An A-29 Super Tucano taxis across the airfield at Hamid Karzai International Airport, Afghanistan, Jan. 15, 2016. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Nathan Lipscomb)
On July 8, 9 and 10, the Afghan Ministry of Defense released ten videos of recent airstrikes that targeted the Taliban in different parts of Afghanistan.
The videos include footage of dozens of recent Afghan Air Force airstrikes which hit gatherings, vehicles and positions of the Taliban. The airstrikes inflicted heavy human and material losses on the rebel group.
6 #Taliban terrorists were killed and 3 others were wounded in an airstrike conducted by #AAF on a Taliban hideout in Dand district of #Kandahar province, today morning.
Also, 3 vehicles, some amount of their weapons, amos & explosives were destroyed. pic.twitter.com/rqfb5krYVy
— Ministry of Defense, Afghanistan (@MoDAfghanistan) July 10, 2021
70 #Taliban terrorists were killed and 8 others were wounded in clearing operations conducted by #ANDSF with support from #AAF in Dand district and at the outskirts of #Kandahar provincial center, yesterday.
Also,a large amount of their weapons, amos & explosives were destroyed pic.twitter.com/EjqCj5oDn7
— Ministry of Defense, Afghanistan (@MoDAfghanistan) July 10, 2021
39 #Taliban terrorists including 2 of their senior commanders were killed & 17 others were wounded in an offensive operation conducted by #ANDSF with support from #AAF at the outskirts of Lashkargah, #Helmand provincial center, yesterday.
& their weapons & amos were destroyed. pic.twitter.com/dBCRYkPNoj
— Ministry of Defense, Afghanistan (@MoDAfghanistan) July 10, 2021
Precise air strikes on #terrorists!
27 #Taliban terrorist were killed and 5 other were wounded in an airstrike conducted by #AAF in Spinboldak district of #Kandahar province last night. pic.twitter.com/nArJ9xRTlG
— Ministry of Defense, Afghanistan (@MoDAfghanistan) July 9, 2021
23 #Taliban terrorists were killed in #airstrikes conducted by #AAF in Takhta-e Pol district of #Kandahar province, today morning.
Also, a large amount of their weapons & amos were destroyed. pic.twitter.com/PgN849Fy4k
— Ministry of Defense, Afghanistan (@MoDAfghanistan) July 9, 2021
Usually, such airstrikes are carried out by US-supplied A-29 Super Tucano and Cessna 208 warplanes or MD 530F Cayuse Warrior attack helicopters.
39 #Taliban terrorists were killed and 10 others were wounded in #airstrikes conducted by #AAF in Zherai district and at outskirts of #Kandahar provincial center, afternoon today.
Also, 20 enemy weapons and some amount of their amos were destroyed. pic.twitter.com/B5WthiTkTp
— Ministry of Defense, Afghanistan (@MoDAfghanistan) July 8, 2021
13 #Taliban were killed & 8 others including 2 of their commanders were wounded in #airstrikes conducted by #AAF on #Talib hideouts & a mine factory in Marja dist, #Helmand, afternoon today.
Also,2 hideouts, 9 weapons, 2 Pk machine guns,2 RPG & 10 of their radios were destroyed pic.twitter.com/Ke0F8XUmOM— Ministry of Defense, Afghanistan (@MoDAfghanistan) July 8, 2021
حمله هوایی در قندهار
به دشمن تلفات سنگین وارده شده است … pic.twitter.com/Z45PUimhbA— Ministry of Defense, Afghanistan (@MoDAfghanistan) July 8, 2021
4 #Taliban terrorists were killed and 2 others were wounded in an #airstrike conducted by #AAF in Baraki Barak district of #Logar province, yesterday.
Also, some amount of their weapons & ammunition were destroyed. pic.twitter.com/19RBf0PH2P
— Ministry of Defense, Afghanistan (@MoDAfghanistan) July 8, 2021
Recent video: Precise airstrikes on terrorist hideouts in different parts of Afghanistan. pic.twitter.com/Wj2vdRDwqb
— Ministry of Defense, Afghanistan (@MoDAfghanistan) July 8, 2021
The Taliban have been advancing on different frontlines across Afghanistan since May 1, when the US announced a plan to withdraw its troops from the country before September 11. Today, the group claims that 85% of territory in Afghanistan is under its control.
The group most notable gains were in the northwestern province of Herat, where its fighters captured the Islam Qala border crossing with Iran and the Torghundi border crossing with Turkmenistan.
Despite gaining ground, the group is sustaining heavy losses. According to a statement shared by Afghan MoD on July 10, 191 Taliban fighters were killed, 102 were wounded and 23 others were captured in different parts of Afghanistan in the last 24 hours. These losses will not likely halt the group’s advance.
Going by history…sure there should be more Taliban who died overall.
What I want to know is…what are Zero Units are doing now? Also, it seems the ANA wants the Taliban to group up and just bomb them and hold on to the main cities. But at the same time, they should give weapons to militias – Northern Alliance to protect themselves and if needed help to fight the Taliban.
None of that is going to work. The Taliban have proven resilient against the entire western coalition over 20 years and more.
The ‘ANA’ hasn’t got a hope in hell of winning against the Taliban.
Instead, they’ll be bombing wedding parties soon, just like their American masters.
“Going to work”? what are you trying to say? – Zero Units have killed 100s of Taliban leaders with their families. Those guys are CIA dogs. – ANA vs Taliban = going by history yes ANA has a lot fewer losses compared to the Taliban. You really need to look at the Afghanistan population map and compare it with where the Taliban hold. – Kid grow up, the yanquis killed 100s with one bomb – they never were there to kill Taliban…you forgot how fast Taliban lost the power when yanquis and NATO came in? Facts are fact, I don’t care how much you jerk yourself off to Sunni Taliban…yanquis took the role of supporting and training ANA.
“The ‘ANA’ hasn’t got a hope in hell of winning against the Taliban.” Can you fuking read? no, really you are so fuking moronic…it is not about ANA winning or not, the Afghan government wants to make a deal with the Taliban when they said they are not going to listen to the Afghan government. I don’t know your level of English but I said “it seems the ANA wants the Taliban to group up and just bomb” WANTS.
So you are Sunni Pakistani aren’t you fuk face. “bombing wedding parties” – ISIS -> Sunni, Taliabn -> Sunnis, Al-Qaeda -> Sunnis. They are all extremist Sunnis, both ISIS and Al-Qaeda worked with the Taliban before, the yanquis bomb both of their leaders at the same time before.
Taliban Sunnis with the help of ISIS Sunnis attacked and killed 100s of Shia Muslims in Afghanistan. That wedding bombing you were talking about was done by the US, the yanquis knew it was the Taliban that attacked and killed hundreds of Shia Afghans before they drop bombs on the Taliban Sunni’s wedding. Remember this? “Afghanistan: Bomb kills 63 at the wedding in Kabul” After yanquis and the Afghan government did that, guess what Taliban didn’t bomb weddings. Ohh sorry ISIS somehow stop bombing weddings…LMFAO
In an ominous development the Taliban are systematically killing Americunt trained airfore pilots, most of whom have sought refuge in western nations. At least seven Afghan pilots, including two generals, have been assassinated off base in recent months, according to two senior Afghan government officials. This series of targeted killings, which haven’t been previously reported, illustrate what U.S. and Afghan officials believe is a deliberate Taliban effort to destroy any vestige of US occupation.
Do you care to tell us how many senior Taliban died over few weeks? Do I sound like I care what happens to ANA or the Afghan government? because I don’t care. My money is on Northern Alliance, The Shi’a militias, China, Russia, and Iran. Those are the main players who are just waiting for a peaceful deal, the Taliban morons aren’t, so after failing the ANA and the Afghan government they take their place.
Also, I replied to that backward Sunni Pakistani about what the f he said. Mainly about the BS, he said about bombing weddings, I remember that ISIS somehow came out of Taliban assh0le and said we did it, but everyone knew it was the Taliban killing Shi’a. So the yanquis and ANA bombed the Taliban’s wedding and he was crying about that.
You are just a bitter Shiite maggot. Rage all you want, but the Taliban will overrun these ANA bastards and establish a SUNNI Shariah system allover Afghanistan. The Shiites can either obey the new system or exile to Iran – that’s their choice. Neither the Taliban nor any Sunni gives a fuck about what some Majoosi jerk like you thinks. If you feel so bitter about the Taliban onslaught, then go fuck yourself. You also have the option of picking up a rifle and going to Afghanistan and fighting the Taliban. The fucking Afghan government will be deposed before December 2021. That’s just how tough the Taliban are. they are not some coward group that only issues threats even when their enemy keeps bombing them and their leaders to the grave.
Pro-Shi’a, not Muslim buddy. Kid saying I’m raging, for what? You are Sunni Pakistani and I’m not – that alone me sad, you replied back to my comment. You got salty, I blocked you before. Again a lot of Sunnis here be it Trukic or Pakistani – you all like that India cow shit eater, talking as if you there and know everything. Again can you read? I’m not a fan of ANA nor the Afghan government, none of my Shi’a Afghan friends are as well.
“Backward Sunnis laws” No, the Taliban never could do such thing before so what are you on about. Even now if they attack Shi’a Iran kill their leaders in a day. Here I just it for you, I went back and find this video, if you can speak Farsi idk then you can understand him but all I was after was the video and picture at the end. Google:(What happened to the senior Taliban leader who threatened Iran?) Taliban are scared of Iran and the other militias and Mujahideen (Northern Alliance).
The kid called me a jerk, you good? You are a Pakistani Sunni and you did care to reply buddy (I don’t care what backward Sunnis think). You are not very good at, you know what never mind, you might as well be a man-child.
I have Afghan Shi’a friends, why are you so fuking salty kiddo? Cheap comment of “picking up a rifle and going to Afghanistan and fighting the Taliban.” I can say the same thing why don’t you fight for the Taliban, you here as well. Do you how moronic you sound? you don’t get to say BS.
Again you going back to the Afghan government and ANA, I don’t care what happened to those pigs. China, Russia, and Iran are there, and China a few days back said “Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who warned last week that the most pressing task in Afghanistan was “to maintain stability and prevent war and chaos,” plans to travel to Central Asia next week for talks on the country.”
The main plays are waiting for ANA and the Afghan government to fail, which is what the Taliban are doing. Russia, China, and Iran don’t like the Taliban and if the Taliban kill and the Afghan government fail, they go in after that and support, “Mujahideen (Northern Alliance), or Shi’a militias. Kid the Northern alliance is just waiting – they haven’t done anything, the Shi’a militia are the same. Russia and China are waiting, for a peaceful deal, but if that fails they move in. You need to understand that and again most of the land Taliban has a population of -1,000 people.
Iran, Russia, and China are waiting and so is Northern Alliance. It is just far from over.
Google: (سرنوشت رهبر ارشد طالبان که ایران را تهدید کرده بود چه شد؟) (What happened to the senior Taliban leader who threatened Iran?)
Breaking news, Americunt oil theft operation in Northeastern Syria comes under direct mortar attack.
What is the ANA doing to support the eradication of poppy fields and destroy heroin production?
War on drugs is waste of time.
No war declared against a problem has ever worked. All have failed. War on Terror War on Drugs War on Crime War on Poverty War on Homelessness War on corruption War on War
and many more. Name one that has been successful
War against oppression.
… has turned into a war *for* oppression.
Where’s that? Congo or something.
Actually, Russian joint efforts with regional nations has been successful in intercepting many heroin shipments from Afghanistan. Research it.
Stop eating all the checkers pieces…
The Anglo empire is in Afghanistan for this reason all along…..heroin
Bingo. Afghanistan has immense untapped natural resources. Opium is incidental, but it can provide some money to fund CIA black ops and it’s a good way to bribe the locals. Another key reason for western presence is cultural osmosis and a foothold to pressure Russian allies.
The CIA idiots calculated Afghan mineral wealth at several trillion dollars and the Americunts have stolen a lot of jade and other precious stones from Afghanistan.
Of course, which is why Iran, Russia, China (etc.) work to intercept and destroy outbound shipments. Afghanistan is landlocked after all.
Absolutely nothing, which tells us all we need to know.
That would be one of the greatest achievements of humankind. Just give them some Napalm, and it is done. Russia or Iran can provide them with at least mig 19s, to get some supersonic aircraft.
The ANA are the reason there are poppy fields at all. The Taliban were the only ones who eradicated poppies.
And the Russian joint regional efforts with Iran, China etc were the only nations to seriously tackle outbound heroin shipments from Afghanistan.
Go F2ck yourself. TALIBAN have prevailed over a superpower and ALL of NATO. They will prevail over the US puppets dogs and Ashraf Ghani will hang from the Flagpole of his presidential palace
They have nothing to do with Jihad or Islam whatsoever. They are Wahhabis created by Islamic brotherhood, and mi6 creation by itself.
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When the ‘Afghan Imperial Guards’ inevitably lose to the Taliban, nobody should be shocked and surprised when we begin seeing videos of Taliban executing these pilots in the football stadiums.
Nobody who spends 20 years being hunted from the skies by the world’s superpower is going to have a shred of compassion left, or an inclination to ‘respect human rights’ …
I think a lot of the reports on Taliban causalities are embellished. The Afghans cannot maintain their aircraft so the air force will be history.
The ANA is corrupt as it was “trained” by Americunt arseholes and NATOfaggots. They will collapse in the next few weeks. Kandahar has just fallen and the Hindu chickenshits are the first to run as the Taliban have warned India that Kashmir liberation is next.
India said on Sunday it had temporarily brought back officials from its consulate in Kandahar, a major city in southern Afghanistan, as Taliban fighters continue to gain control amid the withdrawal of international forces. Indians have been repeatedly targeted in Afghanistan as the repression of Kashmiris has turned the Afghan Pashtuns against Hindus.
In your dreams.Pak army couldn’t do much don’t worry taliban will return in body bags whereas taliban will attack Iran soon and takeover Tehran hahahh
Hindu rats running from Afghanistan LOL
Taliban fucked the soviets, HARD!!!!
Not really, the USSR had a limited assistance group in Afghanistan and after 10 years of internal squabbles withing Afghan Parcham and Khalq factions just withdrew across the Amu Darya (Oxus River).
Mujahideen lost 60000 fighters, Soviets 15000 KIA.
It is highly unlikely that propeller driven Super Tocanos firing unguided 50mm rockets will change ground reality. The Taliban have just walked unopposed into Kandahar. The only possible option is to modify their behavior and only Russia, Iran and China can do that as Afghanistan is dirt poor and land locked.
Soon taliban takeover Iran hahhaha
Highly unlikely as Iranian border security forces and Taliban just lunch together at Islam Qala, however the Taliban are going to Kashmir, my little street crapping monkey.
Iran is suddenly peaceful towards the Taliban? I thought they almost invaded Afghanistan in 1998 because they didn’t want a Sunni Shariah System on their border? Iran can’t do shit. It has to cooperate or missiles will fly into all Iranian oil installations, defense factories, and nuclear sites. Israel and Saudi Arabia will provide those missiles for free. Taliban can weaken its Shiite enemies while helping the Saudis take revenge. But the Mullahs are clever old men. They know trouble when they see one. They won’t interfere in Afghanistan.
A few bombs too late, the Taliban has won, its a matter of negociations now.