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China’s “Push To Dominate Space” Of Concern To U.S., Is “The Galactic Federation” Involved?

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China's "Push To Dominate Space" Of Concern To U.S., Is "The Galactic Federation" Involved?

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On December 31st, 2020, US outlet Newsmax reported that China’s “push to dominate space” is a “huge threat” to the United States.

It should be reminded that China recently actually landed on the Moon and stuck its flag up there.

Multiple foreign policy thinkers and China watchers say “The dramatic new space race includes China’s plans to establish a military base on the moon within 10 years,” according to the report.

The report concludes further that “NASA does have a plan to return to the moon via its Artemis program, but it is open to other nations. Experts also worry it won’t be a priority under a Joe Biden administration.”

The reported is largely based on an interview with Brandon Weichert, author of the book “Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower,”

According to him, “China wants to have a lunar colony by 2028 and a military base on the moon by 2030.”

Weichert and others are concerned with the following:

“The biggest issue we are going to need to contend with is averting a space Pearl Harbor,” Weichert said, pointing out that the U.S. relies on satellites more than any other country in the world and has done little to defend them from a possible attack. “China and Russia have been developing counterspace strategies that are meant to deny America access to satellites.”

The report cites China commentator Gordon Chang, author of The Coming Collapse of China, who also stokes the fire of fear:

“In the near term, he said China or Russia could use space as a “first strike area” by knocking out satellites as a prelude to attacking the U.S. or its allies on the ground. If the U.S. is deprived of its technology and loses communication with its allies, he said the Russians could easily carry out an invasion of the Baltics or the Chinese an attack on Taiwan in a “nightmare scenario.”

“We have an economy and military dependent on satellites,” Chang said. “We could lose the next war within the first 10 minutes of a conflict if they take down our space assets.”

This report is in line with the claim by US Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe and his opinion piece in which he claims that China is developing super soldiers.

 “The intelligence is clear: Beijing intends to dominate the U.S. and the rest of the planet economically, militarily and technologically. Many of China’s major public initiatives and prominent companies offer only a layer of camouflage to the activities of the Chinese Communist Party.”

Among other claims, some of which hold water, there are some rather interesting ones.

According to Ratcliffe, China is conducting biological tests in its attempt to create “super soldiers.”

Ratcliffe said China had gone to extraordinary lengths to achieve its goal.

“US intelligence shows that China has even conducted human testing on members of the People’s Liberation Army in hope of developing soldiers with biologically enhanced capabilities,” Ratcliffe wrote. “There are no ethical boundaries to Beijing’s pursuit of power.”

According to him, China was such a massive threat that Russia and even terrorists needed to be disregarded in order to stop Beijing from creating the Chinese version of Universal Soldier (again, hopefully looking like Dolph Lundgren, for posterity).

Regardless, the moon base is coming, and it could be that the US and Israel are primarily concerned that Beijing may come in contact the “Galactic Federation”.

Since, Israel’s former space security program chief, retired General professor Haim Eshed, said that the aliens were only in contact with the US and Israel, it could be that they are worried that the Chinese Communist Party may recruit the aliens to their ranks and then create the Interplanetary People’s Republic of China, potentially.

Who knows, really, the potential is infinite, there’s so much to fear.


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Potato Man

Only if US did spend billion each year on military…


only billion?!? you mean “trillion”.. Pentagon has stolen 25 trillion so far of what is known through the books…. even the “trillion” in black hole of corruption is not much for their appetite


” China is conducting biological tests in its attempt to create “super soldiers.”

The US has nothing to fear from China :) The US Space Force guardians ( Space Grunts) are now equipt with light sabres.

Albert Pike

Yes but even the Space Grunts light sabres have to be packed in baking paper -to make them look real moonlike- because backing paper is just the best rocket building material ever, and by now we are all used to gold foil as the material of choice of the space age…


Gold and glitter is sooo classy don’t you think :)


That was few years ago, than the Pentagon and the MIC partners in crimes + their corrupt Politclown Caste lackeys stopped any future ‘Audits’ for good.


I was only talking about Pentagon’s 25 trillions (not MIC) that I could find in news…the rest is only guessing I suppose. Even though I tend to agree with “tip of the iceberg” comparison.


It was only discovered by an ‘attempted’ Audit and they scratched only the surface but than the unholy cabal that I mentioned done some shady arm twisting scheming plotting and conspiring in the background to stop it for good…but we all can only imagine what else they could find if they didn’t hit a concret wall like an Mafia ‘Omerta’.


we don’t want them to start the WW-3 just to prevent audit…don’t we? ….so it’s better not pushing our luck too far… remember 9/11 and “building 5” with documentation, investigation about CIA missing trillions…

Ivan Freely

Building 7 and there was the section of the Pentagram that housed damning documents of their misconduct.


Yes it was building 7 and not building 5 … Pentagon and not CIA…. I’m getting senile. Thanks!


Misconduct? It’s Corruption with Criminal Intend.


You know, the deeper meaning behind the Pentagon building complex design is, it symbolizes a Giant Drain Hole. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/009951b9bae3981a7f3105940cb954e9f80c6265c236ffce6ef3deef9d72d9dd.jpg


Giant Drain Hole is more like a supermassive “Black Hole” swallowing galaxy of money… Ike was a good man.

catalin zt

Eisenhower….another white criminal, anglo-saxon, Genocidal,greedy for power and money,fascist piece of s*** and sooooo on! One of theirs….where theirs is this HORRIBLE anglo-saxon race along with khazarians tormenting this Earth… Stop posting empty words from anglo-saxon capitalist-fascist MORONS! PLEASE

Potato Man

billions each year ….. bruhhhh


book “Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower,” Somebody should inform them that they are not ” Superpower” any longer




Not cias anymore (period)


CIA&Mossad = Masters of All.


The whole assertion is such a pile of Bullshit on a stick with glitter, like always. It’s literally the same delusional Horseshit like the AmeriCunts assertion that Russia is ‘Obsessed’ with the arctic, WTF? The AmeriCunts are just pathetically jealous they have 2 icebreaker and only one more or less has the capability at least to float is also described by its crew as rust bucket. Russia has more than 40 some of them nuclear-powered and the biggest + most modern around another dozen on the way, large parts of Russia and most of their coastal lines + territorial waters are in the arctic. Since the corrupt/criminal/cleptocratic AmeriCunt political castes defunded looted + starved NASA to near-death they didn’t come up with any Substantial anymore except some fancy concepts videos + plans, same happened to the Arecibo telescope. Guess who build + runs the worlds largest single-dish radio telescope? China. Where all those funds are relocated? The waning education system? The decaying + crumbling infrastructure? Healthcare? Social systems? Anything usefull for the common people or society? You can Guess, It’s wasted on the corrupt bottomless pit called Military MIC + Deep-State. Some time ago Russia and China made a proposal of an international binding treaty to ban + outlaw any militarization of Space [Earths Orbit + Moon…so far]…You Can Guess as well…The AmeriCunts indignantly rejected the proposal.

Albert Pike

Well it looks exactly like the fake Apollo moon lander -wrapped in baking paper- ergo they work together on that psyop too – not only when doing plandemics. So why shouldn’t they do glittery fake Bullshit together in space? Anyway glittery baking paper is cheap, and Joe Average can’t look that far as the moon -or China- never could. So when Anna Louise Strong was busy with Yalie Mao Tse-tung (or ‘Moshe Zung’), Joe couldn’t see that either…


Come on it was not really cheap + it’s not baking paper, it’s Aluminized Mylar Foil and they [NASA] invented it for the whole purpose to wrap + enclose the isolation cabeling ect because of its nearly non existing weight…..but after its space program place of birth it got a life on its own to this very day as Rescue Blanket or also known as ‘Space Blanket’ and mainly as packaging for potato chips. BTW what the Russians use for their space crafts looks more like a fabric mostly in green or blueish grey.

carlo cozzarin

This american imbecil outlet media is forgotten that all former Soviet republics were given independence and autonomy, there was only one agreement made between Gorbachev and the UNpresentable liars of the US administration that NATO would never have advanced a single centimeter east from Berlin Frankly, it would be all right if all its sites were eliminated beyond what was agreed and they would even have to shut up, the very false hypocrites, although Russia never attacks anyone… It doesn’t matter what they do and if the very psychopaths decide to lift a finger against Russia even with their UFOs, that all the informed we know possess even if it is not flour from their sack… They don’t live in Alpha Centauri, if they fuck it up, they’ll end up pulverized and under the sea, and if any of the excrement is saved, they’ll pick you up under the ground and the sea to give you what you deserve, let them know!

catalin zt

Brother,stop agitating yourself please and better focus on an organisation in your country (probably Italy) like the Red Brigades or so to help END the fascisto-capitalist anglo-saxonkhazarian Dictatorship on Earth and involve in trackingannihilated anglo-saxons and jews inside your country!!!! The aim is to surpress and send to Hell ANY anglo-saxon or jew SCUM individual collaborators with ur uk,us,israhell embassyes in your country! Any DEAD jew or anglo-saxon will help the Humanity to go forward to the COMPLETE and TOTAL acces to LIFE to this 2 GENOCIDAL SATANIC RACES! AMEN!

carlo cozzarin

Sister, the red brigades, the wars, the interference in the internal affairs of the countries of the world, the coups d’état, the international terrorism such as I $ I $ and Al-quaeda, all have the same origin and the same organization, the The problem is global and I face it locally and globally as it has to be To hell, all this scum, it will go anyway, we do not have to annihilate anyone, this life lasts the time of a candle and no one is going to take what they deserve, neither the bad nor the good Keep your soul pure so that it can return back to the Kingdom of the Good, that the good fall into bad thoughts and actions is what evil wants to succeed In this world, those of us who fight on the side of light are required to do what we can to ensure justice for the traitors of humanity. Do not forget that all the monarchies and republics that did not prostrate to their power were overthrown or annihilated, including the French, Anglo-Saxon, Austrian and the United States We cannot blame or wish the annihilation of those who succumbed, that’s the people, not their puppeteers … Of course We can help them free themselves from the yoke of Satan and his treacherous servants, but always keeping our souls pure and in the light. Amen As we use to say in Spanish A cada cerdo le llega su San Martín

Ken Edem

How can the US worry about everything anyone tries to do. The US tells the whole world, be like us. Immediately you try to develop like the US, then it also says, you are treat to us. So which is which. ??


Its inferiority complex, be like us but not better than us.

catalin zt

Didn’t get ur ideea,sorry but i can tell u with assurance that what u call us is really murica and murica is all about fascism, capitalist profits,killing in order to obey their capitalist-fascist “rules”,mass murderer,wars, getting in the internal affairs of countries,and generally DESTABILISING the World! For that,murica and israhell will get soon TOTAL ANNIHILATION and the curse of being anglo-saxon or jew a CURSE for the ENTIRE LIFE of those dirty children coming from those 2 GENOCIDAL races INCOMPATIBLE with life on Earth! Amen!


Trump has his space force ready so no worries!

Tommy Jensen

Precisely as I have pointed out. China is seeking Full Spectrum Global Dominance. China is setting secret military bases up and spy through their Huawei and 5G on citizens EVERYWHERE…………..also in Space. The intelligence is clear: Beijing intends to dominate the U.S. and the rest of the planet leaving nothing but noodle soups to an American, plus they have also met with Aliens in Space without informing the free and civilised world about it. If we dont wake up now, its over for real America as we know it.


more like “noodle soup” without noodles!! :)

but you are right about military bases: “China Seeks Military Base On The Moon In Next Decade” https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/china-seeks-military-base-moon-next-decade-report Aliens in Space will become communists!!!

catalin zt

In ur sick western capitalist-fascist mind controlled by the capitalist-fascist feudalist murican-jewish propaganda might look like my dear white western ethernal paedo and perverse but in REALITY ,China had 400 years ago the chance to occupy the all European western feudalist kinda “states” but…. DIDN’T ! Is u the the western anglo-saxon dirty SCUM race who trapped them in your well known deep perversity brought them in the opium circle and other means of wealth EXTORTION (so typical for yours paedo mutilated minds and souls) ! This BEAUTIFUL and Peaceful Chinese culture now is now ashamed of the DARK YEARS of your MALEFIC and DISTRUCTIVE influence on them those times…and of course now because they just woke up they are NEVER allowing u(the SCUM) to do that anymore and they are ready to annihilate u at any time given! :)

cechas vodobenikov

“amerika is gigantic: a gigantic mistake”. Freud u can donuts and 3 chord manure


Your constitution is on the line and you have the audacity to blame heterosexuals? COWARD!

catalin zt

People of the World must unite to remove their vassal capitalist-fascist “government” ruled by Cabal axis Washington-Tel Aviv(the anglo khazarian MAFIA) take control of their Nations armed forces and give an ultimate military BLOW to this MAGGOTS who are feeding themselves on the flesh of Humanity!!! Finish the anglo-jewish SCUM races from the face of Earth and we will all live Prosperity, Friendship and Heaven here on our beautiful Planet ! This two PLAQUES on Earth must be clear TOTALLY,from the baby future PAEDOPHILE,genocidal,criminal,fascist,capitalist to the adult MORON they absolutely ALL ARE!!!! AMEN! And by the way,the Galactic Federation composed by at least 5 alien races and lead by Archangel Michael are protecting Humanity and soon will give the ULTIMATE Blow to the anglo-jewish capitalist-fascist World MAFIA who is working closely and hard with the Reptilians-Draco-Greys alliance ! Veeeeeery soon this two SATANIC races will be GONE forever from here from baby MONSTER to adult MONSTER! AMEN and FREEDOM for Humanity from the anglo-jewish SATANIC empire !

Ryan Glantz

We have [several] moon bases, and China has space programs already making colonies on other planets and moons. Germany was the first to breakaway from Earth, then United States of America, then Russia. There have been many in prior civilizations, the Mayas. Japan has been in contact with 4 different et races for over 500 years. China has been working with the new “bad et’s” on the block and that’s why the cabal has switched their focus to a chinese ruled slave system model for globalist domination. Every et species has their own AI, that’s how they navigate the cosmos and keep records of the planetary systems.

Ivan Freely

Stop watching Hollyweird movies.


I don’t believe faithless liars,especially to the fact it were the soviets whom orbited earth 1st! Techonolgy nowadays proves of the better race,they have the power,speed and durabilty, However this trick worked on gorbachev,there was a price to pay for believing everything sadly.

catalin zt

Brothers and Sisters,our Almighty Good God has created Us for being free and happy on this Divine Earth created for All of Us! BUT!!! For the last at least 500 years we are seeing that 2(two) races of Us are PERMANENTLY TORMENTING ,killing, extorting,war mentoring,genocide bringing, manipulation doing,mass murdering, perversity spreading,greed seeding,fascism feeding, intolerance bringing,paedophilia spreading,crime causing etc… They are the most unfit to live among Us and this 2 MORON RACES by the proof of their deeds are the anglo-saxon and the jews. As such GENOCIDAL S ,CRIMINAL( look at their short history),MORON behaviour (for capitalist profits) and soooooo on this 2(two) SATANIC RACES are NOT COMPATIBLE with life on Terra! Brothers and Sisters , YOU are the representative of HUMANITY not this two DEATH BORN races! In the name of our Great Creator PLEASE focus all your energy on phisically REMOVING from Here these two Genocidal races from baby to adult MORON! IS VITAL FOR OUR EARTH SURVIVAL! It is VITAL to FINISH this 2 SATANIC breeds from baby to CAPITALIST mercenary NOW ! Otherwise this to MORON dirty scum races will DELETE all of Us soon from the face of Earth! Please doesn’t matter what We ALL need to EXTERMINATE this 2 breeds!!!! Amen

catalin zt

Hey BROTHERS and SISTERS ,if u are not jew or anglo-saxon u should know that the way the anglo-jewish MAFIA on Earth works through capitalism! Is the capitalist fascist feudalist system ruled and mastered by some “elites” of those two MONSTER races ! Is really NOTHING new because this 2(two) genocidals are mastering this SATANIC system for at least 400 years where the cabal khazarian jews are infiltrating Europe and World for at least other 500 years. So all together are actually more than 1200 maybe plus… Would be tons of sentences to be written about the subject…BUT! As long this anglo-saxonkhazarian impulses of greed,individual need for wealth on the expense of others lifes&work (payed slavery) and energy are projecting on u and when u want to exploit others for ur own benefit u,as an big stupid mouse u do fall in the trap and as a result u will become an SATANIST (like any other jew or anglo-saxon) . The Idea is to get out of this mental trap and start to LOVE your bros and sis and instead of exploiting them LOVE THEM and don’t deprive them of their work. If u really overcome the jewanglo-saxon dirty fascist greed YOU WILL BECOME HUMAN , BROTHER! And then u will meet DIVINITY and a really NEW WAY OF LIFE! After that even if u belonging to the DIRTY,SCUM RACES, namely anglo-saxon or jew u will DISCOVER REAL LIFE IN GOD and DIVINITY! After that again even if u are anglo-saxon or born jew u will learn slowly how to accept the others,to inhibit and overcome ur inherent dirty genes and not desire to be PAEDOPHILE anymore for example…and examples of being HUMAN are endless…and then at the end u as an MAGGOT RACE U ARE will really overcome ur jewish , anglo-saxon curse of being individualistic,war mongering capitalist-fascist,paedophile,stupid and ignorant by birth,more inclination to learn useful things(other than wanting to have sex with kids,to exploit adults for profits,to be moral and phisical prostitute,to go foreign countries to kill women and children etc) . The idea is that u ALL (ABSOLUTELY) even belonging to this CURSED( ment to be anihilated as criminal born maggots u are) u can become HUMAN!!!!! THAT’S A BIG THING FUCKERS! FROM MAGGOT TO HUMAN!!!! So take the chance and become human u the 2 CURSED RACES ENEMY OF HUMANITY otherwise….hmmmm the “future” for u MORONS IS NON EXISTANT! AMEN!

Ivan Freely

Newsmax is the NEW Faux News for American lunatics. It’s funny to see Fox News squirm at the loss of their base viewers. LOL


Isn’t that the one jewsh media claiming to be their invention? I’d like to see the chinese to scan the moon for that American flag,imagine all the cia panick!


Muricanz are once again projecting their own crimes and malfeasance onto others…. Is there no end to the depths to which these corrupt agressive reptiles will descend???

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