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MARCH 2025

COVID-19 Crisis In Russia: Federal Government Strikes Back

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COVID-19 Crisis In Russia: Federal Government Strikes Back

Mikhail Mishustin (Photo by Mikhail KLIMENTYEV / SPUTNIK / AFP)

Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin has slammed regional authorities that closed administrative borders of their regions and restricited the movement and ordered to remove such restrictions.

At a meeting with regional envoys on April 6, Mishustin emphasized that it is “unacceptable” for Russia’s regions to close their borders with other regions of the country.

“The government’s signals that such measures are unacceptable were heard – the situation has improved over the weekend. However, I want to repeat to heads of the regions: do not confuse the regional powers with the federal,” Mishustin said.

According to the prime minister, President Vladimir Putin gave the regions additional powers to combat the spread of coronavirus infection, but they must be adequate to the situation and the measures introduced by the central authorities.

Earlier, Chechnya, Crimea, Tatarstan and some other regions imposed a de-facto regime of the ‘administrative’ self-isolation from the rest of the country under pretext of combating the COVID-19 outbreak. This decision faced a strong negative reaction among the local population because of its apparent negative impact to the social and economic situation in the country.

These actions followed the announcement of Russia’s President Vladimir Putin of the country’s shutdown until April 30 in an adress to the nation on April 2. During the same adress, President Putin in fact provided regional authorities with additional powers (in fact emergency powers) that they have immidiately started exploiting. Now, the Mishustin government is conducting important and valuable actions to keep the situation under the country. Nonetheless, these actions could be belated.

Additionally, Mishustin announced that Russia is working to bring home citizens remaining in foreign countries. 

“I would like to stress: Russia did not refuse to return our citizens, we never abandon our people.”

“In the situation when the borders are closed, flights are canceled, we are making an effort for everyone who wants to return home to do so,” the prime minister said, adding that those wishing to return had only to fill out a form on the website for various government services.

According to the prime minister, flights returning people to Russia will be resumed later on April 6. This move also goes contrary to the previous measures announced. Flights returning Russian citizens remaining in foreign countries were halte on April 4.

SF released a report addressing possible negative consequences of the ‘administrative’ self-isolation of the regions and the current type of anti-COVID-19 measures employed in Russia on April 4. On April 6, the Russian Federal Government in fact confirmed that these negative tendencies really exist and started acting to contain them and brign the stability back to the country.

It’s also interesting to note that according Russian media reports, Prime Minister Mishustin has complicated relations with Moscow mayor Sergey Sobyanin. The cause behind the rift is that Sobyanin has insisted from the very beginning that strict quarantine must introduced in the capital and has been one of the main supporters of the media hysteria over the COVID-19 threat. Many saw it as a kind of political move to strengthen the power of the circles that include such persons as Moscow major Sergey Sobyanin that includes such controversial persons as Herman Gref (CEO of Sberbank of Russia), Elvira Nabiullina (President of the Central Bank of Russia). This circle is well known for its pro-Western, neo-liberal views and ties with the global elites.

HINT: Modern “liberalism” (often called “neo-liberalism”) is the ideology of serving to global financial monopolies and market speculators in general. The goal of such “liberals” is to increase their personal level of consumption with the minimal possible intellectual and physical work, using the margin simplification of modern communications and IT technologies, for satisfying their selfish, mainly bodily, desires covering them under the guise of post-modern sophistry. Thus, they swallow public resources undermining the steadily development of the humanity.

Meanwhile, the federal government also limited the ability of traders to increase the prices of medical masks, gloves and respirators. The restrictions are imposed on the wholesale and retail trade of medical masks and some other medical devices. The corresponding decree was signed by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin.

The decree prohibits the retail sale of such goods in ordinary stores and other points that do not have a license to carry out pharmaceutical activities. At the same time, pharmacies and other organizations that have such a license are allowed to increase the selling price of products on the list by no more than 0.1 ruble per piece or other unit of goods. Wholesalers are forbidden to increase the purchase price by more than 10% “at each stage of the wholesale supply chain.”

When Mishustin got the prime minister post, there have been reasonable doubts regarding his personality as a patriotic political leader of the country. Nonetheless, in the current conditions, the Mishustin government has demonstrated a reasonable and weighed approach in dealing with the crisis.


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Jens Holm

I see “Neoliberalism” mainly as outdated. It came, we saw the horrible results and we maily are back in taking care of the ones, which cant themselves (in a low level).

I see Russians and Arabs use it a lot, Both are behind in what we actually do in modern western economics.

If People insist using NEO, they should look at Libya, where Turks and Russians are in neon in those matters:( … And they are not alone.

They even has a self announced Field Marshall. The best job for someone like him should be golfkeeper.

Lone Ranger

Modern western non economics* I fixed it for you…


And they all fear,ooghrr the fear of the facts,the peoples governance dwarfs their fakes

Carnival was also the same company that owned the Diamond Princess that started the outbreak in USA, Philippines, Pakistan, India, Japan, Hong Kong. In the US at the very beginning they had 43 cases, 40 came from the Diamond Princess. Interestingly enough Gates foundation, Soros Foundation and Rothschilds Investment Funds along with Edmund de Rothschild Fund own a significant chunk in Carnival:

Get the drift? Just look up how new zealand powered by soros/hitlary nuked sydney:

Lone Ranger

Indeed. And who benefits from buying up small bankrupted companies, who gets most the bail-outs, who will cash in on the vaccines? The same banksters.


Fk off bot,heres the facts,real as it gets:

Carnival was also the same company that owned the Diamond Princess that started the outbreak in USA, Philippines, Pakistan, India, Japan, Hong Kong. In the US at the very beginning they had 43 cases, 40 came from the Diamond Princess. Interestingly enough Gates foundation, Soros Foundation and Rothschilds Investment Funds along with Edmund de Rothschild Fund own a significant chunk in Carnival

Lone Ranger

CIA trolls and hasbarats will cry and rage ;)


Could you change a bit the text you post under each article, so you look a bit less like a bot?

Lone Ranger

Its an evergreen. Get use to it ;)


Then CIA trolls are an evergreen too.

Lone Ranger

As long as they cry and rage, they are ;)


“ever green” https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/52ebf99207247b68846be8315724c75da9e8d5d1b04a20e086cac3451ab94dab.gif


Forgive him. The Kremlin is in turmoil since the Russian Government hasn’t yet made up its mind which way to go about the Pandemic. So they have cut the Party Lines for now about this.

In the meantime, as Putz Putin gives and takes away powers from the regions with some like his PM nearly saying it is a hoax or pro-Western, neo-Liberal conspiracy, the Putz goes into isolated hiding to keep from becoming yet another Pandemic stat. Pathetically funny…


Yeah I like how every whack job here has a different conspiracy theory from 5G waves or total denial of any ‘virus’ concept, to genetic similarities between Iranians and Italians(before the outbreak in USA).

Séamus Ó Néill

Why is it Jake321, that trolls like yourself never have anything intelligent to post,, why keep repeating the same monotonous, recycled garbage….it’s extremely boring !

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

Wuhan got 5g last year Trump on the 24th March signed in the 5G Act rolling it out cross the entirety of the USA within 180 days a lot are saying radiation from 5G towers is being treated as covid’ the testing kits looks of for dna sequences, and have a disclaimer that they are not for testing covid 19




Fk off p00f,heres the real deal,grow up libtard:

Carnival was also the same company that owned the Diamond Princess that started the outbreak in USA, Philippines, Pakistan, India, Japan, Hong Kong. In the US at the very beginning they had 43 cases, 40 came from the Diamond Princess. Interestingly enough Gates foundation, Soros Foundation and Rothschilds Investment Funds along with Edmund de Rothschild Fund own a significant chunk in Carnival


And Mars was aligned with the Moon. Obviously, the Pandemic is an attack on the Earth by Martians to get even with us for beating them last time with a virus they were not immune to. Everyone knows that. Now go polish your tinfoil hat, AH.

Rhodium 10

Nobody know the truth…if you think that a small Bat can spread Covid along the whole world…probably you are wrong!

Séamus Ó Néill

…and the first one’s to assign the words “conspiracy theory” were the CIA covering up the death of JFK. When you don’t understand something, or can’t argue against something with factual evidence it’s very easy to sneer and denigrate someone….remember the old adage, ” better to keep quiet and be thought of as a fool, than to open your mouth and prove it “


Do you have a 5G theory also?

Charles Homer

With the World Health Organization driving the response to COVID-19, it is important to better understand who are the major donors to WHO:


The World Health Organization is clearly promoting the agenda of one individual.


Ok so it’s official WHO is the evil mob whom try to promote lies to foster their nwo/genocide!


To be frank, this is more an eqvivalent to the Great Train Robbery than anything else, ram the society down the drain, crash most of what is small corps to people, and buy it up, that is the Neo-CONs/Globalists wet dream and they just got handled everything on an silver platting, because of something, like eh…. an bloody flu. I use the term Hoax, because this CONvid is indeed an ordinary flu, what bugs me, is the consequencess witch some ignores because of the constant hammering from the MSM, and I dont think the Russian MSM is in any way better/worse than ours insane lying shit press in Norway, jesus they are crasy.

And I dont bother to be an part of the propaganda nonsense, if you want that, go to ZeroH, and MoA/Saker whom is by some obscure reason cencuring for their bare lifes, I am preocupyed with an more fundamental issue, like WTF is this virus shit they claim is deimating our world, if its real, and whay causes if this is indeed the case, and when we talk about Toxic issues, what most people dont realise is that we are already stacking shit and toxic compounds in our body from various sources, and nobody talks about that either because if you dont bite into the hysterical bullshitting coming from the MSM its because we are eh… Conspiracy freaks/nutts/takeyourpick or even dumber, Russian Trolls, yeah, buckled both ends, but the tocix issue is real, and that can come from an wide range of products but they all have one effect, it creates an respons in our system and that respons is what they use without shame to claim we are all going to die, next week, because of CONvid/something and all this, is “confirmed” with an test regime that as far I can judge, an fraud, or to me frank, willfully by an Medical ind, witch have no credibility what so ever, one thing is to operate an apendix, but this vrius hunting is pure nonsense, and is used without shame to create an hysterical people, and most of it is by consent because the Medics are an massive cash sucking scam, and is never held acoutable for the scams they have manufactored and done to us all.


YOU will never ever read this in the MSM, because the scums of this earth is running this scam, like other scams as the MMT and so on.

As one stated it, we have somewhere around 400 trillion viruses in our bodys to any given time in our life, and to any given time we been eating, drinking and breathing in, shit, to various degrees, and to any given time our bodys have an war, local or thru our entire body, so to then claim an single test can take our any single virus is 100% bullshit. And never mind the morons whom is throwing out nonsense to counter this facts, because they never go into details about what and where we are indeed wrong, if they can, and I know, we are right. Period. But do take care, and respect others.



Go lick some public doorknobs and handrails to prove your point, AH.



Now this :Carnival was also the same company that owned the Diamond Princess that started the outbreak in USA, Philippines, Pakistan, India, Japan, Hong Kong. In the US at the very beginning they had 43 cases, 40 came from the Diamond Princess. Interestingly enough Gates foundation, Soros Foundation and Rothschilds Investment Funds along with Edmund de Rothschild Fund own a significant chunk in Carnival


How quickly and completely Russia and China roll back the repression will determine the extent to which they’re using it for defense against a bioweapon attack and maintaining their independence in a multipolar world or are part of a global power grab by a criminal elite that is victimizing them and seeks their submission and assimilation into a fascist world government.

cechas vodobenikov

interesting it is the inferior species—amerikans —always consisting of the dregs from other societies and a few civilized aristocrats to exploit their gullible peasants where c19 has killed more than in all nations combined—half in NY…in typical fashion they will blame their lying politcians…..”Obama’s job is to lie to a nation of liars”. Kiese Laymon

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