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Clans of Ukraine: Analyzing Links Between Key Groups of Ukrainian Oligarchy and European, U.S. Families and Institutions

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Clans of Ukraine: Analyzing Links Between Key Groups of Ukrainian Oligarchy and European, U.S. Families and Institutions

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Written by Dr. Andrea Galli. Published by New Strategic Concept

Throughout the week, many events and strong words pointed to Zelenskyy’s imminent departure. One statement, however, hit harder than the rest and directly summed up all that was said over the last few days. And the prize went to Zelenskyy, claiming that Russia was preparing a third Maidan in Ukraine and wanted to overthrow him. Of course, this is neither first Maidan nor the first coup announced by Zelenskyy.

Zelenskyy has certainly developed a predictable tactic. As soon as his ratings hit zero, he instantly switches to various anti-coup measures. One of these is a Maidan coup which Russia would presumably organize. Amid such declarations, anything goes – from arresting undesirables to raising money to maintain ratings. Incidentally, two years ago, Zelenskyy declared that Russia was preparing a Maidan and a coup d’état with the participation of oligarch Rinat Akhmetov. At the time, it was a perfect pretext to eliminate undesirables.

And what Zelenskyy said two years ago, this week, he repeated verbatim, only without Akhmetov. It seems the presidential office is skimping on scripts and feeding the president old texts. Since nothing new has been invented, Zelenskyy stated that Moscow is preparing a new Maidan and a coup d’état.

However, Russia should not even be a part of this mess. Ukrainian oligarch clans are perfectly capable of dividing society and causing chaos in the country on their own. Ukraine is used to Maidans as they traditionally take place every ten years or so.

The tight rule of oligarchs has always characterized the Ukrainian democracy, others with ties to the West, some with ties to Russia. As for the Maidan that Zelenskyy announced, it is, above all, a trick of the West. If anyone is plotting to overthrow Zelenskyy, it is not Russia but rather the West with its allied oligarch clans who want to get rid of Zelenskyy.

But who are these clans? They own the country’s leading TV channels, finance political parties, are engaged in politics themselves, or have their pawns in the parliament. At this point, we feel it is essential to offer an analysis of the relations of the key clans of the Ukrainian oligarchy with families and institutions in Europe and the U.S. This will greatly assist in understanding the power dynamics behind the scenes of Zelenskyy’s presidential office theatrics.

The report can be found at the following LINK 

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Edgar Zetar

zelensky, the leading actor of “the servant of the people”, a pro performer, recruited by c.i.a. after several psychological tests to confirm he is a maniac (the perfect c.i.a stooge) what you could expect from that guy? but, long time before that, c.i.a arranged with the oligarchy in ukraine. eugenics in the top layer is one of the first steps to control a country from abroad. russia fault is not to check them before they arise or to allow the c.i.a to take over ukraine under their nose.


it is so true what you say but these globalist forces are so evil that ‘normal’ people cannot understand or always counteract. but surely putin should have remembered the kosovo disaster after which he stated he would not allow such things to happen anymore.

Edgar Zetar

intelligence services worldwide have developed from centuries ago the tools to intervene foreign intelligence services and remove from their territory without nobody realize their intervention. ukraine is in russian zone of control, there is a lot of russian blood now spilled in ukraine because the lack of awareness or intervention in ukraine on behalf or russian intelligence services.

Edgar Zetar

even now, in western world, russia is the main aggresor of ukraine and usa empire is using this to even justify a future war against russia. they are throwing the nato puppets now against russia. they started a non declared war against russia now, and they wont stop until russia is defeated


they can’t defeat russia that’s why all those betas are building bunkers all over the west.


those bunkers are useless. the pentagon struggles to hide the fact lloyd austin along his nato friends are buried under six meters from the kinzal strike in ukraine on january 2.

jens holm

typical russian comment. everything here are their class and useless.

ha ha. moskva is deep in the the black sea and some nuke sub names kursk are outside murmansk.

they are still singing from there every october,

jens holm

they are not supposed to. they get weapons to defend themselves. thats was the contions. they have their nukes to russia as well.

and we dont build bunkers all over nato. the new border is there. the old ones are outdated and too far away.

you also ignore ukraine were a bigtradeparter producing some some food and many mineral at paid forit. so the misson were and are that making plus again for ukriane. too.

jens holm

the usual maiv-bark.

everything we has said are totally erased or biased.

none here collapased a whole very fertile empire all the was to west of berlin.

rusians also today has several 100-000 soldiers in ukraine. we ave not mrs and mr moron.

and why can those ukras no their own future comåpared to the alternative.


usa has not declared a war since 1945 so that is not new fcol

jens holm

you can say that.

i see belarus and ukraine were meant as a neutral zone and ginalnd and maybee swweden was/are.

not not harm they unless they harmed them, only defense.

and russia forgot knowing your eneny well. it was ignoired.

jens holm

they expected ukraine would fall apart and even forgot from 1917 and up fra denikin.

by the way it reminds if a little of tjenenia. they dint see they are very well 2 years and even has conskrifts in the frontline. it was a hard lesson. they won after adding the well educated soldier.

jens holm

thats right. ukraine are now of the rest of the world. thats their own choise. they are supported by un too.

almost only russia is not part of the glove. there heroes are belarus, assad, eritrea, mabee iran and of course their friends in north korea.

ukraine in ussr was big tradepartner to eu in food and minerals. by that we as eu want to restart and improvae those revations.

jens holm

thast make sence in ukraine.we have geter welfare and we are not collepassed. we know they namy ptroblems but we doibt make them. isolation in everyting did. no infrastrutures for for tax from all replaced with corruption grabbing still exist there.

parts of their proidutions are non invested and monuments from the past. they are only good for defence lines.

jens holm

we help it by agreement to defend themselves. that a the base for existing at all.

if russia retreat to own contrye its not need.

ukraine now is a part of the rest of the world. even china tryed to buy or rent land there. they need food too.


why can’t your dumb ass speak proper english? ain’t nobody reading your bull.


he’s in little denmark, a land famous for telling fairy tails.


on another post he said he was dutch and was offended on the behalf of the dutch. he is probably part of the dutch pedophile political party. russia is probably getting in his way of buying ukrainian orphan kids like the dutch pedos were caught doing in 2022.

jens jizz hole holm

i have spoken too much and will now go back to my idaho trailer park outhouse and cozy up with my mulatto master.


i just shat my eight times xl depends after not being able to open pdf docs.

jens holm

when things are to desparate i regain from some time ago.

but before that i check full mode by the antivirus. its named antivir and not better apart from it free.

it times time, so i start with 2 cups of coffee and milk.

most likely youalredy has tryeds that. you can down load a free pdf. i have a starne one, which make the pdf to letters making many pages and no pictures. it more and less the files are fine.

jens holm

so the rest of the world is infected.

and when we try to help them with sober structures, economy and have normal relation and trade –

we are nato marching with the naziz to invade the collapsed 144 mio dwarf too.

russia is nothing. its full of russian too. they are buígger in ukriane. by that they have more oligarcs and corruption. they not even have real money.

jens holm

we could trade. they can the too many muslim men for the many sigle women. muslims put vodka at their cars and live longer form the too.

hillybilly nazi

jibber monkey senile homosexual jens like hillbilly peniz suckle


whoever the clans are, they all have one thing in common, they are all little hats. oy vey.


its in the link a 71 page report. literally the last word in the article. just click on it.


that’s true but it has a catch. people (in little hats) are not the same. small number of super rich and influent in charge in america and israel have no mercy with majority of relatively poor, from post-soviet countries. zelensky is “poor”, picked by kolomoisky, the rich one, but only of local importance. his supervisor is netanyahu and his supervisor is some “notmentionhisname” form the u.s. they drafted zelensky because they needed a clown and they prefer their own clan.


the level of the article is inversely proportional to the number of mentions of the name “zelensky” as this clown is not in charge of anything.


why read 70 pages of nothing when one knows only one intel agency in the world keeps neo nazi groups alive where they want to control politics.


jews rule the world !!!


they rule jenny’s arse crack foo…

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