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MARCH 2025

Coronavirus Hysteria Hits Russia As Europe Becomes Center Of Outbreak

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Coronavirus Hysteria Hits Russia As Europe Becomes Center Of Outbreak

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During the past week, the center of the coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19) officially moved from China to the European Union. Italy already overcame the number of active cases in China.

Furthermore, Italy demonstares sky-high numbers of deaths and total coronavirus cases per a million of population. In aprticular, open sources numbers show that every fourteenth person affected by coronavirus in Italy dies. These numbers cause reasonable questions because there are not so much explanations of the observed crisis in Europe. So, the entire Italian government is disfunctional and demonstrates a criminal negligence, or the available statistics exaggerates the scale of crisis. If one supposes that the Italian government is interested in fueling the hysteria and crisis to achieve some own goals (to support the global campaign in the field or gain tactical economic benefits as additional funding from the EU), it may look that authorities count any virus infection death or even deaths caused some other reasons as coronavirus-caused deaths.

The European developments followed the official Chinese declaration of conerns regarding the possibiltiy that the coronavirus outbreak may have been a preplanned action (Beijing  blamed the US military) aimed against China and the entire crisis is being manipulated to fuel instability and further.

Coronavirus Hysteria Hits Russia As Europe Becomes Center Of Outbreak

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The coronavirus hysteria rapidly expanded into other European countries (even not really affected by the oubreak) and even Russia. The Russian opposition media and representatives of the so-called neo-liberal part of the elite are already cry foul about the supposed coronavirus-related problems. According to them, the country is ‘fully unprepared’ to fight the possible outbreak. These claims are being supported by a large-scale media campaign in the field.

It’s interesting to note that all of these happens amid the chaos on the oil market (caused by Saudi agressive actions on it), constitutional reforms in Russia and the escalation of the Iranian-US tensions in the Middle East (Iran is currently suffering from coronavirus-related issues with over 12,000 active cases).

The large-scale diplomatic and media efforts to paint the coronavirus oubtreak as a large-scale threat and the timing of developments demonstrate allow to suggest that forces related to the global establishment are intentionally exploiting and fueling the crisis (or even contributed to its start) in order to achieve own goals. The COVID-19 issue is already used to explain the upcoming global economic crisis (which is barely caused by the virus itself), and will likely be used among the tools used to distabilize situation inside the countries opposing the neo-liberal world order: China, Russia and Iran.

Modern “liberalism” (often called “neo-liberalism”) is the ideology of serving to global financial monopolies and market speculators in general. The goal of such “liberals” is to increase their personal level of consumption with the minimal possible intellectual and physical work, using the margin simplification of modern communications and IT technologies, for satisfying their selfish, mainly bodily, desires covering them under the guise of post-modern sophistry. Thus, they swallow public resources undermining the steadily development of the humanity.


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Lazy Gamer

China in all probability understated. Italy is just honest with its figures. lol

Zionism = EVIL

I think China which was the first and only intended victim of this Americunt and Jew created virus has done a pretty good job of containing it and is also helping Italy and Iran, while the mean and nasty Americunts have done fuckall after spreading the virus in the first place.


The Coronavirus was created in Russia and brought to the Chinese bio-weapons lab right there in Wuhan. And the rest is history. Try to keep up.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Hospital beds per 1000 population… Russia – 8.1 Germany – 8.0 China – 4.4 U.S. – 2.8 UK – 2.5 Sweden – 2.2

Ashok Varma

Russia like India is a more mature country and hopefully not prone to MSM scaremongering.

Zionism = EVIL

This is how the rednecks are fighting the caronavirus in Americunt streets



I don’t like Trump voters much either.

Zionism = EVIL

Thank the Soviet system for the universal health coverage, same applies to Cuba.


And Russian guys die almost a decade younger than American guys and almost 15 years younger than Jewish guys in Israel. Go figure.


Yeah , the average life expectancy of a ruskie is around 72 something years , similar to someone living in Bangladesh. But they have lots of hospital beds. LOL..

Gary Sellars

Get knotted Turko-fag from a 3rd world shit-hole.


Do you really know what 1st , 2nd and 3rd world really means , illiterate kremlin bot ?


Why you ruskie bots use anglosaxon names btw ? Is it easier to decieve people this way ?


They are too embarrassed to be known as Russians it seems.


They need them it seems.

Hide Behind

The average lifespan for American males has been falling on average 3-4 % months per year for last 7 years. This while rates of birth deaths and death of children under 5 years of age increases yearly by .7% and birth deformities at 1% per year. Cancer deaths outnumber deaths from any other cause and rate is increasing but statistics are only kept and reported by individual states asKed bureau cannot any longer compile stats as their departments have been gutted since Trump election. The EPA is banned from climate studies and loss of jobs by any employee that dares write or speak “climate”; along with all grants by education Branch for environmental studies to Universities ended. Over 80 % of all medications pills and liquids are imported from China by Corporates acting through US Trade Deartments and Dept offStage which have ex industry and Christian Zionist/ Israeli/ AIPAC connections. Health in US is huge money making racket, one where cures are not foundbas treating the symptoms is where real money is; both on Corporate and the Medical Doctorsnsides.


And the Russians die almost a decade younger than folk in the US and the EU. And those White more rural, under-educated folk who are dying faster in the US and account for virtually all our decreasing life expectancy are mostly Moron Trump voter types. So I’m not too worried.


Are you sure about the US figures. Several hospitals were closing per month over the last 5 years. Probably true on late 90s though.


And Russian guys die on average almost a decade younger than American guys. Maybe Russia should have less beds to die in and a better healthcare system to keep them alive.



Maybe that decade of Anglo Zionist theft had something to do with it too though?


LOL…excuses, excuses, excuses…your failings are always someone else’s fault. You sound like Moron Trump.


Not always, but experience is dependently originated, so just pointing to someone and saying it’s all your fault is as inaccurate as those pointing to only external causes. Gotta weight up the two.

Russians love their booze since they got hooked on vodka in the 14th C though (kvass and kefir before that), sure.

Hospital care suffers from caretaker indifference too imo – that trait I most dislike in modern Russians (certainly isn’t how the Romans remembered ‘the friendly ones’).. My uncle’s father in law got an infarct last year, they couldn’t be bothered to move him to any hospital that had the set up to deal with him best, even though they had beds etc.. Only when his daughter said he was in the military did a military hospital take him.. And of course damage was done after a day of fighting with the bureaucracy.

Other than that, if you find doctors who give a shit, the system is fine, meds and beds are available etc, and unless you get heavy chronic issues like cancer, outcomes are samesy, in fact I go back from the UK for dentistry, basic health stuff, and kid stuff – can get an ear nose throat specialist same day, compared to a six month wait in London!

Bill Wilson

Healthier populations require fewer hospital beds.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

1 in every 2 American men get cancer, 1 in 3 American women.


And still Russians die at least 7 years younger than folk in the US. Russians don’t live long enough to get cancer.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Over the past decade, the suicide rate among young Americans has risen 55%. Many young Americans now don’t want to live as long as Russians.


Average Russian hospital anywhere outside major cities. Would you want to be treated under such conditions?



LOL. ”Hospital”

Ashok Varma

Our Russian friends should learn from India and stay above the corporate media hype.


Xoli Xoli

Italy is the only country with number one world best health facilities and hospitals. M16 and CIA plan was to annihilate Italia health facilities by pumping in paid infected tourist and disrupt normal life of adversaries and destroying China economy.China should leave infected people to flee to NATO countries.If you dont have guns sell the bullets.

Xoli Xoli

Stupid Putin must closed border with Turkey. Time to babysit and please Erdogan terrorists is over.

Zionism = EVIL

Ex-US Surgeon General warns top US medical centers turning away poor and elderly patients and only admitting the rich and insured.

The Farney Fontenoy

Italy seems to be counting ANY ‘flu-like’ symptoms as COVID19, and ANYONE who dies while having even ‘suspected’ symptoms are being recorded as dying from COVID19, because the numbers they have supposedly infected & dying make NO SENSE. Any sane person should see this is a government power grab, using CV as a pretext to enact a total police state-but there is barely anyone left in Europe who is still sane. Terrified people are incredibly easy to control.

Zionism = EVIL

You got it buddy, Jews want a global police state with scared sheeple. This is a template for the future as resources dwindle due to parasitic Jews and Bilderberg 500 global plunderers.


Go shake a lot of hands, Adolf.


Bull. shit.

The Farney Fontenoy

The government would never lie, would they?? Guess all those chemical attacks really happened, didn’t they? #TrustGovernment

Zionism = EVIL

Hopefully, the Russian government will control the deliberate Jew media lies intended to spread global panic. It is the Americunt arseholes and Jew parasites that spread this virus bio-warfare in the first place.

Xoli Xoli

No doubt it Satanyahu and Trump. Both are fulfilling anti christ biblical scriptures. God knows all evil desires of Trump and Satanyahu plus gay Boris the sodomite ass undertaker.Merkel is the Jezebel of Babilon.Erdogan and Macroni are both Lucifer head demons.

Zionism = EVIL

Now the Chinese Ambassador in US has doubled down on the FACT that the Americunts and Jews planted his bio-warfare virus. He was called in for a protest today but repeated his statement again:

US military might have brought coronavirus to China’s Wuhan: Chinese Ambassdor

Xoli Xoli

But it is true it is USA.


Nahhhhhhh…everyone knows it was from the main Chinese military bio-weapons lab right there in Wuhan. The Chinese Communist Party needs a scapegoat and diversion to keep its People from going after them for causing all the deaths, illness and economic hardships. Try to keep up.

Lone Ranger

If it had been China, U.S. would already pointing finger. Since they dont is logical that it was the U.S. Natural origin is out if question since major outbreaks happen every 50 years ir so and China already had 3 in the past 20years. Interestingly the outbreaks correlated with the weakening U.S. economy. Taking out a big chunk of Chinese production and GDP. Better luck next tine ;)

Lone Ranger

If China can prove this is a U.S. made bioweapon than every country on the planet will turn against the U.S. Empire, even their closest vassals.


Vassals don’t turn against their masters (only in revolutions). They are like beat up wives, they submitted and they think they masters still loves them.


And you know a lot about beating up wives from personal experience, I assume.


Come on. It was from the Chinese military bio-weapons lab right there in Wuhan. And you know it so stop lying.

Lone Ranger

You are the one lying, as per usual. Everybody knows U.S. has a long history of developing and using bioweapons.


So? So does China and so does Russia. And the bio-weapons lab in Wuhan is Chinese and NOT American. Oh, and there are reports that Russia had brought its Coronavirus research there recently. The actual source of the Coronavirus is unquestionably Russian. The stains tested in Russia are the same as those in China. Give credit where credit is due.

Lone Ranger

Russia has no chemical or bioweapon program. Confirmed by the UN and the U.S. as well. Contrary to the U.S. whom have bioweapon kabs all around the planet. The only country to do so I may add. U.S. military visited the city just before the outbreak started. Its the third outbreak in China in 20years, highly unlikely that its natural. Only one profiting from this is the U.S.


Nahhhhhhhh…the Chinese are quite capable of having their own bio-weapons accidents. And when they have Russians working with them, it is a guarantee that an accident will happen. Too much Vodka binging will do that even to a scientist.

Lone Ranger

Lay down the Kool-Aid Shlomo… https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unethical_human_experimentation_in_the_United_States


The Russians did it…

Lone Ranger


Lone Ranger


Bye bye ;)

Lone Ranger

Bye trollstoy ;)


It was the Russians…

Lone Ranger

U.S.* ;)


You haven’t proven that and you just admitted that you’re lying about it:

“Jake321 PZIVJ • a day ago If you missed it, dodo, I have been doing exactly as the others here have been doing, making exaggerated claims with little to no evidence. They want to dump on the US. I want to dump on them. When in Rome do as the Romans do.”


So you admit to posting false stuff. Hey, clueless one, you are serious when you do that. I’m obviously spoofing fools like you. You’re just too dumb to know the difference. Now go shake some more hands.


You’re false accusations that I’m posting false stuff just increases your credibility deficit.

Lone Ranger

Wrong. Bill Gates already had a patent on the corona virus in 2015. His bio labs are the probable source with the help of the U.S. military. Russia only sent researchers a month ago to help China. Before there they werent there.


Sure the Russians were there and visiting there for years. No question that the Coronavirus is a Russian thing and got out in Wuhan China to cause this Pandemic.

Lone Ranger

Lies as usual. You cant handle reality… Its a U.S. made bioweapon, we only wait for the evidence. And Russia wasnt there for years but only for the past month to help China. Bye troll…


Russia has not only been involved with China for years but for decades. The Coronavirus Pandemic started in Wuhan at their bio-weapons lab where Russians have worked. And Russians have have the most advanced bio-weapons programs and best bio-weapons scientists. But it is possible that it wasn’t a typical Russian foul up but just some Chinese lab workers selling test animals with the Russian virus in the local Wuhan food market. Now bye bye and shake a lot of hands.


“but just some Chinese lab workers selling test animals with the Russian virus in the local Wuhan food market.” As if animals can’t carry a deadly virus on their own? Now rush off to your local market and join the dense herd of people in panic buying! Yeah, that’s a real good idea. And don’t forget the hand wipes by the door. :)


If you missed it, dodo, I have been doing exactly as the others here have been doing, making exaggerated claims with little to no evidence. They want to dump on the US. I want to dump on them. When in Rome do as the Romans do.


It would be well advised to not travel to Rome. And also San Francisco area is off the list. :/


So you’re a self admitted liar.


Nahhhhhhhhh…just spoofing you fools who will believe anything. But you’re not a Liar. Like Moron Trump, you believe all the falsehoods you spout.


Making false allegations against me doesn’t change the fact that you’re a self admitted liar. If I was posting falsehoods you’d be able to disprove them. Your failed attempt on this thread to do that proves that you’re the habitual liar.


LMFAO…now it’s Bill Gates. Next you’ll say the US never landed on the Moon, Mossad did 9-11 and chocolate milk comes from brown cows. Again, bye bye. And the Coronavirus Pandemic has its roots in Russia without question. Oh, hey clueless one. Note the saying, when in Rome do as the Romans do.

Lone Ranger

Try harder Shlomo. We all know its U.S. made, without a question ;)

Lone Ranger


Bye ;)

Lone Ranger



So? Communist China did plenty of its own. And hey, dodo, the bio-weapons lab where this Coronavirus came from is in Wuhan and it is Chinese, NOT American.

Lone Ranger

Thst “so what” proves you have zero morals. U.S. is worse than China. About on the same level nazis were with mengele and Co. Thats why the U.S. military picked that city… They knew if anything happens they can point a finger, and they still might do it… But the cat is out of the bag, China was faster. Once China will finish its study on the virus they will make it public and if it really happens to be artificial the U.S. is toast. Also it seems thats a raced based bioweapon. Most the victims are asians, persian, arab,afro americans. Italy in Europe has the most cases because they are loaded with migrants. U.S. Empire is coming to and end. Tic toc… Have a nice weekend.


The Coronavirus Pandemic originated in China and is a homegrown Chinese affair. Most likely, from their bio-weapons lab in Wuhan or their food market with live animals like bats and snakes that carry Coronaviruses. Russia might be behind this since the strain in Russia and that in China are the same. And Russia had the world’s biggest bio-weapons program which included research into Coronaviruses. If it turns out the virus is manufactured, it is Russia that better watch out.

Lone Ranger

Wishful thinking…

Pavel Pavlovich

Initially a rally by patriotic public forces was planned on 15th in support of Putin’s course to change the constitution in a plebiscite… but cancelled due to this shit. I think everyone with half a brain left can see that this is a bioweapon intruduced to strengthen the world’s hegemon.


Do note that the constitutional change Putz Putin the Poisoner is making would make him, in effect, Czar for life. And the Coronavirus was introduced by your Russian scientists working at the Chinese bio-weapons lab in Wuhan. Anyone with even a few brain cells knows that.


As everyone knows, the main Chinese military bio-weapons lab is in Wuhan. It was working on Coronaviruses. Also, as everyone knows, the large, main food market in Wuhan features bats and snakes that carry Coronaviruses. Less known, is the fact that part of Putz Putin the Poisoner’s new arms race with the US was to restart Russia’s bio-weapons programming. To help this along, he had Russian scientists bring their Coronavirus research to the Chinese lab in Wuhan. And as everyone knows, Russians tend to have big accidents in technology like Chernobyl and all those sunk nuke subs. So it’s clear that the Coronavirus Pandemic was started by the Russians. But what is not well know is that this may not have been by a typical Russian accident, even though that can not be ruled out. But by the fact that to earn some pocket money, workers at the Wuhan lab sell their experimental animals in the Wuhan food market. So they sold some of the Russian Coronavirus infected animals like bats and snakes in that market. This is how this Pandemic started. It is a Russian thing even if unintentional.

Lone Ranger

CNN called they want you back…


Nahhhhhhhh..,never was there. And your silly diversion does not change the fact that the Coronavirus Pandemic originated in China and is their homegrown affair. Well, the Russians might have helped out.

Lone Ranger

I guess Hiroshima and Nagasaki was also the japs bombing themselves… according to you… Im telling you, China will find out who it was and they will publish hard evidence. If I were you I would grab a few XXL Tampax in advance… Bye.


Nahhhhhhhhh…those nukes were ours and saved millions of lives, mostly Japanese. And also kept Russia from taking half of Japan. My only regret is that the Bomb wasn’t competed earier so it could be used to finish off your Nazi friends in Berlin before the Russians got there. If the Chinese Communist Party finds the virus is artificial, they sure as hell won’t admit it came from their very own lab right there in Wuhan. But they might note it came from the Russian scientists who brought it with them, depending on whether Putz Putin gives them an even lower oil and gas price or not.

Lone Ranger

Russian scientists only arrived to Wuhan a month ago by that time the pandemic was ongoing for two months… They went there to help not to bring any virus with them. China will make their findings public, every laboratory on the planet will double and tripple check it. If China was to develop a race based bioweapon like the U.S. did… They would sure make it target caucasians and not themselves. Qui prodest… We all know the answer we only need confirmation. Bye…


LOL…Russians have been going to Wuhan for years. Well before this Pandemic. And Russians have been the world leaders in bio-weapons research…and technological accidents…It is the Russians who better hope they find that this virus is NOT artificial. Or folk in Siberia better start learning Mandarin. Bye bye.

Lone Ranger



You’re redundant. Answered this before. The Chinese did plenty themselves and the bio-weapons lab where this Pandemic started is Chinese and NOT American.

Lone Ranger

We will know who made it after Chinese publish their findings. Also Bill Gates holding the patents since 2015 should make everybody suspicious…


As always, you lie. Bill Gates doesn’t hold a patent on this novel Coronavirus. He did fund research into a vaccine for a chicken virus. But to a bird brain like you, I’m sure you don’t understand that there is a world of difference.

Lone Ranger

You Have been disqualified….sorry ;) Article proves me right. Better luck next time Shlomo…


The Article clearly states that the novel Coronavirus was first developed by the Russian bio-weapons program and shared with the Chinese at their main bio-weapons lab in Wuhan. This claim has just as much validity as yours, Adolf.

Lone Ranger

It claims the opposite Shlomo. Better luck next time ;)


It does not, Adolf. The Coronavirus Pandemic originated in Wuhan either at the bio-weapons lab there or in the live animal food market. Try to keep up.

Lone Ranger

You too Shlomo, since it was spread by the U.S. military visiting Wuhan. Bill and Melinda Gates bioweapon Foundation sends greetings ;) Eat some breakfast :)


Too early. You go eat some Wuhan bat snacks and wash it down with Wuhan snake soup. And with the absolute certainty you make claims, everyone knows this Coronavirus was developed in the Russian bio-weapons program and transferred to the Chinese lab in Wuhan. This Coronavirus Pandemic is a wholly Russian creation and the the World must make them pay dearly for it.

Lone Ranger

I like eggs and bacon… Swap Russia with the CIA and its legit ;)


Look up Event 201!


Then why haven’t you posted credible proof supporting your claims if it’s such an open and shut case like I routinely do? Is it because you’re a habitual Zionist liar spamming these threads with hasbara propaganda?


Nahhhhhhhhhh…on this one on this thread, just doing in Rome what the Romans do. But the reality for a rideshare driver genius like you is that your down playing deaths in Italy only a few days ago as being way lower than the seasonal flu shows what an arrogant ignoramus you are. The number of daily deaths in Italy from the Coronavirus has in just a few days reached 4 to 5 times that of the seasonal flu. And it is raising even with all the draconian containment efforts which you repeatedly said where not needed and just part of some international conspiracy to create the NWO or some other tinfoil hat looney toon nonsense. I truly hope you get to face the triage sick folk in Italy now face due to a totally overburdened health system.


That’s a dodge. You provided no proof for your hasbara propaganda about Russia being responsible for the Coronavirus. You’re a sick depraved pervert and habitually lying hasbara troll shilling for blood sucking Jew pedophile cannibal prostitutes who rape children every day.

You haven’t disproven anything that I’ve written. What you claim that I wrote and what I actually wrote are two different things. Misquoting me just proves what a malevolent miscreant you are.

Copy and paste what I actually wrote and try to disprove it.


I understand that math isn’t one of your strong points. But what is it about the difference between estimated and tested cases death rates that you are your experts shilling for the lying Jew media don’t understand?


The death total from the Coronavirus is now 4 to 5 times that of the seasonal flu in Italy, AH, and raising. May you face the same triage as the seriously sick face there due to an overwhelmed healthcare system which you said could never and would never happen just a few days ago. And the efforts to contain the Coronavirus were just some Jewish conspiracy to take over the world or some other bigoted nonsense from the little mind of a rideshare driver Einstein.


You haven’t disproven anything that I’ve written. What you claim that I wrote and what I actually wrote are two different things. Misquoting me just proves what a malevolent miscreant you are.

Copy and paste what I actually wrote and try to disprove it. 2


It’s a fact that the lying Jew media is trotting out scripted paid to lie experts comparing the estimated flu case death rate with the tested virus case death rate. Meet the Jews who bring you the fake news: https://corruptico.files.wordpress.com/2017/07/jewsatcnn.jpg


LOL…whatever you say, Adolf. You truly are a fool. Please shake a lot of hands. And I hope the folk in Seattle stay at home and you have way more time to post your crap. Hopefully they will let you do that in your ventilator before they take you off it for someone younger.


You’re a truth hater.

Rhodium 10

Coronavirus is a Bio weapon to hit China, Iran and Italy ( this EU country will join to China silk route)…


Yep, a bio-weapon from the main bio-weapons lab right there in Wuhan. That will teach the Chinese to invite Russian scientists in with their Coronavirus research. They should have known when you have Russians you tend to get nuclear meltdowns, sunk nuke subs and other technological fuckups.


another idiot (you)


Maybe. But you need to work on your English.


the language of future is esperanto



LOL…not likely. You better stick to improving your English. It will be the international language for a long time to come.


Have your experts shilling for a depression explained why a state the size of Italy where the virus was detected soon after China and weeks before Italy and a month before Iran, only has 3% of the deaths of Italy and 1% of China? With no containment until a week or two ago.

Or are they to busy getting paid by the lying Jew media to come on TV and lie about the death rates?


and rhodium has been hit you yers ago


In this movie you can see how the obituary in a newspaper of Bergamo, one of the most critical places for Covis-19 in Italy, changes from a little more of one page on 9/2 to 10 pages on 13/3. Normally the are elderly people, but today died a healthy 38 years old man.


Italian health system is free for everyone and it is one of the best in the world.


and the most undisciplined (pardon second,l the first are ruskies!) people of the world. this is the reason of italian problems.


But fear is the most efficient medicine, now streets are empty and people stay home. Also Hitler had a bad opinion of ruskies but it (sic) initially won but… still we wont the virus! Looking what is happening in the world I still prefer to stay in Italy.


stay in italy, because the health care system is the besz on the earth. and IF you were in such situation, that you need machine for arteficial breathing, in italy is the least problem.


hysteria …

typical stupid russian mentality. like in teningrad. the fotball hooligans: we die all!

yep, russians want look as hard people.

and always fall hard on face.

after die again millions russians thye will take seriously. and of course, west will be the guilty for their losses…


Nobody will know the exact amount of dead russians . They will open mass graves just like iranians and chinese did, and burry their dead there. .Then we will all listen to russian propagandists here telling how successfull they were dealing with the epidemic.


I’m driving rideshare every night at the epicenter of the US coronavirus outbreak. Where 40 of the 50 US deaths have occurred. 7,000 people have been tested. 650 have tested positive. Applying the CDC estimate protocols used for the flu. The virus death rate isn’t any higher than the flu. Which kills 10s of thousands every year in the US.

The flu kills approximately 500,000 people worldwide every year. The virus has killed 5,000, 4,000 in China where it’s dropping off fast To date the virus is far far less deadly than the flu worldwide.


Please shake the hands of all your riders. Especially those you take to the ER. Anyway, the worldwide mortality rate is about 3%, some 30 times that of the seasonal flu. The US rate is about 2%, some 20 times the seasonal flu. About the best country so far is South Korea with a mortality rate about 8 times the seasonal flu. And note, without the draconian measures taken the deaths in China and elsewhere would be still raising at an exponential rate. Wouldn’t by long before it could catch up with the seasonal flu and easily rival that of the Spanish Flu Pandemic. That is what epidemiologists think. But you the rideshare driver Einstein know better. As I’ve noted before. You are soooooooo entertaining.


You’re comparing apples with oranges. The flu death rate is using estimates. The virus rates you’re quoting are using tested cases. If you tested everyone for the virus the death rate would drop to that of the flu. That’s why the CDC uses estimates. Because testing everyone is impractical.


And you have a PhD in Epidemiology? Add that to your International Law license. We should believe a rideshare driver over all those doctors and epidemiologists? You really are an arrogant fool but quite entertaining in a sick way.


You should believe the facts and the evidence and call out the experts when they’re obviously lying like the ones that you’re shilling for.


Sure, rideshare driver Einstein. As an aside, just three days ago you were down playing the death toll in Italy when it was already 400. It is now 1,500 and climbing fast even with their draconian containment measures. Without these, which is what you would want, they would be much higher. And following your rideshare driver expert advice, which is to do nothing, would soon overtake the seasonal flu and continue to be on track to be like the Spanish Flu. You truly are arrogantly ignorant.


Italy is a unique situation. If you’ve read my posts on the topic you know that I addressed that. It’s been here longer than it’s been there with a tiny fraction of the deaths and almost no containment until very recently.

650 out of 7,000 people here locally have tested positive. If you tested 1 million people the cases would sky rocket. And the death rate would plummet to flu rates or lower.

You want the global economy destroyed when almost no one here or on 90% of the planet is seriously ill or dying. How many are you planning to kill and how many lives are you willing to destroy with a global depression?


Hey, dodo, it was YOU not me using Italy to try to prove your ignorant point. But with geniuses like you, everything that proves you wrong is unique and not applicable even if you used the same thing just recently as support for your point. Stick to your expertise of rideshare driving, sport.


You haven’t disproven anything that I’ve written. What you claim that I wrote and what I actually wrote are two different things. Misquoting me just proves what a malevolent miscreant you are.

Copy and paste what I actually wrote and try to disprove it.


You said just a few days ago that Italy proves this is all over blown since the number of deaths is so much lower than the seasonal flu.

“Overwhelmed by what, panicked people? There are 10,000 tested virus cases in Italy and 400 deaths since the first of the year. There are 10s if not 100s of thousands of cold and flu cases and 1,500 deaths a month in Italy. More during flu season. How is it that the medical system copes with the flu but can’t with the virus with much smaller numbers?”

Let’s see. Right here on SF they list Italy now with 175 deaths a day and as high as 250 a day a day or so ago. The seasonal flu number that you cited is about 50 per day. So if you can remember your 3rd Grade Arithmetic, deaths from the Coronavirus in Italy are about 3 to 5 times the seasonal flu.

I cite actual deaths which is way more valid than estimated rates. Or don’t you know the difference? And why should I answer your stupid, irrelevant questions? And when did you stop raping your little kids? And where did you bury the wife you murdered? You truly are an ignorant fool.


You didn’t disprove what I wrote. The deaths you’re referring to occurred after my post. And even with them Italy still only has 10% of the deaths that they have every year from the flu. And has just now after 2 months reached the monthly average for the flu. And the other 99% of the planet’s population doesn’t have anywhere near the problem that the Italians have.

We’ve had the virus where I’m at for longer than Italy and have 40 deaths. That’s less than 1 a day. And we account for 80% of the deaths in the US that chicken littles like you want the economy destroyed for. Only a fool like you would say that destroying the global economy for a virus “pandemic” that has killed 5,000 worldwide compared to the flu which kills 500,000 a year is irrelevant.


You picked Italy to make your ignorant point, Adolf. By the way, since the last count, Italy has had another 368 Coronavirus deaths. That’s about 7 times the seasonal flu death rate. Damn, in the very few days since you made your ignorant comment about Italy, they have had as many Coronavirus deaths as they usually get in a full month from the seasonal flu. Shake more hands.


And why is there a problem in Italy when there isn’t one here where the virus has been longer than there? Or almost anyplace else for that matter. The evidence is pointing to a manufactured crisis in Italy.


LOL…just 4 days ago you said there was no crisis in Italy. Try to keep your stories straight, sport.


Maybe malevolent Zionist criminals like the ones that did 911 that you shill for are using Gladio poisoning of Italians using the existing strain.


If you say so, Adolf, the rideshare driver genius.


You’re so stupid that you can’t debate the issues so you spam the thread with ignorance.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

NATO and COVID-19: a Parasitical Disease in Europe https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2020/03/12/nato-and-covid-19-a-parasitical-disease-in-europe/

Hide Behind

No crisis should go on without a means to profit from it, and from oil to the virus

someone will use them to their personal gain and in the case of todays economic and health crisis every government and those within them will gain, no matter if half or more of worlds populations die or have lives destroyed. US Government of any form, from Fed down to podunk villages level, faces both an inability to combat a pandemic or a fast disintegration of a false economic system, that will thoroughly thrash the lowest 2/3rds of its people, because it is set up and has always been set up to protect the top 1/3 at the 2/3 expence. Such a system has to be corrupt, because in order to hold the loyalty of the populace it has to lie, and sad to say the vast majority of the 2/3 live their lives through either real or deliberate ignorance, personaly taking advantage of holes in system against the system that corrupts their own vision more than those at top who know W T F is realy going on. The GOP financial system of politics is largely the most at blame for destroying peoples inability to have an effecient government built upon one of “for and by the people”, while those within the Democratic Partywho were late in catching on, found ways to profit by helping G.O.P to gain power over government itself. It was not necessary to get rid of Government agencies that were set in place to aid and make available a quality of equality in lifestyles, only to hollow them out and then use them, and tax monies, to aid the few. It is called crony capitalism, you either are connected or you are not in the game. Positions in Executive , and Judicial branches are not given to most qualified as in how to govern in order to follow Departments mission but to those whom know who’s ass to lick, and leaving you and my*. EPA, Health and Wealfare Depts, all executive Branches are run by ex financial and corporate connected and religiously ideological f’n idiots who know nothing about how to govern and only how to destroy those departments that once protected we the people from corruption industry influencing our lives for their personal gains. Trumps group know nothing about fighting virus only how to loot treasury and hand it to their old partners. Protecting own and cronies plus their government payroll who administer our lives butts is assured, but we the people must wait until contracts get handed out. They have one other problem though they so destroyed and fragmented the distribution network, FEMA into no more than mass of private contractors who get money but do nothing as there is no longer congressional oversight, as those bodies areeach ripping the system for own profits. Nations with Gov Funded Departments such as public health, safety and emergency preparedness are jumping right on fighting the virus, doing their jobs, THEIR NATIONAL DUTY.

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