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MARCH 2025

Closer Look At Genesis Of Anti-Russian Media Outlets In Russia

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Closer Look At Genesis Of Anti-Russian Media Outlets In Russia

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On February 17th, Russian state outlet RT published documents and the related investigation into the outlet “Project.Media” and more.

These outlets operate from Russia, and are openly anti-Russian, and not as independent as it would appear based on their claims.

Judging by the documents, the self-proclaimed independent media was funded from abroad in the form of so-called grants from European and American authorities.

The editors accepted the money, promising detailed reporting on audience growth, distribution of their materials and reactions to them, including in political circles.

At the same time, as it became known to RT, the founder and editor-in-chief of Project.Media, Roman Badanin, turned to his foreign sponsors not only for financial assistance, but also with a request to find him an alternative job in the United States.

Closer Look At Genesis Of Anti-Russian Media Outlets In Russia

Roman Badanin. Click to see full-size image

Proekt.Media was founded in 2018 by Roman Badanin, former deputy editor-in-chief of Gazeta.ru, former editor-in-chief of RBK and Dozhd. The online edition publishes its materials in Russian and English. Topics – political, economic and social problems in Russia.

The publication, according to documents available to RT, is managed by Proekt.Media, a legal entity registered in the United States, but a company with the same name is also in Lithuania. Both are led by Roman Badanin.

  • On May 18, 2018, the Proekt.Media domain was registered.
  • On July 18-20, documents for the American NED grant are already being processed, Badanin receives an “American TIN” and opens an account.
  • On August 1, the first material authored by Badanin is published on the Project website.
  • In 2 months, only 5 materials were published (most likely Badanin’s canned food from Dozhd, all journalists have these).
  • On September 21, a curator from NED sends Roman Badanin a package of documents for a grant.
  • On November 28, the article “The Cart from the Kremlin” comes out.
  • On December 7, Badanin boasts that they have begun to reach their design capacity. He complains that because of the text about the telegrams they paid attention to them and asks in the USA.

In particular, the European Endowment for Democracy (EED) allocated $ 240,000 to the Project, and the American National Endowment for Democracy (NED) wrote a check for $40,000. The Bermuda Sreda Foundation transferred another $ 50,000 to the publication Foundation, owned by Boris Zimin, the son of Dmitry Zimin, co-founder of VimpelCom living abroad. At the disposal of RT were supporting documents from the listed funds.

The European EED, founded by the EU member states, and the NED, funded by the US Congress, are recognized as undesirable organizations in Russia. Boris Zimin’s Sreda Foundation is also included in the register of foreign NGOs. Zimin Jr., who now lives abroad, like his father, is known as one of the most influential sponsors of Alexei Navalny’s Anti-Corruption foundation.

In the documents examined by RT there is always a sort of testament to Project.Media as a high-quality investigative publication with high standards of professional activity. However, a number of events around the Proekt.Media and its journalists leave questions about the quality of their journalistic work and the objectivity of their materials.

Roman Badanin is now acting as a defendant in the courts in the case for the protection of business reputation in connection with the Proekt.Media material, “Mail from the Kremlin”.

It published data on the connection of businessman Vladislav Klyushin with Telegram channels, allegedly controlled by the presidential administration. Klyushin filed a lawsuit and demanded that this information be deleted, citing its inaccuracy. The district court denied Klyushin, but the appeal was canceled and Rubin and Badanin were found responsible for the dissemination of defamatory information, recovering from them compensation for moral damage in the amount of 50 thousand rubles.

After that, Rubin and Badanin filed a cassation appeal, but the deadline for filing it was missed and the appeal was returned without consideration. But the story did not end there – a new meeting was scheduled for March 2021, presumably to restore the missed deadline for filing a cassation appeal.

True independent journalism, in the flesh.


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deceit and lies from the outset – these dumbed down idiots from the disunited states of exceptional morons can’t see beyond their own noses and thus can neither see nor understand how utterly stupid they are in the eyes of the world.

Jim Allen

There’s several countries worldwide that act exactly as USA, see just as far, and so stupid they dont know they’re stupid. Their people will swear they’re genius, while pointing out some ‘Merican that’s doing precisely the same thing’s as the “genius.” What he/she see’s and describes another doing/saying, the genius is blind to his/her own matching performance. The things in life that make one go hmm….

Hasbara Hunter


Who Controls your Mind? https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/3g1rxu/who_controls_your_mind_list_of_people_behind_all/

Jens Holm

Maybee You are censured by Your Masters. If a vehicle like tis is outside Your doorstep, they will shut down text as well:) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/70f334fa0425aff54576caddcd393b5b8845b549e2b1f6639ce28e438147407d.jpg

Hasbara Hunter

Yeah the Cucks have Censoreshipped me before…I presume because they didn’t like my IDF-Kidkiller collection….I need to fix this Shit because it is kinda annoying….

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm


Jens Holm

I think its the mummyfied father of Hasbara Hunter:)

Hasbara Hunter

I found a picture of you…before your transgender surgery…


Jens Holm

That wllknown picture dont show that at all.

As I recall it, its a father with his daughter in a Carneval shop.

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

Have you tried drag and drop.

Hasbara Hunter


Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

Unreadable small image.

Hasbara Hunter

Was just a test…I changed it…

Jens Holm

Ity realy says YOU CONTROL NOTHING because You are as You are.

Those examples are controlled by others too, but because You are sick, You dont mention that at all. Your level is fiasco, so we decline into Ypur low level and make it look like Your succes.

Hasbara Hunter

I just asked someone to fix a little problem & they fixed the problem…lovely ain’t it?

Jens Holm

I like things work.

I have been expelled for periods too. I learned each site has its own limitations, so I had to make own limitations as well.

The worst for me and others I know of was the “SyrialiveUA”.

We were several debating moves for different armies in Syria also making maps for each other and commentng them.

But unfortunatly others were bringing to many pic´tures and videos with all kind of very blody scenarias – and they closed down for all kinds apart from texts.

I learned a lot there and very much of sovjet weapons in details. As western I mainly knew the main weapons from Russai but most of the ones froim the west.

AM Hants

Do believe that Sun Tzu is beyond Jens reading level. Saying that, seems a different Jens has taken over the hot chair. He appears to be conversing in English, with few problems, unlike the other Jens clones.

I wonder if they switch on for duty, and take turns posting, owing to shift patterns and manning the comments, under one of several names?

Hasbara Hunter

They all have one thing in common:

THEY ALL ARE COMPLETE INCOMPETENT BRAINLESS RETARDS…that is exactly why Russia has won the information War…

AM Hants

Must admit, I miss not being able to upload images. A picture tells a thousand words.

Hasbara Hunter

They speak for themselves…

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/24f856ea6f3596a2d4eacf4a65065a3135ac4ad47907fc163f8207b72dd65a48.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0eba8bab9a9368ce26c7b05a57bffd32d0ba7abbde8bedcb1125561553fe4dbc.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/114a0200274d7ac022d78a2ea2a5780f733d9c7717ba79eecac98280f003135b.jpg

AM Hants

Why am I reminded of White Helmets, the mobsters are Governments support and fund?

johnny rotten

But it has always been like this, at least since the filthy English were possessed by the Red Shield bankers, they have done nothing but sow discord everywhere, poison the wells and promote wars, all to pay the expensive interest on the debt that the Crown had contracted with the bankers mentioned above, it was the end of the 17th century, since then the world has never known peace, only lies and massacres.

Jens Holm

Yerrh, Noah landed in England in the 17`th century. Their first song later on was copied by Muddy Waters in USA.

And I have 3 legs and are green like You.

AM Hants

I knew that green image, with the big ears that you posted, looking out the window was you Jens. Only, you never displayed your three legs. ‘

Jens The Peg – Rolf Harris

I’m Jens the Peg, deedle, eedle, eedle, um With my extra leg, deedle, eedle, eedle, um Wherever I go through rain and snow, the people always let me know There’s Jake the Peg, deedle, eedle, eedle, um With his extra leg, deedle, eedle, eedle, um

The day that I was born, oh boy, my father nearly died He couldn’t get my nappies on, no matter how he tried ‘Cause I was born with an extra leg and since that day begun I had to learn to stand on my own three feet, believe me that’s no fun

I’m Jens the Peg, deedle, eedle, eedle, um With my extra leg, deedle, eedle, eedle, um

Wherever I go through rain and snow, the people always let me know There’s Jens the Peg, deedle, eedle, eedle, um With his extra leg, deedle, eedle, eedle, um I had a dreadful childhood, really, I suppose I shouldn’t moan

Each time they had a three legged race, I won it on my own And also I got popular when came the time for cricket They used to roll my trousers up and use me for the wicket

I’m Jens the Peg, deedle, eedle, eedle, um With my extra leg, deedle, eedle, eedle, um Wherever I go through rain and snow, the people always let me know There’s Jens the Peg, deedle, eedle, eedle, um With his extra leg, deedle, eedle, eedle, um

I was a dreadful scholar, I found all the lessons hard The only thing I knew for sure was three feet make a yard To count to ten I used my fingers if I needed more By getting my shoes and socks of, I could count to twenty-four

I’m Jens the Peg, deedle, eedle, eedle, um With my extra leg, deedle, eedle, eedle, um Whatever I did they said was false

They said, “Quick march”, I did a quick waltz Then they shouted at me, “Put your best foot forward” “But which foot?” I said ‘It’s very fine for you, you only got a choice of two but me” I’m Jake the Peg, deedle, eedle, eedle, um With my extra leg, deedle, eedle, eedle, um

Jens Holm

Raisins still dont understand medias are cosmopolitic and not driven by single states anymore. Thats mainly very good but sometimes bad too.

By that You also see entrences for bad incommers. I think we should donate a lot of soap to Russia, so they had less dirrty laundry to hide.

For thats what it is about.

Its not allowed to have more then one oppinion for Russian wellfare and freedom. Here even Russians are named as enemies of that state even they want to improve it by debate.

Instead of helping other oppinions by supporting new homies opinions, the Russian elite top makes Russia smaller and smaller and narrowminded.

They are like Columbus comming home telling they found a new world and the comment was “Whats wrong with the old one”:(

Rhodium 10

NATO sponsored Russian journalist& Media outlest have the mandate to spread lies ( like that Hotel-Palace in black sea coast),destabilize and not to inform or give an opinion!…


The whole situation is ridiculous,what would happen if a Russia agent had a media outlet in washington?Russia needs to get on the front foot with this shit,its the same in Syria with ISIS getting stronger again,and we know why that is.

Jens Holm

Thats not possible. Russians are no learners.

Look: They still are in the old days having Putin and his palace and are among the worst in in corruption and infrastructure.

Its impresssing the hens over there are able to lay eggs by themself.

Lost Empire

Then tell us why american journalists always write the same things against Russia.

Aren’t they pluralists either? Or maybe is because they have to write what their jewish master and CIA order?

Jens Holm

Parts of it telling the same again and again are very easy. They didnt fix Your car monday. They didnt fix You car tuesday. friday, sunday and next mondy and tuesday as well.

We just again and again wonder why You remain in the same not trusting people to divode power and jobs to all living there.

I have written about it myself many times. You cant get devellped better for the whole population unless You educate more people much better in the middle class sector. By that Russia of course cant handle advanced productions and its logistics.

If good russians try, they are jailed even bei g named as spyes. The otrher way around is western investments. Even we bring in the very much needed capabilities so many things goes wrong even added a high level of corruption. Often we cant even pay very much needed tax to the state, so it can pay for gospitals an pensions. So we wonder again and again. There are so many examples.

Russai just simnple has no structures for running things well. Some seemes to do well, but thats almost always, because You put a lot of money into it.

And the rest also very much is Yourself. You descriebe it as “American journalists” or narrowmind it into “CIA and Jews”.

But we are not. We are western economies, cultures and thinking at almost incommers are just as us and want Russia to be a part of us in their own context. . So when Journalists and others ask questions its because so much is toital hidden and biased even against the Russian population.

In parlemantarisme openess and free speach are vitals. If You dont know if things are good, bad or good enought, You can accept or change them.

By that You have difficult digging and sometimes only can bring whats possible to get.

Here in Denmark You for free can read almost all about us at the libraries or at the internet. Its nor more complicated then that. The State, the Prlament and many others are obligated to it.

Most of that of course is in Danish only, but we today even has google translate added to the ones in fx Russia. which speak and understand dansih well. They even was here, when the wall was there. They gave us a lot of propagnda and now they are modernize the orther way fx as “Sputnik”.


‘Russai just simnple has no structures for running things well.’

That’s interesting, Jens. Recently I was reading a news article about the Covid treatments and there was back and forth in the comments on the article. Many were complaining about how sketchy treatment by vaccine has been in the US; appointments cancelled because delivery of vaccine never happened and nobody knows where it is, people kept waiting for hours in lines only to have to cancel because vaccine ran out or got spoiled due to mishandling, etc. Ok, US is a big country and the American way is to rely on for profit companies to handle things, so this can happen. One reader from Russia commented about his experience in Russia and I was impressed and copied in my notes. I think this was from an article in The Hill:

Kalinin Yuri pwloft • 6 hours ago “Russia sells not just a vaccine but a technology for producing it on the spot. Would it be Bolivia or the US – does not matter. This is a difference. And I have had my first shot with Sputnik three weeks ago, tomorrow will have a second one. The way it is managed – fantastic! I was very sceptic about it. But – everything has been done super. I do not know if there is anything like this in the US. In Russia there is a state service GOSUSLUGI. If I can translate it – State Services. I had to register with my tax payer ID, social security, etc. Then I have downloaded an app into my smartphone. Now anything that has to do with the state I can do from my phone. Need to visit a doctor – make a reservation from the phone. Passport expired – appointment from the phone and will be called at a particular day and a particular time. No lines. Police, retirement, etc etc etc – all your interference with the government services are there. So through this app I have assigned for a vaccine. Was appointed, hospital called me to make sure I will come. Five people at a time – quick medical forms and since I am in this Gosuslugi system – they found all of the data about me quickly. Medical exam – saturation, temperature, blood pressure, listening via a stethoscope my lungs. After I have received a vaccine – 30 minutes sit so the doctors can help if anything goes wrong. Nothing has happened and I have left. This app been offering me to fill the vaccination diary – how do I feel, temperature, saturation, health problems. And always keep on reminding about a second shot. I have a time and a place where to go. I did not expect this thing to work, I mean the service. This way the doctors get a lot of statistics. So I help them too. But this is the first vaccine made in Russia, there are three more on the way.”

Jens Holm

To lavXolm. Your stupid comment only reached my mail.

You are the usual kind. Russia is better because of Covid in USA:):)

Putin probatly has the tallest dwarfs and midgets as well:( – and more parkingspaces – in Sibiria.

I wrote why as an answer and its correct even every debate about it is censured and jailed away and in the usual polite way as yours – somewhere between Tampa and Fairbanks:(

And now I wrote it again. You are not even near commenting, what I wrote those journalists and common knowledge here know for real – and by people like You are in total denial routine mode.

When people for changes like Navalnev and 70% of the voters in Krasnodjarsk are enemies of the state – THEN SOMETHING IS TERRIBLE WRONG.


Well, my stupid comment and your stupid comment I was replying to were both deleted- censored. WTF!? You said a blanket statement that nothing is run competently in Russia and I replied with a comment from another site related to how the Covid vaccine is being administered there:

K. Yuri • 6 hours ago

“Russia sells not just a vaccine but a technology for producing it on the spot. Would it be Bolivia or the US – does not matter. This is a difference. And I have had my first shot with Sputnik three weeks ago, tomorrow will have a second one. The way it is managed – fantastic! I was very sceptic about it. But – everything has been done super. I do not know if there is anything like this in the US. In Russia there is a state service GOSUSLUGI. If I can translate it – State Services. I had to register with my tax payer ID, social security, etc. Then I have downloaded an app into my smartphone. Now anything that has to do with the state I can do from my phone. Need to visit a doctor – make a reservation from the phone. Passport expired – appointment from the phone and will be called at a particular day and a particular time. No lines. Police, retirement, etc etc etc – all your interference with the government services are there. So through this app I have assigned for a vaccine. Was appointed, hospital called me to make sure I will come. Five people at a time – quick medical forms and since I am in this Gosuslugi system – they found all of the data about me quickly. Medical exam – saturation, temperature, blood pressure, listening via a stethoscope my lungs. After I have received a vaccine – 30 minutes sit so the doctors can help if anything goes wrong. Nothing has happened and I have left. This app been offering me to fill the vaccination diary – how do I feel, temperature, saturation, health problems. And always keep on reminding about a second shot. I have a time and a place where to go. I did not expect this thing to work, I mean the service. This way the doctors get a lot of statistics. So I help them too. But this is the first vaccine made in Russia, there are three more on the way.”

This doesn’t fit your narrative, so I can see why you think it’s stupid.


How many of these roaches are there in Russia,close the bastards down,they are financed by hostile foreign powers,thats all we need to know.

AM Hants

On September 21, a curator from NED sends Roman Badanin a package of documents for a grant.


Didn’t the NED get banned in Russia? Isn’t it heavily linked to $oro$ and is run by the State Department and funded by the tax payer? Didn’t the NED sponsor Navalny and sent him to be trained in the USA? The same with the EED, just the European Branch.

The NED, which has so many Ambassadors and ex-Ambassadors and politicians on the Board of Directors, including Victoria Nuland, Anne Applebaum (also a member of Integrity Initiative and whose husband was one of the Foreign Secretaries of EU nations, that was witness to when Yanukovic stepped, down, back on the 21 May 2014). Elliiot Abrams, Iran Contra and now Ambassador to Iran, post his Venezuela Shift, is also on the Board of Directors of the NED, who work parallel with the $oro$ Open Society Foundation.

Didn’t the NED set up in Hong Kong, when the British Prime Minister John Major, sent his redundant Common Purpose Colleague and ex-Conservative Party Chairman, over to Hong Kong, when he politicalised the role of the Hong Kong Governor, when the UK were due to hand Hong Kong back to China? Major and $oro$ worked well together, despite what the media had to say and for some reason Major ended up joining Dick Chenie, George Bush and the Bin Laden family, over in the Carlyle Group. John Major, also like Blair, Brown, Cameron, May and no doubt Johnson, was also a member of the Common Purpose Group aka UK Shadow Government, who rule Westminster.

With regards the above, check out Voice of America, funded by the US State Department, and see how many Russian media groups, who back the opposition receive funding from VoA. Same with Radio Free Europe and Liberty Radio. Weren’t they set up by $oro$, during events in Ukraine, back in 2014?

Then have a look at the nations that fund the White Helmets, who work closely with ISIS/Hong Kong Protesters/BLM/Anti-fa/Ukraine Nanzis. Easy to spot, the terrorist groups, owing to all wearing the same uniforms, using the same symbology on banners and flags and also working from the same script and ironically, funded by the average tax payer. How much diid the EU and nations who sponsor the White Helmets, hand over to the OCPW Joint Mechanism Investigation team, which has now merged into a separate branch of the OPCW? Why are they also funding the opposition media, over in Russia, and many other nations, where regime change is demanded?

How much does the Russian Government spend on media and how much do those that sponsor the White Helmets, spend on media? Why is the UK Foreign and Commonwealth, which also funds Integrity Initiative, where you will find old Bill Browder, using UK tax payers money, to do so much damage to Russian relations? Who created the Bolsheviks and why are they still desperate to get control of the natural resources of Russia. They almost had it all, back in the 90s and assume the people of Russia have short memories.

AM Hants

Here is another article, taken from Stalker Zone, that compliments the above and provides a bit more information, with regards others involved. What did the EED and NED demand in return for their grants?

“PROJECT MEDIA”: WHOSE MONEY IS USED TO PREPARE “INVESTIGATIONS” INTO THE KREMLIN February 17, 2021… https://www.stalkerzone.org/project-media-whose-money-is-used-to-prepare-investigations-into-the-kremlin/

Ralph London

AM, did you see littlejohn jump the shark today about the poisons, I mean the satanic ‘vaccines’? Also Prof Dalgleish did the same regarding it a while back. & also suckerberg who stated – via ZH – ‘side effects of basically modifying people’s DNA and RNA’.

AM Hants

I saw the headline for littlejohn, but, avoided the article as I thought it would wind me up. Will go and have a look. Heard what MZ said about they have no idea how mRNA will affect our own DNA and noticed the media forgot to mention his words. Another one, and it was over on Before It’s news (bear in mind, they have some seriously strange articles over there) was saying that they have never isolated the virus, so how can they adapt a vaccine, around a virus that has never been isolated? They were saying they were using flu variants. It was a good article and not sure if still there, but, will try and find it later.

Have you noticed the tables are starting to turn on MZ and his good mate Bill?

Ralph London

I’ve been avoiding rl too, but saw his headline & read some of the comments. I’m not as optimistic as you regarding mz & gates of HELL – I think they’ve got a ways to go b4 I start any celebrations.

AM Hants

Went back to the rj article and so wish I had not. Love Gates of Hell, and so apt.

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