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MARCH 2025

Clashes Between US-backed Forces And Syrian Army Erupt South Of Tabqah

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Sporadic firefights erupted between the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) south of Tabqah in the province of Raqqah last night.

The tensions grew following the US attack against a Syrian warplane near the ISIS-held town of Resafa.

According to pro-governnment sources, the had opposed government forces attempt to conduct a pilot rescue operation south of Tabqah. This led to clashes in the area.

The fate of the Su-22 pilot remains unclear.

An official accmount ot the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) also reported on the issue:

The PYD is a political branch of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) that are a core of the US-backed SDF.

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theses SDF really need to just stay completely out of SAA way or risk getting BROKEN

Jens Holm

SAA wasnt even able to be there without them and even near Al Bab getting fuel from them by farmers roads, because Turks/FSA took.



Jens Holm

You might plug in and get some more Watt – James.


Lol what are u a comedian?

Jens Holm

If its that well, You could send some money to support thise site.

Concrete Mike


Jens Holm

Thats how it is. Total ignoring facts.

Concrete Mike

Its easy to ignore your facts because There made Up. So bork

Jens Holm

That why You have 37 silly flags in Syria instead of one. Some even has eaten Your third star.

Concrete Mike

Lol There is only one flag in syria that matters, quit deflecting the issue.

I’m Canadian and I proudly eat my Maple leaf cookie everyday , im fortunate and thankful everyday for this great country , even though our leaders are corrupt and misguided.

We can see that someone is trying very hard to divide Up Syria, you are part of them. Your masters are responsible for this Syria mess, as are our Political masters in the west and the media.

We as the people have to golf our goverments to account for what they did and for leading us down the path to ruin. All of us, that includes you Jens. This Syria mess exposed it for all to see.

Thé diversion of public funds away from infrastructure, health care , éducation, social programme ect.. into black Ops and overseas policy that only benefits the super rich is the real problem.

This is what thé syrian war has exposed to me and many of us.

Thats why all thé crap you Say is nonsense and useless, because its smoke and mirrors. The issues we argue about are all Side issues meant to confuse thé big picture.

You are either aware of this and à malicious troll, or your unaware of this and your being manipulated by whoever.

I care for all humans, so im not going to insult you, but I Will question your motives.

I want to keep this discussion cordialement and amical so I expect à courteous reply from you.

Merci and Good day

Jens Holm

Typical populism of the worst kind.

You dont talk for all Syria as area as well as population and as legitime for that.

Furthermore its an artificial state bases on oil from Kirkus as the most important matter.

Furthermore Konstantinopel – as muslims and christians before that had divided much more. Romans as well as persians and mongolds had.

If You look at the maps from 1914 and up You will see very different solutions having more states, so You are an ignorant of the many and might be better solutions.

Concrete Mike


Solution is if your aint syrian gtfo , Syrians negotiate.

Typical populisme, thats all you got as à retort, weak, very weak.

But its ok, it just shows how misguided you are, get baited son!!


You’ve got it all right mate, except for the reasoning.

Lets suppose for a minute it wasn’t just to support corporate scumbags. lets suppose we leave. What then happens to Israel, who Syria pledges to destroy, wont make peace, and funds over 20 terrorist groups for over 50 years? what happens when the straits of Hormuz is controlled by Iran, backed by Russia, and we are nowhere to be seen in the Mideast? what happens in Toronto when gas goes up to 10 dollars a liter/ then higher? how long before everything goes through the roof, the economies collapse and you are scrubbing in the garden in winter in Canada for your supper?

I think you will see even the peaceful and polite Canadians rioting in the streets once their kids start starving.

Concrete Mike

Hehe Toronto overreacts to everything. Canada has enough oil, thé only part of thé country that has to import is the east coast, Irving oil in nb and maybe one un Halifax, it may be Closed now. And Nice try trying to Feed me the typical Iran supports terror crap, they did so in the 80’s when they were also fighting Iraq.

Try and deny that the Biggest state sponsors of terroristes are #1 Saudi Arabia #2 United States of America #3 Israël

Israël dont give à crap about your country nor mine, they bring nothing to mine.

If you havent noticed how our politicians have been usurped by thèse States , i cant help you.

Everything aint true on ABC ya know mate…


I stopped watching ABC years ago, and yeah, I would rather have gone to war with Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan after 9/11, myself. We should have attacked Iran years ago, it’s a bit late now.

Biggest sponsors of terror are, in order, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Turkey, Qatar, Syria, then the US (I’m aware ISIS was funded, originally, indirectly by the US), Israel doesn’t make the top 10. Please explain what terror organizations are funded or financed by Israel. You sound like a typical jew hating commonwealth citizen. The only bigger anti-semites in the world than Arabs are Canadians and Aussies. Never seen a jew hating society like Australia, and England’s not far behind.never met anyone from any of those countries who didn’t hate Jews.

I’m aware that Israel could give a shit about us, but the same could be said for the Europeans, and the Canadians, and for the same reasons. they both hate the US, and like Israel maintain relations so they can sponge of us for our defense dollars so they don’t have to spend their own money, and then cunt about warlike Yankees, going on about how stupid they are, and we are, for paying for these other assholes who don’t otherwise do fuckall for us.

Either way, if you don’t think the standards of living in the west will take a real hit should an Iranian/ Russian alliance control gulf oil, so be it, but I think you are mistaken. You’re probably not worried about Sharia law coming to a town near you, ever, either.

Your list with 2 democracies in the top 3 as the biggest supporters of terror is bullshit.

Jens Holm

SDF took 300 ISIS the last 10 days and lost some bunches too.

Concrete Mike

Losses Do not legitimize their antagonizm towards the SAA, try again.

Jens Holm

Thats right. I can just confirm. SAA should have killed them, but they wasnt there “in their own country”.


lol, They were kicking the Syrian armies ass until the Russians showed up, bozo.


And? Who gives a shit? SAA is the one doing the ass kicking now!!


seems more like the russian air force is moving things along than the SAA


Both are doing phenomenal work

Expo Marker

The cooperation between the SAA and SDF began faultering when the SDF pledged allegience to Saudi Arabia. Since then, Saudi Arabia has begun giving vocal support to a Kurd referendum, and began abusing the relation with the SAA.

Perhaps we may see a joint Iraq-PMU-Iran-Syria-Turkey alliance to stop the Kurds from carving the middle east a new one.

Jens Holm

Turks did it by supporting Qatar. So SDf shouls support Turks? Infantile conclusion from You.

Cyriak Papasissis

The Kurds apparently picked the wrong allies once more at the wrong moment, as often in their history. This alliance is very much on the cards. The Russian diplomacy may extract a modicum of common sense from the Kurdish brains , hopefully before is too late. The Kurds should not allow themselves the hubris of appropriating Assyro-Chaldeans’ lands.


Interestingly the US speaks about a de-conflictation zone in this area:

American officials said Ja’din sits approximately a mile north of an established de-confliction zone between the SDF to the north and Syrian regime to the south.


Jens Holm

good relative sober link. Seems like Assads still dont know what deconflicting and back off is.

Miguel Redondo

The only deconfliction zones are those agreed upon in the Astana talks. Neither US or the SDF were part of this talks. The US has no right to declare “deconfliction zones” where they please.

Jens Holm

There are other fx between US-Russia.

And why should people not even invited kind of respect anything from that moskito hole. SDF & Co are an important player.

Concrete Mike

Who the hell are you to determin deconfliction zone, SDF are Saudi puppets plain and simple, shave your Isis Beard and voilà!!

And then Cue in typical response if kurds deserve land or Assad fucked up bla bla bla….go to hell troll

Jens Holm

When Turks joined Qatar and even sended 5000 troops there, they should join Turks ?????????

Yes, true. The only one deserving more independensy are kurds by their possetion. The rests deserves to be colonies or semicolonies as in Ottomans.

Reading here is too often like an infantile child care center from countries, where women hardly exist and words as honeur and respects are twisted into dirt by dirty hands.

Jens Holm

You are bolded I will give my ISIS beard for free, if You settle in antarktis.

Miguel Redondo

“Lavrov: Deconfliction zones in Syria announced without Damascus’ consent illegitimate”


There are no such zones agreed between US and Russia , you are not telling the truth , to say it modestly.

Jens Holm

Those are for the air and they are renewed 4-5 months ago, because mainly ISIS has lost terrain.

So SAA and SDF cant get airsupport, where they want outside those zones and USA and russia tell each other, so they avoid conflicts.

I never lie. I might forget things here and there, but that agreement is there.

Miguel Redondo

No , honey , what existed , until today….


was an agreement of behaviour and mutual information about movements of the russian and the US-Airforce. For example “Don´t shoot without giving previously advice about it”. So the US have to inform the russians if they want to fly over territory held by the syrian army.

This agreement is gone to the trashbin.

From now on each US-coalition aircraft or drone is a legitimate target for air defense , airborne or SAM , when they dare to move west of the river Euphrates.

Jens Holm

Thats faith. Hard to go against faith in stead of having facts.

What You little people are trying for is, that Your big brother should be involved 100%. You also in the most naive way dont see, that US wont do that.

I see You everyday here and on other sites commanding russians to do whatever You want as they were You puppets delievering soldiers, money, oil and weapons for free – because Your intererst are above every thing.

Thats not the real world.

Miguel Redondo

—-“As of June 19 this year, the Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation has ended its interaction with the US side under a memorandum for preventing incidents and providing for safe flights during operations in Syria and demands that the US command carry out a careful investigation and report about its results and the measures taken,” the statement released by the MoD reads.

Moreover, Russian military will track all the aircraft west of Euphrates river in Syria, including US-led coalition’s jets and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), as legitimate aerial targets, Interfax agency quoted Russian Ministry of Defense as saying.—–


—–Russian military halts Syria sky incident prevention interactions with US as of June 19 – Moscow—-


“In the areas of combat missions of Russian air fleet in Syrian skies, any airborne objects, including aircraft and unmanned vehicles of the [US-led] international coalition, located to the west of the Euphrates River, will be tracked by Russian ground and air defense forces as air targets,” the Russian Ministry of Defense stated.

That is the official statement of MOD

Aurelio Ferdinand

The SAA has the right to ”Collective Defense,” the so called term used by the US Coalition to down the SAA Air force jet; the SAA should now officially list the SDF a a terrorist organization.

Jens Holm

Well, You could have stopped Your collective attacks many years ago by reforms as before Old Assad. But You did the opposite.



Jens Holm

I take that as a compliment. Its well descriebet by internet and before it was invented.


I’m not talking about what you said, I’m talking about your grammar…

Jens Holm

My grammer is lousy but compared to I havnt written anything in english the last 40 years its fine and still improving a little.

I think some more should get more used to using that much foreign language also is allowed and needed for all of us. Internet is not only for teachers and autistics.

Mine is mainly understandable.

John Mason

One can understand why Saddam was busy terminating as many Kurds as he could, there current actions is proof of their traiterous character. Assad gave the Kurds a country, Syria, by giving them Syrian citizenship and this is how they repay Syria by teaming up with a known enemy the US and other terrorist organizations. Assad would be within his rights to continue and finish what Saddam started.

Jens Holm

Thats rubbish. Kurds has always been a part of the Syria of now.

Only a tiny parts % has moved from turkey. Much more Turkmens has left.

Afrin fx was registrated as refugium for kurds by Ottomans 200 years ago, because there already were many kurds. You also can see in in ancient names where Kurdish also has been represented, where they “always” has been.

Your world is very static. Why dont go back to were there was not a single muslim there and people spoke their own language.

John Mason

Still standing upright???

Jens Holm

Still burried upside down saving space for more dead morons.


Keep drinking the kool aid… You sound britard too… layoff the euronews…

Jens Holm

Thats not even news – well exept for the censured and brainwashed ones.

Some is written down “Ottoman” news.

northerntruthseeker .

Absolutely…. Assad gave the Kurds so many rights and freedoms, and the Kurdish leadership returns the favor by siding with the evil US-Israel cabal…

Jens Holm

So when Assad gave so many rights many was taken.

Gue Bjuen

one of the war crimes kurds committed. the aftermath from the fall of the Menagh airbase. you can watch it archive.org titled The final assault on Menagh airbase. never forget. https://ia601907.us.archive.org/11/items/TheSiegeOfMenaghAirbase/The%20siege%20of%20Menagh%20airbase.mp4

John Mason

Thanks Gue.

Cyriak Papasissis

The Kurds as an ethnicity bear responsibility for participating very actively in the Armenian genocide , doing the bidding of the Neo-turks of the Ottoman empire in 1915 , whereby they took possession of the Armenians’ properties , their wives and daughters too occasionally. That ‘s how much traitorous they are.


Now, one and only thing SAA & Russia should do: Let Turkey to fight against Kurds on the north Alepo region. Remove buffer zone west of Manbij.

Jens Holm

Very optimistic. Turks probatly would take half. Im sure they would like some oil from Jazira and not so many kurds.

Alessandro Di Blasi

SDF is putting himself in a very dangerous position. SAA and SDF have nothing to achieve fighting each other, only waste of their precious soldiers life. Unfortunately SDF is teaming up with confused US who has no clear strategy on the ground and only needs fresh meat to slow the inevitable. I don’t see any scenario from now on where SDF could gain something good from this. US will betray them, as always do with their proxys when their utility is over. Sad. Hope they’ll soon change their mind and start working with the parties who will win this bloody, useless war

northerntruthseeker .

You really do not see the point in all this… The US wants their proxy Kurdish forces fighting the SAA now to escalate their nice little war against the Syrians…

Concrete Mike

Its pretty obvious now aint it, fucking scum bags, and its us taxpayers in the west paying for this shit, while our roads and bridges are falling apart. À stone cold shame!!!!

Shame on democrats shame on républicains, shame on all our politicians that were unable to resist the fifth column pressure from 2 middle east countries that we wont name.

Shame on our media for playing with our Fears to imposé à police surveillance state. Shame on us the adultes to not educate our children’s to thé Hazard of the internet and how its a tool to bé monitored 24/7

I really dont like where our society is going and its our own goddamned fault. Until we all admit its our fault and quit blaming others nothing Will change.

Ok rant over lol



Why wont you name them? I’ll name them, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. We should have gone to war with them. For the life of me I don’t know why we don’t forge closer ties with India. Must be a China thing.

Joe Doe

SDF action will bite them later, when americans will backstab the Kurds. Erdogan was right, Kurds are terrorist organization

Concrete Mike

You know…maybe Erdogan isnt as crazy as he looks. I dont really like what hé is doing to kurds in Turkey, but its becoming clear Who is sypporting the so called kurds and what their motivés are.

You know what would create even more nonsense…if Turkey attacks manbijj, its à little early for that, if tigers can outflank Raqqah from the South, then let Turkey attacks manbijj, this should put an end to SDF shenaningans and allow saa to roll on Deir ez zor

Joe Doe

I am not very thrill with him either, but looks like he maybe is right

Joe Doe

Looks to me that N.K have more balls stand up against war criminals american than Russia. Maybe N.K could be better protector


Beware the backstabbing kurd. There was a reason why these bastards were never allowed to have their own country AND on top of that, they are obama pets too…

kurdi aram

SDF behaved extremely stupid and ignorant in the last couple of years. Many EXPERTS warned them in the last few months but The SDF have been overvalueing themselves in the last couple of years. They will realize slowly the reality of this Game.

Concrete Mike

Thanks for posting, its true that Iran has supported thé kurds in aleppo. But I think its the kurdish leadership that has been usurped, before us showed up There was lESS talk of rojava, with Saudi antagonistes now in the picture its clear what is going on.

I dont like painting everything with thé same Brush, this is what you did, thé regualr Joe on the street is the se regualr Joe on the street here on canada, hé dont give à fuck, as long as hé can feed His family, go to work, and not get shot at. Thé rest is all politics

Point is, its the kurdish leadership that has been usurped, so dont Bash on the regular Joe, hé didnt Do shit.


kurdi aram

Kurdish fighters have been receiving AIDS and weapons from Iran and Hezbollah in their struggle against Terrorist-AlNusra & Terrorist Daesh otherwise they had lost the war against TERRORIST in 2014, 2015. But instead to appreciate iranians they started to play dirty games. Now they will get the BILL.


kurdi aram Kurds are traditionally Israel’s Proxy Military. Kurds go to whoever offers more money.


Like Chechens. or an Islamist “holy warrior”.


ShermansWar Those losers rant and rave against the US but want their pay in US$s.

kurdi aram

Turkey will attack all those regions; Manbij, Afarin, Kobani, Qamishlo and Dahuk in the coming months. The Kurds will be NOT supported as in the past.

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