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MARCH 2025

Combat Footage: Houthi Fighters Expelled Saudi-Backed Fighters From Key Mountain Range In Al-Jawf

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Combat Footage: Houthi Fighters Expelled Saudi-Backed Fighters From Key Mountain Range In Al-Jawf

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On June 27, the Houthis (Ansar Allah) released footage from a recent large-scale operation against Saudi-backed forces in the northern province of al-Jawf.

The ground operation saw Houthi fighters capturing the al-Duhidah Mountains in the district of Khabb wa al-Sha’af. The mountains are located just 40 kilometers away from Safer oil fields and facilities in the nearby province of Ma’rib. The Houthis have been leading an offensive against Saudi-backed forces in Ma’rib for over four months now.

The footage shared by the Houthis shows the group fighters storming the al-Duhidah Mountains and chasing after Saudi-backed forces in pickup trucks.

During the operation, the Houthis destroyed several pickups and armored vehicles of Saudi-backed forces with anti-tank guided missiles and recoilless rifles. Many Saudi-backed Yemeni fighters were killed or captured.

The operation was codenamed “Abu Fadel Tumar” in the honor of a Houthi fighter who was killed while fighting on his own to save his besieged comrades near al-Duhidah. Footage of Tumar’s last hours in the battlefield were shared by the Houthis. Tumar’s body and damaged vehicle were recovered.

The Liberation of the al-Duhidah Mountains is yet another significant military achievement of the Houthis. The move will enable the Yemen group to advance in Ma’rib from a new direction. More pressure will be mounted on Saudi-backed forces.


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Jalajala habibiiiii

Chess Master

It looks like Houthis youngsters are having lots of fun there. Can’t help but envy them.

Fog of War

You’d pee in your pants if you were in their place.

Chess Master

I would wear pampers


The idf has a job opening for you.


why is southfront perpetuating nonsense everytime it gets pushed again ansarallah does pretty much show all its footages and expose the truth to the world of the war and southfront claims in previous articles the opposite which is absolute absurd

Icarus Tanović

Jala, jala, habibi Muslimin.


The Jews’ Saudi’s mercenaries taking it on the chin.

Marco Polo

You Jews certainly are not superior, there is no honour in your lot. Morals are for the “goyim”.

The Jews want to be the undisputed masters of the world, the new Brahmin class of “priests” who call themselves “god’s chosen people” and must be obeyed without question.



https://archive.org/details/Books_20181007 https://codoh.com/library/document/jewish-supremacism/en/ https://archive.org/details/JewishSupremacism_203/page/n11/mode/2up


“It is important to lay stress on the agreements and differences simply because so many points that become obvious in dissecting woman reappear in the jew.” — Sex & Character by Otto Weininger (jew)

“You have a way of life, we ours. In your system of life we are essentially without honor.” — You Gentiles by Maurice Samuel (jew)

“I didn’t think of myself so much as girlish but rather as jewish. I start with what I think is a widespread sensibility that being jewish in our culture renders a boy effeminate. Rather than producing in me a desire to ‘pass’ and to become a ‘man,’ this sensibility in resulted in my desire to remain a jew, where being a sissy was all right.In a quite similar account, another male American jew of my generation, Harry Brod, writes:

‘I found the feminist critique of mainstream masculinity personally empowering rather than threatening. As a child and adolescent, I did not fit the mainstream male image. I was an outsider, not an athlete but an intellectual. The feminist critique of mainstream masculinity allowed me to convert my envy of those who fit the approved model to contempt. It converted males previously my superiors on the traditional scale to males below me on the new scale.

I am interested right now in investigating what critical force might still be left in a culture and a cultural memory within which “real men” were sissies. The vector of my theoretical-political work, accordingly, is not to deny as anti-semitic fantasy, but to reclaim the nineteenth-century notion of the feminized jewish male, to argue for his reality as one jewish ideal going back to the Babylonian Talmud.”

— Unheroic Conduct by Daniel Boyarin (jew)

Last edited 3 years ago by Marco Polo
Marco Polo

The Russian Orthodoxy made known of the jewish problem before their overtaking by the jewish Bolshevik terrorists.

Tommy Lee

I hope you’re joking. I saw you in another comment section whinging about racism, so saying what you just said would be incredibly hypocritical. You know, hypocrisy is tantamount to lying, and Yahweh doesn’t like liars. Well, that’s what Moses told everyone, at least.

Oncle Ozz

Saudis run faster than bullets. Nothing will stop the Houthis, best fighters!


saudi clowns doing what they do best. Run for lives back at the first sign of Houthi fighters.

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