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Coronavirus Disease 2019 – Situation Report of the Robert Koch Institute

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On April 11, the Robert Koch Institute (a German federal government agency and research institute responsible for disease control and prevention) released a fresh update on the COVID-19 situation in Germany.  In the conditions of the constant media hype over the COVID-19 outbreak around the world, German’s statistics and reports on the situation remain one of the most precise and transparent and allow to get a closer look at the real scale of the declared pandemic and it impact.

Coronavirus Disease 2019 - Situation Report of the Robert Koch Institute

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Coronavirus Disease 2019 - Situation Report of the Robert Koch Institute

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Epidemiological Situation in Germany

Geographical distribution of cases

Epidemiological analyses are based on validated cases notified electronically to RKI according to the Protection Against Infection Law (Data closure: 12:00 AM daily).

Since January 2020, a total of 117,658 (+4,133) laboratory-confirmed cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) have been electronically reported to and validated at the RKI, including 2,544 deaths (see Table 1 and Figure 1). In addition, diagnosis is ongoing for suspected cases in several federal states. Information on confirmed cases are also available on the RKI website at https://www.rki.de/DE/Content/InfAZ/N/Neuartiges_Coronavirus/Fallzahlen.html and https://corona.rki.de

Coronavirus Disease 2019 - Situation Report of the Robert Koch Institute

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Coronavirus Disease 2019 - Situation Report of the Robert Koch Institute

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Distribution of cases over time

COVID-19 cases were first notified in Germany in January 2020. In 44,352 cases, onset of symptoms is unknown and therefore date of reporting is shown (see Figure 2).

Coronavirus Disease 2019 - Situation Report of the Robert Koch Institute

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Demographic distribution of cases

Of reported cases, 49% are male and 51% are female. Among notified cases, 919 were children under 5 years of age, 2,311 children aged 5 to 14 years, 80,723 persons aged 15 to 59 years, 22,791 persons aged 60 to 79 years and 10,712 persons aged 80 years and older (see Figure 3). The age of 202 notified cases is unknown. The median age of cases is 50 years.

Coronavirus Disease 2019 - Situation Report of the Robert Koch Institute

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Clinical aspects

Information on symptoms is available for 90,025 of the notified cases. The most common symptoms are cough (51%), fever (42%) and rhinorrhoea (22%). Pneumonia was reported in 2,113 cases (2%). Hospitalisation was reported for 13,661 (15%) of 89,735 COVID-19 cases with information on hospitalisation available.

Approximately 57,400 persons are estimated to have recovered from their COVID-19 infection. As the exact date of recovery is unknown in most cases, an algorithm was developed to estimate the number of recovered cases.

The 2,544 COVID-19 related deaths reported in Germany concerned 1,522 (60%) men and 1,019 (40%) women (sex was unknown in 3 cases, age was unknown in one case). The median age was 82 years. Of all deaths, 2,189 (86%) were in persons 70 years or older, but only 16% of all cases were in this age group.

Reports on COVID-19 related outbreaks in nursing homes are increasing. In some of these outbreaks, the number of deaths is relatively high.

Coronavirus Disease 2019 - Situation Report of the Robert Koch Institute

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SARS-CoV-2 infections among staff working in medical facilities

Of notified cases with a SARS-CoV-2 infection, at least 5,300 were reported among staff working in medical facilities as defined by §23 of the German Protection Against Infection law (IfSG), such as hospitals, outpatient clinics and practices, dialysis clinics or outpatient nursing services. Among these 5,300 persons 72% were female and 28% male. The median age was 42 years.

Estimation of the reproduction number (R)

The reproduction number, R0, is the mean number of persons infected by a case. R0 can only be estimated and not directly extracted from the notification system. The current estimate is R= 1.3 (95% confidence interval: 1.1-1.7) and is based on electronically notified cases (10/04/2020 12:00 AM) and an assumed mean generation time of 4 days. Cases with disease onset on the preceding 3 days were excluded from the estimation as their low number due to incomplete reporting would lead to an unstable estimate. For more details on the methodology see Epid. Bull. 17 | 2020 Online vorab: 9. April 2020

DIVI intensive care register (1)

A registry of the German Interdisciplinary Association for Intensive and Emergency Medicine (DIVI), the RKI and the German Hospital Federation (DKG) was set up to document the capacities for intensive care as well as the number of COVID-19 cases treated in participating hospitals: https://www.intensivregister.de/#/intensivregister .

As of 10/04/2020, 754 hospitals or departments are reporting (+74 since previous day) to the registry. Migration of the registry to a new server has led to reporting delays, thus comparisons with data prior to 03/04/2020 are not meaningful. Currently, likely fewer than half of all ICU beds in Germany are captured by the registry. A total of 16,738 intensive care beds were registered, of which 9,647 (58%) are occupied and 7,091 beds are currently available (Table 3).

Coronavirus Disease 2019 - Situation Report of the Robert Koch Institute

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Assessment by the RKI

At the global and the national level, the situation is very dynamic and must be taken seriously. Severe and fatal courses occur in some cases. The number of cases, hospitalisations and fatalities in Germany continues to increase. The RKI currently assesses the risk to the health of the German population overall as high and as very high for risk groups. The probability of serious disease progression increases with increasing age and underlying illnesses. The risk of disease varies from region to region. The burden on the health care system depends on the geographical and age distribution of cases, health care capacity

and initiation of containment measures (isolation, quarantine, social distancing etc.), and may be very high in some geographical regions. This assessment may change on short notice as a result of new findings.

Measures taken by Germany

International risk areas

As of 10/04/2020 countries and regions are not longer classified as international risk areas. Due to pandemic spread, there is a global risk of acquiring COVID-19. In a considerable number of countries there are outbreaks with sometimes large numbers of cases; the exact numbers of cases in other countries are not known. Therefore there is a risk of transmission in Germany as well as in a vast number of regions worldwide.

All arriving travellers in Germany are to remain in quarantine for 14 days: https://www.bundesregierung.de/breg-de/themen/coronavirus/neue-einreiseregeln-1739634 (in German)

Other measures

1. The situation report as of 11/04/2020 reports on data with state of date 10/04/2020, as there were no new data at 11/04/2020
available from the DIVI intensive care register.

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“The 2,544 COVID-19 related deaths reported in Germany”

What the report doesn’t say, but should is that virus related deaths doesn’t mean that the virus killed the person. It only means that the person had the virus, not that they died of it. And that the actual number of people who died of the virus is far lower and that probably fewer people die of it than the flu. The whole thing is a huge scam.


“Published : March 24, 2020; Updated : April 3, 2020

The President of the German Robert Koch Institute confirmed on March 20, 2020 that test-positive deceased people are counted as “corona deaths” regardless of the real cause of death: “We consider someone with a corona virus infection to be a corona death … said the RKI President when asked a journalist (see video below).

According to experts, the number of deaths is severely relativized, since the patients die in many cases from their previous illnesses and not from the virus. Data from Italy show that over 99% of the deceased had one or more chronic medical conditions, including cancer and heart problems, and only 12% mentioned the coronavirus on the death certificate as a cofactor.”

– RKI relativizes “corona deaths” –



According to Worldmeter fewer people have died of the virus than the flu this year. And considering that the virus deaths are being overstated by up to 1,000% in places with high death counts. Even without mitigation it’s unlikely that he virus is any deadlier than the seasonal flu. Which is far down the list of leading causes of death. And is only 10% as deadly as other infectious diseases like malaria, TB and aids combined. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fb7011d4ebb77cb680a8ba0b624aff412626430b2d61fec88470a398e08c5d85.png


Wow, now it is 1000% and not 88% LOL Lets take the numbers from Italy which is worse hit, though may be overstated from the break down in it’s healthcare system. So those that are officially confirmed is only 2.5% of population, and yet close to 20,000 have died “WITH” the Corona virus. Do you see the error in your math, perhaps this was not your strong point in school? By the way, the snow hike was great, are you still under house arrest :)


No, but I see the error of yours.

Approximately 10% of those who died with the virus died of it. 1,000% of those who actually died of it equals the fake “coronavirus deaths” which are being overstated by up to 1,000%.

I’m not under house arrest. I have a go anywhere license and vehicle with unlimited mileage that gets up to 57mpg. Assuming where I want to go isn’t closed.


I was hoping Big Foot would find you. So lets take this out 3 decimal places, are you saying 2500 % of the the Italian population now has Covid-19?


Why are you being foolish and nonsensical?


Be careful what you hope for. My experience with bigfoot encounters is that it puts you into a different dimensional construct for a few days afterwards where you’re no longer completely in this one and are partially in another one. If you don’t want to end up missing, discretion is the better part of valor.

Hasbara Hunter

COVID-19 Operation-Gladio BIO-WARFARE executed by the ELITES against the Rest of Humanity….

To be continued…


The virus is an obvious NATO scam run by Jews and Zionists. Over 90% of the deaths are coming out of NATO countries who are overstating their deaths by as much as 1,000%. By counting those who died with the virus as virus deaths. When places like Italy are showing that only about 10% of those who died with the virus are dying of it. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d862e30528f27d1249161a46b4cd9317913d7146fe04d21303a91d457afcbeae.png


Yeah, sorry I unloaded my self on the previous aritcle, but as some have noticed, it boils down to, with or without, and again, you have the old saying, Lies, dammed Lies and Statistics. This numbers dont tell the entire truth, its even worse on the UssA, where the Virus is virtually and literaly killing everything unless you have your head blown off with an shootgun, where as the case of death is, uh…. higly lightly not because of, I am not even shure even that is correct not dead because of an Virus. Age etc, dont matter that much when the rest of the info isnt there like been compromised and deaths be failed treatements like their inststence of pumping people up to baloons with Ox, this deaths are hidden to the even worse, the denile of medications that infact works because of the Ox, depletmen syndrome, but the western scumbags wants us to eat other medics and everybody awaits the vaccines.

This numbers and reports are an f…. insult. I leave it there, since they, just pisses me off.


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