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MARCH 2025

COP26 Was Doomed Even Before It Began

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COP26 Was Doomed Even Before It Began

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Written by Eric Zuesse

COP26, the 26th U.N. Climate Change Conference, measured its achievements according to the aspirations that were established by the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement, which was planned to be only a PR tool to fool the public into believing that the developed world’s leaders are serious about climate-change. U.S. President Barack Obama had demanded that there be no penalties in that Agreement, and therefore the existing advanced industrial economies, which have produced almost all of the greenhouse gases that are already in our atmosphere, would be throwing stones of criticism, from their glass houses, aimed against the developing countries, by criticizing the latter (the poorer countries) for trying to catch up to them in per-capita GDP, in an era when for those developing countries to do that (and burn fossil fuels such as America had done) would doom this planet.

As the Washington Post has pointed out, “The world has just 11 years of burning carbon at the current rate if humanity hopes to have a chance of avoiding catastrophic climate change.”

All of the talk about “green technology” being able to save the planet assumes time-lines vastly lengthier than just 11 years. Anyone who brings more children into the world now is merely amplifying the amount of human misery in a dying world; and other species are already dying-off in rapidly escalating numbers of species, already vastly accelerating numbers of them. “The rapid loss of species we are seeing today is estimated by experts to be between 1,000 and 10,000 times higher than the ‘background’ or expected natural extinction rate (a highly conservative estimate).”

This did not need to be happening. The entire ‘environmental’ movement has been corralled and controlled by money from the investors in fossil-fuels-extraction firms such as ExxonMobil, so as to extend as long as possible the success fo those investments. They are slow-walking the planet to death. Those people know that the only way to defeat global warming would be to outlaw purchases of stocks and bonds in those firms — it would quickly drive down the market-values of those firms, the value of the investments that those individuals own. Those firms would then lay off their teams of employees who search for yet additional fossil-fuels reserves to add still further to their already existing vastly excessive fossil-fuel reserves. Even so, the existing supplies are already far more than enough to destroy all life on earth if they are extracted, sold, and burned.

Those investors have kept their gravy-train speeding toward a planetary end that will come only after they have died. If they don’t care about the world that will exist after their own deaths, then they are pursuing exactly the policies that will serve their priorities.

The only people who will lose by outlawing purchases of stocks and bonds of fossil-fuel-extraction firms are those investors, but all other people — and all animal-species — will enormously benefit from such a policy. If outlawing purchases of those stocks and bonds were to start today, even in only a single major country, it probably still wouldn’t be soon enough to salvage this planet, but it might be enough, and the existing, fake-environmental, policies, certainly are not, and cannot even possibly be, able to salvage the planet. It’s definitely worth a try, since it’s the only way that our planet might even possibly be saved. However, its having been held off so long a time already is an indication that the political systems are phenomenally corrupt; and, so, this policy is not likely to be even tried soon enough to avert our planet’s becoming unlivable, like Mars. But a chance is better than no chance at all. Only corruption prevents it from being tried.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author of  They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of  CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.


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Thank G-d for climate change!

Lone Ranger

The problem most people wont understand that this has nothing to do with protecting the environment. Energy abundance creates Free People, creativity, Freedom. They want to take that away, creating artificial scarcity, going back to feudalism with a technocratic touch. The real life Hunger games, it will make the dark ages in Europe look idillic in comparison. Germany already had hydrogen fuel cells powering their U-boats at the end of WWII, they also had artificial benzin made out of atmospheric CO2, BMW has internal combustion hydrogen vehicles ready for production since 2004, they wont allow them. Every house could have its own hydrogen fuel station powered by rain or tap water, filters and solar panels. Zero emission… But they wont allow it. Let that sink in. The elite doesn’t care about solutions, they care about total control over you. By any means. Climate change is real by the way. But its driven by the variable energy output of the Sun, not CO2 levels. Europe had a warmer climate and higher CO2 levels during Roman times than today, yet the Roman Empire didn’t use fossil fuels or heavy industry.

Last edited 3 years ago by Lone Ranger
Florian Geyer

Very well said. I agree with all that you say here.

The poorer that people become, exponentially increases the elite’s global control over their lives, and has always done so.

I recall the Hunger Games movie of a few decades ago and after looking at a trailer for the US movie, I felt that it was in very bad taste and NEVER watched the movie. Most US movies are shite in my opinion anyway.

Hunger used as a weapon has always been the weapon of wars by elitist cowards.


You just got to love the climate change. Question is, is the scare tactics sold by governments actually true? In Canada, a few heat records happened last summer. The worse one took over the record that was dating back to 1937. In 1937, the world’s population was nearly 25% of what it is today. Very little cars on the roads, some industries but certainly cannot be compared with today. When you look at older weather records, it’s clearly a cycle that last between 35 and 45 years and then, it gets colder once again.

This has been ongoing for a long time. For example: “The Arctic Ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer, and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot. Reports from fishermen, seal hunters, and explorers all point to a radical change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard‐​of temperatures in the Arctic zone. Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes. Within a few years it is predicted that due to the ice melt the sea will rise and make most coastal cities uninhabitable.” — from an Associated Press report published in The Washington Post on Nov. 2, 1922.

The temperatures started to go lower in the mid 1940’s right up to about 1985. We are on the verge of seeing the weather getting colder once again.

The climate change is being used for other reasons than “saving the planet”!

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