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MARCH 2025

Combing Operation And Street Shooting: Israel Does Not Sleep Well Amid Iranian Threat To Revenge

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Combing Operation And Street Shooting: Israel Does Not Sleep Well Amid Iranian Threat To Revenge

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Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) are allegedly providing a combing operation  in the northern part of Israel. An infiltration attempt was likely made on the Lebanese border.

Dozens of 155 mm flares were fired in the area of Margaliot – Manara, located in the Upper Galilee adjacent to the Lebanese border.

Intense Air Forces activity was reported over the area. Videos from the area proved that IDF helicopters were deployed in the operation. IDF drones were used over the area.

Combing Operation And Street Shooting: Israel Does Not Sleep Well Amid Iranian Threat To Revenge

Two persons were arrested.

The scale of the combing operation proves that Israel is fearing an Iranian response to the assassination of a top nuclear scientist on November 27 and placed its forces in high alert.

Explosions and gunfire were reportedly heard in the Kafr Akab area, which is located North of Jerusalem. People armed with machine guns were seen going down  the streets of the town.

Amid the Iranian threat, Israel also increased security at its embassies across the globe, claiming that Israeli diplomats has already been targeted by Iran in the past. Tel Aviv also called on Jewish communities all over the world to be more vigilant.


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He He,those gangsters are scared of their own shadow

Jens Holm

Muslims cant die. Allah has no space. Even ISIS and other selfdetonaters are adviced only to kill themself – or they will get 72 of the ones they have killed as virgins.

Alekai Mordechai

Israelis and the unhinged love for 72 virgins.

I wonder who loves them more. These rabbid islamists or the isralies and their ilks.

Zionism = EVIL

Israeli officer implicated in endemic sex crimes ring and of taking hundreds of inappropriate photos of female soldiers and blackmailing them. This is the sick condition of IDF perverts, and then you wonder why they are shit scared of Iran and Hezbollah.


Jens Holm

Can I get his phone number:)

Only Jews do like that, and if You dint like his shoecolor, You would write that too.

I will remind You. the criminal has been caught by their police. By that such crime is forbidden in Israel too.

Writing like that makes YOU as the PERVERT.

Zionism = EVIL

I am only going to comment once on this issue, as the resident idiots have beaten this issue to death. There is a major Iranian and Axis of Resistance strike coming on the Zionist entity that will be unlike anything we have seen before, I am also certain of the timing, but there is no point discussing it. Just wait and watch and you can bank this post at your nearest Jew bank.

Lone Ranger

Grabbing popcorn…

Vox Populi

Iran will keep the Zionists off-balance with strategic patience and will not strike for a while as President Rouhani clearly elaborated.

“We will respond to the assassination of Martyr Fakhrizadeh in a proper time,” Rouhani said. “The Iranian nation is smarter than falling into the trap of the Zionists. They are thinking to create chaos.”


I will save your comment, and I will wait for the strike from Iran.

Vox Populi

Israel is a morally bankrupt failed state and is in the process of self-destruct and these are desperate acts to get the US involved in a swan song war with Iran that will lead to regional destruction. Even the Saudi idiot MBS, whose Ethiopian Jew mother raised him as a Zionist, did not buy into Nethanyahu’s propaganda at their “secret meeting” with insane Pompeo.

Lone Ranger

You know you are crazy when zio headchoppers and Pimpeo tells you to slow down…

Free man

Israel is very afraid of Iran and Hezbollah. Iran’s strategic restraint frightens Israel even more. Hezbollah’s tactical restraint frightens Israel in an extraordinary way. Israelis, out of cowardice, will continue to attack Iranian forces in Syria and things will continue to explode in Iran. All of course out of immense cowardice. I really appreciate your smart psychological analyzes. Smart cornywell.

Jimmy Jim


Jimmy Jim


Blas de Lezo

What Israel should be doing is increasing defenses for its gas platforms, transmission pipelines and floating gas facilities in case of aerial drone or undersea drone attacks.

Black Waters

I have a better idea, incredible actually. A revolutionary idea indeed… STOP attacking your neighbours and provoking half of the world, you’ll live a much peaceful and better life.

Blas de Lezo

Yes, yes but that would be so boring.

Bruno Gama

Not Boring is being an Apartheid State… It´s Shameful. It´s a shame on the history of the Jews being the Opressors now… after all they have passed

Graham Steinberg

But this MALICIOUS, barbaric ‘neighbour’ ? It has an ADDICTION to ‘kill for thrills’ with impunity.Like a heroin user that’s waiting for the next injection in the arm……..

Zionism = EVIL

Not going to help, but a good idea to keep the Zionist cowards on their paws, what the Iranians have in mind is something totally different and will be a new benchmark. They will keep the Zionists in diapers for a long time before the strike comes out like a bolt of lightening with multiple dimensions.

Graham Steinberg

Ultimately their arrogance & superiority obsession, will bring them undone.

Reckon when the strike hits, it will be HUGE & look fwd to it !

Vox Populi

The Iranians are preparing a strategic asymmetrical warfare platform for a long conflict and their strike will be multi-dimensional and cover many fronts. Their strategic planner General Bagheri who is a very quiet sort of a low key person alluded to it. They will do nothing until all the chess pieces are on the board. It was the Persians who invented Chess.


Zionists are in hubris that comes right before the end.

Joe Kerr

Not sure how reliable your sources are for this, but Iran would be better off nuking up first… take a cue from NK.

Jens Holm

That makes no sense too. You have been under Your bed blanket again with no friday washing.

Jens Holm

A victory for Iran and semilars:

Israel cant sleep. Hahaha.

Joe Kerr

Sure Israeli’s will find insomnia very funny, but only if they have no brain… like you.


Perhaps Israel should refrain from assassination.

Jens Holm


Its very much both ways. Maybee hen and egg covers better, but I see too many little ones pretending they are roosters.

At least hens are laying eggs even we kill many ot them and their chickens.

Jens Holm

The no brainer are those, which assume Israelians cry a river or feel fear.

They are not like that kind of people. They acts and make solutions with no siting on hands blaming others.

Alekai Mordechai

Oy gevalt they do cry a river.

Just cos you can’t lick their tear doesn’t mean they don’t leak.

Jens Holm

I look aboput military and political facts on a sober way. Sober is neutral and not licking. Mayee Ypou are used to licking and think I and Jews are like You.

Sober neutral statistiscs and how things actually are, are ignored by You.

Ypu can only use bad words, so You cant see the declining by fx Lebanon, Syria, Tyrkey and Iran.

You are raised to be lied for as obeyer for any silly flags assisted by fobic fear and bajonets.

Israel has their big problems, but they are to handle for them, because You are as they are.

Now go back and take Afrin, Azazor other parts taken by Turks and Helpers. If You dont like that You can take the American SDF parts. If You dont like that, You can resettle 10 million Syrians, so they can produce and make the Syrian private property by the Baathist do well.

Alekai Mordechai

You aren’t as sober as you claim to be. You simply carry narratives said by your ilks.

“Neutral”?? good laugh.

It the american political cycle people on the other side of the atlantic exploits.

israel’s “big problems” are solve through Trump administration. You give too importance to one entity like myth, where as several actors plays vastly larger role. A dependent nation can only pull as far …… thanks god Trump was there eh??

Lets not bother with rest of your drivel.


You have escaped the institution again Holm. How did you do it this time? By dressing as a chimpanzee? No, probably not. You wouldn’t need a disguise for that one . ..


Frankly, the nutter just wants attention and best be ignored.

Free man

“They acts and make solutions with no siting on hands” – So true. The nuclear facility in Natanz explodes, the chief nuclear scientist is killed with all his bodyguards. And the IEGC has no idea who did it. Stunning.

Joe Kerr

They don’t want to soil their hands by placing them under a wet, smelly diaper. After all, cleanliness is next to dogliness.

Free man

Maybe you didn’t understand what happened. A few days ago someone liquidated Iran’s top nuclear science and its bodyguards, near Tehran. Without the mullahs regime having a faint idea who did it. Who do you think having diarrhea in his diaper out of fear? (Not in the one on his head).

Joe Kerr

Who did it? Cui bono, the motive and the means. Don’t kid yourself, everyone knows, which is why no-one (including the diaper-soiled Israelis) will be surprised when the reply comes.

Jens Holm

Mordors gives me minus 10 and 8. Im so proud.

Free man

I saw a satellite image of Israel from last night, and all the lights were on. They apparently ate kosher popcorn and waited for the Iranian revenge. How many years can people stay awake?

Fog of War

But Islam is morally superior to the hedonistic, materialistic west !


Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

This is the real Black Friday.

Arch Bungle

It’s only fair. The White Man colonises, bombs and rapes Africa. Africa has a lot of counter-raping, colonising and bombing to do to catch up.

I’d say bend over and take it like a man, whitey …

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

The white man bought slaves from Africans. How do you think Africans got slaves for sale.

Fog of War

“Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

– Mark Twain

Arch Bungle

What point are you trying to make?

Jens Holm

We see it all the time. They come here in millions and try hard to decline. We have them empliyed in Our many museum center, where they try hard to decline to the Stoneage.

Thats why so many support Assads and the Jihadists in the muslims countries.

Muslims are succesfull lowering their women for buy and sales. Soon the muslim men will be for buy and sales too. Differences will remain. The women today are lower then small old Toyotas and men still will be above them in a kind of rusty Mercedes level.

In Islam there are disputes if bow and arrow shopuld be allowed in their version of stoneage.

Lone Ranger

Why would anybody try to infiltrate during full moon…?

Zionism = EVIL

There is a not infiltration of Palestine at any level, the ZionistCUNTS are shit scared as their agenda is failing. There is a mega strike coming and I even know the timing, but will not disclose any details for obvious reasons. The best is to keep the Zionists in diapers, but you guys can save my post as this will be the only one on the subject and will comment only after the strike.

Jens Holm

Ecco chamner scared by the deep dark state created by Your kind.

Fog of War

” There is a mega strike coming and I even know the timing ”

To open ended. Within a week ? A month ? A decade ? See where I’m going with this ?

Not very Nostradamus-like.

Bruno Gama

The Documentary “The Gatekeepers” 2012, shows the history of Shin Bet, by the own words of 5 of it´s former leaders… And shows how Israel has become, from the home from the persecuted to a Unethical and Morally corrupt Apartheid country. Not that Iran or KSA are different. All Islamic theocracies are cancers. But Israel has the West in it´s hands… and lures it with it´s progressive policies. For Jews and domesticated Arabs only, of course. “The Gatekeepers” was criticized by Likudniks, Bibi tried to censure it, of course. It shows the beggining of “Target Killing”, and the results, more and more terror attacks. I believe that Jews in the World should ask for formal Israeli protection, because Israeli government put their lives at danger! Or else, sue Israel! In the end, what´s the point in having the most powerful army in the ME if you can´t sleep… Or like in 2006 have to hide in Bunkers, because Hezbollah pounded Israel with missiles. Likudniks have destroyed Israel essence, not Iran. They have killed Rabin, and Oslo Peace. Rabin was going to form a legitimate reconciliation with the Arabs, not the Actual Farcical One, that buys UAE, KSA, etc, and was brutally killed by a Likudnik. Likudniks are the greatest threat to the existence of Israel, not Iran.

johnny rotten

This is exactly how the tyrant ends his criminal career, in fear that the victims will come to bring you the bill that you cannot repay, eventually you will spend your days trying to hide and deny the monstrous sins that no one can erase, you better keep one last shot for yourself, because the victims claim the right to make you suffer for what you deserve.

Bruno Gama

Iran will not attack now. It will keep quiet, letting Trump “administration” fearing a devastating blow not to Israel but to the entire Persian Gulf… You know, why they call it “Persian Gulf”? It has Iranian Coast all along… If the Houthis or Kataib Hezbollah could cut 10% of world production of Oil like they did in 2019 Saudi Arabian attack… what Iran, with probable more than 300k ballistic missiles could do with the Oil Infrastructure of Persian Gulf? Remember the attack of Ayn-Al Assad Base last Year didn´t you? The Americans have a “headache”… brain injured they already are. Be prepared for a Brent at $600 in the case of a War against Iran… This target killing was a gift for the Iranians… Not strategic at all… Israel was trying to push Trump to a War… Failed…

Anyway, maybe it´s a “Russian Move”, an “Active Measure”…hahaha… Oil prices at 500/600 will make their pockets full at maximum… and the West decline absolutely inevitable… Iran was clear: a War will be Total War, so… Forget those beautiful Oasis in UAE, Qatar, KSA, Kuwait… it will all become waste… Israel will be probably military untouched. It´s much more easy and pays much more to Iran to completely destroy the Oil and Gas Infrastructure of Persian Gulf, attacking Israeli/American allies like Bahrain, Kuwait, UAE, KSA, Qatar and Oman, they should be worried now… How many years it will take to rebuild them? And in the end probably they will not attack… The new US Government will cut the wings of Israeli Hawks…

Potato Man

More and more people are disliking Zion around the world…I wonder why YOUNG people are pissed about them. Zion fukers weren’t really likeable in first place ¯_(° ͜ʖ °)_/¯

Vox Populi

This latest Zionist crime is even bringing Turkey and Iran together.

Jens Holm

Why not. Both for vey good reasons hardly has any friends snif snif :)


Vox Populi

Israeli assassination of retired Iranian scientist counterproductive:Western intelligence analysis

US intelligence analysts believe Israel will ultimately not gain anything by this assassination because Iran’s nuclear programme is no longer dependent on individuals, having a firm structure and a large number of young scientists in place. Iranian nuclear progam is now too diversified and spread out to be impacted by the death of a single individual.

“Netanyahu made Israel more unsafe with this assassination,” the US and western intelligence agencies have concluded in reference to the Israeli prime minister’s boasts of singling out Dr. Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, an eminent retired nuclear scientist, who was now only nominally associated with Iran’s growing nuclear infrastructure.

“The list of Iranian scientists assassinated by Israel has grown longer and Iran’s security organisations feel pressured to retaliate in order to keep the psychological balance and make a political reprisal.” The report concluded by stating that Israel largely failed to get the US involved in a war with Iran in the dying days of Trump presidency and the Persians with well known strategic patience will definitely extract revenge at a time and place of their own choosing.


Frankly, such Israeli arrogant crimes will lead to its demise. Even China has taken the unusual step of criticizing western hypocrisy at remaining silent at blatant murder of an elderly scientist.

“Western countries have remained silent about this barbaric and shameless act,” wrote Global Times editor-in-chief Hu Xijin. Chinese official media normally channels the thinking of the state.

“Imagine if a leading scientist from the U.S. or the U.K. was assassinated, what kind of tsunami of public condemnation would that cause?”

Fog of War

What about Russia ? Where’s their condemnation ?


infiltration attempt from the north -guess they refer to hezbollah and in their wet trousers nightmare – the odious creeps are scared shitless and will shoot at anything moving, south north or east. but rest assured, hezbollah like the iranians are patient and when time is ripe the jews in palestine will be wiped off the face of the world, once and for all.

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