Close Combat Footage: Houthis Successfully Storm Fortified Positions Of Saudi-led Forces In Yemen's Narjan

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Close Combat Footage: Houthis Successfully Storm Fortified Positions Of Saudi-led Forces In Yemen’s Narjan 4.7272727272727 out of 5 based on 11 ratings. 11 user reviews.

The Houthis stormed and destroyed a strong point of pro-Saudi forces in the area of Dabaa in the Yemeni proince of Najran on January 6. The video released by the pro-Houthi TV channel Al Masirah shows a close combat between the sides that took place before the Houthis established control over the area.

According to the released photos and video, at least 8 members of pro-Saudi forces were killed and 4 vehicles were destroyed during the clashes in the area.

Close Combat Footage: Houthis Successfully Storm Fortified Positions Of Saudi-led Forces In Yemen's Narjan

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Close Combat Footage: Houthis Successfully Storm Fortified Positions Of Saudi-led Forces In Yemen's Narjan

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Close Combat Footage: Houthis Successfully Storm Fortified Positions Of Saudi-led Forces In Yemen's Narjan

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Close Combat Footage: Houthis Successfully Storm Fortified Positions Of Saudi-led Forces In Yemen's Narjan

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Close Combat Footage: Houthis Successfully Storm Fortified Positions Of Saudi-led Forces In Yemen's Narjan

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Close Combat Footage: Houthis Successfully Storm Fortified Positions Of Saudi-led Forces In Yemen's Narjan

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Close Combat Footage: Houthis Successfully Storm Fortified Positions Of Saudi-led Forces In Yemen's Narjan

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Close Combat Footage: Houthis Successfully Storm Fortified Positions Of Saudi-led Forces In Yemen's Narjan

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Close Combat Footage: Houthis Successfully Storm Fortified Positions Of Saudi-led Forces In Yemen's Narjan

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Congrat chaps!



Promitheas Apollonious

hardened mountain warriors against office clerks and mercenaries 5 to the dime. If someone arm the houthis I don’t think SA will last more than week to their attack.

Deo Cass

Incredible the courage and bravery of these ill fed bare footed guys facing the opposition of a well trianed, armed and obese Saudi tyranny army. These heroes need support. Military fatigues with bullet proof armour, good army grade boots and other advanced military gear like man pads to shoot down Saudi Apaches.


“Well trained” hahah, nice one. :D The only thing worse then their training is their motivation (which ofc is even more important).


Well, he was right about the Saudi forces being тучная армия, judging from the photos.


Enough is enough now president Putin, Ruhani and China must opened blocked on Houthis and send them humanitarian support and rescue them from Saudis butchers. Call both parties to Sochi for negotiation..

Gabriel Hollows



oy vey! That’s anti-semitic Goyim! *Hand rubbing intensifies*


Was that the chant?

James R

Yes, that is the English translation of the “Death to America” chant although there is a “Long Live Islam” line at the end that was missed from that translation. My understanding is that they used to chant that in Iran and Hezbollah used to say it too but only the Houthis still use those lines today.


in Iran they’ll chant.. Markaba Amrika Death to America..!

Does anyone know how the NK chant..?


AND GOD HELP ISLAM the last one you missed


The Houthi’s need advanced ATGM’s, High Altitude Manpads, Satellite data, Long range sniper rifles and a plethora of other man portable weapons to harry the Saudi’s with. Houthi’s are indomitable .


They do have advanced ATGMs. They (claimed to have) destroyed 8 M1A2s in 2017, and there are many footage online of them using ATGMs. They also shot down 2 F-16s and a F-15 in 2017, if my memory serves me right. Not sure what they used though. I think the light configuration is needed in this particular mission, in order to climb the rocks and attack from an unexpected angle.


Indeed , the Houthis cannot compete with and do not have a conventional army , apart from those in the old regimes armed forces that now side with the Houthis.

As the British were forced to leave Aden, so will the Saudi’s.

It is just sickening to see so many Yemeni’s plight as they are relentlessly bombed and starved by attacks supported and aided by the ‘Great’ Western powers.

I am greatly ashamed of what my government does in the Middle East.


Enough is enough now president Putin, Ruhani and China must opened blocked on Houthis and send them humanitarian support and rescue them from Saudis butchers. Call both parties to Sochi for negotiation.


On the other hand, тучная армия (Saudi forces) need to lay off the Mac Donald’s.


Yes indeed. I noticed that as well. Trained in the US perhaps :)


Houthis vs. Fatties?


hahahhah.. yeah right..!


Wow, impressive. They just went Rambo on the post, descending from the impossible angle and jumped right into the camp. I think the first rocket hit the exact right spot and did quite some damage. The fighter on the right did a good job covering his comrade as well, even though I am not even sure if the KSA soldier was armed- he didn’t even have shoes on? I am guessing operating in daylight makes it difficult for the helicopter to use ultra red light camera to spot them. They did a good job.

Rob The Face Of Suffering: Famine, Cholera Wreak Havoc In War-Torn Yemen | NBC News

Yemen: Breaking News. May 3, 2017 According to UN

1. The Largest Humanitarian Disaster. 2. 7 Million People Hungary. 3. More than 10,000 people killed. 4. More than 50,000 people wounded.

All world leaders should have to support Yemen politically and militarily and end this human rights violations at least for the small kids that have no food, medicines and shelters.

Rob Yemen president: Sayyid Abdul-Malik Badreddin al-Houthi

Abdur Rabu Mansur Hadi <– took power from Abdullah Saleh but Hadi was too weak to rule the Yemen therefore, the corruption was too high. Houthis start complaining and when Hadi fail to rule then Houthis took power in their own hands. So this was Yemen internal affair. Therefore, Saudi Arabia should not interfere in Yemen affair.

In Yemen war US provides weapons and intelligence support to Saudi-led coalition forces, which reportedly include assistance in military targets in Yemen. It indicates that Trump indirectly attacks Yemen through Saudi led collation because Trump shows targets to Saudi led collation in Yemen. That is why Saudi led collation air forces targeting funerals, Mosques, schools, hospitals, markets etc.

All world leaders should have to support Yemen politically and militarily and end this human rights violations at least for the small kids that have no food, medicines and shelters.

Igor Dano

russia has to give to them MANPADS.


The dead sergeant looks a bit fat for combat.

Tudor Miron

What I see is that Houthis have that worriors mentality – their weapon choice, the way they treat their weapons. Even if batefooted they look actually more professional than (with all due respect) than most of SAA guys I see in videos and better than jihadi. They remind me of good example of Afaganistan’s worriors. I don’t know much about Houthis – are they hunters or something? Did they have lots of wars?

Pave Way IV

My uneducated understanding of the Houthi:

Houthis are not a people. They were originally a Yemeni Zaidi Shia revivalist movement started in northern Yemen. They had since taken the name of their (now deceased) leader, Hussein al Houthi, who promoted a more revolutionary Zaidi revival in the 80’s and 90’s that strongly opposed US imperialism and other foreign meddling (primarily Saudi) in Yemen’s internal affairs. Al Houthi was part of the larger al Houthi clan in northern Yemen, but the movement wasn’t about that specific clan in any way. Zaidi make up just under a third of all Yemenis – the majority are Sunni.

The Houthi movement also focused on the rampant corruption and injustice in the Yemen government (Saleh’s, back then), as well as sheiks and other influential tribal leaders that abused their powers to the detriment of the Zaidi and other Yemenis. Since the Arab Spring and Yemeni wars, the movement is less about Zaidi and more about political reform and getting rid of foreign influence. For that reason, tens of thousands of non-Zaidi Yemeni have come to support the Houthi movement and/or fight to kick the Saudis and their puppet Haidi out of Yemen once and for all. The Zaidi welcome any supporters – they have no ambitions to create any kind of theocratic Zaidi Shia state. They just want a normal, secular, democratic, representative government for their country. No wonder the US hates them!

And Yemeni Zaidi are Shia, but mostly kept to themselves for the last half millenia or so. They developed pretty independent of the main body of Shia religious leadership in Iran. Which is why the assertion that Iran secretly commands them in a proxy war against Saudi Arabia is mostly laughable. The Zaidi wouldn’t listen to Tehran to begin with and would resent the meddling of yet another foreign nation in Yemeni affairs.

The early Houthi movement, being Zaidi Shia, was concentrated in Yemen’s northern and eastern mountainous region where most of Yemen’s tough Zaidi tribes/clans have lived for the last few thousand years. Wars? Yeah – they were fighting any and all northern Yemen invaders – most notably the the Egyptians and Ottomans – over the last thousand or so years, so generations of experience. The Zaidi tribes are still there and the invaders are not – that’s probably a good-as-any measure of their fighting ability. And not too different from the Afghani Pashtun, who have also been regularly fighting off various crazy foreign invaders and meddlers for forever (but they still keep showing up…. Irritating!)

And I don’t think the Houthis made any conclusion about Israel and the US based on *this* current war. I think they had the US/Israeli/Saudi schemes nailed twenty or thirty years ago. The catchy post-battle chant is rather new, so that probably happened this war.

Tudor Miron



Well no screwing with the Houthis, nicely done they have the moral right to defend them self’s and the their country.The Wahhabi must be exterminated and that so called coalition of dogs.You can see the place was full of shell cases of 50 cal and mortars too. They were shelling some close by place a lot, which it needed to be stormed. Congrats on your victory there, kill as many more Wahhabi coalitions pigs. And that stupid coalition have Apache helicopters and they do what fly around. That Apache is most lethal weapon on such terrain on FLIR-TADS, 30mm cannon will massacre everything down. But those are not for Wahhabi fools.

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