A screenshot from Rudaw’s video
On August 31, the Christian Assyrian force Soroto clashed with the Kurdish security force Asayish in Qamishli city in northeastern Syria.
The Sorto is a Christian branch of the Syrian National Defense Forces (NDF) in Qamishli.
According to opposition sources the clashes broke out after a checkpoint of the Soroto force stopped a vehicle of the Asayish. Sources claimed that 2 fighters from the Asayish were killed and 2 other were injured in the clashes. A Sorto fighter was killed and another one was injured.
The Syrian security forces stepped in immediately and stopped the fight between the two sides. Although the city is clam now, the Asayish deployed more units around the Assyrian al-Wasat district in Qamishli city, according to Kurdish sources.
Since 2014, the Assyrian community in Qamishli city has been a target of a series of bombings supposedly carried out by ISIS. However, many Assyrians claimed that the Kurdish Asayish force participated in these attacks.
The NDF’s Assyrian Soroto police don’t seem to understand how grass-roots democracy and community policing works in the Kurd’s socialist democracy. You’re free to do whatever you want in your community, as long as you have the approval of the ruling party (PYD) and obey the state police (Asayish).
Little people can police little people. The Kurdish state’s ruling party owns them and everything else within the Kurdish state’s claimed borders, not the Syrian state. But they are still part of Syria, somehow… it’s all very confusing.
The important thing is that the US has decided that it only needs the PYD’s permission to build bases on Syrian sovereign territory, not the Syrian government’s permission. The little people in the state within a state can fight among themselves about everything else.
It is even possible that the Sotoro (Syriac NDF) fired on the Sutoro, the police force of the syriac christians allied to the YPG and part of the SDF, who are also deployed as a security force within the city, As far as I know the MFS, the fighting arm of the Syriac Union Party, is some three times the Sotoro and they have a Syriac equivalent to the YPJ, partaking in the fight for Raqqah.
This is where you are wrong again , PKK secret police (Asayish) are hardcore Sunni Islam followers and strictly forbid alcohol and hate Christians as a prerequisite. The US always chooses their proxies for brutality so they can enforce their rule over the majority just the hard truth about the situation.
Asayish is a kurdish word meaning security. In the KRG there are even two Asayish forces : Led by KDP in Barzaniland and PUK in Talebaniland.
PKK nor any other larger kurdish faction is hardcore sunni. PKK started out as communists and later evolved into … a secular feminist, ecological anarchistic political organisation. Asayish in Northern Syria is neither kurdish nor PKK, it is multi ethnic and anyone can become a member. Lots of KDP-s members and arabs are part of the Asayish. (I refer you to wikipedia)
The problem in believing what wikipedia tells you and the actual information is never included on that page, this doesn’t work well for a known CIA site. The belief they are multi ethnic is a mistaken belief that this was implemented as Congress hoped it would go and that is far from the truth each are representative of their own ethnic groups and regions.
The Kurds are Sunni on the same par with Wahhabi the majority of them follow Salafi ideology and extremely sectarian. They started blaming many things on IS but according US intelligence in Northern Syria they suspect the bombings and attacks on minorities have to do with ethnic cleansing in Northern Syria by the Kurdish Asayish group affiliated with the PKK wing.
The PYD/PKK groups are also threatening other Kurds and arresting any who speak out against them.
The Kurds operate their units separately and are not allowed to operate in any other ethnic region under other security control, this is your Multi Ethnic part of the Security, you really need to learn more.
Apparently 1 Asayish died and several were wounded and 1 Sortoro was wounded and civilians were hurt by the Asayish as they were caught firing on and damaging local businesses in the Assyrian district, the Sortoro or Security backed by the US responded to the assault and terrorism in the area.
Stop that shit. All other sources say exact the same and things there are well decriebed for Years from all sides.
That isn’t true find many sources contradict wikipedia and it is funny they are terribly inefficient and input the wrong information at times. Just not a credible source at all.
Very wrong and stupid conclusions.
Very strange sekular kurds being marxist has problems about people tale some wine in the name of Noah.
And You reallodont get, that Syrian police and PKK are 2 very different things.
How can You even write like that.
How can you be so naive to think leopards change their spots, just the way some of them are and why a many joined ISIS in the beginning.
My views on Syrian Kurd State are well known now.I wasnt aware PKK hard core Moslem though.I thought Communist slant maybe rubbed off with last years in Syria but Do still think they are best and most secular of the Kurds ie can live with Christians in Europe or anywhere in a secular fashion.After all they have independent women without burkah fighting with men and even leading men.Are you telling me that is all window-dressing? Im not being smartass ,really how do you support what you are saying? Where did you read? Did you observe first hand in combat ? Do you have eyes on ground from intelligence source?
If what you say is true then i stop supporting them straight away.They are then no better than strict Sunni Barzani Kurds in Iraq now best friends with Turkey and Erdogan!
They assassinated Deacon Jindo and almost killed another Assyrian , Jindo lead the Assyrian Militia they destroyed the church and everything else , Syrian Girl has videos on them and the Voice of Assyria. The women are just window dressings the US added , have watched videos with Kurds talking about how they and ISIS are like each other. There are the opposition even they are being silenced among the Kurds with arrests, violence and torture.
They seem to be very much like the Barzani Kurds in all aspects , both seem to be related cousin clans.
Thanks Terracotta.Will be taking that into account.
There is another family related to the Barzani’s in Iraq and that is Zebari whose wife is cousin to them.
The Kurds have always been willing to use Extreme tactics for their political ends even when the Turks were their overlords. expecting anything different now would be absurd. Then as now, the lazy partisan mainstream News wish to brainwash the western public into supporting they are heroes of the moment in order to maintain support for their globalist schemes.
Sunni Kurds vs Christian Syrian’s and which one does DutchNational back? The sunni’s! Always on the wrong team!
Too true!
The only ones conducting the terrorism is the Asayish(PKK) who has always attacked minorities in this regard going back for decades, always good to have terrorists as police like the Asayish(PKK)who even do the same to Kurds who don’t agree with them.
The Kurds are going to be split in a civil war as many are already working against these PKK Turkish Terrorists that operate in Syria with full US support. If people saw them for what they really are they wouldn’t be backed by the US and why they go to great lengths to hide any of the crimes by these terrorist Kurds.
They probably didn’t like Christians drinking and having liquor stores as this would be a temptation to these Sunni Islamic fundamentalists , a great many Kurds were easily recruited to IS for this very reason.
bork again.
Oh course the Yanks do not want blue eyed, intelligent people around —- > Kurds selling their soul again !!.
Without knowing the true, you accouse kurds if shit. Once a hater always a hater.
Since when have the Yanks = the Kurds ?
You might have some 7 armed candelears for christmas and hope only the eys are Your problems.
No, you have got me wrong on this. Look at my comment again and the read my further comment.
Which is; “The Kurds hate the Yanks probably more than any other party, because the Yanks just left to suffer in Iraq; after they promised to back them”……
By the way, you threaten me again, My people shall eliminate you and everyone, everyone you know.
Its their soul. Do You have any. Seemes like its sold long time ago.
Meanwhile Russia protecting Kurds in Aleppo!…we all know that Kurds are just US puppet which purpose is to build there another Israel or at least a friendly of Israel state!
Yes thats true… and if Russia is not happy, they can get out of Afrin area, kurds lets US in another city. And creating a state friendly to israel, america, russia . europe or japan is normal. You want them create a state anti jew and anti isreal? Doesn’t Russia sell weapons to Israel also? Why is forbidden for some people to have good relation with israel? The golan height belongs to Syria, and until Today Syria does not have balls to even mention it even in Media.
daeth for kurds in syria!
Now they can shoot back. Fine with me.
1º Russia dont sell weapons to israel. 2º SAA and UN always reclaim that Golan is part of Syria. 3º US puppet states there only serve to destabilize the country and all region! 4º Jews sow weeds wherever they are!..during Al Andalus era, In Europe before world war , in middle east and now in the Globalized world! 5º if Russia is not happy and leave Afrin…surely Turks occupy that Syrian part!
1º Russia sell weapons to israel. 2º SAA and UN always reclaim that Golan is part of Syria and yet Russia is silent. 3º Russian puppet states ”ASSAD” there only serve to destabilize the country and all region! 4º Russia is good friend of Israel 5º if Russia is not happy and leave Afrin… america would happily builda base there.
1º tell me what kind of weapons? 2º Russia support Syria unified 3º Assad defend all minorities and religion…USA supported Libyan revolution and Sharia law rules now there!. 4º Russia is good friend of Israel as far israel dont build a gaspipeline to EU…then will be the worst enemy! 5º USA dont want many troops occupying arab countries since Iraqi ressistence killed 4700 US soldiers and 80.000 were wounded during irak occupation!
Yes agree with most of this.
russia did not sell any arms in last daceds to israel. golan is part of syria. check UN declarations. iran, egypt, turkey, SA, syria, iraq all should have -bombs. for stabilizing the ME. russia is not friend, hey have the 5th colony in IL. when the time will come, will be activated kurds shpuld leave afrin. for good.
hahaha. I always wear seatbelt in my armchair, when I read You and Escobar – rent a car for a Yankee bar.
Rent a car for an Escobar
I´ll drive you by car to the mental health hospital…
We didnt know those nightmares of Yours at all. Now when we do, we can only recommend You some menthal doctor.
Russia has low supported kurds long time before Sovjet collapsed making Nato Turks unhappy. Nothing new in they partly respect each other and have some dialoges. Wasnt PYD communist-Yes they were.
This is clearly a fake news, all the bombing that happen in qamishli city was targeting YPG forces, not a single Assyrian killed. Now this article in the end claims ISIS and kurdish forces cooperated. I mean come on, who believes in this? Now that some kurdish security had clash with Assyrian Sutoro, accouse the kurdish security of everything. If this was true, it would made news all over the world. Next time you write an article like this, make sure to correct your words like ”CALM” which you wrote wrong in the article.
Assyrians are murders, they open fire on a vehicle with kurdish secutiy in, what were they thinking?
egyptian death god .. lol
and you being on the wrong side ?
To Terracotta Wool Puller. I agree with most of what you said.Most people forget that the Kurds were given sanctuary in Syria over last 100 years at least from Kemalist Turks and their successors.Now they want their own land in Syria!Furthermore,half of them are Turk collaborators ie those in other party in Iraq.Also SDF were proscribed terrorists when Nato was fighting Saddam but now we are pals.Kurds wanting part of Syria now is like what Moslems coming to Europe now will be doing to Germany etc in next twenty years or so.
Also 100 years ago similar to now ,Moslems simply hated all Christians in Near East and showed it by head chopping them.in Armenian,Greek ,Assyrian ie Christian massacres of the time Kurds were very much involved on side of Turks etc The massacres were worse than that of Jews.Why because the Jews were shot or gassed or housed in camps.The above Christians were raped,butchered alive with knives and swords or walked to death in the desert.There are still Jews in Europe.There are precious few Christians in near east and Turkey and especially in the Kurdish areas of Turkey! Anyone doubting above should look at census and photos on internet .
Now let me say I support Kurds in their fight against Isis and all other head choppers but I keep my eyes and ears open and know their form.The knight in shining armor act they can leave for the average dumb european or American .Also this is not the first time these Sdf kurds have attacked Christians in Syria in last year or so.They mortared churches then and killed townspeople.Just saying.A word of warning to those who believe what they are fed without critical thinking!
I agree with about 35% of what you say, but I am just an American in America.
Like bread with stones in. Good reason to have many dentist if You dont clean the, what You eat.
Jumpin Jesus, lucky the Syrian Army was there to step in and stop the fighting. Its another indication of the sanity of NOT having the USA around, You know they would have been blamed..
Kurds should execuse them all for betraying the kurdish state,
hahahhahaha. Not even Your mama believe Yoj in that.
Not your state.Never was your state.You are just son or grandson of Kurd refugee luckily given sanctuary in Syria from Kemalist Turks after Kocgiri etc or after.You may even be lucky enough to have been given citizenship by Syria.
I will support you and your family to defend you from Takfiri ISIS etc .I will even fight to death with you against them but I will never support a new Kurd State in Syria.You are no more deserving of that land than any other Syrian who has lived there traditionally ,Moslem or Christian or whatever.
Giving that land to you is like me taking wounded man home with me and wife and family looking after him.Then with time ,maybe months or years he then thinks he has right to have sex with my wife and daughters.Maybe later he thinks he has right to my property and house and inherit after I die and maybe throw my children and wifebon street instead of saying thank you to me and giving me his blessing.No thank you! You want land, you go live in USA ,Israel or Russia .