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Court Case Against Israel Could Restore International Law

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Court Case Against Israel Could Restore International Law

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Written by Lucas Leiroz, journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant

The lawsuit against Israel at the UN International Court of Justice in The Hague is progressing. On January 11th, hearings began accusing the Zionist state of the crime of genocide. In fact, this event could become a historic milestone as it has the potential to restore genuine international law by condemning a country that actually violates treaties and conventions, despite being an ally of the Collective West.

The accusation against Israel was established by South Africa and supported by dozens of countries, including Brazil, Iran, Turkey, Malaysia, Venezuela. Tel Aviv is accused of reacting to the October 7th Hamas attack with actions that can be considered “genocidal in character because they are intended to bring about the destruction of a substantial part of the Palestinian national, racial and ethnical group.”

Vusimuzi Madonsela, Pretoria’s ambassador to the Netherlands, said:

“South Africa acknowledges that the genocidal acts and permissions by the state of Israel inevitably form part of a continuum of illegal acts perpetrated against the people, Palestinian people since 1948”.

In the same vein, Also, Adila Hassim, an advocate representing South Africa at the ICJ, said:

“South Africa contends that Israel has transgressed Article 2 of the convention by committing actions that fall within the definition of genocide. The actions show systematic patterns of conduct from which genocide can be inferred”.

Obviously, Israel vehemently denies the accusations and claims to be combating “terrorism” with its military actions. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the IDF is working in accordance with international law, targeting armed militants and not the Palestinian population. In the same sense, Isaac Herzog, president of Isael stated that “there is nothing more atrocious and preposterous” than the court case against his country at the ICJ.

However, Israel’s actions show that the words of Zionist officials are wrong. The massive deaths of children and women in Gaza make it clear that Israel is targeting civilians. Tel Aviv destroyed the entire physical structure of the Gaza Strip, bombing hospitals, roads and shelters, making normal life virtually impossible in the region. Meanwhile, Israel’s military objectives have not yet been achieved. On the battlefield, the IDF is having many difficulties, suffering heavy losses and failing to release POWs held by Hamas.

In other words, the partial outcome of the conflict shows that Israel is not just acting against military targets. If the IDF’s attacks targeted only Hamas, there wouldn’t be so many civilian deaths and Zionist troops wouldn’t be suffering so much on the front lines. Clearly, Tel Aviv is using “anti-terrorism” as an excuse to advance an agenda of ethnic cleansing, forcing Palestinians to leave Gaza in order to enable Zionist expansionism.

Israel’s practice, however, is not something “new” and did not begin as a mere reaction to the October 7th attack. For decades, Palestinians have been asking for recognition for the crime of genocide carried out by Tel Aviv in the illegitimately occupied regions. With current journalistic coverage, it has become impossible for Israel to disguise its crimes, which is why support for the condemnation of the Zionist regime has increased around the world. But it would be wrong to say that the genocide against Palestinians began in October – in fact, it began in the late 1940s, when Israel violated the borders established by the UN and launched its expansionist campaign against Arab territories.

In this sense, the fact that emerging countries like South Africa are now accusing Israel is extremely important. In practice, the Zionist state was never condemned because it is a key ally of the West and, therefore, was included in the list of countries with “carte blanche” to commit any type of crimes within the so-called “rules-based world order”. Since the rise of the West to unipolar hegemonic status, international law has lost its strength, with treaties and conventions becoming valueless documents and giving way to supposed “rules” – which were unilaterally imposed by the West and never negotiated with emerging nations.

Now, with the rise of multipolarity and the geopolitical weakening of the West, there is an opportunity to reverse this scenario. Emerging countries are interested in restoring genuine international law, ending once and for all the “rules-based world order” and resuming a system protected by treaties and conventions, in which the UN is inserted as the caretaker of peace, having its bodies, like the ICJ, the responsibility to punish countries violating international law – regardless of their geopolitical alignment.

It is still too early to say that the emerging countries’ attempt will be successful, but there is at least hope. If Israel is condemned, it will be a victory for international law against Western unilateralism.

You can follow Lucas on X (former Twitter) and Telegram.


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israel was orchestrated under false pretense under the chaos of ww2. that’s what’s sick about this fake state. so many good people had to die as a distraction for this psychopathic parasitic false state to be enacted. disgusting.


only killing all the jews will restore peace to the world, the jews control murica


all jews are not the problem it’s the zios that are the problem. there are many jews against zionism movements and movements that support palestine. israel was created and is run by these zios unfortunately.


true, in south africa many jews were protesting against israel – during the icj hearing.


further to that many jewish all over the world are not in favour of the netenyahoo zionest government including many in israel itself. but we are never told about that


maybe one in a million


yes and if there are 10 bottles with water but one is poisoned with plutonium ( but you don t know which) – would anyone with a working brain drink from any of the bottles ? same problem with the jews. they are the poison – and those who claim to not be poisonous cannot be trusted. result: reject all of them !!! take no risk – as you are playing with the survival of the human race, indeed ! (this is what mankind needs to understand)

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

controlled opposition zionisim is judaism , read their books then you know there is no difference


exactly !!! that’s it. but people need to read their books to realize this truth. but because most people are lazy unmotivated folks, most of them to not reach down to this truth. everyone should remember what genius nikola tesla said. he said quote: ” never trust a jew !!”

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

that’s a serious mistake in thinking you make. read the torah and especially the talmud, and you’ll immediately realize that indeed every single jew that adopts the teaching of these 2 satanic books – is to be eradicated. the shaitani tricks jews do is that they always play “good cop vs. bad cops” claiming that just the “bad jews” are the problem – but the claimed “good ones” are nice people. it’s their most effective lie !! do not fall for it !!!

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

… and again „western unilaterlism“. again, you ewuate us/uk with the entire west… 2ndly, the soviet union was crucial in establishing a „state of israel“ etc. in the end, it always becomes apparent who pays these guys. good lawsuit though.


the soviet union unfortunately was run by these minority jews. something that should have never happened. all the main 18 bolsheviks who created the russian revolution were jews ( 2 half jews) and all were sponsored financially by the americans and the british.

Last edited 1 year ago by Mike

the west is just one big problem over and over again. nothing they do is actually good for anyone including their own people; only for the 0.1% of the narcissistic human trash.


its not the west its the jews, the west are just puppets of the jews


yes and today it’s the same. but the problem is that both ukrainians & russians don t realize that they are led and fooled by jews ! jews that work together hand in hand. fact is that both ‘sides’ are part of the jewish jwo-nwo. simply look here, that s so much heavy-weight proves for what you say that even the hardest deniers cannot deny it, see: http://alturl.com/iwurk

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

this is what happens when you send 30 container ships full of adult diapers.

the population becomes “pampered”. they crap themselves in public and laugh, new normal is not git r dun nrml.


the court has two choices: either they can condemn israel’s actions and call a halt to the genocide or they can condone israel’s conduct and allow it to continue and create a dangerous precedent for the future behaviour of states.


the un stands accused of aiding and supplying hamas, so, whatever feels good up at kangaroo court…


zionist worked with those in hitlers cabinet to help find them their own state.


yes, and germans paid dearly and are still paying the price for not completely eradicating all jewish scum immediately. hitler was much to kind to the jews. that’s the truth !! when in 1943 he realized his error – it was too late already.

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa
captain hohol

“international law” is a farce and any nation with any sense, regardless of whether you like that particular nation or not will refuse to submit themselves to a committee of unelected foreigners who do not have the interests of one’s countrymen.

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