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MARCH 2025

Conflict In Eastern Ukraine Can Soon Turn Into Open War

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This week the military situation in eastern Ukraine has once again escalated as forces loyal to the Kiev government have advanced on positions controlled by defense forces of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DRP) near the city of Gorlovka.

Gorlovka is the DPR-controlled town, located north of the DPR capital of Donetsk. Its pre-war population was about 256,000 people.

On May 21, pro-Kiev troops, backed up by artillery and machine guns fire, stormed positions of DPR forces at the settlement of Golmovskiy, north of Gorlovka. They failed to overrun the DPR defense but killed at least 1 DPR fighter and captured 3 others. At least 10 Kiev soldiers were killed and 4 others were injured, according to the DPR side.

On May 22, a group of Kiev troops, backed up by battle tanks and BMP armoured vehicles, advanced on the settlement of Chigary, northwest of Gorlkova. Firefights also erupted in the settlement of Zaitsevo and in the area of Southern Mine. According to reports, at least 2 pro-Kiev fighters were killed and 4 others were wounded in these clashes.

On May 23, sporadic clashes in the area of Gorlovka continued. A total number of casualties of pro-Kiev forces reached at least 31 killed and 40 injured fighters.

Since the start of the week, artillery units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces increased strikes on Gorlovka and the nearby settlements. The shelling resulted in casualties among civilian population and destruction of buildings in the residential areas.

According to statements by Ukrainian officials and public figures, pro-Kiev forces are pursuing the following goals:

  • To establish control over key heights near Gorlovka;
  • Using the control over the key heights, to isolate the city and to force DPR troops to withdraw from it;
  • To use the captured area as a foothold for further operations against the DPR in the areas of Enakievo and Debaltsevo.

The town of Debaltsevo is a key logistical hub between the DPR and the Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR). In 2015, pro-Kiev forces suffered a devastating defeat during the Battle of Debaltseve. Hundreds of troops were killed, wounded and captured by DPR and LPR forces. The Kiev plan to separate republics via a land advance failed.

However, Ukrainian leadership has not abandoned attempts to interrupt traffic between the LPR and the DPR. Currently, it uses saboteur groups for this purpose. On May 21, a bridge in the area of Ivanovka was blown up by Ukrainian saboteurs interrupting a direct supply line between Lugansk and Krasniy Luch.

Krasniy Luch is known for hosting some weapons depots of LPR forces.

Local sources also report that the Kiev side has concentrated a notable number of troops and military equipment, including battle tanks, in the area of Stanytsia Luganskaya.

The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) has commented on the recent escalation by calling on the sides to stop fighting and to fulfill their earlier commitments. Offensive actions by pro-Kiev forces have not been condemned.

Earlier SF forecasted a possible escalation in eastern Ukraine in May-June. Currently, a first phase of the new spiral of tension is observed. If international observers and the Ukrainian partners do not force the Ukrainian government to halt its aggressive actions, a new open armed conflict will arise in eastern Ukraine in the summer of 2018.

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Jozsef Osztronkovics

All this restarting the war is zionist US the terror regimes idea because for a long time the zionist terror regime was arming Kiev it is all about how to start bigger war and destroy Russia

Val Shadowhawk

Agreed. It sure looks that way. Very frustrating to see.


It is but at least more people are seeing the reality that the US and Israel are behind all of this mayhem.

Val Shadowhawk

Yes, and that is a good thing. It will eventually result in mass action by our collective, in stopping them.


And when it come we will witness scenes that we see in parts of Syria and Iraq when the liberated civilians find a terrorist who tormented them hiding in their midst. The brutality borne by pure and unadulterated hatred of their past oppressors.

It has always been like this when duped and abused civilians are empowered by liberation.

The self styled elite will be pleading to have their lives ended swiftly and as I am humane I would be willing to help them on their way without too much pain :)

Val Shadowhawk

We as a whole, a collective on this planet are entering an unprecedented in our time, place where we are realizing our own power and potential. This scares the so called ‘rulers’ to death. Thus the rise in false flag terror, high strangeness and uber attempts at censorship as well as covert co-opting of any and all resistors.


Censorship coupled with state intimation is all that the Elite really have left now.


Destroying Russia is a dream that will not come true but they are trying. I have noticed : every time a president is straggling to remain in power he pushes for a war as the only way to save his position and every time israhell intensifies the killing of Palestinians they start a conflict somewhere to divert attention and criticism of their crimes. This is their trade mark, modus operandi, life style… you name it.

muja surya

And why everybody cares only about russia here? Are you all russians? Look at those who destroyed muslim countries since russian invasion into afghanistan. Look at those russiaas bowing to the zionist clique and following their orders. And look at the opposite side at the americans bowing to the zionist clique and following their orders also. They are sides of the same coin! Wake up it is called controlled opposition and they are both doing harm to muslim society. https://cdn.jerusalemonline.com/images/AAAAATPS/PutinNetanyahu2011Meeting.jpg http://haber.sol.org.tr/sites/default/files/styles/newsimagestyle_615x410/public/0d97f4cbe70bfa7cf6e442399e78c34d_1512591314-b.jpg


If I didn’t know who you are I would have replied in details. You do not deserve attention. Bugger off!

muja surya

I support lSlS and what? No matter what are our enemies saying somebody has to have the courage to stand up and fight for the rights of his people, for the rights of sunni muslims and our religion. Islam is slowly dying because it was poisoned from within and we need to restore its purity back to the times of muhammad (pbuh). Be honest and ask yourself do you really believe that the “shiites” are muslims? Do you really believe that they follow what has God revealed to the prophet? Watch this and think please i dont believe this world is full of so retarded people incapable of thinking. https://youtu.be/MJKLSxFUCL8?t=1m15s

muja surya

Strong message to zionist russia :) Stop killing our people, stop killing muslims, stop killing lSlS. All you care about is money and your Assad not the Syrian people or jihad in the way of Allah. https://youtu.be/0gIso7tRjaA

Tudor Miron

Zio slaved kiiling his own kind for the sake of greater Israel is trying to say something? Get lost.

Rüdiger Preiss

Hey Muja Surya – this is for you,. Soon you will be gone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSUIQgEVDM4

muja surya

Dont touch our land, dont mess with our affairs and i will never care about yours. Its so simple. Without help from rest of the world the muslims would be united now under black banner of the prophet.

Rüdiger Preiss

“our land”? “Don’t mess with our affairs”?? Seriously?? Soon you ISIS scumbags will be wiped off the Syrian map for good, thankfully. People like you only have one place: under the soil, where worms can feed on your sick rotten mass in your skull which only optically resembles a brain.

Val Shadowhawk

You are very mistaken in your views. ISIS does not represent Islam. It is a zionist construct. ISIS = ‘israeli’ Secret Intelligence Services. The duly Elected and revered President of Syria, Bashar Assad is a champion of the people.


UKRAINE pro west USA, is FIGHTING DPR who are pro RUSSIA

Dr. Pro Liv

So, you expect people who come here not to know that?! ;- ))


I was not Sure


I think I just heard somebody turn on a light :D


The all-out fight will start immediately before the FIFA World Cup.

muja surya

Some arabic sources say that there will be nuclear detonation in the european union and they will blame it on the lSlS to start another bloody war against muslims and our islam. But then everything will turn back against them. So be careful year 2019 is close to Muharram 1440 in the islamic calendar and the crusaders will take severe punishment by the God himself..

David Parker

Utter bullshit. “Allah” is a pipedream invented by Mohammed to awe his army of cutthroats and rapists. Islam is as bad a fiction as scientology, mormonism, buddhism and all the rest of the man-made “religions”, all invented to serve their founders and kept alive by a fresh crop of parasite hucksters every generation.


May be. I hope not however I’ve got the feeling that the fight will be over before the end of the opening ceremony.

Eskandar Black

I really hope the Russian get involved with its air assets and just flatten the Ukrainian force, turn 90k into 30k, give the people of Donetsk another 5 years of peace, make the uko nazis think twice.


I would prefer to see the NATO advisers and the politicians destroyed, as well as Pravi Sektor and Azov. Normal Slavs should not be fighting each other. 60k young people that are forced to serve under threat of violence don’t deserve to die.

Eskandar Black

In theory we agree, but people die every day while the saboteur groups continue their assault.

Tudor Miron

Anglo-zio cabal is willing to fight until last alive Ukrainian. Problem with ukro nazi is that they never learn. They seem to forgot how they were running out of Debaltsevo in 2015 and they want into another cauldron. There would not be much problem dishing it to them despite that shimy looking American uniform that they wear now :) That nation of traitors (western Ukrainians) was carefully bred during many decades now. I wonder how does it feel to know that you kill your own brothers and sisters as a price to “enter civilized world” which actually doesn’t plan to accept them. What a shame.

muja surya

I hope for nuclear war between west and russia so they anihilate each other and will never mess with the muslim countries again hope allah listens my words :)

Tudor Miron

Your stupidity is astonishing. Nuclear war between USA and Russia will simply end this world together all Muslims. What do you think about Russian Muslims (many millions of them) when you wish for destruction of Russia? If you’re that dumb that you wish to kill and die for greater Israel that’s your problem but don’t ask sane Muslims to fallow you. Can you read Kuran in Arabic (original)? Than go and read. https://youtu.be/M6HqVDEXKxg

muja surya

No our imam said that the muslims will survive even after worldwide nuclear war and it will be the “civilized” world which will cease to exist as punishment for their decadency and apostasy. We are trained from beginning of our life to live in harsh conditions, high temperatures and dust storms and no water while they live in laziness and their life strongly depends on technology and highly organised food supply and society. Once this breaks they will slowly die in great pain and their rules will turn against them and will be also broken in endless chaos.


lmao you’re not very good at this.

muja surya

I have memorized nearly all suras of the Qur’an in arabic so what is your problem? Shiites are not muslims and true muslims will reject life under the kuffar.


Maybe if you had spent a little less time reading a fairy tale book and a little more time modern physics you would have known that magic does not stop neither nuclear missiles nor fall out.



Don’t fall for it, he/she is Hasbara, they do this sort of thing to denigrate Arabs Persians, basically any group that is not Jewish.




Anglo-Americans are pawns of the JWO, the disproportionate number of Jews throughout the governments and media of white countries coupled with wealthy Jewish bankers and their entourage of political puppets (see crony capitalism), corporate CEOs and NGOs combined with their many central banks and other national equivalents of the American CFR mean that the interests of Jewish elites often take precedent over those of the goyim.

As you may have heard, various people connected to Trump, the Clintons, and those who are connected to their entourage have been arrested on many occasions on suspicion of child trafficking. Evidently rape and pedophilia are widely known to have taken place throughout Hollywood ever since its creation.







The Talmud does after all permit paedophilia, yet so does the Quran. These two religions (Judaism & Islam) are the foremost root cause of the epidemic surrounding pedophilia and human trafficking.

The Other Israel by Ted Pike – A Christian View of the Jewish Question (1987):


What an ugly witch:



I’m Anglo and live in UK, I hate my government and I hate capitalism! I also disperse Americans


Let me guess, all previous attempts to carry out Communism wasn’t REAL Communism?

“The classes and the races too weak to master the new conditions of life must give way […], they must perish in the revolutionary holocaust.” – Karl Marx (Moses Mordecai Marx Levy). Karl Marx in the “People’s Paper”; April 16, 1856.




Jews on Jews (includes anti-jewish quotes from Karl Marx, another Marxist Ashkenazi Jew): https://www.bitchute.com/video/K19fPs3KLjgM/

Why Did Hitler Hate Jews?: https://www.bitchute.com/video/tji0q4eO8uMe/






Chiang Wei-kuo, Chiang Kai-shek’s adopted son. Became a German military officer through the Sino-German cooperation agreement (1926-1941).










Rh- blood type:





Homo Erectus (video thumbnail):




[Mystery surrounds precisely how much of Imperial Russia’s gold reserves ended up in Western banks. We do know that 236,000,000 rubles is ‘unaccounted for’. According to current research the looted reserves were transferred to the accounts of Russian financial agents in different countries.

Bolshevik banking house Jacob Schiff, Kuhn, Loeb & Company was very much in the picture of looting Imperial Russia’s gold reserves. The U.S government edict: ‘it was thereupon decided to telegraph Kuhn, Loeb & Company that no restrictions would be imposed on the importation of Soviet gold into the United States.’]


[Jacob Schiff was one of the numerous Jewish American financiers of Bolshevism.

Don’t jab the ‘anti-Semite’ finger at me; I quote the Jews. Responsibility for the coup might be your dollars and embarrassment; it was their time to party and they did so in New York.

I concede blaming Americans for Jewish infamy is a bit unfair. But, from 1917 the governments of the United States, Canada and Europe supported Bolshevism. Bolshevism was as reliant upon Western investment and support as a new-born infant is dependent upon its mother’s breast. America aided the Bolshevik revolutionaries as they set about the slaughter of an estimated 70 million, mostly ethnic Europeans.

The celebratory parties that followed the seizure of Russia and massacre of the Tsar’s family were attended by America’s top industrialists. One erudite American pointed out that it was Studebaker, not the Red Army that fought and won all the great Bolshevik Battles for survival. You see images of Stalin’s Organs slaughtering anti-Communists on the battlefield; wrong, they are Studebaker’s Organs.]


I don’t have many problems with Americans, there are plenty of negative stereotypes about a lot of people and stereotypes concerning Americans are usually no different considering they are more often misnomers rather than an epidemic.

Andreas Mikkelsen

I still think Novorussiya should be given life with liberation from Kharkov to Odessa, and perhaps Kiev. Then peace.

Minsk agreement is dead, isn’t it?


They will time the attacks to spoil the world cup. The USA is a very petty adversary.


MH 17 lie revival and World Cup. Of course the fighting will start soon.

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