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MARCH 2025

Coup D’Etat Prevented In Jordan. Royal Family Members Reportedly Arrested

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Attempted coup d’etat was prevented in Jordan. A number of high-ranking officials were arrested.

According to the American Washington Post about 20 people were arrested, including members of the royal family. According to some sources, the brother of the current king, Prince Hamza bin Hussein, was detained and placed under house arrest. Queen Mother Nur al-Hussein was arrested along with him. Some sources claim that among the detainees, there was also Yasser Suleiman, the head of the office of the king’s brother.

Jordanian news agency Petra claimed the detention of the former head of the royal administration, Basem Awadallah, and a member of the royal family, Prince Hassan bin Zayed. Among the detainees are also officers of the royal guard, tribal leaders, officials of the royal administration and others.

Later, Jordanian news agency Petra denied reports that the king’s brother was arrested, but it confirmed that there was a coup attempt.

Security measures have been stepped up in Amman.

Jordanian intelligence conducted a special operation, figuring out a group who were planning to carry out a palace coup and overthrow King Abdullah II.

The members of these plot reportedly had connections abroad. This information raises suggestions that this is not just an internal conflict or family showdown. In this context, some sources report that Bassem Awadallah, one of the detainees, is CEO of Dubai-based Emirati Tomoh Advisory and also served on the board of directors of one of the largest conglomerates Al-Baraka Group in Bahrain.

This plot in Jordan royal family and attempt of coup may be linked with the current shift in the balance of power in the Middle East and especially on-going trend of normalization of relationships between Israel and Arab countries.


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Wow! The most important news of this week.

Kenny Jones ™

A country bordering israel in instability is very important


Yes … but Israel can take care of Jordan with a ‘pinky finger’ …. no sweat


Hezbollah is coming. Next….


200,000 Dead Lebanese in the first 48 hours … eh?

We are all Hezbollah is what they say … Yes or No?

The Lebanese will be buried along with their Hezbollah masters … like they wished … eh?



1 yes 1 single MISSILE TO DIMONA….thats all HEZBOLLAH and the equation …bounce….sukers

Jens Holm

Yes, the nukes are on a table there.


Dimona? lol

Israel has a 4 tier anti-Missile Defense Grid … Bomb shelters for civilians … no one gets out without losses but …

Lebanon hasn’t got a chance ….

I could give a sh Xt … We are all Hezbollah is what they said … lol

Just Me

Braggadocio mate. One missile at Tel Aviv and the dual passport cowards are back in Canada lol


Mate? I’m Canadian not an Aussie

One missile on Tel Aviv will render the source country a wasteland

cechas vodobenikov

the little sliver will be irradiated —iron dome cannot intercept 80% of katusha rockets—every matzo will be radioactive and Israelis will grow 3 ears—if you reduce LSD consumptions you will reduce your delusions


Iranian boasts are simply empty braggadocio … teenage bs

Just Me

That is hasbara children talk mate. Even the US A&&HOLE losers don’t have that capability. The IDF is a bunch of cowardly child killers and Hezbollah will destroy them and they know it. Inshaallah for sure mate.


I detect that chip on your shoulder mate … that’s about to be knocked off

cechas vodobenikov

crack pipe traits confused; Israel crushed by Hizbollah 2006—today far better equipped, hizbollah can level haifa and Tel Aviv



Lebanon’s infrastructure was attacked … electricity is still in short supply … Lebanon is a failed state

Jens Holm

Their men support the Lebanese economy well only needing one shoe each.

cechas vodobenikov

jens as stupid as tratz

Hind Abyad

Is it your business Frank? https://twitter.com/snarwani/status/1378232466486484994

Ilya Grushevskiy

Ah my favourite terrorist – that old allowance for aggressive war in the scriptures, and demanding by bar Yochai to genocide the enemy. So.. fluid.

Gotta love bronze age thinking, it sure is a complete (psychopathic) world view!


Huh? Genocide … ?

You mentioned genocide not me … lol

You’ve got evil thoughts on YOUR brain … bro

Drink something strong … it’ll clear your mind … eh?

cechas vodobenikov

tritz too much LSD—cannot take care to finish rehab


There will be no peace in the region or justice in the world unless the Zionist cancer is eradicated.

Jens Holm

Maybee Your kind should be eradicated. When people like Ypu write this, I sometimes think I and We are too soft.

I really try to keep my country and the rest of the world out of that God forsaken region.

cechas vodobenikov

in your atheistic culturally empty colony you require Palestinians and turks–incompetent and uneducated without immigrants you would have no economy, except cheese

Hind Abyad

Said the Mossad

Kenny Jones ™

I made a mistake here, of course this would work in their interest, apologize

Hind Abyad

Israel wants the Jordanian valley, that i know.

”Jordan’s King Abdullah announces ‘full sovereignty’ over lands leased by Israel” https://english.alarabiya.net/News/middle-east/2019/11/10/Jordan-s-King-Abdullah-II-announces-full-sovereignty-over-lands-leased-by-Israel

”International reactions to security developments in Jordan.” https://english.alarabiya.net/News/middle-east/2021/04/04/International-reactions-to-security-developments-in-Jordan-

Jens Holm

Irreleveant for this.

cechas vodobenikov

jens irrelevant–asks SA for gas


Ukraine is heating up thanks to Zionists and NATOfaggots. A war against Russia is coming.

Jens Holm

You must be very selective or highly censured:)

Kenny Jones ™

Banana state






Jordan is Palestine … more than 50% of their current population is Palestinian

The West Bank Arabs have Jordanian citizenship … they’ll soon be home … eh?


Jens Holm

Yes, Jordan is a part of Palestine. It doesnt say they should run any of it, but they do.


The Jordanian pimps sold out the Palestinians and allowed the British to plant the Khazar Zionist cancer in Palestine circa 1948.

Jens Holm

In New Zealand they are upside down too.

Hind Abyad

History described in a tiny post hate speeche

King Abdulllah was betrayed by Zionist allies plan. ”Born in Mecca, Hejaz, Ottoman Empire, Abdullah Sharif of Mecca was a 38th-generation direct descendant of Muhammad, as he belongs to the Hashemite family, educated in Istanbul and Hejaz. From 1909 to 1914, Abdullah sat in the Ottoman legislature, as deputy for Mecca, but allied with Britain during World War I.

Between 1916 and 1918, he played a key role as architect and planner of the Great Arab Revolt against Ottoman rule that was led by his father Sharif Hussein. Abdullah personally led guerrilla raids on garrisons.”

With promise of independence that included Palestine.

El Mashi

A coup backed by Gulf Tyrannies who collaborate with Israeli intelligence.


It’s the king’s brother … waiting and waiting for Godot

Jens Holm

I see no reaosn for aný nshould use Your intelkligense. Ypou cant even give a reason.

I can give several, which says Israel and some of the Gulfstates never would do something like that.

cechas vodobenikov

jens lacks intelligence seeks reason from LSD

Just Me

Nah, they are all puppets. This is a family spat for a piece of desert. All Wahhabis serve the west and Zionist parasites.


Muslim Brotherhood most likely … can you spell … H A M A S ?

Wouldn’t they love to have an air Force?

It’s a rhetorical question … eh?

Jens Holm

Ham asians are nothing.

Fog of War

I doubt this was a Zio operation as Jordan just recently signed a defense deal with ZioAmerica. The coup plotters were probably trying to prevent this and other dealings with the ZioWest. In this case, it might have been the ” good guys ” that got defeated.



The dying old midget bastard Hussein wanted this Hamzah character to be the next pimp king, but the British installed the English hooked Toni Gardner’s son as puppet king. It is a soap opera of puppets. Lisa Halaby is a American who wants her son Hamzah as king.

Jens Holm

Now we know why the Russians has no vodka for themself:(

cechas vodobenikov

Jens knows he needs rehab; but boyfriend won’t permit, rents jens out to LGBT COMMUNITY FOR A few kroner

Hind Abyad

”Lisa Halaby is a American planted by the CIA who wants her son Hamzah as king. She now calls herself “queen Noor “.

King Hussein divorced Antoinette(Toni) Gardner. Typical troll.

Queen Noor of Jordan was born Lisa Najeeb Halaby her father, Najeeb Elias Halaby, was born in Dallas, Texas of Syrian descent, and distinguished himself as a U.S. Navy test pilot and lawyer who became head of the Federal Aviation Administration under President John F. Kennedy.’ https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a4928c3286555235ca619e521954537c17afdfcf5b00706e976a0c65e3c06c3d.png ”Israel vs Palestine – Spot the propagandists, bigots, abusers and racists for a Greater Israel’

What kind of person purposefully belittles by lower casing proper nouns relating only to one ‘tribe’? Racists? Bigots? Over and over, EVERY time they write “arab” or “palestinian”. Like Serial abusers.

Are they the kind of person you’d want supporting a state declared on behalf of all the world’s Jewish people?

How does it serve the interests of peace? How does it serve the interests of Israel or Palestine?

It doesn’t! They’re either sick or if it does exist simply evil!

Their deceitfulness is shown time and again as they side step, obfuscate” and deliberately avoid answering honestly.”

…It’s actually quite simple. If it isn’t the “acknowledged” Sovereign Territory of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt or Israel, then it’s a territory of Palestine…

Just Me

Spat between puppet half brothers for a sliver of useless desert rocks. Jordan is stolen Palestine.

Hind Abyad

Zionists gave them the East bank 100 years ago now they want it…oufff

Hind Abyad

Stolen by Churchill’s Zionists in British Mandate for Palestine, you have 0 knowledge of Middle East history, get out, everything you touch is ruined. Zionism is a mental disease. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2f2441c1badd8397b46b1d935edee6c777fe3a19169de52e28cb682e4b8b2f26.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/244a4c20ee268815bae9638f77d0945a7a93eb9bef9a884973950818ce4ed096.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/885cccb1ad22073c167f34922bf756f7329fbb3182953ddcbf66ba7a9ecde347.jpg


There’s at least one Saudi in the coup plotter who is detained.. Abdollah is a puppet alright, though he doesn’t follow every order, like taking in all Palestinians so Zionist regime’s problems gets magically solved. He’s also legally custodian of the Quds and protested occupation of the city. A strange character, smart enough to be in first line of protests when Jordanians started their protest against his own regime’s corruption!

Hind Abyad

Why would he take in all Palestinians?

The Hashemite were given East Bank from Palestinian territories in British Mandate, they had to move out of Arabia British had given Arabia to Wahhabi Ibn el Saoud.


Don’t forget that Hashemis were given what is today Iraq and Jordan, two separate countries. Iraq is not our discussion here, so about your question, there’s no reason for Jordan to give citizenship to Palestinians, because they already have a country which is currently stolen from them. It doesn’t mean it will remains so forever.

Jordan has a large population of Palestinian refugees, almost as much as the country’s citizens and this brought enormous problems for Jordan. They have almost no natural resources, were given a very limited access to the sea and its arable lands are even less than its fresh water resources. They are dependent for every aspect of their lives. They are totally dependent on foreign donations and unfortunately the little amount they receive is not spent for the well-being of the population.

Zionists love to dump ALL Palestinians (both refugees and the ones who live in the West bank and Gaza on Jordan and remove the problem forever, Americans offered Abdollah II a meager amount of money and pressured him into accepting the deal (I cannot recall how many times I heard this standard Hasbara talking point that “Palestinians have Jordan, why wouldn’t they leave us alone?”). He shouldn’t do it and he didn’t do it. Given the conditions, one must be very smart or cunning to keep both his head and his crown on top of it.

Anyway, I am not a fan of this family, his damned father fired the first cannon together with Saddam towards my country and thus began a war that created a lot of problems for us, some which still haunt us today (like the young men injured by Saddam’s use of chemical weapons, lived a lifetime of pain, disabilities and even difficulty for the simplest task, breathing).

Hind Abyad

Garga it seams you’re mistaken..please read this.

1-Architects & Engineers For 9/11 Truth & Families Pressure NIST To Retract Claims WTC 7 Was Destroyed By Fires Following University Of Alaska Study’ https://web.archive.org/web/20201126011711/https://sonsoflibertymedia.com/architects-engineers-for-9-11-truth-families-pressure-nist-to-retract-claims-wtc-7-was-destroyed-by-fires-following-university-of-alaska-study/

2-Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction. https://archive.org/details/Carlweaver-SusanSarandonOnTheWarInIraq327

‘Baghdad Bob’ and His Ridiculous, True Predictions Ten years later, Iraq’s insane-sounding information minister turns out to be quite the soothsayer.’ March 21, 2013 https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2013/03/baghdad-bob-and-his-ridiculous-true-predictions/274241/


Bonjour bonsoir Hind,

des liens qui devraient vous intéresser






Amazing…. !





Hind Abyad

Merci Alexandre, une encyclopedy de references


Thank you for the links, Could you elaborate on my mistake? Because I couldn’t find any relations between them the discussion which is coups Jordan. Thank you.

Hind Abyad

”Anyway, I am not a fan of this family, his damned father fired the first cannon together with Saddam towards my country and thus began a war that created a lot of problems for us, some which still haunt us today (like the young men injured by Saddam’s use of chemical weapons, lived a lifetime of pain, disabilities and even difficulty for the simplest task, breathing).” I didn’t understand an it’s why i sent you explications Saddam Hussein had no WMD..he had nothing to do with 911.

Rather US committed war crimes in Iraq.

Warning graphic; monster children born since Fallujah WMD lab rats. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/11d96c9cedf640351515d8f49e139f9b099920ca81287837977b31158d6c6640.jpg


Who said anything about 9/11? Saddam didn’t have any WMD when the US coalition attacked him. The US knew he had WMDs because as Donald Rumsfeld said in an interview, they (west) gave it to him.

He used chemical weapons extensively on Iran (both troops and cities) and Iraqi Kords.

US government is the most savage and criminal entity on the planet followed by the Zionist regime and a few of their friends, but it does magically remove other people’s crimes. Saddam was an all out monster with no regard for human life. Where have you been living? Never heard of Faw, Sardasht, Halabja chemical attacks? Each of those with tens of thousands casualties.

I suggest a good and looooooooooooong reading about the subject before you enter any discussion. The least you could do my dear, was to search “iraq chemical weapon” before defending a monster, because you believe there’s a bigger monster. And instead of warning right on top of a pic, please put the pic in a spoiler tag.

Hind Abyad

Sorry for the misunderstanding.

I never defend Saddam Hussein you said ”his damned father fired the first cannon together with Saddam towards my country and thus began a war that created a lot of problems for us, some which still haunt us” was it King Hussein he would never bomb any country, I thought you were American talking about 911.

The Saudis were afraid of Khomeini they asked Saddam and Reagan to attack Iran, they will finance War and provide the weapons..when they refused to pay Saddam invaded Kuwait.



No problem.

Yes, I was pointing to Malek Hussein of Jordan. Saddam’s attack on Iran had many reasons, but he wouldn’t attack if he didn’t receive a clear green light from the west. Everybody helped him, both western and eastern block. We had great difficulty for spare parts, ammo, bandage, you name it. The only help we received was about 2 dozens scud missiles from Qaddafi, and training for them from Hafiz al-Assad. It’s worth mentioning Syria was the only Arab country that helped us during the war (for example the attack on al-Walid 3 airbases (H-3) became possible only with Syria’s permission to use its airspace for refueling. Look it up, it’s one of the most daring and well planned aerial attacks in the history of aviation). Yet with his army (the 4th ranking at the time) he had to resort to use chemical weapons.

And about his Kuwait invasion, yet again Americans trapped him. Arabs paid him a lot of money to finance his enormous war machine (Saddam’s army was stronger in 1988 when the resolution 598 was signed than when he started the war in ’80). After the war, Kuwaitis insisted on repayment. Saddam believed he sacrificed Iraq for these lazy Arabs and he shouldn’t pay anything. Another reason, Americans went to Kuwaitis and told them they can produce more oil from their common oilfields with Iraq if they go and dig horizontal wells (a new tech at that time) into Iraq kilometers under ground and they accepted, arguing this is the only way to receive some of the money they gave Saddam. Then Americans “leaked” this info and the necessary proof to Saddam. They wanted him to invade Kuwait to destroy the dangerous war machine they helped to create. Naturally Saddam -a street thug originally, not a politician- couldn’t tolerate that and invaded Kuwait. It was his first mistake (the second was not taking Saudi oilfields when he easily could do it and force all to the negotiating table, receive anything he ever wanted, leave Kuwait except the part he needed to connect to the Persian Gulf and come out as a victor with his credibility in the Arab streets skyrocketed. He hesitated and didn’t listen to advisers, as always). The rest you probably already know.

Hind Abyad

I remember the way US barbarians bombarded retiring Iraqi army.


Bonsoir bonjour Hind,

Un lien qui devrait vous intéresser

Syrie / Désormais, nous savons ce qui nous rapproche d’autres peuples… https://www.mondialisation.ca/syrie-desormais-nous-savons-ce-qui-nous-rapproche-dautres-peuples/5655293

Hind Abyad

C’est émouvant elle exprime le Levant entier. Regardez ce à quoi la Syrie fait face sans fin… https://twitter.com/MichaelNo2War/status/1379546592286539785/photo/3

Hind Abyad

Zionists implicated in Jordan Coup …everywhere else. Beyrouth Port..etc…




Hind Abyad

Excellent article. I like Al Massian good Syrian analyst we can trust. We suffer from depression reading MSM. Good day outsider, for me it’ dodo. (French word)



Hind Abyad

That was delightful, thank you, paintings of famous 16th century artists, Paradise and animals living together, dodo disappeared, too chubby and unable to fly.



Hind Abyad

Danger of War all month of April escalating in May..only on twitter

Israel attack on Syria from Lebanese territory, counter attack hit Israeli plane. Israeli provocations in Ukraine. Western fake news are automatic. https://twitter.com/neccamc1/status/1379938792702873604 https://twitter.com/neccamc1/status/1379931979274158081 https://twitter.com/snarwani/status/1380194171357659140 Merkel ‘worried’ double talk. https://twitter.com/ejmalrai/status/1380171542794018821

Hind Abyad

Alexandre j’ai mis mon profile privé à cause de mon stalker et un autre https://www.blacklistednews.com/article/79699/russia-warns-us-warships-to-stay-far-away-from-crimea-for-their-own.html#comment-5346698956. J’en ai déja assez du confinement, dégout des vaccins je fais une dépression et pensais à Omega qui est parti.

Guest est bloqué mais il va sur votre profile et Chelsea pour me trouver. .donnez moi un conseil SVP.


Une devise de Guillaume d’ Orange était ma reference pour aider les pauvres aux Philippines

“Il n’est pas nécessaire d’espérer pour entreprendre, ni de réussir pour persévérer”

Et celle de Genève “Post Tenebras Lux”

Une autre, “Chinoise” que j’avait repérée dans Asterix

“La bave du crapaud n’atteint pas la blanche colombe”

Bon courage, la vie est une école de patiences… !

Hind Abyad

Merci ..c’est décourageant le Canada fait peur aux Étas Unis maintenant (et à moi) je vais deverouiller mon profil..


Hind Abyad





Jean-Dominique Michel




Hind Abyad

Incredible video.. Good against Evil.

Hind Abyad

Bonjour Alexandre Je peux pas aller sur facebook..je peux pas supporter helenyemenmemo, ici il pleut ils annocent 15mm de pluie, tout ça en honneur de mon anniversaire, le jour ou Hitler c’est suicidé.




La Mafia Khazare dirige le Gouvernement Virtuel de Biden depuis la Suisse et essaye de rebondir en voulant déclencher la Troisième Guerre Mondiale !

https://changera.blogspot.com/2021/04/fulford-la-mafia-khazare-dirige-les.html?m=1 ===========================================================

Conférence – Un oublié de l’histoire : Vincent-Yves Boutin Public · Organisé par Musée Masséna

sam. 10 avr. à 15:00 – dim. 8 mai à 23:00 GMT+02:00 Évènement en ligne https://fb.me/e/2ymT2oksw?ti=wa



Hind Abyad

The last situation description is enlightening. ”Ultimately, however, American power in the Middle East is unstable and unsustainable. It is predicated on provoking tensions and conflict. March 23, 2021

The Biden administration is mulling over America’s role in Syria’s ongoing conflict as the U.S. tries to break away from Middle East wars, but Vladimir Putin’s top diplomat already has been busy on the ground, trying to win support for a Syria approach that could establish Russia as a broker of security and power in the region.

The new U.S. administration has yet to say how it plans to handle Syria, which is now fragmented among a half-dozen militarist — including U.S. troops — owing to a war that has killed and has displaced millions. The conflict includes al-Qaida affiliates, Islamic State forces and other jihadist groups eager to use Syria as a base.” (With Israel blessing).

Dealing with Syria’s war will test the Biden administration’s determination to focus on Asia and not the Middle East. If the United States diminishes its presence, Russia and other hostile U.S. rivals are poised to step in and boost their regional stature and resources.”

Hind Abyad

I didn’t believe the Dogtor..two joo and their Frankenstein vaccines


I think you may have received the wrong video. Maybe someone somewhere is playing tricks.

Hind Abyad

Hi outsider, what I saw was a video the doctor was laughing, Am confused;-I


The link I sent you was to an interview with Dr. Mike Yeadon concerning Covid vaccines. The link I sent you now brings up something different. I sent the link to two others & they received the right content. If you look in my comments you should be able to find the interview. It’s worth listening to & will convince you that taking covid vaccines is extremely unwise. Hope this helps.

Hind Abyad

Yes, very unwise so many vaccines by same family…

https://www.theepochtimes.com/mkt_breakingnews/mass-covid-19-vaccination-site-shut-down-after-adverse-reactions-reported_3767612.html?&utm_source=newsnoe&utm_medium=email&utm_c https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HR8jD7Zki5Q&t=1s

Es gibt kein Normalität mehr

Qanon news!


This is what I sent you : https://soundcloud.com/israelanderson/james-delingpole-interviews-dr-mike-yeadon

Hind Abyad

Thank you;-)

Hind Abyad

‘Jordan’s king arrives in border area after end of lease deal with Israel’ https://english.alarabiya.net/News/middle-east/2019/11/11/Jordan-s-King-Abdullah-arrives-in-border-area-after-end-of-lease-deal-with-Israel

Hind Abyad

What about this.. https://twitter.com/QueenNoor/status/1382645828255416323

E. Grogan

Queen Noor was always a good person if you read the news. Her husband, now dead, was also supposedly a good monarch and loved by his people. So, what is really going on?

Hind Abyad

Nothing happens without Israel!

Jens Holm

I hope You can be treated for in in Your traumecenter.

But a start could be You took some initiatives Yourself. Doing nothin g is doing something too.

cechas vodobenikov

JENS GOOD AT doing nothing…except dribbling LSD phantasies at SF


Who made him king?

Jens Holm

Freddy Mercury


Just Me

CIA and MI6

Hind Abyad

You mean those who use Sheriff Hussein of Arabia help Allies win WW1, stabbed him in the back and gave it to medieval Wahhabi 200 yrs old Sect.


Frankly, Jordan is an imperialist created pimpdom carved out of Iraq and Palestine as a buffer for the Zionist cancer and there are no good guys in that Zionist sell out rotten kingdom of pimps and sell outs.

Jens Holm

Actually it is carved out of the Ottomans and certainly not by the people living there.

I dont know where You are carved from.

Hind Abyad

Jordan is the name of a river! River Jordan: Ordon in Arabic. Sykes-Picots were obliged to give Sheriff Hussein Palestinian East Bank, in British Mandate.

Hashemite Arabia was given to Wahhabi sect medieval desert raiders with no history. Oil had just been discovered in ARABIA by Standard Oil (British Petroleum).

The name of Jordan in Arabic is ”Shark Al Ordon” : East side of Jordan River.

Hind Abyad

You need this language to express yourself? ”Jordan is an imperialist created pimpdom carved out of Iraq and Palestine as a buffer for the Zionist cancer and there are no good guys in that Zionist sell out rotten kingdom of pimps and sell outs.” Looks like some posters like it Vulgar!

1947 archives https://archive.org/details/gov.archives.arc.652926 ————————————————————————————————————— Hashemites are not ‘sell outs’ they protected Palestinians from terrorist Begin the butcher of Deir Yassin…from other Deir Yassin. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/984731dfa509d0d64a46386267ae229bf77186c144ad25b756a7f467f4916acc.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9c3fcb0979b3ed0195cb59d65461bc9ced484075edccf1a6a1ee9e9f41431edc.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/820c41570429290e0a765e5b9751929865fde83d3c2f08a635731bd79f0034c0.jpg 70

Hind Abyad


Hind Abyad

Stop your pimpdom talk use your brain instead

”Does Geneva Convention IV apply to the West Bank? The UNSC says it does” According to the Israeli narrative “Jordan illegally occupied Judea and Samaria” after the 1948 war.

Fact is, on the 3rd of April 1949 Israel signed an Armistice Agreement with the Hashemite Jordan Kingdom leaving Jordan legally in military control of what was official renamed the West Bank. The Israeli narrative also tells us “Jordan’s annexation of the West Bank was illegal”.

The West Bank was legally annexed to Jordan by request of representatives of the majority of the legitimate inhabitants of the West Bank, in keeping with International Law concerning self determination.

Unlike the unilateral annexation by Israel of East Jerusalem, which was condemned by the UNSC, there was no UNSC condemnation of the bilateral annexation of the West Bank by Jordan. The other Arab states demanded Jordan annex the West Bank as a trustee only (Session: 12-II Date: May 1950) in keeping with the UN Charter Chapter XI.

By 1967 Jordan, including the West Bank, was a UN Member State and had ratified Geneva Convention IV. In other words, it was a High Contracting Power UNSC res 228 tells us the West Bank was “the territory of Jordan“

UNSC res 476 tells us Geneva Convention IV is applicable http://wp.me/pDB7k-W8

By the UNSC resolutions, reaffirming and emphasizing binding Law/UN Charter/etc, the Israeli narrative is simply bullsh*t!”


Weizmann: May 14, 1926: "I openly and explicitly stated here as well as in London that we see in Transjordania the eastern part of Eretz Israel."

What they call “Eretz Israel” or the land of Israel is the entire region from the Nile to the Euphrates. So I do not get it why:

a) they did not get Jordan as part of their state since they were intimately connected with the major powers.

b) at the 1919 Paris Peace Conference, Jews presented a map for their new state and as you can see on the picture, it was much larger than what they have now and again, why did they not get?



Zionist dream is to occupy all Arab lands from Nile to Euphrates.

Hind Abyad

100 years old news.


Jens Holm


Pave Way IV

A rather long, insightful Twitter thread by Asad Abukhalil https://twitter…com/asadabukhalil/status/1378463063620210691 4:42 PM · Apr 3, 2021

What is happening in Jordan. It was a UAE-Saudi-Israeli coup. But Muhammad bin Salman rules by miscalculations. He miscalculated when he invaded Yemen; he miscalculated when he killed Khashoggi; he miscalculated by not ascending to the throne when Trump was president, and now

He miscalculated by arranging for this attempted coup which is not going to receive the support of the Biden administration. Hamzah’s recording all but confirmed the news of the coup attempt and he even declared himself a savior for Jordan. The funny part about Hamzah’s

statement is that he told us that Jordan was once a leader in the region in terms of freedoms. When was that, o Hazah? What decade and which years? Jordan a leader in freedoms? How? Freedoms of the press? Of associations? Of expression? Of political parties? Hamzah was picked by

The triangle of UAE-Saudi-Israeli alliance. There are many reasons for the resentment of the trio: they are not pleased with Jordan and MbZ has been working hard to rearrange Arab politics to fit into the scheme of the trapartite alliance. Furthermore, I won’t discount the role

Of Muhammad bin Rashid [edit: VP/PM of UAE] who has not forgiven the Jordanian royal family for the affair of Haya’s flight to UK. MbR used to be a frequent visitor to UK and Europe and now he can’t step foot given the anger at his role by British media and public opinion in light of stories of abuse

Of his wife and of his own daughters. The person associated with the coup attempt is Basim `Awadallah (a classmate from Georgetown years) who has been close to MbS for many years. There is nervousness in Jordan but my sense is that despite wide opposition to the corruption and

Rule of Abu Husayn, people may rally around him if more evidence is presented about a role for MbS. I have sensed that already: resentment at the impudence of MbS and his heavy-handed intervention in Jordanian affairs. Jordan just signed a defense treaty with the US and it is

Certain that the Biden administration will stand with King Abdullah. Personally, in squabbles and feuds and plots between royal families I always side with… Ghassan Kanafani. This is a major feud between royals since the Qatari-Saudi rift fo the 1990s. I doubt that Abdullah

Will dare name MbS as a culprit. But Hamzah has not helped his case in the video: and why in English if he is addressing the people of Jordan.

Jens Holm

Nice comment. Jordan has been a Leader in keeping the peace inside Jordan in a sensible balance with others.

Hind Abyad

Because he was educated in England has poor street Arabic didn’t master the Classical Arabic.

Jens Holm

Putting in foreigners in this makes no sense. Fx West and Israel prefare stability and Jordan as much outside the conflicts in the area.

Jordan as State/King has done that very well. Even many are poor in Jordan, they are able to behave.

I hope for more information.

Jens Holm

Do You feel it now:)

cechas vodobenikov

jens numbed with crack—can’t feel dildo

cechas vodobenikov

amerikan Israeli created using their proxies SA, UAE

Samuel Vanguard

my senses tell me that was a us/israeli/western intelligence op


A joint communiqué of armed forces and police: no truth to the claims Emir Hamza was arrested.


He is the one who claimed he’s under house arrest, with only way of communication being a sat phone (are Jordanian secret police so incompetent or too forgiving?) He also claimed a lot of things in that video, in English!?

His footage is all over the internet, apparently taken and published by his attorney.

Hind Abyad


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