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MARCH 2025

Clashes Erupt in Baghdad’s Green Zone After Sadr Resigns, at Least 15 Killed

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Clashes Erupt in Baghdad’s Green Zone After Sadr Resigns, at Least 15 Killed

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The US denied reports that said it was evacuating its embassy

Originally published by AntiWar

Supporters of the influential Iraqi Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr stormed government buildings in Baghdad’s Green Zone on Monday after Sadr announced his “final retirement” from politics.

The Sadrists clashed with Iraqi security forces and rival militias. According to The Associated Press, as of Monday night in Baghdad, at least 15 protesters have been killed in the clashes.

Middle East Eye reported that rockets were consistently falling in the Green Zone late Monday night and that fighting was spreading across Iraq, with heavy gunfire reported in the southern city of Basra.



The US embassy is located in the Green Zone, and a shell landed near the facility during the fighting. The US called for “dialogue” amid the clashes and denied reports that said it was evacuating its embassy in Baghdad. “Reports of an Embassy evacuation are false,” a White House official said.

Sources told MEE that Sadr has called for an end to the fighting and went on a hunger strike until the violence and the use of weapons stops. “Everything will be calm soon. By an hour or two the news (of the hunger strike) will reach all our fighters and everyone will go back home,” said a commander of Saraya al-Salam, a militia linked to Sadr.



Iraq has been stuck in a political deadlock since the October 2021 elections. The pro-Sadr faction won the most seats in parliament but failed to form a coalition government.

Sadr’s party couldn’t form a government without a rival Iran-linked Shia faction, known as the State of Law. Sadr refused to work with the group and ordered his MPs to withdraw from parliament, which they did back in June, giving up 73 seats. Since then, Sadr’s supporters have staged sit-ins near government buildings and stormed the parliament.

Sadr refuses to work with the Iran-aligned Shia factions because he says it would go against his promise to root out corruption. He is more independence-minded and does not want to run a government beholden to the US or Iran. While the crisis has been brewing for months, violence didn’t erupt until Sadr’s announcement on Monday.


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Israel is behind this. They want to destroy the axis of resistance by civil wars right before they go to war with Hezbollah. Pro Iranian militias haven’t attacked yet, I doubt they’ll go full force to avoid a civil war

jens holm

You must be crazy or worse. You seemes axed Yourself.

Jens holm

I am crazy for butt plugs, I seems axed myself.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jens holm
Jens "jizz hole" Holm

Interesting experience last night. I was brutally sodomized by a friend’s pet hamster which was lent to him by Richard Gere.

jens holm

You’re wrong. It was a German shepherd. My ass is still sore.


You must be a toll or very stupid.


he is both.


There are many people here who use Jens Holm as their name.

Many people allow themselves to be irritated by some words of truth, followed by homo-related phrases.

Censors KEEP OUT

Well Iraq was one of the “SEVEN COUNTRIES IN FIVE YEARS” . Has anyone noticed lately the eruption of violence in Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, now Iraq.. The US has to face justice for the massive havoc it created in those countries.

Allahu Ackbar, Al mout al-amrika, Al mout al-israil, Al anat al-yahuud, Al Ansar Allah Victoria.


Syria just announced that US and NATO have stolen $100 billion from Syria by looting oil and gas.

Syria Says US Occupation Cost It over $100 bln in Oil, Gas Sector Losses

Syrian government also disclosed that Zionist and NATO airstrikes have killed 2,172 civilians since 2011.


I don’t understand how the west can be so blindly following the USA. They have become the biggest destroyer of human life the world has ever seen.


The angloZionaZi empire of shit; USSA, EUSSR ,Kanaduh, oZZtrailya, NewZeland and Pirate Rock of the Britland mob. It’s a small club and they are all in it…..for now. Get ready to watch the EUSSR collap$€ and Slumville USSA erupt in the mother of all civil wars reloaded.

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Since the USA won the war in Europe, they can determine the development of European countries and transfer the wealth of Europe to the USA.

This will last until the United States loses a major war and then the wealth of the United States will go to the European countries that helped win the war.

You don’t make wars because it’s fun, but because it’s profitable.

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

It is costly to lose wars as the winner can take it all.

This is how it has been and always will be.


That will not happen so long as the people in these countries are separated by their tribalist leanings Sadr is yet another of these opportunists. Who dresses in a robes declares himself a “holy”man of course AFTER the Imperialists INVADED and OCCUPIED

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Tribal wars are a tradition in the Middle East and will continue long after the white man has left.

If you worship the wrong fantasy god in the wrong way, you will be killed.


JeeeeeeeeeZ a chanting, fun loving Houthi Brother.

Censors KEEP OUT

And yet the evil empire still ramping up their evil ways fanning the fire in Ukraine, as well as seriously provoking China that’s getting all of us closer to human extinction from looming WW3.


Arabs Should wake up and smell the coffee western country stirred the problem then stepaside and watching Arabs killing each other.. meanwhile Yankees stealing their oil sad situation


Ukraine is no different, the Anglo-Zionists create instability to wreck independent nations. They use pawns like Zelensky, Kurds in Iraq and Syria and Wahhabis in the Arab world. Divide and rule.

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Asking Arabs to wake up is the same as asking them to stop practicing their idiotic religion and instead get an updated education.

Retired Troll

Americunt loser assholes and 38 other assorted lapdogs sanctioned, invaded and pillaged Iraq since 1991 and have ruined the country, just like they doing in Ukraine and Syria. Americunt criminals have stolen over $700 BILLION worth of OIL since 1991 and totally destroyed Iraqi economy and infrastructure and now fanning sectarian warfare and partition of Iraq into cantons. They are using world attention towards Ukraine to sow mayhem in the middle east again. Only a region wide war of national liberation and resistance will kick the Americunt and NATO hyenas out of the region. The Zionists are behind this new adventurism and it is only a matter of time a wider regional conflict will erupt.



Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Allah is great and has a plan for everything she does.

It may seem incomprehensible to some that she brings many people to paradise long before they and their families could have known.

But she needs enough help to handle all the people who come every day, especially from the Middle East.

It is not up to believing Islamists to interpret her actions other than to carry out some suicide missions on her behalf, now and then.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

It was inevitable. And I hope the Iraqis can reciprocate on the atrocities https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2017/10/1/abu-ghraib-the-legacy-of-torture-in-the-war-on-terror of the visitor SOON!…

Long overdue!!!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
jens holm

You must be a senile only remembering the bad old days.

jens holm

I am senile but still super queer and lover of butt plugs.

jens holm

Butt plugs are so yesterday. You can stuff a whole beer bottle in my ass and your senile dick in my mouth.

jens holm

This is not about the USA embassy at all. Why mention it. Yoiu are sick.

Why the F… dont the article relate to some pest control is very needed there and why.

It also has not as much as a comma for andy improved future for any – bedides the corrupt ones being in all camps.

As written before: As long as they kill each other, they most likely wont come here. So many there are raised to decide nothing mainly by religion but very much by lack of culture as well.

When those learned not to decide leaders finally are elected by grey hairs in the beards and fat stomacs becomes leaders, they have forgotten every part of the good leadership given by DNA as well.


Is that you George? Those WMD must be somewhere joking, as he looked under his desk!

jens holm

I was George. I’m now Jenny, a trans who loves big dicks.


What? No body is blaming Trump?

jens holm

Trump is big mouth crook and must go to jail and not collect free pass.




For what ???


Arabs and Ukrainians are STUPID.

BOTH Tribes think Occidentals are going to PAY THEM BILLIONS not to be Communists

While they are being KILLED and ROBBED by them


Sadr militia isn’t prominent at all and they tried 4 or 5 times to start a bigger fight to allow the US to move in… it hasn’t worked for them.


Sadr ended it. He thanked pro Iran militias for not falling for the trap and starting a civil war


Sadr had no future from start, I’m not worried about Sadr or his supporters, but you can see how other parties (KSA, Zionists, Yanuqis, British) used this unrest in Iraq that was caused by Sadr. BTW 19 people died but still, it wasn’t as big or bad.

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

So true so true.

And they are deeply religious and have thus shown everyone that they are easy to deceive.


Sadr says he doesn’t want to rule Iraq with other party linked to Iran and US . so it means he is ready to work with those who are terrorist linked to Saudi/Israel/UAE. Sadr want to make relation with this 3 criminals state who destroyed Muslim in other countries. but the people who is fighting terrorist he doesn’t want to join them. No more Sadarist or it s party go home.


The first red flag for me was when he said he wanted to kick the USA out of Iraq. His party includes Kurds (THAT WORK WITH THE US) and Sunnis (THAT NEED THE US).

When Iran destroyed Zionist’s base in N-Iraq Sadr cried and said it wasn’t Zionists.

Most people knew he was a puppet of the US from the begging and look what this clown doing in Iraq, he wants a civil war in Iraq with his “supporters” or I should say his militia.

He disbanded his party – his militia attack, he was the cause of the deadlock – his militia attack, now he is talking about retiring – his militia attacking again.

His goal is a civil war to allow the US and Zionists to destroy Iraq again.


Everything the angloZionaZi empire touches turns to shit. How long before the drug-addled Pentacon filth do an Afghan and park their expensive useless junk and hand the keys over to the Iraqiban and get their wobbly asses out of the country? Not long….just about the same time the long awaited, much overdue civil war in Slumville USSA kicks in. Watching the IOU fiat filth Saudi mercan petroscrip dollah getting flushed is epic.

Meanwhile in the real world Odessa awaits liberation



It aint over until the fat “holy” man in black loses 50 kilos. His “hunger strike” is just a long overdue diet for an obese pig. The NAZI Germans joked about their war being over when fatso Goering fit in Goebbels suit.

Meanwhile Trump versus Creepy Joe rematch likely in Las Vegas. Rah rah rah…the reds and da blues….. Same as it ever waZ Z


Since 2013, this is the 7th time (!!) that Muqtada Sadr resigned and declared he’ll leave the politics for good and each time he ignored his own word with a little help from the chaos his followers created.

This time, something different happened: Ayatollah Ha’eri who was the 3rd spiritual and religious leader of the Sadr movement (after Grand Ayatollah Mohammad Baqer Sadr and then his cousin, Grand Ayatollah Mohammad Sadeq Sadr -Moqtada’s father- both Martyred by Saddam) declared his resignation because of age and health issues and ordered his followers to follow Grand Ayatollah Khamenei (leader of Iran). Just like both leaders of the Sadr movement before him appointed their next before their martyrdom. This is a big deal which disarmed Muqtada completely, in addition to Ayatollah Haeri’s public criticism of him for creating unrest and divide in Iraq.

Since last year a lot of Iraqi Ba’thists (not to be confused with Syria’s Ba’ath party) gathered around Muqtada and entered his armed group, Saraya As-Salaam. These are the people who entered the Green Zone and started attacking people and buildings.

A few hours ago Muqtada gave a 60 minute ultimatum to his followers to get out of protests and stop interfering in the political process, threatening to leave the Sadr movement if they don’t follow. He also thanked PMU for their patient and not getting involved in the clashes and praised their wisdom (TV networks and media backed by Saudi money tried so hard to put Sadrists in front of PMU as their arch-enemy). At the moment the streets are calm and curfew has ended in all Iraq.

The pattern of this unrest suggested it’s a British conspiracy (with help from Saudi money, as usual), but they made multiple mistakes in their haste to divide Iraq. Ayatollah Ha’eri’s move defused it and created a stronger bound between Iraq and Iran.

As I said, Ayatollah it is a big deal. To better understand why you have to know that a practicing Shi’a follows a “Marja'” (source of imitation, the authority in the religious matters) and does whatever that Ayatollah orders in matters of religion and life, something like a Catholic follows the Pope. Now every religious and political follower of him has to follow Ayatollah Khamenei.

Last edited 2 years ago by Garga

Explained it perfectly. Saudi and Israeli boys were praising the videos of people burning pictures of Soleimani and Muhandis and talking about civil war. What I realized is these bots always say stuff right before they happen, it’s like they’re indirectly telling us what will happen.


I also agree that the nail in the coffin for Sadr was when Ayatollah Kazem Haeri told his followers to follow Ayatollah Khamenei.

I think if he didn’t do that Sadr would have pulled and pushed for some time. Well, we see how things go for Iraq/Iraqis from now, best wishes to them.


Muqtada did exactly that yesterday. After declaring his [yet again] resignation, he said that he believes Ayatollah Haeri did that under pressure, hinting that Iran and Ayatollah Khamenei put him under pressure and therefore meddled in Iraq’s affairs. That’s why yesterday his followers attacked Baghdad, the Green Zone, PMU and government buildings and also attacked the security forces, throwing mortars and RPGs at houses, burning pictures of PMU and Iranian martyrs and Iranian flags and overall caused such a mayhem that killed many and wounded countless people. That carnage after the Ayatollah showed every follower the way (which also destroyed his ambition to become a Marja’ without proper education and lack of morality) ruined Muqtada’s picture

But something happened last night. I’m sure somebody took him by ears and “briefed” him. Who that someone might be, is the question. My bet is on his handlers in an attempt to damage control.


I wouldn’t be surprised if he comes back a few years later and says, “Hey guys I’m running for PM” (Again). Sadr saying (hinting) that Iran put pressure on Ayatollah Kazem Haeri is just another attempt to save face, he gained some of his clout from Ayatollah al-Haeri’s supporters.

I’m not informed if someone in power told him to back down, but his supporters/militia can’t do anything meaningful. I saw the videos/clips that were coming out of Iraq during Sadr “supporters” protesting and I noticed it was odd. To me at least it seemed like Sadr was trying to put his name up in the Western world, as a useful puppet that is.

The West MSM, “Shia fighting Shia”, “Fighting in Iraq between rival Shia militias”, “Rival Shiite Militias Fight in Two Cities”.

As it is expected the West MSM put the blame on Iran and Iraq PMF/groups that are allied with Iran. I will be really uneasy if another civil war breaks out in Iraq and Sadr show his face with full support from the West.

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Many religious illiterates were persuaded to believe that Saddam Hussein was the cause of Iraq’s problems with the West.

What will they think today when one of Africa’s most prosperous countries lies in ruins and they themselves have become poorer.

It is time for the majority of people to go after the traitors who killed Saddam if Iraq is ever going to rise up.

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