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COVID-19 Outbreak: Confirmed Global Cases Pass One Million

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COVID-19 Outbreak: Confirmed Global Cases Pass One Million

The situation as of April 3, 2020 (17:41 CET). Click to see the full-size image

More than a million cases of COVID-19 have been registered globally, according to the latest figures from Johns Hopkins University. As ofApril 3 (17:41 CET), there were 1,067,324 confirmed COVID-19 cases around the world that killed 56,728 people. The most affected countries are the United States, Italy, Spain and Germany.

Pandemic Of Fear (28.03.2020):

The world is in panic over the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak Most of the states have imposed unprecedented measures, including locking down big cities and halting international flights, to contain the pandemic.

On March 28, the total number of confirmed COVID-19 ceases globaly reached 629,467. 28,963 people died from the desease, while 138,085 others recovered. These numbers show that about 4.6% of people with confirmed COVID-19 cases died, but the real death rate from the new coronavirus remains unclear. In many cases, people go through COVID-19 deasease without a real threat to their health and life like in the case of an acute respiratory viral infection. So, they are not tested for the COVID-19.

According to the study published on February 18 in the China CDC Weekly, the  death rate from COVID-19 is around 2.3% in mainland China. The New England Journal of Medicine published another study of about 1,100 hospitalized patients in China. It found that the overall death rate was slightly lower, around 1.4%.

Furthermore, the death rate for COVID-19 appears to vary by location and an individual’s age. For example, as of March 28 in Italy there were 86,498 confirmed COVID-19 cases and 9,134 people died. Therefore, the death rate there stands at about 10.55%. Such a high number is a result of the fact that many of COVID-19-infected people in Italy is older people (65yo+) that already have health issues and thus remain in the group of risk in the event of any new deasease.

For example, the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report study says that 45% of hospitalizations, 53% of admissions to the intensive care unit (ICU), and 80% of deaths associated with COVID-19 were among adults aged 65 years and older.

COVID-19 Outbreak: Confirmed Global Cases Pass One Million

IMAGE: worldometers.info/coronavirus/

Igor Alekseevich Gundarov, a Doctor of Medicine, professor, member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, candidate of philosophical sciences, a specialist in the field of epidemiology and medical statistics, notes that the new coronavirus expansion may be linked with the previous successes in the field of combating the flue. The new virus just filled the created vacuum. According to him, the current crisis (and the panic) is a result of the specific media coverage and political-motivated decisions of particular actors.

As an example he provides the following numbers. In the 1990s, there were 4-7 million season flue in Russia every year. In the 2000s, the yearly number reuced to 400,000-50,000 cases. Gundarov added that 30,000-35,000 people die from the pneumonitis every year. However, nobody announced a national-wide emergency and locked down then country in the previous years.

The death toll from the COVID-19 is also a result of the pneumonitis, which it causes. Gundarov, says the death toll from the pneumonitis did not grow in 2020 despite the COVID-19 outbreak. Furthemore, 30,000-35,000 people dead in Russia from the pneumonitis every yar is higher than the total current global COVID-19 death toll.


Another Russian expert, Aleksand Evsinin notes that the chaos and administrative collapse because of the COVID-19 outbreak in some European countries and even the US is a result of the wrong organizational decisions (like attempts to move all ptients to a single hospital in the entire country) and the lack of propper anti-pandemic measures. For example, he claims that the concentration of all patients in a very few hospitals led to the expected lack of medical supplies and equipment in this particular area.

President Donald Trump signed an order allowing the Pentagon to call National Guard members and former troops back to active duty to fight the COVID-19 pandemic:

COVID-19 Outbreak: Confirmed Global Cases Pass One Million

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COVID-19 Outbreak: Confirmed Global Cases Pass One Million

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COVID-19 Outbreak: Confirmed Global Cases Pass One Million

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COVID-19 Outbreak: Confirmed Global Cases Pass One Million

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The COVID-19 outbreak is an apparent threat, which cannot be ignored. However, another threat, which could be even higher than the one from the COVID-19 desease, is the current pandemic of fear fueled and instigated by mainstream media and some governments. 

The modern informational society already evolved to the stage when our world turned into a kind of supernational neuronet. The topology of this is close to the human’s brain. If we build a rough model, it would look this way: neurons – personalities, signals – flows of information that pierce through the modern world, lipoid metabolism – the monetary system. And this supernational neuronet is currently paralyzed by the fear of the death because of the COVID-19 outbreak and the public hysteria over it. If the panic is not overcome and the situation develops in the current direction, it may lead to the irreparable harm to this globa neuronet and instigate the already existing negative tendencies (like the deterioration of the global security, the collapse of the system of international relations, the economic crisis, the threat of new wars). However, if some powers find resources and the political will to overcome the current crisis, they will find themselves on the leading position in the ‘post-COVID-19’ period.


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Harry Smith

I think they are using fear to push their agenda. Nobody at SF wrote about one interesting thing: while fighting the COVID-19 Chinese govt successfully joined metadata from mobile devices and video surveillance. That means now in China you will be tracked everywhere and it is possible to quickly detect the situation when you go out without your phone because video and mobile data will not coincide. At my point this is the begging of the total surveillance system. The most funny stuff only several IT specialist are trying to highlight the problem, but nobody cares.

Damien C

Please for the love of sanity would people refrain from posting horseshit conspiracy theories about Covid-19 It is fucking real It is a fucking threat It is irresponsible to post unfinished data as final data ….. It isn’t

This is here for at least 5-6 months best case 18 months worst case and if you have health problems you are under threat.

It’s not the Jews Or George Soros Or 5G Or the Rothchilds Or media hype

St. Augustine

Let’s agree to disagree. Hysteria can affect all kinds of people, including those in healthcare and government.

And stop swearing.

Hasbara Hunter

Corona is the summit of hysteria…never seen anything like it before here in Holland…Most folks stay inside or crawl away when you pass them in the streets…truly embarrassing…


“crawl away when you pass them in the streets” LOL Perhaps the govts can give everybody a 1.5 meter stick, that way you can poke anybody who gets too close. :)

Hasbara Hunter

Hahaha…they go around me like 3 meters minimum…I don’t need a stick to measure that…Should see the looks on their faces, sometimes reflects pure agony…


The Netherlands has the 5th highest number of deaths relative to its size of any country in the World. And your deaths are increasing at over 12% per DAY. But please prove your point and go out and lick some doorknobs and handrails, AH.


Well, there was the time when your Nazi friends paid a visit from Germany. Of course, how your patriotic countrymen finally dealt with them and the ones like you who cheered them on was great and should continue today, Adolf.

Hasbara Hunter

Ofcourse it can be Natural of origin, in which case it is just a prelude for more to come…but it is also very easy to fabricate a Virus in a Lab…Which can be done to benefit certain peoples with some hidden agendas…Cui Bono?…I can tell you that the next flu-epidemic might start in half a year…Let’s keep the entire world in Quarantine for eternity…I personally wouldn’t mind…keep’m Sheeples in their shacks


Well, there is some media hype as I posted above. Understood that it is meant to scare people so they stay inside and don’t gather into groups. :/ The data is unfinished, does not represent 24 hours.

Daniel Vogel

Don’t be so scared. It’s bad for your health :)


nwo/soros/masonic biological warfare,sending droves via libby pleasure cruises to australia, 7 of the 24 dead were from one corporato incest spwan company,fools truth not it is www3!


Damn, that Virus does turn brains like yours into even worse mush, kid. Your mommy must be real worried. She may have to lock you back in the closet for your and her own protection.


Just tell them to prove their tinfoil hat points by licking some public doorknobs and handrails.


For the love of sanity, a good start. Yes, COVID19 is real , yes it is a threat, and yes it is new and unknown (novel). This is here for much longer than 5-6 months, it has travelled the globe and it will continue to mutate even if a vaccine is found. “If you have health problems you are under threat”. There you have hit the key. A mortality rate of 0.03 % of those under 50. Mortality increases for those above 50 years of age up to 10 % for those between 80-90. Isolating those most at risk is sanity, destroying the world economy is not sanity. If these ‘isolating’ periods continue beyond May 1, the death toll will be much higher due to starvation, chaos and anarchy.

Hasbara Hunter

1.000.000….on a total global population of 7.800.000.000…am I the only one who doesn’t get the point? The Large majority of this 1 Million People will live to see another day…no worries…

Daniel Vogel

The more real investigators dig into this the more ridiculous it turns out to be. Do you also watch Jensen?

Hasbara Hunter

Nope I don’t watch tv…it belongs to them ZioNazis…it’s just a continuous lying propaganda-machine…Tell the Truth you’ll lose your job…Corona is ONE BIG LIE…the Economic Crisis that will follow is gonna be the real fun…People everywhere in the West will lose their home, job or business… so that Rothschild & Co can buy it for a penny… Create a Bubble & let it explode approximately every 8 years….the Babylonian Magic Money Trick

The Elites will Dump the Middle-Class so that there will be only Elites & Scum


So even Putin is lying? You truly are one sick and demented Nazi puppy, AH.

Hasbara Hunter

Putin has done a Great job up till now…what’s a Nazi? The only Nazi in here is you: an AshkeNAZI


LOL..and that proves you are simply a nut case, Adolf. Goid luck those public doorknobs and handrails already…

Daniel Vogel

It is not on the TV but online, though some of his videos have more views than mainstream TV in the NL. Also his nexit tshirts are nice. https://youtu.be/gzm3e39aMqo


“Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Friday that 2,935 New Yorkers have died from the coronavirus so far with 562 new deaths over the last 24 hours” But the official number was 397, not 562 ! “The curve continues to go up,” Cuomo said at a news conference in Albany, referring to the number of new COVID-19 cases across the state. There are 102,863 confirmed cases across New York, a 10% jump overnight” This I call fear mongering. Actually at a 10% increase of confirmed cases the curve is starting to flatten out, is NOT accelerating by %.


The problem as I see it, is with the “new confirmed cases”, these people were rambling about the day before untested, therefore unconfirmed. How many presented themselves to be tested on the day and what % were confirmed. These figures are meaningless gobble-di-gooke. If the authorities wanted to be honest about the situation there should be random sampling, week on week. Then we would know how quickly covid 19 is spreading and the %rate of those presenting. But No! Instead we have numbers and more numbers being thrown into the public domain. An Xtra 20 thousand confirmed and 300 more dead. How good are the testing kits? And how valid are the results, Who has died fron Covid 19 rather than with it. I am now convinced this is a False Flag, nothing is quite as it seems. 1984 is being played out in real time. But the Really Big Question remains what are we being groomed for? What is their Next step? Economic? Political? Or, War war. Probably all of them……..


Mostly, idiots like you are being kept from their Darwin Awards and body bags, AH.


South Korea did massive testing and tracking early on and mortality rate was 1.7% Other countries may not be so lucky. The less and late testing, the higher the %

Harry Smith

Could make you invitation for Russian visa, but our borders are closed. :)


Why do you make believe with your Tag that you are English or American, Igor?

Harry Smith

What tag?


LOL…your “tag” is your name as in “Harry Smith,” Igor.

Harry Smith

You failed English test, Bogdan. :)


LOL…so says the mistagged Putz Putin Troll in his attempt at English using very clear Russian syntax. With a wee bit less of your Vodka ration you might do better, Igor.

Harry Smith

Oh the moment of glory! Jake you are schooled by a stupid Russian. You won’t forget it until COVID gets you. ROFL

“In the context of information technology, a nickname (usually called a nick) is a common synonym for the screen name or handle of a user. In computer networks it has become a common practice for every person to also have one or more nicknames for the purposes of pseudonymity, to avoid ambiguity, or simply because the natural name or technical address would be too long to type or take too much space on the screen.”

How old are you, Rusty?


In current American English, a “tag” and a nick name mean especially the same thing, Igor. And to me, in many ways you are junior. Oh, and worry about yourself later this month when the Pandemic also hits Russia hard along with a deep recession caused by Putz Putin’s stupid oil and gas policies.

Harry Smith

If we are in Internet,“tag” means completely other thing, scroundel. https://techterms.com/definition/tag


Let me help you out, Igor. In current American English “tag” can have several meanings. It can be an identification marker on an item for sale. It can be a way of holding a page or item on a web page. It can be intentionally touching someone in a game. Or it can mean the name someone uses, their moniker. You do need to work on not writing English with Russian syntax if you use “Harry Smith” as your tag. In the meantime, you might consider using Schmuck.

Harry Smith

Jake, old man, we are in the Internet environment now. That means if you are using the “word” tag it has the very exact meaning here. Let the force be with you.


The winter influenza in the UK of 2017/18 (Covid-17) killed 50100 out of a population of 68 million = 0.074% there were no lockdowns, no hysteria. Yet today with 3,600 deaths which includes a substancial amount of people with primary and secondary health conditions such as cancer and heart disease dying with Covid 19 not necessarly of it, being counted as if it were the actual primary cause of death equalls 0.005%. So, people who consume the trash of MSM & WHO plus their compliant governments should start checking the facts rather than regurgitating half baked notions emphasised with expletives. The same year slightly under 1,000,000 were registered as having died world wide from influenza equalls 0.015 this figure is considered between 30% to 50% higher than the mean average.


redbully, IF there were no lockdown, un your shitty UK were 1 000 000 deads.

cechas vodobenikov

Durakistan descends into covid chaos and economic depression; they require a war to distract their under socialized peasants, now stupefied watching Hollywood phantasies while narcotized on meth and marijuana,anti-depressants, etc


So says Igor as he downs yet another bottle of Vodka on his way to an early grave like most Russian men. Russia’s life expectancy is that of a Black African country. Russia has a murder rate similar to Black African countries, more than twice the US and many times that of the EU countries. Russians like to kill themselves at a rate up their with the worse. Way higher than the US or EU, speaking of mental health. And as you should start worrying as Putz Putin now is whether your Great and Glorious RF can be kept from joining your past Great and Glorious Soviet and Czarist Russian Empires in the dustbin of history, mostly due to his hiding the Pandemic which will now hit especially hard. And his stupid oil and gas policies. You will be likely jumping into the oily slope to collapse starting the end of this month. Enjoy.


Jake, sorrow to inform you that you are now cut off off from the warmer south. Roadblocks will be at I5 at Caistaic, Tehachapi pass and PCH. That’s how it rolls. :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ef3503398f1393edeaefa9dd54bacd704ee25bc60870006567b532b3c8a36bdf.jpg

cechas vodobenikov

confused again jokie, but I enjoy your pitiful self humiliations…3000 c19 death in NY; 9 in all of Russia—-life expectancies rapidly improving Russia according to WHO, declining in your uglified nation…and of course all social historians, etc have written about the notorious. amerikan fear of death….murder rates increasing in your cities—far lower in ethnic Russian regions in USAthan–only comparable in autonomous minority regions—according to WHO only the USA enjoys a mental illness rate nearly of 1/3 of your population…and your famous sexual repression has been written about by all sociologists, including Freud—no surprise u robots (“over-conformist semi-automatons”: D Riesman…no surprise u lead the world in porn consumption and rapes….no run along to your porn and meth….your transparent insecurity has been observed by all sociologists, historians……”Only in America is the father vestigial: the amerikan mind and conscience is feminine”. Geoffrey Gorer


falsed russian numbers


Give it a few weeks till they can’t fake and bury the reality. Karma is in the way to them and should hit big time by late this month. If you missed it, Putz Putin has already started his begging for help.


LOL…the supposed Canadian who doesn’t know proper English and is a liar who repeatedly spells “liar” as “lair.” Too funny.


If referring to a person, someone who lived in what is supposed to have been a great empire in what was located in what is southwestern Russia north of the Black and Caspian Seas. It was supposed to have flourished for a few hundred years at the time of the Muslim expansion over a thousand years ago. There is a debunked myth that at one point the people of this entire empire converted to Judaism and became the origins of all the Ashkenazi Jews. A myth often used by anti-Semites to claim that Jews today are not actually of the Jewish Diaspora and thus have no ancestral claim to the land where Israel is today, the land where Judea and Israel where thousands of years ago.

Most all recent scientific DNA studies have found no support for the Khaza myth. There is no evidence of any significant Khazah origins in the tens of thousands of popular personal DNA tests taken by Ashkenazi Jews. In fact, all the DNA sites cite Ashkenazi Jews as part of the Jewish Diaspora with origins in the Levant centered on the area where Israel is today. Oh, and no one has ever found a Jewish artifact from the vast area of where Khazah was from the time of that empire. Not one Jewush it Hebrew building inscription even though there were supposed to be lots of Jewish synagogues. Not on example of anything written in Hebrew even though they were supposed to have taken on Jewish rituals and thus would have had lots of Torahs. Not one headstone with any Jewish symbols or Hebrew inscriptions even though there would have been hundreds of thousands of Jewish grave sites. Got that yet? No real evidence of any nature that there ever was a Jewish empire in that area at that time…none, zero, nada, nothing…מאומה…

But if you would like to prove you are really an anti-Semite in addition to being a likely fake Canadian, have at it, sport.


Nahhhhhhhhh…Over the past few years, I read several peer reviewed studies as well as several of the popular DNA website’s info. I did use Google recently to try to find any report of actual archeological physical evidence of an extensive Jewish presence in that area at that time. None, nada, zero, nothing, מאומה…

Nice video on the story of the Khazars. It offers zero physical evidence of any significant Jewish presence there. Note all the pretty images of Jewish artifacts and building instructions. None of those are other than an artists rendition out of their imagination. None have been found in any part of the vast Khazar Empire or any of its widespread trading settlements. Not one. Oh, it notes possibly one. The Moses Con. But your video just demonstrates its ignorance about this and that is quite telling. First, the image used in the your video shows an image of Moses. You do know that graven images of that kind are a serious violation of the Ten Commandments that would never be done by observant Jews? Oh, Muslims have that same restriction. So the Muslim coin itself is written in Arabic and has no Moses image. Yes, the Coin is NOT in Hebrew. Jewish coins were and are in Hebrew, NOT Arabic. Got that?

Oh, the video lists the languages that the assumed Khazar traders spoke. Lots of them but NOT Hebrew. Got that? Also, at the end your video clearly says any assumption that the Ashkenazi Jews came from a dispersion from Khazar is speculation and that DNA studies would be needed to say one way or another. Well, plenty of those studies have now been done. The answer is a resounding NO!


True. I couldn’t tell the difference between the Greeks I met on Crete and those in the Peloponnese. But they are likely not the same as the folk who were there over three thousand years ago back in the old Minoan and Mycenaean days. But so what? And what does that have to do with the mythical Khazar Jews who would have left a lot of writings around in Hebrew, if they ever existed, like the image in your Irrelevant link. But they likely wouldn’t have niqqud.


LOL…your a Canadian like I’m a Khazar. You also don’t know the Bible. Or much else. The Biblical Canaanites were mortal enemies of the Hebrews. And Moses had a fit about that Golden Calf because it was a graven image which was totally forbidden idolatry. While Hebrew and Arabic are both Semitic languages, no one who even has a passing familiarity with their script could ever mistake them. They are fundamentally different. If the Khazars didn’t have lots of written Torah’s in Hebrew, they were not Jews regardless of whether they lived in tents or not. Again, not one example of a Torah or anything else written in Hebrew has been found. The Star of David was NOT the Jewish symbol until the 19th Century. It was the Menorah. No neckless with a Star of David or a more fitting Menorah has even been found from the Khazar time. Nor on any other jewelry featuring either or another Jewish symbol or script. None, Zero. Nada. The Jewish Khazar Myth is just that. A myth. And you can’t stop demonstrating your ignorance, which is worse if you really are a Canadian because of your improper English. OK, enough. Bye bye…


LOL…Says the fake Canadian in his best Slavic syntax with even more spelling and grammatical errors.

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