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MARCH 2025

Chinese Ambassador To Israel Found Dead In Home, Sparking Avalanche Of Rumors Amid Tensions With US

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Originally appeared at ZeroHedge

China’s Ambassador to Israel has been found dead inside his home near Tel Aviv Sunday morning, Israel’s Foreign Ministry has confirmed.

57-year old ambassador Du Wei had only assumed his post in February 2020 in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, due to which he entered a two week mandatory self-quarantine upon his arrival. He’d previously been China’s envoy to Ukraine and is survived by his wife and son, who were not yet in the country.

Chinese Ambassador To Israel Found Dead In Home, Sparking Avalanche Of Rumors Amid Tensions With US
China’s ambassador to Israel Du Wei, file image, 

Police were reported outside his residence in Herzliya, which lies just north of the Israeli capital, conducting an investigation but have told the media Wei’s death isn’t being treated as suspicious. However, a number of commentators are highlighting the context of tensions between the US and China inside Israel as being essentially in a state of behind-the-scenes diplomatic war after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s visit there last week.

Pompeo sought to urge the Israelis against trading or investing with China, especially the agreement for China to start operating Haifa Port in 2021. As multiple reports underscored:

On Wednesday, Mr Pompeo denounced Chinese investments in Israel and accused China of withholding information about the coronavirus outbreak.

Washington has sought to strip China of ability to exercise influence in this strategically key part of the Mediterranean where the US Navy’s 6th fleet often docks and restocks.

Chinese Ambassador To Israel Found Dead In Home, Sparking Avalanche Of Rumors Amid Tensions With US
Chinese Embassy in Tel Aviv, Wiki Commons.

Du Wei reportedly specifically condemned Pompeo’s anti-China rhetoric on its official website days ago.

While there was no immediately forthcoming statement on the ambassador’s death out of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, it is likely Beijing has yet to rule anything out in terms of the suspicious timing of it all.

Meanwhile, Israeli newspapers were quick to underscore that the immediate rapid spread of the news across global press almost immediately after the discovery of the death was accompanied by widespread rumors and speculation.

“The level of conspiracies and anti-China comments after the death of the ambassador reached a crescendo on Sunday afternoon,” Jerusalem Post wrote. This is also due to it being rare that an ambassador dies while on the job, as multiple reports have noted.

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rightiswrong rightiswrong

Pompous Mikes facemask looks like a piece of paper one would use to cover up a razor cut.

He’d need a blanket to cover his chins. Fat b’stard.

Zionism = EVIL

The fat pig Pompeo has openly said the the Americunt losers and Zionist cunts will act against China as it was getting too big for its boots. Ambassador Wei was posted in the Ukrainian Jew controlled shithole earlier and must have discovered some Amerkicunt plot as he was never let out of “quarantine” ever since he landed in Occupied Palestine and then mysteriously killed. Even the Jew media is questioning that a senior 58 year old professional diplomat in excellent health all of a sudden died in bed in total isolation, just like the Jew pedo pervert Epstein in NY suddenly committed suicide in police lock-up and the camera went blank all of sudden?


Sort of reminds of the poor Saudi-journalist who got chopped up by Bin-Salman’s hired thugs…..

What a fucked up world we live in…

Zionism = EVIL

Unless the Zionist cancer is eliminated things will get worse. These cunts are evil bastards who are fighting tooth and nail to hang on to their delusional fantasy of global domination, China is now too independent and the One Belt, economic clout and growing military power and China’s growing influence in Eurasia and the world in general is pissing off these murderous cunts.


Damn…..when you put it that way I guess it makes the most sense. Just like Shahid Soleimani who was on an official diplomatic mission where he thought he was relatively safe and then got assassinated, Wei was also in a place he thought he would have been safe in only to die despite being a diplomat….

Israel and the U.S. are playing a very dangerous game here, one that doesn’t really end well for the parties involved. Needless to say we should keep on this story as it has the potential to develop into something much more significant.

Zionism = EVIL

My friend, experience and history tell me that when arrogant and hubris filled failed empires die they go totally suicidal crazy. Roman emperors like Nero played the fiddle when Rome burned and Caligula had orgies when the palace was on fire. The lardass Americunt pig Trump is a tool of Bilderberg Jews who have figured out that China in now too independent and has growing power to challenge them, so first they planted the virus, which backfired and now killing of diplomats and overall psy-ops and economic war. I have dealt with Chinese for years and they are pretty cool customers and will not be phased by the Americunt cowards, when China was weak in 1950, they sent a million men across the Yalu River in Korae to beat the crap out of the dumbass Americunt cowards and the faggot MacArthur wanted to nuke China and then the same defeat in Vietnam. China is now too powerful and has allies all over the world. The Americunts and Jew parasites have a Confucian death of a thousand dicks coming their way.

Swift Laggard II

china is evil. communism is very evil. a philosophy of zatan

Porc Halal

Yep, but I know at least one more as deadly as communism is, if not even evil…and I am not talking about zionism here

Ashok Varma

The British creation of Zionism is the ultimate evil.


Technically, this is much older than the British Empire. The practice of super rich elites who use their money to “devour widows’ houses” (Mark 12 v.40), then manipulate government and the public to silence, crucify opposition is biblical, at least.


What gives you the idea China is communist LOL!!?


Ever read Sutton’s “Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution”? Atheist, Leninist Communism came from “Western” plutocrats in the first place. However, China has been moving away from Atheist Communism by reviving Confucianist principles, allying with Ex-Communist, Christian Russia on the New Silk Road, ending the one-child policy, growing its middle class, etc.

If you challenge the “Zatanists,” challenge their anti-China propaganda, too.

Ashok Varma

Capitalism combined with Zionism are the real evil that are destroying humanity. Karma is on the way.

Jimmy Jim


Angus Spencer

‘lardass Americunt pig’ is almost as good as ‘orange carnival barker’

Tommy Jensen

Dont forget that you guys voted on and elected both Nero and Caligula.

Caligula insulted Temple II by demanding his ugly statue and picture inside the Temple II and Synagoges demanding obedience. You guys voted him in like you voted Bush, Obama and Trump in, like you voted Die Grûne in.

Therefore dont give me this bs you are not responsible for what your fathers father father and his grandfather did! .


What the hell does Caligula a Roman who was here in AD37 have to do with that fat bastard Pompeo acting like a Mafia thug on a global scale?

Ashok Varma

Even Indian media which is normally not sympathetic to China is questioning the suspicious nature of Mr. Wei’s death. The lack of hasbara trolls here also indicates Zionist culpability in the ambassador’s murder.


Yes and the Russian Ambassador in Turkey murdered in front of TV cameras,also another Russian diplomat died in the US they said it was a heart attack.Vytaili Churkin Ambassador to the UN where he was very good at making the US look like the liars they are,and the Russian Ambassador to Sudan was found lying face down in a swimming pool,its clear whats going on,US murder inc at work.


i have a question i have seen you around quite a bit and it seems like you have quite a few strong opinions on weapons systems,tell me why do you think the AR-15 platform is inferior to the AK platform?

Fog of War

AK has operational simplicity , ease of cleaning, almost never jams, and powerful bullet ( 7.62 )


i can contradict all of those statments i have used both platforms the AK is horridly obsolete and its far from realiable and easy to clean also all guns are easy to operate the AK is not diffrent to a M4 in that respect both rifles can and have been operated by toddlers also 7.62mm ammo is inferior when it comes to actual damage on flesh it overpenetrates and dosent fragment compared to 5.56 ammo and it cant even penetrate bodyarmor all that well and its only accurate up to 300m away but this is not by chance the 7.62x39mm was made in a time wheir bodyarmor was not standard and it was good enoth for the job.


The AK platform is not a historically fixed platform – AK system was/has been updated in Soviet and subsequent Russian Federation forces since its inception. In contrast, many foreign developing states still use obsolete AK pattern rifles in exactly the same way that many foreign developing states still use obsolete AR pattern platforms.


no the AK still has the exact same parts and specs as the original the only differance is that they changed the caliber once but its all the same form a mecanical standpoint same goes for the AR.


Are you seriously trying to suggest the AK47 is the same as the AK12?! Both the Russian and US assault rifle platforms have been moving to modular systems in last decades. Likewise the use of polymers and variable stocks make the recent systems dramatically lighter and more efficient than original models. The fundamental design concept behind mass produced military assault rifles is not going to suddenly be mechanically altered any time soon – the basic concept is patterned and established – in same way cars are not going to change from fundamental pattern of a chassis and four wheels – but a car from 1948 is hardly the same as a ca from last decade.


ofc it is the only thing differnt is the barrel and freefloated hand gaurd and sights with 1913 rails on them evrything else is the exact same form a mecanical standpoint. also your car analogy is flawed since cars form the 1940’s dont use the same engines as they do tolday they really are diffrent in fundamental ways btw the wheel analgy is more like a rifles trigger or magazine wrather then its internals.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

I’ve never mentioned an AR-15, never mind said it was inferior to any weapon.

This article is about 40 chins, or Pompous Mike. Do you agree he is a fat b’stard, and a disgrace to his nations military for becoming such a fat b’stard?


yes you have i have seen you in other comments claim that the M4/M16 (also known as the AR15 platform) is inferior to the AK yet you failed to provide any evidance as to why it is inferior.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Go fuck yourself you space wasting son of a whore.

Mike Pompous is a fat b’stard and the us army is shit.

Blocked, for wasting space and you smell of goats.


wow what a pussy cant even make a singe proper agrument how pathetic.

Jimmy Jim



US and its Zionist masters are engaged in a determined political, economic, military, diplomatic and psychological warfare against China as it has become too powerful for their liking. This more likely a warning to China as the modus operandi is certainly Mossad. US has a history of killing Chinese diplomats in Serbia as well when their embassy was deliberately targeted despite being designated as a safe zone by the UN. China should not have a embassy in a criminal illegal entity squatting on Palestinian land.


If this was a joint-operation then one can only hope China has the balls to do something about in return.

Question now is, what would an appropriate reciprocal action be?

Ivan Freely

I agree China needs to step up their game and let it be known publicly. But, they don’t roll that way unfortunately.


No, that behavior is shifting in Chinese officials. Look up Zhao Lijian and what he said about American soldiers at the Military World Games…

Ashok Varma

China will have to take a more assertive stand against US thugs and Zionist murderers, the quiet Confucian quiet diplomacy does not work with such evil criminals.

Jimmy Jim



One could say the same thing about Ambassador Karlov being killed in Turkey as a potential provocation against Russia.

Black Waters

Agree, this is not jsut about China, but about anyone opposing them.


He doesn’t look to be particularly at risk of any health issues that would have prematurely claimed his life. Although there really isn’t any denying it, his passing is really, really coincidental and comes at a rather bad time given all the increased in tensions between Washington and Beijing.

It could have been from natural causes or this could have been an American assassination operation in Israel, rather ground-breaking if turns out to be the case since it would go against what we think of the American-Israeli relationship.

Nevertheless, and I can’t believe I’m even saying this, Israel doesn’t have any logical incentive to kill the Chinese diplomat as that would directly go against their objectives of bolstering economic ties with China in the long-term. It could have been a joint-operation between Israel and American CIA but then again, Israel really stands to lose here if China decides to pull-out of Israel economically.

Very weird death….very weird.


Remember the Balfour Declaration? “Israel” is a “European” imperialist colony, the same as the US and the other Five Eyes surveillance state countries. If the “evil empire” wants to bring China to heel, why would “Israel,” out of all the thrall nations, be the one to officially rebel…???

Zionism = EVIL

It is no coincidence that this guy was posted in Jew controlled Ukrainian shithole first and then locked up in the Pimpeovirus lockdown for 2 weeks and then killed in isolation by CIA and Mossad cowardly cunts. As I had posted a few days ago the Americunts had given the Zionist parasites a warning to act against the Chinese. This is all part of the not so secret Americunt and Jew cunts war against PRC.


i know this is a bit random but i must ask why do you like your friends on this sight have sutch a bad opinion of the AR-15 platform yet praise the AK so mutch? Why do you have sutch a opinion.


Because wanker Americans such as you cannot spell, NITRAM28. You wrote :- ” have sutch a bad ” ‘ such ‘ is the English spelling :), ” AK so mutch ” ‘much is the English spelling :) , and ” Why do you have sutch a opinion.”, the ‘ ? ‘ is missing, plus the incorrect spelling of ‘much’. :)

My opinion of semi-literate American’s get’s more jaundiced as each day passes.



whom said i am american? and i did not ask a grammar obsessed baby sutch as yourself. you understood what i said tho did you not? So yea if you dont have anything to contribute to the comments fuckoff or stay and start arguing bullshit about my grammar its all the same to me.

Martin Petrovski

Why are you so hostile towards him? He made grammatical mistakes,so what? It seems like you did understand his questions (even tho they are not directed at you). And plz tell me do you have the same opinion as the guy he is asking? And if so i am interested in it as well since it seems like you ppl have no actual arguments and just insult and dodge questions or correct grammar that, has nothing to do with the argument at all.

Icarus Tanović

That’s right my friend.


The Rothschild neocolony in Palestine is a land of mass-murderous terrorist invaders, this kind of people bombed the Chinese embassy in Belgrade killing many and called it a mistake while committing genocide on Serbians and stealing their land.


What happened to the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade and what happened to Serbia was truly criminal, but was it not the US supporting their MB that bombed it, not Israel.


The Ziocorporate terrorist empire is one single entity with different branches. US and ISrael are the same scourge on humanity.


yeah, looks like a mossad operation, possibly on behalf of cia and some such organization. given the technology available to the cia and mossad twats there will be no sign of foul play, but rest assured there was foul play and that tells us more than ever, that the quicker the world is cleared of jews in palestine and jews embedded/entrenched elsewhere the better the world will be, the disjointed moronic states of A is bankrupt and will implode to the standards of a ridiculous banana country soon enough.

Tommy Jensen

A duck in Hiroshima criticized an American and everybody know what happened.

Ashok Varma

Not a sane, decent human being would gloat about killing thousands of Japanese civilians in cold blood with nuclear weapons. Then you wonder why the world hates US and stupid ignorant Americans?


Tommy must have had too much to drink, his satire hits the ditch tonight.

Jimmy Jim


Ivan Freely

Ahhh…the assassinations have begun.

Lazy Gamer

Sounds like 2 way. ? But it is also almost the same sound as the Chinese name my teacher gave to me.

Me&Myself None

At the heat of tit for tat between the US and other countries, the ambassadors of that other countries always end up dead. Ex. Russia right after their intervention in Syria, Russian ambassador to UN suddenly ended up dead in the US, another assassinated in broad day light in Turkey. Now at the heat of the new US/China cold war, Chinese ambassador to Israel ends up dead. Coincidences?


This is different from just an America-vs.-Russia issue. You were correct in saying that “fat Americans… bought their way to the top,” but “Israel” was planned as a “European” imperialist colony since banksters and British aristocrats put together the Balfour Declaration.

“Israeli” “Jews” have problems with Russians because Russia dumped the Atheist Communists, rebuilt churches the Soviets shut down, and sent some corrupt oligarchs to jail. Some oligarchs who Russians foiled, like Kolomoisky, are hiding out in “Israel” now.

Nicholas II’s grandfather ended serfdom in Russia, and corrupt oligarchs got him and his whole family murdered. Now that this anti-serfdom, anti-slavery, Christian values mentality has revived in Russia, won’t the oligarchs’ subjects in places like “Israel” be convinced to “hate the Russians”? Not for nationalities, but ideologies…?

Ashok Varma

This is one of the opening shots in the US and Zionist “maximum pressure” on China and many more atrocities will be committed unless China stands up to the murderers and bullies.


Just a heart attack, nothing to do with assassination. move on.

Swift Laggard II

no coincidences like this happen in the real world. someone did something, and you know it too

Ray " Uncle Sam"

my guess murdered because he didnt go along with the annexation of the west bank!

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