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Configuration Of Combat Forces And Expected Landing Near Odessa: Twentieth Day Of Military Operations In Ukraine

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Configuration Of Combat Forces And Expected Landing Near Odessa: Twentieth Day Of Military Operations In Ukraine

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Configuration Of Combat Forces And Expected Landing Near Odessa: Twentieth Day Of Military Operations In Ukraine
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Configuration Of Combat Forces And Expected Landing Near Odessa: Twentieth Day Of Military Operations In Ukraine

PAYPAL, WESTERN UNION etc: write to info@southfront.org , southfront@list.ru

The last 24 hours was not marked by capturing of any major Ukrainian towns or cities by Russian, DPR and LPR forces. However, there were significant changes in the configuration of combat forces on the fronts. Russia was rotating units and bringing fresh assault units forward amid intense work of artillery and aviation.

At the same time, Kyiv continued to withdraw its units from the Donbass region towards Zaporizhya, Dnipro and Kiev, but stubbornly defending well-fortified positions in the region.

To the north-west of Kiev along the bank of Irpen River, the destruction of the Ukrainian armed forces’ stronghold continued by intensive artillery fire. Ukrainian positions in Moshchun, where there is a strong fortification prepared during World War 2, were targeted.

Significant units of the Russian Airborne Forces were located in the town of Bucha. Likely, these strike units were preparing to break into the city. Fighting also took place to the north-east and east of Brovary.

The Russian Orlan-10 UAV uncovered a concentration of Ukrainian combat equipment and a large number of military personnel at a railway station on the outskirts of Chernihiv. Artillery struck a missile and artillery weapons depot, destroying the facility and up to 20 pieces of weaponry and equipment.

In the Mykolayiv area, fighting was taking place to the north of the city. Russian forces had so far limited themselves to advancing towards Krivoy Rog and Nikopol after taking full control of Kherson Region.

Odessa was waiting for the Russian Black Sea Fleet to launch a landing operation. Therefore, a significant part of the remaining Kyiv forces there was in the Odessa area, although in theory they could help the blockaded Mykolaiv. In the night between March    15 and 16, reports appeared that ships of the Russian Black Sea Fleet launched an artillery and missile attack on the coastal zone near Tuzla.

Throughout the day, fighting continued around Kharkiv. The Russian army adopted the tactic of suppressing enemy resistance through massive artillery shelling and air strikes.

In the Izyum area, Russian forces were clearly pushing towards Slavyansk. The Slavyansk-Kramatorsk agglomeration itself was under attack, which augurs well for the imminent start of fighting for the city.

The assault on Mariupol continued. DPR units advanced in a number of areas amid the stubborn and organized resistance of Kyiv’s forces. The warring sides were fighting to total elimination and there was little or no reporting of captured. The 53rd mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces had been almost completely destroyed. There were reports that the Ukrainian General Staff was considering disbanding the brigade due to its massive losses.

The evacuation of civilians from Mariupol became possible after DPR units occupied peripheral areas around the city perimeter and took control of the exits. Many people leave the city at their own risk, choosing those roads inside the city where there are no Ukrainian soldiers. The Russian Defence Ministry reported that Ukrainian nationalists had mined all approaches to Mariupol, blowing up bridges, residential areas, kindergartens and schools, medical facilities and other civil infrastructure.

On March 15, people’s militia pushed back Kyiv’s forces by 8km near Horlivka in the north of the Donetsk People’s Republic. Near Verkhnetoretske, DPR forces managed to create a direct threat of blocking the road leading to Avdiivka, as well as opening the possibility of developing a further offensive towards Dzerzhinsk.

At the late evening, the Ukrainian armed forces launched another strike with a Tochka-U tactical missile, this time at the large settlement of Makiivka.

Fighting continued near Ugledar and towards Marinka-Kurakhovo. Kyiv’s forces were slowly retreating.

LPR troops was engaged in clashes in the western part of Popasna and also occupied at least half of Rubizhne. Clashes were also ongoing in the outskirts of Severodonetsk.

Amid the ongoing Russian operation in Ukraine, the Kyiv government and its supporters do not even try to hide their true colors. For example, an ordinary Ukrainian “journalist” being live on air, called for Russian children to be killed first and foremost, referring to statements by his idol, the Nazi criminal Adolf Eichmann. Because then, he said, the children wouldn’t grow up and take revenge. If we were called Nazis, we should not be ashamed of it.., he added.

These statements explain very well the behavior of fighters from nationalist units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, which they have demonstrated throughout the 8 years of conflict in the Donbass. This behavior is supported, if not by statements but by actions, on the highest levels of the modern Ukrainian leadership.

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C’mon bring those TOS against those 70.000 fortified before Donbas. I don’t like that many Ukrainian soldiers will be killed. But maybe a “warning” shot like that will shorten the war.


10 Signs The War In Ukraine Is Part Of The Great Reset http://www.renegadetribune.com/10-signs-the-war-in-ukraine-is-part-of-the-great-reset/

Russian State Media Denounces Pro-Putin Westerners Trying to Frame Putin as a White Christian Savior http://www.renegadetribune.com/russian-state-media-denounces-pro-putin-westerners-trying-to-frame-putin-as-a-white-christian-savior/

Last edited 3 years ago by HansGunther

frizzy nazi changes his feminine identity again


The first article is mostly accurate, the 2nd one is retarded. But even though the war is part of the great reset, that doesn’t mean that the average Ukrainian won’t be better off with a more stable regime. The maniacal Zelensky regime is genociding it’s own people and historically Russia has always taken good care of Ukraine, as opposed to the west who are just milking it for personal gain.

Besides, we need a multipolar world. The west is lost, it’s full of woke, gay retards who are completely content being such.

Ive worked with Russians for almost a decade and my god what a relief it was. Actual normal people with whom you can have normal discussions. I am currently back in the west and yep it’s just full of gullible retards everywhere. I am leaving Europe forever as soon as I’ve got a new tenant for my house and am moving to Russia afterwards.


I hear you. Gullible retards, check the Radio Free Europe channel on youtube. So many sheeple just defer their thinking to corporate media. Mass formation psychosis (again..).

Bob - Enough

In any other day and age, I would probably not pop up to defend you. I have been on South Front for years under the name of “Call me Al” but somehow that name has been changed along the way (after being banned on many media outlets).

Now to the point – 1. If people were bright enough, they would at least think about your comment, without just down ticking you….. 2. I am still in 2 minds of whether Putin is with the UN / WEF or not and my bias can change throughout each day and has since this “ALLEGED” invasion happened…. 3. The propaganda from the Western Governments and MSM is unprecedented, it is absolute BS ranging from false bombings by the Russians which can be dated back and seen in other wars years ago by the West … but 4. I really do not know because both your posts are absolutely spot on to people like me that know and understand the “bigger picture” of both UN AGENDA 21 and 30 and the WEF – The Great Reset.

One last point is that THEY have played this well, to insert confusion into people like me (fear and confusion go hand in hand – so they cannot get us by fear, so try a different tactic).

NOT SAYING YOU ARE RIGHT OR WRONG as I do not know, but if people woke up to your comment on “Russian State Media Denounces Pro-Putin Westerners Trying to Frame Putin as a White Christian Savior” and used their brain a little; they would also see this stuff – https://www.google.com/search?q=Ukrainian+refugees+are+just+like+us%2C+white+and+blue+eyes&btnK=Google+Search&sxsrf=APq-WBvXNdMS2tT4bNiRiSR58Rh3hsocow%3A1647445305508&source=hp&ei=OQUyYrbXGpSVxc8P04aksA8&iflsig=AHkkrS4AAAAAYjITSYvYkzjqO-yErWmpZ0rSqrIAgL_s&oq=&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAEYATIHCCMQ6gIQJzIHCCMQ6gIQJzIHCCMQ6gIQJzIHCCMQ6gIQJzIHCCMQ6gIQJzIHCCMQ6gIQJzIHCCMQ6gIQJzIHCCMQ6gIQJzIHCCMQ6gIQJzIHCCMQ6gIQJ1AAWABgtWloAXAAeACAAQCIAQCSAQCYAQCwAQo&sclient=gws-wiz

All reverse psychology; whilst most of the immigrants coming to Europe are those from Northern Africa (called Ukrainians). Rant over !.

Last edited 3 years ago by Bob - Enough



> Quite literally every race cares more about their own people than others.

> Multipolarity contradicts the notion of the UN & “international law”. For Russia and China, this is no more than linguistic manipulation, something a certain tribe (✡️) is well known for is known for.

> The UN is the prototype for Jewish World Order, all countries are hypocritical concerning “human rights” and “international law” (supplanting national laws worldwide).

> Only the west is expected to honour its supposed obligations, everyone else can do as they please.

> The west made up 20% of the global population a century and a half ago. Clearly might makes right, reverse the trend, cease all transfer of medical aid to Afro-Asiatics (resulting in higher infant mortality rate) and increase White birth rates (reintroduce cultural traditions, limit contraception). Then look who is more relevant, according to RT’s “logic”.

Last edited 3 years ago by HansGunther

racist nazi frizzy impotent senile in arkansas basement becoming more traumatized and desperate


The fact that nine of your fellows agreed with your assertion that “literally every race cares more about their own people than others” suggests that at least nine people commenting here are honest and sane.


I saw much better and much larger artillery barrage in ww2, russians ! Do you forgot the right way to kill those nazi vermin ?


Meaning you hate White people, do not want them to survive and are too close-minded to learn anything beyond the horseshit forced down your throat?


You speak like a Hitler loving nazi.




You think like an imbecile.


we want nazi poko frizz to survive in arkansas trailer park, senile, alone discarded


Others are supremacists for their own races, this all boils down to tribalism. https://odysee.com/@DanTheOracle:d/A-Case-for-Reparations-by-The-Alternative-Hypothesis:c


Why are Whites expected to apologize for imperialism when every other race on the planet is not only completely unapologetic for their conquests, but smug about them? Long story, but here’s the short version:

The pseudo-religious founding myth of the postwar global order is that “Whiteness” (lit: White people) must be crushed in order to protect “our wonderfully tolerant, racially diverse, Democratic Utopia.” White Supremacy is the ultimate enemy; “dismantling” “Whiteness” is the highest social goal; the Straight White Male is the singular most “oppressive” force in the Universe; White people as a collective — including women and even children — are solely responsible for all worldly suffering, and an unrivaled force of tyranny that must be usurped, impoverished, disenfranchised, and, fundamentally, destroyed; all for the good of “human progress.”

Under this system, Whites must always be framed as the oppressors and aggressors, and non-Whites as the eternal victims. Any inconvenient victimization of Whites at the hands of non-Whites, historic or contemporary, is a direct refutation of the founding myth of the postwar global order. Any historic non-White imperialist aggression against Europeans — of which there are countless examples — is point-blank denied or hurriedly brushed under the rug. The Arab, Barbary, and Ottoman slave trades, responsible for the kidnapping of millions of Europeans, mostly women and children, are flat-out ignored. The Leftist myth of “Systemic Racism” claims that any non-White who criminally victimizes a White person is actually the true victim in the scenario. This is due to the “systemic oppression” that “People of Color” face in their day-to-day lives, relative to the “systemic privilege” that Whites are born into. The criminal blame, thus, fundamentally lies with Whites themselves, the mythical “great oppressor.”

This anti-White bias exists to destroy Whites’ sense of racial and ethnic identity, to trick us into embracing our own ethnic displacement via an endless torrent of violent and hostile mass migration, to destabilize our societies, to prevent us from speaking out against these injustices, and to prevent us from uniting against the tyranny of our globalist, technocratic overlords. In other words, if the White masses understood that our European homelands have been under constant invasion for the past 2,500 years, they may start to view modern mass migration in a slightly different light.

Note: These anti-White narratives are primarily derived from Western Marxism and Critical Theory, see: Post-colonialism, anti-imperialism, Third Worldism, decolonization etc.

Last edited 3 years ago by HansGunther

Karl Marx never talked about crushing whites man, what a load of bullshit. He criticized the commands and excesses of the capitalists, regardless of whether they were white, black, Jewish or Aliens.


Karl Marx was a jew and wrote racist letters to Engels. I don’t suppose you have read the Communist Manifesto? Anyway, the Soviet Union did promote Communist internationalism. Actions speak louder than words, Communism was always one of many jewish ploys to establish jewish supremacism globally and the extermination of the Edomites and Amalekites they deliberately conflate with Whites.


nazi frizzy prefers fascist feudalism—Stalin never promoted “internationalism….your puerile CIA stupidity amuses…inferior arkansas hillbilly


Yuri, You are a propagandist. You have no value as a historian. You lie too much.


I care less about moron amerikant stupidity “amerikants cannot think except by means of slogans–they identify garbage as quality. the stupidity and ignorance of amerikants has long been a topic of hilarity in Europe”. Paul Fussell


What Marx thought about race: https://youtu.be/Z7NkILyjV2g

Last edited 3 years ago by HansGunther

Show where Marx says we should destroy whites? He only talks about destroying the capitalist system, whatever the color of the owner of capital.


Had he said that he wouldn’t have promoted it successfully.


senile nazi moron—fortunately you are confined to trailer park in arkansas—impotent irrelevant desperate for attention—mommy didn’t love you, no papa—no therapy cannot treat your nazi senility inferiority


According to Marx, the bourgeoise will serve the proletariat dictatorship. The irony of all this was that Fascism and National Socialism managed to curb the excesses of Capitalism in their mixed economy that placed emphasis on serving the people over serving profiteers.

FYI: Russia and China maintain Capitalist economies in-line with the Leninist New Economic Model.



[2019 interview of Zelensky presidential advisor Oleksiy Arestovych

1 min 37 secs – you need to watch this please. stop it frame by frame, i’ll get some screenshots later.

more proof this has been planned for many years.

he even says we need to do this to russia between 2020-22]


Last edited 3 years ago by HansGunther

neither Russia or China are capitalist you nazi idiot


Then what is Russia, communist? Not even close


ocher durak


Karl Marx wasn’t the only theorist. All “socialist” countries resulted in a tighter, more oppressive oligarchy where no one’s allowed to own property. Everything is state owned, not unlike jewish scripture where under their rule non-jews are enslaved and therefore own no property. And slaves they were, peasant serfs they remained.




Last edited 3 years ago by HansGunther

far more freedom and justice in USSR, china Russia today than in your hillbilly USA dictatorship….you’re pathetic stupidity more exposed


The billions of dollars worth of American military aid shipped to the USSR via the Lend-Lease Act beg to differ with you, Yuri. All the propaganda aside, this would make the Soviets the predecessors to the Maidanites, Wahhabists, Zionists, and other dubious groups armed by Federal Reserve Act banker gangsters.


Marx also talks about destroying the theist/deist system. Marx wrote in “Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right” that, “The criticism of religion disillusions man, so that he will think, act, and fashion his reality like a man who has discarded his illusions and regained his senses, so that he will move around himself as his own true Sun.” Militant Atheists like those running the Bolshevik Union put this into action. After all, SteelWing, what says “fashion… reality [and] discarded… illusions” like Leninists, Stalinists, etc. unpersoning politically inconvenient individuals from historical records…?

In reality, Christian Russians, Muslim Chechens, etc. were targeted by Soviet Communists similar to how Christian Germans were targeted. And now that Christianity has returned to Russia, the country has gone from an “ally” of the “capitalist system” to an enemy.


What is your point sir ???


We are subject to ethnic displacement and genocide that was planned far in advance.


Interesting Guess the Trans -Atlantic Slave Trade was a “natural migratory event” and Native Americans No “ethnic displacement”or GENOCIDE there they just blended into the landscape right ???


excellent—you are inferior—-the proof is obvious; this is why you require Jews and Asians to rule you USA—JEWS .02% population US Nobel prizes 50% Jews nazzzi polo molo frizzy inferior


frizzy is pink arkansas hillbilly trash—too stupid to comprehend Frankfurt Marxists even admired by the philosopher George HANS Gadamer


The fact that there are at least 12 people reading and responding to your fact-filled comment with down votes suggests that there are a lot of ignorant people out here.

(and no, ignorant does NOT mean stupid – it means they suffer from a lack of knowledge and an oversupply of propaganda).


you morons are not merely ignorant you are stupid—amerikants/anglos cannot think dialectically—tocqueville, sennet, Gorer, boors tin, Lakoff, etc

Eric Zuesse

The email address info@shouthfront.org has now been blocked.

Eric Zuesse

I meant: The email address at info@southfront.org has now been blocked.


How can Kiyev forces retreat? What is RAF doing? Taking a nape?

The maharaja

Agree there should be no way for them to move at all. If the air force cant do it they should have hundreds of smaller units of Paras or special forces covering all those roads out, able to call in arty or air at a min notice. I can see that the UAF dug into cities would take a long time to dig out. However if they can retreat and move to other cities and consolidate or resupply … if thats the case then the Russian military needs to get a new command in there.


All these gains, and Putin still hasn’t took the kiddie gloves off. Zelensky’s Nazi are already in a mess 😂


You’re mentally retarded. More Russian soldiers have died in two weeks than American soldiers in 25 years. Cope more bitch


Kiev keith told you that eh?


Lmao at how dumb you are. Even if we listened to the fake death numbers BY RUSSIA it still is more over the past 20 years. Cope more for your dead 🤣😂


the notorious amerikant fear of death—most examined by Christopher Lasch—“America requires a stupefied population”. LOL

Andy Lee Lowell

There are no credible sources providing the world with reliable figures about Russian KIA and WIA. Absolutely none.

Same thing is true of Ukrainian Nazi KIA and WIA. The US government, NATO, and all of Western media are making a massive effort to conceal this information from the international public.

For all anyone knows, Ukrainian Nazi killed and wounded could be equal to, or even twice as high, as Russian liberator army casualties.

Personally, I think the Ukrainian Nazi forces are hurting far, far worse than Western MSM is letting on.


Russia had admitted over 1000 have died, you don’t know anything lmao. This is why Russia has ALWAYS been a shithole

Andy Lee Lowell

Russia hasn’t made any announcement to his effect. Not yet at least.

The bigger question is, what are Ukrainian Nazi KIA and WIA? How much more punishment can the Ukrainian Nazi troops absorb? Sooner or later, they start to collapse.

Putin's Cock beats LMAO into the dirt

Yet the Russians have won this one as America has lost every war in the last 50 years. Ukraine will either bow down or be turned into a crap hole. All the wealth of the country lies in the east and now the Russians have ownership of it. Putin doesn’t want the west, he just plans on dumping his foreign fighters there to turn it into a wasteland.


Source for this report please


Could you provide us with a link where such a statement is made?

Pancho Villa



That’s not a report


he can,t, he is full of sh!t


USA #1 violent crime non violent crime rape per capita all nations—you are expert at shithole—uncivilized hillbilly moron farcical LOL

Yamil Perez

USA had admitted over 10000 have died, you don’t know anything lmao. This is why USA has ALWAYS been a shithole


Are you seriously trying to say that the Russians have suffered 6500 or more fatal casualties in this operation? And what, 90000 wounded and injured/sick? If that’s the case, who is destroying the Ukrainians and the White Power battalions?


CIA hillbilly retard in arkansas “the functional illiteracy and ignorance of Americans has made us an international joke”. Morris Berman “democracy in amerika means that my ignorance is as good as your knowledge”. Isaac Asimov “amerikants are ignorant and unteachable”. George Santayana “amerikants love big because they feel so small. stupidity is a precious natural resource in amerika”. Philip Slater “Amerika is a culture of stupidity”. Arthur Schlesinger Jr “Stupidity is a virtue in amerika”. Charles Pierce ‘Idiocracy’. 2010 you are proof


Lmfao at these retarded quotes. Maybe make another 5 accounts


“only in amerika is the father vestigial: the amerikant mind and conscience is feminine”. Geoffrey Gorer “amerikants are the living refutation of the cartesian cogito ergo sum. amerikants are yet they do not think…the amerikant mind peurile and primitive…” Julius Evola LOL…seek therapy moron!


Got any proof?


With that aggressive response, evidently you are the one who needs to cope more. Keep crying, I love it.

There are 3 Nazis to every 1 Russian soldier, and the Russians are still wiping the floor with them, even with all that western training and weapons they have. Keep crying for more mercenaries, you are going to need them. 😂🤣😂🤣

Arzt Injektion

You raise a good point. Russia has never had a numerical advantage on any of these fronts. What we know is that when Russian Forces meet Ukrainian Forces in the battlefield, the latter gets mauled. Frankly, I don’t think Ukraine has Tanks left at all anymore. Interestingly enough, the transition to so called “Guerilla Warfare” is probably going to be where Ukraine can do the most damage. Just look at the Iraqi insurgency as example. Which means Russia should get on with much faster.


LOL , they’re just Russian paid trolls, entertaining though :-) , they have youtube blocked so can’t see Putin’s getting his arse whipped..


Lmao you must watch the same news network as my boss. Use common sense the media isn’t even convincing with it’s stories.


feminized amerikant hillbilly traumatized—therapy cannot cure your insecurity moron

Yamil Perez

According to the Disney news network…

Yamil Perez

More U.S. vets commit suicide a month than total Russian losses sofar


No NATO – No Nazis! https://i.imgur.com/h0ROoan.png I’ve been watching MSM a lot lately and I follow social media. millions of Russian soldiers are dead, you can walk from coast to coast over the black sea on the hulls of sunken Russian ships and the Goose of Kiev alone has shot down more than two thousand Russian fighter jets. Appearently Putin is in custody and is to be hanged tomorrow or the day after. Can some one please explain why Zelensky Sese Seko (the glorious warrior who marches from triumph to triumph without fear) keeps asking for help? Does he want to share the spoils of victory with NATO?

Timmy Temperance

He is drunk dialing parliaments and congress now, bleating about Pearl Harbor no less. He is a coke addled clown who will watch his people die rather than engage in diplomacy and relinquish his dream of owning a MacDonald’s chain in Kiev.


Asking? Was that what the lipgloss and kneepads were for?


This is what happens when a clown becomes head of state


Lot of people in ukraine wishing they had not had those tattoos done………

Yamil Perez

Oy vey…


It’s clear that information regarding this conflict is at best UNRELIABLE.

The Russian Armed Forces ONLY KILL CIVILIANS!!!

While Ukrainians NEVER lose any equipment or soldiers.

Zelensky played a OBVIOUS PROPAGANDA video to the US Congress which ended with the words “Close The Skies”

Which in this context is attempting to drag the US and Europe into what essentially is a TRIBAL DISPUTE

Timmy Temperance

And the award for Best Short Foreign Language Missile-Strike Documentary goes to…https://t.me/intelslava/22472


Ah, I see, so we know there are Neo-nazis in Ukraine and here in the comment section. I get why they blaming Zion so much now, yet they are not going to say that it was their beloved Western “friends” (NATO/EU/US) that put that half g0y in power in Ukraine tho, funny people are these Ukrainian Neo-Nazis.


No, there’s no nazis in Ukraine. Ok, there’s some but it’s a minority. Ok there’s more than that but not enough to make a difference…… Then you see this barbarian on Ukranian TV calling for the killing of children using NAZIs as the example. Like I said before, Ukraine cannot hide their beloved nazis forever. The world will discover You were LYING and misrepresenting the WHOLE time.


After Marriupol Donbas will be next. Then Odessa. Poor bastards will not have a access to Black Sea anymore! For glory of the Soviet Union!

china wagaina

President Biden Speaks Following Zelenskyy’s Address to Congress I LIVE sweden and usa snowbards like you just baout it last week …. ww4 USA go loco after sweden tell usa to go die .-…

ride like you get it last week ——- Jay-Z and Dame Dash Working on Possible Settlement in “Reasonable Doubt” Lawsuit —- WHIP GOING TO DIE WITH HIS REAL MUM incase he dont show up baording with a nigga ( ho get mad screaming white power after obama ) // caribiann snowbards team

Last edited 3 years ago by china wagaina
china wagaina

AmericanDreams: Kelly Rowland performing “Now Here To Run” (HD) … LIE Three Kings (1999) – Interrogation scene ——- truth

what up —-Pennybridge Kingz – No Holds Barred —-

Last edited 3 years ago by china wagaina

I want the Ukrops destroyed but it looks like they are escaping.


the former ukraine the present ukropistan is losing more territory daily—this will be a PERMANENT loss. it seems the okie nazis are nearly as stupid as amerikants


do you guys take Alipay or WeChat for donation?


We all know that they are liers and war criminals so fasten their elimination so the proof´s can be shown and to shut up for once western criminals that are supporting all this crimes.


Day 1: “There are no Nazis and no biolabs.”

Day 5: “Maybe there’s a few Nazis.”

Day 10: “Okay, yeah, there’s a ton of Nazis. But they’re good Nazis. And still no biolabs.”

Day 15: “Okay, maybe there are a few harmless biolabs.”

Day 20: “What’s your problem with Nazi biolabs?” https://www.theburningplatform.com/2022/03/16/fringe-minority-report-25/


Thanks for the info and here’s an update on the meeting that did not happen in kiev.


Icarus Tanović

Fuckrainian gypsy wanna be eichmann.

Rodney Loder.

Russian forces in Ukraine have not been increase in the past 20 days, it looks very much like their working on improving the efficiency of the leadership and loyalty of the service men and women without much interest in a quick outcome, I’m no expert but it looks like the same tactics Stalin used in the first Fin/Soviet Winter War 1939 all the emphasis was on improving battle field capabilities. Another recent event was the removal of over 2 million civilians from the Donetsk and Luhansk Republics temporarily resetting them in Russia I think that was in anticipation of missile attack from Romanian territory which hasn’t happened as yet.

Anyhow the war is a cover-up to prevent me Jesus Christ becoming a public identity, Allah (swt) is saying how bad it is that the Holy Ghost remains under the control of the jew Freemason maggots and swine respectively.

Napoleon Malaparte

How our angelical USA and NATO will feel if Mexico install ballistic missile and bio weapons laboratories in their territories. How they will feel if Russia start supplying killers drones and arming pay mercenaries, Mexicans or American people who really don”t like our Communist Democratic Zionist Nazi Government. I bet they will start jumping up and down and calling Russia the Empire of Evil.


Holy cow, this is quite laughable for the amount of Russian bias in these videos for being called an independent operation. Where did you get information their killing Ukrainian children in concentration camps? Holocaust-resemblent matters must be taken way more seriously with a severe amount of graphic evidence.


ukropistan defeated—robot amerikants cry—their trauma therapists have failed them

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