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Clash of the Two Americas vol. 4: The Anglo-Venetian Roots of the Deep State – By Matt Ehret

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In the first three volumes of the Clash of the Two Americas, we were introduced to two opposing currents which have shaped all American (and world) history from 1776 to the present.

Where one tradition represented the best renaissance concepts of God, Law, Freedom, and Value which were enshrined in America’s founding documents, the other tradition represented the worst traditions of oligarchism that oversaw the plunge of humanity into empire, wars, Crusades and depopulation over the eons.

While one tradition was defended by literally every American president who died while in office as we discovered in those books, the other London-centered tradition was at the heart of a traitorous fifth column that was built up over the course of two centuries and it is upon this column that today’s deep state rests.

In this fourth volume of the series authored by Matthew Ehret and featuring a special contribution by Cynthia Chung, you will be introduced to the origins and structure of those oligarchical operations at a level of depth and resolution you have never imagined possible, with a focus on the role of Anglo-Venetian intelligence operations that were built up long before the sacrifices made in 1776.

How this multifaceted parasite purged England of its humanist impulses converting a once-viable national character into an empire and how a young colony broke from that Empire is discussed at length followed by several acts documenting the epistemological battleground that has served as the frontline war to re-conquer both the United States and the western world over the course of the 20th and early 21st centuries.

With a better appreciation for the dark forces that have mis-shapen our past, a new appreciation for the power of humankind, natural law and today’s revival of anti-oligarchical principles can better be appreciated.

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Tommy Jensen

Whattabout the sheeple? Whattabout them??

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

They breed, they are exploited and they die, nothing interesting about them.

Guy Metdrapedes

Anglo-Venetian? Southfront is a comedy site now.

Skidrow Moe

Deepstate lolol! We call them fat old bureaucratic has beens, bribed by coffee pools and birthday cake..

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

Cocaine and amphetamines now, don’t forget about it.

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

“Depopulation”?! Come on, guys, don’t you see the OVERPOPULATION is what any oligarchy desires AT ALL COSTS? Cleaning large areas of male population and condition females to breed with the men used for the cull leads to overproduction of human livestock and tricks the males to engage in war.

After war comes a great spike in even more docile population; this is what they are looking for.

Chris Gr

You are kidding right? This thing happened with the Old World Order. The New World Order wants depopulation.

Anglo Suckers

These days, many Anglos are Suckers. They are the most easily propagandized sheep in the world, especially the liberals.

Kev not Kiev

Calling everyone Anglo, cause they can speak English is as idiotic as calling all fair skinned people ‘white’, and not using the correct term ‘Caucasian’, of which there are hundreds of millions more, of whome are not ‘white’. Can you call all the Indians and Pakistanis who use English Anglo too? Or does this example expose the stupidity and bigotry of your naive generalizations?

Chris Gr

Anglo-liberals are the sons of the devil in the spiritual sense.

Kev not Kiev

The black nobility, the council of 300. AND NO, THEY ARE NOT ALL ANGLOS. They are the descendants of the owners of the East Indian Trading company, ie. They were the first international drugs trafficking cartels targetting China, and everywhere else with opium, the Dutch trading co. specialized in cocaine trafficking back in those days as well, mostly run by Zionists. Not just Anglos, but Normans, Italians, Huns, Venetians, Hapsbergs, etc. The Anglo Saxons were deposed by the Normans in Britain nearly a thousand years ago, long before the East India Co. existed, yet all we hear is ‘Anglo’ ‘Anglo’ ‘Anglo’… Not a squirrel’s fart mention of Babylonian Zionists and their Freemason lap dogs. The deep state is the bankster cartel’s henchmen running sovereign states, indebted to bankers, for money that was counterfieted. So, your deep state is two basic criminal entities, counterfieters, and drug/human traffickers.

Chris Gr

It is correct, though that cabal mostly flourished in Anglo countries.

Chris Gr

“Where one tradition represented the best renaissance concepts of God, Law, Freedom, and Value which were enshrined in America’s founding documents, the other tradition represented the worst traditions of oligarchism that oversaw the plunge of humanity into empire, wars, Crusades and depopulation over the eons.”

First is Knights Templar, second is Illuminati.


The American “renessaince” values essentially give freedom of religion to serve any god, and so they are being used. One might say that is the opposite of serving the God. Yes, the Jesuits built up the new continent so there is Venetian influence. To talk of a deep state inside a corporation that owns its private paper money spewing central bank..hmm

Peter Nowak

This is total nonsense! The US was build up from the beginning by oligarchs which lied to the people calling themself democrats. In democracy the people gives the constitution and the parliaments and presidents have to work on this basis. Because of this the people is ruling and only that’s called democracy. But in the US the people never were asked to vote about the constitution and therefore it never was a democracy.

Chris Gr

Modern democracy is a kakistocracy in disguise.


quieren un mundo para 500 millones de humanos y 5000 millones de androides con la ia todos los demas deberiamos hacerles el favor de pegarnos un tiro y antes hacer un agujero en el suelo …


los anglovenecianos no son mas que los protestantes calvinistas eternos enemigos de los rusos ortodoxos y los otros catolicos romanos el imperio que ahora manda es se deberia llamar imperio angloholandes

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