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Commando: Jewish Edition – IDF Soldiers Receive Anti-Thermal Vision Stone-Pattern Camouflage

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Commando: Jewish Edition - IDF Soldiers Receive Anti-Thermal Vision Stone-Pattern Camouflage

Thought this was a stone, right? Wrong, it’s a concealed IDF soldier!

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) R&D Office (IAFAT) has developed a new modern personal and group concealment system for the IDF’s soldiers.

In the near future, this camouflage should go into service with mobile infantry brigades.

The system was named “Erka 300” (“Kit 300”), in honor of the famous 300 Spartans, who failed to defend the Thermopylae from the Persians.

In this situation the metaphor is quite obvious, since Iran is where Persia was located in ancient history.

This was reported on January 16th by Israeli outlet Ynet.

This is, as can be seen in the video, a modernized version of the camouflage already used in special forces and the IDF commando brigade.

The run-of-the-mill infantry units used old techniques, some dating back to WW2: the use of scrap materials (bushes and branches), face paint, camouflage nets and more.

The IDF believes that even the relative advantage that its infantry had over its adversaries (whom it refers to as terrorists) in recent years has decreased, due to the supply of the latter with modern night vision equipment and even radar for reconnaissance of ground targets.

This was the main motivation for the development of new means of concealment. These funds were created by MAFAT jointly with the Israeli company Polaris Solutions Ltd. They are based on a special fabric developed by the company. The mass of the individual camouflage per 1 soldier is about 350 grams.

With the help of this fabric, it is possible to create a group shelter for an entire unit in a battlefield.

It is also possible to camouflage equipment, for example, Humvee jeeps.

Commando: Jewish Edition - IDF Soldiers Receive Anti-Thermal Vision Stone-Pattern Camouflage

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Commando: Jewish Edition - IDF Soldiers Receive Anti-Thermal Vision Stone-Pattern Camouflage

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Commando: Jewish Edition - IDF Soldiers Receive Anti-Thermal Vision Stone-Pattern Camouflage

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Unlike the old camouflage devices suitable for use in ambushes, the new camouflage allows the hidden movement of foot forces.

The new disguise was tested in the IDF infantry brigades in recent months, and the results were successful. According to Dr. Guy, head of the region (“Rosh Thum”) of combat technologies at MAFAT (who is also responsible for camouflage development), soldiers need to be able to work with the new technology, but the training is quite simple.

The key is to choose the right color, such as desert shades for the south or green for the north. The fabric used is thin but very durable. It can be shaped into various forms, for example, artificial rocks to mask the position of a sniper or a stretcher shelter that covers both the wounded and the soldiers carrying him. The system has already been tested in the harsh summer (extreme heat) and winter (heavy rain) conditions typical of Israel.

Most notably, it is a TVC Substance – meaning that it is a Thermal visual concealment substance that enables concealing objects in the ever-changing battlefield from wide types of sensors.

It comes in the following sizes and color patterns:


Total Weight: 390 gr per sqm

Thickness: 40 microns


Total Weight: 550 gr per sqm

Thickness: 45 microns


Total Weight: 700 gr per sqm

Thickness: 50 microns

Dimensions: Max roll width – 1.25m

Patterns: Light Stone, Dark Stone, Woodland, Desert.

It’s still missing some sort of snow-covered pattern, but it’s probably just a matter of time.

The company – “Polaris Pitronot” was founded in 2009.

Its founders – two of them former special forces of the IDF, set themselves the goal of creating different solutions for special forces soldiers. The fabric mentioned above was developed in 2013.

Various products can be found in the catalogs on the company’s website. The company uses two brand names for its products: RAJUGA (advanced camouflage technology) and OSO GEAR (durable tactical textiles). The products are used by special forces not only in the IDF, but also in other countries around the world.


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Arch Bungle

Useless. These chickens are too scared to fight in the dark anyway.

Great Khan

hahahahahaha now Zionist mamtu hide under ROCK…..hahahahhaah


But they are brave enough to kill women and children after stealing their lands.



IAF Bomb Syria by night and Iraq on Monday night …. eh?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

It will be great, as long as there’s rocks all the way to their objective. And nobody sees them moving along their route. But rocks provide that cover anyway, lol.


I understand that there will be a 3 person version for IDF bonding sessions.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

There has to be room for the Mothers too. No good Jewish boy can do without them, lol.


Yes, I forgot that important aspect. Shame on me :)

rightiswrong rightiswrong

John Wallace pointed out to me the tale of Portnoy’s Complaint, which I hadn’t heard of before, but its comparisons with Howard Wolowitz in Big Bang, is very similar, though both written decades apart. Add Frued, who couldn’t say enough about the idea of men being dominated by their Mothers, and you can see why they have big mouths, but always need others to do there fighting.


100% of Bidens picks for senior minster level posts are jewish and who held senior posts during and before Obama’s reign.

It appears that Black people, as well as white,brown and yellow people ( jews do not consider themselves to be white or any colour) are not wanted in Bidens world.

Biden of course just another sock puppet for the deep state, as we know.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

He’s keeping more Trump policies than he’s throwing out, and Fauci is staying also. I see Bezos is now offering Amazon to roll out the poison quicker, what a difference a new President makes, NOT. lol


Amazon only wants to replicate the global lungs of the Amazon rain forests with Amazon deliveries as the global delivery godsend :)

rightiswrong rightiswrong

How many of his small competitors are banned from trading to certain countries, while his Deep State company can deliver all over.

A number of delivery companies now cannot deliver to this country. The EU has a lot of states, how many others are affected?


I would think that all the EU states are affected. The technocratic and unelected EU ministers will , I am sure, be close to the ‘Amazons’ of the corporate world.

Money has always been a reliable ‘deal maker’.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Even the Monopoly money that we use Florian, lol.


I must look out my generations old Monopoly game to get ready then :) I am a Monopoly millionaire with loads of cash and properties, even when in jail in fantasy world. :)


America is what has kept the International Jews squatting on Arab soil.


Washington, October 9, 1973

Nixon: Dinitz (Zionist ambassador to the US) has to keep the pro-Israel group off our back.

Nixon: Why do we have such lousy tanks? Let’s give them some M–60 tanks. It would give them great assurance if we could eventually give them laser bombs. Let’s go ahead on the consumables. But the quid pro quo is to tell Golda to call off the Jewish Community in this country. If it gets hairy, we may need to do more.

Kissinger: But not today.

The President: The Israelis must not be allowed to lose. How about sneaking in planes and tanks?

Kissinger: We can wait until Thursday. If the Israelis for the first time were pushed back by Arabs . . .

The President: Let’s identify the tanks and planes on a contingency basis—in Europe.

Kissinger: We want to stick by Israel now so they won’t turn on you during the diplomatic phase.


Washington, October 10, 1973

Nixon: There is a serious situation in the Middle East. It has developed into something tougher than the Israelis anticipated.

Kissinger: The Israelis were caught with their pants down —unmobilized.

Nixon: The Israeli tank losses have been extremely heavy. We won’t violate the confidence by giving you figures, but they are far heavier than anticipated.

Kissinger: If the Arabs start to win, all the Arabs will jump in. Israel has suffered the equivalent of 100,000 killed.

Nixon: We will not let Israel go down the tube.


Arch Bungle

The israelis will tell you that “they did it all by themselves”. They’re liars of course but they believe their lies fervently.


They were looking for a place to dump them and they used the biblical fiction to dump them on Arab soil – and we must – by any means necessary – find a way to dump them back. ….. The Minister in Rumania (Gunther) to the Secretary of State Bucharest, February 10, 1941.

Dr. Hermann Neubacher, formerly Mayor of Vienna said the Jews are a problem which concerns all of Europe, if not the whole world. After the war, a conference of all great powers will have to be called to settle this problem. A space must be found large enough for 15–20 million people where the Jews can be settled. They must be able to take means with them, and they must have help from all countries, to be able to get started. A strong international commission will have to be formed to direct and supervise this work.


Fog of War

“We are not denying and are not afraid to confess that this war is our war and that it is waged for the liberation of Jewry… Stronger than all fronts together is our front, that of Jewry. We are not only giving this war our financial support on which the entire war production is based, we are not only providing our full propaganda power which is the moral energy that keeps this war going. The guarantee of victory is predominantly based on weakening the enemy forces, on destroying them in their own country, within the resistance. And we are the Trojan horses in the enemy’s fortress. Thousands of Jews living in Europe constitute the principal factor in the destruction of our enemy. There, our front is a fact and the most valuable aid for victory.” — Chaim Weizmann, President of the World Jewish Congress, Head of the Jewish Agency and later President of Israel, in a Speech on December 3, 1942, in New York.


The Jews of Europe were destroyed in the following couple of years … Weizmann was addressing American Jews … at the Biltmore Conference

In point of fact … Americans / American Jews had a PROFOUND effect in the creation of the Jewish State …

Thanks for the vine



Jens Holm



They are in panic mode and these futile gestures gave their childish games away.


Just Me

It is quite apparent that the Zionist regime is in panic mode and deathly scared of a coming war, it is quite silly to broadcast a rather primitive playschool camouflage to your enemies. Hiding under rocks with Walmart tarp is not going to win any wars. Hezbollah will laugh it off.


Arch Bungle

If they’re planning to use these in any meaningful way whatsoever it will be in large troop movements.

If there are large troop movements they’ll be seen coming a mile away – so pretty useless.

If they’re doing black ops with small squads they’d better hope they’re not outnumbered , because all that stealth will vanish once the first shot is fired …


I suppose the IDF could give some outfits to ISIS in the Syrian deserts, in a combat testing programme.

Perhaps the IDF already has?


Frankly, the Zionist cowards are petrified of Hezbollah and are stupid enough to advertise their childish gimmicks. Now Hezbollah will plant small IED under very rock the Zionists are hiding under.


There you go again Frank. Your use of plain old-fashioned common sense is sooooo outdated.

Hiding by a rock with little or no 180 degree visibility in combat seems a very up to date tactic to me :)

johnny rotten

I’m curious to see, the day they will leave Palestine forever, what their disguise will be, perhaps as seawater because it will be in the sea that they will kick them in the ass.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Bright shirts and shorts, and back to Florida with them.


Their disguise wil be as it always was and still is in Europe. They change their names to blend in with the locals.



rightiswrong rightiswrong

His ancestor was a Roman legionnaire, possibly a whole Legion.


Brave Zionist warriors beating up women and children in Palestine https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6122892e95ed4ddc00a49ba5272c3d84da32ee8539b26e38275cf279bc39a5e5.jpg

Jens Holm

The parants having fun already are home making a new one.

When Youj fiknd a small boy like that, the parents has ordered him or they cant raise children.

Arch Bungle

Not fair, Frank. There was that one Palestinian girl who beat up some IDF goons:



She was an actress who was performing on the streets what her mother taught her at home. She first gained fame for raising her fist against the IDF. Did she ever intend to him? Never! Her fist was punching only the air. When she hit them when they came to her home, she was 100% sure they knew the camera was rolling and they won’t hit her back. All calculated to garner attention. These are the most sadistic people who enjoy harming Palestinian children.

Take a look here 94 pictures: https://imgur.Com/a/8ftbcNy

Great Khan

HahahahahahStoopid Zionist mamtu coward….hide from Hezbollah lion under rock….kishmish papushin,,,,,,hahahhahaha




Frank, this one picture is a counterfeit. Don’t ever use it again. The childkiller and the boy are photoshopped (notice how the childkiller has no shadow).

There are plenty of other undoctored pictures of their crimes to chose from.

Arch Bungle

Makes sense. Besides, there are truthful and more accurate pictures around.


Far too many as well.


So Pallywood does serve a purpose … got it


What is your source it was doctored?


I have seen original pics.


I have been saving these images for over 10 years and I have thousands of them saved. That picture above is the genuine one because it appeared first and the other one photoshopped because it appeared many years later.


Arch Bungle

The standard israeli response to this is:

“well, they were threatening the soldier!”

To which I reply:

“What are the soldiers doing on the West Bank”

To which they reply:

“blah blah promised land … blah blah , descendents of the hebrews … blah blah, the palestinians sold us the land … blah blah … there’s no such thing as Palestians …blah blah”

Lone Ranger

Against whom? They mostly use drones and heavy artillery.


This is the most frightened rock I have ever seen in my life :)

Potato Man

They still want to hide…they have more gays and their troops have no experience beside killing civilians. They are weak no matter how you look at it, without their dogs US/UK/France/Germany they good as dead rats. They also becoming hated by whole world day by day….they don’t follow rules because of US having their backs and they really do think they are choice people or something. Cut US/EU aids and support to Zion and see how long they can live…before UN send food to them.


Jens Holm

Gays are the same % in the whole world. So all armies are full.

Jens Holm



The Jews/Zionists/Israelis are ‘Sitting on Top of the World” … hello?

They’re pissing on the Arabs and Muslims still not normalizing relations … last night in Iraq against Kateb Hezbollah … hello?

Lazy Gamer

At 0:13 they need a huge yellow ball to prop up the whole thing. lol.


LOL. It is fitting that it is named after the homosexual spartans.

Lazy Gamer

Sword for the Lord and for Gideon. lol


I know what it takes to evade thermal and I tell you that they wont last very long in that thing without getting heat stroke on a very warm or hot day. And the masking effect will only last so long anyway. You cannot defy the laws of physics.

Ashok Varma

Show a very high level of Zionist panic to resort to such cheap stunts. The Afghans use blankets to merge with rocks and that is cheaper and warmer.


Low tech Afghanis? lol

Just Bomb the sh Xt out of them … lol

What are they good for?

chris chuba

This is what real infantry do. I guess they slacked in this area because they were basically glorified MP’s for at least a couple of decades. I’m certain Hezbollah is well versed in this technique. Thermal imaging is a real problem, I have no idea how modern infantry copes w/that.


You’ll know soon enough precious …

Steve Standley

Israel spends a lot of effort to make something so the IDF can look like small rocks and hide like cowards. This makes sense to me. I give them full credit for coming up with the idea.



Jens Holm





They have a desperate desire to bring the Ring back home to the mountain of Doom.


Seems likely they’ll pull it off … eh?


Which Air Force targeted Kateb Hezbollah North of Baghdad …. killing 9 and injuring dozens?

Who could have pulled off such an audacious attack on an enemy of the West?

(1) Russia (2) USA (3) Jordan (4) Israel

Well … who done it? LMAO



This really is the reason the Ashkenazi expelled 90% of the natives of Palestine.

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