Combat Footage: Houthi Sniper Operations And Raids On Saudi-led Forces

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Combat Footage: Houthi Sniper Operations And Raids On Saudi-led Forces 4.3333333333333 out of 5 based on 6 ratings. 6 user reviews.

The media wing of the Houthis (Ansar Allah) released 2 fresh videos showcasing their sniper operations and raids against Saudi-led forces in Yemen and along the border with Saudi Arabia.


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All that I can say is that the Saudi and their proxies are shite at basic fieldcraft, especially when they know how accurate the Houthi riflemen are.

Add to this the use of slab sided APC’s as big as a bus that are driven by soldiers who park them s if they were going to a truck park, and we see the deadly results.

Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance. It keeps one alive as well :)


I wonder how the Houthis keep getting the AT missiles since they are surrounded by the enemy


The enemy is very stupid. It would have been much cheaper for the Saudis to buy the Yemeni oil fields. It seems like they are following the American methods, like in Afghanistan, where instead of paying Afghanistan transit fees for the TAPI pipeline, they decided to invade and get it for free?

When you are dealing with opponents of such limited intelligence smuggling is easy. Even in the USA, the country with more police forces public and secret than any other country on earth, the drugs flow across the border with very little impediment.


What does TAPI have to do with it?, there will always be a transit fee paid to pipeline company. The gas ends up in Northern India. :/


Don’t complicate things for Sinbad, they are very simple for him: he is smart and Americans are stupid, enough to understand everything, for him.


America doesn’t pay transit fees to anyone.

Taro Sado

I bet just like on ukraine, when they selling their own weapon to dombass to fight themself. Someone in saudis rank selling and smuggling their arms to houthis


Could be, could be… I don’t deny logical arguments.

Hasbara Hunter

Iranians (probably also the Chinese & Russians is my guesstimate)….they are Good Folks…they do a Great Job in Bringin’ the AngloZioNazi-Empire on its knees…..This will become a Global thing to Force the Evil Jews & Knights Templar Cabal out…


Again, idiot who can’t spot a Russian flag among the Nazis, thinking the flag is Ukrainian because it has the color Yellow on it. Learn the fucking flags, mental disabled deep shit

Hasbara Hunter

BWAHAHAHAHA…. Remember these Flags Cunt….see if you can guess right

National Pride

His point was that you displayed your ignorance by showing a Russian rally and calling it a Ukrainian one. As a side note, you’d think that a guy who hates Jews would have a more favorable attitude towards Nazis.

Hasbara Hunter

I don’t care….I have posted Thousands of Pictures… and all this Piece of Kosher Pig Shit can Find is one Lousy Friggin’ picture to Stalk me with….I rarely have seen a more Stupid Cunt than Kosher Pig Shit…..Let him answer my Flag-Questions….see if the Cunt knows which flags they are….that is my point….

Luke Hemmming

It is well documented the pro Ukrainian rallies inside Ukraine are infiltrated by pro Nazi members. and SF have published many articles exposing this. Even a small group of australian soldiers were found to be Nazi sympathisers when photos of them with Nazi flags and symbols were published on their social media. They have been discharged since. So Hasbara hunter is spot on here. Just a few minutes of internet searching can one find this information quite easily if you know where to look.

National Pride

I’m not disputing that there are Nazi rallies in Ukraine. I simply pointed out that Hasbara showed a Russian rally and called it Ukrainian. That’s is. And again, for a guy who hates Jews, he has an awfully negative opinion of National Socialists.

Luke Hemmming

The Russian flag is BLUE at the top then red then white. It can be just blue and red too. The Ukrainian flag is blue at the top then yellow. The photo shows a flag with blue, yellow and white. How is this flag more Russian than Ukraine? F@cking dipshit. Lol YOU NEED TO LEARN FLAG IDENTIFICATION TOO YA F@CKEN IMBECILE CUNT. No wait cunts are useful so your just a f@cking imbecile.

Luke Hemmming

From the allies Iran of course! And so it should be! The USA is supplying and aiding the KSA in Yemen so is the UK. The KSA assists ISIS. The USA aids the SDF and the CIA and MOSSAD assist opposition groups in Syria. The USA aids Israel who in turns assists ISIS AND shoots Palestinian civilians and international journalists and humanitarian aid staff whilst building illegal settlements all the time crying about how the world is against them whenever someone speaks up of this. So what’s the problem here Then? F@ucking imbecile. Go back to sleep idiot.


You were so hurried to unload your shit that you didn’t read my question to the end, if you look again, at the end I said “since they are surrounded by the enemy” so it was an appreciative question. And even if it wasn’t if you was a sane person who could read to the end before smashing the keypad, you could say “they are sold/smuggled by the Saudis because they are a corrupt bunch of camel riders” or something like that so you wouldn’t give me the sense of pity for trolling another disturbed teen.


hahah I seriously love this type of videos.. they make me laugh, how stupid can they be!

keep up the nice shooting boys.

Hasbara Hunter

Mo’ ATGMs….Mo’ VBIEDs….Mo’ Sniper Rifles…Mo’ Suicide Drones…Mo’ Flip-Flops…


well done Houthis!!


Sudan is a poor nation. They fight for money to feed their children. They don’t fight for Saudis. Saudis use them for own goals. Saudis are great evils of current time. Saudis are terrorists and dark stains on Muslim world.


Sudan was getting money from China in exchange for their oil. So the USA started a civil war, and destroyed the country.

Hasbara Hunter

If you Destroy a Country it is much easier to find poor folks that want to earn couple of Yangeese-Dollars & $hekels….

Icarus Tanović

They aren’t brain washed like white europeans that comes to Syria to fight for Daesh or Al Nusra. They’d pretty much like to stay alive, for money for that matter.

You can call me Al

Yep, I think that sums it up.

What did General Wesley Clark state ?

“I just got this down from upstairs” — meaning the Secretary of Defense’s office — “today.” And he said, “This is a memo that describes how we’re going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran.” I said, “Is it classified?” He said, “Yes, sir.” I said, “Well, don’t show it to me.” And I saw him a year or so ago, and I said, “You remember that?” He said, “Sir, I didn’t show you that memo! I didn’t show it to you!”

Icarus Tanović

Yes, that is right. Tell us more on that.

Hasbara Hunter

AngloZioNazi-Wahhabi-Mercenaries should be Exterminated….no matter where they come from…


Icarus Tanović

Lets Napalm them, bleed them, shoot them, exteriminate scum and post from the face of the earth.

Icarus Tanović

Well and wise said. Thanks bro.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

BREAKING: recent israeli strikes in Syria was unprecedented and the biggest since 2018. More than 20 regime/irgc military positions, SAM batteries, and warehouses completely destroyed. 50+ regime/irgc troops eliminated. Only 1 Israeli Delilah missile was intercepted out of 50 launched. Many Syrian S-75 and S-125 launchers/radars completely pulverized. Russkie GPS jamming had literally NO EFFECT on Israeli Airforce missile accuracy. Israeli electronic warfare completely suppressed Syrian and russkie radars! IAF once again winning!

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

whole entire Syrian anti-aircraft batteries were destroyed! All their radars were suppressed by Israeli Airforce Electronic Warfare jamming! Ha! take that butcher regime!

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

no one on Earth or anywhere in this universe can compete with or outsmart the vastly superior Jewish brains!

Hasbara Hunter

Piss off Parasitic Piece of Hasbararat-Vermin….


Unlike your cancer you call brain, he knows to distinguish a flag from another

Hasbara Hunter

Fuck you too piece of Kosher Pig Shit… you two cunts must be workin’ in the same office….


How is to have no idea how to use a search engine in 2019, useless piece of trash?

Hasbara Hunter

?????????? IS THAT ALL YOU GOT AFTER ALL THIS TIME????!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!! YOU FOLKS ARE MO’ STUPID THAN I EVER THOUGHT!!!! BWAHAHAHA…..wot a fucken retards…wot a DUMB PIECE OF KOSHER PIG SHIT YOU FOLKS TRULY ARE….I expected a little more from you Parasite…

cristi cristikosk

jewish/neanderthal brains..yeah..


70 years israel has had the ” best most advanced weapons on Earth “, hundreds of billions of dollars from its superpower backers, etc and Palestinian kids scare you cowards with rocks…lmao, your superiority is in being advanced in being shysters, black-mailers and thieves.

Hasbara Hunter

Go Home Filthy Cockroach…send my regards to your Khazarian Mossad Mongols back home in Hell Aviv


Go fuck yourself Israeli fucktard


Back to your trash talking again? You are just a pathetic, lying idiot. :)

Hasbara Hunter

It is always nice to watch AngloZioNazi-Mercenaries Die….the more the better…Killem All..including their Western Instructors…Bring in Mo’ Body Bags

Icarus Tanović

That’s right. As for that stupid question from where they’re getting weapons, how about looking westwards? And that is only one way. Saudis can never win this war. This will become theirs pet cemetery, motherfucking burial ground for them. I wish Yemenis and Ansar Allah shhoot down some f16 and hit Al Burj building with some cruise missiles. That would shake shit in them. And in Zio-anglo-wahhabis.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Do not mess with the houthis, you will get sniped/droned/blown up/shot lol

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