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Chinese Hand Behind Mass Protests In Russia’s Khabarovsk

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Chinese Hand Behind Mass Protests In Russia's Khabarovsk

AP File Photo

Over the past days, Russia’s Khabarovsk has been the center of the political turbulence in Russia. On July 9, security forces detained the government of the Khabarosvk region, Sergei Furgal. The detained governor was removed from his post. He’s suspected of organizing of killings of several businessmen by an organized criminal group in 2004-2005.

The Khabarovsk region is located in Russia’s Far East and borders with China.

The detention of Furgal:

The part of the regional elites linked with Furgal immediately made an attempt to label the case as a ‘political presecution’ and instigated protests in the region.

These protests were widely supported by the pro-Western, neo-liberal segment of Russian media, including outlets affilated with a notorious ‘leader of the non-system opposition’ (the one that declares the goal of overthrowing the government by non-constitutional means) Alexei Navalny.

The goal of the ongoing coordinated media campaign is to undermine the criminal investigation and help the detained official to avoid responsibility for his criminal actions. This is an ordinary behaviour for the Russian ‘liberal opposition’ and ‘liberal media’ that became used to justifying any acts of crime, terror and corruption if they allow to damage the interests of the Russian state.

Another interesting fact is that hundreds and thousands bots and and bot videos flooded Tik Tok, the Chinese-controlled social media outlet popular among young people. According to IT security experts, the bot network involved that instigates the protests in Khabarovsk is no less than 50,000. Videos promoted by this network collects hundreds of thousand likes (most of them from bots) and enters the trends (HOT) section of the social network.

Under the general Tik Tok policy, the social network works to limit the reach of politicized content and removes videos calling for protests, riots, violence etc. Earlier, Tik Tok even removed videos of supporters of the notorious cult of Alexei Navalny’s ‘fighters for democracy’. However, as of now, the Chinese-controlled social media seems to have changed the approach and intetionally promoting pro-protests videos.

Examples of videos promoted in Tik Tok:


#фургал #фургалхабаровск #свободуфургалу #хабаровск #городкоторыйсмог #хабаровсксила

♬ оригинальный звук – khvschnsk


#фургал #хабаровск #митинг #ЯмыФургал

♬ Хочу перемен (DJ Vini Remix) – DJ Vini & Виктор Цой


#фургал #хабаровск #митинг #ЯмыФургал

♬ Хочу перемен (DJ Vini Remix) – DJ Vini & Виктор Цой

Examples of accounts involved in the campaign:

Chinese Hand Behind Mass Protests In Russia's Khabarovsk

Click to see the full-size image

Even if the accounts in the examples above are run by the pro-Furgal media campaign, Tik Tok still plays own role in the situation by allowing their operations.

It seems that China works to exploit the turbulence in Russia’s far east to achieve its own political goals and gain additional leverages of pressure on the Russian leadership. Such an approach is fully in the framework of the general principles of the Chinese diplomacy. Beijing seeks to weaken the ally in order to improve its own negotiating position in the bilateral relations.

This situation demonstrates how issues with the internal political stability of Russia could undermine its stance on the international arena and even its position in the cooperation with traditional allies and partners.


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Lone Ranger

I doubt 8000 zombies will change anything.

Muslim Lion

Russia will soon collapse into flames. There are clear commands of Allah almighty about sacred jihad against those who side infidels against Muslims.

And the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) said:

And incline not toward those who do wrong, lest the Fire should touch you, and you have no protectors other than Allah, nor you would then be helped.

(Chapter 11, Verse: 113)

I insure that we believe in our Allah – the helper and Omnipotent – who succeeded our Jihad against the infidels. Actions of the russians will not affect our legitimate struggle and our Jihad will reach the strand of success reverently, Inshallah. And this is an easy task for Allah, the Almighty. https://youtu.be/UiJQEThIdd4?t=130

Lone Ranger

FU Schlomo…

Ashok Varma

Hasbara disinformation effort, not a very good one.

Black Waters

Terrorists like you thought that in the 90’s, then early 2000’s. What we see in reality is that Russia has grown even stronger, terrorist creatures like you only make Russia more powerful, you are a target practice.

PD: Also, you aren’t even a muslim.


This is how CIA disinformation acts. Use Muslims for their false flags.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Sure, Allah is really worried about Russia, while US troops walk over Mohamed’s house of Saud. Jewhadi prick.

Lone Ranger

Navalny is one irritating cunt. Fuckin autistic psychopath. He would make a perfect CIA agent… Oh wait…

Icarus Tanović

He is CIA guy.

Jens Holm

Do You even believe that Yourself or did Your mammy tell You? If You have such one.


Sounds like you’re frustrated and jealous.

Muslim Lion



Russia’s problems are no where close to America’s problems.


Jens Holm

Thats very incorrect. USA has a structure, which somehow can handle a lot more then the primitive one strinbgs like the one in Russia.

Its correct they have problems but we also see they actually are 52 states.


52 states? you are plain moron!


What if Canada’s the 52nd state?

Jens Holm

Ha ha. There is jokes about that because they sometimes agree a lot. and sometimes as a contrast to the relations to Mexica.

Canada by that in economucs are the 53th state:)


There are officially 51 states, the 53rd state if you include Mexico. Or if you include American territories abroad, Guam and Puerto Rico would be the 52nd and 53rd states, among other island territories in the Atlantic and Pacific. Cuba and the Philippines were Spanish colonies until America declared war on Spain after American freighters disguised as Spanish merchant ships fired upon their own ships in the port of Havana.

Jens Holm

Maybee. Its difficult for me to count all those stars on their flag. I do recall Puerto Rico partly is an outsider.

My Wiki says 50 states, the Washington DC and 14 territorials.

Rhodium 10

Also Guam was an Spanish colony stolen by USA


That too. Spain stole it from its previous owners. Polynesian tribes also killed each other and conquered other islands. In the folklore of the inhabitants of Easter Island, they too killed the original inhabitants. The natives of what is now the French island territory of ‘Futuna’ were cannibals that traveled to a nearby island called ‘Alofi’ and killed all of the inhabitants living there, then cooked and ate them as any cannibal tends to do.

Jens Holm

Colonies are not stolen ? News to me.

Spain under pressure sold most of their colonies to USA and later on more to Germany.

Fx Cubans and Phillipines were never asked even they several times had uprised against Spain.

Rhodium 10

Guam was invaded by US navy while Filipinas had a short war vs USA..

Jens Holm

Its above Your head.

There is a lot Trump dont decide about. They have their own police. They are not united in healt such a corona.

They all have their own elected parlaments as well.

Fleecing Rabbi

Your parents, brother and sister?





Jens Holm

Only some parts are partly true. This is the way Your Goverments show us, so You forget any solutions for the better in Your own quagmire.

Much like fiasco for us deemes to be possible but succes for Yourself is not even an option.

EU will ask USA to open up the sanctions, so we can export wheelbarrows to all Your money and recycle them as toiletpaper.


I’m not an American citizen.

Jens Holm

We in Denmark inside are structured rhe same way as USA.

We have local selfrule for 50% of the incomming tax and decide most local things because the locals better know what we need.

By that we also are much more responsible. We by that cant blame some Goverment far away in Copenhagen for a lot of things.

Its also much easier for the Goverment having less kind of jobs in the corners and being able to focus on the big things.

We elect and reeæect the local parlaments at least every 4`the year and then replace some or many of the politicians. We have many political parties. They has to unite and often do in consensus. Decidings has to have at least 50% of the votes – or not 50% against.

So parlament is talk about things and decide a lot after quailified talk.

The Goverment make the big things such as Motorways and we local decide the connetions to and from them – something like that.

And we have strong results. We hardly has any uprises bacuse we can elect some new politicians local as well as upstairs.

We also are proud being announced as having the lowest corruption in the whole world.

We by that trust the police and court and the state very much. So the support is by trust and not fear and propganda.

And we do see the results. Our crime is in the low end and well as we have 55.000 dollar pr inhabitant. ……………………………………………………..

This is not related to family apart from its the same kind of structure and it mainly does well compared to others. It works.

80% of our production is companies owned by stockholder and here we individuals and not family related as well. In fx Syria and the many semilar ones 80% of the companies are ineffective because they are family and not effective. I can add women here all works and contribute with 40% of the GDP.

Our Premiereminster is a voman as well as 6 of 12 police districts has female Leadership. Those are chosen because they are the best among all.

I also will remind You that We and USA even pay and build walls to avoid millions of incommers from the bad dicatator simplified ONE STRING systems, You seemes able to understand, bacause You learn only that fx by Islam.

It mainly says 1 person as Leader is more clever then the rest of the population. We dont see that. We also nare sekular, because family structures having oldies on horses givvig advice about better hay for cars for the future. And in that stupid Young men are rewarded by cars, where vomen are not allowed to work – and if so – are rewarded by a mobile phone or a bunch of flowers in their behind.

You often – as here – has no idea of vital things we do and have here – those are made by orurself and certainly not stolen. They are done by school, education, skills, hard work, euqual gender and women and men are mixted and can go and work free everywhere among each other.

You also descriebe our Governes from the primitive Islam base. And just as the Russians, You not even has language for, what we do.

A hint is we have a big well educated middleclass. Thats the main differens to both kind of primitivisme.

Finally our systems have many deciders and therefore never has total breakdown and by that also can repair and renew itself. Thats not perfect(fx Sanders in USA). But sompared to others I see none better.


“We by that trust the police and court and the state very much.”

The Netherlands government is highly corrupt as well, including human trafficking and the sex industry going hand in hand with government corruption. Prostitution struggled under German occupation, but even though our governments sell out the people to greedy capitalists, 3rd world immigrants and j-ewish supremacists, at least we’re not speaking German! (internet meme)

Jens Holm

Compared to others the corruption in Netherland is low. Fx

https://www.transparency.org/en/cpi/2019/results or https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corruption_Perceptions_Index or fx https://um.dk/en/news/newsdisplaypage/?newsid=7868548c-37b8-4d9e-9393-e99e6e545e7c

Your describtion of Netherland is only a small part of it.

We dont sell out to greedy capitalists. Obvious You dont understand I put my pensions savings into the stockmarket and the Goverment also will give me pension from a fond based on the stockmarket.

Those money by that are investments for companies, which by that add benefit.

And I am no greedy Capitalist. The whole system of Ours are based on that and private property. Obvious You think socialisme or tribethinking is better.

Hard to see that for me.

I can only see You think all westerns are Jews by that. If so I anytime will prefare to be among Jews.

You probatly dont like Jews because they educate themselves and by that and fx hard work raise their income. But thats how it is in the different versions of Capitalisme. And we are rewarded and also live longer.


I don’t like jews because of their psychopathic behaviour.





Jens Holm

Mybee You define Jews from what You are Yourself. In psycology the partner to a psycopat is the victim.

If You are raised to act as a victim most people will be like that and easy to dominate ot feel like that and join that kind off relationships.

Totalitary systems are like that. It goes for Islam as well as Communisme. You find it well fx by the “Non Maduros” in Venezuela.

You can only make a change from that stop plying victim building up the illusion, You have no influence as well as resoinsability.

Its typical You by Yuorself accept and work as a very good victim supporting one big Leader such as fx Assad or Erdogan.

And at home its the same thing. The old father is Your Leader and You by that has his chosen rank for Yourself and has to obey. If You leave, You are NOTHING.

So the start is to see Jews raised as taking repsonsability. They learn it from birth by debating eveverything asking why who, where, when and almost everythigcan and will be debated – incl by the women with some limitations by some od the Jews.

By that the are well equipped to raise a higher level, which we also – as non jews do. Here we add school, education, working hard with skills and are paid for, what we actually do.

And it works. The totalitary systems makes victims not working hard for themselves buit others and not for the state. By that there are very limited expectations for You and the opposite, if You dont do as usual.

That part partly is named as “Sunni”. But thats wrong in a world, where devellopment is needed. We see it here in Denmark where a part of the incommers expect the local Sunni is to live as You once did in a muslim country even many years ago.

The Jewish and Our Sunni is innovating in time and devellop Our system and change things and relationsships, if we find something better. Not all are improvemenets. There are big mistakes too, byut the main thing is we accept that new stuff in mind and al over a a base for all.

So the difference between You and us are having many more deciders with responsability, which make most of the jobs and the jobs mainly are well paid. Many of those jobs are done by the “none devellopers”.

In Our system the innovaters pay a lot of different kinds of tax, s they dont plunder the rest of us. People woking for them pay income tax. Many countries dont have that. If You are in the low end You pay low tax. If You are in the high end, You pay much more.

All that tax then is divided out equal for all, so even the rich ones get tax back(fx medical free treatment, helping money fpor the children, minimum pension for the old ones.

So we kompensate and kallibrate and the laws anout that is decidd by the Goverment and Our Laws and Constitution.

Right now we have Corona and also a small regresion. The parlament has lowered tax for many as a temporary help for many sectors. We do that. The Goverment by the Parlamenet also has made bilion dollar loans. We all know those loans has to be paid back sooner or later. But thats what we do.

We tax people hard, but we also help all defining what their own money and the part, which actually is Ours.

If You want to change and improve Your low status in most things, You should npot expect we will be like You and join any part.

But its wrong to name Jews and us as psycopats because You raise Yourself as victims and even blame us. We didnt invent Islam as well a totaliarisme. Here we also has left important parts of the old Christianity, because it was stiff and not good.

As long as You decide one MAN (OF COURSE) think better then the rest and by that decide everything for a Country as well as in a ancient family structure,

Here You also dont understand that so many actually are stockholders and investers in the state as well as for privatisme. You are raised to see things in a Muhammed economic perspective, which in most things are completly wrong. In its best it give You dead, cold gold under Your pillow and headegg.


I’m not even going to read your comment since you took no time to actually study the material.

“So little pains do the vulgar take in the investigation of truth, accepting readily the first story that comes to hand.” — Thucydides

“For the great majority of mankind are satisfied with appearances, as though they were realities, and are often more influenced by the things that seem than by those that are.” — Niccolo Machiavelli


You are completely closed off to the JQ due to your confirmation bias.


You Gentiles: bitchute[]com/video/eUEZNisp9Ki0/



School For Corpses by Louis-Ferdinand Céline (Part 1) FULL AUDIOBOOK: bitchute[]com/video/li5Lt6J7mMzb/


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ff6678599a4430d6d9ecdab4b18efbb38da31831f75b0e0ed8c6d2963fb928fe.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4b37787f0c9a8c24644bfd4e7e56d027d3b1b0c6db416258c0211d838237e102.jpg


Books for Goys: bitchute[]com/video/8vzDbRVXZwag/


goodreads[]com/work/quotes/3113420-hitler-s-table-talk https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/67d92cc7250592b5552d694fe2aae25360ebc16adb41512e524d0f3c7602ceb4.jpg




Clip from the believer:





“You Gentiles” by Maurice Samuel: bitchute[]com/video/eUEZNisp9Ki0/

^ The movie “The Believer” is mentioned at the 35:24 mark.

Full Book: archive[]org/details/YouGentiles/page/n75/mode/2up



On a side note, from the movie “American History X”:



Evola had his problems yet wrote good material.

Evola & The JQ: bitchute[]com/video/SPZPXCSFAXt5/

Notes On The Third Reich: bitchute[]com/video/CeKeylqseeTl/

Jens Holm

11 sheep


As India and China wisely deescalate, the US is trying to fan another conflict. It will fail yet again.

Ashok Varma

This is fake news, typical US tactic, did the same with India and China.

Fleecing Rabbi

You must fight Chinaman, I already have 4 TV, no more needed,

Fleecing Rabbi

We would like any war between goyim and Chinaman, the Hindu proved meshuggenah coward.

M.A. Lamett

What happened to the China-Russia friendship and unbreakable relationship, alternative media and trolls were boasting about?

Lone Ranger

Take it with a grain of salt. Its like U.S-UK relationship.

M.A. Lamett

I never believed the hype and mostly Russian propaganda of Russia-China best friend BS. Now the mask is falling. I wonder what the folks at Saker will say about it.

Lone Ranger

I know its an all in game for the U.S. and China. But if you think Russia will take a side in that battle you are wrong. They will lay back and wait.

M.A. Lamett

Navalny is the globalist puppet and Putin is the elitist puppet. I don’t see any hope for Russia.


Don’t be mistaken, China and Russia are not allies but both share common interests against the U.S and the West. If for some reason the West loses all their influence, then Russia would be next on the Chinese goals. The Chinese monster is waking up, and they are going to swallow anyone that doesn’t do as they say, better be prepared today.

Free man

There is a saying that Russia has two allies – the Russian army and the Russian navy. The same is true for China.


True Zion. Sadly there are many that are mistaken and swallow this propaganda of Russian China “friendship” or Russian Syrian “friendship”. As you say they do share interests, but also have massive conflicts of interests. There is no love, friendship or even alliance in foreign policy. Not in China, Russia or the US.

But nice that the propaganda narrative is slipping. It has always been delusional for anyone who knows how Russian think about China and of their fear of the “yellow wave” (that proverb exists not only in english but also in Russian.

And ofc the chinese, meaning the Han race, have their own belief of superiority, not unlike the US. Though i dont think they have any real will or need to play world wide force projecting Empire like the US or Soviet-Russia.

Anyway, good the narrative is breaking down. Even for the anonymous Russians from Southfront in Moscow fighting hybrid media war against the US (and now Chinese) hybrid media war. ;)

Fog of War

Why should China trust Russia when Russia is prepared to sell weapons to India at any time ? Not to mention Putin’s cuddling of Israhell. China sees how Russia treats Iran in Syria and I believe China is alot closer to Iran then Russia at this point.

Jens Holm

This is not about trust but about needs and trade. USSR traded a lot of weapons, when China took 1&3 of kashmir. By that its just a tradition.

India has tryed to stay as neutral as possible all over the world. Anybody can knock out the declining Pakistan. Thats their own enemy(besides China).


If Russia needs to counter China I would advise an alliance with India, with whom they have been in good therms since 1947. I would not advise an alliance with the west that has always tried to undermine Russia for the past 200 years


Russia-Indo alliance to counter China would be a good idea, they already took HK and now they put their eyes to Taiwan. Eventually they will try to claim Siberia, that is when they feel powerful enough. Let’s face it, without nukes then Russia can’t stop the Chinese army if they ever decide to invade Russia, only India can.


I personally think that China cannot become a superpower like USA used to be at its peak, it has so many powerful neighbours


China can and will become the strongest Asian country, if they can use their economic growth to build bases around the world like the U.S did, then they will become unstopable.

Fog of War

” if they can use their economic growth to build bases around the world like the U.S did, then they will become unstopable. ”

Whats that mean for Israhell ?

Jens Holm

Arabs in ME will know the rewards of bright hard work and learn from them.

They will help Syria, Iraq and others to grow forrests. Those almost are gone.

The increase of agriculture will grow 20 to 40 times not wasting the irrigation water as eveparation as much as now.

Jens Holm

I disagree a lot. As long as everything is new, it dont have to be repaired to remain. They now have reached the level, where they will have more and more to repair and remain.

Thats much more money and work in an adcanced country.

We still see the same stupid numbers for the losses in WW2 according the Nazis.

Here ots always about the best tanks, aircrasft carriers and airplanes. But it is forgotten that USA with no probpems could support several million soldiers more and was prepared to and with everything.

Russians had reached their maximum and could not effort much more war against Nazis as well as proposed USA/UK. Russians had no civile structure left and would have to send soldiers back to grow potatoes. By that the were not bigger then USA/UK.

Its also forgotten that USA (with UK) defeated Japan and Russia was not in that. So in strenght You have to add not only the pacific relative few soldiers but also a lot of equipment, which easy could have been move to the Black Sea as well as at the Baltics.

USA also was able to make the Marshall plan. USSR was not able to do anything even near to that.

Strong is a relative.

Ivan Freely

I agree. I’m leaning towards no nation, post-US, can ever achieve this status. IMHO, you have to be a leader in the following fields: economics, politics, technology, military and culture. At best China can obtain 3 out of 5.


They didn’t take HK, the British did. It’s China, and always has been.

Lone Ranger


Lone Ranger

Chinese army is no match to the Russian. With or without nukes. China already tried to invade Siberia around 1969. They ended up losing 20,000 man. First time Russia tested its combat lasers on the battlefield You read that right…


And they blinded the Chinese soldiers like in Hong Kong?

Lone Ranger

Lit them up would be a more precise description…


From a plane, tank, satelite?

Lone Ranger



From rifle, train, internet?

Lone Ranger

Have you seen old Godzilla movies from the 60s? When the Japs try to zap it with towed directed energy weapons? Something in that direction…


Ahh you mean katusha rickets :))

Lone Ranger


Swift Laggard II

1969 has no relevance to year 2020.

Lone Ranger

China is still buying most its military gear from Russia… When not buying copying…

Jens Holm

Mao died long time ago.

Lone Ranger

At least some good news…


20K is nothing for them Ranger, and that was when they were alot weaker. It won’t be the case this time, but that is a hypothetical situation for now.

Ashok Varma

You Zionists are pure evil and fan wars everywhere, even as a teenager you are quite sick.


Wars happened and will still happen with or without Israel, it’s only in your head that Israel is all over the world and has so much power to even tell China what to do. I find it amusing most of the times, but you take it too seriously.

Jens Holm

They also say or said: We are all Kamrads. Friends are the ones, whe choose.

Laurent Parodi

1 million Gilets Jaunes did not change anything in france. I doubt 8000 people will make any difference in Russia.


When the time wil come they wil be 80 millions. It’s inevitable


When time will come: that’s very true, when pigs will fly and the earth will be proved to be flat after all.


First Ukraine now China, tomorrow who Mozambique? Maybe, just maybe, people are not happy on their own account? maybe


Putin heared of TikTok and decided to try it. He wasn’t expecting to not be recognized by his own people and mistakenly associated with Gollum, Dobby and other inferior characters.


they put a jew executive from twitter in charge of tiktok for some reason. now they have liberal bias….

Simon Ndiritu

I see your point bro

Jens Holm

Me too. Lazy bums are not rewarded by good pay and power.

Jens Holm

People mainly are hired because they are more qualified then uneducated little morons like fx You.

They go to school, the educate they use their skills and work hard and are paid for, what they actually do.

You probatly never has heard ots like that.

You are a typical teadrinker being paid by the foreigners in Your country, which actually do the job. Your main complaint is, that You are not paid enough for doing nothing – even You are high above most ot the rest of us.

You not even sit on the toilet as we do but use a helicopter.

Simon Ndiritu

My first suspicion goes to pro-west systems either controlling the bots or compromising Tik-Tok Management with Money or Epstein style blackmail. My second suspicion goes to the elites in the Region who found ways of taking advantage of Tik-Tok. The Chinese are not that stupid as to weaken Russia when they Know that Russian assistance will be key to defeating Anglozionists in the next phase of confrontation.


Do you insinuate that Epstein knew things about Putin?

Simon Ndiritu

Not really, I mean, I think Epstein (or people like him) knows something about the top management of Tik Tok, do a brief internet search of Tik-Tok’s top managers.

Ivan Freely

I’m leaning more on your second suspicion. It’s possible the Russian elites in the Far East have made close friends with the Chinese elites and asked the Chinese a favor. IIRC, the Chinese prize personal relationships above all which in of itself can be a bad thing; especially when one party of the relationship commit illegal acts.

Jens Holm


Jens Holm

China systematicly has plan to build out good relations with Russia and would never do such thing.

Bobby Twoshoes

First time I’ve seen you make sense, credit where credit is due.

Lazy Gamer

“Beijing seeks to weaken the ally in order to improve its own negotiating position in the bilateral relations.” True to some extent but go further. Imagine Russia vis a vis EU in the Donetsk issue. lol Or Turkey opposite Syria with the Idlib repopulation.

Tommy Jensen

Too many trolls here.


Ya bro.

Balázs Jávorszky

This article looks completely unfounded and silly. Sorry.

Swift Laggard II

just the usual thrash. a murderer is arrested in Russia and China is at fault? there is something very funny about this website. this is a propaganda tool not a neutral news organ

Jens Holm

I will say that can be propaganda too.

Isnt it strange so many opponents to Putin always are criminals and of any kind – And Putins never are.

Tommy Jensen

Putin is intelligent, the others who critizise him are not, and if people are stupid or uneducated they cant see this difference.

J Roderet

Exactly. Furgal’s small party, the LDPR, officially considers itself to be “anti-communist.” The Chinese government would never suddenly switch to supporting them over President Putin.

Jens Holm

That too

Jens Holm

It is.


No mention in mainstream Russian media, this is total concocted CIA disinformation.

Ashok Varma

CIA planted fake news.


CIA stole my KIA.

Fleecing Rabbi

Buy Toyota, it is kosher.

Rhodium 10

Its is a problem between Russia United Party which have lost in the past governor elections and the Zirinovsky party which won the elections and is growing in Far East like Comunist Party!..China has nothing to do there with Far Right Party and Pro Western opposition only seek to discredit Putin!..

Dick Von Dast'Ard

I’m not a Russian, but to my knowledge the best cities and places to live within Russia are St. Petersburg, Moscow, Sochi and Valdivostok.

Russia should make Vladivostok (a city Chinese nationalists still have ambitions upon) the focus of for future cultural growth and encourage a Russian Hollywood (even if that means allowing Russia’s liberals) to flourish there.

Black Waters

Check the comments, there you can see in real-time how Hasbara and CIA trolls try to push the narrative of Russia fighting against China. It’s a U.S last resource, USA CANNOT fight a conventional war against any developed country (no moral ground, weak army psychologically speaking, no balls), their people is too weak for that (and pretty aware), so what they do is to create conflict between allys or commercial partners (even brothers, like they did in Ukraine) so they fight their wars.

No, the true enemy it’s the U.S totalitarian government, using pawns as cannon fodder to maintain control so they can keep doing their degeneracies.

China is no match for USA, the U.S know this very well, but Russia can overcome the U.S in both fields. Also, western people would never accept a communist dictatorship in the west, but they will accept Europeans because they are closer people (which include russians) so my point is, without Russia, China has no chance in the future, it will be absorbed and destroyed completely by the U.S, but USA can’t overcome Russia in the future, that’s why they try to separate Russia from any powerful ally, because they are in complete panic mode, 100 years of war against Russia and the tides are changing.

That’s also why they are pushing the narrative of Russia being and ally of india, india is cool and all, but militarily are no match for any developed army, also India leadership cannot be trusted in dangerous times, they are too obedient to the US/UK regime.

Ivan Freely

What do you mean that Russia can overcome the US in both fields? IMO, neither China nor Russia can take on the US alone.

Black Waters

I was talking a couple of decades ahead specifically in that sentence. Yet, a lot of changes need to be made to secure prosperity, but still it was just to make a point, that Russia can sustain by itself.

Jens Holm

More than paper, water and soap is needed around and in Your own behind about it. Very good computers cant send the small of You yet.

Are You still on the waitinglist for a Russian car ?

Luke Hemmming

Absolutely correct in what your saying. China is not about to interfere in Russian internal politics by supporting protests. This definatly smells like fake news coming from anti chinese/Russian sources. All coincides with China and Russians veto vote on the western NGO’s fake aid convoys to Syria continuing through Turkey’s borders that also bring in arms, terrorists and only benefits Turkish backed groups and parts of the population, not the general Syrian population as a whole. Jens fuck off idiot you talk out of your ass you cok sucking faggot.


Putin is angry.China will get cooked from all sides.China is internally effed as well because of their one child policy.US and russia will unite to de$tro¥ Chinese as***les

Jens Holm

Putin has moved an opponent having 70% of the votes.

Julian Clegg

This is a rubbish analysis designed to foment division between close friends Russia and China.

You can call me Al

I am glad you said that. My thoughts exactly.


The article raises valid points. But I wouldn’t jump to conclusions in the current environment when governments are in the middle of crisis management and are very busy with a lot of extra issues that they don’t normally have to deal with.


Russians need to start learning Chineeze.


The Russians are more tolerant of blood sucking Jew pedophile mass rape cultists than the Chinese are. Russia and the world would be better off adopting the Chinese approach and enacting a UN convention abolishing Judaism to create a Jew free planet that will be much better for humanity.


This, dont pass the smell test, it reaks of been an opinion, well, I dont see that as an problem, but TT is an open platform and like FeceBook and Twatts, is and will be used because it for this groups practical and to then elobrate that further to make it to be about CCP and to use TT as to somehow undermining the Russians, is an insult to both nations intellegence and mine, your I dont give an rats ass for, sorry, if it sounds to good to be true, well, it maybe just another nonsensical writing in the leauge of Bountys to the Taliban, tsk, tsk, tsk. And then we have the eh…. what, AmeriTards, the Brigades, the Units, crawling here, of course, they to know everybody watches SF, and again I am amused by the level, and to even think China somehow depends on Russia for its survival when Russia have an western spitt liking bitch like Putin in charge, huh, that man have made him self to be an pathetic joke, and to be frank, I know the Chines have an level of wisdom I dont expect others to have, by tought, yes maybe, but combined with extrgavant weapon systems, arial denile systems regarding floating weapon platforms as Carriers, etc, etc, witch will be increasingly more obsolite since this systems have to day the capsity to take out this so far out that this renders even the plains useless, the range isnt sufficient to attack, but the cruice missiles can.

One thing is Khazams, another is something going mach 7+, just some meters above the sea. This is one of the fumdamentals of war, dereing, and put up an multi layered defence system, and the Chines have learned everything the hard way, while the banana republic stil lingers in the medivial times. You know, wankikes, the truth is, you will never go to war against China, nor Russia, but continue to undermine the rest of the world, and attack nations like Venezuela because they are not in the same leauge, or Nicaragua, whom is an national security threat, year, tiny, tiny Nicaragua. But then again, the freak Trumpstein will have to make one war, because of the divertion it makes to the downfall of the imperial banana republic Moronika, plundered bare and the sheeps wipped into submission, yup, MAGA, hehehe, dunka, dunka.

But, again, to drive an vedge into the Russians and the Chines is the western 5 Eyes wet dream, and we all know it, but hey, do conitnue, but dont expect us to agree, because I dont, and as said, this article is a bit to smelly.


Philip Nash

Tik-Tok is owned by a Chinese company but is not controlled by the Chinese government. The lie that TIk-Tok is controlled by China is one promoted by the US government who wants to ban it from users in the US. Tik-Tok is the company outside of China, it is a different unit, Douyin inside China.


Always blame someone else. China and Russia are run by the same Marxist thugs so what else would you expect from everyone from top down?

Tommy Jensen

Did anyone notice my opinion?

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