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MARCH 2025

China’s Attitude Towards Russian Special Operation In Ukraine

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China's Attitude Towards Russian Special Operation In Ukraine

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Talking about the special operation in Ukraine, the positions of actors who are not directly involved in the conflict are extremely important. One such actor is China. The position of China has been published in portions. However, different people have different perceptions of information.

Thus, on March 17, Washington hoped that China would have the necessary influence on Russia in connection with the events in Ukraine.

U.S. Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken commented: “We believe that China, in particular, has a responsibility to exercise its influence over President Putin and protect the international rules and principles that China claims to preserve.”

According to him, however, China seems to be moving “in the opposite direction” and does not condemn the Russian military operation in Ukraine. Blinken also claimed that Washington was concerned that Chinese authorities were exploring the possibility of directly supporting Russia with supplies of military equipment. The White House also insisted that Russia had requested military assistance from China, but as such, there was no evidence of this.

China did not support Russia when the UN voted for a resolution condemning the invasion of Ukraine, even though Chinese leader Xi Jinping called Vladimir Putin “the best friend” and the Russian president reciprocated. China did not oppose the invasion either.

On the day when Russian troops began striking Ukrainian territory, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying spent much of her daily briefing criticizing the United States, accusing Washington of “pursuing a block policy to create confrontation and division based on ideology. At the same time, she added that China and Russia “act responsibly in supporting international security and stability.” Hua Chunying never gave a direct answer to the question of whether China considers the Russian “special operation” an invasion.

However, to shed some light on China’s position, one of the official statements by Li Keqiang, Premier of the Chinese State Council, should be considered.

On March 12, Li Keqiang gave the following answer to a journalist’s question: “As I said earlier, China has always pursued an independent and peaceful foreign policy. As for the situation in Ukraine, China believes that the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries should be respected, the goals and principles of the UN Charter should be adhered to, and the legitimate security concerns of all countries should be taken seriously. The current situation in Ukraine is indeed worrisome, and we should do everything possible to support the Russian and Ukrainian sides in overcoming difficulties to achieve a peaceful outcome to the negotiations, and we support and encourage all efforts that contribute to a peaceful resolution of the crisis. It is crucial to avoid escalating tensions or even losing control of the situation on which the international community and all parties have reached a consensus. China calls for maximum restraint to prevent the outbreak of a large-scale humanitarian crisis. China has already launched initiatives to address the humanitarian situation in Ukraine and will continue to provide humanitarian aid to the Ukrainian side. At present, the world economy is already struggling because of the effects of the epidemic and other consequences, and the sanctions in question will affect the recovery of the world economy to the detriment of all parties. China is ready to make its constructive efforts to maintain world peace and stability and promote development and prosperity.”

Beijing’s position can be described as flexible, peace-loving, but not clear-cut. On the one hand, China advocates an end to the conflict in Ukraine, refusing to join the Western sanctions against Russia, while on the other hand, claiming the Ukrainian sovereignty. This may seem like a contradictory position. However, it fits within the framework of Chinese foreign policy. China’s position comes primarily from the benefits that China can gain. China has a positive attitude to the concept of multipolarity promoted by Russia, it also sees Russia as a geopolitical ally (at least in the short term) and a trade partner, although trade turnover has begun to grow in the last month. At the same time, China trades with Ukraine, has its enterprises there, and a military conflict is not beneficial for it, also an extraordinary rapprochement with Moscow may entail sanctions from the EU and the US, which China also does not need. Therefore, China does not give an unambiguous answer to the Ukrainian crisis in order not to lose the “advantageous balance” between all the actors, but only formally talks about peace and conflict resolution.


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Mariupol was 100% liberated

Are the Chinese with US yet?

Hunter Biden

Nah, they are with your mother.


All of them! Talk about a white sea!


Whats this about a white sea?

Richard Hoard

is this your king

Ashok Varma

China will be the biggest beneficiary of Russian victory as it will gain experience and insights how to defeat the US in Taiwan. Sadly for India, that the CIA installed extremist bastard Modi did not openly support Russia like China and Iran are doing.


Interesting comment about Modi, someone I always respected and someone that seems to have a very close and friendly relationship with Putin. I find this CIA connection to him utterly disturbing if it really is true?

Ashok Varma

Our post-independence Congress party of Nehru and Gandhi families was always pro-Russia which as USSR was the first country to support us against British imperialism and plunder. India and Russia developed very close alliance since 1947. India along with Indonesia and Nasser’s Egypt also created the progressive anti-imperialist non-aligned movement.

While beggar Pakistan became a US slave colony and even sent U-2 spy planes against Russian from Badabar base Peshawar. One was shot down with Francis Gary Powers, CIA pilot. US through Pakistan has been acting against Russia and India, and did its absolute best to keep Congress out of government, due to its pro-Russian leanings, just like CIA got rid of independent Imran Khan in Pakistan. Modi is an illiterate BJP Hindu extremist with a divisive agenda and the suits the US and Zionist “divide and rule” hegemonic view. But Indian public and military in particular are very pro-Russia, so even a CIA supported stooge like Modi had to abstain at UN vote and has kept a low profile. The Chinese and Iranians have no qualms and don’t give a damn about US threats and bullying and are supporting Russia to the max.

Russia will win this one, no doubts about it, and NATO looks like a eunuch using the stupid Ukrainians being led to their death by a evil Jew clown Zelensky. This is how the insidious Anglo-Zionists operate. JAI RUS!


I have often wondered how much India has been controlled by the US. So I am now shocked to hear that they actually control the PM and that they installed him as their puppet. I always believed that he was an honest peace-loving Hindu saint, but now you are telling med that his holier than holy appearance basically is an act. Well, I suppose I have to thank you for enlightening me (pun intended) to who this man really is.

On a brighter note it is good to once again get it confirmed from somebody who knows India from the inside that the support from India to Russia still is very strong. The short history lesson above was also illuminating (pun). So now i might as well end by saying … JAI RUS!


Yes, Ashok, Russia supports, Britain this, this, that…it’s all part of ‘the great game’, Ashok, Your reactionary Hindu nationalist territorial national obsession is delusion. It was created for you by the very masters that you despise. A house of straw.


Thank you, master, now I feel much better.

Orion Observatorium

Indeed, Mr Modi knows whom truly wields the power in India despite his machiavellian aspirations. Lets not forget the 250 million + strong multi-ethnic Indian protesters he had to bow down to.


For India to not condemn Russia, that on its own took some bravery. Why should India get slapped and suffer for saying what they think? It is enough for them not to repeat what they are told to. God SAVE us from these bullies and their utter stinking deceit.

Ashok Varma

If India is to emerge as an independent major power it has to choose sides as NATO is an extension of Anglo-European racist colonialism with the dumb ignorant American military industrial complex fanning wars against any opposing state. This time they have bitten too much and will accelerate western collapse and China will not let Russia loose as it knows that it the main and next target. Russians are very powerful on their own anyway, but this conflict will change the global alliance system forever. The west is decaying and totally morally bankrupt.


YES a paradigm shift is soon to occur in the world, sending the awful relic of the Cold War, Nato, to the scrap heap of history. They are now involved in something so big that it is impossible for them to control it. All one needs to do really is to look at the sheer size of the combined population of Russia, China, India and Irak. We are taking about three billion people. Too much for them to handle, for sure.

jens holm

This is not about seize at all. Humans has made children long time before stoneage. Thats the easy part. Some think that more fun then feeding the results.

Its about quality in life and defending it in improvements.


Instead of Irak, which now courtesy of our beloved Nato (satire) is a failed state, I should of course said Iran. (Cant edit the comment above any longer.)

jens holm

No India has not to change side. It alreadu has for many years chosing none. Bt that they try to devellop by trade with other neural countries avoiding crap.

We see it well in their weapon systems too. They try to buy stuff suporting neutral countries.

They are not as succesful as they have hoped for, but thats their politics.

Their main problem is their semicontinent cant support itself by itself. Therefore it has to have relations to others fx buying weapons from Russia. Here You might forget the TOO.

jens holm

In 2018, India major trading partner countries for exports were United States, United Arab Emirates, China, Hong Kong, China and Singapore and for imports they were China, United States, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Iraq.

Import: India Imports By Country Value Year United States $41.39B 2021 Switzerland $29.49B 2021 Saudi Arabia $27.69B 2021 Iraq $26.57B 2021

Here Russia is a tiny unimportant dot as well by their 1,5%. You of course has learned something else is Your propagandized lying schoolbooks.

Here Russia is BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG.They and You are not big in this as well.

And You never look up very relaibele facts even You can get the for free.


https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/3/3/un-general-assembly-demands-russia-withdraw-troops-from-ukraine They are against the war, somehow.

jens holm

Try to read the article before You comment:(

Pure Ideology Chips



Donbas back under Ukrainian authority and separtists eliminated yet? Crimea back under Ukrainian authority yet? Failed Ukrianian CIA project granted NATO membership yet?

Russia is a paper tiger


hans raus

I’m paid per post to spam garbage ^^^. 0.002c. Join EuroMaidanfags .com and work from CIA dungeon in Poland.

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus
Ashok Varma

That is why it destroyed Ukraine in a month and is humiliating 30 NATO puppets. Get a grip on reality dear chappy troll.


Ukraine and NATO destroyed Ukraine, Russia took away their means of destroying it. While this did lead to some damage, it also prevented more damage, torture and death of the non combatants.

NATO = North Atlantic Terrorist Organization

China knows that if they dont backed Russia in this conflict today, tomorrow China will be next on Nato hit list.


(at least in the short term) Very important, should be in bold not with (). China export to Russia 50 billion/year $ , USA 450 billion $ per year, Europe 450 billion $ year. And also Russia has a population to be fed and keep happy. They have nothing to win on a siding of a failed state and armee. The longer Russia fight the weaker the easier to take advantage in Russian, science, industrie, army, evonomy.


Stop spamming your retarded illiterate garbage you retarded illiterate garbage.

jens holm

Thats not spamming. Its a normal western oppinion, You are censured away from by Putin.

We have your oppinions too. They becomes more and more limited.

Jens asshole

Please stop with silly spamming, it is very painful already as Russia is tearing us a new one. More lube please.

jens holm

Thats how it is. The Russian fight mainky are the right to decline by ni changes. But no change is a change too.

Ashok Varma

NATO is failing against Russia with barely 140 million people, what chance do US warmongers have against 1.4 billion disciplined Chinese? US is looking pathetic.


I really do think that China should STAND with Russia as an attack on Russia is also an attack on all of us. The Holy Mother of Jesus asked for Russia to be consecrated to Her Immaculate pure Heart. The Pope actually did this and consecrated Russia and Ukraine, on 25th March. Mary appeared in Fatima in 1914 and this has been a long time coming and the consecration is LATE. PRAY for God’s protection and God’s will to be done in Russia and Ukraine. There will be war but it can be mitigated.


Correct, but its also a grand game. China needs steer a course where change happens in the world – they get their required multipolar set up, but also they don’t become a casualty of the process. So expect them to try to minimise sanctions on themselves, while maintaining Russia’s vector of forced multipolar change. Note US has lost control of controlling order that suits them, and with Turkey going over the boarder at will. We can see a world evolving into individual sovereignty and interests, rather than US sovereignty and interests. The Multipolar world gains traction. Russia is winning, China needs play a clever game as supporter.


They should STAND with Russia. Let a new currency come to our world that is NOT the 666 chip. PLEASE help to make a currency for our world that is not the mark of the beast.


China’s role is to use the western system against itself, it would be silly to blunt that weapon. Instead it is better for China to not impede Russia, help it where it can, but maximally benefit both itself and the joint struggle against the west by using the west to advance China.

jens holm

Your name is China?

None here want to destriy China. Its a very good and important tradepartner. It now and then dont behave as well as expected.

Russia not even know what behave is.


Dog eaters and shit eaters.What a Bromance.

Yamil Perez

You are both. Piss drinker and cum guzzler as well. Great bromance between you and your dog.


A China é política e seu povo comerciante. Eles sabem o que fazem e dizem.


(at least in the short term) Very important, should be in bold not with (). China export to Russia 50 billion/year $ , USA 450 billion $ per year, Europe 450 billion $ year. And also Russia has a population to be fed and keep happy. They have nothing to win on a siding of a failed state and armee. The longer Russia fight the weaker the easier to take advantage in Russian, science, industrie, army, evonomy.


(at least in the short term) Very important, should be in bold not with (). China export to Russia 50 billion/year $ , USA 450 billion $ per year, Europe 450 billion $ year. And also Russia has a population to be fed and keep happy. They have nothing to win on a siding of a failed state and armee. The longer Russia fight the weaker the easier to take advantage in Russian, science, industrie, army, evonomy.


“industrie and evonomy” you must be Jens Holm’s mentally challenged LGBT wife Johan Holm

jens holm

Facts are out in your world. Thats why You are very much out Yourself.

Gohan seemes to use facts. By that we can agree or disagree in a sober way relating facts.

Yours seemes to be randomized oppions based on things are luck or bad omens. Here Johan ans I always are the evil ones based on CIA, USA, Zioists and Mossad.

hans raus

This is true and facts based on data. Dont expect that brainwashed pro-russian trolls will understand.

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus
jens holm

Im sure he is in the shower taking in messages like that. It very good against smoking too.

Edgar Zetar

China is very smart, and also will grown his military to try to conquer Asia economically speaking and then as a military warranter of peace to the region. US will lose his leverage in Asia (east china sea) and also Phillipines (south china sea). Russia should be careful not to go to the bed to China or Russia should be devoured by China. USA creates this mess in global geopolitics trying to reign over chaos is a bad thing and can blown up in the face of USA.


Russia and China have a long and prosperous history together, longer than European countries and US relations with countries. Both China and Russia respect their traditions and remember past events. Therefore in my opinion I don’t think that there would be a reason for Russia to worry about China.

Edgar Zetar

Dealing with China, Russia is the weakeast, do you known what happen to the weakest on a relationship. Please learn some history of what happens to the weak and start with Cain and Abel.




Thank you for the heads up, Rav, indeed, we men truly must remember to be more inhuman.


That meeting during the olympics, between large Russian and Chinese delegations just prior to Russia’s military operation was just a coincidence. All they did was express brotherly love and sign some trade deals … if you still think China was ever in any way “on the fence” over this war I’ve got an island to sell you in the South pacific.

China and Russia have this planned out … you can bet the Chinese have been automating and optimizing Russian arms factories for some time now. This is where all those advanced missiles Russia was supposed to run out of weeks ago are coming from. China has plausible deniability over supplying arms to Russia for now but in fact they’re as involved in this war as much as Russia is.

Last edited 2 years ago by HB_norica

They don’t need to use chinese modern cnc machine for production russia has own CPUs like elbrus or baikal, for example russian company made own Routers switches and Server using baikal t1000 CPU, as we need for cisco or juniper broatcom CPUs in EU


CNC machining is 40 – 50 year old mature technology. Huawei made a deal with Russia to wire their factories with 5G networking. This is data links not cell phone coverage. It speeds up data transmission within enterprises and between partner enterprises resulting in as much as a 95% gain in productivity. You can control robotics and CNC machining remotely from thousands of miles away instantaneously using 5G.

jens holm

Sure. They have some few very limited productions in those matters. Missiles seemes to do petty well. They ahve some exports there.


That island you can sell… what’s the weather like?

jens holm

The reasosn for the Chines influence is Russia has decklined them themself. Russia also import a lot of advaced parts from west. They just simply dont educate people for things.

Its seemes to be all over.


The Chinese are smart and realize that Russia can reliably provide oil and natural gas over land, and that means the USA can’t exploit it. So, China will publicly portray themselves as neutral, but remain allies with Russia.

jens holm

Its going one from eastern Sibiria and will we higher.

There are distance problems for the rest. Some might forget the Chinese dont live at the Russian borders but unfortunatly many 1000 kilometers away.

I see them as trade partners just as Russia to us in Europe. But of course thats something for something too.

peter mcloughlin

China does want peace and stability – prosperity. But it faces a hegemonic struggle with the US which – if the pattern of history is anything to go by – will result in world war; unless Beijing and Washington can change its course. https://patternofhistory.wordpress.com/


Please goto browser settings and disable all cookies. Never ever use NATO the “North American Terrorist Organisation” media including internet social media because they spread fake news and second they breach your privacy. They control your smart devices by using their own cookies which also make your computers, laptops and smart phones so slow that takes time to open a website or to play a video. Goto browser settings and disable all cookies.


I actually don’t use a computer anymore, instead I use my telepathic powers to post the comments via the air. Can they still track me and locate me?

Last edited 2 years ago by Hjalmar
Edgar Zetar

Hahaha lol! Its a shame what they did to internet after 2003. But you cannot expect too much because it was created by DARPA in the US Goverment.


Hey, Edgar you forgot to tell me if they can track me or not? Please reply to “worried commentator on SF who wishes to be anonymous.”


Of course they can track you. You should hire a remote pc in a far away country and connect using VPN. Use to post and read. Android since version v5.0 is controlled by Google Cloud, IPhones also are easy target. We all are just like Communist China right now worldwide, just we dont have CCP party instead we have Billonaires and Olligarcs. The same sh1t with different mask only.


Wow, I first realized it was seriously bad when I watched a Tom Cruise film on Neflix a few years ago, possibly Mission Impossible 4 or 5. Don’t remember exactly. They tracked him everywhere around Salzburg, I think it was. It was so easy for them, the CIA, as all the street cameras were under their control, even abroad. But hey, they can’t get us all. Thanks Edgar. Keep up the good work.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hjalmar
jens holm

You can eat pigions. Take the young ones:)


I’m a vegan so how do I survive now. I can’t just eat bread, can I? Please help?


China has all of the time in the world. What can Russia? Russia must be for Russians, but China can advance all of the nationsbof the Russian federation. Only juice must have the city of the peaceful ones and at all cost, even peace, so it is war.


中国已经维持了数十年的和平,中国人不想参与战争。但我们非常清醒,某个霸权正试图在亚洲挑起冲突,我指的就是美国。当必要的时候我们会做出正确的回应。现在的世界并不是冷战刚结束时的样子,美国因为其内部问题,通胀和工业空心化,需要挑起外部冲突来缓解内部矛盾。欧洲的傻子们清醒点吧,看看自己的钱包,如果继续站在美国的立场,你们的经济会先垮掉。用一句中国谚语,被出卖还帮出卖自己的人数钱。 亚洲的事物请让亚洲人自己解决,祝美国早日滚出亚洲。

Edgar Zetar

There is a fine fruit of the great chinese new empire who is raising quickly.

jens holm

It has downs too. So many has Corona.

Edgar Zetar

There is too much deception from CCP to the internal population of China. War would broke for certain in Asia in the next future. Even in the China Anthem we can see the war imprinted itself in China domestic population.




Just watch what China news shows me and the words of CCP Representatives. If sometime in future I would travel to China for a month at least then I can teach you some things about your culture even chinesse doesn’t known. China is a pandora box to me and I want to open the pandora box.




China – a long time enemy of Russia – has been jingoing for this war because they know they are the only ones to benefit of it.

jens holm

China is a long time friend – or was.


Friend Partner Ally Are 3 well differentiated statuses. China and Russia have always been enemies, even today China practices advances on russian territory. This conflict will bring partnership into unequal benefit for China.

Al Doobie

China’s humanitarian aid? Food and medicine. The USA’s humanitarian aid? Weapons.

jens holm

It depends in where it is.

They and we systematicly has al kinds of medical care arond the world by Govenrmets and very much by GOs.. If UN and by them UNICEF do things more then 90% are paid by us or EU as well.

But we are very happy China can help more.

As usual You always use own context named STATE. USA are a NGO country even inside the state. It often is helped by tax returns, so the giving is more atractive.

Right now many milions are donated by danes to the Ukras here and in Ukraine. Main parts of that are not state at all.


Jefferson the troll.

dj dd

Russia missed a very big opportunity to grab the south and east of Ukraine in 2014 with minimal human and material loss. They could have grabbed more if they wanted to. They continue to disappoint their supporters and well wishers all over the world with their inconsistencies and half-done jobs that always come back to haunt them.

Russia has been cheated many times before during negotiations to end conflicts or wars. This time it was in Turkey. Turkey wanted to host and mediate between Russia and Ukraine. And even though Russian demands to end this operation are known to Turkey and to the world, Turkish official openly held interview with CNN and said that It is not possible for Ukraine to recognize the independence of the DPR and LPR and also recognize Crimea as Russian. Ibrahim Kalin went on to say that even Turkey didn’t recognize it. But we all know that the reason why Turkey didn’t recognize Crimea as Russian is because Ukraine didn’t recognize it and asked the world not to. If Russia is able to make Ukraine recognize Russian authority in those lands, will Turkey not do the same? So you see how treacherous Turkey is.

Again in Turkey Russia was deceived into withdrawing from Kiev, Chernigov and Sumy regions. The hard fought territorial gains that cost it hundreds of lives and ammunitions were given up in matter of days because Ukraine seemingly agreed in paper drafted that it will recognize Crimea, DPR and LPR as Russians. It was agreed that as a good faith, Russia should do that and that’s exactly what Russia did and she announced that to the world. Turkey was forefront into all these deceits because it was Turkey hosting this meeting. And now as soon as Russia withdrew from these areas, Ukraine refused to honour the agreement. After this horrific deceit, how can Russia agree for Turkey to host any future meetings with regards to Ukraine?

We saw how frustrated Lavrov and Putin were, what they said about the Ukrainian behaviour.

In times like this, Russia needs to maintain a step ahead of her opponents, unfortunately it doesn’t seem to be so. Russia’s inconsistencies in foreign policies cost their people and cost more lives and these happen on and on and no end in sight. It must stop!

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