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MARCH 2025

Commander Of Iranian Ground Forces Vows To Liberate Syria’s Golan Heights From Israel

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Commander Of Iranian Ground Forces Vows To Liberate Syria’s Golan Heights From Israel

Brig. Gen. Kioumars Heydari, commander of the Islamic Republic of Iran Army Ground Forces. Source: mehrnews.com

Brig. Gen. Kioumars Heydari, commander of the Islamic Republic of Iran Army Ground Forces, has vowed to liberate Syria’s Golan Heights, which were occupied by Israel in the 1967 war.

“We chased the enemies up to the Golan Heights, we will soon climb the Golan and bring down the Zionist entity,” Brig. Gen. Heydari said during an address at an Army Day parade in Tehran on April 18.

Last month, the U.S. recognized Israel’s sovereignty over the occupied Golan Heights. The step was condemned by Russia, Iran, the European Union, the Arab League and even Turkey.

The Iranian commander went on to criticize another decision by the U.S. that recognizes the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist group. Heydari said that the decision will endanger U.S. troops in the Middle East.

“[The decision] Makes the US military an occupying terrorist force that will not enjoy security anywhere in the world,” Heydari added.

Two days ago, the Iranian Parliament passed a bill designating the U.S. Army Central Command (CENTCOM) operating in the Middle East as a terrorist group. The bill was a response to Washington’s recent decision against the IRGC.

Brig. Gen. Heydari’s remarks show that Iran is going to respond to the U.S. hostile foreign policy in the Middle East, which has already put the region to the brink of a new war.

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Zionism = EVIL

Iran needs to talk less and start a war of liberation in the region along with all resistance groups without any sectarian overtones. Iran would gain far more respect in the Arab world if it created alliances with Sunni groups who are also fed up with Zionist and Americunt brutality, occupation and humiliation. Under Ahmadinejad Iran had gained a lot of respect and admiration in the Arab and Muslim world, especially after Hezbollah spanked the cowardly Zionist scum. A asymmetrical war to liberate Palestine, Golan and Shebba Farms would do wonders to lift Palestinian spirits and resistance would grow.


Liberating the Golan requires winning the Syrian war first. And getting Iraq on board with that would end the war quickly by denying the US access to NE Syria. Which will bring the Kurds to the negotiating table to end their Yinon plan partition project.


I think bankrupt US would be the main prelude to this.

Promitheas Apollonious

you can not bankrupt what already is bankrupted beyond the point of return.

Jens Holm

USA is not bankrupt at all. It woinbt even be allowed to be bankrupt. Even the chinese will help.

You must be comparing with Your own lousy version of primitive economy as its worst. We are not like that at all.

The world largets GDP being very productive dont says so at all. You are in Muhammed Economics in 650.


Yes Jens, turbo capitalistic neo liberal economic theory is not a house of cards. Keep telling you that! And while the Chinese will try to prevent a breakdown of the US, this will come with a price, IF the chinese could help at all. Their economy isnt as stable as it seems. A breakdown is only a matter of time, and now that the most important world economys have already used up all tricks they had in the last financial crisis, the next one will see a much bigger fallout.


Western demand is falling, and eastern demand is rising, the US could just go into a gradual decline like Britain did, but that’s not their style, they will go out like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, in a hail of bullets.


I will try to keep this simple for you. GDP is measured in dollars, it’s not based on productivity, just the dollars. Because US production has been falling since 2008, the US prints dollars, and gives them away to banks, so the number of dollars increases, and that way they can claim their GDP is growing. Currently it costs the US $1.25 to create $1.00 of extra GDP.

A loaf of bread is exactly the same loaf of bread at 1 dollar, or 1000 dollars. The US stock price goes up, because the companies borrow freshly printed dollars and use them to buy their own stock, not because the companies are making a profit. US debt is currently increasing by $1 trillion dollars a year, and rising. Eventually it will cost a thousand bucks to buy a loaf of bread, and idiots like you will say look how rich they are.

Jens Holm

Your comment show well how little You know about our economies.

Robert Ferrin

Coming sooner then you think as they spread chaos not only all over the world but at home as well.!!


I think it is you that knows little, in previous posts your economic ignorance is very obvious.

Hisham Saber

The U.S., British and French Special Forces and their little bases in NE Syria are not really an obstacle, even with their Kurdish lackeys.

They are sitting in hostile territory lived in by Arab tribes who have held big meetings, even some Iraqi tribes have come to these meetings, and the tribes have announced that they will evict the ‘ occupiers’ with force if necessary. And there have been some attacks already starting on SDF forces in Hasaka, Al-Raqqa and Deir Ezzor.

On the Iraqi-Syrian border you have the Iraqi Hashd Al-Shaabi , or PMU’s, who are essentially the Iraqi military, Iraqi Hezbollah and an assortment of militias. They are loyal to Iran and answer to IRGC Gen. Sulemenei, who answers directly to Ayatollah Khamenei.

On the western side of the Euphrates, you have the Syrian Arab Army, NDF and auxiliaries, the IRGC, Hezbollah, about 35-40 thousand Afghan volunteers brought in by Iran, as Iran has millions of Afghan refugees. There are a few thousand Chechens, some working for the Russian MoD, most are volunteers. You got a confederation of Arab and Assyrian tribes, loyal to the Bashar government.

So, in the event of hostilities, NE Syria will quickly be retaken, as the U.S., British and French, along with the miserably performing Kurdish SDF will be but a small speedbump. Same goes for the Al-Tanf U.S. base. Heck, the French for instance, have only 200 Special Forces and 12 howitzers. A mockery of a force, the same for the U.S., and Britain.

Basically, the forces of the axis of resistance have the occupiers in Syria, and their Kurdish lackeys in what military egis is called a ‘ double envelopment maneuver ‘ . A giant pincer.

Iran, Iraq and Syria hold the upper hand all the way.


Nobody is debating that the Syrian government coalition ground forces out gun the Kurds and NATO ground forces. Assuming that they can advance with air cover and without getting hit by US air strikes of the type that have occurred throughout the war.

The Russians aren’t willing to provide air cover for an advance on SDF held territory at this time, and the Syrian air force is no match for NATO on it’s own. NATO ground supplies and air cover supporting the SDF is unlikely to come from Turkey. That leaves only Iraq allowing NATO, primarily US, supplies and air support for the SDF.

If Syrian government coalition ground forces could advance with air cover and without getting hit with air strikes to shut down the SDF partition project. They would have done it already.

The Syrian government coalition’s air power deficit can be addressed in one or two ways. Putting the equipment in place to expand the no fly zone over SDF held areas, and or getting Iraq to stop supporting the partition project by allowing NATO to use it’s land and airspace in support of the partition project.

Hisham Saber

On April 13th, 2018, when the U.S., Britain and France unleashed cruise missiles at Syrian installations, where most were intercepted, the very next day, Iraqi Hashd Al-Shaabi, or PMU’s forces surrounded the two U.S. bases in Iraq, one right ouside Baghdad, the other just north of Tikrit. They PMU’s, who answer to IRGC Gen. Sulemenei, who answers directly to Ayatollah Khamenei, surrounded the two bases and threatened that if they were to engage, or take part in attacks on Syria, they themselves would be attacked and destroyed. The commanders of the two U.S. bases complained to the Iraqi government, who brushed them aside.

The next day, a spokesman for the U.S. State Dept. came out and declared that the Iraqi leader of the PMU’s was a terrorist, and the Iraqi government complained about this. The Iraqi PMU’s are in effect the Iraqi armed forces.

U.S. coalition air power alone will not have much of an effect on the forces aligned against the U.S., British and French, with the SDF. The forces of the axis of resistance are very mobile, and have an extensive arsenal of short range ballistic missiles at their disposal, thanks in large part to Iran and the IRGC.

Its just not the time to exert maximum pressure on the U.S. et al in NE Syria just yet. And Iran is happy to have them there as a means of a lucrative target if things go to a serious conflict. In essence, they are targets and hostages.

Israel, which had total air superiority in the 33 day war with Hezbollah in 2006 were not able to change a damn thing on the ground. 75,000 IDF troops and two armored battalions with 400 Merkava MBT’s could not even take and hold small Lebanese border villages. It was a comprehensive rout that will go down in the annals of military history as an embarrassing defeat for Israel, and a divine victory for Hezbollah. 4500 Hezbollah ‘ regulars’ were the only resistance at the time, since Hezbollah has its Special Forces and Commandos stationed just north of the Litani Line, and saw no action. Now imagine if they were present at the front. The battle would have carried over deep inside Israel proper.

And lets not forget the Arab tribes of NE Syria, who will , or already have been armed by Syrian intelligence, according to sources, that will also join the fray.

U.S. airpower is simply not as effective as one would think. And in the case of NE Syria, the time will soon come when the U.S. et al will be forced out, along with their Kurdish lackeys. Same goes for Al-Tanf, with its 400 soldiers only. They are sitting ducks, and at any moment they can be neutralized. And there is not much the U.S. coalition et al can do about it. The U.S. simply cant, nor is it ready for a major outbreak of hostilities in the region.

S Melanson

Well said and informative. I largely agree with your take on Eastern Syria.


The SDF supported by NATO air power, supplies and troops on the ground has held the Syrian government coalition at bay for years due to a lack of air support from Russia, Syria and Iran for any advances by the Syrian government coalition ground forces against the SDF.

Are you suggesting that the Syrian government coalition should fight the SDF without air cover while the SDF has NATO air cover and the Iraq government is allowing the SDF to receive air cover, troops and supplies from NATO and their Jew world order partners in crime?

The problem is a lack of air cover for Syrian government coalition operations against the SDF and Iraq working hand in glove with Syria’s enemies.


So far the Iranians have been all talk and nothing else.

Allan Greedspoon

What do you suggest they do Shlomo?


Start by shoving a pole up your rear end.

Allan Greedspoon

How dare you treat your main global supporters, protectors and political assets in such a rude way? We give you billions every year, we supply cutting-edge military technology, our media covers for your slaughter of the Palestinians and we bend our knees to Mossad and AIPAC . . .and this is your ungrateful response . . . ?


Have they? It is thanks to their contribution that the US-created and US-supported Takfiri terrorist organisation Daesh has been all but eliminated from Syria.

No kiddo, the talk is on the side of the Ĵůđęō-Ŋąžĩ (term coined by the late Israeli Orthodox Jewish professor and philosopher Yeshayahu Leibowitz) regime that only dares to take on defenceless civilians, incl. children. The last time it faced a real opponent, Lebanon 2006, it got such a whipping from Hezbollah it begged for a ceasefire.

Jens Holm

I hope You are a cook and have many toilets, where You are :) More then handwashing is needed.

You lie severtal times and bias things as in extacy. Be a Takfir Yourself. The Choran dont say You have to lie all the time – It says You can if needed.

You are far beyond that. Freee Palestine fromsomeone like You.

Hasbara Hunter

Buzz off Filthy ZioNazi Gris….


Well now, that is interesting. If it is not too much of an intellectual challenge for someone like you, please explain what I am lying about.


Dont take the bait, it just our villiage idiot troll Jens. Wasted energy.

Robert Ferrin

You trolls are working overtime today,must be their masters are unhappy.!!!


Give an example of Iranian victory in Syria over the enemies of Syria? Honestly, I can’t think or recollect of one.


The Iranians and their proxies have been involved in the majority of battles in Syria from 2015 onward. Played a vital role along with Russia to bolster Syrian forces. I also doubt Russia would have even showed up to Syria had it not thought Iran and Hezbollah would show up.

Astrid Watanabe

The Iranians seem to be the true friends of Syria, the Russians not really.

Gregory Casey

That looks increasingly more like the truth.


As long as the FUKUS team and its takfiri terrorist proxy boots on the ground were the only ones opposing Daesh, the latter were able to expand ! As soon as Russia, Iran and Hezbollah were invited in the tide turned.

Hasbara Hunter

The Iranians have been doing a GREAT job Slaughtering the American…ISISraeli & ZIONATO Headchoppers…If it’s up to me the Iranians Butcher them All including their American, British, French, ISISraeli & ZIONATO Instructors & Intelligence…Send Mo’ Bodybags to the West…the More the Better…

Jens Holm

I see none of that. How many americans is it every mont, year month ???

1/8 , a 1/17, a 1/24 ?????

They only butcher sunni sheep like You.

Hasbara Hunter

It is time to Slaughter some ZioNazi Dansk Gris…I presume you got some meat on Your Bones boy…we will turn you into a Pork Pie…according an Old Viking Recipe…

Promitheas Apollonious

then you have not been following what is happening in syria and lebanon and you are focused out of focus.


According to who and what makes you the expert? Your comment reflects the same attitude as the US neocon’s delusional belief in their own self importance and that they are right. Sorry but you don’t judge and you are not always correct. If you have an opinion that contradicts another then state the facts instead of accusations.


Nowadays its so difficult to log in and post on south front. That is why I don’t post frequently. Southfront are discouraging journalists.

Hasbara Hunter

It seems to be something external….I have the same problems…

Jens Holm

Maybee. I have no problems here. One or two of my comments suddenly is not there, but sometimes I know why.

Hasbara Hunter

I know why too….there’s sum Buggers on my Phone…and you are with’m Buggers…so the Buggers won’t bother you…but they keep Bugging me….


South front have added the google login option which takes time, ask for select all cars or cross roads or traffic signals etc. to login.

Iyad Khaddour

They are suffering funding problems which may be the cause of technical issues negligence, those who can donate, please do

Jens Holm

I dont see that.

You might even be a reason for needed changes Yourself :)



Hasbara Hunter

There are some minor problems with posting though…but it can also be my Phone


Iran represent 2 billion Muslims while Saudis represent only Zionists.

Jens Holm

And You are Haram.


Judging from his other comments, he just another fool who thinks his islamistic extremism could help his poor soul.

Hasbara Hunter

Dansk Gris are Haram

Hasbara Hunter

The Divided States of Murica…The United Kingdom…ISISraHell & France…Global Terrorists…The World’s Biggest Threat to Humanity….Chop’m up…Bring’m Down…Kick Them Out of the Middle East & Elsewhere….


Big mout can not bite.

David Wadström

The russians are playing their power games but Iran is a true friend of the Syrian people.


Iran is looking after its own interests. The sanctions have prevented Iran from prospering, and the US sanctions are to please Israel. The deal Obama did with Iran was in Americas interest, but Israel did not like it, because they want to rule the ME, and Iran is the only country in the region that could stop them. So if Iran destroys Israel, the US would probably back off once Israels control over the US is removed. Also a direct route to the Med would prevent an American naval blockade being effective.

Iran is not sending its young men into harms way simply because the Arabs couldn’t organize a root in a brothel.


Maybe so, but one more round of tough talk is no evidence one way or another. Iran knows the score: if the US decides to start a war against them, they’ll be essentially alone. So Iran mostly just sits tight as the US continues to occupy 1/3 of Syria’s territory, and Israel gleefully bombs the place left and right. Understandable perhaps, but it shows that Iran has neither the determination nor the capability to stand up for Syria for real.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Anyone who opposes the Synagogue of Satan get’s labeled a Terrorist by Jews. From Jesus to Adolf to Iranians. Same label on the same type of truth carriers. https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img921/2731/895HXw.jpg

Allan Greedspoon

This is what Jesus would do if He was alive today . . LMAO

Cheryl Brandon


Cheryl Brandon


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