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MARCH 2025

Chinese Troops Photographed In Venezuela

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Chinese Troops Photographed In Venezuela

Supposed Chinese troops in Venezuela

Supposed Chinese troops have been photographed in the Venezuelan capital of Caracas. According to reports, the Chinese troops arrived in the country to particiapte in an expirience sharing mission with their Venezuelan counterparts.

On January 23, when US-backed opposition leader Juan Guaido declared himself interim president of Venezuela declaring the start of the US-backed move to overthrow the legal Venezuelan government led by President Nicolas Maduro. Nonetheless, the US-backed opposition has failed to achieve its main goal – to seize power. According to local sources, the main reason was the lack of real support from the local population and military. The US mostly blamed Cuba, China and Russia for the failure of its proxies.


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How do we know they are not Russians? They look the same.

Toronto Tonto

They do so , but the Chinese are not as rude .

Daniel Miller

So you got verbally and phisacly abused by Russians? That explains why you are so butthurt about anything they do.

Toronto Tonto

Actually there stupidity makes me laugh , was in Cuba recently and they all say how rude and drunk the ruskies get .

Concrete Mike

Cuba?? My i hope you braught sunscreen for your white ukrainian ass.

Bacon will be jealous!!

Daniel Miller

So you got a visa? yea ok buddy you tooootaly went to cuba.

Toronto Tonto

Veradero buddy with my girl AND got pics , diklik .

Luke Hemmming

You got a gf? Is she blind? Whats her brand? Jinsan? 6Ye? Z-one dolls? Dolls Sweet dolls? Got pics? Share with us then. Got any pics of your GF nude? No? Want some? Lol.


Noh you where being rammed by your boyfriend occupybacon in his basement, canuck fags don’t have girlfriends.



Mike you said you want to suck my dick, I’m not with Toronto Tonto, you can suck my dick, don’t be shy.

Luke Hemmming

2 dollar hookers with no teeth don’t count as real girlfriends you do know?


You probably weren’t even in Cuba, and even if you were, only a fool would pigeon hole a whole race of people based on the actions of a few. That would be like saying all Canadians are brainwashed morons based on your comments.

Toronto Tonto

I did not , they we all feel that way stupid .


Canadian education and shitty grammar on display.


Lol, I didn’t think you were Canadian, seeing English isn’t your first language.


I don’t believe Cuba would let your kind into their country.


I doubt an idiot like you leaves occupybacon’s basement.


Dude, it’s empty for you and the other Mike, I got pink fluffy handcuffs for you, the iron ones are for Concrete Mike, I know he’s tough.


Maybe not every single neighbor of the Chinese hates them, unlike Russians that don’t have such thing?

Daniel Miller

Sooooo Belarus Kazahstan Azerbejan Mongolia China are all fictional nations? XD


Belarus is not a real state, they fear the ‘reunification’ anyway, same Kazakhstan. The rest you listed hate Russians.

Daniel Miller

Yes tottaly Belarus is not a nation its just part of the UN and recognised by the whole world as a independant nation just like Kazahstan. Also Azerbejan Mongolia and China the same Chine whom has close economic and militry ties with Russia hates them? m8 you cant be serious…..i mean ffs first you show how well ignorant you are of military tech then of basic economics and now even of geo polotics?


You came back to comment after 2 weeks?

Daniel Miller

ofc i have a life unlike yourself ;)


Yeah, that’s exactly the definition of having a life. Think about this and come back next month to reply.

Daniel Miller

Oh yea m8 it is, go get a job ;)


Sorry but Zelensky, will be talking to Putin, once you Livonian idiots are voted out in July 21.


Toronto tonto and ocupy bacon are lowest form of Conucks, ie Ukrainian Canadians, these morons rant about everything Russian despite being three or for generations removed from that country.


You forgot to upvote your comment

Daniel Miller

this is what i am talking about your trolling is realllly starting to go down hill

Toronto Tonto

Whats your real name IVAN !!!!


He’s name is mustafa inbreed scum..

Hisham Saber

Go suck a dick, you pansy imbecilic redneck trailer park inbred cock scrubber.


Look mom, jihady subhuman scum.. Heshe scum saber..woow you are transgender?? So now Daesh promote that to? Cool!! Go and fuck a goat,eat some pork and blow your self on family dinner faggot..

Daniel Miller

Its Danielovski and i am gonna hack you like i hacked the election……..Fucking killyourself kike ass licker.


Danielovski Millersokov ? LOL

Concrete Mike

LOLOL nooo dont hack my elections!!! Our elections that each side is controlled by the same hand, dont hack those please!!!

Toronto Tonto

Mine is Dick


Cock to your friends?

Hisham Saber

and your last name is ‘ sucker’ , heh?


Yeah, you do give alot of head to occupybacon.

Luke Hemmming

Is your surname Head?


… eating jihady subhuman scum.

Hisham Saber

What’s your ? Rubenstein, Ari, Yehuda? STFU, both of you are bitter miserable Jews posing as Westerners.


His name is probably Gord Yukashenko, Ukie Canuck from dipstick Edmonton Alberta, Zionist member of the Unitarian church.


Look who shows up occupy’s little butt bitch.


His real name is Toronto Tonto. :P


and here is the CA fool. lol poster troll for CA in the same league as the braindead pm who can’t get the CN to talk to him. in the same league as the nazi UE bimbo minister who supports UE more than CA

in the same league as the CA fools that sign trade deals with the u.s. that are against all CA interests. the toronto tool and not the sharpest in the shed. lmao

Concrete Mike

Yeah yeah there all russians arent they MCcarthy??



I don’t care, they are looking for your mom, I heard they love fat ugly bitches.

Concrete Mike

If you dont care.you would not be screaming daily ITS THE RUSSIANS!!!!!

But your small intellect can only.reply with mom.jokes.

Whats next on the script?

Stay in your lane boy!

John Wallace

I got tired of its abusive ignorant b/s and its attempt to wind me up so I blocked it and now no longer able to see what crap it comes up with. You can’t have a normal discussion with it so no point trying. Best to totally ignore the shi t stirring dildo sucking piss and wind that it is..


Mike, please, they ware all jokes, don’t isolate me, I’m not a bad guy :(


Nah your just tiresome sack of shit, who belives to much crap from your idiot Banderista gradfather.


I don’t scream that, you are, Ivan, because you like to believe you are feared, that ease hunger and impotence complex for vodka lovers

Toronto Tonto

Don’t forget the hair and moles everywhere yummmmm.


Did you just finish giving occupy a blow job from under his desk, before posting that crap.


Why, do you want to suck his dick and shy to ask like you asked me?


That’s why he’s Herpes Mike, he popped out from from his mom herpes, which lay like alien eggs in wet and dark enviroment


That’s all you silly inbred Ukie Canucks can come up with.


“looking for your mom” how old are you? what a loser. lmao


Russian Oman blue uniform? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7348f7fbdeae62ece56e9f70eecccd55046f10f1c3a0392601a84652aaccbf2d.jpg


These are probably from the western part of the Russia since they look caucasian


Or Israelis?


Sop you are racist sack of canuck shit, good to know.


Ahh the guy who upvotes his comments again


not even a good troll. definitely overpaid


I’m not a troll, I’m a hater


just think a minute about what you called yourself. (even if it is BS) “a hater” good luck.


Have you tried? what happened?

Brother Ma

Great symbolic move but mean little in the way of scare tactics. They are prob engineers or something, not “fighting soldiers”as China should have sent to Syria.

Ooga Booga

De-engineering the US-engineered coup.


Good point. They could also be China embassy guards


Still posting your diatribe.

Dušan Mirić

It means a lot, not as a scare but as moral support to Venezuela and it is all they need

Hisham Saber

There are many Chinese Peoples Liberation Army PLAN officers and advisors embedded with Syrian Arab Army counterparts.

Plus, China has been floating Syria financially since the start of the conflict. They supply Syria with its essential needs like medical staffs, medical equipment, humanitarian supplies and have repeatedly promised to rebuild Syria when the conflict is over, and it will be. Plus, on top of that, Syria is a part of China’s OBR Silk Road initiative.


Venezuela certainly needs Russian and Chinese cyber security assistance, to scan and debug from US malware and cyber attacks on infrastructure – most obviously on the electricity grid mainframes.


Somebody needs to protect the Venezuelans from Elliot deathsquads Abrams.

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