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MARCH 2025

China Tests 48 Suicide Drone Swarm

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China Tests 48 Suicide Drone Swarm

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In September 2020, China reportedly carried out a test involving the launch of a 48-strong suicide drone swarm.

The UAVs were launched from a truck, as well as helicopters.

Reports of this, however, surfaced on October 13th.

The China Academy of Electronics and Information Technology (CAEIT) developed the drone swarm, and it is owned by China Electronics Technology Group Corporation (CETC), which carried out a record-breaking drone swarm experiment in June 2017, involving nearly 120 small fixed-wing unmanned aircraft.

China Tests 48 Suicide Drone Swarm

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China Tests 48 Suicide Drone Swarm

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China Tests 48 Suicide Drone Swarm

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China Tests 48 Suicide Drone Swarm

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Back then, months later, CAEIT carried out its own test involving 200 drones.

There is very little information regarding the system, there is no known name or designation, or specification.

Video footage shows that the unmanned aircraft are very similar in form and function to more recent models of China Poly Defense’s CH-901 loitering munition.

When the tube-launched CH-901 first emerged in 2016, it featured a pair of pop-out wings, as well as a folding v-tail.

In 2020, it seems like the design has evolved and replaced the v-tail with another set of pop-out wings and folding twin-tail arrangement, similar to the drones we see in the CAEIT test video.

CAEIT’s test also involved at least one drone launched from a tube mounted on a Bell 206L helicopter, as well as one that popped out of a tube dropped from a what appears to be a Robinson R-series helicopter.

According to the Drive, this is also very similar to Raytheon’s Coyote.

The Coyote comparison also extends to launch options CAEIT demonstrated in its recent test.

The 48-tube ground-based launcher, which is mounted on a modified 6×6 version of the Dongfeng Mengshi light tactical vehicle, is similar in some respects to multi-tube trail-mounted launchers that the U.S. Navy’s Office of Naval Research used to launch Coyotes as part of its Low-Cost UAV Swarming Technology (LOCUST) effort, as seen in the video below.

Poly Defense has also shown at least a mock-up of an array of tubular launchers for the CH-901.


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its called jew fighting, only low races do this

Tommy Jensen

What about hispanics, how do they fight? And which race are doing the noble fighting?

Raptar Driver

They fight with a combination of Cortez and Bruce lee.

Jihadi Colin

What’s a low race? Subterranean Formula One?


Chinese drone crap, no one takes it seriously.


They are selling a lof of them around the world. Every Ukraine is buying them. Also, they have hypersonic gliders.

Jens Holm

You are the opposit of a factfinder…

Jihadi Colin

He’s funny. If he were a Hasbara they’d have sacked him for incompetence. Anyone reading his responses is guaranteed to be turned against the zionist entity.


I am not here to represent Israel, only myself. Too bad though, if only I had the power to do all of my wishes…

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You’d be a cream puff, we know.

kajetán pičura

get out from Pallestine. it is not your land. give it back to semmites, the arabs. fake yewish bastard.

Jihadi Colin

I once bought a zionist handpiece for a motor. I now buy only Chinese ones. Because zionist handpiece crap, nobody takes it seriously.

Jens Holm

We all has to choose, if we can.

Last Year I bought a small but good tent in China. It came fast and was a few dollar lower in price, but it also was lower quality in sewing, which is very important.

I had to buy a new to be safe in windy and rainy days. Its very bad to buy the same thing twice. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/45137de031887baaaf17c9cefc4fd8db986db6ac39106aea88aad0f6d589e1bf.jpg

rightiswrong rightiswrong

That’s what they said about Chinese gunpowder you cretin.

Raptar Driver

The U.S. Navy surely does.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Why did you sell them a port then?


kajetán pičura

judeo nazi idiot.

Tommy Jensen

Stealing American intellectual property. WE spent and invented the swarm technique, and the Chinese just steal it. This is International criminality!


These are too small to reach USA, Siberia is much closer

Traiano Welcome

Nobody needs to reach the USA, the USA parks itself on everyone’s shores.


True that, they have are Welcome :)

Lone Ranger

Not really.


I thought your mom found you a job on the belt road

Lone Ranger

I thought you would take my advice on giving up cocaine…


How was job, butt hurts? Or your mom sacrificed her ass today and stood between you and client?

Lone Ranger

I dont think so. You know not everybody is an ukropwhore…


I know, only your mom.

Lone Ranger



Yours mom.

Jihadi Colin

Man, that’s such an intellectual exchange you two are having. That’s why I visit this site. The brainpower on display, you know!


Ok, almost :)


Not always.

Lone Ranger



Still Siberia is closer than Taiwan :)

Lone Ranger

Not really. Aside from that Taiwan is already Chinese, only in denial.


Aside from that, Siberia is already Chinese, only in denial. Fixed.

Lone Ranger

Aside from that, Southern U.S. is already Mexican, only in denial. Fixed.?


Aside from that I couldn’t care less, Mexicans at least have a nice country, unlike moscal stepe people.

Lone Ranger

You spelled Kievistan wrong tho. Aside from that there is a high intensity CIA fueled drug war in beautiful Mehico, ongoing since 2006.


Damn CIA

Lone Ranger



Yea but it’s still a threat. We’ll give DARPA a dark budget of $100 B over 10 years to develop a space based anti-tiny drone weapon which will take 20 years and another $100B to cover “cost overruns” … like the Darpa golf tournement …. then give it to Lockmart who will get another $100B to develop a prototype which won’t work but the project is now too big to fail and provides jobs in 62 congressional districts so the project will get another $300 B plus $100 B for special ammunition that will be too expensive to buy.

Meanwhile the Russians solve the problem by duct taping a shotgun to a drone which cost $500, a bag of weed and all the vodka you can drink to develop and they’ll be able to ship 500 by Wednesday … as long as the weed holds out.



The joke is a bit too long for its weak punch.


We? Weren’t you a self-appointed danish?

Jens Holm

As Dane I will think he has danish ancisters. 4 of my grandfaters emmigrated to USA for 100 years ago and 3 made families.

Some of that kind send their children to Denmark to eduations and after that even speak pretty well english. I assume he is like that.

My own part of that is, I understand immigrants better then many here, because myy Grandfathers siblings was just as poor s them – and had no hope in Denmark.

My Grandfather worked hard but was low paidand even gott tubercoloses by the place where they lived. His back became more and more eroded, so he had to retire at 60 …

The other part og my relations to emmigration is, that those 4 integrated well and found ways. by being openminded eve they partly has to forget, what was danish culture. 50% of the muslims here dont do that and even insist in, we should replace the bad systems they come with with ours, which feed them well – even we never asked them to come.

Traiano Welcome

Anyone who can steal intellectual property deserves it. Those who cannot keep their thoughts in their heads have leaky heads.

Jens Holm

This is not correct. Others do it too. I have seen several programs from Japan. A relative good link :


The big USA mistake is very visible in the USA education system. You dont devellop people and fx take up more people from the poor part and make them to middle class as before.

You often do upside down in education by Your stupid finacing giving school with low educated results lowering in money.

We do the opposite, at it pays off in innovation. Innovation is not about being clever -(only). Its much more ideas can be into realisme, if You has enough low knowledge and enough people has that.

You also has the illusion so much is comming from America. Well actually its less and less because of You systems are not treating themself well.

You have left quality too much and has too much fokus in price, so making too cheep also makes too much, which is not good.

More and more seemes to me as its exact what we are blaming China for, which is cheeper products also assisted by lower quality.

We see it in import and export.

And its very visible. You make Your big GDP by many many hard working low paid uneducated emmigrants and others and not by tech, as You should.

Your private companies has too much influence and You let them plunder You because to many makes profit by doing nothing well enough. And its all over.

S´chhols, education. health care, police and even in Your election system where crime is legalized keping people from voting and You cant even get a President elected with the majority of the votes.

This is not copied in China. This is no Russian car as well.

In medical care and hospitals we get better threatment then You for half of the price. So kapitalisme is out of order and the alternative is reforming Yourself or “steal” like Sanders propose.

…But You get Biden.


“WE spent and invented the swarm technique”

Agreed …. sanction the Bees … the yellow stripey bastards!!! And we hold the patent on non aerodynamic flight too so suck on that bumble bees!

Jihadi Colin

Don’t forget to sanction the WWII German air designers the Horten brothers for inventing, sorry, time travel stealing, the flying wing stealth aircraft.


Yes we know you invented everything,including gunpowder,”oh wait” https://media0.giphy.com/media/ukqk8Iwt6mpiM/giphy.gif


Looks interesting. I wonder about the performance of the AI


Looks like flak is gonna have to make a comeback soon. It’d be the only reliable way to deal with that many tiny drones.

Lone Ranger

EMP, multi layered SAM systems, lasers, ECM, point CIWS, future air defenses will need all of it. Russia already had it all.?

Jessica Brown

Get $192 of an hour from Google!… Yes this is true as I just got my first payout that was awesome since it was biggest amount of $38451 in a week…qt61…It seems un-believable but you won’t forgive yourself if you do not check it(Go to “Home” Option within it to get details):>:>:>:> http://www.beast4.com/google/get/$192/hour… ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★:::

Jens Holm

We will see, if we live long enough.

Its a competition between those and the anties.


Azerbaijan claims to have destroyed $1B with of Armenian hardware with suicide drones. This is a serious battlefield weapon system if that is accurate.

Lone Ranger

They couldnt have done it without High Treason from the Armenian leadership. S-300 are offline placed on the battlefield waiting to be hit, Su-39s are on the ground. Armenia could easily achieve air superiority.

Jihadi Colin

I wouldn’t place that much reliance on either side’s claims if i were you.


Various claims isnt my point. Suicide drones are now viable battlefield weapons and a suicide drone swarm can be a very effective weapon for C2, supply, airfields and other soft targets.

Jihadi Colin

Would have to be automatic and to take out that many drones very very expensive to use.

Lazy Gamer

Drones will outrange flak. There is no weapon currently that can match the drones bang for buck or be a worthwhile exchange for it. Scientists should now start working with signal interference even just for a minute. Gravity is the most cost effective way against drones.


kamikaze drones won’t out-range anything.

Jens Holm


Lazy Gamer

AI and drones are now here. Nobody is negotiating for treaties regulating these.

Jihadi Colin

No, because they’re in a race to negotiate from a “position of strength”.

I always thought the Asimov Three Laws Of Robotics ludicrously idealist. The first thing that people would do with even partly self aware robotics is use them for wars, I thought. And so it has proven.

Jens Holm

Its very difficult. Look at START and fx Cluisterbombs and Napalm.

We have civilian limitations for drones as well as allowence for police, firebrigade and ambulances. Last year some small island with ice around got some kilo vital medicine.

Raptar Driver

I hate drone warfare. It takes all the personal courage out of war and allows cowards to do incredible damage. It appears that the weak (not meek) will inherit the world.

Jens Holm

I think You should work harder for no war.

I see almost none of that here:(

Furkan Sahin

China is hero

Jens Holm

Yes, they make the cake to share bigger, but they have to behave – We already has too much crap here but also systems to control parts of it very well.

Raptar Driver

That’s a great sentiment however It is impossible. As long as man wants more than what he deserves war will be the constant.


Future of warfare.

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