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Corpse Of Raped Woman Found At Ukrainian Checkpoint In Dolgenkoye Village

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Corpse Of Raped Woman Found At Ukrainian Checkpoint In Dolgenkoye Village

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On May 13, Russian forces took control of the village of Dolgenkoe located 20 km to the South of Izyum. After fierce clashes, the AFU retreated and Russian troops entered the village tonight. On the eve, the heights near the village fell under Russian control.

The Ukrainian positions in the village were well fortified and large grouping of the AFU was deployed in the forests nearby, the Russian military sources in the area reported.

After Russian servicemen entered one of the Ukrainian checkpoints, they found the corpse of a woman who had been raped and killed by Ukrainian soldiers.

This is not the first rape crime committed by the Ukrainian soldiers that was revealed after the Russian-led forces captured Ukrainian positions.

On March 27, a woman’s corpse was found with traces of torture and a swastika on her stomach in the basement of Mariupol school No. 25.


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Orcrainians are white ISIS

Orcrainians are doing exactly what the CIA taught the ISIS.

Orcrainians are ISIS in white.

Glory to the Vodka People!

Everybody knows who did it, Ivan the mankurt rapist. Same in WW2 under Stalin, same in 1200 under Gingis Khan.


No it were your nazi rapist bum chummys who did it,you soros punk fool no one here!

NATO fags love high heels and lipstick

Nobody believes you hoholnazi rapist trash.

Martin Rapavý

On the 1st Ukrainian front. Indeed, the Ukrainians were doing it under Stalin as well. :-P


In Warsaw (Poland) the UPAbanderis killed Polish man who was protecting a girl from their sexual assault. But Polish state of SHIT kept it for a week from getting public.

Anatolio Mamontow

Almost 5 millions of ukrainian refugees across Europe: a Russia weapon against NATO.


If you’re a westerner, you should be protesting the unchecked Ukie Nazi refugees.

My youngest (adoptive) daughter was assaulted by one of those scumbags in 2016. He is likely dead now.

ML King

Poland is a poor country, easy for FM to buy them off.


Then in Holland, they decide to graffiti their WW2 cemetery on V day. The country is nice enough to give you shelter, and they say thanks to them by destroying their sacred memory. Just as bad as the IFD attacking the funeral of their murder victim.


In fact, American intelligence taught this way of war to the Latin American armies in the 50′ and 60′, with the results known by everyone in the 70´and 80´ decades. Those “teachings” find their way until today, where the Drug Cartels and Caribbean gangs are the legitime heirs of this “American Way of War”. And is absolutely loved by the pro-western Luciferian fanboys, as you can read everywhere.

Justin Judeau

True. So Zelensky, who is Jewish-owned, is sending Nazis to be slaughtered by white Russians? Let us not forget Putin’s Jewish heritage. Both sides profit from sending white males to die.


The AFU make war on civilians because they are too cowardly and weak to stand in front of Russian warriors and fight them.


They say the original Mariupol garrison was 16000. At most, only 2000 made it to the Azovstal plant. A few thousand already surrendered but it looks like less than half survived. Maybe even just 1/4. Everyone that finally crawls out of the Azolstal plant the Russians are checking very closely. They have a record of the many war crimes and they are being very careful to make sure no criminals slip through their hands.


Ukrop Nazis has a serious history with raping and murdering women in the “ATO” forays remember that they started in Odessa with the pregnant woman strangled. problem Germany et al is about to find out is its not just ukrop army that is like this. the average ukrop in Germany et al. will also do this and feel entitled to do so. Ukrops make syrians & Afghans look calm when it comes to criminality.

Glory to the Vodka People!

Yeah, Russia siting on the Mongol Empire, different name but the same people with the same customs.

Chris Gr

Russia actually fought the Mongols.

Petar Mrkonjic

Lithuanians were the first Europeans to defeat the Golden Horde of Mongols (there were 4 hordes), in the Battle of Blue Waters, and won Kiev for Lithuania. Vietnam also beat them from ever conquering them (the Great Khanate).

Chris Gr

Yes, Russians also fought the Khazars.

ML King

Freemason Germany is going to continue screwing the German people who are helpless to do anything about it. Like the populations of the rest of the world they control.

Chris Gr

Germany will ally with Russia in the end.



What do you expect out of NAZIS. Raping and killing Russian speaking women is expected. I’m surprised the murdering pigs didn’t drink her blood. That Blue and yellow FAGGOT flag needs a NAZI swastika in the middle of it.


in Ukraine, blue-yellow flags with a star of David in the middle have long been seen. Since 2014, Israelis from the IDF army have been in the ranks of the right sector


Like before the Neo-nazis going to blame Russia for it.


I’m fed up with the Hohols, the British and American faggots. I guess it’s time to roast’em, and roast’em BAD!

Crazy cnook the fruitcake

Nah our lgbt ideology will triumph love beats hate everytime


Goes to show that Ukraine needs to be properly purged!


The NATO states hide the truths in Europe and in a bunch of states in America. They want lies to prevail.


Rapes should be subjected to the death penalty unless a jury decides otherwise. Just execute the perpetrators and let them go to eternal damnation. It is SACRILEGE against the human body which is the Temple of God. When we see how harshly this crime is treated, may we all be able to discern how important purity is and amend all of our lives too.

Bigg Chungus

Okay rape is terrible, yes. But have you not seen the sacrilege of bodies being blown the fuck up for the past 3 months (and 8 years)? Hundreds die every day on both sides.

This is the doing of the Anglo-Saxons and the Jews.


Since 1920 the European states hide the truth from the world community. They want lies to prevail. Please use the internet and find the truth. Don’t waste time watching TV for news.

TV is used to corrupt and divert the minds of the world community.


Putin was right, Ukraine had to be purged and completely cleansed. Russia could no longer allow such filth, depravity, drug infestation, sexual degeneracy and malignant hatred to fester in the outskirts of the Russian Federation.


Well chute to kill, no prisseners, they are beast !

Mariupol Is 100% Liberated by the Russians

What happened near Popasna? What happened at the Oskol reservoir? What happened in Dolgenky? Have the APU already won with all the accomplices of the fascists in the form of Europe and the USA? cannibals from Ukraine, so they should be called. Everyone remembers the Ukrainian who cooked the Ukrainian mechanic driver of the BMP from Gostomel and ate it. In the West, the system works in such a way that if you are not scolded, what does it mean to support. Ukraine supports the cannibal, Ukrainians are cannibals.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mariupol Is 100% Liberated by the Russians

There are many hate filled phylogenetic types who use their positions within the various agencies and military units operating to commit the most gruesome of crimes I saw it myself during my time in the British military. When officer’s and others in command turn their heads the other way and ignore this then the result is what we see here. So those in command also bare the responsibility for not stopping this hideous crime and should also face a court of law

Cuckmander Hebrew

If this is true, then I hope the Ukies made it harsh and painful for that moskal whore.


Its obvious your bandera/nazi/satanic/soros culted murdered her,this was just exposed you demented stealth wormed up ye rectinal passage vile utterly evil whore of a liar! Shame on you fascist,your going down gimp,this will not be forgotten,FEKN COKSUKER!

Cuckmander Hebrew

“Banderovsky/Nazisky/Ukrainsky/Cuckoldsky soros satanic antichrist anglo-saxon Americans do it”…

Yes, I know all the low IQ talking points of you mutt-breed moskal mongrels. GOOD THAT THEY RAPED HER! I hope her muttgolian 🇲🇳/🇷🇺 pussy resembled ground beef once they were done with her.

She’s far from the only victim. I know of many more but there is one victim in particular in Izyum who lived near the train station and she was 38. She and her moskal husband were killed brutally but the motherfucker had to watch a Ukie rape her till her back broke and then others took his place. Both were shot and burnt to cinders later and their crime was being fifth column traitors (husband was ex-military and was discovered with a radio, russian issue uniform and AK-74 with 200 rounds).

I should know. I saw them in their final hours.

Crazy cnook the fruitcake

If I wasn’t gay I would hit that

Chris Gr

You are sick in the head.

Cuckmander Hebrew

No worse than gayreek shitskins who named their country and themselves after a whore who cuckolded her husband (Helen of Troy).

Last edited 2 years ago by Cuckmander Hebrew
Chris Gr

That war was about copper mining not about Helen. lol

Cuckmander Hebrew

It was about a gayreek who got cuckold and whose whore wife serviced the entire Trojan army.

That story is lasting proof that hellenic gayreeks are pindicked cuckold shitskins.

Chris Gr

This is a myth actually. But the best cuckolds are the Australians after the Americans.

Cuckmander Hebrew

>all gayreek statues have quarter-inch micropenises >gayreeks name their nation and ethnicity “hellas/hellenes” in memory of that whore >claims gayreeks are not cuckolds

WRONG, shitskin faggot. You have been cuckolds since the blonde Aryan Dorians invaded your dung brown shithole, killed all the indigenous wog males and bred the shitskin whore widows. Even the language you subhumans speak was brought from the steppes to you. You are both cultural and sexual cuckolds and have been for thousands of years – even your bastardized pre-christcuck religion was full of stories about ” demigod heroes” spawned through cuckoldry.

Dorians were dumbfucks – they bred with proto-gayreek shitskins and turned into mongrelized darkies. They should have just slaughtered every brown bitch after raping their cunts instead.

Last edited 2 years ago by Cuckmander Hebrew
Chris Gr

I bet that you are another clueless Vardaskan wanting to be Macedonian. Greeks have forever existed here. lol

Cuckmander Hebrew

Oh, gayreeks have existed alright. But as shitskins until the Dorians raped and made you slightly less brown mongrels.

But the turdkish rapes made you shitskin wogs again so all efforts to Whiten gayreeks with rape were futile.

Chris Gr

You talk about rape all the time. Maybe you are talking from your experiences.

Toxic Male

Bandera will make it harsh and painful for your asshole in hell.

Cuckmander Hebrew

Bandera is in Valhalla. You on the other hand will be sodomized in dedovschina if you have the balls to join the russian military (let’s face it, you’re too much of a drunken layabout and pussy to).

Chris Gr

Bandera was gay.

Cuckmander Hebrew

CUCKstantine PalaiLOLgos XI was a faggot and took the cross up his butt (like all other christcucks).

Chris Gr

Palaiologos had balls bigger than your whole body.

Cuckmander Hebrew

CUCKstantine PalaiLOLgos XI threw himself into the sea to avoid capture.

He was a pindicked sissy gayreek with a tiny penis and small brains.

Chris Gr

Palaiologos fought until he was butchered.

Cuckmander Hebrew

Wrong. The faggot gayreeks were so embarrassed that he pussied out and drowned himself that they made up retarded christcuck legends about his heroism, some even saying he became a statue and will restore gayreek rule in CUCKstantinople, KEK.

What ignorant superstitious shitskins hellenes are…

Chris Gr

We will be restored in Constantinople. Just wait.

Cuckmander Hebrew

You will be pussy-raped in CUCKstantinople. AGAIN. Just wait.


Obviously just discovered,meaning evidently cia/bandera/nazi/soros gimps killed her! Any globohomo troll try to spin it the other way,guess what,the curse will live on fkn it!


As Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby bragged on Fox “we trained the Ukrainian for 8 years in western style”

Last edited 2 years ago by jimbim

more amerikan values


It doesn’t matter where you are from, what you believe in or who you support. This is disgusting.

NATO fags love high heels and lipstick

Dont take prisoners. Only a dead hoholnazi ukrotrash is a good hoholnazi ukrotrash.

youre an idiot

you can always spot the unintelligent retards by their poorly written comments.

Way to expose yourselves, you degenerates.

Vengeance Unleashed

Ukraine will pay for this and so much more. Make no mistake about it.

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