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Conspiracy, Death and Jeffrey Epstein

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Conspiracy, Death and Jeffrey Epstein

Submitted by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

Within minutes of news about his death in a Manhattan jail cell Saturday morning, theories spread with pestilential vigour.  Was Jeffrey Epstein murdered?  Accepting the premise without qualification, the next question followed: Who did it?  MSNBC host Joe Scarborough was not giving anyone time to wonder.  “A guy who had information that would have destroyed rich and powerful men’s lives end up dead in his jail cell.  How predictably…Russian.”

There had been a potential trigger: the unsealing of documents by a Federal court from a lawsuit by one of Epstein’s accusers directed against socialite Ghislaine Maxwell, the woman behind the man behind the women. In 2017, Virginia Giuffre, who had accused Maxwell of procuring young girls for sexual abuse by Epstein, settled. The depositions were duly salacious, linking the procurement to the Epstein circle, which, by all accounts, was rather large.  Specific to Giuffre were claims that Maxwell had issued her instructions “to serve”, amongst others, Britain’s Prince Andrew, former Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell, former New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, and scientist Marvin Minsky.

Epstein was the insider mogul, a deeply connected, even embedded figure holding the confidences of the rich and powerful even as he pampered them. Having become a sordid archive of sorts, to have him accused of trafficking in underage sex was a powerful incentive for the narrative of silence to charge forth on an unruly stead.  To have the Epstein largesse was to have its taint.  And in Donald Trump’s USA, the conspiracy machine furnishes the means of settling scores and scuttling accounts; never mind the facts, those silly little things that tend to be bound up in order to die in isolation.

Anyone involved with Epstein in any intimate way could hardly have denied that sinister gothic element to his life, itself sketchy about details as college dropout, high school teacher in Manhattan and money manager. What proved striking was a pseudo-intellectual leaning in his circle: the need for a permanently horny financier to be with the bright in order to arrive at some justification for, as Andrew O’Hagan observed, “personally impregnating countless women”.

His home on East 71st Street in New York sported a stone satyr over a fifteen-foot front door leading to a home with décor “of the Gothic Quagmire school”. When he sparked interest in the authorities – of the unhealthy type – he tended to wriggle out of it, using heavy artillery lawyers to do his bidding.  Operation Leap Year, conducted by the FBI over a period of 14 months some twelve years ago, found evidence that 34 underage girls had been solicited by Epstein.  Not so, claimed the Alan Dershowitz-led team: the girls were not underage. A “non-prosecution” agreement was struck, allowing Epstein to escape incarceration.

The details, since released, show that Dershowitz convinced Miami prosecutors that Epstein could avoid federal charges provided he owned up to two counts of soliciting, one of them being with a minor.  Immunity would also be provided for “any potential co-conspirators”.  Epstein’s accusers were not to be informed of this nasty jigging of the legal system, a point in clear violation of the Crime Victims’ Rights Act.  (The legal eagle soaring over the proceedings, it should also be said, had been accused by Giuffre of being one of the Epstein inner circle she was to sexually service.)

Such a resume has commanded much suspicion in terms of timing and result.  New York mayor Bill de Blasio deemed it “way too convenient”. To reporters, he asked what Epstein could possibly have known.  “How many other millionaires and billionaires were part of the illegal activities that he was engaged in?” In the social media scape, facts were already being killed off as rapidly as they were conceived.

President Donald Trump relished a chance to muck in, retweeting a post by comedian and commentator Terrence K. Williams sceptical about the “24/7 suicide watch”.  Here was a chance to aim a few blows at his old sparring partners, the Clintons.  The rancid smell of dough and sex from the fictional paedophile rings associated with “Pizzagate” in 2016 had reappeared.  “#JeffreyEpstein had information on Bill Clinton & now he’s dead.”

That whole matter was preceded by a retweet of a post by BNL News: “BREAKING: Documents were unsealed yesterday revealing that top Democrats, including Bill Clinton, took private trips to Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘pedophilia land’.”  The president felt in the pink of things, launching thick salvos against the media he regarded as “lamestream”.  “Think how wonderful it is to be able to fight back and show, to so many, how totally dishonest the Fake News Media really is.  It may be the most corrupt disgusting business (almost) there is!”

Clinton spokesman and press secretary Angel Ureña added to the news cycle with a statement that, “President Clinton knows nothing about the terrible crimes Jeffrey Epstein pleaded guilty to in Florida some years ago, or those with which he has been recently charged in New York.”

The Daily Beast indulged a scenario in mocking fashion.  Perhaps that other part of the Clinton duo, Hillary, “performed a flawless HALO parachute jump onto the roof of the Manhattan Correctional Center, rappelled down the elevator shaft”, in the process infiltrating cell, killing Epstein and making off “with her blonde hair perfectly in place and not a single stain on her tactical pantsuit”.

Not wishing to be outdone, anti-Trump tweets have aggressively followed in the wake of claims that the Clintons were intent on silencing Epstein, leaving, along the way, a good number of corpses.  The hashtag #TrumpBodyCount was a response as measured as that of #ClintonBodyCount.

Epstein’s death is being covered, interpreted and heaved over in a scattergun environment resistant to news.  Any news account must, by its Trump inflected nature, be a set-up, a contrivance, a concoction of power.  “He reportedly tried to kill himself two weeks ago,” snorts Scarborough. “And is allowed to finish the job now?  Bullshit.”

This leaves such questions as those posed by O’Hagan in the London Review of Books lukewarm in their intensity, however sensible they might seem.  “When guilty men kill themselves, are they acknowledging their guilt, or is it more like an act of self-pity?”  Epstein’s suicide terminated “a judicial process that he spent millions to disdain”; it also negated a life in prison he sought to avert.  Any answers found by the Metropolitan Correctional Center (New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wants “lots of them”) are bound to fall short in the current milieu of celebrated pandemonium.

Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne.  Email: bkampmark@gmail.com

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Today there is a report about the post mortem conducted on the body of Epstein in a New york hospital. The results failed to identify the cause of death.

Immediately the US corporate media stated that there would be a frenzy of conspiracy theories, rather than simply accepting that the post mortem failed to find the cause of death.

The Suicide Watch on Epstein was not active, the cameras were out of use for a few hours.

Is this another Arkancide death ?


Black Waters

The dude it’s in Israel probably. Under CIA and Mossad protection.


Yeah, if he isn’t dead, he’s either on his way there or already is. Wonder whose body they’ll be showing later? Maybe they’ll just have a CGI exercise.


Yes, is is possible that he is not dead and was given one of the drugs to imitate death.

“Scheduling the Funeral It is a (Jewish ) Biblical commandment to bury one’s deceased immediately after passing, and it is forbidden to leave the deceased unburied overnight unless it is for his honor (i.e. to perform a proper Tahara, obtain shrouds, arrange for a burial plot, gather family, etc.).

One may not put off the burial unnecessarily, for our sages state that the soul is in turmoil until the body is properly buried in the ground. Therefore, there needs to be a great sense of urgency to complete the burial as quickly as possible.

If the passing occurred in the morning, one should try to ensure that the deceased is prepared for burial and buried before dusk of the same day. If this is not possible, the burial should take place on the following day.”


Boy, this thing is doing the usual in these type of events. It’s growing legs faster than the MSM can keep up with. Now reports that he was taken out by fatigue wearing personnel and a corpse substituted…this from a purported report from an employee at the prison that was uploaded to 4chan@10 minutes before Epstein ‘found’. Then comparisons of anatomy of the corpse (nose and ear) and Epstein alive pics showing incongruities. Needless to say this is SOP for generating chaos and misinfo. What the truth is is yet to be known…and if the perps have their way, it never will. Is he dead? I wouldn’t bet on it. Maybe Mossad decided to save him instead of liquidating him. Liquidating compromised assets continually would be counter-productive and might deter any future players. Saving him, giving some facial alteration and a safe future would show their loyalty to their assets. A dead Epstein solves the immediate problem (no trial, no testimony), but where do they go from here? Lots of loose threads yet. This ain’t over by far and I doubt the corpse count is over.


I agree, and its ‘highly likely’ that mistakes have been made by those in power.


We can only hope so. Many issues have already arisen, but dutifully compromised in the ‘press’.


Has Epstein been spirited away to a safer place so that he is alive to testify in court I wonder?


Spirited away-yes…testify-NO. Only if you believe the Trump is a good guy scenario would this have any likelihood. No, my bet is that he is on his way to Israel …more likely already there. He’ll get a new everything and retire. Of course with his penchant for the kiddies, he might surface again(he’s gotta have it 3x/day), but very doubtful. Of course, in Israel he’ll likely just melt into the population as completely normal. If there is another option, it would be actual patriotic people that have kidnapped him to extract what, who where all the bodies are buried. Although possible (like snowfall in August in the Mojave) it is not a likely scenario…however we might wish it to be so. For instance, how likely would it be for Blair to tell all about the Gulf War and MI6, SAS, etc? How long would he live? Who would he tell it to? Who would dare listen? It’s lovely dream, but that’s probably all it is.


The Kenneth Lay treatment, time for a hasty cremation and some plastic surgery.


A friend of mine gave me another angle to consider.

‘What if Epstein has been secretly moved to a secure location in US military base etc and the ‘body’ in the mortuary is that of another ‘look alike man’ ?

The Deep State in a few countries has a lot to gain if Epstein is dead and a lot to lose if he testifies in court.

The removal of Epstein at 04:15 is odd, as are the stood down suicide watch and the malfunction of the cameras.

Its just another angle and another possibility that would make sense. The amount of cash that the deep state has could buy half the world, and the deep state stands to lose more than that. They could easily lose their lives.


I find it inconceivable that Epstein wouldn’t have a trove stashed in a “Dead Hand” manner to be released if he should be suicided. Lots of folks would love to see him gone but not if it meant exposing everything he knows, and just as many would no doubt do a great deal to obtain that info.

Feudalism Victory

Everyone knew he had the worst kind of dirt on many powerful people. Another sign justice has fled this earth.

Dead alive who knows? I dont think anyone expected anything useful to come from this . He skated the first time…


Until I see evidence to the contrary I will not believe that Epstein is dead. Everyone jumps on the “He’s got dirt on powerful people so they killed him.” bandwagon but the fact is that he had Friends among powerful people. He has plenty of money and much in foreign bank accounts, no doubt, and probably even in the criminals choice Bitcoin. He may have killed himself. But it is just as likely that he is still alive as it is that someone had him killed.


Autopsy finds no overt cause of death? Well, that alone says volumes, as if signs of being hanged(from the first so-called reports) would not be obvious. So, apparently he wasn’t hanged. Which leaves poison as the cause, which would not be apparent. Also, he died right around b’fast time? Of course the place is laden with cameras, which will probably be found to be faulty…as will be the excuse for him not being still on suicide watch. Since there has to be a paper trail when someone is taken off suicide watch, who’s going to be the patsy there, or is that going to be ignored into oblivion? As an Al Qaeda guest at the same prison said, the place was crawling with cameras, with at least 2 in a room. The observation rules for this prison are fairly strict. Without going into them, it would be fair to say that he should have been observed at least every 30 minutes or so. The unsealed docs may have more clues as to who might be responsible, but those names were already known, just not by the public. We all know what this is called…damage control. My money is on Mossad/CIA. They absolutely have the most to lose in this cover-up gone bad. They got Maxwell and he was deep in their camp…but when he started making demands, with threats attached, well…As far as public blame, Barr gets the first taste, as it is his dept responsible. Did he not know Epstein was taken off suicide watch? Did he issue orders to keep him on watch or not? To not issue such an order borders on negligence or is collusion, especially in light of his previous attempt at ‘suicided’. As far as I am concerned, as soon as he was re-arrested, he was a dead man walking. With the whole mess becoming even worst than the original exposure…with details of his non-incarceration exposed, heads were going to roll…and he couldn’t be brought back into court with this unsealing of records without outing (publicly) even more compromised assets. One thing I would bet my last dollar on is that he isn’t going to be the last to meet an untimely death over this. Keep a watch on Florida officials. This is a can of worms and has to be capped (in more ways than one). This has the potential to reach far into the past and that has them (the perps) on damage control.

R PLobo

Epstein got a Dark Passage(1947) special – now he has disappeared.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Epstein’s legal team knew exactly what level of morality they were dealing with and then proceeded with defending…

Satan has friends in low places.. Well of deep sins.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

SEGMENT: THE CLINTON MACHINE & MYSTERIOUS DEATHS The Vincent Vendetta Channel Published on 12 Aug 2019 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEjw6YRBXBY

Zionism = EVIL

Even completely brainwashed morons in the controlled “west” know that pedophilia, homosexuality, organ harvesting, sex trafficking is the evil staple of Talmudists, sick perverted Jews who have been hell bent on destroying every vestige of human civilization.

J Roderet

This was the most obvious assassination of all time. Epstein had dirt on pretty much the entire Anglosphere financial oligarchy. They could not let the truth get out. And so they “suicided” him.

Luke Hemmming

Apparently he hanged himself from a bunk bed with sheets. BUT the sheets in these places are made from paper. He was 6ft and would have had to kneel to hang himself. Suicide? Yeeeeah riiiiiiiight. BS! HE is in Israel or somewhere else but he is not dead nor is he in jail anymore https://phibetaiota.net/2019/08/robert-steele-epstein-is-not-dead-he-is-on-his-way-to-israel/


If so, I sure hope he can help bring ABORTION RIGHTS to the West Bank!


I sure hope Wikileaks or Snowden or Anonymous can find something on this. ABORTION RIGHTS IN THE WEST BANK AND KASHMIR!

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