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MARCH 2025

China Uses Monopoly Key Natural Resources To Undermine US Security: MSM

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China Uses Monopoly Key Natural Resources To Undermine US Security: MSM


The Chinese government is allegedly deliberately leveraging its monopoly on certain key natural resources to undermine the US defense industrial base, according to a US Defense Department led-review, ordered by US President Donald Trump, according to anonymous sources, cited by Foreign Policy.

The yet unreleased study supposedly accuses Beijing of flooding global markets with certain materials critical to the manufacture of fuel used in US missiles and rockets and components in US military jets, among other items. An anonymous administration official said that China is allegedly carrying these actions out with the aim of forcing some US suppliers out of business.

The study also once again reflects US concerns over China’s expanding military and economic power. This would be no surprise, as within the last 10 days US President Donald Trump has accused China of allegedly wishing to meddle in the incoming November US mid-term elections, without providing any evidence whatsoever. The US also sanctioned a Chinese military body of purchasing Russian S-400 missile defense systems. China in response cancelled the annual diplomatic and security dialogue, with the reason being the unavailability of a senior Chinese military official to meet with US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis.

The trade war is also spilling in regional interests, with US and allies challenging China in the South China Sea. A US navy warship took part in a freedom of navigation exercise, during which a Chinese warship reportedly approached as close as 45 yards from the warship, in what US defense officials called an unprofessional and unethical maneuver. China also refused entry of a US warship into the port of Hong Kong.

US B-52 bomber jets flew on a patrol mission above the South China Sea, which led to a Chinese response of a live fire drill with fighter jets of their own above the same area.

The study, according to Foreign Policy’s two anonymous sources, is expected to be released in the following weeks. It calls out to China for using underhanded trade practices to hut US businesses.

According to Foreign Policy’s unnamed sources, there is only one US producer of a key compound used to fuel rockets, strategic missiles, and intercontinental ballistic missiles: ammonium perchlorate. China, which controls much of the world’s supply of this compound, sells it at artificially low prices, undercutting the single US supplier.

“China uses their control of natural resources and other materials to negatively impact our industrial base as a national strategy,” the unnamed administration official said. “This has a very real impact on our ability to maintain an industrial base.”

The study also emphasizes that China controls the world’s supply of processed rare-earth minerals, which are used in electronic devices such as cell phones, as well as in every US military aircraft, according to another anonymous source.

One of the study’s conclusions is that “China has deliberately organized its export of resources and its manufacturing trade policy in order to undercut America’s lead in critical capability,” the source said.

The study also supposedly identifies specific vulnerabilities in the defense industrial base and makes recommendations to strengthen US defense companies. It calls for increase stability in Department of Defense budgets, targeted investment in critical industrial capabilities and acceleration of workforce development efforts to grow domestic STEM and critical trade skills, according to a third anonymous source.

According to Foreign Policy, the review was ordered by the US President in July 2017, but has been long delayed.

“Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis led a whole of government effort that identified and assessed risk, and made recommendations to the President to ensure a robust, resilient, secure, and ready manufacturing and defense industrial base,” said Defense Department spokesman Lt. Col. Mike Andrews. “The department of defense looks forward to the report’s release, and working through a whole of government approach to implement the report’s recommendations.”

The escalation in tensions between China and the US appears to be increasing, with the US constantly accusing China of various misconduct, without the provision of any evidence.

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The one that commissioned works to the Chinese is the US corporation. Go shine the spotlights on them iPhone, or anything else because they want profit above all (paying wages higher for same level of works + various regulations that protect workers ironically definition of socialism they hated). Now the US demand China opening up their stock market more to ‘foreign’ investors that use US$. Aside from how they seem eager to use their US$ sanctions and how they’re deeply controlled i do wonder why they wouldn’t take them.


Yes, Trump continues the BS line of propaganda, as if the world does not know that it was US multinationals that screwed the US through the various ‘trade platforms’ created by the US gov…at the request of corporate thieves in the first place. The Chinese did not run over here and steal corporate business…they ran to China for the almighty profit…at the expense of US workers and production. Now the inevitable is happening and it’s all China’s fault.

Concrete Mike

Fuck yeah…excellent summary of the situation.

US was ran into the ground by corporations and their lobbies.


The Truth


Trump says Saudi Arabia’s king “might not be there for two weeks” without US military support. Therefore, Saudis should have to pay for it. This is a big insult. Trump increasing pressure on his closest Mideast allies over rising oil prices.


I don’t know if Trump said that but if he did he was right.

Robert McMaster

So let’s see. China largely controls the manufacture of ammonium perchlorate. The Chinese think to punish the U.S. by basically giving the stuff away. Well, that’s sure hurt the U.S.! Good thinking. Contrarywise, the Chinese could embargo the sale of the stuff to the U.S. – cut them off hard and flat. No, the always timid and weak Chinese could never suck it up to do something like that.


I’da given you an uptick for that comment is you’d left out the last sentence. The Chinese are neither timid nor weak. Like the Americunts, you mistake reserve and manners for “timid and weak.”


His understated humor certainly.


Ah… I’ll go read it again.

Robert McMaster

Fair point. I stand corrected.


:-/ You got it anyway thanks to Ronald – was he wrong?

Robert McMaster

sorry, didn’t get that.

Promitheas Apollonious

you just show us what hollywood educated people think. So according to you what should the chinese do?

Act like the americans ?

Moronic and stupid?

Robert McMaster

Well, I agree with the moronic and stupid thing. China has ceased to buy American oil and gas. Just stopped cold. More to the point China can cease to sell whatever to the U.S. and thereby inflict severe pain. Sell elsewhere. They can take it. The U.S. cannot.

Promitheas Apollonious

I wonder how they be able take it, when china begin to unload the US debt they holding. What I feel sorry about what is happening is the innocent populations catch in the middle of all this. They may be partially responsible with their votes and brainwashed ways but still is because they dont know any better. The rest who are active participants, they are the targets and deserve what is coming to them.

Gary Sellars

The Chinese should certainly announce a total embargo of rare-earth mineral sales to the US and US-owned foreign-based companies. That will knock them for six.

They should also advise all of their other customers that diversion of materials to embargoed entities will result in their addition to the embargo list.

That should make the accursed Seppostani b’stards wail and gnash their teeth! No iPhones???? OMG, the world is ending!!!!!

Bill Wilson

The US has plenty of rare earth mineral deposits in the West and Alaska. The US companies have been getting those from China since their prices were cheap.

Gary Sellars

US only has ~1.5 miilion MT of reserves. China has 44, Brazil has 22, Russia has 18. Next comes India and Australia.

I guess it depends on how you define “plenty”.

Bill Wilson

China doesn’t control shit. Ammonium perchlorate isn’t difficult to manufacture in chemical refineries so most advanced nations that produce solid fueled rockets make their own. The US has one company producing it because there’s a limited market for it here and abroad.

Gary Sellars

So why is the US complaining?

You can’t have it both ways…


Ammonium perchlorate would be restricted by the US, only suitable vassal states would be allowed to buy it. China probably sells to anyone, and the US doesn’t like losing its control over the substance. The US controls the production and sale of many things, including growing medicinal opium. Only certain countries are approved by the US, and they use it as a lever. The US threatened to withdraw Australia’s opium going license, if we didn’t get tougher on drug addicts. They only backed off, because Johnson&Johnson are the owners of the farm.

Robert McMaster

Well if its so easy why is this a concern? And why doesn’t the U.S. just shut up and do it?

Brother Thomas

The strongest and most destructive military power the world has ever known with over 800 bases flung out in 100 countries, and yet a nation so afraid of everyone and everything. It is truly sad. Empire of Fear.


Yeah, that’s why the Roman Empire had such a strong army, cause they were afraid of everyone and everything and they were pussy.

John Whitehot

the Roman Empire’s army was not strong at all, as it completely failed its primary mission – to defend the Roman Empire.


The army of Rome was for centuries the strongest in the world, but it did not have gunpowder and cannons and nothing could the heroism of the soldiers against the hordes of hundreds of thousands of barbarian knights. Same problem with the Mongols in the Middle Ages that were stopped in Russia from 1500 onwards, thanks to the invention of the cannon.

Promitheas Apollonious

yes compliments of the chinese.

John Whitehot

“but it did not have gunpowder and cannons ”

perhaps because that stuff came about 1000 years later.


What the Romans had was paid and trained soldiers, most armies they fought relied on farmers forced to fight by their local king.

You can call me Al

But that is exactly what the US is doing; exactly the same failings……. as well as being shit is battle.


And who is going to replace USA, China, Russia?

John Whitehot

no one.

that’s a wonderful thing.

no pieces of shit robbers trying to take over the world.



John Whitehot


You can call me Al

Greed. No difference between communism and globalism. My view only.

John Whitehot

agreed. the problem lays at a more general level inside humans. once that problem is overcome, then probably both systems would work fine, or actually there would be not the need to adopt one or another.

You can call me Al

(;)….. Yes I believe Russia, China and maybe 1 x European state for starters…… or everyone when we can have peace (excluding minor brawls).


So you believe the World would use Ruble and Yuan instead of Dollar?

You can call me Al

+ Euro – yes.


Really :)) which one will be your preferred?

You can call me Al

Unfortunately I would love to say all three, but we shall see.


If I’d bet on the next Dollar-killer, the first currency I’d exclude is the Ruble.

You can call me Al

Yeah, same !. I would say that the Euro would fail (maybe will), the dollar obviously will go; the pound, Rouble and Yuan will stay + the Swiss franc and many others – but the World currencies will be UK Pound, Yuan and Swiss Franc.


I must admit some times I have no idea. I don’t need an opinion about everything.

You can call me Al

Shush now, but neither do I. I just comment with BS most of the time.Surprisingly enough, I am up in the high 70s – medium 80s % of being right. Just have a BS now and then, it is part of human nature.

Brother Thomas

You are a little weak in history.

John Whitehot

my history is fine.

I don’t judge armies a priori, from propaganda or LM pamphlets, – as a member of the public I do it a posteriori, in relation to their effectiveness in completing their missions.

you and your lot can go and keep being misinformed , lied to and constantly robbed by the MICs.


The Christian Holy Roman Empire split into two halves, the west and the east, under Emperor Constantine. These halves, Rome and Constantinople, had very different Christian legacies – Catholic and Orthodox – and the two halves had vastly different time-lines of eventual collapse, respectively, to the Goths in west and the Ottomans in east.


But it had the greatest longevity of all empires

John Whitehot

including, by far, that of the us dollar.


The Ruble will disappear before the Dollar

John Whitehot

yawn yawn.


keep it up

John Whitehot

no need lmao.


The Christian Holy Roman Empire split into two halves under Emperor Constantine – he built a new eastern capital city on the western shores of the Bosporus – Constantinople – and it became the centre of eastern Orthodox Christianity, while Rome remained the centre of western Catholicism. The eastern half of the Holy Roman Empire, based in Constantinople, lasted, more or less, a thousand years longer than the western half.

Leon De Elias

Well,I would not agree on this issue..The Romans had a 1000year Empire indeed..Never anyone achieved the same ever since..The Bizant or Eastern Roman empire died with Constantinople in the 15th!! century,the last remaining Roman bastion in Today’s Turkey..(Istambul)

The roman were strong but got weak at the end,their failed policies are largely relayed on Allies,who are very often backstabbed the Romans,time to time..The US Empire not going to last even 100..


Don’t confuse the Roman army with that bunch of pussy soldiers: they only move with aircraft above their heads and ambulances from behind, always afraid of direct confrontation. Everywhere they went they had to manipulate some locals into cannon fodder because they have no soldiers. Except from WWII, when they stepped in just as USSR won the war, I can’t recall any victory of US army.


They never got totally involved cause these are not important wars for them. USSR would have starved without food sent from USA. Without UK and USA involved in WW2 USSR had no chance.


So you basically agree they are pussy soldiers.


Ok, name a war Russia won alone in the past 150 years.


I don’t care, I just pointed the obvious and you admitted it. This discussion is over.


In both WW’s Russian soldiers ran away more often than the American soldiers. It doesn’t matter if you care or not, those are facts.

Promitheas Apollonious

DESTRUCTIVE is the key word for others but especially for themselves since every war they started had their ass kicked. The reason is simple they lack warriors and they have only paper pushers and sissy’s for their mercenaries.


USA has BALLS and Russia has BALLS! China is a limp dick BITCH!

They are not afraid! i dont know where u get this idea from! When push comes to shove, the world usually does what the USA tells them! USA has the upper hand. Does china have Taiwan, phillipines, south korea, japan, vietnam, india, sigapore, malaysia, australia, new zealand, guam on their side? And these are just the local allies! (notincluding the small islands either) Does china have NATO? No! USA in afghanistan too! lets not blow bullshit into this forum shall we! lets keep it real! USA spends more on military than the next 11 nations COMBINED of which 9 are allies! OVERWHELMING!!! They are not scared, in fact i think they are always looking for a fight! Why on earth would an f-16 fly right next to the Russian defence ministers aircraft whilst completely ignoring the SU-27 behind it! Does that look like “fear” to u! This happened in the baltic sea! Yes russians do it too! I do not see the chinese doing this in the Gulf of Mexico! do u? Yet the USA flies directly over the south china sea whenever it wants to! So STOP with the rubbish! THEY GOT BALLS!!! China is the pussy! Why isnt china helping Syira and Iran? Where was china when the USA was bombing northern pakistan? Bombing Libya! Afhganistan which is right fucking next door! Where is China on Taiwan? Why the fuck did China WAIT for Britain to give Hong Kong back? huh?? Why is china copying everyone else’s tech? HUH? U WANNA TALK ABOUT FEAR???? CHINA IS THE BIGGEST PUSSY ON EARTH! Japan took them over EASILY! CHINA is the smallest dick nation on this planet! Get ur story right! (i do not support the USA in this war! But china can go suck a dick)

Brother Thomas

Wow! Difficult to know where to begin with your rant. How does one respond to someone so muddled up and ill-informed, who completely balls’up the historical context of China, and is using his dick instead of his intellect to power his limp arguments ?


Point out where i went wrong on China being a pussy and the USA and Russia being the only nations who have balls!


Brother Thomas

This is your thesis, Justin. Why don’t you start by telling us where in the past half century you think the US has “shown balls”? Was it killing villagers in Vietnam? The sanctions on Iraq bookended by two wars that left millions (in the pleural “millions”)dead? Libya? Grenada? Panama? Or do we need to go back further like to General Custer and the Indian genocide?

Btw – here is a great piece on George Jacob, decorated war veteran turned peace activist, who suffered from witnessing the horrors of the US war in Afghanistan – the war against “farmers” – his words, not mine. He had a “soldier’s heart” if you wish to speak of courage (“balls” in your 14-year old’s big talk vocabulary).



OK so thats the second time u have responded and have avoided my question and statement on China being the BIGGEST pussy of them all!

I’ll ask a second time… what has China done that DOESNT make them a pussy nation? I want something worth mentioning here! Not trade wars!

U made the statement that the USA is an empire of fear and that it is a nation that is scared of every one and everything! i countered u by saying that the USA and Russia have Balls and that China is the BIGGEST PUSSY OF THEM ALL!

So u need to prove to me that China ISNT a pussy and i need to prove to u that the USA isnt a PUSSY! Am i right? Too easy! READY??

USA: Fought for their own independence against the greatest empire in the world, Britain starting with only a 5% backing in their own country! THEY WON!

World war 1: Can be argued that they changed the tied of the war and saved the day!

Word war 2 (Europe): Can be argued that they changed the tied of the war and saved the day! (i believe the Soviet union saved the day)

World war 2 (Japan): Literally saved my country Australia! Also many other nations! Japan already had printed bills to be used in australia as a currency! Fought theJapanese BACK with less aircraft carriers until they made it to the shores of Okinawa! Dropped the A-Bomb! (Balls or Balless?)

Korean war: fought back both BOTH China, North Korea AND the Soviet Empire! A war that would help decide if Communism or Capitalism would prevail!

Cold war: Cuban missile crisis! Two countries with Balls of steal! BALLS!!!!! it was a thermonuclear game of chicken! Who turned their ships around? HUH? Who? BALLS!!!!

Vietnam war: A proxy war between the Soviet union and the USA! (lost and deservedly so)

Yet still, BALLS!

(every major war since then has been because the soviet union collapsed and the USA went on a hegemonic spree)


China has done what?

Leon De Elias

Empire of terror indeed..


Of course, America doesn’t do things like that – they just bomb.

John Whitehot

america has always did things like that and much worse, in addition to bombing.

using the dollar to impoverish and destroy entire continents is an example.


That’s the invisible hand of the free market – it always finds the best way to get things done. They offer the same product for less then the US, the US manufacturer should go out of business.

Or…since this implies subsidies for domestic manufacturers why the hell wouldn’t you just nationalize them instead of stuffing their shareholders pockets with taxpayer $ any more than already being done. This is why the US goes bankrupt and is constantly finding reasons to go to war.

Eliminate the profit motive, reduce the influence on electoral politics.

Promitheas Apollonious

That will require to have brains and be able with those to counter act competition and not bullying nations who are not only bigger than you, but also stronger in all ways. I think the next step for globalists is stop threatening and start begging.


Ammonium perchlorate is not a natural resource, it is a manufactured product. Also there is no shortage of rare earth deposits which are found in many countries, including the USA.

Basically America is saying is we don’t like competition, we are monopolists and will not allow a free market.


Big surprise isn’t it. My country and its government have been digging its own grave for decades. Its not rocket science to figure out that he who has the resources wins. Looking forward to my government tearing apart the natural environment of my beautiful country for every last mineral it can find. We are in freefall. Maybe we can give the world a break.

Gary Sellars



What cry-babies… they love to dish it out, but squeal like a teenage beach when someone gives it too them hard n fast ;-)

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