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Costs Mount And Delays Expand For Repair Of Russian Carrier Admiral Kuznetsov

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Costs Mount And Delays Expand For Repair Of Russian Carrier Admiral Kuznetsov

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On April 3, the head of Russia’s United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) Alexei Rakhmanov revealed that the cost of damage from a fire on board the heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov on 12 December 2019 now amounts to 500 million rubles (USD6.6 million). Previously, Rakhmanov estimated the cost at about 300 million rubles.

The repair costs are in addition to those of a major overhaul and upgrade of Admiral Kuznetsov, for which the preparatory work began in October 2017.

Costs Mount And Delays Expand For Repair Of Russian Carrier Admiral Kuznetsov

IMAGE: Lev Fedoseyev\TASS

Another problem is that on 29-30 October 2018 the PD-50 floating dock involved in the works on Admiral Kuznetsov in Murmansk sank after a crane fell on the vessel’s deck.

On April 4 it became known that the USC’s Zvezdocha shipyard suspended the contract (6.5 billion rubles) of the reconstruction of the PD-50 floating doc with “Investments. Engineering. Building.” (IEB) company. Only about 5% of the works were finished. The very same floating doc was set to be used to repair Admiral Kuzntetsov.

The Murmansk prosecutor’s office is now studying the contact between Zvezdochnaya and IEB. IEB had to conduct the first starge repair works and received the amount of ~2.5 billion rubles in advance. The contract had to be implemented by November 2019, but only 5% of the works were finished. It is noted that IEB has already signed contracts with subcontractors for 10 billion rubles.

This situation will lead to further delays of the Admiral Kuznetsov repair and modernization program. Russian media outlets speculate that with such difficulties the work on the warship will unlikely start earlier than in 2023.


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Rhodium 10

It would have be better to build another Air carrier instead of repair the Kuznetsov…


Maybe build anither country also

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Not sure one can rebuild America under the present system.


Unlike Russia, America rebuilts permanently


No thanks the world has had enough dumassed low iq incest kweers,Russian stocks up!

Rhodium 10

Are you talking about Ukraine?…or have you heard that to a US homeless?…


You know ecactly what I’m talking about

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Would have thought converting Delta IV (Project 667BDRM Delfin) into submarine cruisers (armed with LACM) would have had more utility.

Gary Sellars

Can’t show the flag and control coastal airspace with LACM equipped subs.

Russia needs both a carrier and SSGN cruise missile trucks.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

The nuclear powered Kirov-class battlecruisers do that job rather well. (particularly post naval S-400F modernization)

Carriers are a liability, particularly ones that require an oiler.

I’d upgrade the Slava-class too.

Gary Sellars

Other than her shitty ukropi boilers (now replaced) and a general lack of maintenance for 20 years, there is nothing intrinsically wrong with the Kuznetsov, and that’s a fact. The BS in our media about smoky exhaust and “lack of functioning toilets” (seriously???) is either scurrilous nonsense or easily-rectified maintenance issues. Air wing losses in Syria were ultimately down to poor maintenance and some command staff inexperience (the Mig-29K should have been immediately diverted to shorebase once the problem with the arrestor appeared).

Detractors can just fuck right off. The Ruskies will prepare a new dry dock north of Murmansk and the K will get her props reinstalled. The fire damage is inconvenient but minor in scope, as shown by the chicken-feed nature of the repairs bill. Flight deck was barely damaged by the crane collapse in the PD-50 sinking, so again no big deal.

The refurbishment will proceed and she will be back in service in a couple of years. As the Russians say, the dogs bark but the caravan rolls on.

Gary Sellars

This “article” smells of 5th columnist shit.

The fire caused $6.6M damage, up form earlier estimates of 3.3M? pfftt.. big fucking deal. Chicken feed.

The contact for the repair of the PD-50 was cancelled with little progress? Meh, that’s history, let the investigators clean up as needed. It has no bearing on the K’s repair program going forward.

These 5th column cunts will write anything to smear the Kuznetsov. These fuckers REALLY want her abandoned, so that’s a good reason to double down and finish her refurbishment.


Just get rid of it already, the Kuznetsov was never worth the trouble. It’s just turning into an endless money-pit, same as most carriers these days.

Russia would be better off investing this money into speeding-up the Lider-class destroyer project, which is a ship-class Russia lags behind in. The old Udaloy, Sovremennyy and Slava-class destroyers/cruisers are all needing replacing fairly soon.


Russians should leave and forget this project. Kuznyetsov was old already when was planned. Russia should make final decision: either builds carriers, then real ones, or no carriers. Both ways have pluses and minuses. But this wreck is only waste of money and time.

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