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China Will “Definitely Start A Just War” If US Troops Return To Taiwan: State Media

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Originally appeared at ZeroHedge

Hu Xijn, the editor of China’s English language mouthpiece publication geared toward Western audiences, Global Times, is at it again “relaying” Beijing’s threats and warnings.

He took aim at a US Marine Corps authored editorial written in Military Review in a tweet which unleashed headlines, including in Newsweek. The American military publication called for a US ground troops deployment to Taiwan to restore the regional balance of power in Washington’s favor.

The Marine author urged this of the Pentagon “if it is committed to defending Taiwanese sovereignty.” Hu shot back, likely echoing Beijing’s view in his usual hawkish manner, that “the PLA will definitely start a just war to safeguard China’s territorial integrity” if there are US troops stationed in Taiwan.

This would also of course be seen as a severe violation and breakdown of the ‘One China’ policy status quo.

Thus the US article itself is now stirring already high tensions, as Newsweek summarizes:

The article headlined “Deterring the Dragon,” has [Marine Captain] Mills warning that the current power balance made a surprise attack on Taiwan “more likely” and believes that American leadership has to “face down” international pressure “against a deliberate and more global conflict with China.”

“If Chinese forces can prevent U.S. forces from responding reflexively or immediately to PLA (People’s Liberation Army) aggression, the United States will either accede to a quick PLA victory in a Taiwanese-mainland China conflict or be forced to wage a long, costly campaign to re-establish access to Taiwan with a far from certain outcome,” Mills wrote.

Typically Hu reflects the insider thinking of the Chinese Communist Party, but with a more hawkish tinge.

China Will "Definitely Start A Just War" If US Troops Return To Taiwan: State Media
Via Reuters

And while a lone article by a Marine officer in a military publication might be seen in the United States as but one among many perspectives on China adding to the debate, no doubt Beijing sees it very differently – as a veiled Pentagon threat to take precisely such action.Meanwhile since last week China has stepped up military activity and war games in areas near Taiwan and the contested strait, including ‘de-mining’ exercises.

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China has a large mouth and that’s all.

Free man

And exotic viruses.


The majority of the R&D related to the virus was done in the US and there is some evidence that the virus was circulating in the US months prior to it emerging in China.

Concrete Mike

Dont waste your time with the 3 idiots, they just crawled out of the cia echo chamber.

Ivan Freely

Some times it’s better to set them straight.

Daily Beatings

They’ve been set straight at least a dozen times, maybe move. They’re just reading off a script like a bunch of good little monkeys.


Usa military were in wuhan conducting military games,they also sent troops to nt with corona as they also had them in japan,so yeah,its just another piece to the scam:

Ivan Freely

Another thing to consider, China isn’t a leader in the field of virology and doesn’t have military bio-labs spread across the globe. The US does. My money is on the US creating and releasing this virus on us.


Neo -liberal-democrat-luciferian,-nwo-failed societys disease more fkn well likeit,assflogged! Chinas not the problem,homosexual fascist rotted to the core insolent fascist kuntz are: Just saying, as it really is hellary shills:

catalin zt

Covid is murican bio-weapon ,full stop!

Free man

What about SARS?


Not as deluded and big as the degenerates in Washington


But they have have gold backed reserved and can sell out on usa in a jiffy if need be too,carefull!!


Just do it :)


It would be a really stupid move by the US to attempt to change the status quo in Taiwan. China would be justified in launching a preemptive invasion due to such foreign meddling. Not everyone would agree of course (though most in China would), but Taiwan is historically Chinese and frankly the split between them and the mainland has nothing to do with America.

Ivan Freely

IIRC, technically they’re still in a civil war. They don’t even have an armistice like the Koreans have.

Samuel Vanguard

China is all threats no action

Ivan Freely

Eventually the Zio-Empire will pick a fight with someone that they didn’t expect to punch back, hard. Will it be China, Russia or Iran?


Iran will respond on anything and everything if attacked, while Russia and China will start big war only if their known RED LINES are crossed. Ukraine and Taiwan are one of those red lines. No foreign troops bases in those countries, no NATO membership.


When it comes to war retardation and debt sure thing,but when it comes to building sht and manufacturing,you don’t know what the hell your on about (period)

Potato Man

If a war break out….hey good fuking luck btw take some of the fat Zion to fuk, they be ugly but doable.

US a country that have start wars with small countries or very weak military wants to attack China, a country that also have nuke and rank 3nd LMFAO.

India is you best choice for that matter, but if US push India into a war, China also can ask some other countries to fuk some Zion suckers. BTW China don’t have “800 military bases” around the world, most of their soldiers are at home. This shit is not gonna be cheap and it is gonna cost a leg and head.

Most of rare minerals comes from China….NOT in hell US dear to attack China. But guess what, we have a child Zion in US, Trump is fuking moron and that’s it….watch Bibi push him around like fuking child.


Hmmm …. fighting a war 8000 miles from home …. a 24 hour round trip by airliner …. against a rich technological peer with a population of 1.5 billion and a continent at their back.

China stocked up on bargain priced oil and food months ago … in fact they bought up all the US oil back when it was at around $10 bbl and the USA was running out of storage. I don’t doubt they’ve been running missile and bomb factories 24/7 preparing for this.

Fanboys tell us that it’s nearly impossible to find a carrier at sea but how hard is it to hit oil storage tanks and ammo dumps with a DF-21? And how about if their EW is half as good as the Russians and the USA can’t rely on data links?

To fight a war you need arms, communication and logistics … 8000 miles is a long way to haul shit if your forward deployed supplies get destroyed. Especially if you’re aircraft are outranged by Chinese missiles.

The USA has a lot of experience fighting expiditionary wars but never against opposition that’s as rich as they are, as well armed as they are and opposition that can strike any US asset in the region and even the US homeland.

I doubt very much that China will let the USA bomb the Chinese homeland without striking back. What Americans don’t understand is that China was humiliated by the west for centuries and they’ll take their revenge.

John Tosh

You have the first sensible comment here. The USA cannot win a war against China.

India is using the USA to grow just as China used the USA to grow. When a real war comes remember what Modi told the Russians “India between Russia and the USA” the impression on his face was no not this time…when elephants fight, it is the grass that suffers!

USA cannot win this war, it will give the rest of the world the opportunity to clobber the US to death. The Europeans will back out when Nukes are used.

Israel and maybe Britain will contribute token military assets but pull back when they see the USA losing. Then there will be civil war in the USA. Once the CIA, NSA and the paramiltary forces are destroyed the USA will cease to exist.

UN forces with foreign military will divide the USA so that the future of the USA would be a group of cracked little countries controlled by foreign forces from different regions.

This is the future…

Ivan Freely

The Euros will back out even when fighting conventionally; nukes don’t have to enter into the picture. I disagree with your last sentence. The UN will disappear once the USA breaks up.

Fog of War

” UN forces with foreign military will divide the USA so that the future of the USA would be a group of cracked little countries controlled by foreign forces from different regions. ”

Highlt doubtful, there are 350 million or so heavly armed reasons as to why the UN soliders would never return home alive. Like them or not, but the average ‘merikans would unite when faced with such a blatant invasion. Not to mention the fact that a nuclear power is untouchable, even when in a weakend state. See the Russian example for instance.

catalin zt

Ha ha since when Russia is “weakend state”??? :) By the fascist anglo-saxon propaganda only….

Fog of War

You forgot the 90’s I see. Go back and read up on some history.

John Tosh

I am telling you the future…. I am not reasoning it out for you… this version of the UN controlled by the USA will cease to exist. The future version of the UN controlled by others will be the ones dividing the USA into tiny little countries.

Americans will divide along ethnic, racial lines…. Caucasians will not support the countries with blacks, Hispanics will want their own Spanish speaking America. The Asians etc will all form their own little countries.

The USA will exist only in memory!

Fog of War

I dont doubt that, however that will be an internal affair and no foreign troops will be involved as they would get slaughtered. Dont forget the US military will fragment and take sides also.

John Tosh

Again, the future of the USA is fixed…. nothing changes that. Nothing.

catalin zt

May Almighty God hear you! Amen!

Ivan Freely

Very astute especially your last sentence. The Buster Scruggs here on this comment board don’t understand that you may be able to pay someone to pick up a rifle, or charge up that hill, but you can’t pay someone to believe. This issue goes deep, on a spiritual level. The stupid fools is going to need a draft to be able to sustain such a war and given the deep division among the population, the US will fall before they get a chance to deploy the first wave of draftees.

Fog of War

It would be the biggest mistake to make, if China attacks first. That is exactly what the Zios want.


It would be a mistake for China and the USA to go to war PERIOD.

Both these countries can deliver the amount of ordinance expended by all sides in WW2 in a week and do it with much greater accuracy.

The “zios ” want to deflect from their own mistakes by directing your focus on China. They don’t want a war with China. They want a war with Iran … provided it’s a one sided coalition circle jerk. The last thing they want is a war against someone that can fight back.

What they want to do is scare / anger you into supporting the funding of military, MIC and police forces.

That takes your focus off the corruption and inequity in the banking and financial industries,

The fact that wages haven’t risen in real terms since 1972 and the middle class is in free fall,

That people are homeless and it isn’t a temporary thing,

That unemployment is structural and a POLICY supported that insures that inflation is kept low for the investment class.

That there is a pandemic that the USA was woefully ill prepared for and keeps you from questioning how a nation like the USA was so unprepared for a crisis that we knew was inevitable.

Fog of War

Are you preaching to me because I already know and understand the points you make. Of course Iran, or Hezbollah are first because Israhell demands it. As far as China and Russia go, its all smoke and mirrors, just like in WW1 and WW2. Easily duped puppets are being manuvered into place, while willing actors are all playing their parts.



John Tosh

The USA cannot win a war against China.

India is using the USA to grow just as China used the USA to grow. At the start of a real war, remember what Modi told the Russians “India between Russia and the USA?” the impression on his face was no not this time…when elephants fight, it is the grass that suffers!

USA cannot win this war, it will give the rest of the world the opportunity to clobber the US to death. The Europeans will back out when Nukes are used.

Israel and maybe Britain will contribute token military assets but pull back when they see the USA losing. Then there will be civil war in the USA. Once the CIA, NSA and the paramilitary forces are destroyed the USA will cease to exist.

UN forces with foreign military will divide the USA so that the future of the USA would be a group of cracked little countries controlled by foreign forces from different regions.

This is the future…

catalin zt

I hope the ReptilianDracoGrey +Khazarian mafia ruled USA will get it’s rotten teeth in by the Chinese!

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