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MARCH 2025

China’s Type 15 Light Weight Battle Tank (Infographics)

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China's Type 15 Light Weight Battle Tank (Infographics)

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The Type 15lightweight battle tank is designed and manufactured by China’s defense company NORINCO (China North Industries Corporation). It’s set to replace the Type 62 battle tank in the Chinese military. The Type 15 has a 1,000 horsepower engine. It boasts a 105 mm gun capable of firing armor-piercing shells and guided missiles.


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Assad must stay (gr8rambino)



Which part do you think is the most impressive?

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)



As the guy above says: 3km firing range? in ’91 Iraqi tanks used to have that range vs American tanks that had 4.5-5km

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

and did you see the guy who replied to him? it is a light tank


Yeah I did, what’s so impressive at the weaponry of this tank that you couldn’t find at other light tanks?

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

its not american lmao


nobody can say whats impressive! if its a light tank….. Why is it practically the same size as a T-14? T-14 is shorter in length by 0.5 Wider by only 0.2m taller by only 0.8m So in mass they are the same size! a T-72 is cheap and fires 5km standard and does 70kmph but its over 60 tons! T-55 is $140,000 and can fire 3.5km t-60 fires is $250,000 and fires 4.2km

Where is this tank cheaper and better than a T-60? How can u have a tank as big as a main battle tank yet only be 36 tons that is spread out all over a large body? it means much much less armour! it only has a 105mm gun! This will not defeat a T-72 which was made in the 19970’s and 80’s! t-72’s are super cheap too! Can buy from ukraine for $900,000 each! T-72 fires 5km stock standard!

This chinese tank is large, slow, low range, low miles, not as cheap as much better older tanks, has low armour and is unproven! its the worst tank in history simply because its A BIG light tank that is slow and cant kill anyone who has a tank made in 1970! lol!


They mean it’s impressive China built a tank that works, indeed a big tank with a small tank specs but still impressive for China :)


you mean even if it’s a shitty tank, it’s still impressive cuz it’s not american?


These are LIGHT battle tanks – primarily intended for operation in South East Asian environment. China spans a huge and diverse geographic mass – they have different hardware requirements for different sectors, the south is very different to the north. Accordingly, these are not particularly intended for wide open deserts like the Iraq theatre you cite, where range advantage is critical. To grasp primary purpose of these light tanks – think how US was completely unable to exploit its armor inventory in Vietnam – heavy battle tanks do not work in environments of rice paddies, rivers of varying depths/ widths with scant bridges, steeply inclined hill and ridges, and jungle mass where ground based visibility is negligible and range advantage is not necessarily a critical issue. All these concerns are kinda baked into the name – Chinese light battle tanks – intended for South East Asian geographic conditions.


And I was asking the guy who said ‘impressive’ what he finds impressive on this tank. Could you tell me why is it impressive?


WHY ARE THERE DIMENSIONS ALMOST THE SAME AS A T-14? Why be light and be a huge target? why be light yet so slow? so short range? 36 tons spread out over a large size tank = thin armour! 3km firing range? anyone in a t60 or up is killing this tank! T-55 are $140,000 T-60’s about $250,000 is this tank as cheap as a t-60? Do u have any idea Russia has in stock?? Fucking tens of thousands!

Stop being a China wank and start talking logic!


Also a t-55 costs $140,000 per tank! Refurbished from Russia! a T-72 fires 5km stock standard! these morons on this site just cheer lead for anything chinese or iranian! None of them actually know what they are talking about!


Chinese cheerleaders . Give me a C, give me a H, ……… :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e3532b5d08bbef4ea6f04537f584817b9873c3f5704eb5669c894cd495c2645b.jpg




Your moms ass I believe you fucking Zio-Neocon troll.


Here’s what I found in your moms nightstand https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b8c1a647f149cd8c78a1c7d9d0008c1f0cacd045ffa80e87dd3581d4da950709.jpg

Don’t know what they are but it looks to me like Chinese military equipment.




Humor is beyond you, no ?


The Impressive thing is that is not made in the US, that’s the most impressive thing.


Here’s a stealth plane also not made in the US https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/029c82ce4b37c6101c3ebadf62349552cb8e9f2441568bb2a66b5b8928c6e926.jpg




36 tons = easy kill!

Godfree Roberts

You have not understood the tank’s function. It is not an MBT.

It is a counter-insurgency weapon built to be affordable for 90% of the world’s countries.

For that application it is fine, and doubtless superb value for money.


Ahh it’s made to be sold to African countries. It makes sense now

Godfree Roberts



its terrible! its dead in the water! Dimensions make it a big target! Speed does not benefit from being light! (70km is slow) “Its EXTREMELY bad! Light or not, its dimensions does not make it a small tank! Its speed does not impress if only 36 tons! There are zero advantages to its weight if its travels low range of 450km, has large tank dimensions and has a slow speed of 70km (Russian tanks are 90km to 110km speed) and 550 km range and 7 to 8km firing range! This tank is TERRIBLE!!!!!!”


Made in China Made in Japan Made in France Made in Germany Made in Russia Made in USA Made in UK

Guess which nation copies? Guess which nation steals tech? Guess which nation buys tech? Guess which nation cant build its own aircraft carrier? Guess which nation has no modern day war experience? Guess which nation has a reputation for making junk?

Think white and get serious! Made in China is like saying Made in Nigeria!


China LIGHT battle tank! 9.2m Long 3.3m wide 2.5m Tall


I rest my case!

If its light, why is it so big? Why so slow? Why such short driving range? why only 3km firing range? why so small gun?

its the same size as a Russian tank! Why make a light battle tank that is big?

Even a t72 can fire 5km! How can this tank survive? its total crap! did u know t55’s are only $140,000 to buy? They made tens of thousands of them! Even a T-55 could beat this tank!


These are light battle tanks primarily intended to operate in South East Asian environment. As is the aging Type 62 tank they are to replace. China occupies a huge and diverse geographic mass – they have different hardware requirements for different sectors, the tropical and variable south is very different to the frozen and flat north. To grasp primary role of these light tanks – think how US was completely unable to exploit its armor inventory in Vietnam – heavy battle tanks do not work in environments of rice paddies, rivers of varying depths/ widths with scant bridges, steeply inclined hills and ridges, and jungle mass where ground based visibility is negligible and range advantage is not necessarily a critical issue. Likewise, in these difficult environments speed is not a critical issue, as is case in more exposed environments like deserts or grasslands. All these concerns are kinda baked into the name – Chinese light battle tanks – intended for South East Asian geographic conditions.


Dimensions make it a big target! Speed does make benefit from being light! (70km is slow) “Its EXTREMELY bad! Light or not, its dimensions does not make it a small tank! Its speed does not impress if only 36 tons! There are zero advantages to its weight if its travels low range of 450km, has large tank dimensions and has a slow speed of 70km (Russian tanks are 90km to 110km speed) and 550 km range and 7 to 8km firing range! This tank is TERRIBLE!!!!!!”


.China LIGHT battle tank! 9.2m Long 3.3m wide 2.5m Tall


I rest my case!

If its light, why is it so big? Why so slow? Why such short driving range? why only 3km firing range? why so small gun?

its the same size as a Russian tank! Why make a light battle tank that is big?

Even a t72 can fire 5km! How can this tank survive? its total crap! did u know t55’s are only $140,000 to buy? They made tens of thousands of them! Even a T-55 could beat this tank!


Suggest you look up the Chinese Type 62 Light Tank – Wikipedia.


Well you obviously don’t understand what is the concept of LiGHT BATTLE TANK, not MBT’s. This is LBT. First speed is good, travel range is way good for it, sensors YES, Armor Light, firing range 3km effective, what about turret? Loading system auto-loading, defensive measures, smoke, IR flares, target acquisition system taken probably from other concept of tanks. And after all you are terrible in your understanding. I don’t know if you are playing video game here or you are playing games on your PC. It is lite tank. Same as IFVs as Bradley’s or BTRs with a different specs.


hahahaha Compare its dimension to a T-14 Its bigger in total volume because its 0.5 metres longer! its a longer tank, same width but slightly shorter! So basically its as large as an MBT T-72 fires 5km (1970’s versions) Cost $0.9 million T-62 fires 4.5 km Cost $0.25 million T-55 fires 3.5km Cost $0.14 million Even if this chinese tank is worth $3 or $3million, its is defeated! U think there are no upgrades for all these tanks i mentioned?

This tank may aswell be 9.2metres long, 3.3 metres wide and 2.5 mteres tall AND BE MADE OF FOAM AND WOOD! 36 tons spread out over this BIG tank means Thin armour! What advantages does it have for being light when it can be killed by a T-55? When it travels at only 70kmph When it has only 450km range (Big heavey tanks can travel 550km) lighter tanks should travel much farther! it has a small gun that fires only 3km and has very thin armour yet is a big tank! this means large target, easy to kill and safe if u are more than 3km away!

This is junk AND U KNOW IT!

u should be laughing at this tank! As for environments, all tanks are made for different environments thats why they have -50c and plus 50C status! They have fucking tracks that can run over mud and trees u nit wit! hahaha

This thing is made for China to have many tanks and many men they can sacrifice because they cant make their own planes, their own supercruise engines, their own aircraft carriers, their own air defence! They have to copy, buy or steal!

And if u disagree with that, be my guest and dare me to prove to u what they copy, buy and steal!

i dare u to ask me to show u!

Tigers and Panzers! They are examples of heavy and light tanks (huge size difference (not only in weight but also in dimensions)

This light chinese tank loses to a North Korean T-55 FACT! This tank loses to a T-62 stock standard tank FACT! This tank cant even kill a T-72’s turret, Occupants of T-72 are playing cards and smoking cigarettes! T-90 is driving away saying “we already won” t-14 is saying, “oh look, a tank from 1920”!

u need to try and understand what tanks exist, how many there are, how much they cost and how upgrades have vastly improved them!

Then u have to ask urself, which tank do u want to be in! which tank is truly cheaper!

Nobody made tanks cheaper than the Soviet Union because they owned half the world, were a military state and labour was cheap as hell!

They made tens of thousands! They have all the worlds titanium! they were the best at making tanks! and they have sooooo many in storage!

u are kidding urself!

Romeo Pesiao

Writer was paid for over publicity of the tank..


agree! haha


Take a chill pill and read the comment from Garga

Codenamed 'Gordon'

My idea that will revolutionize the use of the tank



T14 Armat was said in 2015 to have this in the future……


It will be something light and cheap for the terrible urban battlefield, hence the not-so-oh-impressive specs compared to MBTs. There’s no need to pierce thick armour in this scenario and distances are not great, so a rifled gun it is.

What I don’t understand is to fire guided missile from a rifled gun, as the article in the last line mentions.

I know Soviets were forerunners of this idea from the ’60s, but AFAIK this job is done with a smooth bore gun, a rifled gun screws with the missile guidance and it also reduces to velocity of tank shell projectiles for armour piercing..

Maybe I’m wrong. Any tank crew here to help me out?

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