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Chinese Intelligence Cell Busted In Afghanistan – Report

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Chinese Intelligence Cell Busted In Afghanistan – Report

Afghan security forces attend a ceremony in Laghman province, east of Kabul, Afghanistan, Sunday, Jan. 11, 2015. (AP Photo/Rahmat Gul)

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Afghanistan’s spy agency, the National Directorate of Security (NDS), has busted a 10-member Chinese intelligence cell that was operating in Kabul, the Hindustan Times reported on December 25 citing Afghan diplomats and security officials.

The outlet said the uncovering of the cell was a huge embarrassment for Beijing, which is now persuading the Afghan government to keep the case secret.

“The 10 Chinese citizens, detained recently in this connection by Afghanistan’s NDS on charges of espionage and running a terror cell, are believed to be linked to China’s spy agency, the Ministry of State Security,” the Hindustan Times reported.

The crackdown by the NDS reportedly started on December 10. One of the first cell members to be arrested was Li Yangyang. He has been allegedly working for the Chinese intelligence since July-August.

In Yangyang’s house in the western Kabul neighborhood of Kart-e-Char, NDS officers seized arms, ammunition and Ketamine powder, a recreational drug.

The operative was tasked with gathering information about al Qaeda, Taliban and Uyghurs in Kunar and Badakhshan provinces. According to the Hindustan Times, the Chinese cell’s members were allegedly linked to the Haqqani Network linked with the Taliban.

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani was reportedly briefed about the Chinese intelligence cells. The President authorized First Vice President Amrullah Saleh to oversee the investigation and engage in talks with the Chinese side over the issue.  

Saleh held a meeting with the Chinese envoy to Afghanistan, Wang Yu, and briefed him about the detention. Saleh allegedly told the envoy that the Afghan government could consider to pardon the detailed members if Beijing submits a formal apology.

Afghan officials told the Hindustan Times that the NDS is now working to ascertain the precise activities of the Chinese intelligence cell. Possible links to Pakistan’s deep state are also being investigated.

China and the NDS have not made any official comment on the Hindustan Times’ report, thus far. The issue will likely be solved behind closed doors.


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Dick Von Dast'Ard

What a powder keg still.


The problem is the ‘Hindustan Times‘ shines for some time only with constant vile hostile Sinophobe fear/hate/war-mongering Fake-News + Propaganda…..and to be honest there’s really nothing to gather in Afghanistan for China what they can’t asses from 3rd parties like Pakistan the Chinese have good connections with them and they probably know everything what’s going on there. IMO this ‘Story’ is ‘Highly Likely‘ with ‘Near Certainty‘ complete Horseshit and falls in-line with all those attempts Indias to kiss the AmeriCunts asses and stick it to the Chinese.


Have you seen the horde of Indian/Taiwanese propaganda channels on youtube, and how wildly biased and warmongering they are? Its insane, and this report fits right in with the rest of the Indian propaganda lately.


All the places Mike ‘We lie, we cheat, we steal’ Pompeo recently visited to forge their Anti-China Hatred Alliance and always CIA’s Off-Shoots NED + USAID on his tail with their coffer full of bribes to bankroll all those Propaganda Disinformation Information-War Outfits ect…..and Soros [phony]NGO’s such as the subversive ‘Open Society’ and other [phony]Astroturf orgs right behind them as well.

Lone Ranger

Biden will grant them immunity…lolz.

Simon Ndiritu

So, Aghan Government is unhappy that China was spying on Taliban, Al-Qaeda and uyghurs? Sound as funny as it is unbelievable !


Frankly, the stupid Americans have opened the way for China’s influence in Afghanistan. The Chinese now see Afghanistan as an extension to CPEC and One Belt.

Simon Ndiritu

True, no amount of the US making the bogeyman out of China will wipe away US’ wrong policies and misadventures


China is not an aggressive power and has not invaded anyone or killed millions. Chinese are accepted everywhere as they are not arrogant and keep a low key profile. They only slap around India as it acts uppity. The US has failed to stem China’s rise and now it is too late.

Potato Man

One, NDS the CIA dogs which also hide Zero units and work with them. Afghan officials don’t have much power over them let alone getting info from them…just look up Zero units, the so call Afghan government say they don’t have any power over them and they don’t know what CIA dogs are doing. Two, China is looking to work more with Afghanistan which something that US never want to see and LMFAO look at Hindu fukers. What Russia also work with Afghan government much more than China.

The report is BS most likely, Hindustan Times really….how the fuk some Indian cow fukers know what is happening in Afghanistan, they are butt hurt and dying from Covid left and right. They can’t do shit and US want them to be meat dogs to be killed to slow China down if a war break out.

Proud Hindu

Why dont the chinese cowards attack india then asshole?because the ccp soldiers are cannon fodders and will lose to the motivated battle hardened indian soldier


“motivated battle hardened indian soldiers” *face palm* battle hardened in what exactly? creating open space toilets? must be.

Arch Bungle

“battle hardened” – from consumption of endless pots of curry.


It is pretty much a one sided affair, the Chinese kill the Indians at will. It is quite sad that the idiot Modi has sent the poor starving Indians to their certain death. Some of the photos are too gruesome, but these Indians last week surrendered to the PLA for food. As you can see they are crying and equipped in beggars clothing in minus 40 degree temperature, while the PLA has space age technology and world class field kitchens.

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e8fee90c6928569c0e756496e933746be2b62b3416a9dfee7686afd297c8cdca.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bb3d07f13214d9cfa9ed2f6061379a834732603ffe41550287ac3db106379dc1.jpg

The Chinese state media has published videos of troops eating piping hot food deployed at the LAC in Ladakh.


Corruption leaves Indian army army in the 19th century Raj.


Great Khan

hahahahahha Great Khan enjoy….stoopid Indian monkey march like cockroach….hahahahhaa fall down….yakshimah……mamtu boltu…..


The PLA is a modern well equipped fighting force, the poor Indians are dying of starvation and cold in the Ladakh region. The Chinese have high altitude mountain gear and heated insulated climate controlled bunkers, while Indians are using WW2 British supplied canvas tents. This guy is a complete moron.

China Equips Its PLA Soldiers With New Space Age Gloves, Quick-Dry Underwear As They Face The Freezing Starving Indians at the top of the world.


Great Khan

CHINA brother very STRONK!


LOL!! spot on,anyway the Indians can always find some inocent girls and women to rape its seems to be an Indian pastime.


Are you stupid or what? Did you seriously want two nuclear country to war each other? Even modi not that stupid , that is why any fight only small scale on border, even with pakistan.


He is stupid and posts to get attention.

Arch Bungle

China has fought 1 war with India and defeated it, taking Aksai Chin as the prize. The LOSER should not call the VICTOR coward.

If your father Modi has any balls, let him liberate Tibet from Chinese rule.


Because that is what Americans want, hopefully ccp is smart enough to don’t fall in their trap


Frankly, India is a joke and but you are mediocre comedian. A PLA general did say that China and Pakistan can destroy India is less than 48 hours.

Great Khan

hahhahhhaa why hindu monkey shit in street? even bonobo have more brain…..hahahhahah CHINA BROTHER VERY STRONK! soon kick fat stooopid American in iljig….hahahhaha

Great Khan

hahahahahhahahaa battle hardened,,,,,,,by shit in street……stoopid mamtu…….


I call BULLSHITI!!!!!!!!!!!! https://media2.giphy.com/media/9HO0j7Gu0tS3m/giphy-downsized-medium.gif


indian/cia times,explains it all,no brainer really.

John Smith

Very dubious. With strong links to Pakistan’s intelligence and it’s network, there’s little to gain by sending in an independent team. This fits in with US excuses to keep boots on the ground by shifting attention to China…


The clue that something sounds rather fishy, is the fact that Chinese people do not really blend in that well amongst Afghan people :) Secret agents are always better when they can better blend in with their surroundings.


Is there any evidence that any of this happened other that the most biased possible source (Hindustan Times) just saying that it happened?

Arch Bungle

It never happened. It’s simply creative writing by hindu fanatics.


Frankly, India is no match for China in any realm. It would be prudent for India not to fall into the Anglo-Zionist trap of a destructive conflict in Asia. China is now the world’s preeminent economic, strategic and military power, India has over a billion people living in stone age poverty and the idiotic Modi wants to fight a 21st century superpower with WW2 standard Indian military that still pitches surplus British tents in Ladakh. Chinese weaponry, accommodations, kit and facililties are at least two generations ahead of India, as a PLA general recently observed, in the next conflict China will defeat India in less than 48 hours, rather the week in took in 1962. India needs to think rationally as even Pakistani conventional forces can now check mate India. Fighting a multi-front war is even beyond the capability of the US as history has shown.


why is Southfront publishing obvious propaganda fake story?

Arch Bungle

It’s a joke. They know only the idiots will fall for it. The editors are settling down for a laugh as all the hindu trolls come out to party.

Alberto Garza

chinas has conflicts with every neighbor looks like the communists want to take over the world

Lone Ranger

They already took over the U.S… You get your paychecks from them too Trollstoy…

Just Me

China is Russia and Pakistan’s closest ally and has friendly ties with every neighbor, bar India which is a nuisance for everyone.


That’s the [phony]Narrative they try to fabricate + propergate.

Just Me

Wrong again. China has excellent relations and even defence pacts with most of its neighbors like Pakistan, Myanmar, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Myanmar, Mongolia, Nepal, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan. Russia is the largest supplier of weapons to China. The PRC only had a minor border dispute with Vietnam in 1979 which was quickly resolved. China only has on-going tensions with a weak India which acts as cannon fodder for its western masters by provoking China and then gets bitch slapped.It is India that has problems with everyone, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, you name it.

Great Khan

Mongol like China brother….jump over Great Wall…marry many Han woman…..one big family now….eat good dumplings…mamtu…..

Arch Bungle

Stopped reading at “Hindustan Times” – a well known Hindu propaganda sewage outlet.


Frankly, Indian media is a shitty as the country.

Samuel Vanguard

i believe this is just to paint china as bad man but US/allies all have intelligence cells in foreign nations.

Harry Smith

Ketamine is not a recreational drug but pain killer.

Just Me

Angry vacationing Donald Trump says Afghanistan is better than US.

President Donald Trump, tweeting from the vacation he is taking after vetoing Defense spending and setting Congress scrambling over the Covid relief belief, said on the day after Christmas that the United States isn’t as good as war-torn.

Citing an anonymous source, Trump claimed that a “young military man” told him that democracy in Afghanistan is better run than it is here, where the mail is corrupt or whatever.

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