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MARCH 2025

Convoy Of Russian Military Cargo Aircraft Arrived In Syria’s Hmeimim Air Base

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On August 5, a convoy of Russian military cargo aircraft landed in Hmeimim Air Base in the coastal Syrian governorate of Latakia.

The convoy, which consisted of seven Il-76 cargo aircraft, took off from the Russian capital, Moscow. The aircraft took a route passing through Turkey’s airspace, which is used by the Russian Aerospace Forces on a regular basis.

Later that day, a Russian An-124 heavy lift aircraft followed the convoy’s route from Moscow to Hmeimim Air Base.

Military aircraft have not moved from Russia to Syria in these number since the early days of Russian deployment in the country.

While some observers speculated that the aircrafts were carrying Russian weapons systems or military supplies for the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), others speculated that the load may have been humanitarian aid or just logistics for Russian troops.

Russia is backing the SAA’s operations against terrorist groups in different parts of Syria. The army is now engaged in a heated battle with ISIS cells in the central region. Russian forces are providing military support on the ground and from air.


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Zionism = EVIL

Hope there are some more AD systems as a NO FLY ZONE is a must now.

Lone Ranger

Probably a few new toys they want to test on CIAisis :) I told a few days ago the desert bombing was only the start. If I was a CIA handler inside Syria I would shit bricks right now…


Yeah. Without it, SAA will stand no chance in a new Idlib campaign against the Turks.

This will be the desisive point..

A mass slaugther of SAA troops and material like the 3+ days without protection against the Turkish drones must not repeat itself, or the consequences will be disastrous..

Blue In Green

Hey Z=E, I had an article that I wanted you to take a look at. Wanted to get your opinion on it.




Blue In Green

I also got that message as well before going into the site itself.

The article just mentioned that Russia has signed a contract to provide 67 Su-35 jets to a yet to identified buyer.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Probably the Indonesian deal, the Russians jailed a guy recently who barfed out the details, as any sale of Russian equipment draws sanctions to the buyer.

Hope alls well with you bro.

Blue In Green

Thanks man!! good to hear from you again, hope you’re doing good as well!!

Things are more or less getting out of hand here in the states and I would be lying to you if I didn’t say I’m increasingly fearing for my life and personal safety for my family as the days roll on by. It seems the very chaos that America sows across the globe has found itself a new home right here. Can’t say I’m all that enthused about what’s going on but you know the saying “what goes around, comes around”.

Regarding the deal for 67 Su-35 air-superiority jets. It would be a crying shame if Iran wasn’t the recipient of those planes a they’re the perfect fit for what Iran needs.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

I’m doing well, and watching US news I can see what you mean. My son watched the Kenosha shootings on TV, and asked where were the cops. In the Dems back pocket would be the answer to that. It’s a disgrace that law and order can be sacrificed for electioneering fcs.

Those Su’s were announced a few years back, but the US immediately started to threaten Indonesia, so it was kept quiet for obvious reasons. I believe the weapons that Iran wants from Russia and China, are coming and will be accompanied by marching bands and worldwide publicity, seriously. Get ready to have a great parade in Tehran for Thanksgiving, lol. The Chinese are fuming over recent US acts of desperation, and aggression from good old Uncle Schmuel, and it also looks like Russia may well extend their nuclear umbrella over Iran, just to show those muppets that the US is not the force their financiers believe it to be.

November is a long way ahead, so God knows what other crazy things will be going on in the DUSA by then, and the end of the election might never happen, if they both refuse the results, crazy people that they both are. Anyway, take care, keep the head down and look out for your own family, its not a good time to be nailing your colours to the flag when chaos and rancour is at your doorstep, in such a divided land.

All the best.

Lone Ranger

Glory to Syria, SAA, Russia and Iran. CIA trolls and hasbarats will cry and rage :)


Zioterrorist Americunt invaders trying to block the Russian army and failing:



Another version. https://avia-pro.net/news/razdavili-kak-tarakana-rossiyskiy-btr-protaranil-amerikanskiy-broneavtomobil-na-ogromnoy


So from logistical point of view, if NATO one day denies access to Russian military cargo without direct confrontation, the cargo can still be delivered but only by the sea. Considering that north of Iraqi airspace is also under US control since 1st gulf war. Just hypothetical thinking.

Lone Ranger

They could go through Iran and middle part of Iraq. Aside from that Turkey needs Russia. South Stream, S-400, nuclear reactors… Not mentioning Russian tourists.


South Stream? Didn’t turkey stop buying Russian gas?

Lone Ranger

No, they did not. Its up and running.


how can south stream be up and running if south stream was canceled in 2014

Lone Ranger

It wasnt. Its finished, up and running. Second part was only renamed Turkish Stream to comply with EU laws :)


oh cool

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You obviously do not know that it was Bulgaria, under orders from Brussels, refused the pipeline when near completion. Turkey immediately offered to take the pipeline from Russia, just off their coast in the Black Sea. Bulgaria cancelled, and their NATO buddies took it. The Bulgarians have since gone back to Russia promising to never again listen to the EU in terms of trade with Russia, as they now see Turkey getting billions in transit fees instead of their own economy getting such a deal. The Bulgarians now pay even more from the Turks, you gotta laugh at that.


yeah i remember read that somewhere

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You just forgot it as you were saying it was cancelled!



Putin said back in 2014 they will discountinue that pipeline because of Bulgaria. I knew i shouldn’t have trusted that guy:))))

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Nothing to do with Putin. Bulgaria signed up to the deal, but at the last moment the EU decided that it wanted Russia to keep on losing gas through Ukraine, and ordered Bulgaria to refuse to finish the deal. The Turks stepped in, and now charge the Bulgarians double what Russia would have got, and also lost out on billions of transit fees where they would have exported to Western Turkey as well as the rest of the Southern European region. As I said, the Bulgarians are raging that they ended up with higher gas bills and no transit fees, so they sent a delegation to Russia to try and recover the deal, but Russia doesn’t deal with puppets who can be told to short change their own citizens.

Russia did cancel Turkstream in 2015 over the Turks shooting down a Su24 lining up for a landing, but the Turks said sorry and paid combo and promised to fuck up NATO in return for the Russkies giving them the gas.

Today, NATO are practically lining up to fight wars with each other, so Russia wins, bigly.


Band Itkoitko

It’s a naming issue. South Stream was cancelled due to many political weaknesses of the Bulgarian state and the deceptions and fake promises of the EU. What is probably meant here is TurkStream. There is also Blue Stream from Russia to Turkey.

Some revitalized version of South Stream to Bulgaria might still be built at some point, but it would need to be differently designed.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Unless you have been on another planet, why would the Turds turn down the chance to supply Southern Europe with gas?

Where would Turkey buy it from otherwise? The US exports coups to Turkey, not freedom gas, lol.


Because of transit revenue. but recent stats show Russia on 3rd or 4th spot

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Russia doesn’t gain from transit fees beyond Russia Sauron, that’s the way business is. Why you would place Russia as 3rd or 4th makes no sense. The Turds get the transit fees, for passing it beyond their borders, something the Bulgarians are still kicking themselves over.


I would be beneficial for you if you follow the conversation. Turkey buys less gas from Russia, but didn’t stop the supply since it earns from transit (turkey earns from transit, because turkey is the transit country of the pipeline)

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The pipeline didn’t just appear in Turkey lovethemapples, the Turks begged for it to be routed there. They buy every bit of gas in that pipeline, and sell what they don’t need to Southern Europe.

You seem to think that Russia is responsible for the transit of the gas, when all the Russians are responsible for is collecting fees from Turkey. Russia is not selling at the end of that pipeline.


who paid for the pipeline?:)))

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Turkey, Russia built it into the Black Sea towards Bulgaria, but the Turks took it on themselves as soon as the EU shot itself in the foot.



rightiswrong rightiswrong

It’s a gas pipeline ffs, what has the price of oil got to do with gas?

Russia collects, Turkey pays.


that is the name of the website. the relation is the same when soutfront writes about arctic:))) let me know if you need a tutorial on website names, lol:)))))

rightiswrong rightiswrong


cechas vodobenikov

54% of Turkish gas is purchased from Russia


that was 2019

Jim Allen

What’s stopping Russia from flying over the middle of the Black Sea to Syria ?

Lone Ranger

According to the flight route they did just that. I only argued about an alternate route in case Turkey would close its airspace.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Turkey and the EU. The Black Sea ends at Romanian, Bulgarian and Turkish territories.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

But then Lufthansa, BA, and all the other Western airlines would lose transit rights through Russia to the Far East.

While Russian supplies would still get through to Syria, as they did during Cold War 1, the Western economies would lose fortunes on fuel and time. Chinese airlines will pick up the passengers, so not a good idea.


Well said. You are thinking ‘over the horizon’.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

It must be from observing Russian diplomacy. lol


military cargo mate, not the same thing

rightiswrong rightiswrong

It is when you fuck about with Russia, or is that another FUBAR the US couldn’t figure out for themselves!



rightiswrong rightiswrong

It sure would be scary if the North Atlantic members starts to dictate where and who can fly at anytime. As if the Russians would care, when they own a fifth of the worlds lands across 2 continents.


11% is one tenth not fifth

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Other sites say 17%, an eight, etc.

Either way, they span two continents, and have access to wherever they need. The place is 60% bigger than the next largest state, the colony of Canada.

Rhodium 10

NATO denied access at the beginning of the Syrian operation in 2015…Russia sent cargo planes through Iran and Irak despite USA asked for close Iraqi airspace….

Cheryl Brandon



Sadly, I am not surprised :)


Will TOS-1s fit on those aircraft?

Lone Ranger


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