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MARCH 2025

Conservative Anti-LGBTQ Hungarian MEP Admits To “Strictly” Personal Mistake, After Being Caught At 25-Man Gay Orgy Violating COVID Restrictions

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Conservative Anti-LGBTQ Hungarian MEP Admits To “Strictly” Personal Mistake, After Being Caught At 25-Man Gay Orgy Violating COVID Restrictions

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On November 28th, a conservative Hungarian MEP and member of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s Fidesz party resigned from his post after a scandal related to a 25-man orgy.

Jozsef Szajer, who helped write Hungary’s ultra-conservative constitution, allegedly tried to flee the 25-person orgy by climbing through a window and shinning down a drainpipe.

He reportedly hurt himself in the process and was caught by police, when he then tried to claim diplomatic immunity before being let off with a warning.

Belgian police detained about 20 people at the house party in a central Brussels apartment on November 27th.

Another, undisclosed person also claimed diplomatic immunity.

On December 1st, Jozsef Szajer apologized for the incident and denied taking drugs the party, which he did not mention when he announced he was resigning as an MEP for the Fidesz party, which portrays itself as a staunch defender of “traditional” values.

“After the police asked for my identity – since I did not have ID on me – I declared that I was a MEP. The police continued the process and finally issued an official verbal warning and transported me home,” Szajer said in a statement.

“I deeply regret violating the Covid restrictions, it was irresponsible on my part,” he added, without giving any details of the party.

“I did not use drugs, I offered to the police to undergo an official test, but they did not do one. Police said an ecstasy pill was found. It is not mine, I do not know who placed it there or how,” he said.

“The misstep is strictly personal, I am the only one who has responsibility for it. I ask everyone not to extend it to my homeland, or to my political community,” said Szajer, who is married to a prominent judge on Hungary’s constitutional court.

There will be no prosecution unless the European Parliament is persuaded to waive the MEP’s immunity.

“I was present,” Szajer admitted, in a statement distributed by his conservative political group the EPP.

Szajer has been elected four times to the Hungarian parliament between 1990 and 2002, and four times to the European Parliament since 2004.

His party called him “the best-known and most-recognised Hungarian member of the European Parliament”.

After Orban came to power in 2010 Szajer was put in charge of drafting a new constitution, which he said he partly wrote on an Apple iPad on the train between Brussels and Strasbourg.

The socially conservative text sparked controversy, including a definition of “the institution of marriage as between a man and a woman” as well as “the basis of the family and national survival”.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban condemned the actions of Szajer.

Orban described his actions as “unacceptable and indefensible” and said they had “no place in the values of our political family”, according to a statement from his office.

“We will not forget nor repudiate his 30  years of work, but his deed is unacceptable and indefensible. Following this, he took the only appropriate decision when he apologised and resigned from his position as member of the European Parliament and left Fidesz,” Orban said.

Szajer is a known proponent of anti-LGBT measures.

“While Fidesz politicians are teaching us about Christianity, family, traditional gender roles and morality, they are actually living a completely different life, as far away as possible from the values they voice,” leader of the DK opposition party Ferenc Gyurcsany said.

The arrest’s circumstances are quite embarrassing for the hardcore conservative agenda-following politician.

“While he was enjoying himself in LGBT-friendly Brussels, he made life for LGBT people in Hungary miserable,” tweeted Szabolcs Panyi, a journalist for the Direkt36 investigative site.

Szajer’s fall from grace comes shortly after Orban lost two other key players in his Europe policy, MEP Gyorgy Schopflin and adviser Peter Gottfried.

“These people will be missing from very important meetings and won’t be able to convey information back home,” says Zoltan Lakner, analyst and owner of the independent Jelen weekly.

At the party itself, everybody was “very careful” and that the only rule for the party was that everyone had to have previously contracted the coronavirus, according to the organizer David Manzheley, a 29-year-old doctoral student.

“To be honest, I don’t see the problem. There were two nurses there, and they didn’t think it was dangerous either,” he said.

Manzheley said it was like any other party.

“We talk, we have a drink – just like at the cafe. The only difference is that in the meantime, we’re having sex with each other. I don’t see what’s wrong with that. We’re all adults, everything is by mutual consent,” he said.

Regardless of what the party was, Szajer is actually avoiding any actual prosecution against him or a fine, since he has diplomatic immunity.

It turns out that the anti-COVID restrictions are only for the ordinary people, and they are the ones who need to adhere them.

The double-standard and quite double-faced approach is a cornerstone of modern European and American politics. Since every time a story such as this breaks out it reveals that the claims and vows of freedom and justice that are constantly propagated are simply lies, used to push a control-oriented agenda that strongly resembles a totalitarian rule.


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Vox Populi

Homosexuality and perversion promoted by globalist Jews is destroying western societies.

Jozsef Szajer, a practicing Jew who helped write Hungary’s ultra-conservative constitution, allegedly tried to flee the 25-person orgy by climbing through a window and shinning down a drainpipe.

Free man

And you promote stupidity. Many of the biggest opponents of homosexuality are gays themselves. A well-known phenomenon in conservative societies. Are you hiding something from yourself?

Jimmy Jim


Free man

J.J You’re exactly the homophobic type who hides his sexual orientations. LOL.


No that could be fake news to try to undermine the conservatives,being homophobic was neverr the problem,but rather being heterophobic soros see:

Lazy Gamer

Dont fling mud where you cant be and hold the same standard. Not everyone is as perverse as you.

Free man

It’s amazing how people who are unsure of their sexuality are threatened by gays.

Tommy Jensen

We are not unsure. Just want it back in the bedroom with locked doors, and away from a political agenda exploiting it to destabilise societies. Thats why we get pessed.

Free man

I can relate to that.

Free man

““STRICTLY” PERSONAL MISTAKE” – The guy thought he was invited to a party meeting and suddenly people started taking off their clothes and became very sociable. mistakes happen (-; Another conservative homophobe, Ahmadinejad, once said that there is no problem of gays in Iran.

Jimmy Jim



Jew loser and obsessed with Iran. This news is about Hungary and the idiot had to deflect attention. Talk about hasbara desperation.

Free man

Only exposing the real face of “conservatives” like you.


You are not free at all are you ignorus up ye anus,either way yous fkd it up!

Vox Populi

That is what hasbara does, deflect, lie and change topics. This just validates the hypocrisy and insidious double standards of Jews.

Free man

Narrow-minded people like you are looking for evidences everywhere for their distorted views.

Graham Steinberg

Obviously looking to widen his circle of men friends……He can go to Saudia now & have “some fun times”.Synagogues open soon to !

Al Jubeir is ‘renowned’ for gay parties !

Free man

Gays are a part of humanity, only fools see it as something bad.

Vox Populi

Even your Jewish religion is against homosexuality. This Jew’s hypocrisy is quite evident like yours.

Free man

How do you know what my religion is? Do you have a Jew detector? If the different religions are against homosexuality does that mean they are right? It just means that people like you have the mentality of someone who lived thousands of years ago . Which makes you both a homophobe and a Jewphobe.


I’m more asdvance than you gimps,no you are not as advanced homosexuality goes back to the dark age,yet like that you insolebnt begotten cursed not know what sex to be all have a serious worm issue in your head!


By definition the abonimnate cursed,whoms ideology is only rivaled by the level of stupidity in ignorance,for example debt whores,talentless liars-immoral,unethical,self centred,overhyped,never built anything of values:


This is not about Iran, but a Hungarian Jew hypocrite. Get a life you loser.

Free man

Both are hypocritical, just like you.


So this guy became Conservative Anti-LGBTQ lol


This is the kind of “elites” and politicians thats being put in the office in the countries around the world: pretenders, crooked to the core, amoral blackmailable psychopaths… Puppets that is easy to control..

Ashok Varma

The promotion of homosexuality and the break up of traditional societies is part and parcel of Zionist agenda. So this Jew’s double standards on “conservative values” should not come as any surprise. Even in India the globalist NGO are promoting LGBTQ lifestyle and erosion of family values.


Likely fake news,knowing p00fs,pretend a meeting,immedietaly start the orgy,soros gets the cops in they catch him to try to frame him,like po00fs do to trump,to promote their lgbtq master of the eu-epp Wouldn’t surprise me one bit these days,see pro homosexuals have no morality whatsoever (period)

Lazy Gamer

He was set up to be caught. lol

johnny rotten

I tried to comment on this shameful business, on the impunity that will shield these horrid characters, and on the false morality in an abominable city like Brussels, while giving morality lessons to the rest of the world, but SF has prevented twice…

Tommy Jensen

No one is more hateful against Jews than Jews. If you see somebody who wish to gas 6 million again, its in most cases a Jew on high level. Same with homoes.

Potato Man

you fight gay with more gay…NATO 2021


Disgraceful conduct, I’m glad he’s been kicked out. However, one should remember there is a difference between someone promoting the LGBT agenda/gender ideology and someone engaging in private, non heterosexual intercourse.

Contrary to what the ‘pride brigade’ believe, they don’t own the opinions of every non straight person in the world. Nor does being gay or bi mean you have to support the idea that marriage is anything but a biological (male-female) union. According to surveys about 19% of US women have engaged in sexual activity with another woman, but far less actually want to get married. For many people, it’s purely for fun.


Maybe the craze progressives stop saying Orban is anti open society values after this

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