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Clashes Between Syrian Army And ISIS Continue In Al-Bukamal City (Photos)

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Clashes Between Syrian Army And ISIS Continue In Al-Bukamal City (Photos)

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On November 11, clashes between the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and ISIS continued inside al-Bukamal city, according to local sources. The sources said that several VBIEDs of ISIS targeted positions of the SAA and Hezbollah inside and east of al-Bukamal city in the last 48 hours.

However, the local sources confirmed that the remaining ISIS fighters inside the city are still fully besieged by the SAA and Hezbollah.

From its side, the ISIS-linked news agency Amaq reported that ISIS fighters fired five anti-tank guided missiles against the SAA killing three SAA soldiers, and destroying two tanks and two vehicles east and west of al-Bukamal city.

Amaq also published a video on November 10, which proves that ISIS fighters are still inside al-Bukamal.

Back on November 10, ISIS fighters fired ten ATGMs against the SAA around al-Bukamal city. This intensive use of such expensive weapon may confirm that ISIS members are defending some VIP of the terrorist group, like the group leader himself Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

The SAA and its allies announced on November 8 that they liberated al-Bukamal city. However, it appears that fully securing the city will need more time and effort.

Clashes Between Syrian Army And ISIS Continue In Al-Bukamal City (Photos)

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Clashes Between Syrian Army And ISIS Continue In Al-Bukamal City (Photos)

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Clashes Between Syrian Army And ISIS Continue In Al-Bukamal City (Photos)

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Clashes Between Syrian Army And ISIS Continue In Al-Bukamal City (Photos)

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Clashes Between Syrian Army And ISIS Continue In Al-Bukamal City (Photos)

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Clashes Between Syrian Army And ISIS Continue In Al-Bukamal City (Photos)

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Clashes Between Syrian Army And ISIS Continue In Al-Bukamal City (Photos)

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Clashes Between Syrian Army And ISIS Continue In Al-Bukamal City (Photos)

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Clashes Between Syrian Army And ISIS Continue In Al-Bukamal City (Photos)

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Clashes Between Syrian Army And ISIS Continue In Al-Bukamal City (Photos)

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Zainab Ali

the last terrorist foot soldiers, resurrected temporarily by the ameritards for a perm exit to hell, while their vile commanders are taken out secretly – such losers


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Rafik Chauhan

SAA and allies should biseige them in the city . same way what they did in dier zor city . cross the river in pincer style and atleast biesege them from 3 side. then tiger force should start offensive from maydeen to atleset diver force of isil. but crossing river has to be done before isil leader get out and taken by US/SDF force.


I just posted this video on another thread, but it wasn’t very active so im re-posting it here. It goes into some detail about the shifting power in the Middle East, and the escalations between the two major power blocks in the region. I hope you guys enjoy it! Let me know what you think… https://youtu.be/tTwXj2uPdF8


SF is trying to put a good face on its reporting blunder on this subject. Al Masdar, pro regime, reported yesterday, on SAA reports that quote: IS kicked SAA out of the city and is in full control.

SF is reporting something less then the public truth. Why?

Honest question that SF refuses to answer. Anybody can make a mistake or be in the wrong. Just admits when that happens. I thought better of SF.


I said this on friday I think. Anyone can report mission accomplished, doesn’t mean its true. I even spoke of George Bush and his aircraft carrier speech. This is one case I hate being right.

In the grand scheme it matters not though. Those ISIS troops will go down, and better that they die here then in some long drawn out hunt in the boonies where they can pop up anywhere. Meanwhile the Tigers should get their gear in order and advance to Bukamal from the north. Taking the rest of the west bank of the Euphrates.


On the latter we agree. Strategically IS, as a quasi regular fighting force, is finished. In a way, a new phase is about to begin, or rather to restart. IS as a guerilla force. SAA and NDF are ill suited to fight a guerilla war. Their holding forces are below second rate. It can well be that the combination of fighting SDF, HTS and allies and a guerilla war will be beyond the capacities of the allies of Assad, a sort of South Vietnam situation.

Robert Duran

I cannot think of any Army in the world suited to fight guerrilla warfare.The US cannot deal with the Taliban after 16 years.This is just a lame statement..


South Vietnam is not really applicable here, as North Vietnam basically controlled, supported, and directed the Vietcong there. And the US was unwilling to tackle the North Vietnamese supply lines for most of that war. And that excludes that the North Vietnamese army made up a large part of the insurgency there. Not to mention that after the failed Tet offensive there no longer was a Vietcong, only the NVA. There is no comparable foreign supply line to ISIS like the Ho Chi Minh trail, there is no allied army like the NVA fighting alongside ISIS. Maybe other insurgencies would provide a better analogy?

The way I see it, Assad’s strategy has probably been to hold on to the major cities and the major roads, as long as he does that he’s fine. It worked in Algeria too, and probably most other insurgencies in other countries as well. It doesn’t work in Afghanistan, but then again the Taliban are getting foreign aid from Pakistan, can seek shelter to recover and regroup, and most importantly, they can fund themselves through the opium trade. How is ISIS going to fund itself now that it only has useless desert and no oil to sell? And where does it get shelter? (for the tinfoil hat brigade, don’t bother to mention US choppers and stuff, I will ignore it.)

And methinks the key to prevent ISIS from starting a long term guerilla war are the local Arab tribes. Whoever can sway the local tribes will control that countryside. ISIS was able to sway the local tribes because earlier the FSA and Al Nusra had beaten the SAA in the area that would later become the heart of ISIS territory in Syria.


I hope we get to see al-baghdadi death pictures soon.


SF doesn’t have reporters on the ground, dude, they reported the official statements of pro-government outlets.

All you do is whine about this and that. Soon the situation will be cleared in Bukamal and you will be whining about whether the SAA took a village in southwestern Aleppo or not, then you will be whining about the SAA not really controlling the Abu al Duhur airbase and so on …

Robert Duran

well said


This goes about the reporting of SF. If they just report the official statements of Assad, then SF has no value, then they are an Assad propaganda medium, nothing more. When even SAA reports admit being kicked out of the city, reporting a day later that fighting in the city is going on, that is beyond stupid. It is misinformation. SF just should come out a say they got it wrong. Being honest in mistakes can happen to everybody. Covering it up and creating altered facts to avoid saying oops, that is, let us say, incorrect.


Do you think it’s because 100% of SF’s funding comes from those who only want to hear one side of this conflict? I mean, it’s apparently a very tight budget, going down to the last day of securing funds in many cases. If sure hope not.


Reporting should be correct and honest mistakes should be rectified, not covered up.


You should refer your comment to your Dutch Government first I think Dutch and also the MH17 enquiry.


Dissembling again? Will not work.

Samuel Boas

Don’t bother with that dutchnational guy, he should just go to his favourite Amaq forum. He’s just another ISIS sympathizer.

Samuel Boas

Hey ISIS lover, why don’t you go to the Amaq forum or something instead of trolling here and being an ISIS sympathizer. Get a life.


I am reading that daesh has retaken albukamal??? God I hope this is not true. They probably got reinfircements from fucking sdf I wish all those Turds dropped dead tomorrow!!!

Sham Crown

it free to enter bokamal just to get out been slaughtered

Joe Doe

Again, SAA General Staff poor planing and tactics. Assad should really reshuffle his Generals, as they learn nothing strategic planning from this war. Army who has trouble defeating handful ISIS units, which having on it’s side Air Support is not a army, that can defend country. With such army and tactics, the WW2 or desert storm still be today

Don Machiavelli

It’s final stronghold of ISIS in Syria. Of course that they and their backers will do everything they can to postpone SAA attack and liberation of Raqqa and rest of the country.

I believe that it’s not generals fault but simply continuation of the fight against western aggression on Syrian people.

You can call me Al

I also think we have all become complacent over the last 12-18 months with the constant, quick victories achieved.

When ISIS (or whatever they are called today) were beaten is DZ, they moved South and East and so on and so on, they all moved in or around al-Bukamal so as you say combined with their numbers, of course this is going to be a bummer – maybe the hardest yet. But in the long run assuming the US / SDF don’t but in and maybe if the PMU can get up there; the result should be the same and the US backed vermin shall be eradicated.

Don Machiavelli

Highly agreed, i like the way you think.

You can call me Al

Cheers. You see, sometimes I can do it.

You can call me Al

We know diddly, we are told what they want us to be told; keep calm, patient and keep the faith.

It’ll all come good.


With the tunnels in and around the town, it will take time. Gives SAA room to move forward on the Mayadin front. Hajin is far more important, its on the other side of the river and home to the Tribal Forces.

Solomon Krupacek

They probably got reinfircements from fucking sdf

sure not.

you slowly will be the main source of fake news :(


Why wouldn’t they?

Solomon Krupacek

why would?

look, you have no proff. therefore you should not tell as fact.

otherwise, no russian or syrian info about movement of isis units through euphrates. there are always UAVs. do you think, if would happen your scenario, woulld go unnoticed at russians ?


I was just saying maybe SDF helped them because daesh is now almost extinct, SAA had the town, and all of a sudden they came back? Someone had to help them. And my guess is if they hold onto the town long enough they plan to just hand it over to sdf!!! CANNOT LET THIS HAPPEN!!

Solomon Krupacek

this is fantasy. occams law: find the simplyist solution. there are isis units between mayadin and bukamal. so, saa again fucked the fight.


Right but where they came from all of a sudden?

Solomon Krupacek

i wrote: north from al bukamal. there are dozens of villages. and also hid in the city. in tunnels.


Solomon ur ordered are to clear those tunnels lol


I thought they liberated all of Al-Bukamal city, but where exactly this fighting are going on in the outskirts of Bukamal probably

Behold a Pale Horse

How much ammo wasted in this war standing holding a machine gun firing into the desert for the camera?


You are wrong. They shoot on targets Front of the camera to show that their military equipment is on duty. Each time you see à stationned 23mm machine gun firing you can .be sure that hidden targets will simply retreat

You can call me Al

Its good for the scrap metal dealers !!


Does that means that Isus is stinger than SAA, Hezbollah, Iraqi army, PMU, IRGc and RUAF ? Of course not. … That could mean : – ongoin real battles (SAA and allies just arrived on last isus resistance fortress by pearcing a long desert route). It would be shamefull To obtain an SDF style victoires without à fight. – Terrorists will use all what in their hands (including last surprises) for propaganda and (maybe) waiting for help from UsIsrArabkurds.

Bonus from Morocco after qualifiying To Russia World Cup:https://youtu.be/lrjvzJGuKY0 Ô daughter of my country you will stay alone.


It seems to me that the US head-chopping, heart-eating rapers are reverting to guerilla warfare.


Spitting alot of shit man is pointless. The US is fighting ISIS more then you lazy ass fuck face. If it weren’t for them you would have fallen to them. Give credit where it’s due you imbecile


You speak bad. mother fuckin sun of a bitch and transgender ! Your comment is equal to an abortion! Us founded all scums you see around. I will not speak about all us modern weapons to Isus. just watch at the attitude US had and still have with the legitim government of syria that was devastated by Us proxys. Teh government is still fighting while US bombs regular troops of the syrian army in Syria.


I have to wonder how much $ my country and it’s so-called allies have poured into this “Islamic State” project. While we may never know the exact amount for sure, the figures must be staggering. We’ve slowly witnessed the largest war crime of the 21st century, and yet non of the real perpetrators have been punished for it…

You can call me Al

It hasn’t finished yet, in fact it has just started; await the rebrand – hence that stupid picture / avatar, I have.


There are reports in vreek media that ISIS has retaken Al Bukamal.


Heard it also

Deo Cass

There are conflicting reports about al-Bukamal. Al-Masdar and Fort Russ reported that ISIS retook al-Bukamal from the Syrian government forces driving them out of the city, while Fort Russ reported that the Syrian government forces made a tactical retreat from the city. No other outlet reported this. For sure there were reports of many helicopter landings in Deir Ezzur on the 11/11/17 with some outlets saying they were Syrian and Russian while others saying they were American. Also there seems to have been some behind the scenes agreement between Putin and Donald Trump about the Iranian/Hezbollah issue in relation to Syria and notably “to prevent Iran or Hezbollah from having a foothold in Syria.” Note also that this same statement was delivered by the US colonial imperialist high command in Kuwait when it announced the so called ‘US coalition’ own operation to invade al-Bukamal. That’s all I know guys.

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