output changes its not a light bulb. There have been solar minimums and maximums before and they will happen again.

Magnetic fields changes yes but less then the other factors. The magnetiic field is a 50,000 to 200,000 year plus cycle.

Cosmic phenomena yes but very rare like a near by supernova.


what are you astronomer? I was already afraid that you are another “carbon tax” retard….

John Brown

Hey you brought up Cosmic Phenomena not me.

No worries not many supernova in our part of the galaxy.

What’s more, if a supernova exploded within 30 light-years, phytoplankton and reef communities would be particularly affected. Such an event would severely deplete the base of the ocean food chain.

Suppose the explosion were slightly more distant. An explosion of a nearby star might leave Earth and its surface and ocean life relatively intact. But any relatively nearby explosion would still shower us with gamma rays and other high-energy radiation. This radiation could cause mutations in earthly life. Also, the radiation from a nearby supernova could change our climate.

No supernova has been known to erupt at this close distance in the known history of humankind. The most recent supernova visible to the eye was Supernova 1987A, in the year 1987. It was approximately 168,000 light-years away.


OK let us just stop right there ( I Have Encouraged you Too Much ) you might be tempted to write a book here and now…

John Brown

Yes carbon footprint global warmers get paid. Its a way to tax the poor and give the carbon tax $$ to the rich zio 1%.

The real environmental problems are chemical and plastic pollution and habitat destruction. They can all be fixed right now and relative cheaply but the problem for the empire is it is easy to trace them to their source and to charge and fine the guilty who are the 1%.

Ivan Freely

suns output has increased? I thought we’re in a solar minimum.


Remarkably ignorant remark. Even high school texts in the developed would refute such nonsense.


Iran will bake as well … no potable water

Ricky Miller

Yes. They’re in trouble. They should be rapidly planning for it and maybe the idea is to use, I don’t know, a civilian atomic reactor program to power desalinization. That might be a good idea. Oh, wait..


Iran now desalinating from PG and supplying it all over. Keep up with news will you?


Sure …. lol

Dreaming in technicolor


its good news no? now parsi will get fresh water in yazd too no…..lol


John Brown

Most climate change models show that the Indian peninsula is going to bake.

No, the dry season will be shorter and drier and the monsoons will be longer and wetter more intense.

Globally deserts will get much smaller and drier then they are now. The amount of land with a lush habitable environment will grow.

10,000 to 15,000 years ago when the climate was warmer The Sahara desert had a monsoon season like India which it will again soon if temps continue to rise.

Study shows the Sahara swung between lush and desert conditions every 20,000 years, in sync with monsoon activity.

A new analysis of African dust reveals the Sahara swung between green and desert conditions every 20,000 years, in sync with changes in the Earth’s tilt. Credit: Massachusetts Institute of Technology


The Sahara desert is one of the harshest, most inhospitable places on the planet, covering much of North Africa in some 3.6 million square miles of rock and windswept dunes. But it wasn’t always so desolate and parched. Primitive rock paintings and fossils excavated from the region suggest that the Sahara was once a relatively verdant oasis, where human settlements and a diversity of plants and animals thrived.

Now researchers at MIT have analyzed dust deposited off the coast of west Africa over the last 240,000 years, and found that the Sahara, and North Africa in general, has swung between wet and dry climates every 20,000 years. They say that this climatic pendulum is mainly driven by changes to the Earth’s axis as the planet orbits the sun, which in turn affect the distribution of sunlight between seasons—every 20,000 years, the Earth swings from more sunlight in summer to less, and back again.

For North Africa, it is likely that, when the Earth is tilted to receive maximum summer sunlight with each orbit around the sun, this increased solar flux intensifies the region’s monsoon activity, which in turn makes for a wetter, “greener” Sahara. When the planet’s axis swings toward an angle that reduces the amount of incoming summer sunlight, monsoon activity weakens, producing a drier climate similar to what we see today.

“Our results suggest the story of North African climate is dominantly this 20,000-year beat, going back and forth between a green and dry Sahara,” says David McGee, an associate professor in MIT’s Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences. “We feel this is a useful time series to examine in order to understand the history of the Sahara desert and what times could have been good for humans to settle the Sahara desert and cross it to disperse out of Africa, versus times that would be inhospitable like today.”

McGee and his colleagues have published their results today in Science Advances.

Ricky Miller

All that is mostly related to North Africa. And what you said the study says about Monsoon season is only part of the story. India’s own government studies and models say something different. In an article in India Climate Dialogue on December 28th, 2020 titled: “Climate Change is making India less livable” there are quotes like this: “…the government’s first comprehensive study of climate change impacts and forecasts paints a grim scenario.” And: “…Failure will mean a country with worse heatwaves, droughts, cloudbursts, floods, and a more degraded coastline.”

The primary point in most studies regarding India and climate change point to a swing in extremes; heatwaves then monsoons. Floods, then droughts. For a country of 1.4 billion people and a high fertility rate, and deep poverty and food insecurity, these conditions will represent an extreme challenge. And that was my point.

John Brown

“Climate Change is making India less livable”


They say such things because they want carbon money and will pay kick backs to the UN etc. Very corrupt.

Corruption and the corrupt caste system are India’s biggest problems along with chemical and plastic pollution and habitat destruction, If they don’t fix the corruption first they will never rise and have lots of environmental problems.

They need sewage treatment plants and to stop chemical and plastic pollution and habitat destruction, which will never be fixed if they don’t stamp out corruption .

Ricky Miller

Most climate change models speak of heatwave extremes, paired with spikes in high humidity. The high humidity is a killer multiplier, according to a U.S. Department of Defense study. How is this not a problem for India, a country with hundreds of millions of poor workers who reside in basic dwellings without climate controls?

John Brown

Since when has the USSA department of defence ever told the truth about anything????????

You must be brain dead!

weapons of mass destruction in Iraq the list is endless.

“We Lie, We Cheat, We Steal” –



Iran is running out of potable water … hello?

Much of their OIL will remain in the ground … with their missiles … eh?

The gimp armed Ayatollah will lead them to ruin …



The whole regional middle east has a water issue – states with upstream control of the major rivers vs states further downstream is a major regional political issue and potential future source of conflict. Why do you think Israel grimly hangs on to Lebanon’s Shebba-Farms and Syria’s Golan Heights – something like 10-15% of their water is pulled from these occupied areas. Iran no doubt has water issues like rest of region, but it’s a substantial sized state – and its northerly territory runs unto Caucasus of Central Asia – a natural collection and run-of source for water.


Israel has made their choices … using recycled water for agriculture and desalinization plants for ‘potable’ water

Sheba Farms is minuscule and the issue of ‘water’ rights there is a moot point …

Golan is Israeli territory not for water but because the Syrians attacked from the Heights …

Both Syria and Lebanon are failed states … living on fumes

Ricky Miller

Syria isn’t a failed state. It’s an invaded one. And Lebanon was doing fine too, recovering from war and finding a societal balance. Then, outsiders poured in. You are like a person who comes onto a scene where a guy who’s been mugged and beaten is crawling back to his feet and stumbling toward a bench. “Damn bum,” you say.


“All he believes are his eyes and his eyes they just tell him lies”


Syria was a progressive middle income functioning state before it was targeted for its stance against Zionism.


Actually, is very well known that Israel has major water resource limitations, and has long, desperately, craved to annex Lebanon’s southerly territory containing the Litani River and its water collection-basin – the continued Israeli occupation of Lebanese territorial Shebba-Farms is merely an indicator these resource issues.


Just google: Israel: a Water Superpower



Keep on believing whatever your government tells you…



Stupid wishful thinking …. lol


It is just INTEREST BASED LOAN! Iran has borrowed Chinese money, services and they pay with oil ! That is all

Emad Irani

read the stuff again then talk Idiot haha


what is to read Iranian c u n t ?! It is just INTEREST BASED LOAN! You are in DEBT and since you have NO MONEY=PENNILESS you pay with oil !

Ricky Miller

No, it’s not. But even if it were, so what? Interest based loans are used the world over for economic development. Unless you’re saying that only American, British and French Banks, governments, venture capital, and companies can do infrastructure loans? China gets a huge volume of oil for it’s number one world economy, based on PPP and actually you know, making things. Iran becomes a transit country in two directions and gets the security of having Chinese personnel in country, including 5,000 Chinese security officers. And gets an enormous amount of transportation infrastructure. And breaks out of the illegal sanctions regime. It’s a win-win. Only Shia or anti-China bigots, or American trolls could hate on it.


You are wasting your time on a petulant attention seeking adolescent who obviously likes his own tone. Psychologists have a term for such vain teenagers.

Emad Irani

cry me a riverrrr paying with oil is much more safer than with money Idiot wannbe Russian hahahaha. But it is not the case sadly. You can eat our shit since your days are over in Middle East. China is way more ahead of your countries



Ricky Miller

Nah. Much work will be sub-contracted out. Iranian companies and people will get in on it too. China wants people in Iran to have disposable income so they can buy Chinese made products far into the future. How much is the CIA and/or State Department paying you to spout out American talking points today?

Emad Irani

Dear Idiot, Iran is completely sanctioned. It seems you don’t know that sending crude oil to China in exchange of many other things is more efficient than money in such a situation idiot wannabe Russian ahaha

Now feel the pain in your burned a** http://www.china.org.cn/world/2016-01/24/content_37650332.htm


Yes be “happy”, you effing I D I O T !! Only China has great reason to be happy because taking advantage of this for Iran difficult situation!!! If your incompetent Mullah tells you this is “victory” for Iran than he is LIAR !!!

Ricky Miller

The difficult situation Iran is in isn’t China’s doing. The USA is the country placing illegal sanctions on the country and breaking the JCPOA/UNSC resolution in order to do so. China offered Iran several deals, which is way more than what India did, which was to nearly opt out of buying oil from Iran in order to please the new colonial master in Washington. Iran would be weaker without these Chinese revenue streams. Iran will be better off with these infrastructure projects and jobs. And with transit revenues. Yes, from Iran’s point of view selling oil at market price and hiring out on their own terms for these projects would be better but there’s no sign that the Americans are going to return to JCPOA compliance and halt the illegal pressure. Iran has to move forward and this deal is enabling a move forward and out of the geostrategic box America is trying to keep her in.


I didn’t say it is “China’s doing”… all I say is that China takes opportunist advantage of the situation ripping profits… which is normal but not very friendly. calling them “allays” and celebrating deal as something excellent is pure exaggeration. (it is excellent only for China while for Iran is acceptable – since they have no choice )


You got no clue what is going on no? You act as if Russia is sanctions free?


It took us only 10 years to firm up this project. If Chinese firms do all the work, then this agreement would not have been signed. What do you think Iran is? Pakistan?


debt to who?

Ricky Miller

Literally untrue. It’s a deal, oil for infrastructure. Why are you suddenly spouting out Americanized talking points?


There is no “Americanized” truth – only truth ! That is true because it is FACT that they sell oil on FAVORABLE PRICE = INTEREST ! Because they don’t have money to pay! Price is really higher because they pay With LOW PRICED OIL = brings PROFIT to CHINA.

Ricky Miller

I don’t have a problem with China making bank. It’s a part of the long battle to become world number one, which will lead to a more fair world order. The PRC was already making bank by buying Iranian oil at huge discounts over the past 18 months. Literally, China is sitting on huge Iranian oil supplies stored in China. Due to sanctions and low global oil prices the PRC bought hundreds of millions of barrels at an average of $14 a barrel. Today, oil is at $64 a barrel. If China waits for it to go to $90 or $100 a barrel then they can sell it for huge cash or use it for cheap energy for hyper-competitive production. Either way they can’t store much more so this deal helps Iran build, break out of sanctions, and creates jobs for Chinese and Iranians, and future Iranian customers for Chinese products. Win, win.


The PRC is making HUGE PROFITS on Iranian oil all the time !

Ricky Miller

A better view is an opinion piece over at RT: “China’s Deal with Iran isn’t a Full Alliance, but is enough to undermine U.S. Sanctions and upset the Global Order.”


OK whatever…I personally believe it is just nice words, to wrap up interest based contract…


You must understand that Russia and China try to write very POSITIVE articles about each other… It is part of mutual agreement to promote positive image about their “friendly nations” in their own countries and globally…. You will NEVER find single negative article on Russia in Chinese official newspaper and vice versa!


dude you seem frustrated in doing dishes as a low income migrant in the EU no? dissatisfied on how life’s been treating you? is that it?


yeah so? you gotta problem with that?


China is sanctioned too now, in case you haven’t noticed it yet. They too are cornered. Do we need to hold your hand?

Proud Hindu

Fc of irani bootlicker


A sensible Indian viewpoint. Hopefully, your US imposed fanatical government that has mishandled the Covid crises like our own demented president would see the benefit of normalizing relations with China, which unquestionably is heading for a meteoric rise as US squandered its leadership role by waging endless wars and trying to be a global policeman.

Great Khan

hhahahahhaa IRAN-CHINA BROTHER SUPA STRONK! Amerikan mamtu khaplu, very mad now,,,,,,,, Jew rat Kaputenheimer…..kishmish….hahhahahhaa

Lone Ranger

Was about time. The crumbling satanic pedonazi empire has awaken the sleeping Bear and sleeping Dragon. Slow clap…


Sleeping bear? lol

The Dragon will eat the Bear whole … eh?

Lone Ranger

Eagle* with some matzo balls…


Yes …. matzo balls at this time of year …. exactly

Trap Is Not Gay

From now on the whole planet is going to wake up.

It’s said the UN projects 150 million Africans (Africans) to leave Africa until 2050 and enter other countries.

It’s only 20 years from now.

Trap Is Not Gay

“Respect, equity and justice” are all the Jews do NOT want.

Look at the USA, Europe and Latin America and you know in practice what Jews DO want.

All they want is to blacken the population, steal everything we built (not them) and make the innocent to bow down to their will through deceit, dishonesty, tragedies and dirty tricks.


Works for me …. eh?

Now … STFU

John Wallace

How about you STFU . Troll.. Who do you think you are to demand only your voice be heard.. Oh sorry … I forgot …. What’s up, still in lockdown so need to come here out of boredom…


Just got my first Pfizer vaccine … I’ll be playing golf / on the road soon enough

Ya … it WAS a Covid distraction … I knew that anti- Judaism haters existed but they were temperate in public … I knew that y’all existed …. I could give a sh Xt about ya … after my 2nd shot

F/k you …

John Wallace

Thanks , we will be pleased when you get shot… I am not Christian so I am not anti-Judaism . Just anti extremists regardless of their religion.. Go and enjoy your golf as I have been enjoying almost total freedom for a year now.. Problem travelling internationally is the only restriction.. But let me say Good to see you come but better to see you go… Have a good one and hope you enjoyed your stay..


As an American … not christian?


A non-believer? Well you were born into some Christian family … you’re young without fear of Covid but the variant strikes the young and kills too

John Wallace

Thank god this is not a quiz show or you would have been eliminated first round.. लक्ष्य से दूर और यह एक मोड़ है


Hiding? Ashamed of your origin ? Who cares … lol

John Wallace

” fears in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Israel that US President Joe Biden’s efforts to negotiate a return to the 2015 international agreement that curbed Iran’s nuclear program would not immediately address their concerns. ” What fears ? . Biden has told Iran to chop off its hands and feet before he would even consider looking at the agreement.. Anyway Harris will be President soon while Biden is left trying to figure out whether sock or shoe goes on first.


harris’s husband is jewish so there is hardly any help from her for the palestinians and moreover her track record as attorney general in california was abominal and could scare a solid old nazi prosecutor asking to be reeducated.

John Wallace

It is obvious that she was placed there to take over from Biden as soon as he had won :-) the election. She wouldn’t be there if she didn’t support Israel. I never saw it but I read Tulsi Gabbard made her look stupid in the debates . Biden calls her President Harris , she takes and makes the phone calls to foreign leaders which is supposed to be the President job except when he is busy training to read Q cards. The whole US political system is corrupt and broken, just like the Roman Empire before its collapse. The Presidents job is to do as he/she is told by those pulling the strings and occasionally given a few lollies to throw to the peasants to get their votes next election.

cechas vodobenikov

increased China Iran trade good for both

Ivan Freely

I’m be very surprised if China manages to bring peace to the region. IMO, there’s too many cooks in the kitchen right now.


Peace is contrary to the Jew’s forever war Yinon plan.


China should align it’s foreign policy in the middle east with it’s domestic dejudification, intolerance of Judaism policy. And support replacing Israel with a unified dejudified Palestine. And outlawing Judaism worldwide so that the planet becomes Jew free.

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