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MARCH 2025

COVID-19 Deaths To Be Counted As “Victims Of Communism” In Propaganda Push

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COVID-19 Deaths To Be Counted As "Victims Of Communism" In Propaganda Push

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The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation announced that it would officially recognize all global coronavirus deaths as the fault of the Chinese government and would add to the tally of historical victims to communism.

According to it, the global situation is almost entirely to blame on China, and, by proxy, on the World Health Organization.

“The consequences of China’s deception and the WHO’s credulity are now playing out globally. It is normally difficult to assign culpability to governments and organizations charged with ensuring public health in any pandemic, but the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is materially different. The denial of information, outright fabrications, and disregard for human life—both within and outside of China’s borders—is so shocking and pervasive that the contracting of the virus by millions worldwide and the resultant death toll was not only foreseeable but entirely avoidable.

If the Chinese Communist Party had taken early steps to warn the world instead of covering up its spread, and if the WHO had simply questioned or cautioned against China’s assertions, the harm would have been significantly reduced. Instead, the PRC’s actions and WHO’s inaction precipitated a pandemic, leading to a global economic crisis and a growing loss of human life.“

According to the foundation, the following actions need to be undertaken in order to punish China for its alleged misconduct:

  • The U.S. should work to suspend the PRC from full membership in the WHO. Treating the PRC as an equal partner in safeguarding world health made the WHO captive to the PRC and less able to accomplish its mission.
  • The U.S. should work toward Taiwan’s admission to the WHO as a counterbalance to the PRC. Taiwan has proven to be one of the most responsible countries in responding to the COVID-19 crisis.
  • The U.S. and other countries should explore using legal means to hold the PRC accountable for violating its treaty obligations and seek reparations for economic damages incurred as a result of the pandemic.
  • The U.S. should enact stronger sanctions on the PRC specifically related to its human rights violations which contributed to the coronavirus’ spread at the very beginning and at every phase of the crisis.
  • The U.S. should cooperate with other countries to demand an independent investigation into the outbreak of the virus in Wuhan, China.
  • The White House should form an inter-agency office specifically to deal with PRC and CCP propaganda and foreign influence operations.

Essentially, Chinese President Xi Jinping, and WHO Director Tedros Adhanom are “threats to global health.”

“While the pandemic’s final human toll is still unknown, those who have perished from the outbreak must be included in the global count of 100 million deaths at the hands of Communism,” VOC Executive Director Marion Smith said in a statement.

“Any cursory look at the facts show that the Chinese Communist Party, Xi Jinping, and WHO Director Tedros are continued threats to global public health. We call on all western media to verify any claims from these discredited organizations before parroting them.”

In addition, a US Judge – Andrew Napolitano said that there would be many lawsuits against Chinese-controlled companies, in relation to how Beijing allegedly handled the COVID-19 situation.

“China has a lot of assets in the United States. Some of the assets here are owned not by the government itself but by corporations in which the government is the principal shareholder,” the Fox News judicial analyst said.

“I think you can expect to see soon class actions that are lawsuits brought to the United States federal courts against these corporations — it’s not the government, again, it’s corporations that the government controls that own real estate in the United States. The court would seize the real estate until the litigation is resolved,” Napolitano said.

And, indeed, approximately 5,000 US citizens have joined a class-action lawsuit against the Chinese government for COVID-19 damages.

The plaintiffs claim to have suffered huge losses due to Beijing’s negligence in containing the virus. Similar class-action lawsuits also were filed in Nevada and Texas.

“Our lawsuit addresses those who have been physically injured from exposure to the virus … it also addresses the commercial activity China has engaged in around the “wet markets” trade,” Berman Law Group, which filed the Florida suit, said.

How any of these cases would be applicable is questionable, since the misconduct in the US needs to be carried out on American soil for any Chinese official to be held liable.

A potential US lawsuit against China for coronavirus damages could be worth £3.2 trillion, according to British conservative think tank, the Henry Jackson Society. In its new report, the Henry Jackson Society said China is potentially liable for the damages incurred due to its early mishandling of the disease. Specifically, intentionally withholding information from the World Health Organization was cited as a violation of the International Health Regulations.

Meanwhile, UK outlet the Mail, reported that it had obtained documents that show the Wuhan Institute of Virology undertook coronavirus experiments on mammals captured more than 1,000 miles away in Yunnan – funded by a $3.7 million grant from the US government.

There is a wide propaganda campaign attempting to entire shift the blame on China, and take any pressure off local governments and businesses for entirely disregarding any of the early warnings and refusing to believe that a crisis was coming. This is likely to ramp up, as China attempts to send aid to many countries around the world to help with curbing the spread of the virus.


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Arch Bungle

Oh great! Now we can start counting the victims of Capitalism, Zionism, Imperialism and Americanism. Where’s my lawyer!

rightiswrong rightiswrong

If he’s anything like my lawyers, he’s with the people you would sue, lol.

George King

‘lawyers” in plural explains it all…

rightiswrong rightiswrong

It needs explaining?

George King

I was not being pedantic nor didactic. While didactic can have a neutral meaning, pedantic is almost always an insult. It typically describes an irritating person who is eager to correct small errors others make, or who wants everyone to know just how much of an expert they are, especially in some narrow or boring subject matter.

However on that note let me relate my experience/s drilled down to the quick. It was explained to me by a lawyer (who wanted to represent me) when I was being insistent that the issue at hand was neither fair nor moral. He made this very clear, “It is not what is fair nor moral but what is legal or illegal” according to the law of the court/s. It’s all a game of graft, persuasion, payola as in legal bribery, imagine that.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

I sued the state here for blinding me. I “won”, as they could never deny the 100 scars on my cornea from their needles and lasers, and massive steroid abuse over two months of non standard procedures. My experts from abroad, still cannot get over how these guys still have licenses. Nor could they figure out how the cheque came from my solicitor, not the hospital authorities. I’m with Pol Pot on the fate of these beings.

Pedantic wouldn’t be considered an insult here, insomuch as the English language is the greatest language in the world to use, in business, law and politics. Lawyers is a common term, same as solicitors. Archie referred to one, whereas my experience has been with numerous. Which was why I referred to them in the plural, not singular.

Arch Bungle

What you do is get a Chinaman to lawyer up against the Jew lawer, because if you want to out-jew a jew, you get a chinaman. Then you pay the Chinaman and it’s all square from there.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Stuck with white, Christian lawyers here. Just as low as the bergs are.

A lawyer is the man who gets the money owed to you! Sometimes, you need another lawyer to tell the first one that. Lawyers and bankers are cut from the same cloth. Their religion, is the worship of money.

As Moses found out after coming down with the commandments. lol

Arch Bungle

White Christian Lawyers with their restricting Christian values are on a losing footing from the start. Your choices are the Synagogue of Satan vs. Atheist Capitalist Amorality of Modern Chinese culture stripped of the regulating influence of Buddhism and Confucianism. Thanks, Mao …

Ashok Varma

Chinaman’s God is the dollar. Chinaman is a Jew X 100.

Arch Bungle

Those who worship money can be controlled through money.



rightiswrong rightiswrong

For the whole of my 56 years on this planet, I have been told by my government and media that Communists always lie. When Russia stopped being Communist, I have been told that Russia always lie. So, you cannot trust a word from China, Iran, Venezuela, Russia, or any other nation the West does not control or like.

Now, the Western media says China lied and are still lying about COVID19, but the question should really be, why would Western governments listen to a nation that they say lies all the time anyway?

I’m not really worried about the Chinese figures, I’m not Chinese and couldn’t give a hoot for the figures they produce.

I wonder, why the likes of Gove and Trump, care more about Chinese people, than they are for the suckers living here with no PPE, ventilators, hospital beds or testing equipment that actually works.

If only someone would ask Michael Gove why he places so much trust in a country he spent a career telling us, always lie.

Arch Bungle

For Centuries the entire world never gave a shit about China. Now they act as if China had some kind of responsibility to protect them. If I was China I’d say “fuck ’em”.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

They can’t answer the question, where are all our taxes gone?

Our free and fair press, are bought and paid for propagandists, who have yet to ask the politicians, where is the wealth of the nation?

The Chinese obviously do not have crooks masquerading as politicians, like in the West. The Chinese media are more professional than our media, and their political and health sectors are capable and well stocked.

All we have, is tweedle dee and tweedle dumb to choose between. 2 sides to the same coin.

Charles Homer

Here is an article that looks at how two of the world’s largest tech companies are working together to produce software that will allow for contact tracing:


We must remind ourselves about how the authorities have chiselled away much of our privacy in the post-September 11th world, all in the name of “the greater good”.


“The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation” – lol. Funnily enough, this latest batch of bullshit would really damage their credibility if they had any to begin with! But since this bullshit organization was never anything more or less then a imperialist propaganda stunt then this just comes as a continuation of their nonsensical garbage.

Peter Jennings

A quick search tells one that the ‘foundation’ is based in washington, not far from Capitol Hill. That’s so they don’t have far to walk when spending shysters millions bribing the unscrupulous and lying to people across the world. It seems that absolutely nothing emanating from washington mouthpieces can be relied upon. They all speak with forked tongue.

Michael Paul Lynch

The anti-chinese war drums beat on. Good luck with that.

Albert Pike

Usually when they are beating – it’s gone happen, regardless of the complete fuckup…

Arch Bungle

There is only one beat and one drum though.

Gary Sellars

What a bunch of stupid cunts. This is a great way to de-legitimize your organisation by demonstrating you’re just a bunch of biased ideologically-obsessed idiots.


Yeah, the wester eh…. the impierial banana republics banana throwers slided from their usual stupidty to total retard, and we all know where this nonsense comes from, the District of Criminals, and they somehow think the world is equally retarded as they are, when they have slaughtered millions, and been in wars for over 250 years, yeah, blame the victims, wounder where they get that from.

I am gonna give you three links, one is Corbetts imaculent reports, the Corona World Order aka https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HB00mLArYBQ And Thanks to Keith in the coment section, on this YT CR video, you nailed it. FYI: COVID19 means: “Certificate Of Vaccination I.D. 19” as in Bill Gates patented it in 2019.

The second link, again, why isnt this in the MSM, hummmm. http://web.archive.org/web/20200405061401/https://medium.com/@agaiziunas/covid-19-had-us-all-fooled-but-now-we-might-have-finally-found-its-secret-91182386efcb

The third, from L. Rockwell: RFK jr about the vaccine scam. You have to read this, before we alow the Gate/s from Hell rule our world with their mumbojumbo quackery medicine, Gates is an f…. criminal, nothing but pure evil and of course, makes an killing with their quackery called Vaccine. https://www.lewrockwell.com/political-theatre/from-robert-f-kennedy-jrs-instagram-post-today/



More like victims of capitalism,seriously do these p00fs think nazi/jap kunz are the best peoples? Look at eu-epp,no they are victims of european/union/capitalist homosexuality= AIDS 2!


Game over? I see losses everywhere please tell me where are the gains?

Arch Bungle

That old CIA asset Uri Geller bending the truth again:

“Geller posted on his Instagram account on Sunday night what he called “inside information” about coronavirus. He says that it was manufactured by China’s Ministry of State Security, which is responsible for counterintelligence, and that a person became infected accidentally while the virus was being delivered to Iran, which planned to use it for bacteriological warfare: “I wrote this to a group of scientists in the US,” he said, adding “…there is still controversy among American scientists whether the actual virus is derived from bats, snakes or created in a lab.”

It was ‘on the way to Iran’ but the postman got drunk and dropped it by the wayside so it attacked the fucking universe. Jeezus the Joos and their lies.

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