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Coronavirus Claims 81, As China Ramps Up Measures To Curb Spreading

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Coronavirus Claims 81, As China Ramps Up Measures To Curb Spreading

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As of January 26th, 2,744 cases of coronavirus have been confirmed in China, as the death toll reached 81.

In addition, 461 are in critical condition. On January 26th itself, 769 new cases were confirmed. There were 3,806 new suspected cases and 24 deaths (only in the Hubei province) from the disease were reported, showed figures from the National Health Commission.

Chinese national outlet reported that the government was undertaking additional steps to counter the spreading infection.

A total of 32,799 close contacts have been traced, the commission said, adding that among them, 583 were discharged from medical observation on Sunday, with 30,453 others remaining under medical observation.

The figures also showed that 17 confirmed cases had been reported in Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions and Taiwan, with 8 in Hong Kong, 5 in Macao and 4 in Taiwan.

Additional, confirmed cases were reported in Thailand (7), Japan (3), the Republic of Korea (3), the United States (3), Vietnam (2), Singapore (4), Malaysia (3), Nepal (1), France (3) and Australia (4).

China announced that the Lunar New Year holiday will be extended to February 2nd as a measure to contain the novel coronavirus outbreak.

Universities, primary and secondary schools, and kindergartens across the country shall postpone the start of the semester, said a State Council General Office circular, adding that the specific time for the semester start will be unveiled by respective education authorities.

All levels of financial departments in China have allocated a total of 11.21 billion yuan (about $1.63 billion) to combat the spreading novel coronavirus.

The construction of the special facilities, similar to the one built back in 2002-3 for the SARS outbreak is on-going, as there is even a livestream showing its progress.


More than half a million medical staff have joined the epidemic prevention, control and treatment of patients in Hubei, said Li Tao, an official with the Hubei Provincial Health Commission.

“We have also brought a large number of medical treatment materials. We believe our participation will add to the medical force and increase the confidence to overcome the epidemic,” said Zhang Mingming, a member of the Shanghai medical team at the Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital.

“I have no doubt that with all the concerted efforts from across the country, we will contain the epidemic situation,” said Song Liqiang, 50, deputy head of the Xijing Hospital’s Respiratory and ICU Department in Xi’an, capital of Shaanxi Province.

Experts of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) successfully isolated the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in the environmental samples of a seafood market in Wuhan, indicating that the virus stems from wild animals on sale at the market.

So far 14 cities have been closed off, all of them in the Hubei province. Approximately 52 million people live in the cities.

Coronavirus Claims 81, As China Ramps Up Measures To Curb Spreading

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Countries in Asia have stepped up airport surveillance. They include Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia and Philippines.

Australia and the US are also screening patients for a high temperature, and the UK announced it will screen passengers returning from Wuhan.

Dr Jonathan Read, a biostatistics researcher at Lancaster, wrote with colleagues:

“If no change in control or transmission happens, then we expect further outbreaks to occur in other Chinese cities, and that infections will continue to be exported to international destinations at an increasing rate.

In 14 days’ time (4 February 2020), our model predicts the number of infected people in Wuhan to be greater than 250 thousand (prediction interval, 164,602 to 351,396).

The estimate we came back with was that one in 20 people becoming infected are getting detected and confirmed as cases. There is potentially a lot of people not recognized.

This could be for a number of reasons. One that springs to mind the most, common with respiratory and flu-like viruses, is a lot of people will get sick and never seek medical help. Unless you present yourself to a doctor or a hospital you won’t get counted.”


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Zionism = EVIL

Well, the Chinese and many other South Asians need to get their hygiene act together and focus on overall sanitation and filthy eating habits of eating bats, snake, swine, monkeys and you name it. Even Cambodia and Vietnam even saw them eating roaches in bamboo skewers. The coronavirus (nothing corona about it) seems to have started from bat soup.


What’s wrong with swines, mate?

Zionism = EVIL

Historically,pigs eat shit and are more prone to diseases and that is why a lot of “religions” banned them based on common sense. There is a swine flu happening in Africa right now, where they also eat bush meat. I personally think eating red meat will be end of humanity via a deadly virus. Close to 4 BILLION Asians simply can’t eat all the beef, pork and lamb to oblivion. We need to look at sustainable alternatives. Some of these shitholes spend billions on weapons but don’t have basic sanitation. Fast food is another fucking problem as the $5 dollar toxic meals are getting the poorest people hooked on the most unhealthy junk that is causing another set of health epidemics as cardiac diseases, cancers, diabetes etc and obesity. Just walk down any street and see the number of lardass western kids, quite sad really, The average teenage girl in any western nation now has an arse the size of an Hummer. Not good mate or attractive!


He is Pakistani Shia Muslim(Islamist) from UK with hidden anti-Christian agenda. That is what is “wrong” .

Zionism = EVIL

Idiot, Pakistan is another shithole like you pretend Russian LOL. Learn basic English first you laughable ignorant fuckwit, you are hoot and funny.


Of course Pakistanis “shithole” since only shit like you comes out of it!

That’s why you sit in UK low life. They are so “lucky” to have you and million bastards similar to you! Today UK and US hate Russia but they will regret deeply their choices one day.

Zionism = EVIL

Fuck you retard, ignorant arsehole, you are Jew fuck, first pretended to be a “Russian” and then some real Russians called you out. Who you think you are kidding retardo? ROFLMO.


Fuck you Pakistain Anti-Christian PIG! And FUCK Anti-Christian Jews as well!

Zionism = EVIL

Fuck Pakistan, they are British created fucks like Zionists and like disingenuous trolling Jews like you , LOL. Dumbass you are exposing your agenda. LEARN TO POST IN ENGLISH though, now FUCK OFF. I have never laughed so much ignoramus.


Yeah you are not “Pakistani” anymore after being 2nd generation Pakistani in UK You are only Shia Muslim humble troll for Iran and universal Shia dominance huh? You are just human excrement of filthiest kind full of perfidy and poison !

Zionism = EVIL



Zionism = EVIL



Yaeh”lol”,”Jew” “Zionist” that’s all you have to say! You stinking Shia Pakistani peace of shit!

Zionism = EVIL

Stinking Pakistani Christian Jew fuckwit. BTW, Pakistan is a shithole like Christ BS. I did a short stint there as a GD pilot in the 70’s.


And you are pretending to be atheist also! The problem is that so many of your comments show that you are Shia MUSLIM (yet you insult Christ) And of course you hate pork and anything that has to do with PIGS! You PIG!

Zionism = EVIL

Moron, I don’t eat red meat dumbass, read my comments and learn fuckwit. I may educate you in a secular intelligent manner and improve your pig headed stupidity kiddo. You are an angry church freak like the Muslim extremists who pray to an imaginary “God” and slit throats. The only salvation for the planet is secular intelligence and education.

Zionism = EVIL

Z.P stands for ZIONIST PUSSY!


Fuck ALL ANTI-CHRISTIANS! Fuck all the Zionists because they are ANTI-CHRIST ! Zionism had never anything to do with Christianity! And fuck all Pakistani emigrants to UK like you!

Zionism = EVIL

FUCK ALL religious FREAKS like YOU JEW BOY! All faggots, especially the “Christians” who molest kids, you are probably one ROFLMAO.

Zionism = EVIL

Amen and hallelujah rolled into one :)

Well I’ve heard there was a secret chord That David played and it pleased the Lord But you don’t really care for music, do you? Well it goes like this: The fourth, the fifth, the minor fall and the major lift The baffled king composing Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Well your faith was strong but you needed proof You saw her bathing on the roof Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew ya She tied you to her kitchen chair And she broke your throne and she cut your hair And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah


“Historically,pigs eat shit “ NO ! Historically Pakistani eat shit! Pigs are clean animals comparing to your kind!

Zionism = EVIL

They do and also fed your mom LOL to have a swine Jew kosher troll like yourself.


Historically Pakistani eat shit! And Shia Pakistani from UK like you are bastards full of shit!

Zionism = EVIL

Alright, now the Jew is on the right track.


Ha ha ha that’s all you know to say? Jew this, Jew that? FUCK JEWS and all ANTI-CHRISTIANS like you ! You filthy ANTI-CHRISTIAN BASTARD ! I have been reading your poison comments for long enough to know exactly you HIDDEN AGENDA! Fuck you!!!

Zionism = EVIL

FUCK the faggot “Christ” too, you dumb religious freak LOL


I would brake you in two you sleazy Pakistani motherfucker because you are big only with your filthy mouth !

Zionism = EVIL

English please you Pakistani Jew motherfucker LOL BREAK not BRAKE, your mom should have swallowed and taken a BREAK ROFLMO, you are making my day :)

Zionism = EVIL

Good you are learning proper syntax and taking lessons from your master i,e moi. You fixed the poor spelling and now learn to differentiate between NOUN and PRONOUN. Got it el freako “Christian” fuck:)


Yous sleazy Shia Islamist bastard you can trick some naive Western idiots here who think that you are one of them with your fancy English but you can’t trick me!! You are typical Islamists perfidy troll with hidden anti-Christian agenda ! Shia Muslim-confirmed ! Anti-Russian-confirmed ! Anti-Christian -confirmed ! Hate pork-confirmed !

Fuck you PIG!

Zionism = EVIL



Jews are YOUR problems pig! I am not American and I do not ever serve Jews so fuck you !

Damien C

Reality check ……. It’s 1 in 40 that are dying …. about 2.7 % of reported cases or 81 in total

They are mainly old people or ill people

In the UK approximately 60-170 people die from flu every year so things have to be taken in perspective. ……. ******* That’s the good news, ******

Spanish flu had a mortality rate of between 10-20% the difference being Spanish flu also laid waste to healthy adults, not just the old the young and the sick. The Spanish flu (H1N1) killed between 20-50 million people in a time where long distance travel was slow and cumbersome with no passenger airlines or high speed rail let alone the massive boom in car ownership and roads infrastructure.

So if the Spanish flu infected a third of the worlds population (1.8 billion) and we are now 7.8 billion strong we have 4.3 times the population. If this Wuhan flu spreads the same way as Spanish flu did it will easily infect 1/2 the worlds population with modern travel

That basically mean that the Wuhan flu even though only having a mortaility rate of 2,7% would claim more lives than the infamous Spanish flu of 1918 (20-50 million people) Wuhan could claim 30-100 million.

Zionism = EVIL

I think you may be right, the Chinese are hiding a lot of FACTS so as long their PRC police state survives, This is just the beginning. We need to quarantine China and the infected people until there is a handle on the situation. While the stupid fucking Americunts and their Saudi shithead puppets are more worried about dropping OIL prices while spending billions on wars, while the planet goes to shit. GO FIGURE!.

Damien C

they want to kill the oil price for Venezuela and Iran if they were successful in regime change the oil price would drastically increase again the very next day

Zionism = EVIL

Exactly. The Saudi pimps dug their own grave by invading Yemen and taking a hiding. They had a healthy surplus before the moron MBS took them down the garden path and now their global assets are dwindling, Aramco IPO has gone to shit and they are running huge deficits.

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

Except it mutates and also it is suspected that it is contagious well before symptoms appear. Someone on Zerohedge that it is the sneaky bugs we need to wary of. PTB better get a hold on this. Shut down all planes from Asia. Better to be safe than sorry.

One thing that stood out to me is the comment that many people in China live close to one another and have strong immune systems, diversified. Dealing with more germs, as they have far more people.

Americans not as much, as per diet and Rx and illegal drugs, lifestyles. And Americans will not band together like in times past. Everyone is so divided. Too many believe the propaganda.

Zionism = EVIL

Good comment and we do need to quarantine China, perhaps we should send the orange fat old dotard Trump there for a site visit to Wuhan and take some Jews with him.

S Melanson

See my reply to Damian. Actual case load is minimum 10x reported and this is only those presenting symptoms. The transmission efficiency is so rapid that containment given ease of transmission is going to be like completing a Hail Mary pass.

Zionism = EVIL

I think with Chinese population density, poor hygeine and lack of good medical or preventative diseases specialization, this virus will mutate and it is best for the developed nations to at least quarantine all visitors from China. This will get worse.

S Melanson

Unfortunately, it is going to be very difficult to prevent pandemic given novel transmission characteristics that are nightmarish to attempts to contain this outbreak.

Some of the characteristics make me suspicious this is not a completely natural pathogen as it seems bioengineered to be a bioweapon. And guess what! China built its first and only biohazard level 4 research facility that opened in 2014 and you guessed it – location is the city of Wuhan! Researching, you guessed it, Coronavirus!

This depopulation effort they got right so expect a world with 3 billion less people- the mortality rate is less important than high morbidity with rapid exponential growth in caseloads which will collapse health care systems and then the body count really takes off. They thought this one out…

Zionism = EVIL

I have my fears too that with resources depletion, climate change and over-population some pandemic was inevitable and Malthus may be proven right. I have flown over most of Asia and there is literally no land untouched.


Don’t worry, I’m sure the Pirbright institute will save us :)


At 10,000 USD per vaccination :)

S Melanson

And bonus features included with each vaccination are nanobots that transmit your location, what you say and do and of course, what brand of adult diapers one uses…


Its just Value Added for all the customers, and free as well. US Pharma companies are world leaders in caring and philanthropy.


There is a US Patent for Coronovirus that was applied for 2015 and granted in 2018 and a modification registered in 2020

The applicant company is a very Anglo Saxon name. This is similar to the Patent for Novochok that was granted to the US Military in the early 2000,s.



When viruses mutate they get weaker as if the hosts dies the virus also dies so not a successful survival policy. A successful virus mutation is a not a lethal one as then spreads further and survives longer.

So everyone keep away from this MF bug in its more lethal early stages until it weakens and or a vaccine created.

Zionism = EVIL

Good sensible advise. Also stay away from public transport, shopping centers, congested places and anywhere with a lot of Chinese.


“….Shut down all planes from Asia………”-> not going to happen; too much tourism revenue at stake. Note Wuhan airport at the virus epicentre is still fully operational including to international destinations: https://flightaware.com/live/airport/ZHHH

Also the more people get infected the more medical research to fund and more vaccines to sell so also more revenue. A massive business opportunity for the pharma sector that has huge lobby in many govt’s; USA, CH, EU, GB, FR. Remember the govt ( i.e tax payer) funding of the bird flu virus research, that by the time it was completed the virus contagion was over; but tax payers still paid for 100’s millions vaccines.

This bug is out and is still getting out and the only question is how lethal it is.


The number of people currently being quarantined in China is the equivalent of circa 85% of the British population.

S Melanson

I paste below a post from yesterday regarding 2.6% mortality. It is closer to 15%. Also, the doubling every 2.5 days appears to be closer to 2 days. I see a full blown pandemic by mid-February.


Chinese officials are just beginning to acknowledge the seriousness and notice that as I write this the cases has just passed 2,000 and 56 dead which both are double when cases were 950 and deaths 26. We can see proportion of dead is in lockstep with case load.

2,000/56 is 2.6% and 950/26 is approx. 2.5%

This appears to give 2.6% mortality but this is not actual mortality as the death toll reflects the case load several weeks ago to account for incubation and progression to death once symptoms present. Average estimated as unlikely less than 2 weeks but this is preliminary until more info comes out. I estimate doubling time of cases to be every 2 to 3 days. I will now show how the caseload is likely much higher than the official numbers.

If doubling is every 2.5 days, and we have incubation and progression to death averaging 2 weeks, then the expected case load can be calculated. 2 weeks is 14 days and so 14/2.5 = 6 approximately and thus the cases will have doubled 6 times by the time of infection and death on average. If we assume 100% mortality, the minimum case load can be determined. Assume 56 case load 2 weeks ago and they represent the death toll of 56 currently. We now double 56 six times as follows:

56×2 = 112 now double again five more times: 225, 450, 900, 1,800, 3,600

My rough estimate is 3,600 cases today based on 56 deaths, 2.5 day doubling, onset of infection to death is 14 days on average and 100% mortality rate (it is of course lower than this). Now the number infected but not presenting symptoms will not be included so number infected is actually higher being asymptomatic cases plus symptomatic cases.

However, I believe mortality rate is between 15% and 20%. If 20%, the case load reported should be 3,600 multiplied by 5 or 18,000

The numbers I am presenting are much more consistent with the dire situation being reported out of Wuhan with dead piling up in Hospital hallways because exhausted health workers are overwhelmed by the thousands of infected cases with symptoms in need. Similarly the reports of severe shortages of supplies does not make sense – a city of 11 million can handle one to two thousand cases and have the supplies but, it is a different story if the true figures are closer to figures I present here.

The situation in Wuhan is much more consistent with overwhelming case load many times more than official figures. Of course I must be wrong because the Chinese government (in fact most governments) will report honestly with complete transparency… right.

Edit update: epidemiologists are estimating number close to mine as in 6,000 by January 18. So doubling every 2.5 days then approx. 25,000 cases by Jan 24. By interpolation with my figures, mortality is around 16%. Note SARS was 10% and did not transmit as easily as this novel Coronavirus.


Agreed re spread of virus. Too many people have got this bug already for it to be contained and Wuhan airport is still fully operational including with flights to Thailand a major international holiday destination.


But I do not understand how you reach mortality 16% if the 2.5% death toll currently calculated does take into account incubation to death time : “…This appears to give 2.6% mortality but this is not actual mortality as the death toll reflects the case load several weeks ago to account for incubation and progression to death once symptoms present….”.

S Melanson

The way to look at it is this.

Assume that on average it takes two weeks to progress from infection to death. That means the 56 fatalities were infected two weeks or longer ago.

The case load two weeks ago is the figure used to determine mortality rate since new infections since then have not had sufficient time to progress to death – these figures are rough calculations as a much more rigorous method is used by epidemiologists to calculate.

So if case load was total 250 two weeks ago the 56 deaths to date represent approximately 21% mortality – 56/250 cases total up to two weeks ago. We do not include cases added since two weeks ago because not enough time has elapsed to present death.


Ok I with you now. Thanks.


During the 1918 flu, American Samoa and French Polynesia escaped infection because they closed their borders. NZ is still fast asleep in this regard.

Zionism = EVIL

Jacinda is busy with the first baby girl.


Flights in out of Wuhan every 10 minutes. see the flights tracker website: https://fr.flightaware.com/live/airport/ZHHH So China State annoucements of Wuhan quarantine, amplified by Western Media (clearly willfuly supporting these lies as this is too obvious not to know) , is 100% lines.

Wuhan flights to Thailand holiday spots also still going. This assures contagion with other regions of the world with holiday makers to Thailand.

This bug is out and ain’t nothing going to stop it. How dangerous it is is another point with good separate posts on this.

Zionism = EVIL

Human greed has much to do with that.


…annnd NZ – is doing – nothing. Never mind it’s a major destination for Chinese migration and tourism.

Zionism = EVIL

The Chinese are fanning out like a locust plague. Out of the 60,000 immigrants NZ took in FY 2019 almost 70% were Chinese if you include “students”, business class visas and “family reunions” aka mail order Shanghai brides.


better chinese than pakis

Zionism = EVIL

Agree on that, and the Pakis will also fuck your sister and mom too if they could darkie boy :) look at Diana and Jemima Goldsmith :)


rapists are everywhere. but the chinese are diligent, busy people. they build up something. all of them work.

most of moslems want to live from social programs. not all, but most!

Zionism = EVIL

You seem to be upset with Muslims darkie what’s up. Let have some fun, I personally hate all man made religions, especially the desert Abrhamic throat slitting ones. The Hindu turds are worse but the Chinese were OK as long as they worse the blue Mao uniform and were Atheists. Now the fuckers want to be like “Christians” and look Caucasian with slitty eyes and yellow skin LOL. The fuckers stink of garlic.


I should be able to get a table without booking at a Chinese restaurant on Brexit night then this Friday then :)

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