U.S. Air Force F-15E Strike Eagles taxi the runway after landing at Incirlik Air Base, Turkey, November 12, 2015. REUTERS/USAF/Tech. Sgt. Taylor Worley/Handout via Reuters
The recent US strikes on Syria have resulted in a number of Iraqi causalities, Syrian and Iraqi sources confirmed without agreeing on details.
The strikes, which took place early on February 26, targeted positions of the Iranian-allied Kataib Hezbollah and Kataib Sayyid al-Shuhada right on Syria’s border with Iraq. The US said the strikes were a response to February 15 Erbil rocket attacks, which killed a civilian contractor and injured eight others including an American service member.
According to the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, the strikes claimed the lives of 22 Iraqi fighters of Kataib Hezbollah and other Poplar Mobilization Units (PMU) factions.
The monitoring group’s claims were most likely exaggerated. An Iraqi official said that six PMU fighters were killed and 11 others were injured.
Meanwhile, the Sabereen News, a Telegram channel close to PMU factions, reported the death of a single PMU fighter, Sayid Rahi al-Sharifi. The channel said only two others were wounded in the strikes.
The information provided by the Sabereen News appears to be most accurate. The channel was also the only source to share photos from the strike scene.
The strikes on Syria were harshly condemned by Russia. Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov called the strikes “illegal” and a “violation” of the international law.
“Our military was warned 4 or 5 minutes in advance. Of course, even if we talk about the de-conflicting process], as it is accepted in relations between Russian and American military personnel, it does not give anything. This is a kind of notification when a strike is already being delivered,” the minister said at a press conference in Moscow. “This concerns the military side of the matter. But in no case should it be considered in isolation from the fact that the United States is illegally in Syria, in violation of all norms of the international law, including the Security Council resolutions on a settlement in the Syrian Arab Republic.”
Iranian-backed forces, including many units of the PMU, are known to be deployed on Syria’s border with Iraq to counter ISIS cells and secure the region.
The recent US strikes on Syria will not likely deter Iranian-backed forces. On the contrary, the Sabereen News and other sources close to the PMU are already vowing a fierce response in Iraq.
So Biden is off to a flying start after just a few weeks.
Biden is just a senile puppet for the ‘deep state’ shadow government that runs the U$ behind the scenes. He can’t do anything on his own, they tell him what to do.
If they ” they tell him”, he’ll forget it immediately…So they will do it in his name instead…
Exactly so! They got their perfect puppet in senile Biden!
Biden is corrupt, senile and an agent of deep state for over four decades. He will escalate US over stretch and totally bankrupt the US banana republic much faster.
Biden or Trump are just puppets, they pretend but don’t decide,
You seem to be supporting these Iranian terrorists even while they blame Russia for their plight in Syria, and contest for control over Assad. You guys will soon know what Shiites are like.
This was ironic !! If you can’t understand that much…no point in explaining… I can’t adapt to the people without sense of humor Biden is enemy (goes even without saying) ! ..as for Iran, I don’t trust their intentions. In the case of WW3 I think that Russia is stuck with that alliance with China, Iran….No other choice available…
What do you think about this ? You might need a translator. https://www.voltairenet.org/article211894.html
To make it very short: Even if true 1.) why didn’t U.S. come up with that proposition to Turks earlier… To “compensate” NATO “ally”Turks for U.S. support to Turk enemies Kurds. Instead of bribing Turks they have sanction them?! They try to make enemy out of them…
2.) How on earth will Turks impose their authority in Caucasus, specially to non Muslim countries, (specially in Russian presence – Armenia) or to Georgia…?!
3.)How can “great Satan” and Israel (the biggest enemies of Iran) suddenly become Iran’s “friends” and “allays”?!? How can that be sold to Iranian population and all other Shia and Sunni population of the Middle east?!?
4.) There are huge Chines investments and lines of credit given to Iran with strings attached. China would not appreciate at all that kind of change. They would (as the worlds biggest buyer, stop buying Iranian oil completely) If Iran buys billions worthy Chinese and Russian weapons now and switches position for 180 degrees they would lose all the support for those weapons…
…all in all I can see geo-strategic logic and clear objectives in such U.S. move. But are they doable in the real world?! (worthy mentioning is that : US haven’t been making anything else but chaos and destruction and regime changes. Specially in last 15 – 20 years )
Thank you for your comment. It’s interesting to have different points of view about the situation.
Yes it is… …as an update on the situation, Biden have chosen the path of the confrontation with the pro-Iranian forces. That doesn’t fit well with what was projected scenario in the article. Turkey is still under sanctions, Iran still much closer to being attacked then becoming an U.S. “ally”. I don’t say he was wrong. He is maybe very informed person, but he doesn’t have hole picture obviously…
It’s not about Biden (or Trump) look after puppet masters,
Comic relief … can you do 15 minutes of standup?
They could have attacked Iraqi PMU bases in Iraq…but have attacked bases in Al Bukamal close to ISIS…have you notice the diference and why?….
The U$ occupiers were already notified by the Iraqi parlament to withdraw their forces from Iraq a year ago and they know killing PMU members in Iraq would anger the Iraqis even more so they chose to make their terrorist attack on Syrian soil instead. And the U$ is also encouraging its terrorist allies telling them, we are back in bussiness, we are on your side!
Oh fuck off. Old news. We know that already. The question is, what the hell are you Shiite cowards going to do, now that the U.S has refused to leave?
The Shiites will fuck ur saudi head-choppers!
You’re not fighting the Saudis right now. You’re fighting America. My question is, what the fuck are you Shiite cowards going to do about America in Iraq?
Saudi head-choppers are nothing but U$ & Israeli puppets and everybody knows that.
Frankly, you are replying to a desperate Wahhabi troll who is paid by the US disinformation machine troll farms. This idiot posts the same nonsense on many sites.
Denial … your shia mullahs are going to lose
You’re not even talking to a Saudi, man. I hate the House of Saud probably more than you do. But that’s not the point. Whenever America whips you, you always point a threatening finger at the Saudis, who didn’t ask Biden to bomb your people today. That’s the absolute cowardice. You talk big all over the internet and Media, but when shit gets hot, you back off. So many Shiite forces have died recently. So many of them. And there’s nothing to show for it. Hezbollah even once solicited for prayers from their supporters around the world because they were taking too many losses in Syria. What surprises me is how Syrian rebels dealt with Shiite forces like thrash. Had Russia not intervened, these rebels would have pushed Hezbollah right back to Lebanon and overthrown Assad.
Your looking at it wrong it was Russia and the Shia vs the west(nato) US Israel gulf states and their soldiers isis. And yet you still lost
Hezbollah aren’t cowards you were losing important battle in Syria to hezbollah even before Russia entered. It’s funny how you never mentioned who helped you and the odds were still stacked against Russia iran and Iran’s Shia allies. Don’t you think just for once this is a victory from Allah? What about your fight against the houthis who are also Shia yet no one is helping them the way the Shia helped a Sunni country like Syria offering soldiers and not just supplies and yet you and all the west and ISRAEL your slave master is still losing to the houthis this should be the biggest sign that Allah is on their side and not your side. You need to wake up before it’s too late the veils have dropped Allah had showed the true face of all your rulers now you Muslims chose your fate.
You must know that there are three categories of Muslims. 1. Those who align the West. Most of the Arab world leaders are Western puppets. Muslims who align with them are hypocrites 2. Those who align with the Iranian regime, Russia and China. These too are hypocrites, and in the case of Iran, many are disbelievers despite confessing Islam Those who do not align with the two camps above, and neither are they aligned with ISIS, Al-qaeda, Al-shabab etc (who are only agents of destabilization of Muslim countries. Iran’s proxies are also agents of destabilization just like their ISIS counterparts. Both are the same. They create chaos and failed states. Both Iraq and Lebanon are failed states since the governments do not wield absolute control in enforcing law and order)
I belong to the third categories of Muslims, and we don’t care if the first two groups bomb themselves to hell. Our only worry is for the innocents caught in the cross-fire. All combatants and leaders of these countries + ISIS, Hezbollah, etc. can nuke each other for all we can. We’ve got no dogs in the fight.
Shiites never successfully fought off invaders of Muslim lands in history. It always has to be the Sunnis. And even today, Iran for all its noise and chest-beating, cannot get the U.S out of the Middle East, at least, not without Iran facing total destruction. So, it’s still the Sunnis that’ll drive America out, just like Salahuddeen drove out the crusaders from the region.
Oh your the incompetent ignorant Muslim. Good stay on the side line where you belong. You spew crap everyday just to tell me your a side liner? Your the type to call for help from people you talk bad about. By the way go learn some history instead of spewing propaganda. You would be the same if we were living in the prophets time you would bad month the prophet talking about he is causing instability and you would Not help him once if you were called on the battlefield. Your just like the shirazis just the Sunni type your the ones responsible for spewing hate and spreading Fitna you two are the reasons why Muslims hate each other and kill each other. And you both don’t believe in fighting?
Allah forbids revolting against a leader, unless the good that would come out of a revolution outweighs the harm of that revolution. The Libyan, Syrian, and Egyptian revolutions weren’t worth it, because the harm outweighs any benefits by far. That’s why it’s not always a good idea to revolt. What people should do is spread Islamic knowledge in their countries and beyond, and urge people towards obeying Allah. When people become righteous, Allah raise for them righteous leaders. There was a particular king of Saudi Arabia that was strict against America and Israel, and he even spearheaded an oil embargo that damage Western economies. Allah can still raise such leaders even within the House of Saud currently. But revolution is not how that can happen. People must turn to Allah in search of knowledge and obedience to Allah. Then Allah will bring righteous leaders.
I don’t agree with revolutions because they have more disadvantages than advantages in most cases. but revolution is what Iran is pushing across the Muslim world.
Shia and Sunnis have never united and can never unite. The caliphates of Fatimids fought the Ummayads and later, the Ismailis of Iran fought the Ottomans based on sectarian grounds. You must be an very naive to think that two OPPOSITE faiths can unite. I don’t have the time to elaborate on the irreconcilable differences between shiim and pure Islam. You can do your research.
True Sunnis have no side in the current war in the middle east. Both Iran and its enemies are bad guys. And we will not get involved either on the side of Iran or Saudi Arabia. Turkey, Pakistan, Malaysia, Indonesia, and all other Muslim countries have not answered Saudi Arabia’s request for help in the Yemen war. Neither would we side with Iran.
You guys can fight as long as you want. We aint getting involved even if America invades Iran. The only time we will intervene is when Shiites try to take Mecca and Medina. We will do this to protect the holy sites falling into the hands of Shiites, not because we want to help the house of Saud.
Good you will lose I promise you this get ready for payback for what you did in Syria and Iraq. Most Sunni supported isis when they first came out. And Saudi Arabia doesn’t want to stop its support for isis we will bring the fight to your backyards karma is coming. soon inshallah Mecca and Medina will be liberated.
Well, I must commend you for being open with me. Shiites are always very secretive, and almost everyone of them denied that Iran mulls plans for Mecca and Medina. The Sunnis who supported ISIS are ignorant, brainwashed, or simply disobedient to Sharia. ISIS is an anti-Islamic group because of the chaos it spreads everywhere, and no Sunni classical work supports its actions. However, Iran also takes the blame for this, because the militias in Iraq were oppressing the Sunnis. That made some Sunnis see ISIS as a counter-balance to Shiite militias. Talking about Mecca and Medina being liberated, I have great confidence that the enemies of Islam will destroy one another over the three holy sites. Let me give you the hard facts about how Allah has set you enemies of Islam for collective destruction: 1. Shiites want to create a Shiite caliphate, and that means they have to seize Mecca and Medina, and later, Jerusalem. This is the mission Ruhollah Khomeini set for the Iranian regime, who is diligently following it through. 2. To take Mecca and Medina, the Shiites must overthrow the Saudi monarchy. This means war with Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Egypt, because all these countries will rally to defend their master. Then there is America and Israel who knows it’s next after the Saudi Monarchy.
Iran wanted to fight this war without getting directly involved. The Mullahs would prefer to instigate a revolution in Saudi Arabia and smuggle proxy forces and Qods forces into the kingdom, who’ll fight and secure the holy lands through Iran’s help. This way, Iran can avoid being dragged into an overt war. But the problem with this approach is, the Saudi monarchy keeps a close watch on dissent, especially in the Shiite areas. Hence, the chances of domestic revolution in Saudi Arabia is next to zero. It would take a big external war to bring down the House of Saud. Sorry, but Yemen isn’t a big enough war for that.
This struggle for the Middle East has already cost Iran some of its top military commanders, and almost started a war. It has ravaged Iran’s economy and killed thousands of Shiite fighters. It sets Iran on a collision course with America and Israel. The only thing that may defuse this situation is if Iran gives up its ambitions of a Shiite caliphate, or at least takes its sights off the Hejaz. Or, If America, Israel, and the house of Saud decides to hand over Mecca, Medina, and Jerusalem to the Shiites peacefully. I can’t see any of this happening. And that means there’s gonna be a war. I’m pretty certain that there’ll be little left of Iran after this war for it to be strong enough to seize and hold the Hejaz. That’s why the other Muslim countries should stay out of this fight. The House of Saud and its allies, The Iranians and their followers, America and Israel, all are enemies of pure Islam. So why should we bother if the fight each other?
Allah set the destruction of all these enemies when he pushed them to overthrow Saddam Hussein (who was himself an enemy of Islam). He was a barrier between the Iranian side and the American side, because he managed to contain Iran. But when Saddam fell, that barrier was removed and the U.S had to bear the full consequences of containing the demonic Shiite empire in the making. This is why America calls the Iraq war its biggest foreign policy mistake. The fact that Allah removed Saddam Hussein is a sign that He will cause these enemies of Islam to destroy one another. Smart countries are moving away from the pending doom. Turkey, Qatar, Pakistan, Oman, have all refused to get involved cos they see what’s coming.
The Shia never do anything without a reason Saudi Arabia wants to fight through proxies and keep waging war and providing a safe haven for US Israel and isis then there will be consequences to pay we are simply defending ourselves. And inshallah from this defense we will make way for imam al mahdi(A.S) to come. The Shia will carve the way for imam al mahdi(A.S) to come back and move around safely and Allah will keep helping us and sending us help just like he did in 2006 Lebanon Israel war and our war against isis and their sponsor and our war in Yemen. This is what Allah want.
You Mahdi seems to be the dajjal in Sunni traditions. Only Dajjal is in ocultation. Mahdi would be born. Anyway, I’m in no mood to argue about the Mahdi. But your war with Israel in 2006 was not conclusive, since Israel just got stronger and you need to defeat it first. Also, Syrian rebels were trashing your Shiite fighters in Syria before Russia saved you in 2015. Without Russian protections, the resistance axis would have collapsed since. Hezbollah would have been cut off from Iran. Even now, it’s not yet over. You have lost so many fighters and leaders in the past few years, and your economy is shattered from Lebanon to Syria and Iran. Iraq is not in your grips despite the PMU, which has proved to be incapable of executing its threat to force the U.S out of Iraq. So what victory are you talking about? in 2011, America was out of Iraq, Syria was still 100% under Assad’s control, Lebanon had a vibrant economy. What about today?
Your allied with the dajjals army you blind fool which country has the all seeing eye on its currency other than the US which countries are controlled by the Masonic Zionist order other then your countries you ignorant fool. You keep talking about 2006 how hezbollah didn’t win because they didn’t whip Israel off the face of the earth but you don’t want to mention how hezbollah was only 5000 fighters who were fighting against an entire military with all of its reserves too and the 4th strongest military at the time with all the aid and backing of the world you dummy. And you keep saying Russia is the reason why the Shia beat isis but don’t want to mention how isis was getting support from all of nato gulf states and Israel so it’s wrong when the Shia get help from the outside but it’s okay when you guys do your a hypocrite then you want to talk about how we were better in 2011 before isis was around but don’t want to blame isis for causing instability but instead blame it on the people who stood up to these terrorist. Walla your a fool and guess what the axis of resistance is much stronger and will only continue to get stronger and it’s all thanks to Allah. And also I’m not surprised that our savior is your enemy it’s makes perfect sense.
I’m not going to argue about the Mahdi or the Dajjal, because most of you Shiites are blind to reason. That means you and I won’t agree.
I’m not allied with America, you dumb. Did you know that Iran allied with America during the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq? Did you know that Soleimani led an elite Iranian force in Afghanistan that fought shoulder-to-shoulder with U.S soldiers/ General Tommy Franks visited Tehran twice in the run up to the Afghanistan invasion. Iranian commandos set up a secure base for themselves in Herat. A group of eight to 10 US Special Forces officers joined them later. Iranian special forces were freely handed US communications and operational codes with which to cooperate in the fight.
The Afghan invasion led to more than 300,000 deaths. That of Iraq caused at least 1.5 million deaths. Iran’s hands are soiled in the blood of these victims, most of whom were non-combatants. When Allah punished America for this crime (and He will), do you think Iran will go scot-free?
Did you know that the Iranian regime prohibits the construction of Sunnis mosques in Tehran and other Iranian cities? This is despite the fact that there are about 2 million Sunnis in Tehran alone. The regime even demolishes Sunni mosques. Even worse, the Iranian regime allies with Christian Armenia against Shiite Azerbaijan, even during the war. It was Turkey (a Sunni country) which helped Azerbaijan reclaim its lands.
The lying old fool Khameini often publishes speeches urging Muslims to unite. Is this his idea of unity. How is he better than Saddam or MBZ, or MBS? In fact, the Iranian regime is worse than these Arab tyrants. At least none of them terrorizes the Sunnis to such an extent.
You devilish fire worshipers think that your dirty acts are well-hidden. We’re in the information age, and things cannot be kept secret for too long. No Sunni would love or support Iran after knowing what I know about the demons running Tehran.
So my dear fool, I hate Iran for a reason. I used to support it until March 2020 when I discovered through deep research, that these are the Dajjal’s army, not the Mahdi’s army.
So much lies it’s not even funny. Your whole exist is pathetic your nothing more then a Zionist puppet. Keep watching the Shia grow stronger and bigger. I know it pisses you off you will lose because Allah is on our side. I can’t expect any less from people who didn’t even listen to the prophets final message but claim to still be Muslim.
100 million missiles ready for all our enemies so fuck your nukes.
Were you doing Allah’s work when you helped America kill hundreds of thousands in Afghanistan? Are you still doing Allah’s work by siding with the Americans in Afghanistan? Was it Allah’s work to side with Armenia over Azerbaijan. Look at yourself in the mirror and answer “YES” to these questions. I can’t see any sign of Allah’s help for your Shiite forces. Iran’s influence and power has been in decline since 2011. I know you’ll argue this, like one of your Iranian brother did. So, I’m going to post the reply I gave to him here for you as well:
“””Reposted from a previous reply”””
I said losses, but you say numbers. Anyway, I’ll give you numbers and then losses: 1. “Between November 2012 and 2017 Iran lost over 2,100 men, including 418 ranking officers while more than 7,000 Iranian “defenders of the shrines” were also wounded. Unofficial estimates for the losses of non-Iranian fighters, mostly Lebanese, Iraqi, Afghan and Pakistani, recruited and led by Iran, show several thousand casualties” https://english.aawsat.com/…. 2. “According to estimates by Iranian researchers using a survey of “funeral notices” published by the Lebanese branch of “Hezbollah,” the Iran-controlled militia led by Hassan Nasrallah has lost at least 1,400 men in combat in Syria. That is more than twice the number of men that “Hezbollah” lost in the 2006 war with Israel.” https://english.aawsat.com/…. 3. “Western intelligence sources put the number of Iranian and Iran-led fighters in Syria at over 25,000. Thus, the losses they have sustained are far bigger than the classical military measure of “decimation” used to indicate the worst possible military performance” 4. “An Iranian General Is Killed in Syria. Commander Hossein Hamedani died at Islamic State hands” https://www.theatlantic.com… 5. “10 Iran-backed fighters killed in Syria attack” https://www.aljazeera.com/n… 6. Iran’s General Qassem Suleimani wounded in Syria https://www.thenationalnews… 7. Mohsen Fakhrizadeh: Iran scientist ‘killed by remote-controlled weapon’ https://www.bbc.com/news/wo… 8. “US kills top Iranian general in Baghdad air strike. 8 others died alongside Soleimani” https://www.voanews.com/ext… 9. Economic losses due to “terrorist sanctions”: According to Javad Zarif, US sanctions inflicted $1 trillion damage on Iran’s economy” That could be an exaggeration, by it symbolizes the level of economic damage Iran incurred despite fulfilling its commitment under the JCPOA. https://www.aljazeera.com/n…
There are so many other losses on Iran, but I guess the few I’ve listed will help you do the math. Now, you give me the losses on America’s side.
I won’t bother replying to any lies anymore just know I told you and warned you. Allah is with the Shia and you could see how Allah is giving the Shia victory for little over 40 years now and they are going against the biggest superpower in history of the current world. And they finally titled the scale in their favor even US senator Rand Paul admits this. stop being blind they aren’t hiding their true colors anymore and even the Arab leader are showing their true colors. Allah has revealed their true faces that means we’re nearing the end and inshallah the فَرَج is coming for ahulbayti Muhammad(PBUH) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QM2luXVUp7A
Yes indeed Allah has revealed the faces of His enemies. And that includes the Iranian regime and Arab monarchies and dictators. Did you know that their’s a fire temple in Tehran? Did you know that there is not Sunni mosque in Tehran because the government forbids it? Did you know that Sunnis are banned from praying in Iran’s universities? Did you know that Iran demolishes Sunni worship places in Tehran and other cities. Did you know that the government of Iran prohibits Sunnis from praying the Eid in Tehran and other cities? Who on Earth would believe that this is a Godly regime? Certainly not the Muslims, and that includes me!
Btw Shia will rule the Middle East. Inshallah you will witness it.
Those Shia cowards have driven the US from Iraq before. They are about to repeat it.
Oh really? Let’s see …
The Shiites can attack convoys and fixed installations with greater intensity. Air bases that support such strikes, should be attacked.
They’ll be bombarded with lead …
Make My Day!
What are they waiting for?
Attacking convoys gas become a regular occupance, you will hear of some other attack next week.
Yeah, but you lack the heart to draw U.S blood. IED attacks on convoys isn’t going to get the U.S out of Iraq. Don’t forget that the U.S just blew up 500+ trucks full of Iranian oil at the Afghan-Iran border, injuring over 60 and killing about 7 people. This came only two days after a U.S drone and airstrike that killed at least 11 Shiite fighters. Then two days ago, America dropped about 7 precision guided bombs on PMU targets in Syria, killing some 22 and causing severe material damage. Do you think this was a proportionate circle of violence? Certainly not. The oil bombing alone cost Iran upwards of $50 million. add to that the human and other material losses + sanctions. How much damage does the PMU inflict by bombing convoys in Iraq? The U.S will simple accumulate those petty provocations and respond disproportionately at a point like it just did. So, you are the losers in this cold war.
I am not sure how many Americans are in these convoys, however, IED is not the only option available. Convoys being interdicted and not reaching their destination would hamper US military presence in the area.
“”” Don’t forget that the U.S just blew up 500+ trucks full of Iranian oil at the Afghan-Iran ”””
There was one tanker that blew up setting fire on the Afghani side to other tankers. Besides, US does what it does to define some narrative of being great and powerful. There were multiple attacks on tankers carrying stolen Syrian oil, they will not cease even though it will cause collateral damage.
you have clue what’s happening in this cold war.
The one clueless is you. You have not said anything different than the western/Turk narrative bs.
You zionist scum dont know anything about shia . they will move one step back but they will move 2 steps in front when reatilate. Today Us/Israel/Alsaud and other Arab puuppet of israel are afraid of shia muslim thats why they are supporiting terriost on the ground. Bcuz Israeli and US and other arab army to afraid to face shia fighters on the ground so they only use fighter jets to attack . but soon solution to bring down your mighty god in Air flying isnear then we see how you piss in your pampers. Already Arab puppets is pin down in yemen. soon syria and iraq will pin your zionist master.
I guess killing Soleimani was a great sign that America is afraid of the Shiite fighters. It’s actually the other way round. But you won’t admit because it’s humiliating and painful. What happening today is the U.S/Israel/Saudi Arabia declaring war on Iran and its proxies all over the Middle East. They are bombing you from Syria to Iraq and Lebanon. They are crippling your economies and assassinating your leaders, scientist, and sabotaging your facilities. That doesn’t seem to me like they are afraid of the Shiite fighters. It only shows that the Shiite fighters are afraid to start a war with the U.S camp. Simple.
You’re the enemy … eh?
Coming ta git ya …
They didn’t attack in Iraq not to make the Baghdad government appear weak. It’s still the same whether they attack the PMU in Iraq or Syria, because the PMU operates in both countries.
Frankly, the US losers are liars and they have bombed civilians like their Zionist cowardly masters. These are poor peoples shops near the highway.
Denial of reality … poor Shia stooge
What does ISIS still in Syria?! Putin told, ISIS is death. If you look at the map of Syrfia, you can see more and more territories are occupied by ISIS. Also more and more rebellions against Assad. Assad is tupid guy, he does nothing for the people. Where is the promnised new constitution?! This idiot will lose AGAIN Syria.
You are stupid or what?…tell me How many village are under ISIS control?..
They don’t have to control villages. All they have to do is keep contesting Assad’s control of some parts of Syria. Did you see how they were ambushing SAA buses and patrols with dozens of deaths? All this while Russia is spending thousands of bombs on them ISIS, almost to no avail. I pity these fuckers in the SAA, really.
Thats attack cannot change nothing…it is easy to plant bomb or to shoot at a bus….the dificult thing is to take a village and keep it under control…and the days where ISIS could do it are ended.
I know ISIS cannot hold any territory, and I’m glad about that. But that doesn’t mean that Assad controls such territory either.
In order NOT to upset the budding democracy in Iraq … Iraq’s PM is a ‘good guy’ … unlike the previous incumbents
They can not live more than 1 month without destroying something in the middle east.
The same as the Iranian terror militias.
The godfather of Isis is back, with Joe Zombie in the oval office, the bookies no longer take bets against the rebirth of Isis, it is well established that supported by the US military will soon show their black flags on all the organs of [dis] information, the Mic and Isisrahell are already rubbing their hands with joy.
IS/Daesh kill Muslims mostly … eh?
They show up wherever there is ‘weak state’ control … like in Syria
Should they ‘attempt’ to attack Israel … they’ll be eliminated
USA have attacked a small outpost ( 1 killed 2 wounded)….it has caused less damage than a normal ISIS attack!…..USA know that a massive attack killing Iranian would be retaliate as we have seen in 2 US bases which have been smashed!…Israel use to attack SAA warehouse…they didnt attack Hezbollah in lebanon and IRGC in Syria because they know that Iran is not SAA!…last time when IAF killed IRGC members in T-4…Iran launched 55 rockets ( 10 of them 330mm new Farj-5) and destroyed a Israeli base in Mount Hermon.
Your information is Iranian propaganda you swallowed whole … hello?
Nothing was destroyed by the 55 IRGC rockets fired in May 2018 … the response by Israel was devastating and the IRGC has since NEVER retaliated out of fear … hello?
The US attack in Syria killed 21 shia brigades slugs … and destroyed whatever they attacked with precision missiles … eh?
The US and Israelis are capable of destroying Iran … they aren’t Arabs
Muslims are weak and aren’t progressing much … it’s your culture that’s holding y’all back … eh?
You’ll be squished soon enough … keep your head down
I could give a sh Xt …
Let them talk tzatz, they need to pray Bibi keeps his seat, no other Israeli PM will accept the bullshit Bibi has accepted from Hamas or Hezbollah. My prediction is that Gideon Sa’ar + Bennet + Lapid form the new govt, then our enemies need to rethink twice.
P.S, hope you get the 2nd shot soon, stay safe and well.
A great triumvirate … Sa’ar. / Bennet / Lapid
I would suggest you to take a third shot too, so to be sure this flu doesn’t kill you… What a warrior… Really brainwashed, and I’m still trying to figure what’s behind the smog… All jews soon to be vaccinated with pfizer and moderna, vaccines who give infertility (among other recognized adverse effects). Maybe this is how you’ll be gone… Who knows!
No side effects as of now, actually the Covid gives that so that means most of us are protected now. Israelis are getting back to normality, but it won’t be completed unless we remove the head of the snake from power.
Sputnik said today no one was killed in the attack on Syria, that the strike hit a warehouse.
Sputnik? Isn’t that a Russian site?
Is is apparent to any reader of your garbled posts, that your delusions in the fantasy land of your tormented mind are getting serious…I presume it’s too late for medical assistance.
I’m blocked from posting under tzatz by Southfront …
ISIS like al Qaeda is an American Zionist Satanic creation . These groups are American led. of course they would not attack their Zionist masters, its the source of their funding, including salaries, arms and medical. Oh Lord, God, expose the satanic plans of the America antiChrist/ Zionist and bring your holy truth to this earth, Amen.
IS/Daesh are Muslim Jihadi/Islamist warriors … they’re YOUR CREATION … doing ‘Jihad for the sake of Allah’ right from your gospel … hello?
They’re smarter than YOU … cuz attacking Israel would render then dead … lol
May God strike all Muslim Jihadis/Islamists dead with the finger of his right hand …
ISIS and Israel are buddies! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=io4hcNZEePU
Israel heals these ‘rebels’ who are fighting Assad … hello? It’s compassionate care … and BTW … Israel learns from them INTEL on what’s going on and whose in charge of what … lol
There are NO FREE LUNCHES … eh?
These guys aren’t IS/Daesh … the UAE / Saudis back these slugs … they were ‘cannon fodder’ for the Jihad ongoing throughout the lands of the Arab/ Muslims … full stop
Compassionate care for ISIS? No it is not compassion, it is because ISIS and Israel are buddies!
These louts were FSA … against Assad
These weren’t IS/Daesh … lol
Put your glasses on …
There are NO “moderate rebels” in Syria. They are all head-chopping terrorists with different names. The only moderate people in Syria are president Bashar Al-Assad and his people. The rest are terrorists! Israel evacuated 800 Al-qaeda “white helmets” oepratives encircled by the Syrian army two years ago. See it below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyyX9xYLSSo
Hey … your ‘truth’ is full of sh Xt
Erdogan is worst number 1 in world
Okay, tell us why is Israel arming Erdogan and his isis/aqaeda terrorist mercinaries that are fighting Armenian Christians in Karabakh? See it below:
Southfront has banned me … I’d reply but what’s the use … 🤮
Your information is just wrong … lol
If you are banned how come you are still writting?
I can respond from the notifications page …
Israel is the devil in your worldview … the Jew the ultimate evil on Planet Earth …. LMAO
Whomever YOU represent … a country or a religion … I hope Israel and/or the Jews smite them down with extreme prejudice
WIPE THEM ALL OUT … no survivors
You are putting your words into my mouth. I am simply asking why is ISRAEL supporting jihadist head-chopers and neo-Nazis? Is that a wrong question to ask? Below Israel is sharing nuclear thecnology with Saudi Arabia which is no different from ISIS. See it below:
Your twisted information is the issue ….
Garbage in … Garbage out
You’re a victim of your information …
Listen: Israel is supporting ISIS, al-Qaeda and other jihadist groups in Syria and beyond. Israel is arming Turkish sponosored-jihadists that are killing Christians in Karabakh, Israel is treating and evacuating encircled al-qaida terrorists in Syria, Israel is arming neo-Nazi fascists in Ukraine to kill Russian-speaking people in East Ukraine and Israel is sharing nuclear technology with Saudi Arabian=ISIS head-choppers….Every single one of these is a veriviable fact! The question is where is tiny Israel is going with all of this??? That is a question for you to ponder!
Your information is garbage … lol
MintPress? There are 5 comments … 3 say it’s BS
Didn’t Obama and Clinton admit to funding and training the Israel Secret Intelligence Service?
Well, it was coming all along. Biden is sending a message that he won’t tolerate even insignificant IED attacks on U.S convoys. This is the only message that Iran’s militias understand: Disproportionate lethal force.
The terrorists supported by Iran can’t really take revenge, because both them and their masters, the Iranian mullahs, are vulnerable to American strikes.
Those US forces are in another Country you retarded prick,they are not in New York.
objackoff writing typical nonsense
Aww … Russian pride or Jihadi pride hurt?
Missad/CIA Pride*🌈
U.S. and Israel lost. Thats strike is a joke.
Yak, yak, yak Sergei. Shoot some airplanes down and return fire with a limited missile barrage and after a short and intense round of hostilities some freaked out people everywhere will work for a cease fire. And then the USA will think long and hard about what you might do next time they have an urge to act like idiot bandits. Otherwise, all Washington hears is yak, yak, yak, international law that doesn’t apply to us, yak, yak….
You are absolutely right!
I am sick of hearing about international law from Russia whenever the gangsters attack,we know its against international law,it was against international law twenty years ago when they destroyed the FRY,and no one has done anything about it since.
the disunited states of A no longer refer to international law, they have a new concept ‘rule based order’ and where the rules are put together by the washington criminals.
Russia don’t want iranian in syria,
Sergei has nothig for shooting down of yankee planes. Ruskies have deadly fear from confrontation with yanks.
I guess thats why U.S. was pulling out… Because Russia was afraid of them… And thats why U.S. Israel lost.. Didn’t know Mossad was hiring brain damaged trolls to be hasbarats… Covid must have hit you guys hard…
exactly what Iran should do. But don’t forget the horrors of 1981 to 1989
I have just one question,were these strikes launched from Iraqi or Syrian airspace,if Syrian they should have been shot down by those S-300s,its really that simple.
Syria doesn’t have permission to fire at US,
It appears that the Russians are still in control of the S- 300s.The Russian government is playing a double game.
Lavrov speaks out of both sides of his mouth … the usual Russian bs
Except Russia won the war, you lost…
What war? lol
Syria is a failed state … hello?
Less a failed state than Israel.
typical amerikan cowardice
You should know, hasbarats are pro at it…
22 Iranian backed terrorists were killed, no one cries over them (except for the mullahs and their families). Their lives mean shit.
thats not true. They will be given heros funeral in Iraq (watch the iraqi press to see over the coming few days) . Expect massive rallies and real anger. Iraq is covered with giant portraits of General Soleimani. The Hashd al Shaabi (PMU) are very popular in iraq. Iraqi’s see them as defending and defeating the American zionist led ISIS . Iraqi’s believe that the Hashd will eventually expel the American/Zionist Occupation. yes at the moment Zion is from the sea to the river as per the end times prophecy. Enjoy it while it lasts Zionist. God has sent the 313 prophets and many angels to earth. Our leaders are imam Hussein, Imam Mahdi, Jesus, Moses, Elijah, peace on them all and many others. Prophecy is now. Israel, Arabs and America (democracy, human rule etc) are doomed. Oh Lord, God fill this world with Justice and peace as it was filled with injustice and tyranny, Amen
No Faisal, they do not represent Iraq, and as an Iraqi Jew I know Iraq can be better than this and Iraqis themselves deserve better, not to be ruled under Iran nor under other country. Iraqis will keep dying for Iran, till they open their eyes and see that for Iran – Iraqi lives don’t mean anything same as Yemenis or Lebanese. And tell me, why do Arabs want to die for the Persians? where is your honour? you are Irqais not Iranians, start acting accordingly.
Ari Shavit – Haaretz – March 4, 2003
In the course of the past year, a new belief has emerged in the town: the belief in war against Iraq. That ardent faith was disseminated by a small group of 25 or 30 neoconservatives, almost all of them Jewish, almost all of them intellectuals, people who are mutual friends and cultivate one another and are convinced that political ideas are a major driving force of history.
Ari Shavit – Haaretz – March 4, 2003
Alan Dershowtiz ……………… Frederick Kagan Bill Kristol ……………………….. Henry Kissenger Charles Krauthammer ………. Irving Kristol Bret Stephens ………………….. James Schlesinger Daniel Pipes …………………….. John Podhoretz Danielle Pletka …………………. Joshua Bolten David Frum ………………………. Kimberly Kagan David Wurmser …………………. Norman Podhoretz Donald Kagan ……………………. Paul Wolfowitz Douglas Feith …………………….. Richard Perle Marc Grossman …………………. Robert Kagan Dov Zakheim ……………………… Scooter Libby Eliot Cohen ……,………………….. Stephen Bryen Elliot Abrams
Iraqi Jew, Mizrahi?! it is you by God who should feel shame. The Palestinians are our cousins and yet you support their oppression. If you truly are Mizrahi you are closer to the Palestinians in blood than any Falasha or Ashkenazi or even the Sephardim. The zionist will reap what they sow.
In 1901, a German tourist went to Yemen and found Yemeni Jews, took pictures and published them which stunned the white Jew world. They had no idea there were such Jews in the world. Theodor Herzl wrote in his diaries that he heard there were “negro Jews” in India and he concluded they must have been the slaves of the Jews who converted. He had no idea there were none-white Jews in the world. In 1940 according to AJC, there were 16,500,000 Jews in the world and 16,000,000 or 97% were the Ashkenazi and the total Arab Jews were only 500,000 or 3%. They are not Mizrahi Jews but Arab Jews. They are Arab in everything, ancestry, DNA, language, alphabet, appearance, origin, etc. Please tell me if not Arab, what else are these Jews? https://i.imgur.com/1bxt98V.jpg?w=300
Follow my comments Faisal, I support giving them a state and get rid of them for the sake of my country. I do not want to rule over them, and I don’t hate them for being Arabs I hate them for killing Israelis. And yes, I am a Mizarahi Jew as many of us here, you should also talk how the Ba’ath regime and other governments in North Africa expelled the Jews to Israel after 1948. So stop crying it was only one sided.
WTF is the lily white Jew doing on Arab land and he is just as alien to the the Arab region as the Eskimos? Are Arabs responsible to give their land to all hated people of the world?
The European Jews are totally alien to the Arab region, the Arabs never met these people, they never knew who they were.
Name…………………….Ashkenazi……Middle Eastern
David Pakman……………. 100% ………… 0% Josh Peck…………….….100%……………0% Zac Posen………………..100%……………0% Kira Kosarin……….……..100%……………0% Gideon Levy……………….. 100 % ………… 0% Ben Shapiro……………….. 100% …………. 0%
Alan Dershowitz…………. 98.5% ………. 0% Bernie Sanders………….. 97.7% ………. 0% Larry David………………… 97.8% ……… 0% Neil Gaiman………………. 99.6% ………. 0% Tony Kushner…………….. 97.5% ………. 0% Sheryl Sanberg ………….99.8%………..0% Julianna Margulies………96.3%…………0%
Ashkenazi is Eurppean
If these Jews are not Arab, what else are they?
Israelis from Iraq remember Babylon By Lipika Pelham Jerusalem “During the Shia festival of Muharram we would take part in the procession and along with our Arab friends, beat our chests to remember the epic battle of Karbala,” said Yakov Reuveni, remembering his youth in 1940s Iraq.
Yakov Reuveni remembers an easy and happy Iraqi childhood “My best friend was the son of the mayor of Ammara. After school we would go out to the date palm grove with the freshly caught fish from the river Hidekel, which we would barbeque in the fields over an open fire.”
The river Hidekel, Hebrew for the Tigris, runs through his home province, Ammara, 380km (236 miles) south-east of Baghdad.
Among his most cherished memories, says Yakov, is the after- school stroll along the riverbank with his Arab friend.
He grew up in a moderately well-to-do Jewish home with his parents, four siblings and grandparents. His father had a clothing store in the heart of Ammara’s central market.
It was an easy, happy life. Jews shared almost all aspects of life with their Arab neighbours, reminisces Yakov.
He was 17 years old in 1951, when his family emigrated to Jerusalem.
For the Jews of Middle Eastern origins, like their European co-religionists, coming to Israel was the culmination of a religious journey – it was the fulfilment of the centuries- old dream to live in the Promised Land.
I still think in Arabic, still I can’t string together all my thoughts in Hebrew. You have to understand, my mother tongue is Arabic
Yakov Reuveni But many who fled the Arab states and came to Israel as part of the mass migration that followed the creation of the Jewish state in 1948, look back with nostalgia and fondness for the life that they had left behind.
Israel has a vibrant Iraqi Jewish community who arrived throughout the 1950s. Many Iraqi Jews settled in the area known as Mahane Yehuda in the heart of west Jerusalem.
It is a famous market with alleyways lined with grocery shops: rows after rows of shops laden with colourful fruit and vegetables, fresh fish, dried fruit, sweets, different kinds of bread, cheese, traditional salted fish.
These stores are still mostly owned by the descendants of the Iraqi and Kurdish Jewish immigrants.
Fish feast
“The most memorable taste was the fish called maskuf, from the river Hidekel,” says Yakov.
“After the Sabbath, we would wander off to the fields and have a feast with fish cooked on the spit, Iraqi pita and arak.”
After maskuf and arak, a strong aniseed flavoured local alcoholic drink, the boys would go to Ammara’s club to watch belly dancing.
Most of us still feel connected to the country where we or our ancestors came from. Our parents and our grandparents still remember many things from their Iraqi past and they bring them to us, with food, music, language Eli Mizrakhi Yakov recalls, with vivid, powerful details, the life that he had once led, a life that was changed overnight by the political realities of the time.
“We used to eat with them, sleep with them, go to school with them, the Arabs and the Jews went to the same high school.
“We never thought of who was Jewish and who was Arab, until 1947. It all suddenly changed. The people that you knew as good people turned into bad people for you and you became bad for them. It was very sad,” Yakov said.
But, while anti-Jewish sentiment flared up after the creation of Israel and the subsequent Arab-Israeli war in 1948-49, discrimination and attacks on Jews were part of life in Iraq.
In the most notorious incident, mobs rampaged through the Jewish district of Baghdad killing an estimated 170 Jews in 1941, in what became known as the Farhoud massacre.
By 1952, 120,000 Jews, about three quarters of the community, had fled Iraq for Israel.
Thinking in Arabic In the heart of the Mahane Yehuda market is Cafe Mizrakhi, which specialises in certain traditional delicacies from Iraq. The word Mizrakhi means Oriental Jews.
Food stall at Mahane Yehuda market Food is central to lingering nostalgia among Jews originally from Iraq It is owned by Eli Mizrakhi, whose family came from northern Iraq, or what is now known as Iraqi Kurdistan.
“Most of us still feel connected to the country where we or our ancestors came from. Our parents and our grandparents still remember many things from their Iraqi past and they bring them to us, with food, music, language.”
Both Eli and Yakov agree that despite having gone through the process of assimilation into Israel, they keep alive many aspects of their previous lives, in particular, Iraqi food and speaking Arabic.
“We used to eat kubbeh and bamia, or okra. The kubbeh, made with minced lamb, was the national food for the Jews all over Iraq. Thursday was the day of khitchri – it’s a dish cooked with rice and lentils.
“I still think in Arabic, still I can’t string together all my thoughts in Hebrew. You have to understand, my mother tongue is Arabic,” says Yakov.
Now living in a small cottage with his wife in south Jerusalem, Yakov keeps himself busy recreating sweet pickled orange from his youth, while longing to someday return to Babylon.
It is considered a major shame for a white Jew to marry an Arab Jew.
And what if she’s Sephardi?
Why are marriages between Ashkenazim and Sephardim so rare in the haredi world? Who’s considered a first-rate guy, who has black marks against him, and what do haredi men think about the system? Matchmaking in the haredi world,
Neta Sela|Published: 06.08.07
“On the ‘haredi street’ it’s known that if an Ashkenazi guy marries a Sephardi girl he must have a problem. It’s unusual for Sephardim and Ashkenazim to get married because Sephardim are considered inferior and Ashkenazim are considered more elite. For a Sephardi girl it’s a step up in the world to get an Ashkenazi guy.” This is how Menachem (not his real name) explains the problematic nature of a match with a Sephardic girl in the haredi world.
A peek into the haredi matchmaking world: Who’s a good catch and who’s not, what’s an old age to marry and how does love fit into the equation In this world, marriages between two people from different ethnic groups are almost impossible, and are certainly rare, even today. The official explanation for racial segregation is different approaches to Jewish law.
Ashkenazim, for example, tend to be stricter, while Sephardim are more lenient. The real reason? “The real reason is racism,” says Ya’akov (not his real name), a Sephardi resident of Bnei Brak. On the one hand, he justifies the desire to find someone who is as suitable as possible in terms of Jewish law. “When you build a home you want to continue your ideology,” he says. On the other hand, he is angered by the condescension of the average Ashkenazi guy. “Someone once said to me, When will he be a perfectly righteous man in my eyes? When he wants to marry my daughter,” Ya’akov notes.
Menachem from Jerusalem admits that this approach is not necessarily in keeping with the lofty values of Judaism, but he frankly confesses that “no matter how shocking this sounds, it’s the reality. You can even offer a 30-year old guy a Sephardi girl and he’ll be insulted to the depths of his soul, and won’t understand how you could even dare to suggest such a thing.”
He says that the social stigmas surrounding this issue are so strong that he finds it hard to believe that “anything will change soon. Even my children and even my grandchildren are liable to suffer from this. Right away they’ll start to talk about it behind your back – ‘Did you hear that so-and-so married a Sephardi girl?’ It’s an embarrassment.” A sin called breaking an engagement
Menachem, an Ashkenazi from a “good home,” knows that at his advanced age, 25, his chances of receiving attractive offers are minimal. He also has a black mark against him because he broke off an engagement three days before the wedding, which makes his prospects less than stellar.
In the first round Menachem expected a “first-rate” girl. “Today they offer you either a divorcee, or an orphan, or someone whose parents are divorced, or they offer you a Sephardi girl. Second- or third-rate girls, every flaw you can possibly think of,” he notes. Despite his situation, he still is not sorry he broke off the engagement, though he knew he’d be forced to pay a heavy price.
In the haredi world you need a very good reason to call off a wedding. “Everything was already prepared,” he explains, “the dress, the hall, the invitations. It was a very great disgrace for the family, and for me it was a very serious emotional crisis whose remnants I feel to this day.”
In the past he was considered first rate, a quality guy from a good “Lithuanian” (mitnagid) home and a student at the prestigious Hebron yeshiva. Today he is a student in the Mir yeshiva. “When you break off an engagement there has to be a very good reason to do that.” He explains why it is such a serious matter: “It’s serious in terms of the kinyan (a pledge to go through with the marriage) and the obligation you have already undertaken, and also because people don’t know what happened there. They fear that perhaps there was some health problem there or that something serious happened between the couple.”
According to Menachem, nothing dramatic or serious happened, but “there was simply a feeling that this was not appropriate. I felt that this was really troubling me. I wasn’t able to live.” And what about the internet?
In the past, haredi couples had barely any privacy before the marriage. Today, with modernization penetrating the haredi world, this has changed. If in the past the custom was at most to correspond, “in today’s era everyone has cellphones and talks a lot,” says Shmuel. “It’s not the way it used to be, and the rabbis are fighting this as much as they can.” Recently there have been an increasing number of cases in which yeshiva students chose to deepen their connection with their intended more than with the world of Torah would want, and yeshiva heads have warned about that. One of the proposals raised in a number of yeshivas was to order a limit to the number of meetings between the couple prior to the wedding in order to prevent spiritual “mishaps.”
An additional opening to the world of dating is the internet. Shmuel notes that he has even heard of a couple who met online, but he himself belives that “if you want to meet a good girl, you won’t meet her in an online chat.”
Ultimately, Shmuel feels that the haredi system for finding a spouse works in most cases, and that it is very appropriate for him and other members of his crowd. “After all, I can’t go up to a girl on the street and start talking to her, and I also can’t start looking by myself. That way, our method, is the safe way. It’s the right way.”
http://www. ynetnews .com/articles/0,7340,L-3433983,00.html
you are damn liars how soon you can change your nationality. and top of that traiotor. keep crying for your zionist spineless master who only knows to fight from air. tell them to come to the ground and fight face tot face. You cant even fight Thousand well trined fighters from hezbollah . wihtout Air support. Bigges cowards army on earth is israeli and US. so piss in your pampers . and sleep in your Mama laps.
Oh please Rafik, PLEASE. Just give me a reason to come for you, then you will see how scared we are. Do one move at the border, give me a reason to break your fucking heads.
Go war with Gaza first see Israel can win or no
Whn a new Israeli PM gives us the order – gladly.
WTF is the white Jew doing in the Arab region? Returning? And he is 100% European according to his own DNA?
Silly one, without the US, you will be rushing out of the Arab region, but the white Jew made a deal with the US to give him the best weapons not available to the Arabs.
If Europeans hated the white Jew, we are not responsible for him, we never knew or met the white Jews ever.
And the reason you never touched even one German for killing your people? Because you are cowards who only attack children.
https://i.imgur.com/3xWs8xx.png?w=300 I say the national anthem of the white Jew is ridiculous, the white Jew needs to look West and not East because we do not even know who this white Jew is, completely and totally alien to the Arab region.
They will a hero’s funeral, are you kidding me? Is that all their lives is worth? A hero’s funeral? Iran may well lose control over its terror armies in the region because Iran never tries to protect them. What kind of an ally is Iran? You give the militias weapons and training, then stand far away when they’re having their asses handed to them. I think the U.S would simply destroy the link between Iran and its proxies by proving to the terrorists that their master (Iran) is spineless and will not protect or even fight at the front-lines to defend its allies. How long before the militias realize they are just a shield?
PMU popular among SOME Shiite Iraqis, not even all Shiites, let alone Sunnis. Sistani blasted Iran’s militias in Iraq and asked the Iraqis to distance such destabilizing agents of the devil straight out of hell.
If Iran continues to pursue its destabilizing policies, the Iran-Iraq war would look like child’s play compared to what lays ahead. Hundreds of thousands of Iranians dies at the hands of Saddam’s forces. Iranian leaders still remember that period well. Fighting the U.S is a nightmare to them no matter how big they talk. They know what such a war would mean for Iran. And they won’t risk it even for their militias.
First Sistani will not say that . When he remove fatwa to fight ISIL and his sponser .he knows what it means. PMU is not only shia . it is mixed with sunni/Cristianand izadi group. and US knows war with iran will bring Annihiliation of ISrael and thier bases and ship will be under attack for long time . Us will not surrive nether israel bcuz they dont have long logistic support once thier bases is destroyed and Russia nd china will defenty supply full wepeons anytime to iran and iraq/Syria. US /Israe and Alsaud will pay heavy price more then world war 2 .
Yeah, Iran will be able to inflict significant damage on Israel, but it can’t annihilate Israel. That bullshit is just the usual Iranian exaggeration. I’m pretty confident the U.S has infiltrated MOST if not ALL Iran’s underground missile cities. They were able to track Soleimani, Fakhrazadeh, and were able to penetrate Iran’s nuclear facilities to sabotage it. These individuals lived a highly secretive live and the nuclear facilities are the MOST guarded facilities in Iran. If the U.S was able to penetrate to this extent, it means they know the locations of most of Iran’s underground missile cities, and other missile locations. These will be the first targets in any war. Even if American bunker busting bombs cannot penetrate deep enough to destroy the missiles, they can still render such underground facilities useless by bombing the outside launch tunnels and entryways, blocking any way for missiles to exit the underground facilities. However, Iran will not risk bombing Israel with missiles indiscriminately as doing so will invite an Israeli attack with tactical nukes.
Well said. These guys talk big, but are spineless. Iran has lost all respect the U.S ever had for it since the death of Soleimani.
yeah but you lower caste punjabi had no respect to begin with no? Here you run your gob on Iran whilst being on IMF life support…….lol
the yankee-twats have found the perfect perpetual war, the war that never ends and which is a toll on the economy but doesn’t give up lots of dead formerly apple-cheeked unemployed sons of the disunited states of morons, so it’s quiet on the body-bag front and the dead are either proxy-fighters for the disunited states or the local and relatively innocent netizens of the middle east and all the while lockheed-martin, raytheon or such companies make trillions in profits and which are shared with the shareholders – everyone wins in the perpetual war, except the tax-payers, the ones that are under-educated, and unemployed and lacking the necessary health-covers and whose future at best is food-stamps or the worst – the street – what a cynical government is running the disunited states of A.
the quickest way to end the disunited states of A’s meddling in the middle east is to start sending back body-bags of dead once apple-cheeked sons of the country because that is what is visible to the public and too many there will be an increasingly vocal opposition which eventually will help end the war.
but not to worry – there will be about 8 million dead jews before the middle east war is over and there won’t be any body-bags for those jews. rest assured!
The self-styled nazi ‘thinks’ ? You have misplaced your worry over body bags … eh?
The Jews/Zionists/Israelis won’t go down without bringing their enemies down FIRST … rest assured
Another evidence, that Russia is weak, Putin is weak.
Another evidence you cry at your hasbarat HQ… Sorry Shlomo, no more greater Israel Project for you… Syria, Russia, Iran won, you lost.
Paranoia strikes deep into your mind it will creep
Hard facts. Not paranoia. You on the other hand have an apartheid in your country… Sounds familiar, it sure does…
You are projecting Shlomo… What about your covid pass, will they give you a free Yellow David Star too…?
Hopefully … May 1st in Ontario and the 2nd shot afterwards …
I’ll start roaming shortly thereafter … Month of August in NYC …. hopefully
I cant wait…
Won? Won so, that Syia is split into 3 pieces…
80% of Syria is under SAA control, increasing by the day… 10 years 3superpowers and a major power, yet you still lost. Ouch…
begin to calculate :))
% is this. and no oil, no gas, no good soil in idlib, no tabqa damm, few water.
In a Shlomo funded Disney movie…
Whine about it is about all Russia is going to do.
Except for the 80,000 dead terrorists and hundreds if U.S., UK, French, Israeli, Turkish operators… Plus winning the war…
Russia has not and will not intercept nor retaliate against U.S. and Israeli missile strikes. They even allowed one of their own planes to be shot down and did absolutely nothing about it. They are owned.
Russia won the war. Get over it. Why start a big war if you have already won? You dont know what Russia did or did not by the way. I remember cruise missile strikes ongoing for days hitting every foreign intel hub in the country. How many of your Mossad/CIA bodies were turned into fertilizer…? Oy vey…
just an example what do you do if Putin stops?
Let’s hope he won’t. Or the middle east is toast.
but remember also communist party in russia is not bad they can also help in middle east
Ideology Communism Marxism–Leninism Stalinism Soviet nationalism Socialism of the 21st century Anti-capitalism Social conservatism Anti-fascism Communist Party
Do you think the Communist Party of Russia will help Assad?
Russia is run by the United Russia party, right wing conservatives. And they are already helping for 6 years.
You can always tell who the stupid people are because they argue by accusing others of being something they are not or immediately try to make it a “my side against your side” argument.
Russia has not won “the war”. There is still war going on in Syria and Syria is still divided along lines imposed by invading countries. Turkey and the U.S. are illegally occupying Syrian land and the U.S. and Israel strike Syria with impunity. There is still plenty of fighting going on by all factions including ISIS. And you call that a won war?
Also Russia did not directly attack any U.S. or Israeli assets and they will not.
Wrong. They won the war. Sure tell that to the dead Mossad and CIA agents…
They will if they are intentionally attacked.
https://i.imgur.com/udYILpC.jpg?w=300 I am Middle Eastern, please tell me where am I supposed to know these Europeans from?
Those are Ashkenazi, migration to Europe and descendants of Khazar (a warlike ambitious people). There are Israelis from Yemen, a beautiful people, ask them where they are from they say Yemani. ask them about Yemen and the ones i met have love in their hearts for Yemen more than for Israel it seems. Israel is a disaster for everyone including the Jews.
As I mentioned earlier, the white Jew never met any dark- skinned Jews until early 1900’s. When the white Jew met the Yemeni Jews for the first time, they concluded they did not have “Jewish blood” but “Negro blood” and white Jewish doctors used them for medical experimentation murdering many of them in the process.
Here is that story
SOHR???? For a source. Iraq asked the US to leave, so what were they doing in Iraq? Plus, why have they not left Syria and what is it to do with Syria, besides the fact Biden and friends want Syrian Natural Resources, for the US to bomb them. The US, who have no legal right to be in Syria, so basically yet another war crime. I wonder how much Biden and family will make out of bringing war back to the Middle East?
This is what the International Jews have planned for the Arab region: The Western front, which on the surface appears more problematic, is in fact less complicated than the Eastern front, in which most of the events that make the headlines have been taking place recently. Lebanon’s total dissolution into five provinces serves as a precedent for the entire Arab world including Egypt, Syria, Iraq and the Arabian peninsula and is already following that track. The dissolution of Syria and Iraq later on into ethnically or religiously unquiet areas such as in Lebanon, is Israel’s primary target on the Eastern front in the long run, while the dissolution of the military power of those states serves as the primary short term target. Syria will fall apart, in accordance with its ethnic and religious structure, into several states such as in present day Lebanon, so that there will be a Shi’ite Alawi state along its coast, a Sunni state in the Aleppo area, another Sunni state in Damascus hostile to its northern neighbor, and the Druzes who will set up a state, maybe even in our Golan, and certainly in the Hauran and in northern Jordan. This state of affairs will be the guarantee for peace and security in the area in the long run, and that aim is already within our reach today. Iraq, rich in oil on the one hand and internally torn on the other, is guaranteed as a candidate for Israel’s targets. Its dissolution is even more important for us than that of Syria. Iraq is stronger than Syria. In the short run it is Iraqi power which constitutes the greatest threat to Israel. An Iraqi-Iranian war will tear Iraq apart and cause its downfall at home even before it is able to organize a struggle on a wide front against us. Every kind of inter-Arab confrontation will assist us in the short run and will shorten the way to the more important aim of breaking up Iraq into denominations as in Syria and in Lebanon. In Iraq, a division into provinces along ethnic/religious lines as in Syria during Ottoman times is possible. So, three (or more) states will exist around the three major cities: Basra, Baghdad and Mosul, and Shi’ite areas in the south will separate from the Sunni and Kurdish north. It is possible that the present Iranian-Iraqi confrontation will deepen this polarization.
Here is the Oded Yinon Plan
This is another case of wanting to undo everything Trump. Because Trump had called for the troops to be removed, Biden puts them back in. Our country is on a countdown to hell in a handbasket because of this Fascist installation. He’ll never be my president!
Must admit, I am watching what is going on, as nothing makes sense. The dots just don’t add up and would not be surprised if the finale is still to come. Good luck.
Just going through Biden’s picks, starting with Dr Levine and would you her near 3 year olds with surgical instruments or hormones in a bottle. Then you have the guy, who was sleeping with the Chinese Spy, in charge of Intelligence, I believe? Plus, John Kerry and not forgetting Jen Psaki and John Kirby, nightmares from 2014, back on the scene. You seriously cannot make it up, as I am torn between watching ‘Young Frankenstein’ or ‘One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest’.
Two of these Jews are Semite. Which ones?
It’s time to take full control over Syrian skies, Russia!!!
Sputnik said today that while 17 fatalities were initially reported, those reports were in error, and there were in fact no injuries in the strike, which hit a warehouse. SANA does not report any deaths or injuries. Please let us not exaggerate the crimes of America. They are bad enough as it is.
. …yet still not a shot fired from an S-300… like the Russians won’t give the Syrians control of their own defence system…