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MARCH 2025

Chinese Millitary Is Willing To Support Syrian Army Operation Against Militants In Idlib Province: Ambassador

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Chinese Millitary Is Willing To Support Syrian Army Operation Against Militants In Idlib Province: Ambassador

A Chinese J-11 fighter flies in this U.S. Department of Defense photo taken on August 19, 2014. US NAVY / Reuters file

On August 3, China’s ambassador to Syria Qi Qianjin said during an interview with the Syrian al-Watan newspaper that the Chinese military is willing to participate in some way in any military operation of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) against the radical groups in the northern governorate of Idlib.

“[China] is following the situation in Syria, in particular after the victory in southern [Syria], and its military is willing to participate in some way alongside the Syrian army that is fighting the terrorists in Idlib and in any other part of Syria,” Qianjin said answering a question about the possibility of China’s participation in a military operation in Idlib.

When asked the same question, China’s military attaché Wong Roy Chang noted that any involvement of the Chinese military in Idlib operation will require a political decision.

“The military cooperation between the Syrian and Chinese armies is ongoing. We have good relations and we maintain this cooperation in order to serve the security, integrity and stability of our countries. We – China and its military – wish to develop our relations with the Syrian Army. As for participating in the Idlib operation, it requires a political decision,” Chang said.

Syrian observers believe that thousands of radical fighters of the Chinese Uyghurs ethnicity are currently active in Idlib. Most of these fighters are members of the al-Qaeda-affiliated Turkistan Islamic (TIP), which occupies several towns and villages in the northwestern countryside of the governorate.

Over the last three years, several reports claimed that China is planning to intervene militarily in Syria in order to neutralize the threat of Uyghurs fighters. However, to this day the Chinese military has not taken any active steps in this direction.

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yes go china!!!


He, he, he, he.


Chop ISuey


Put that in your crackpipe and smoke it,Nutandyahoo ,the nightmare just gets worse and worse,.Sweet dreams,hahaha


Sent about 10.000 Chinese troops to Syria. Syria would be 100% free of the Americans/Isis by the end of 2018 and maybe sooner.

K Pomeroy

I doubt Assad will do anything this stupid. We’ll see if I’m right. Naively of course, China must be good since at least it isn’t America. But as evil as the US war machine is, Chinese involvement in Syria is potentially even more dangerous. Note that Russia has relinquished all the territories it seized in the twentieht century—a truly civilized nation. China, on the other hand, along with Israel, still exerts totatlitarian control over regions acquired through war in the mid-twentieth century, namely Tibet, and the Golan Heights. If I were Assad, I’d take a close look at conditions in Tibet before entrusting my security to China. Being a smart man, Assad will think twice,l I’m sure. What, after all are China’s motives?. Don’t worry, I know how unpopular this view is. Please don’t attack me. GO ASSAD!! :))

You can call me Al

Are you insane ?, do you actually read your comments ?. But OK, your view only, no worries.

Val Shadowhawk

No, he’s stupid. Whatever the fool says is nothing but pure illogical nonsense. He thinks he’s smart. Not!!!

K Pomeroy

Is it illogical nonsense to say Russia is a truly civilized country, or that Syria must win, or “GO ASSAD”? So it isn’t “whatever” I say. It’s just certain things I say about China.

Val Shadowhawk

I was not adressing you. I was talking abput Promethius.

K Pomeroy

Well, I do proofread my comments several times, whatever bearing that might have. My view only? Not at all. Maybe in this comment section though, as I said I was aware of. But we’ll see what Assad does. Thats the real barometer.

Blair Smith

In regards to Tibet, I’m not so sure it was the shangri la that we have all been told about before China went in.

K Pomeroy

Never said it was shangri la. Obviously not the point. The Golan Heights probably wasn’t shangri la either. Still, it’s wrong for countries to occupy foreign territories. Why is that standard applied to Israel and not China?


Tibet was China and Tibet is China, a country with other several peoples beside the chinese. By the way, the dalai lamas were a very late mongol’s creation, as you can see in any decent site of History on the Internet.


As Russia withdraws from Syria, China should resume where Russia left off. Doesn’t the Silk Road end in Latakia?

You can call me Al

No one said they will withdrawal – if this happens, it is a heaven send.

China, Russia and Iran vs US Scum + vermin.

Have a bet who will win.

Val Shadowhawk

Russia is not leaving Syria. They have vested interests there.

John Whitehot

Russia isn’t retreating at all.

It built permanent bases, and I’m pretty sure it will build lots of ELINT and SIGINT stations to keep track of the illegal Israeli nuclear program.


Some may not realize that Russia has had presence in E med for many decades. And now the Syrian bases have been improved. Just to keep the cockroachs away. :)

John Whitehot

having an EW network just north of Israel is an invaluable asset in keeping zionist options low-numbered when it comes to attacking and trying to destroy other countries.

If Israel isn’t free to invent and tailor excuses for using military power against the region is owed to these.

Remember how Russian EW bases were among the first priority points to be taken when the “FSA” was on high tide.

Brian Dippenaar

Well that’s convenient for China considering all the serious fighting is over.

Promitheas Apollonious

over? how you figured that.

Brian Dippenaar

Obviously the war will continue but all that’s left is low intensity conflict imo.

The jihadists backs have been broken in Syria.

All the high intensity battles like Aleppo, Deir Ezzor, Eastern Ghouta and the others have been won by the SAA.

Haven’t you been watching?

Promitheas Apollonious

I am sure you was in my place. The question is have you understood what you been watching? From what you saying obviously you have not, so watch some more and when you catch up, then you also understand whose been not watching.

Daniel Castro

Actually, tons of jihadists were transfered to Idlib, and it seems Turkey either supports them, or is incapable of blocking aid to these groups, so Idlib will be a very high intensity combat operation.

The presence of China is politically convenient because Erdogan wouldn’t dare to chalenge the chinese because it would cost Turkey tons of money in business to do so.

John Whitehot

we don’t really know how many of those jihadists haven’t gone back to Turkey so far.

You can call me Al

What ?. Do you even know what you are talking about ?.

Val Shadowhawk

No he hasn’t. This pseudo ‘inellectual’ zionist sympathizer is not all that sharp. I blocked the idiot a while back for being one. Don’t waste your time replying to it. It won’t recognize the obvious. Too busy tapping away at its keyboard trying to make an ‘impression’ here.


Wrong ! low intensity in Idlib ? you are dreaming. Low intensity in Al-Tanaf ? you are also dreaming. Low intensity with kurds (USA-puppets) continue dreaming.

Richard M

Wow! You have completely misunderstood the situation. The puppets have been defeated. The puppet masters have not.


they have full control of an entire city and surrounding area’s around it now how is the serious fighting over??

You can call me Al

Who the hell trained the majority of the SAA fighters ??? – yep China.

Tudor Miron

I would not say majority but yes, China did participate. Actual fact is that SAA is mostly trained by Russian advisers. I’m not trying to claim any sort if lidership here, just stating what I know.

You can call me Al

Shush, I know that, you know that, but he didn’t.


All of them are serious fighting. Idlib, Al-Tanaf, Kurds (USA-puppets) can not be understimated at all.


Yes, with the southwest begun the fight for the liberation of the territories occupied with foreign umbrella. On the southwest the umbrella was Israeli, in Idlib and till Mambij it’s Turk, then, to northeast and east, the umbrella are not only the north americans, but also british, french, dutch, etc. Are they making bluff? Perhaps.

Richard M

The “serious” fighting is only beginning. The Ottomans, Zios and US are still occupying Syrian sovereign land.

Dr. Ronald Cutburth

China’s leadership is wise to wait and see because of the irrational actions in Washington. Really would be good experience for the commandos to do some house to house fighting and kill the Uyghurs. Hillary Clinton personally wined and dined Uyghurs because the reported they were training for terrorism is China. So she supported terrorism in China. Now China must spend more to eliminated them and help in Syria.

Brother Ma

I disagree. Poor decision of China. Itshould have gone in as it promised to do so two years ago when Russia and Iran were already there. That woyld havevmade ir very hard for the Isis-formers to quibble. China need obly have sent a coyple hundred xommandos . They would have flyed the flag,exterminated the Oghur Turks rats and gained valuable real gouseto house killing skills as you say but earlier.

Luke Hemmming

I agree with you on your points. The experience gained from this would be invaluable for the Chinese. Helps to rid of the terrorism threat to China when the Syrian conflict is over and any Chinese jihad’s left that might have gone back to China to cause trouble. But it all rests on a political decision. Saying and doing are two different things. Let’s hope they are doer’s and not hot air.

You can call me Al

I had the impression (I could be wrong), that the political decision would be done by Assad and co.


Wise only for China! China is exploitative and unwise to counting on.


My experience with Chinese, is they always honour an agreement, unlike the American Government.

Bill Wilson

You haven’t done any business with China.


Reading comprehension is the ability to process text, understand its meaning, and to integrate it with what the reader already knows.

So, do you know there is a difference between China and Chinese?

I have done many deals with Chinese businessmen, and although they are hard negotiators, once a deal is made they stick to it. As an example China is sticking to the international deal done with Iran even though the US is threatening China, to make them break the deal.

In the long run, honour and integrity are more important than political point scoring and the filthy lucre


Yes they don’t make deals they can’t uphold or even slightly put them at risk. Even at UNSC they usually are unwilling to veto so long Russia can do it alone, so they just abstain. When measured with American scale even Turkey’s government seems honorable…


The Chinese mentality is: If you can cheat, cheat.

Tudor Miron

I will put it a little differently – not killing Uyghurs but killing terrorists and if they happen to be of Uyghur nationality than so be it.


Why would China need to help now when the war is pretty much over? It’s not like the Syrian, Iranian, Russian alliance can’t take care of the problem on its own.


The extension of it’s feud with US. I think they want to see from US reaction kinds that they can use for leverage. China officially joining in with their banner would make it more dangerous for Israel to do anything. It’s over for Israel it’s dreams for Lebanese and Syrian lands were nailed in the coffin with extra nails from China.

K Pomeroy

Look folks, let’s not let China nail all of us.


Look Pomeroy; China is about to take over the world because of UK and US mindless anti-Russian and anti-Iranian warfare, economic and covert. You think Tibet is bad, well I might agree, but that doesn’t compare to the US/UK covert actions establishing the Ukraine as a separate nation from Russia. Are you aware that Kiev was Russia’s capitol city for over 300 years. Talk about political interference in another nations internal affairs. Iran, another Aryan nation, whose vile neighbor Saudi Arabia has convinced the US/UK and NATO that Iran “exports terrorism”. Truth however is that Saudi Arabia is the home of Wahhabi Sunni Islam, the jihadist’s “faith”. If all the Aryan nations would cooperate, rather than war, our grandchildren might not work for Chinese corporations.


Yea well don’t forget there still is at least two thousands American troop along with at a dozen illegal US/French and Italian Bases in Syria.

Promitheas Apollonious

the war is very far from over. Actually now the preliminaries are over and Iran is openly threatened, is just beginning.


Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.(Winston Churchill)

John Whitehot

because China is in the same alliance too, although Israel and the US would never admit it.

George King

This is WW III and as Sinbad2 quotes “the end of the beginning”. What we are seeing is the agents of Rothschild and their NATO military arm has found its match in the multi polar world order. The only question now is up to the citizens of most of the co-opted vassal states under their thumb, rise up or perish under the unilateral transnational criminal cabal/s. When Putin and the Russian high command say that the west is not agreement capable, this is the insight portrayed and is the only understanding needed.


The lose of Deraa and Qunetra and now the possibility of China’s participation in a military operation in Idlib is another bleeding stroke to US and Israel.

SFC Steven M Barry USA RET

(chuckling) I was waiting for this. Looks like the Uyghurs won’t be going home.


Nor Uzbeks:


You can call me Al

As a quick side issue, what does SFC mean ?, just intrigued.


Sergeant First Class.

You can call me Al



Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) ? :d

You can call me Al

Oh right, cheers.

You can call me Al

LOL funny boy. Till later

K Pomeroy

While it’s imperative that Syria win, there may be danger if Assad is beholden to China.

Promitheas Apollonious

care to elaborate on this?

K Pomeroy

I have already elaborated in another comment posted as a reply to Madashellron above.

Promitheas Apollonious

sorry could not find your comment. Any way I was just curious of your line of thinking.


They should have answered the call for help three years ago, like the Russians did. Syria has nothing to gain from Chinese military assistance now.

I’m guessing nothing will come from this. It was just a message to turkey, pressure them to start making concessions in idlib. Turkey can’t keep the whole province, as it is trying to do. With more american sanctions looming soon, turkey will need to stay on russia’s and china’s good side.

You can call me Al

Why dont you have a little faith. The Chinese have been training the SAA for years + numerous other things.

If they help in the battles, maybe with their airforce + special services…. the Yanks will sh1t themselves, whilst the Turks will run a mile.


Yes the Chinese generally keep their assistance hidden, like the way they supplied missile guidance modules to Iran.

Jim Bim

Also, if Turkey really wants to join the BRICS, it better be on the side with Russia, China and Syria in Idlib and north west Syria.


BRICS is an American invention like FANG, there is no such organization to join.


Think if Russia had as massive economy as China.

Daniel Miller

China is still in debt like all other “rich” nations. Russia’s econemy is very strong it cant collapse.


No China is not in debt, the Chinese massive debt BS is just western propaganda.

John Whitehot

China has a manageable level of debt while Russia has virtually none.

Daniel Miller

ummmm no its not China has a debt to GDP ratio of 47.4% compared to Russia’s 12.6%. China might not be in as much debt as the US Japan or the EU nations but it still has massive imounts of debt. Russia has one of the lowest debt to GDP ratios in the world even the Swiss have more debt then the Russians.


yeah, where has China been during the vicious and dangerous fighting phase of this war? It may just be the poor coverage of this conflict in MSM in general, but I’m not aware of even significant diplomatic support of Assad or the Russians as they get racked over the coals at the UN and in the MSM. Now, they want to come in and garner some lucrative contracts to rebuild Syria? That’s what Americans do! They should take care of the Uygyrs, though, like Russia has taken care of the Chechnyans that they do not want to return to Russia when the war is over to make terror there…


they are just bunch of cowards.


Russia alone vetoes in the UN in favor of Syria this days.

Julian Clegg

You haven’t been paying attention. China has given solid diplomatic to Syria, alongside Russia. I think both of them regretted not giving the same support to Libya.


Hope they act & are not just talk


yes i heard this report before under obama before he left office or right after if i remember correctly but it would be handy i am sure the fake jews won’t try to strong arm them

Joseph Scott

The trade war the US has been expanding since 2013 may be pushing the Chinese into actions that the US hadn’t considered. I don’t think they really understand Xi’s character. They are betting on the Chinese will back down at some point, and I don’t think they will. The more they push, the more daring the Chinese will become. Xi reminds me of Andropov, in some ways.

John Whitehot

“I don’t think they really understand Xi’s character”

It would be quicker to say the things they actually understand.

Joseph Scott

Indeed. They have a really hard time transitioning between the hypothetical and the real, and human psychology has always been a huge weakness in all US endeavours, because it doesn’t submit to hard numbers very well.

John Whitehot

deep immaturity as a people imho, easily manipulated, base values equating to words rather than concepts on to which adhere, and some other things.

sooner or later they’ll figure it out, without anymore damage to the rest of the world god willing.


China’s military involvement would send the signal that the territorial integrity of Syria is inviolable. This is a clear signal to Israel that Syria is serious and determined to get all foreign invaders out of Syria especially the Untied States, Turkey, and Israel.

You can call me Al

Bravo Sir / Madam.

Richard M

China has hundreds of S-300 and their HQ-15 that would be most welcome in Syria!


As well the Chinese realized that Russians had a great military exercise for almost 3 years, Americans are having military exercises all the time, while Chinese Army had none. In the growing tensions between them and USA in South China Sea any combat experience is better than none.


You’re right, you can’t beat the real thing, and China has such a massive army, it could easily deploy 100,000 troops.

SurfshackTito (TheSecular)

China actually has a right to be here in my opinion. And you want to know why? BECAUSE THEY DONT WANT THESE FOOLS TO COME HOME ALIVE!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jt0FmGL4e50

Smith Ricky

Lets goooo ???


10,000 Chinese troops and equipment as peacekeepers in the Golan Heights would be an excellent idea.

John Mason

Could be a signal to Turkey to get out of Syria because if China did decide and accept a possible Syrian invitation then Turkey would have a diplomatic issue with China that it certainly can’t afford.


But that might push Turkey back towards the US, something not in Chinese interests.


>>Over the last three years, several reports claimed that China is planning to intervene militarily in Syria in order to neutralize the threat of Uyghurs fighters. However, to this day the Chinese military has not taken any active steps in this direction.<<

Exactly why I take this article with a hefty grain of salt. Until I see the first Chinese troop ships dock in Tartus port and the first Chinese strike aircraft touch down on Syrian soil I'll be tits or get the fuck out!

Besides the war in Syria is nearing its end and the Chinese are not really needed here. What China needs to do right now is establish a couple of military bases in Iran so as to spell it out to Washington that 'These are not for you!'


Iran will have none of that- Chinese (or Russian) bases on their territory.


Then they are stupid as fuck. Israel wants to bring down the Iranian regime Trump and basically every neo-con in Washington is willing to do Israel’s bidding. They will resort to full scale economic and if need be actual war. The one thing that can put an immediate stop to those plans is the establishment of Russian or even better Chinese bases in Iran. Because I don’t think that Iran’s traditional deterrent, being able to close the Hormuz strait still works. The problem with a deterrent is that you need rational people on both sides, and rational people in Jerusalem and Washington are getting rare these days. Israel won’t be particularly hurt by the closing of the Hormuz straits and Washington probably believes it can keep it from happening. Ignoring all evidence and reason to the contrary.


This is while perhaps small militarly, very big politically.

Empire's Frontiers


Icarus Tanović



Because Why ? :D

Ivan Freely

China have tried their best to avoid anything that goes against the West, especially the US. It tries to go for the win-win scenario and resolving conflicts via dialogue. IF China follows through with this threat then it’s a huge departure from the status quo.

Richard M

Good plan! Bring in the Chinese to eliminate the Uyghurs! Those TIP Orcs are some of the vilest headchopping pedophiles of all. Hopefully they will “accidentally” blast some Ottomans too!

Icarus Tanović

Turks are just playing their part, rehearsal already in Astana.

Richard M

Astana was a rehearsal for Erdogan the way Munich was a rehearsal for Adolf. Maybe the Mad Sultan can be dissuaded from adventurism, but I wouldn’t bet on it!

Icarus Tanović

Don’t worry, theycplay their part very good, very good indeed.

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