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Counter Offensive In Maps: Ukrainian Gains Since June 4, 2023 (Map Update)

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Counter Offensive In Maps: Ukrainian Gains Since June 4, 2023 (Map Update)

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Counter Offensive In Maps: Ukrainian Gains Since June 4, 2023 (Map Update)

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Counter Offensive In Maps: Ukrainian Gains Since June 4, 2023 (Map Update)

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three weeks and counting. how does that compare to the first three weeks of the smo?


ganancias de pena, solo en zona gris, cuando se acumulen los revientan. han utilizado un puente que, una vez aumenten del lado ruso, lo vuelan y los masacran. las tacticas, segun oficiales de la otan, han sido de pena


to wrap this conflict up russia has to feign a collapse in zaporizhzhia region to draw as much armour and troops across the bridge as possible then blow the bridge and destroy the force just as nato are holding their annual lodge meeting to send a clear message that its over.

mighty orc

maybe–if bridge is cut supply and support difficult

mighty orc

sawyer and holm licking each other in gay bar—lower species should be in omaha zoo


well, looks like previously. russia lets them gain a little ground at high cost and then destroys all of their vehicles and troops and forces a complete collapse in the next step.


you know if you conscripted midgets, we would not be able to tell which one was a midget and which one was a legless veteran back for more punishment. brouhahahahahahahhaaaa ooooooooooo too soon? put that in your pickle, polacki


ah, the polaks had their vodka again. another bottle and pilsudski will talk to you in your dream. too bad you never remember what he said afterwards. most likely: “you fucking idiot! the usa want us to have another 1939 up the ass! wake up!”


if i were russia, i’d let them shove their troops and equipment over the bridge, then blow it up and pick off an the supportless units.


some bridges yes others no; hohol troops concentrate cross bridges and there is a “turkey shoot”


they used boats to cross the dniepr hidden by the bridge. but for thé heavy weapons you should be right.


if they dont deal with that bridgehead on the river bank it will become a major problem soon. squash the nazis before they manage to buildup all other positions are secure as the ukro nazis havnt even reached the main defensive lines.

Strong potent Orc wins. Weak Ukranazi cuck losing!

the rats under the broken bridge are already exterminated, by the fos


maps do not show elevation—hohols advance into lowland killing fields where artillery decimates them; occupying farm fields is never recommended by military experts


yes. from thé dniepr to lyman russian are on thé high grounds. thé élévation différence is smaller on thé east of thé front.

Strong potent Orc wins. Weak Ukranazi cuck losing!

nazis got some kilometers of empty field and some meters in a village suburb. for that they lost 100k soldiers, and counting


bitter hillbilly sniff sawyer feces–per leaked us docs —11 dead hohols for each russian


600,000 dead and maimed ukrotard nazis denazified(totally not significant or even missed) about 1k dead and maimed eurotard nazis denazified a few hundred us and canadian pussytards denazified ukrotard military being demilitarized, western pole lickers gear & reputations getting trashed. and the best part 15% of what used to be ukrotard property , now forfeit to russia. sucks to be you heheheh

Last edited 1 year ago by Waqim_the_Faggot

warum machen dann die ukrainer immer mehr boden gut? es ist zwar keine große fläche, aber immer hin. das ist keine gutes zeichen für russland.


write in any language you want, ukraine, the shitty failed nazi terrorist state will soon fail to exist. and then maybe we come to dusseldorf and have a nice chat with german youth about what grandad did inside russia in 1943 and repay some old debts in kind.


this is a so called flexible defense. retreat a bit, let the come and than smash them with airforce and artillery.


i understand that russian propaganda shows that the counteroffensive has little results, but the problem is different. the plans were that this war was to last a few days in favor of the russian army, but the incapacity of the defense minister sergei shoigu and the army staff changed the scenario. now it is the ukrainians advancing and the russian army losing ground. i don’t understand how putin doesn’t send these incompetents home.

mighty orc

which amerikan moron believes this—jens?


shoigu strategy explained : if russia conquered the entire country, their occupation army would probably face terrorists actions in the west of ukraine. it’s a very difficult situation to manage, ask the usa in afghanistan. they preferred to defend the russian speaking oblast and kill the enemy there. there is not insurgency or terrorist action by ukrainian partisans in crimea, dpr and lpr because everybody is russian.


modern problems deserve ancient answers !! shoot them all. who “needs” nazis ? and they seem pretty anxious to be obliterated from history anyways repopulate the now empty steppe. end of problem.

Last edited 1 year ago by Waqim_the_Faggot

a few kilometers lost ground counts nearly nothing, but heavy losses of the enemy a lot. russia has still full arms and ammo depots, a huge arms and ammo industry running on high steam and still 1,7 million reservists, not to talk about 25 million man in case of general mobilisation. and ukros dont have all this, not even close.

Strong potent Orc wins. Weak Ukranazi cuck losing!

a hypersonic preemptive first strike on nato hubs would make russia de facto invincible, because the nazees would not be able to retaliate in the first place. but in case they manage to retaliate: russia has a multilayered defense system, able to intercept nato conventional nukes (they only have conventional by now). s-500, s-550, sat killers, jammers, etc. and dont forget their ally prc which also will participate in the strikes… cope.


right. and like o the northstream sabotage, russia should also cut the internet cables in the atlantic and shoot down a few us sattelites and than say like they did before, we have absolutely no informations and no idea whats going on.


the paper tiger would growl to itself it the above was implemented.

pappa gone

seen the empire of terror is falling apart, putin and his staff decided to not lose too many russian people in the fight, it s true many of us want to see different outcome, russia must preserve the friendship of many allies and friends. we don t know what the future will be…… so waiting the implosion of usa uk, eu and the west while strenghten friendship with asia, south and center america, middle and far east will be in the middle terms a very winning strategy


if the usa were to fire preemptively right now, russian hypersonics would obliterate the usa silos and cnc (top shelf) before the icbm minuteman crap from the 70’s even went on the downstroke. if we fired preemptively, they might actually have enough time to enter the codes to unlock before getting turned into cute little salt marks.

North Koreans won against the US back in the 50ies

the story of the day is that a nato camp in kramastorsk has been hit, killing some american soldiers (many survived wounded) and mercenazis. i hope very much the story is true. it’s trending on twitter.

Last edited 1 year ago by North Koreans won against the US back in the 50ies

if so good, but lets hope rusia will hit them next time with more or something bigger, than there will be not any wounded left.


if only wars were fought where when one side retreated the other side could claim a victory when they filled the grey area with corpses, ukraine would be the war king of the world instead of just a nation of legless jewish beggers who have lost every single battle since 2014. never a more hopeless military have i seen. slava rossiya suckers

Last edited 1 year ago by Waqim_the_Faggot

so ukros liberated 2% of russian held territory loosing some 20% of theyr offensive forces and heavy armament till now? thats ok for me and can go on for some more weeks. than russia sohould send few hundret thousand new troops to ucraine to start a massive offensive after summer to finish the whole thing until years end.

pappa gone

2% is a figure very exxagerated, perhas the 0,5% will be more close…. please do not give the banderites an idea of phirric victory…… this is a very immense disaster on every aspect, do not give the idiotic propaganda actors or tink tank some form of idea of having done something remarkable, the only outcome is an autoextermination of weapons and soldiers. this is an auto destruction

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