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CIA sees instability in the Balkans – Greek minority member murdered by Albanian Special Forces – This is how the plan for Greater Albania unfolds

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CIA sees instability in the Balkans – Greek minority member murdered by Albanian Special Forces – This is how the plan for Greater Albania unfolds

Isa Boletini statue. Mitrovica, 2010. He was a Kosovo Albanian nationalist figure and guerrilla fighter in the Ottoman Kosovo Vilayet. His figure plays an important role in the modern nationalist propaganda in Kosovo.  IMAGE: FitimSelimi/Wikimedia

This analysis is made by Evangelos Kokkinos – Pentapostagma Enimerosis and translated exclusively for SouthFront

During the “Anniversary of the No”, a day that is celebrated throughout Greece, Cyprus and the Greek communities around the world on 28 October each year, Constantine Katsifas was killed by the Albanian special force RENEA.

No Day commemorates the rejection by Greek Prime Minister Ioannis Metaxas of the ultimatum made by Italian dictator Benito Mussolini on 28 October 1940, the Hellenic counterattack against the invading Italian forces at the mountains of Pindus during the Greco-Italian War, and the Greek Resistance during the Axis occupation.

Katsifas was killed by Albanian fire, defending the Greek cemetery in Vouliarates, a village in Northern Epirus (the Albanians claim the region as southern Albania).

The murder, coupled with the climate in the Balkans and the strong relations between Albania and Kosovo, clear the air, for a larger plan that leads the Balkans step by step in serious crisis.

A declassified CIA report warns of the chances of a very high instability in the Balkans, which may be caused by the mistreatment of the Greek minority in Albania.

The report stresses that this instability may be detrimental to US interests.

The June 1994 report was designed and executed during a period of intense tensions between the two countries following a violent border intervention in April of the same year.

Two Albanian soldiers were killed by a little-known Greek nationalist organization, the Northwest Liberation Front (MABH).

The report then highlighted the US’s concern to support post-communist Albania, which was seen as its closest ally to the Balkans.

Although, the current crisis that occurred after the assassination of Constantine Katsifa in 28th October (Α national day for Greece) is different. The document highlights the American thought of a possible Greek-Albanian conflict now and/or  in the future.

In 1994, Greece strongly criticized the Albanian behavior against the Greek minority, while Tirana expressed fears that Athens had plans to occupy the Greek minority region in southern Albania.

The CIA report said that a crisis on the issue of the minority would lead to retaliation in Greece, which “could destabilize the pro-American government of Tirana for the benefit of the former Communists.”

“Continuing tensions with Greece would also have a negative internal impact on Albania,” said in a statement to policy makers in Washington on strategic relations with the former communist country.

He adds that the Greek population of Albania “could become the focus of a serious and destabilizing crisis between the two countries.”

Although CIA analysts have not found evidence that Albania is pursuing a policy of systematic intimidation of the Greek minority or attempting to expel Greeks, they underlined that “some Greeks’s complaints against Tirana are legitimate.”

The report acknowledged that the Greeks are being harassed by the Albanian authorities in matters relating to education and under-representation in police and military.

Greek minorities have been excluded from funded education in “minority areas” in the south of Albania (Northern Epirus), where the majority of Greeks live, according to the report.

There was only one “Greek presence in the Albanian police and army” and virtually no Greek was in positions of power.

The Greeks also complained about the refusal of the Albanian government to return large areas of land previously belonging to the Orthodox Church.

If tensions remain the Greek minority in Albania, it will become a target of forced “ethnic cleansing”, while Athens will be subject to intense public pressure for more extreme action, including military action, “the US report warns.

On the other hand, the report says that Tirana’s concerns about perceived Greek irresponsibility would push the Albanian authorities to curb Greek minority political activities, which would probably be controlled by Athens.

The report also warned Greece that, in the long run, mutual hostility would undermine its ambitions to take political and economic leadership in the region.

“Greek intransigence in the Balkans will further remove Greeks from their European and American partners.”

The CIA report pointed out that while there were no reliable statistics, the Greeks were the largest minority in Albania and probably account for between 3 and 5% of the population, with about 100,000-150,000 people.

Half of Albania’s Greek minority is in Greece.

The size of the Greek minority in Albania remains a matter of conflict between Tirana and Athens. Albanian authorities claim there are about 60,000-80,000 Greek expatriates in Albania, while Athens says there are between 300,000 and 500,000.

It is an appreciation that Albanians will in any case not continue to provoke after the Albanian Special Forces RENEA executed Constantine Katsifas, because they are exposed to international public opinion.

Besides all that, Kosovo creates an illegal tactical army, with the warm support of Albania, which stimulates events and looks to take advantage of every opportunity, with the sole aim of creating the “Greater Albania”.

A major issue has come after the information on proclaiming the establishment of regular Kosovo armed forces in violation of UN article 1244, drawing the justified wrath of Moscow and Belgrade.

Since early October, the US has suddenly changed its position, and the US Embassy in Pristina has given the “green light” to the Kosovo government to build an army and set up a Ministry of Defense.

Over the next three years, Kosovo authorities will buy weapons worth 300 million euros for their army.

According to Serbian media, Albanians will buy 100 M1A1, 300 Jeep and Toma M113 A2 as anti-tank systems from US stocks.

The plans for the purchase of heavy weapons were announced shortly after the adoption of the law establishing the army of Kosovo, consisting of 5,000 soldiers and a “multinational” on paper, as the Albanians will dominate while the Serbs have a mandate not to participate.

Kosovo’s parliament decided with a majority vote (101 out of 120 deputies) to change its Security Force (KSF) into a regular army, in violation of UN article 1244.

Serbia speaks clearly about the beginning of the plan to create “Greater Albania”, which will seriously destabilize the Balkan region.

The confirmation of this extremely dangerous scenario for Greece, as well as for other countries in the Balkans, is indirectly confirmed by the current Albanian Diaspora Minister, Pantelis Maiko, who speaks about dealing with security issues jointly by the Albanian and Kosovar army.

Pantelis Maiko welcomed the first approval of the three laws to transform the Kosovo Security Force into a regular army and stressed that the national security of Albania and Kosovo is inseparable.

Former Prime Minister and current Minister of Diaspora in the Albanian government, in a recent interview, said Kosovo’s army would also make Albania stronger.

“It is a form of legal issues that will have to be definitively closed in Kosovo, which has the right to procure heavy weapons, as all nations buy, because Kosovo is a country that builds its security policy with my country.

What is important to say is that the national security of Albania and Kosovo is inseparable. If Kosovo cools or coughs, and vice versa, it also concerns us, “said Maiko.

With the pressure on the Greek minority in Albania and North Epirus to escalate after the murder of the Greek, Constantine Katsifas, as well as the apparent support of the Albanian state in Kosovo, Albania’s Balkan aspirations are clear.

The one and only goal for Albanian nationalists is the composition of the “Greater Albania”.

Greater Albania is an irredentist concept of lands that are considered to form the national homeland by many Albanians, based on claims on the present-day or historical presence of Albanian populations in those areas.

According to the Albanians, in addition to the existing Republic of Albania, the term incorporates claims to regions in the neighboring states, the areas include Kosovo and the Preševo Valley of Serbia, territories in southern Montenegro, northwestern Greece (the Greek regional units of Thesprotia and Preveza, referred by Albanians as Chameria, and other territories that were part of the Vilayet of Yanina during the Ottoman Empire), and a part of western Republic of Macedonia.

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S Melanson

Well Promitheus, you made the call a while back about this happening. Good foresight.

The Interrogator

Is good-CIA telling good-FSB that all is well in Miami? Don’t interservice qurels usually spin out of control? Is NSA willing to do anything to survive?

Stefan Srbija

Dogodine u Prizrenu!


Montenegro-Serbia-Macedonia-Greece all need to start talking to each other at some level about mutual policies to contain US sponsored regional Albanian expansionism.


There is no ‘Macedonia’! The only Makedonia is in Greece.


That is the exact in-fighting that is the problem…US strategic policy is to exploit regional ethnic divisions – currently they are using Kurds across mid east/central asia and Albanians across Balkans.


This ‘issue’ existed since Tito decided it is a good idea to call the southern part of what was then called Yougoslavia ‘macedonia’ so that he can later lay claims to Greece’s Makedonia, which is the only continuous of what was Makedonia before the Romans conquered it along with the rest of the Greek territories. The Romans then started to change names and geographical borders and then came the Byzanine empire and then the Ottotmans. The Slavic population came to the area of the Balkans in roughly 600 AD… Its just a matter of reading history. The Americans play their games and so do the Rusians, but thats got nothing to do with whats right and whats wrong and who were the Makedonians.


bullshit. the ancient makedinia was also on territory of macedonian republlic.


You obviously never opened a history book in your life. I hope it is because you are still at a school age and not older…You cant even spell Makedonia ! Never mind having an opinion about it…! Dumass !


you little shitbrain:


and this is my last answer, i am going to block you, nazi rat :D


That is your answer ? Hahaha you typed in google ‘ancient macedonia’ …that is your answer ?

Why dont you tell us what those links say dumbo! This is what you need to do, get off your computer, get out of your underground one bed, one plug, one door room and visit your local library. Just grab any book and start reading… You got a lot to catch up !


Solomon Kurwacek you are the only nazi rat here, you filthy pile of dog feces with zillion accounts.

Brother Ma

Illiterate sheepherder.

Jens Holm

I see several versions and there should be allowense to them.

Not being killed in Iran using “The arabic sea”.


“I see several versions and there should be allowense to them.

Not being killed in Iran using “The arabic sea”.”

Again, WTF??? are you drugged or just completely braindead?


nice autocharacterization :DD


and spain was a part of the Roman empire along with Germania (germany) ,TUrkey , SYria, even Malta etc….they are ROmans?

Jens Holm

Thats correct. Things do change during time. For the greeks Asia was only Anatoloa. Today Anatolia is Minor Asia and Asia is much larger.


and italy has big roplem with name of Romania, hasn´t? :DDDD


well Romanians dont claim Roman history for their own for starters. The invention of the “macedonian’ nation is credited to Tito soviet era communist leader of Yugoslavia. His goal was to give an identity to his fellow slavs in a region that they were a minority, since it had a large population of Albanians and still has. So he gave them a good publicity identity something to be proud about. very clever idea since the slavs are almost a minority. so he kept them under controll without tensions between ethnic groups.


macedonia also dont want part of greece.


wrong very wrong there and thats the main issue here. their constitution speaks about liberating land and people from ‘occupation’ by both Greece and Bulgaria.


you seem to forget that europeans are a blend of many different peoples. they all conquered and fought eachother, while enslaving and raping eachother. So, there are no “pure” greeks, albaninians or any other peoples in europe It is a fgact that the current territory was part of the ancient macedonia. I think the greeks make a big thing of nothing I live in Amsterdam, you know how many other amsterdams there are? 14!



lets say that you are correct about what you say but i dont think you know the whole story. FYROM has in its constitution articles that speak about ‘enslaved’ citizens and for occupied territory. This is about Greece and Bulgaria. So you have a country that you share common borders that is obliged by its constitution to liberate land and people. so i call it a big deal. its like having a room filled with dymamite and you are playing with fire. As you mention the Balkans have a history of war war war and border changing ver centuries….so having a country that wants to start a war….its dangerous. what if you had such a country near Holland?


we did, but fortunately they lost a war BIG time :)

Jens Holm

That correct.Greeks saw them as almost greeks and they were included.

If greeks insist that much greeks might be more relevant named into being Macedonia :)


I laugh, that with new name North-Kacedonia the greeks are satisfied. After entering NATO in Skopje will say: and now we want reunite with the south macedonian territory :DDD

Brother Ma

Not current at all. Moslem Albanians and Kurds have been used as spoilers by dominant Ottoman Empire for centuries until about 1923. Then the turks turned around and started slaughtering the Kurds. Haha too bad too sad!


and now the story repeats itself…..the Kurds used by US for publicity war against ISIS (true cause to establish their presence in SYria and divide the country) ,no the US has turned its back on them and will let them become meat for Turkish grinder…once again…..once the Sultain unleases hell against them a new genocide will take place. all kurds will become refugees if they lucky or die trying.

Jens Holm

Mor like You use kurds for anything, so people forget how bad You behave Yourself.

That of course includes jews, USA and almost the rest of the world.


good point

Jens Holm

I would go back to 1878.


Even better: go back to hell.

Jens Holm

You foirget who made the splitups in the Tito land before any USA.

You also ignore the kurds had many problems before USA went into Syria as well as Iraq as well as many others, which actually uprised and still do.

Kurds did not start any civile war, but was a result of Your armed disputes.

Total cencure in Your head.

Promitheas Apollonious

nope there is also the Macedonian part, that is occupied by the enemy. And Greece does not stop at the current borders.


You are preaching to the choir here pal…you can see above i posted a screenshot and a video too…

Promitheas Apollonious

i was using your post to clarify the border part.


ypu should first pay your debt and organize normal life at home. greeks in huge amount leave greece.you will have not ebough people to poplate this greece, what you have.


At least we have enough money to pay for English lessons… Where do you live …? Let me guess Azerbananistan ? Turkgay ? Albanana ? Or are you maybe an isis prick and you live in some s h i t hole in the desert like the rat that you are…? Did I get it right ? Dumbass !


a bit pathetic for a guy that claims to be educated ;)


Pathetic was your dad apart from that one time when he made you…


ok Hungarian troll, lets check shall we ?

Currently, the minimum salary in Budapest, Hungary is of 127,650 HUF or roughly €425 euros per month for unskilled labor. The minimum wage for skilled workers is of 161,250 HUF or approximately €535. These salaries are valid not only for Budapest, but also nationwide.

And Greece…? : In 2018, the national minimum wage in Greece remained fixed at 683.8 € per month, that is 8,206 euros per year, taking into account 12 payments per year.


Check the chart i posted Dumbass, how far back in time to we have to go to find Greece’s wages as low as Hungary’s wages today …what century…what milenia? χαχαχαχαχα Hungry Hungarian …! hahahahaa jUST SHUT TF UP … Dont waste energy you need it there in poor old Hungary…!


Jens Holm

I like numbers used as You do. We co´me sloser to, how things actuallý are.


Are your drugs out of date ? You got to be careful with that, always check the dates on the label ! Dumbfak!

Promitheas Apollonious

back to your hole turd.


little shit, i make business in greece and cyprus, so i know probaly better your conditions than you.

Promitheas Apollonious

yes turd what ever you say.

Brother Ma

The pot calling the kettle black! Albania and fake macedonia would not exist if it was not for free money you still get from America and Eu. Who are you trying to fool keyboard warrior?

The wankees and krauts are even giving you a free army AGAIN!

Jens Holm

Greece would be more then bankrupt given nothing from EU.


you know nothing, only to split hate.


Split? You mean spit, you braindead, pathetic shiteating degenerate.


And you should eat shit and die, along with all your accounts you pathetic braindead shiteater.


shut up, elladafascist!


Go to your momy boy.

Jens Holm

Thats very incorrect to all ancient maps written by Greeks themselves. If true, You should fill out with crawling greeks all over.

That make no sense. Greks fx were Ottomans for many centuries, so why should they not join again or claim all of (Now) minor Asia inclusive the football team of Trapespunt.


WTF that even means you braindead idiot?

Jens Holm

Those Minor areas was not filled up with greeks as Your kind of assume.

And dont blame me for having a high level of knowledge. I am no braindead idiot as well.

No maps show greeks were all over, but they doninated the Minor Asia by trade, culture and partly language.

Try maps.


Try the “Byzantium” empire/ERE, they were basically the greek empire after the fall of WRE. They ruled the entire Asia minor for centuries.


Does it make sense what you write in your own mind…? Cause here for everybody else it doesnt ! What the Fk u on about ?!!! Nevermind the bad spelling… Sort your self up mate before you try to make comments in blogs like this. You havent got the slightest clue …

Jens Holm

Maps show I am 100% correct. Greeks never was all over Minor Asia. They dominated the coastland in strong colonies and by that dominated in culture and language.

Romans much later posseded all, which is well descriebed. It was done by negosiations and war. The last more or less independant state was Kappadonia, where Ankara is a part of now.

So thats what I am fucking writing about. That was not needed if Your knowledgelevel for Your own main area was close to zero.

So when You greeks and whatever claim Minor Asia back or something like that, You too often ignore that most people there never was greek.

If You insist in finding more greeks, they are along the coastlines fx like this:



Read dumbdumb, just read !

Alexander III of Macedon, commonly known as Alexander the Great, was a king of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon and a member of the Argead dynasty.

He was born in Pella in 356 BC and succeeded his father Philip II to the throne at the age of twenty.

He spent most of his ruling years on an unprecedented military campaign through Asia and northeast Africa, and he created one of the largest empires of the ancient world by the age of thirty, stretching from Greece to northwestern India.

He was undefeated in battle and is widely considered one of history’s most successful military commanders.

Alexander was awarded the generalship of Greece and used this authority to launch his father’s pan-Hellenic project to lead the Greeks in the conquest of Persia.

In 334 BC, he invaded the Achaemenid Empire (Persian Empire) and began a series of campaigns that lasted ten years.

Following the conquest of Anatolia, Alexander broke the power of Persia in a series of decisive battles, most notably the battles of Issus and Gaugamela.

He subsequently overthrew Persian King Darius III and conquered the Achaemenid Empire in its entirety.

At that point, his empire stretched from the Adriatic Sea to the Indus River.

He endeavored to reach the “ends of the world and the Great Outer Sea” and invaded India in 326 BC, winning an important victory over the Pauravas at the Battle of the Hydaspes. He eventually turned back at the demand of his homesick troops.

He founded some twenty cities that bore his name, most notably Alexandria in Egypt.

Alexander’s settlement of Greek colonists and the resulting spread of Greek culture in the east resulted in a new Hellenistic civilization, aspects of which were still evident in the traditions of the Byzantine Empire in the mid-15th century AD and the presence of Greek speakers in central and far eastern Anatolia until the 1920s.

Alexander became legendary as a classical hero in the mold of Achilles,and he features prominently in the history and mythic traditions of both Greek and non-Greek cultures.

He became the measure against which military leaders compared themselves, and military academies throughout the world still teach his tactics.

He is often ranked among the most influential people in history.








And if words and maps arent enough to get it throught your Neanderthal-brain head here is a song…



Against overwhelming odds, he led his army to victories across the Persian territories of Asia Minor, Syria and Egypt without suffering a single defeat.

His greatest victory was at the Battle of Gaugamela, in what is now northern Iraq, in 331 BC.

The young king of Macedonia, leader of the Greeks, overlord of Asia Minor and pharaoh of Egypt became’great king’ of Persia at the age of 25.

Over the next eight years, in his capacity as king, commander, politician, scholar and explorer, Alexander led his army a further 11,000 miles, founding over 70 cities and creating an empire that stretched across three continents and covered around two million square miles.

The entire area from Greece in the west, north to the Danube, south into Egypt and as far to the east as the Indian Punjab, was linked together in a vast international network of trade and commerce.

This was united by a common Greek language and culture, while the king himself adopted foreign customs in order to rule his millions of ethnically diverse subjects.

Alexander was acknowledged as a military genius who always led by example, although his belief in his own indestructibility meant he was often reckless with his own life and those of his soldiers.

The fact that his army only refused to follow him once in 13 years of a reign during which there was constant fighting, indicates the loyalty he inspired.

He died of a fever in Babylon in June 323 BC.


this is all based on sources centuries afterwards we cannot even believe the newspapers, so why believe propaganda written by a small corrupt elite? Do you get it?


Do I get it ? ? ? ROFL You are incapable of learning pal.

Jens Holm

Those more or less biased facts solves nothing for You at the Balkans with or without Turkey.

And dont try to lesson me. My knowledge level always has been high. Feta cheese is much more important then this.


BIased ? You dumbfuck !

How about



Soon after his accession, Alexander had been voted the leadership of the Persian expedition by the League of Corinth.

V O T E D A concept still unknown in every other part of the world …

(where did you say you come from …?…oh thats right, you Didn’t say!…I wonder why…! )

Anabasis (/əˈnæbəsɪs/; Greek: Ἀνάβασις [anábasis]; an “expedition up from”) is the most famous book of the Ancient Greek professional soldier and writer Xenophon.

The seven-tome book of the Anabasis was composed around the year 370 BC, and, in translation, Anabasis is rendered as The March of the Ten Thousand and as The March Up Country.

The narration of the journey is Xenophon’s best known work, and “one of the great adventures in human history”.

So, stop posting stupid comments and start reading …you are only making a fool of your self.


Nice collection of alexander propaganda…..




in your dreams….


Not in my dreams, mr Brazilian guy who lives in Holland, this is a fact written in history books dated back 2000 years ago. Go back to school kid.


a 52 years old kid :)


That is very sad if you are 52…really very sad…


history books dated 2000 years ago?? it is you that should go back to school! stick to the facts: the oldest surviving texts about ancient greece are a few papyrus rolls, most of them damaged. Most we “know” about those days are copies of copies of copies, written hundreds of years afterwards https://www.bl.uk/greek-manuscripts/articles/manuscripts-of-classical-greek-authors


No its not copies of copies you dumbdumb ! Its from the Historians of that age ! Unless you think they weer ‘fake news’ too !

hahahahahaha Stupid little prick !


hahahah, it could be! And, no the original texts are long time gone. Nobody knows if the christian monks copied it right (by handwriting)

Goran Grubić HardyVeles

The issue is: who should talk? (i.e. who represents these nations). This is especially critical question for Montenegro and Macedonia – while it is far from good in case of Serbia and Greece. Moreover, multi decade fight between Macedonia and Greece renders any coordination on this issue impossible. These two first must settle their problem, before anything becomes doable.


Excellent points. Indeed – see another poster’s response below that illustrates that very Greece-Macedonia squabbling.

Goran Grubić HardyVeles

Glad u noticed, I almost wrote appendix to point you on that :)


but russia supported the tenseion between macedonia and greece

Brother Ma

Well they were stupid doing so!

Jens Holm

Well, its a normal procedure in the whole world. You dont get succes every time and its often a very cheep method for change or stability.

Jens Holm

Its a russian tradition not even being only Russian. You split up people and can take them one by one and often use them, as they wish.

Goran Grubić HardyVeles

of course: it is cheap remedy to slow down NATO

Brother Ma

Fake Macedonia was formed and supported desperately by the Americans to stop just this scenario. To stop an Orthodox Arc from Russia,Bulgaria,Greece ,Serbia/montenegro. It has succeeded and the Wankees are doing it all over again NOW interfering in Montenegro and Fake Macedonia name changing etc.

Jens Holm

Its not a religios thing at all. The majority of macednonians are Christian ones and You deny them to be asked if they want to remain as part of being Serbia eben there is no serbs there.

You only understand when big ones like Yourself can be reduced in bad things by bigger ones then You. Those are the facts.

We see exact the same thing for Russia. Their Empire collapsed and mainly by themselves. Never the less, they dont behave as it happend. Turks are like that. Assads are like that.

You deny people to decide themselves using guns and fear.

Promitheas Apollonious

with the traitors running greece fat chance of that.

Jens Holm

Saladin has 5 passports as well. Same thing. If we go back Macedonia is a landscape just as Syria. (or Assyria).

The Macedonian for a period dominated Balkans very much just as fx Athen and Sparta. By that Alexander the Great became a memorable hero for all just like fx Saladin.


Whaaat?? “Saladin has 5 passports as well.” No really, you are the dumbest imbecile in history of universe. Perhaps you are some broken NATO bot, or a badly trained monkey. You are not human. Impossible.

Don Machiavelli

Montenegro realized that Serbia is leaded by wrong people hence their decisions. Do you really think that any selfrespecting Montenegro citizen would shake hands with a country which try to steal their land? Serbian church is in too deep.

Brother Ma

You are a wrong. Montenegro has traditionally considered themselves as Serbians. You must be very young and /or not know much about Montenegro history prior to 1990s.

Jens Holm

Thats not correct at all.


Hey you dumb imbecile, they are serbians. ‘Montenegro’ is currently ruled by a criminal dictator, ex-communist Djukanovic, who became NATO vassal in order to rule forever. Djukanovic along with albanian mafia and CIA own that little banana-republic.

Don Machiavelli

man it’s obvious that you are Serb why you try so hard to spit that lie here people are more educated than in your ottoman polluted area

Jens Holm

There is none Albanian expansion at all. Those areas with or without Albanians was a part of Ottoman and at that time Serbs had the seize, they should have today.

We saw the agression in 1913, where serbs took Macedonia having not a single serb. Thats how those lowlife farmers are. At the Bosnian war = same thing. They are not askers but takers and with no limit killed so many croats and after that Bosnian muslims with croats.

So the support to people should go to the non agressive.


Macedonia is in Greece, Skopje was always serbian, and you are a clueless moron spreading idiotic albanian nazi propaganda. There was no a single albanian in the Balkans before XIc. they stole everything. Go blow your albananian boyfriend.


Idiot – the KLA was a criminal terrorist faction and their current Albanian nationalist successors in Kosovo have been openly responsible for directly exporting violence and terrorism over border into Macedonia since 2000. Macedonian security services have repeatedly caught Kosovar Albanian terrorists in Macedonia. Kosovo is a EU-KFOR protectorate – yet this micro-state is run by some of the worst mafioso-criminals in all Europe.


it is rather unclear what happened at that shooting. This is the most detailed story I could find: http://www.ekathimerini.com/234128/article/ekathimerini/news/athens-tirana-ties-put-to-test-after-killing-of-ethnic-greek-man



Promitheas Apollonious

that can not become reality until the globalist errand boys are not in power in Greece. unless of course someone attack us first then the guns are free.


Thats true, and also the moment was lost in the 90s when the Turks invaded Imia and then the Americans intervene in favour of the invading Turks , just like in the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974…

Promitheas Apollonious

yes but still if the leaders of the army did not listen to the politicians the turkish problem will been over a long time ago. we dont disagree just trying to figure out the point of view you looking at the picture.


My point of view is that Greece’s ‘friend’ the USA has done more harm to Greece than its so called ‘enemies’.

Promitheas Apollonious

agree to that one and second it.

Jens Holm

No,they havnt. Even EU has ´given them for billions for needed change, they has kept things as they were and have eaten it up.

Hardly none in USA would accept an economy like that. Not all in the world is runned by guns as You assume. Ecomics often is more important.

Brother Ma

Yes. But noone rises in the army in Greece unless he has been vetted by americaNato as being one of “ourboys”.

All greek army leaders are Americannato bootlickers and thus bootlicking of Turks as well.

Jens Holm

Yerrh, we are -And by that we are not bootlickers of Russia, Turkey and dirty little Serbia.

You ignore the alternatives seemes much worse …


Hey you braindead imbecile you are not just a bootlicker, you are a buttlicker. Right now you’re sucking albanian dirty anus and you love it. Keep sucking.

Brother Ma

Not really! They attacked you in1974 and your Rightist American bootlicking- boys did nothing or were ordered to do nothing.why do you expect it to be different now?

Jens Holm

You certainly work har to keep the level low.

Brother Ma

Your borders are cr*p ! Hellenic encompasses all of Asia Minor not just the coastal fringe as you have shown. So ,St George ,St Nicholas,St Basil etc and many other Church Fathers came from Non -Hellenic did they?

Jens Holm

You cant count in many ways. The Helenistic culture domination dont say Anatolia and its inland was crawling with greeks.

The main part was towns as trade and production stations. Romans much later posseded all by war and negosiation and the last semi indeoended state was Kappadonia(in fact where Ankara is too.

Thats how it was. Same goes for fx Syria,Iraq and Iran. Some are dominant, some new ones are dominant, but the rest is there too and actually are the majority – Some might compare a little with the 12 million Syrians not at home.

Those Syrians decide nothing unless You vote in free elections – and they only are united in being noin deciders asking for peace, stability and progress.

And again its the same for arabs. Most arabs only are arabs because they have taken in a new and practical language as well as religion and some culturel traditions.

Arabs didnt kill all t´living there. They killed all, which rsisted and taxesd the rest. By that Christians and Jews still was there even many of those during time has converted as well.



Promitheas Apollonious

yes I seen the video, but do not agree with the kourdistan part. If they want a country then should all move back in turkey and not to the lands they give them hospitality. There they either merge with the rest of the population or take a walk.


The only thing wrong about this map is that the Kurdistany lands are also in northern Iran and a bit further down south in Iraq. Now, what they deserve and what they dont deserve is another thing. In my opinion they fought ISIS and ALNusra harder than everyone else. The Syrian army also fought isis and so did the Iraqy army but not with the same intensity and not with the same gutts like the Kurds … So the Kurds they deserve a country of their own. Whether it will be the whole area that their population occupies or only parts of it that remains to be seen. Dont forget my fellow Greek that the first Greek independent state in 1829 was much much smaller than what it is today…

Promitheas Apollonious

I am not a great follower of the great israel as I am not either of the great albanian or new ottoman empire. And kourds are error boys of the globalist movement.


It is in Greece’s interest on one hand that a Kurdish state is established in Greece’s enemy, Turkey’s, south border, and on the other hand every nation has a right for self determination, that is clearly explained in the UN charts.

Promitheas Apollonious

no it is not and you are very short sighted just as the government of greece is. They are traitors what is your excuse? How is it better for greece kurds are not friends of yours and neither are the israel movements within greece and cyprus. kurds are not friends of yours so why the obsession with them? explain me.


If you can not see the value of one of the oldest quotes of war ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’ then there is nothing I can do.

But I would advise you to refrain from insinuating I am a traitor because it makes you look a bit silly…

Also it seems from your comments that you have this idea that Greece’s role in the world is to stop the ‘global goverment’ or the ‘establishment’ or what ever you wana call them… Greece is not the Byzantine empire…Greece is not Alexander’s empire…not today anyway…

Promitheas Apollonious

no my friend I disagree. The enemy of your enemy it can be a useful tool IF your politicians they do external policies are not errand boys that do exactly what they are told. As is the case of the YES vote who become over night NO vote.

But it can never be your friends and allianses that temporarily happen between nations that hate each other dont last long and always dont end well either. For example follow what is happening between russia and turkey is a good example as well the ass kissing the greeks are doing to the americans and the rest of them.

You assume many things that are not matters of fact and you also assume that the turks play a straight game with the russians and are not west trojan horse the globalists answer to them. never underestimate your enemies and most important know who they are too.


You do understand that the quote I m refering to is not mean to be taken literally. ‘Friend’ and frienship is something that happens between people not between nations.

Where did you see me posting anything that suggests I am assuming that the Russia-Turkey ‘relationship’ is an honest one ?

There is interest on both sides. Its a wolf-partnership…(wolfs care for them selfs…only). ..and a Turkish legend says the Turks were born of a wolf mother somewhere in the Chinese – Mongolian deserts…so…there you go…

What else have I assumed that is not fact … ?

Promitheas Apollonious

I just corrected it relax man I am talking with you not about you. is good to know where every one stands when you want to have an intelligent discussion with them. I dont know what you think but often I am not in disagreement with the spirit of what you post.

I did not say you assumed that I said take as an example. That is between the turks and the russians I already agree that we already having the same treatment I think the russians or the turks will have between them, as we have with our alleged allies.


Φερ Ιναφ. ??

Brother Ma

Well said.


sure. kurdistan should involve also part of iran


How is Budapest today Hungarian ?

Still poor and full of prostitutes ?

Dumbass !


Brother Ma

Sounds like Sorocising Hungarian spoiler for the Wankees sent here to make trouble.


i am not hungarian, i know 7 alanguages, thats all.


hahahahahahah yeah and I m the Pope in the Vatican ! hahahaahhaa You dumb shit for brains humanoid !

You are a miserable Hungarian gypsy is what you are !

Fuck off now.

Brother Ma

They desreve nothing. They are lapdogs of Turks and Americans and have shut down christian schools and churches.they need to be lined up and shot.


who cares about your opinion?



Brother Ma

Exactly. Or better still ,Kurds should shut up and go home to Iran where they came from and mix in with their cousins.


Nikolaiev Obl. wants white, blue and red.




Greece must demand a referendum for northern epirus… and then annex it since everybody will vote yes… oh wait tsipras is still government? then everybody should vote no so he makes it a yes…

Promitheas Apollonious

good suggestion.

Jens Holm

Its completly irrelavant. Much like expecting many Ukrainian votes at Crimera.

Jens Holm

The population has changed a lot and the few Albaninas living there already was a wast majority.


This happened inside Albanian territory. No such thing as “south albania”. It happaned inside the borders of the country recognize by the entire world since 1912. Albanias borders are clear. This radical idiot fired at the police.. what happens to terrorists that fire at the pilice. This was caught on video.. this was not a political incident. It was a crazy guy with a gun.

Promitheas Apollonious

and you come here and bullshitting and obviously an albanian no doubt.

How is that relevant? You’re obviously a Greek.

Promitheas Apollonious

what I am is irrelevant is what I answered to that it is.


you are idiot


http://favoritememes.com/_nw/0/98323781.gif .

Concrete Mike

Hey go with your kurd friends and fight isis that your so good at…the people of hajjin need you!!! Hurry


Who the f u c k are you ?

https://i.imgur.com/xtMDTf1.png Is that what you do ?

What is your problem ? Your mom and sister came for holidays in Greece and they had a good time…! Behave you little t w a t y !

Concrete Mike

Lol u mad ? You can give it but cant take it? You may be too stupid to remember the bs you post but pepperidge farms remembers!

Go help your kurd buddies now…fucking liar.



I am the mad one ? …Your case is one for the scientists to analyse and try to figure out whats going on in your head… You still dont know what you talking about and neither does anybody else ! Seek help, dont leave it for tomorrow ! Go now ! Go go go !



Promitheas Apollonious

no idiot is the one who did not jerk you off now back to the hole it shit you.

Don Machiavelli

i guess you are Serbian hiding under that nickname… there are hundreds of same troll polluting every regional site lol calm down a bit

Jens Holm

A much better guess then he or she is a greek. Serbs pr tradition dont like Albanians and anybody else, if they dont want to be dominated by them even if they use fear and bajonets.


Your inbred parents were idiots (and close relatives) you retarded slovakian nazi shiteater with 100 accounts and no brain.


you are blocked, little skunk.


Oh no. lol Fuck you dumb turd. Go die.

Jens Holm

Correct. It doesnt matter if You are a greek.

Brother Ma

How stupid is your comment. Explain yourself!

Don Machiavelli

he is 100% correct about this, what does nationality has to do with validity of information?


he repeats the official statement about the incident given by the Albanians. Local people have other view on this. they call it an execution. he was out in the open nowhere to hide. locals say he fired shots in the air and that he was always a target of bullying bahaviour by the police. he was a target pussed to the limit then executed.thats the other side of the story.

Jens Holm

He is 100% correct. A total mad entreence for that part of Albania as well as You again show Your incompetende.

You dont have to. We already know about the last 12 Greeks there…(now 11)

Brother Ma

We do not know what really happened. Have you seen footage? Witness statements?Credible witnesses have said otherwise.

Feudalism Victory

Obviously greece and serbia have common cause and should be allies and strike kosovo/albania from both side possibly with montenegro.

Promitheas Apollonious

when the guns are free is exactly the plan

no more politicians in the way.


If Greece had a prime minister (and goverment) a bit more like Salvini in Italy and a bit like Sisi in Egypt Greece would be more than fine…

Feudalism Victory

Greece should elect golden dawn. The liberal establishment hates them.

Promitheas Apollonious

no I think Greece needs leaders not politicians. As long they don’t have that then nothing will change.

Brother Ma

You are right. Rightist leaders were just as useless. Samaras and the other fools let in truckloads of moslem Albanian headchoppers into greece thinking they could tame then! They didnt! I do not care if America forced them to take them in then or now.

Ray Visino

Greece had a dose of fascism with the Colonels, don’t think they would take kindly to a Golden Dawn government.

Feudalism Victory

I must admit to a very superficial understanding of modern greek history.

To youtube and its documentaries!

Raptar Driver

Yes when these three have real governments instead of boot licking vassals then it will be on and the Shqiptars will be lucky to have any soil left in Europe.

Don Machiavelli

no you should strike your own people in Sultans name at least that’s what you’ve been doing with Ottomans for centuries :D When did Albanians, unprovoked, harm Serbia?

Brother Ma

Last five hundred years ,tool!

Don Machiavelli

500 years? Please, for the sake of sanity, wake up from your fantasy!

Brother Ma

Turks were in Balkans by late 1390s. Whichever Albanians did not convert were killed or moved to Greece or Italy. You are right. I was wrong. It was not five hundred years. It was 600!

Even your best hero Skanderbeg was half greek and serbian and cast off his conversion to Islam as soon as he could. God Bless his Bones and Soul! A patriot and a hero who rebelled against Turks and traitor Albanians like your ancestors who converted.

Your nation now is a narcostate where you cover Skanderbeg’s statue because it offends your mullahs! What a disgrace!

Don Machiavelli

Excuse me, who’s hero? Did you assume that i was Albanian? What a funny guy you are indeed. If someone doesn’t agree with your propaganda and does his own research he must be Albanian? You are to deluded to be able to talk in a normal way mister and i do not have time for Balkans and it’s rednecks.

Don Machiavelli


Informative link, you can find other sources but all agree, Serbs murdered Serbs to get on good terms with Sultan. I check my information before writing comments while you don’t all you guys are saying is gibberish and myths.


WTF?!! Is now known that in mid-late 1990’s the KLA was secretly trained at base camps inside of Albanian territory – with instruction from NATO special forces – and sent into Serbian-Kosovo to wage acts of violence against Serbian state apparatus.

Don Machiavelli

Most likely but don’t you think that Serbian aggression against Kosovo people since late 1970’s was reason for that? Every water well was poisoned by Serb militias. Check how Serbs murdered Serbian kids in Pec to make pretext to invade. Legija (organized crime member responsible also for murder of Djindjic) admitted it. There is a reason for everything but your information about ‘secret training camps’ was never proven with facts, only by rambling. Hey i do not care about it i just do not like lies be it on CNN or Southfront.


‘…but your information about ‘secret training camps’ was never proven with facts, only by rambling…’

Bullshit – even Wikipedia and former KLA members themselves now acknowledges this as a basic fact:



But goes much deeper – ie, this factual reality about the Albanian-KLA political and inter-territorial relationship from the period:


Jens Holm

What a joke.


…by the way…why the Muslim Albanians have in their flag the symbol of Orthodox Byzantium …?

The Palaiologos (pl. Palaiologoi; Greek: Παλαιολόγος, pl. Παλαιολόγοι), also found in English-language literature as Palaeologus or Palaeologue, was the name of a Byzantine Greek family, which rose to nobility and ultimately produced the last ruling dynasty of the Byzantine Empire.

Founded by the 11th-century general Nikephoros Palaiologos and his son George, the family rose to the highest aristocratic circles through its marriage into the Doukas and Komnenos dynasties. After the Fourth Crusade, members of the family fled to the neighboring Empire of Nicaea, where Michael VIII Palaiologos became co-emperor in 1259, recaptured Constantinople and was crowned sole emperor of the Byzantine Empire in 1261.



because they are not all muslim… One of their national heroes was fighting the osmans

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skanderbeg their family weapon has the same double eagle


From your link :

George Castriot (Albanian: Gjergj Kastrioti, 6 May 1405 – 17 January 1468), known as Skanderbeg (Albanian: Skënderbej or Skënderbeu from Ottoman Turkish: اسکندر بگ‎, translit. İskender Beğ), was an Albanian nobleman and military commander, who s e r v e d the Ottoman Empire in 1423–43…

Those that arent muslims are Greek Orthodox Christians.


yes, just like many other people, in the middle east, other balkan countries, russia So…? he was still albaninian if the name is correct he wasn’t greek, thats for sure


Again you talking out of your ass !


I sense insecurity, all you can do is swearing ;-)


They have always been crazy in the Balkans, that’s why the region still remains a backward eyesore.


This article is total bullshit. It was a lone and mentally ill extremist with a gun that was killed and not “murdered” as this article claims. He had a AK-47 in his hands for gods sake and was aiming and shooting it at the police. Then, Kosovo spending 300 million euro on its military…. I don’t even have words left for such stupid remarks. Kosovo is dirt poor and a really small country with a budget of around 2, 5 billion EUR. They currently have a budget of 57 million EUR for the army and will possibly, if anything double that. This article really brings down the otherwise great reporting you guys do. So please Southfront do your research before you post garbage like this… No facts at all only assumptions… It makes me and probably many others doubt your otherwise fine, analytic and independent journalism. Thanks

Brother Ma

I agree . Rehashed. 1994? I want to see what Cia says now about Albania? Oh that is right. Help the headchoppers to bring down the Christian nations there .. nothing new !same old story. Muricans not giving a shit about other christians because hey! They are not our Christians ,right partner? We will just use those headchoppers as our deputies to increase our empire and who cares if we need to destroy Christians to do it.


0.60 λεπτά κατατέθηκαν στο λογαριασμό σας. ευχαριστούμε πολύ.


albanian “kostas”.. fake name, fake account – 2 comments since 2012.


Well spotted !

He is an Al-banana-n dog !



You know there’s Albanians named Kostas too right? I’m Albanian arvanite from Arta but I was born in Sweden. Believe what you want dude…


One word, 1000 words …. N.W.O.

Don Machiavelli

Only state which had ambitions of -greatness- was Serbia in 1990s. Albania doesn’t have such aspirations so this is just disinformation. I suggest South Front not to fall for dumb Serbian propaganda this article is not the first time that you guys fall for that shit. Since late 1970 Serb forces were comitting crimes against Albanians so check your facts straight. Greetings from proud Yugoslav. Our country was taken over, image of Drug Tito destroyed and main tool in doing that were Serbian nationalists. You can’t change history but you can check what you are reporting because you lose credibility over all areas.

As for this particular case of shooting lol so wrong story check again! Already explained in comment section by member @Pladi@pladi:disqus

Brother Ma

Propaganda from a moslem headchopper ,nothing more. Go to Turkey and kiss their asses.


Yugoslavia was created by Serbia, and destroyed by scum like you. Now it’s dead – just as your brain. Or your rotten communist tyrant Tito. Go join him in hell, along with your boyfriend/alter account Pladi.

Don Machiavelli

Drug Tito was fighting against cetnik in the same way that we fought. Thanks for insults, it just shows i touched the nerve where appropriately.

Jens Holm

Highly biased article of no use.

Brother Ma

“cording to the Albanians, in addition to the existing Republic of Albania, the term incorporates claims to regions in the neighboring states, the areas include Kosovo and the Preševo Valley of Serbia, territories in southern Montenegro, northwestern Greece (the Greek regional units of Thesprotia and Preveza, referred by Albanians as Chameria, and other territories that were part of the Vilayet of Yanina during the Ottoma”

There are no such people as Albanians . There are only TurcoAlbanians. Almost all real Albanians who did not convert to Islam were butchered or escaped to Italy and Greece. All others mass converted to Islam like the weaklings they are. Albania is as far as i know the only nation who converted en masse to Islam under the Turks . No other nation did this. Anyone who cracks open a book will see that what I write above is true.

” Albanians ” now are turncoats and cutthroats including President Rama whose grandparents were Christian! A modern-day Janissary!


Does CIA see ? or Does CIA produce ? Many times it is very difficult to see the difference.


I have been reading all the racist comments from the different European tribes. The idea that Europeans could live in harmony is completely dispelled by the rabid tribalism. This will be an easy assignment for the CIA.


Thankful that my grandfather left this region in 1920, as the re-drawn border following WWI placed his Greek village in Albania. All Greeks at that time knew the truth about living under Muslim rule.

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