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MARCH 2025

Civilians From Mariupol Share Their Testimonies With Foreign Journalists

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More and more civilians are evacuated by DPR, Russian soldiers from Mariupol. People spent a month, hiding in basements, with no food, water, gas or electricity. Those who managed to escape from Mariupol or survived in recently secured districts confirm welcome Russian servicemen and confirm that a lot of them were deliberately shelled by Azov snipers and artillery.

Civilians who became victims of nazi cruel warfare are now interrogated by foreign journalists, who are surprised to discover the truth.

Crimes committed by the Nazi militants in Mariupol may be have the following reasons:

  • to prevent the evacuation of civilians who are used as a human shield, create a panic aimed at slowing down the DPR/Russian mop up operation in the city;
  • feeling superior with weapons, angry, they feel free to kill anyone no matter why, they deliberately rob civilian property, steal their last food supplies, etc.;
  • to make more horrifying shots from the city in order to accuse the Russians of inhuman cruelty.


As DPR and Russian units advance in Mariupol, more and more eyewitness accounts of AFU war crimes appear. This content is deleted from MSM social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. We will continue to provide such video testimonies with English subtitles or with a voice-over narration.

We encourage our readers and viewers who are willing and able to translate and voice-over such videos in English to email us: info@southfront.org and southfront@list.ru (it is better to write to both emails).


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Mariupol was 100% liberated

Have we won yet?


You still haven’t accepted reality yet?

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

He’s brain damaged. Symptoms are that you repeat yourself over and over again.

common symptom of being a stoner too


Great article, Mike. I appreciate your work, i’m now creating over $15k each month simply by doing a simple j0b 0nline! i do know YOU currently MAKIG a lot of greenbacks on-line from $28 k I,TS simple on-line operating JOBS… just copy and paste…… My Name And See

The have noting left to do.

I think it is safe to say that since the start of the conflict, the entire world has been utterly shocked by what we’ve witnessed in Ukraine. On the first day into the conflict, ukrop soldiers started killing fighting age males who tried to evacuate to other countries. This seemed pretty crazy but that was only the beginning.

A month into the conflict and we’re flooded with reports of how Ukrainian soldiers have been killing their own civilians left right and center. Whether it’s to prevent them from evacuating, or to take possession of their belongings/apartment or for no reason at all. We’ve even heard reports of AZOV killing regular AFU soldiers whenever they were not willing to follow a certain command. We’ve heard countless testimonies of civilians who reported that the AFU decimated their villages upon retreat, just because they thought it would spite the Russians. We’ve seen Ukranian military officers order the launch of several dozen Tochka U’s at civilian targets just because those areas have historically had Russian majority populations. And all the things I just mentioned are the tip of the iceberg.

I mean honestly, how can an utter hellhole like Ukraine even exist? It’s shocking even to those who study history. Ukrainians are showing more barbarism than anything we’ve seen before. Worse than Iraq, worse than Syria, worse than Afghanistan. Hell, we’ve actually seen Ukrop military praise ISIS for that matter, but not even ISIS was this barbaric. Even the non combat units are insane. The trolls who work at these ukrainian troll farms come across as completely insane without even realizing it. They call for the murder of Russian women and children worldwide(among other things) and they somehow think that they sound normal and relatable LMAO. Seriously I want to know what the actual fuck is wrong with Ukranians. This seems like more than just brainwashing. Is it something in the food? Or does it have something to do with the biolabs? No really how did a single country manage to completely redefine insanity?

Last edited 2 years ago by Zelensky
Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

I reacted strongly to those who were pulled out of their cars and shot as deserters. Maybe they lived nearby and were on their way home! They were shot directly without questioning or arrest, which should be normal for a clarification. Is one of many incidents that can be declared war crimes committed by Ukrainian soldiers. The winner writes the story and I do not hope that Ukraine will emerge victorious from this conflict.


Whatever is left of “Ukraine” if and when this is over- a monster has been created and unleashed on its surroundings. For its’ part, I hope Europe enjoys it to the max…


If they do, they useless to their NATO buddies. They cannot win a real war, so they try to win one in their imagination. That is the essence of NATO. Self delusion to the bitter ending.

Last edited 2 years ago by TopGum
Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Do not be impatient. Mariupol must be secured, and we take Odesa before we attack Ukrainian troops from behind in the Donetsk region. Then we have won and can start the clean-up.

In the name of peace

8+ years of NATO training, entrenched defensive positions, ISIS warfare trained to ukro-tards by US/UK/NATO instructors and 600,000 troops, not counting the U.S./EU insurgent mercenaries VS 200,000 Russian troops and you still lost.

And you are slowly loosing the propaganda war, it’s so bad right now the US administration had to calm down and have the UK take over…

So how do you cope with this? I mean ur so delusional, and full of sh!t I am honestly lost of words when I see your username as I know it’ll be useless jibberish under it.

Oh and let’s not forget guys like this:


See ya

Zelensky's slip of the tongue

Fox News asked Zelensky in an interview if Azov along with other such ‘militias’ were really committing atrocities and he said “They are what they are”. Then added “these ‘militias’ have been incorporated into the national army structures and are defending Ukraine.”

So, he’s now admitted his army is full of neo-nazis committing war crimes while defending Ukraine by shooting and blowing up Ukrainian civilians that don’t want to ‘defend Ukraine’ by being human sacrificial shields for them, or torturing and executing POWs and then making videos of their handiwork and saying Russia committed these acts against Ukrainian civilians and POWs. Got it.

Little by little, the fog between western ears is clearing.


See for yourself,be our guest eh sports.https://t.me/s/intelslava


Actually mate, yea russians won, the town is essencialy under their control. Just like Berlin was under allied control despite groups of fanatics hidden in bunkers or specific buildings even after Hitler was reported killed

Last edited 2 years ago by Dodo

Yes, you already won the category of being one of the most pointless dimwits among your NATO troll buddies in here. Countless times in a row, to be correct. Lets see if the West can “handle the truth”. You clearly cannot do that. You think you somehow can bother people in here, while you just showing how desperate and helpless you are to the fact that the criminal Ukrainian regime will not get out of the mess they created for themselves. So sad for you.

Last edited 2 years ago by TopGum
Mariupol was 100% liberated

Have we won yet?

Ukraine a state with no sea coast

Azov batallion inside Azovtal plant also ask the same…


It is more obvious that the coup against putin was orchestrate by the west. and more and more actors of that coup are comming out.

Yamil Perez

And they fail biglybbadly.


Coup against Pugin? When, how?

Russia is a paper tiger

Bucha Will be Avenged, until Now ukraine was ONLY handed Kids toys wait for the good stuff


Arms do not belong in Ukraine’s hands. They are just destroying cities and killing civilians. That’s the same as putting guns in the hands of monkeys.


Monkeys have more martial prowess than any ukrop born. Stop insulting Monkeys please.

In the name of peace

8+ years of NATO training, entrenched defensive positions, ISIS warfare trained to ukro-tards by US/UK/NATO instructors and 600,000 troops, not counting the U.S./EU insurgent mercenaries VS 200,000 Russian troops and you still lost.

And you are slowly loosing the propaganda war, it’s so bad right now the US administration had to calm down and have the UK take over…

So how do you cope with this? I mean ur so delusional, and full of sh!t I am honestly lost of words when I see your username as I know it’ll be useless jibberish under it.

Oh and let’s not forget guys like this:


See ya

Ukraine is a paper tiger

Too bad it has already been debunked. Crisis actors moving arms and corpses standing up in the rearview mirror.


” Corpses” rising up, some even move their hands

The Argonaut

Is the ‘White Helmets’ film crew at work in Ukraine now? Did they find a new British sponsor that isn’t afraid of high balconies?


The real good stuff is watching real old men of east ukraines and chechnyans kick your youngish wokey new degenerate protesty assfloggs all over ukraine,and you wonder why your pathedic,fkn drr!

Aunt Polly

Shouldn’t the be ELENSKY?


Lol dude the AFU has completely lost brigade/division movment (higher echelons ops) acording to general MacGregor from the US, they are essentialy now an insurgecy force with conscripted civilians, what is the secret weapon you have ? Ghost of Kiev fighters with laser weapons and spiritual ships from snake island ? Lol

michigan man

So what ? Go ask a US soldier what he felt was more dangerous to his life, destroying the Iraq official army at the beginning of the war, or the anti-us-invader guerilla war that followed the “mission accomplished” US so-called “victory” ?

Or ask the russians that went in Chechnya what they liked most, destroying Dudayevs small Chechen regular army, or the decade long brutal guerilla war that followed, and that got thousands of russian soldiers their head chopped off ? Btw. it is so funny that lots of dumb russian-fan boys here are praising the chechens. These people hate you. Their grandfathers fought together with the NS Wehrmacht und Waffen-SS against the Red Army already. And even their foreforefathers fought the russians already. All in all good 180 years they are fighting you, constant warfare, but you think they are your friends ? You just see the few traitors like Kadyrov. This guy is not representative for the Chechen people. He is a treacherous scumbag who will be wiped out very soon. As soon as Georgia goes into EU and NATO, the war will return to Chechnya, Kaydrov will be assasinated eighter by US drone or Chechen Mujahideen, and from there the Caucasus war will spread into more an more southern formerly sowjet-colony states like Dagestan, Ingushetia an so on.

Last edited 2 years ago by michigan man
Aunt Polly

How do you know; michigan man? You’d been over stirring the cauldron?

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Agree with you and what you write. Those from Chechnya who are fighting for Russia are Shia Muslims and those who are fighting for Ukraine are Sunni Muslims. The Chechen mujahideen were foreign (mostly Arab) Islamist Mujahideen volunteers who fought in Chechnya and other parts of the North Caucasus. The solution in the long run, all Islamists must be pushed back on the right side of the Strait of Hormuz.

The Argonaut

Azov is busy digging bunkers into that mountainous Azovstal slag heap, for their last stand. That seems rather curious to me.

Aunt Polly

Burnt ground tactics? Or maybe they are digging themselves out?

Aunt Pilly's epiglottal clitoris

What are you wittering on about?

michigan man

Solution is simple. Ukrainians need to take the RU POWs and put groups of them into the oil depots, and besides ammo depots, near volunteer trainings camps etc. Always 25 -50 POWs. So when Putin then sends his big-idiot Kalibr missiles and so on, he will destroy the UKR oil or ammo depots, volunteer training camps etc. yes, but he will automatically, every time he does, also kill at least 25 to 50 helpless russian soldiers. And I guess lots of russian mothers will not be so amused about Putin directly killing their sons on purpose.

So one or two of such incidents and there will be total uproar inside russia, and Mr. Putin will think twice, if not completely refrain from doing such barbarian self-destroying missile strikes again. Pictures of 25 or 50+ killed young russian soldiers, directly killed by Putin, on his order to bomb the own people. Those news and pictures Putin cannot take nor stand for long. So that’s the way to go. Why nobody tells it to the Ukrainians? It is an easy task and moreover even totally legal. There is no rule where to establish prison camps for POWs. Give this information to the Ukrainian army, and as soon as they do it, the “missile problem” is solved.

Last edited 2 years ago by michigan man
Comrade in Arms

Why stop there? They could strap civilians to their tank turrets. Maybe recycle the ones they saran-wrapped to telephone poles. Then CNN could run a puff piece on how Ukraine is serious about protecting the environment with ingenious new recycling programs.

michigan man

No need to went illegal or do stupid thing like the russians do. Just doing what is legally possibly is enough if doing it right. POWs near or at important imfrastructure sites or oil depots is no breach of any international law whatshowever, so stop crying little dumbass ruskie.


“No need to went illegal” says the Ukrotard from “Michigan”. You fuckpiles are absolutely the worst “cyber warriors” on earth. Don’t you have to take an English proficiency test before you sit at your keyboard?

Aunt Polly

Keep them coming – in a true ‘murican fashion. It’s very convincing.

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Ukraine knows that prisoners can be used as victims. This is what happened during the war in Serbia and during WW2.

This applies not only to Putin, but to all the heads of state in the world. Individuals do not have much value because we are so many. High value is measured in rarity.


You got some real mental health issues.


What a joke! Did you actually read your post dude? You just embarrassed your buddies in the Ukrainian army. No one will give them anything. Where are those planes, helicopters and all those weapons they all talked about weeks ago. Oh, I see, they were too afraid to hand them over. So far a lot of those “toys” were handed over to LPR and DPR. There are videos online showing that. Go see for yourself an weep.

Last edited 2 years ago by TopGum
The Avenger

DLNR likes those toys and can’t wait for more of the good stuff to play with. Seems Ukies have trouble understanding how they work and keep leaving them in crates scattered everywhere. Sometimes they manage to blow themselves up, but other times they do manage to hit an escaping family of civilians that were tired of being human shields. I guess all the pressure is making them nervous and want to lash out at anything.

Could even be their forced recruits start fragging their Azov minders, like in Vietnam – but it’s a bit early for that, I’d say.

Russia is a paper tiger

https://twitter.com/UAWeapons/status/1510583295972720640?s=20&t=HUGyzWX7BmAdrHo7yNsMbQ looks like Ukrainians are doing fine with the current toys. Please help yourself and scroll for more russian popcorns in the thread. Lololol


Ukraine is in great shape. Only a few tens of thousands of Russian troops operating on the territory of the failed Ukrainian CIA project, missiles pounding basically anything the Russians think is worth hitting, and anyone who can fleeing the country. Winning!

Aunt Polly

The Wikipedia-article were up already – I noticed.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

CIAtrolls and ukrobots are crying and raging 🤗🤡


yup, they sure are

Last edited 2 years ago by BanderiteLivesDon'tMatter
Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

A Krasnopol a day keeps Azovisis away 🤗

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Russia is gaining ukrobots are draining 🤗

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Slava Rossiye 🇷🇺


Lost battle of Kiev already, officially admitted

Ukropistan in the News

They were there to pin Ukrops down while they dealt with the Donbass. Seems like it worked like a charm.

Nato is laughing at you



Brilliant reposte. NATO is laughing at their Ukrainian stooges, floudering and begging for surplus Soviet equipment as the Russian “Bagration” in the SE is about to kick off. So long, it was unpleasant knowing you, Ukrotard.

Ian Cooper

Patrick Lancaster really needs to brush up on his pronunciation. In all his videos, nobody seems to be able to understand him when he asks “кто?” (who).


At least he’s out there providing some information or trying too, and in some cases helping people, I wouldn’t worry too much about his pronunciation even if you’re right.

Last edited 2 years ago by Justaguy

I think it’s the timing more than pronunciation. A few seconds to late and he could be asking (who) when the guy is already talking about something else.

Also to them is obvious it’s the Ukrainians, they don’t know the msm propaganda machine remember….west has electricity, water, internet the lot

East gets attacked by Ukrainians and defended by Russian forces and L/DPR. They have no electricity, no water, no heating, no food no nothing, all they known is the atrocity committed into them by their own defence force, the ukro’s.

Because after all, isnt Mariupol still in Ukraine and has been since the 8 years of horror that they had to endure? There is a clip of Zelesnky on bit chut (thanks to the guy above a few posts for sharing the website) where zelensky is doing a stand up describing everything that has been happening in the last 8 years BEFORE he became president.

At one point I even saw a vid of him going to the front lines before Russia came to help the L/DPR asking the ukro military to support the ceasefire and disarm.

They told him to fuck off and laughed at him, he even said “I am your president you must listen to me, I am not a fucking looser, I am president” to which they just ignored him and continued to attack the east of Ukraine.

Also remember when he opened the prisons and armed prisoners? Even though ukro was 600,000 strong (not counting foreigners) vs Russia’s 200,000 strong.

Pushing the narrative of “poor little defenceless ukrain vs big bad Russia”

Last I checked west Ukraine has a fully working infrastructure, hospitals, ppl going to work, electricity, water, heating, food and shops. Ukro’s even use ambulances to move their troops around…endangering their own human populous. For which they care little for, parking heavy weaponry in between schools and such.

Let’s not forget the hitters youth camps they had running all over the country…

East has none, just ukro’s demolishing everything, because they don’t see the east as humans.

Big difference dude.

Last edited 2 years ago by Protect-ya-neck-2-the-zoo
Timmy Temperance

He went to the zoo on Friday and was playing with the tiger cubs. Apparently the animals are mostly OK which is some good news from Mariupol. He has been working hard to bring the stories of Donbass to light for the last eight years. People like him have ensured that their plight was not forgotten.

Ukropistan in the News

Yep, his pronunciation is atrocious but his heart’s in the right place. Courageous man.


SF disinformation campaign by Commie interrogators.


1. Commies invaded Ukraine.


SBU disinformation campaign by nazi cyberwarfare ukrobots


1. Nazis invaded Donbas.

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Where are the Communists ?! Just look at the fact that National Socialist Russia has sent in peacekeeping forces.


Commies are east ukranians (old soviet men) kicking your ukrappa fascist nazi ass degenerates! Russians are better balanced,better skilled,and more than powerfull enough to deal with demoncrazy!

Ukropistan in the News

You’re an idiot.


Evil Nazis, backed by evil Yanks, supported by the evil MSM, whose content is read by fools.

Destroy them Russia, take out these Nazis, and if hindered by American led NATO, take them out too.


Backed by the jews https://youtu.be/vHnteimq15Q




And yet denounced by the ADL. https://twitter.com/adl/status/1176238081688702981?lang=en They would turn on the Jews there in time and I think that fact is universally recognised.


https://twitter.com/WWIIpix/status/1510568426296721408?t=5yywar8AVsV_28rb47T3lA&s=19 History repeat itself.

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Funny text but big mistake. Poland has no intelligensia, only religious medieval minds.

They had a problem with neo-Nazis there. A lot of intollerant people. The influx of refugees from Ukraine is unlikely to improve that situation.


Did someone ask for Pickles? lmao


Jewish billioneres finance the nazis https://youtu.be/vHnteimq15Q


The idea that all people of any race, ethnicity, religion, whatever are good is absurd. Why would you expect all Jews to be good people? Ukraine, US and Russia have all had some infamous serial killers.


Who finances the nazis? https://youtu.be/vHnteimq15Q


US and UK primarily. They arm them and train them.

Fractured Fairytales

Sometimes via proxy though, like when Kolomoisky scams the IMF out of $billions, then pays Aidar with .001% of the loot. But now, when the scam’s about to burst, it’s mostly just direct funding. No need to maintain the illusion any longer.


Yes, Kolomoisty is a bad one.

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

Foreign journalists from Congo just landed in Mariupol to show the world the reality of war according to Vladimir Putin and Mikhail Mitzintsev the white haired general faggot. Not even the Putin faggots fall for the phony shitty videos. They’ll murder civilians in Ukraine just because they want to. The don’t need much convincing.


Who cares what you say,but really putin the 9th dan can snap both your wrists in a jiffy too,’eh sports!


You seem to have much preoccupation with thoughts of gay men, have you thought of joining Azov battalian? I’m sure one of the gayest of cossaks would wear a putin mask for you and your gay putin love fantasy could come true. Americans…..no wonder they have Joe Biden.

Last edited 2 years ago by BanderiteLivesDon'tMatter
Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

We could another Putin faggot sucking on Putin’s dick here.

Shlomo Shekelstein

Sodomist russians genociding once again.May god send these animals to stone age.


Hitler was born of incest,that is a fact,you pathedic gutless satanic piece o sht will be taken out too!

Shlomo Shekelstein

Try to write in decent English,little neanderthal,poor animal.


Shut-up homo-Frankenstein. If you are Jewish then I am the queen of England.

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Says one who has no spaces after commas.

His labia are sticking together.

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

You get to wake up your lazy imagination god and see if she’s still active.


Maybe, but only after they’ve dealt with the rabies-infested sodomite genociders of the animal farm called Banderastan.

basement in US embassy in poland

it is warm down here in the basement. i am not a war criminal. I am just following orders.

stevie nicks septum

what drugs do they give you?


Hunter drops in with the big guy and spreads the cheer. I’ve got his Burisma laptop drive hidden up my arse, so everybody in US outpost kielbasa’s real nice to me these days.

Although I don’t know why they”re bringing this damn surgical table down here. Everybody’s healthy that I can see.

Zelling Cat

“Hey, those AFU militia guys just do what they do. I’m not responsible.”

Timmy Temperance

Porky Poroshenko the Chocolate King. I forgot about that corrupt idiot. He has a lot of blood on his hands, I wouldn’t be sad if he were a casualty of this conflict.

Letter to Santa

Porkshanks hanging upside down in Maidan square, a la Mussolini. A delightful thought.

Payback's a bitch, Porky

“Their children will huddle in cold basements, while ours will go to school and study and play. That’s how we’ll win this war.”

michigan man

Why does SF not report about the real crimes ? The real genocide !!! Look, now even russian medias admit (through their teeth) the truth, see:

Putin wants to vaccinate (read genetically destroy/kill) all russian children from the age of 2 years !!!!

What a nice “pro-russian” president. This jewish puppet does exactly the same like all NWO/JWO leaders. Which is: Doing everything possible to eradicate non-jewish population in as much countries as possibly. Primariarly those countries with white-skinned population. See proof:



Hopefully these lizard people will start with you. I hope they grill you and mix you with pork crackling.

Good Grief

You’re an idiot.


I don’t get vaccinations, it is clearly stated they don’t stop you from getting C19. It just “reduces” the symptoms to “non lethal”.

So how does a jab stop you from spreading it exactly…and why do we even need it to fly and do other shit…

I mean I dislike Michigan man’s ideas further up, dude seems like a relic from a time long past and his ideas would just bring about WWIII, but this covid thing…I don’t get it.

basement in US embassy in poland

europe has just too many countries in a small land and fuking too many conflicts. it needs merger and consolidation. ukraine is fake and needs to be merged and consolidated and finally liquidated. here is some perspective. vietnam would be the largest country in europe if it were in europe.

Last edited 2 years ago by basement in US embassy in poland

For all thy sodomisers,eg ungodly,preverted protesty cia/soros/nazi asswipes read on and weep! https://t.me/s/intelslava

Florian Geyer

More proof, if needed, that the NATO propaganda Operations are manned by LGBT clones with Aspergers.

The FACT that NATO special forces IN Mariupol and have been directly coordinating the AZOV murder gangs in Mariupol is now a fact.

The FACT that these NATO advisers have witnessed, or even encouraged the despicable tortures committed by ASOV against shackled pro-Russian prisoners of war, and of the countless other AZOV warcrimes by committed by AZOV, such as the hostage taking of civilian Human Shields, is yet another stain on the NATO forces. The UK SAS by the way, always removes the SAS badges and markings from their uniforms when in real combat.

Slave Rossiyi.

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

This filthy Putin faggot is crying because Mihail Mizintsev the white haired general faggot couldn’t murder more civilians with targeted artillery in Mariupol.

The Grim Reaper is Coming for the AFU

Untargeted artillery is much more effective at killing civilians. Just ask the Donbassers these past 8 years.


They have done away with Asperger’s as a distinct diagnosis. The focus now is on autism as a spectrum, and the level of functional impairment. I don’t think being on the spectum makes people necessarily evil. Even when we speak about diminished empathy the issue is complicated. Take Greta for example, she is always lamenting the destruction of the environment and gets quite emotional when she talks about the icebergs melting.

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

Just like the diminished empathy from Mikhail MiIntsev the white haired general faggot deliberately targeting residential buildings in Mariupol to murder as many civilians as he can. There’s nothing autistic about that. The white haired general faggot is just a deranged mass murderer who loves to suck dildos and sodomize himself.

comedy analytica

Just utter nonsense. I think the reason I laugh every time I read the name though is that you put the word faggot after the word general, like the characteristic of his being a faggot is more defining than the fact that he is a general. Hilarious.


diagnosis is always a spectrum—science =stupidity


The Russian need to keep they people inform and they close allies inform well of the crime the Ukraine Nazis have been doing toward civilians and capture soldiers. The west don’t care aboutt it cause we approve of such war and such crime’s,look what happen In Syria we had funded and support all these se call Islamic fighter but we all know they wasn’t fighting for islam but for isreal and , Saudi Arabia and the United States of America goals in the region. They baned Russian media in the west for a reason cause of the truth it represents and they want the people to drunk by they wicked,lies and one side story,for God sake they even ban the India news Media in the west . The west will feed it people and it’s allies people fake news and the Russian need to feed its people the truth reality of the war they fighting.


We are going to kill all Russian solider we are not taking anymore prisoners we are going to execute the Russians on the spot. After what they did in Ukraine this is not an normal army. What we discovered after liberating the Ukraine is horrific kid women pregnant womens elderly people with tied hand and executed torture rooms execution rooms. We are going to make you pay you filthy disgusting Russian Orcs. We will hit Russia. You mother fucker you are not humans you are russian animals you mother fuckers. Slava Ukraine Death to Russia.

Last edited 2 years ago by Ukraine
"ukraine" is history

“ukraine” was a mistake.

Shopping minion

Shevchenko was a good player.

The Grim Reaper is Coming for You

What a propaganda blitz. Good grief. It’s like he’s not even aware.


you must first change diapers and stop sodomizing 7 year boys


When will you publish testimonies from the civilians living in liberated Bucha? How they were raped, murdered, robbed of their belongings – and how happy they were when they saw first Ukrainian soldiers reaching their homes and ending their nightmare, huh?

The Grim Reaper is Coming for You

Yeah, right. Tell us another tale. We know what you’ve done and we’re going to tell. You can’t hide.


when will uncle willie in alabama stop sodomizing you?


We already know the Washington and NATO states crimes in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya and in Palestine. Even they have butchered small babies and women there.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x